

PUBLIC NOTICE New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on "For Suppliers and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings") COMM sp 7:1300 6 |•A NEWS | THE SARATOGIAN TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2017 SPA Charter open house to be held Tuesday house is to showcase the pro- afford attendees to spend with a stage and podium in periphery of the room. At manager), finance and ac- By News Staff posed charter, which will be as much time as they wish one corner for 15 minutes each station, one to three countability (how the pro- SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y.>> voted on in November. on the topics they are inter- featured on either a desig- Commission members will posed Charter has enhanced From 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. The Charter Review Com- ested in. nated topic or open mic ses- be set to explain an aspect financial accountability), at the Saratoga Spring City mission decided instead of a Guest speakers, including sions for Q&A. The open mic of the Charter. The top- transition time line (describ- Center on Tuesday, the large forum, they would di- Sharon Addison, city man- sessions allow general public ics will be: elected leader- ing the transition plans in Charter Review Commis- vide the room into “topic ager of Watertown, will be an opportunity to take turns ship (powers and responsi- the next two years to pre- sion will host an open house based” areas so anyone at- available throughout the day asking questions or making bilities in Council-Manager pare for 2020) and elections for the final draft of the pro- tending can seek informa- for Q&A. The open house brief statements. form of government), profes- and participation (how citi- posed charter. tion from their own inter- will have hourly features Six information stations sional management (powers zens will be able to take part The purpose of the open ests. The open forum will where a room will be set up will be located around the and responsibilities of a city in City government).

WASHINGTON Dozens of new Veterans Affairs drug-theft cases probed cited in part a larger quan- it was working to develop By Hope Yen tity of drugs kept in stock at additional policies “to im- the bigger VA medical cen- prove drug safety and re- WASHINGTON >> Federal au- ters to treat a higher volume duce drug theft and diver- thorities are investigating of patients, both outpatient sion across the entire health dozens of new cases of pos- and inpatient, and for dis- care system.” sible opioid and other drug tribution of prescriptions “We have security proto- theft by employees at Vet- by mail. cols in place and will con- erans Affairs hospitals, a Sen. Marco Rubio, R- tinue to work hard to im- sign the problem isn’t go- Fla., said AP’s findings were prove it,” Poonam Alaigh, ing away as more prescrip- “troubling.” He urged Con- VA’s acting undersecretary tions disappear. gress to pass bipartisan ac- for health, told the AP. Data obtained by The countability legislation he In one case, a registered Associated Press show 36 was co-sponsoring that nurse in the Spinal Cord In- criminal investigations would give the agency “the jury Ward at the VA med- opened by the VA inspec- tools needed to dismiss em- ical center in Richmond, tor general’s office from ployees engaged in miscon- , was recently sen- Oct. 1 through May 19. It duct.” The Senate is set to tenced after admitting to brings the total number of vote on the bill June 6. stealing oxycodone tablets open criminal cases to 108 “The theft and misuse of and fentanyl patches from involving theft or unau- prescription drugs, includ- VA medication dispensers. thorized drug use. Most of ing opioids, by some VA em- The nurse said she would those probes typically lead ployees is a good example sometimes shortchange the to criminal charges. of why we need greater ac- amount of pain medication The numbers are an in- countability at the VA,” Ru- prescribed to patients, tak- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS crease from a similar period bio said. ing the remainder to satisfy In this June 21, 2013 file photo, the Veterans Affairs Department in Washington. in the previous year. The VA In February, the VA an- her addiction. has pledged “zero tolerance” nounced efforts to combat Hughes cited in particu- American Hospital Associa- ployee complaints of faulty union’s attorney, Nata- in drug thefts following an drug thefts, including em- lar the risk of patient harm. tion. That means the rate of VA technical systems that lie Khawam, says whistle- AP story in February about ployee drug tests and added “Health care providers who drug loss or theft is lower track drug inventories, lead- blowers at other VA hospi- a sharp rise in reported inspections. Top VA offi- divert for personal use may than VA’s. ing to errors and months of tals have made similar com- cases of stolen or miss- cials in Washington led by be providing care while un- The VA inspector gener- delays in identifying when plaints. ing drugs at the VA since VA Secretary David Shulkin der the influence of narcot- al’s office said it had opened drugs go missing. Prescrip- Criminal investigators 2009. Doctors, nurses or pledged to be more active, ics,” he said. 25 cases in the first half of tion drug shipments aren’t stressed the need for a con- pharmacy staff in the VA’s holding conference calls AP’s story in Febru- the budget year that began always fully inventoried tinuing drug prevention ef- network of more than 160 with health facilities to de- ary had figures document- Oct. 1. That is up from 21 in when they arrive at a VA fa- fort. The VA points to inven- medical centers and 1,000 velop plans and reviewing ing the sharp rise in drug the same period in 2016. cility, he said, making it dif- tory checks every 72 hours clinics are suspected of si- data to flag problems. The thefts at federal hospitals, The IG’s office said the ficult to determine if a drug and “double lock and key ac- phoning away controlled department said it would most of them VA facilities. number of newly opened was missing upon arrival or cess” to drugs. It attributes substances for their own use consider more internal au- Subsequently released DEA criminal probes had previ- stolen later. many drug loss cases to rea- or street sale — sometimes dits. data provide more specific ously been declining since “It’s still the same pro- sons other than employee to the harm of patients — or Criminal investigators details of the problem at the 2014. cess,” said Glavin, who theft, such as drugs lost in drugs simply vanished with- said it was hard to say VA. Drug losses or theft in- Michael Glavin, an IT heads the local union at transit. But the DEA says out explanation. whether new safeguards creased from 237 in 2009 specialist at the VA, says the VA medical center in some of those cases may be Drug thefts are a growing are helping. to 2,844 in 2015, before he’s heard numerous em- Columbia, Missouri. The wrongly classified. problem at private hospitals “Prescription drug diver- dipping to 2,397 last year. as well as the government- sion is a multifaceted, egre- In only about 3 percent of run VA as the illegal use of gious health care issue,” said those cases have doctors, opioids has increased in the Jeffrey Hughes, the acting nurses or pharmacy em- CALL NOW & SAVE ON . But separate VA assistant inspector gen- ployees been disciplined, data from the Drug Enforce- eral for investigations. “Vet- according to VA data. ment Administration ob- erans may be denied neces- At private hospitals, re- YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION tained by the AP under the sary medications or their ported drug losses or theft Freedom of Information Act proper dosage and medical also rose — from 2,023 in show the rate of reported records may contain false 2009 to 3,185 in 2015, before missing drugs at VA health information to hide the di- falling slightly to 3,154 last fihN ) facilities was more than version, further putting vet- year. There is a bigger pool World Health Link,com double that of the private erans’ health at risk.” of private U.S. hospitals, at sector. DEA investigators Responding, the VA said least 4,369, according to the Toll Free Phone Toll Free Fax •844-494-5465 1-855-594-5465

PUBLIC NOTICE ClIqg 1434:111 Qty.:pall] Pace mug Name aly 101111 Prkra New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) 1i4gin 11Mg 16 :11414D Plirliap goling 1 00 5.114140 Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation will be required to performnatural gas Viagra 50m:1 la SganG Benicur DrPil 9* 1x175.00 leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies ria'llt 5rrrlj l'in 110.00 MiktiagliNINg mI) IN #5.41111 have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a$100 charge on customer billsand the potential for 0-:&20niu 16 S1D9.0D hilylbutliq 5{.11.nu P0 S35A CID termination of natural gas service when acustomer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose Lemida errn la 51 nun re931110(img, 3ME 1.195.00 of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at Slendro .2rtkni-j. lei S250.6[11 11p10J1( 5rrl WI El tauu nyseg.com(click on “For Suppliers and Partners,” then on “Pricing and Tariffs” and then on “PSC Filings”). 4giiit 1 Ilviiu T1)1,1 711741011 1211qiia Prig 1134 $11/.5 OD Erierra 1.1irricg 'Al 51841.0(1. PriSiti 5Drng 10D 51 45.00 COMM 5/17-1300 Meal ritlii5Oriribil }04 do 3 Tb.CII]. DlitierOdOrrig 141) 574 al Vogiferii 104riccj 14 11 D5.01) krileLi 1 mg 10C. $31100 Prienrianin DiS25rFig 64 $1L5 (K11 Jamirrint iffinliCINTpl 112 1.24.9 ng. Corrirhverii 10 1ernri? fi00.;1; S116110. Lifiltur ?Cirng B4 Vi? O. Siinitliotiri 161:1M.5.oc4 361ilds i244,00 Lump! DAP% cr far $?0,00 PUBLIC NOTICE Eninr_arl 3rr3 MC 112011(1. Brin Iva 1 r_41rng 3 t S*.(10 New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) NYSEG has filed tariff revisions June 1629, 20 with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) for -1d111}04 1 iximg Di i2stoo. Flogiligimp] 361%E {15g Oda new electricity and natural gas deliveryrates to become effective May 1, 2017.These tariff revisions cover the ei.ggiontlai 2L111124nIg 2Cil 51a0.0D Oliglytu 5n1r4 O4 13D1100 second of three annual deliveryrate increases under the terms of athree-year rate plan approved by the PSC in Akilligy mg al $131[1.01) triallararrly 90 li30..04 June 2016 and they include a$29.9 million increase in electricity revenue and a$13.9 million increase in natural gas revenue. 1010150 .6mR ion IN.00. PaltExa isorng 18n. $1.70.50 Aresidential electricity customer with an average use of 600 kilowatt-hours/month can expect an average 1rEpicinip94rmg 61:101rIc VQ.Cil) Syinkkiel lannq 90 S541.1:14 monthly bill increase of $1.76. Aresidential natural gas heating customer using 80 therms/month can expect an Prapilid lmg 101:1- SNI 0f1. Sli- fuldri 111iiio 84 533171} average monthly bill increase of $4.01. FInnin 41..09 7.1 $5:t04 Aim Elnio Hil Inv., Customers may see some charges prorated on aMay or June bill to take into account energy delivered before and after the new electricity and natural gas deliveryrates went into effect. vylo.,00.10, wi Ili 5 IL} iniTka-ria twin 94 iln.dii, RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Vapm 551img 106 S1g1.00. Jain 10% Regular ResidentialCustomers: The electricitydeliverycharge will increase 0.287 cents per kilowatt-hour. The Nexiurn 110mq, 70 .5 polo l'iLono.51}rng ell:prIfids 55.3111.(11:1°1) per-therm natural gas deliverycharge for the4-to-50-therms blockwillincrease 7.277 cents per therm and 1.709 PliivIN15rny KI 632,00. irmliviti 51ii1yi 9I). 1.144.00 centsfor theblockrateover 50 therms. There are no changestomonthlycustomer or minimum charges. Aw.el qi:Iniu 300 5 Zil.e.i.OD Day/Night and Time-of-Use Customers: The electricity deliverycharge will increase 0.234 cents per kilowatt- " Ovul 1500 TANdicatierris aiesilablo VAltar0 hrrig 'Pa 5170.0D hour for Service Class 8and 0.198cents per kilowatt-hour for Service Class 12.There are no changes to monthly Vr Pf1441 Mauch Gidwriintiii. customer charges. R.arieo f p 1 woing 111(1 1125.01) 41, Call for Fred Prise Quia-te Additional information about changes in residential electricity and natural gas deliverycharges is available at Cyilliarbarilg 11:4 $511 CID nyseg.com (click on “For Suppliers and Partners,”then on “Pricing and Tariffs”and then on “PSC Filings”). iiie. Pruscripticiris. Requingel Pri.sla edlirn.g ion i145.01) NONRESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS V CA PA Corti fl 'loci Information about changesinnonresidential electricity customer charges, electricity demand and energy charges xaillikl?Orn11 KA ;16.1.1D (where applicable), naturalgas minimumcharges and naturalgas therm charges is available at nyseg.com. NYSEG has also filed revisions on May 172, 20 to revise balancing requirements for customers taking service pursuant to PSC No. 88 -Basic Electric Generation Transportation Service. 41w844-494-5465 Changes are also in effect for standby,street lighting, and economic development rates. Please check page 2of your bill for bill messages and nyseg.com for detailed information. viiww,Wo rid Fl ea Ith Li n k.co m Regarding energy supply: If you purchase energy supply from NYSEG, your price will continue to be based on market prices; if you purchase your energy supply from asupplier other than NYSEG (also known as an energy All prigin in 1415 aClIbia'S and wbjeri ro rhanrie. hUu1 nou. a;.(pfir Ainn. services company or ESCO), what you pay for energy supply depends on your agreement with your ESCO. ilearrinic(hedxg, PErArtal Chat r. IfinprnAfanal likirrey(Tieler ' Vrire9Ihnomi N17-1234 A ge. for the ET' ivalerir genprik chi.] if aviilablE

telailling.Address: WaTIO1eakhLink.corrii 10 IA nirgant Sftett LONDON, WNW 8RL, linited IC I mgdeni CiAL BE Oa 6 |•A NEWS | THE SARATOGIAN TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2017 Data Monday, June 5, 2017 ALBANY Dow Jones industrials 21,240 MARKETWATCH Close: 21,184.04 21,040 O’Conor book presentation Tuesday in Albany Change: -22.25 (-0.1%) 20,840 10 DAYS 21,500 the Great Depression, and soul.” By staff d d d an aspiring B-17 from O’Conor left his career 21,000 NYSE Nasdaq Russell 2000 ALBANY, N.Y. » Author Ray the struggling city of Iron- as a bank CEO to write this 20,500 11,693.65 6,295.68 1,396.45 O’Conor will be the fea- ton, Ohio, who answered story. A screenplay adapta- -25.04 -10.12 -8.94 20,000 tured speaker at a meet- the call to serve his coun- tion is under development. ing of the Upstate Inde- try after the attack at Pearl O’Conor has written COMMODITIES 19,500 pendent Filmmakers Net- Harbor. weekly columns and opin- Close %Chg. 19,000 DJ FMAM work at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Fate brought them to- ion pieces for Crude oil (bbl)47.40 -.26 at The Linda, WAMC’s Per- gether in New York City’s and published articles in Unleaded gas (gal)1.54-.04 S&P 500 2,480 forming Arts Studio, 339 Central Park in 1942. From regional magazines. He has Central Ave. in Albany. the moment their eyes been the subject of newspa- Heating oil (gal)1.46-.02 Close: 2,436.10 2,420 Gold (oz) 1279.30+2.50 Change: -2.97 (-0.1%) O’Conor, of Wilton, met, they knew their lives per, television and maga- 2,360 10 DAYS Silver (oz) 17.55+.06 2,450 will discuss his highly ac- would never be the same. zine stories on topics rang- Copper (lb)2.55-.02 claimed narrative nonfic- This captivating story tells ing from endurance sports Platinum (oz) 957.60 +4.20 2,400 tion book, “She Called Him of their struggles and ro- and mountaineering, to Corn (bu) 3.73 ... 2,350 Raymond:A True Story of mance, his heroic exploits, writing, business and pol- Wheat (bu) 4.30 ... Love, Loss, Faith and Heal- and the tragedy that tears itics. Soybeans (bu) 9.22 +.01 2,300 ing,” the compelling story them apart. It is a lesson Prior careers found Cattle (lb)1.32+.01 2,250 behind the story about its about faith, a love that O’Conor as a U.S. Border Sugar (lb).14 ... 2,200 discovery and a bit of magic could never die, and about Patrol agent and special Coffee (lb)1.28+.02 DJ FMAM that happened along the a promise that had to be agent with the Department way. kept, no matter how long of Defense. He now devotes STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST O’Conor will provide a or how hard it might be to his time to writing, public Name DIVPEClose Chg.%YTD Name DIVPEClose Chg.%YTD glimpse into the poignant fulfill. speaking and working as AFLAC1.721275.76 -.17 +8.9 LockhdM7.2821280.13-1.63 +12.1 and powerful story of a James Bradley, New York the CEO of a not-for-profit AT&T Inc1.961538.81-.06-8.7 M&T Bk 3.0019157.18-.41+.5 young woman, the daugh- Times best-selling author of community development AMD...... 11.24+.34-.9 Manulife g.44 ... 17.43-.05-2.2 ter of Irish immigrant par- “Flags of Our Fathers,” said company. Aetna2.0019148.00+.27+19.3 McDnlds3.7628152.79-.95+25.5 ents raised in the miseries it is a story that “touches His avocations are hik- AlbnyIn .682949.75 -.58 +7.5 Merck1.881765.07 -.40 +10.5 AlbnyMlc ...... 19.77 -.40 +5.4 MetLife1.601151.13 -.31 -5.1 of Hell’s Kitchen during the heart and stirs the ing and mountain climbing. Allstate 1.48 15 86.61-.06+16.9 MicronT ... 38 31.21... +42.4 Alphabet A... 33 1003.88+7.76 +26.7 Microsoft1.563072.28 +.52 +16.3 AEP2.361872.40 -.27 +15.0 MorgStan.80 13 42.89 +.37 +1.5 LUNCHEON: All women are Elks Lodge 3161presents Apple Inc2.5218153.93-1.52 +32.9 NBT Bcp.92 20 35.76-.21-14.6 invited to attend a luncheon a Baked Ham, Chicken & ArrowFn1.001632.25 -.20 -20.4 NiSource s.70 22 26.38+.03 +19.2 Calendar BP PLC2.385436.08 +.17 -3.5 NokiaCp.17 ... 6.54 -.01 +36.0 Tuesday June 13, from noon Biscuits dinner from 4:30p.m. BallCorp s... 22 41.20-.16... Nvidia .5647148.01+4.37 +38.7 FROM PAGE 5 - 2p.m. at Longfellows Res- to 6:30p.m. at 1Elks Lane, BkofAm .301422.41 -.04 +1.4 OcciPet3.04... 60.06-.64-15.7 taurant, Rt. 9P Saratoga. Cost Saratoga Springs. Donation BerkHBcp .841735.40 -.25 -3.9 Oracle .602245.92+.26+19.9 group of The Society of Ameri- is $15inclusive. This month’s requested: adults $12, seniors/ BrMySq 1.56 31 52.36 -2.61-10.4 OwensCorn.80 18 63.89 -.35 +23.9 can Magicians, Assembly #24, Special Feature is Leisha military $11, children 5-12$8, CSX.80 30 54.03-.51+50.4 PepsiCo3.2225117.88+.21+12.7 meets at 7:30p.m. on the Amelia, a health advocate will under 5free. All takeouts $12. CVS Health2.001378.79 -.26 -.2 Pfizer1.281332.35 -.19 -.4 second Tuesday of the month CP Rwy g1.64... 157.16-.96+10.1 PitnyBw.75 915.08 -.10 -.7 discuss current health issues. Cash bar available. Call 584- Celsion rs ...... 3.30 +.64 -22.5 PlugPowr h...... 1.85 -.08 +54.2 at the S. W. Pitts Hose Co. of This month’s Speaker, Carol 2585for more information. ChesEng ... 44 4.89 -.07 -30.3 PwShs QQQ1.52... 143.43 -.03 +21.1 Latham on Old Loudon Road Martin, a single mom who BALLSTON SPA BPA Cigna .0419164.76+.30+23.5 ProctGam 2.76 23 88.74+.15+5.5 in Latham. All adults over the Cisco1.161631.76 -.22 +5.1 Prudentl 3.0011105.57-.85 +1.5 raised four children, will speak MIXER: The Ballston Spa age of 18with any interest in on “Lost and Found.” Reserva- Citigroup.64 12 61.25+.14+3.1 PSEG 1.72 17 44.99-.18+2.5 the art of magic are welcome, Business & Professional CocaCola 1.48 28 45.99 +.10 +10.9 Qualcom2.281858.86 +.28 -9.7 tions are required by June 8. whether it be: performance, Association is hosting an Comcst29 1.58 ... 54.75+.66+20.9 Regenrn... 58 480.26 -.17 +30.8 Please call Ellie at 584-3779 evening networking mixer on Corning.62 19 29.54-.15+21.7 RiteAid ...343.75+.07-54.5 history, collecting or purely en- or Anita at 583-4043. CytRx h...... 55-.27+47.6 S&P500ETF4.13... 243.99 -.18 +9.2 tertainment to join us for a fun Wednesday, June 14, from Delcath rs ...... 02+.00-97.5 SearsHldgs ...... 6.78 -.42 -27.0 evening. For more information, Wednesday, June 14 5:30p.m. - 7:30p.m, at High Disney1.5618106.52-.66+2.2 SiriusXM.04 36 5.38 -.11 +20.9 visit WWW.SAM24.org. Rock Distillery, 1321Saratoga DukeEngy3.42 18 85.83 -.45 +10.6 SwstnEngy...... 5.76 +.02 -46.8 BAKED HAM/CHICKEN & Road (Route 50just south of EliLilly2.082679.35 -.78 +7.9 SPDR Fncl .46... 23.49+.04+1.0 SPRING INTO SUMMER Espey1.003222.75 -.26 -12.7 Starbucks s1.003364.27 -.30 +15.8 BISCUITS: Saratoga-Wilton the village). ExxonMbl3.083580.12 +.62 -11.2 Symantec .30830.07+.07+25.9 FordM.60 611.25 -.10 -7.3 Sysco1.322455.47 -.26 +.2 FrontierCm .16... 1.28 -.02 -62.1 Target 2.40 11 55.63 +.11 -23.0 PUBLIC NOTICE GenDynam3.36 21 201.47 -2.23+16.7 TimeWarn 1.61 17 99.70+.52+3.3 GenElec.96 19 27.98+.10-11.5 TrnWEnt... 41.60-.11-51.0 New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) HP Inc.53 12 18.80 -.18 +26.7 TrstNY .26177.50... -14.3 HSBC1.50... 43.91+.12+9.3 UPS B3.3219107.95 +.28 -5.8 Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation will be required to performnatural gas HomeDp 3.56 23 154.79 -.56 +15.4 Vectren1.682361.79 -.72+18.5 HonwllIntl 2.66 20 133.49 -.54 +15.2 VerizonCm2.311146.37 -.07 -13.1 leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies iShEMkts.84 ... 41.71-.05+19.1 Viavi... 32 11.21-.18+37.0 iShR2K1.77... 138.98 -.87 +3.1 WEC Engy 2.08 22 63.04-.53+7.5 have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a$100 charge on customer billsand thepotential for Intel 1.09 16 36.34+.02+.2 WalMart2.041880.26 +.64 +16.1 IBM6.0012152.41 +.36 -8.2 WellsFargo 1.52 13 51.72-.09-6.2 termination of natural gas service when acustomer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose IntPap 1.85 18 54.14-.25+2.0 WhitingPet...... 6.60 -.09 -45.1 JPMorgCh1.921382.79 +.15 -4.1 XcelEngy 1.44 22 47.84-.48+17.5 of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at JohnJn 3.20 20 130.36+.28+13.1 Xerox.25 10 6.98 -.10 +21.4 nyseg.com (click on “For Suppliers and Partners,” then on “Pricing and Tariffs” and then on “PSC Filings”). Keycorp.34 17 17.49+.08-4.3 Yahoo...... 50.60... +30.9 KimbClk 3.88 22 130.80 +.16 +14.6 ZimmerBio.96 16 123.93 -.01 +20.1 COMM 5/17-1300

T EK NG SA 1I P ,—tianfaTf ij Depart'u 7, 2018 f_Dena II Pirrimml. Ppm te r CANT DA A ri his rage gEerkm Gla tiee Seopp rd Sli Bawri -piRnirr !My Jur1413U

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problems like diabetes, Centers for Disease Control of obesity among children By Mike Stobbe heart disease and a range of and Prevention. He wrote and young adults. Bangla- The Associated Press cancers, some experts said. an editorial that accompa- desh had the lowest. NEW YORK » The global obe- The study was led by a nied the study. • Egypt had the highest sity problem now affects 1 in team at the University of Some of the findings: rate of obese adults. Viet- 10 people in the world, it is Washington in Seattle. It • Obesity rates doubled in nam had the lowest. rising in countries rich and was published online Mon- 73 countries between 1980 • But the United States poor, and in many countries day by the New England and 2015. Countries where had the largest number of it is increasing faster in chil- Journal of Medicine and obesity did not increase sig- obese adults in 2015, with 79 dren than adults, according presented at a food sci- nificantly included Afghan- million. China came in sec- to a new study. ence and policy meeting in istan, Bulgaria, and the ond with 57 million obese The researchers esti- Stockholm. Democratic Republic of the adults — even though China mated more than 107 mil- Researchers reported on Congo. has more than four times as lion children and 603 mil- 195 countries, although data • Worldwide, about 5 per- many people as the U.S. lion adults are obese. was incomplete or nonexis- cent of children and 12 per- • China had the largest The research found obe- tent for many of them. They cent of adults were obese in number of obese children, sity has tripled in children made assumptions and used 2015. In the U.S. about 17 with 15 million. India had THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and young adults in coun- mathematical modeling to percent of children and 38 14 million. In this Thursday, July 24, 2008file photo, obese patients tries like China, Brazil and fill in gaps. percent of adults are obese • Globally, about 4 mil- wash their plates after lunch at the Aimin Fat Reduction Indonesia. Those num- Despite the limitations, in the U.S., according to ear- lion deaths were attrib- Hospital in Tianjin, China. The hospital uses a combination bers are troubling because “this is the best picture lier CDC estimates. uted to being overweight or of diet, exercise and traditional Chinese acupuncture to it means more young peo- that’s out there for global • Among the 20 larg- obese in 2014, from causes treat rising obesity rates. Research released Monday found ple are on track to become obesity,” said Edward Gregg, est countries, the United like heart disease and dia- the obesity epidemic is getting worse in most parts of the obese adults and develop a diabetes expert at the U.S. States had the highest level betes. world, according to data between 1980and 2015.

WASHINGTON Justices strike down gender differences in citizenship law

and one who isn’t. The law guardians of children born victions for robbery and at- a child to meet the require- until Congress decides on a By Sam Hananel made it tougher for children outside marriage and stereo- tempted murder. ment. different length of time. That The Associated Press of unwed American fathers types that most men care lit- Under the law, a child born A federal appeals court means Morales-Santana is WASHINGTON» The Supreme to gain citizenship them- tle about children born out outside the United States to struck down the law and still unable to win his citi- Court on Monday struck selves. of wedlock. an unwed citizen father and said the one-year period zenship case. down part of an unusual Justice Ruth Bader Gins- The case involves Luis a non-citizen mother can be- must apply to both unwed The government had law that treats fathers and burg said the gender line Ramon Morales-Santana, a come a U.S. citizen at birth if fathers and mothers. The urged the justices to uphold mothers differently when it Congress drew “is incompat- New York resident born in the father lived in the U.S. for Obama administration ap- the law’s gender-based dif- comes to conferring citizen- ible with the Constitution’s the Dominican Republic to five years, with at least two pealed. ferences. The Justice De- ship on children born out- guarantee of the equal pro- an unwed U.S. citizen father of those years coming after While the court struck partment said Congress side the U.S. tection of the laws to all per- and a Dominican mother. the age of 14. down the gender differ- wanted to make sure there The 8-0 ruling affects sons.” He challenged the law and But an American mother ences in the law, Ginsburg is a strong connection be- a law that applies to chil- She said the law was based asserted he is a U.S. citizen must only have lived in the said the longer five-year pe- tween a child born overseas dren born abroad to one on flawed assumptions that after authorities sought to U.S. continuously for one riod should continue apply and the United States before parent who is an American unwed mothers are the sole deport him following con- year before giving birth to to both mothers and fathers granting citizenship.

WORLD PUBLIC NOTICE New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Ramadan toll shows Islamic Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation will be required to performnatural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies State in pitched recruiting race have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a$100 charge on customer billsand thepotential for termination of natural gas service when acustomer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose public Ayatollah Ruhollah in three months claimed by By Lori Hinnant of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at Khomeini, killing 17 peo- the extremists. The Associated Press ple. More than any of the nyseg.com (click on “For Suppliers and Partners,” then on “Pricing and Tariffs” and then on “PSC Filings”). Its strongholds in Iraq other Ramadan attacks, the PHILIPPINES SIEGE COMM 5/17-1300 and Syria slipping from bloodshed in Iran shows the Islamic militants in the its grasp, the Islamic State group’s violent attempts to Philippines aligned with group threatened to make persuade potential recruits the Islamic State group this year’s Ramadan a bloody it has the staying power to two weeks ago assaulted one at home and abroad. endure beyond the loss of its the southern lakeside city With attacks in Egypt, Brit- two major strongholds. of Marawi, parts of which ain and Iran among others IS and al-Qaida, both rad- they occupy to this day, in and a land-grab in the Phil- ical Sunni groups, are com- a plot that they sketched ippines, the group is try- peting for recruits in the in chilling detail on the ing to divert attention from global jihadi movement. Al- back of a paper calendar. its losses and win over sup- Qaida, however, has never at- Among those at the table porters around the world in tacked Iran. Founder Osama for the secret meeting was the twisted competition for bin Laden had put the Per- the purported leader of jihadi recruits during the sian state off-limits, citing the Islamic State group’s Muslim holy month. and the country’s role as a Southeast Asia branch, Is- The militants insisted in conduit for arms and money. nilon Hapilon, who is on their English language mag- Washington’s list of most- azine this week that losing LONDON BRIDGE wanted terrorists and has a territory has only made it Three men armed with $5 million bounty on his work that much harder to knives plowed a rented van head. kill. The attacks since Ra- into pedestrians on London madan’s beginning on May Bridge, then slashed their EGYPTIAN 26 show the sweep of the way through the evening CHRISTIANS group’s ambition — from at- crowd at Borough Market tacking the West, to expand- on June 3, killing eight peo- Masked Islamic State ing in the Philippines, to tar- ple. gunmen ambushed a bus geting Shiite powerhouse The man believed to carrying Coptic Christians Iran — something al-Qaida be the group’s ringleader, to a monastery south of itself never risked. Khuram Butt, had ap- Cairo on May 26, killing “They can say here is peared in a documentary 29 people on the eve of Ra- something that al-Qaida has last year called “The Ji- madan. The group has sin- refrained to do,” said Assaf hadis Next Door” and his gled out Egyptian Chris- Moghadam, an author and neighbors said he was re- tians with ferocity, carry- analyst of jihadi groups. cruiting young people to ing out four attacks since “From their perspective it’s join Islamic State. It was December and warning of been a great Ramadan so the third attack in Britain more to come. far.” But a powerful counter- Accepting Father’s message is emerging in re- Jack &mitts cent days. With the month Day In Memoriams of fasting also a time of 1946 - 2017 high television ratings in In Loving Memory to run in-paper on the Arab world, the telecom- of our Dad on munications company Zain Father's Day Sunday,June 18th has launched a commercial that begins with footage of a man fabricating a suicide Sally and Ted bomb. By , faced with bloodied victims and survi- Rock, country, classical... vors of extremist attacks, No matter whereyour favorite music is found on the radio the man stumbles and fails Name: ______Phone: ______dial, the enjoymentitgives is universal. in his mission. “Let’s bomb Accepting In-memoriam Address: ______delusion with the truth,” a Don’tlet hearing loss takeaway City: ______State: ______Zip:______man sings. The ad has been this simple pleasure. remembrance expressions ❏ Check/money order enclosed for $20 viewed more than 6 million Hearing CareResources offers ❏ Charge $20 to my credit card (circle one): LLC to publish on times on YouTube. “We will the expertise, superior care, Account number: ______Exp: ______counter their attacks of ha- and the latest technology that 12 Mountain LedgeDr, Sunday,June 18th Signature: ______CV2 code: ______tred with songs of love,” it will helpyou enjoyevery note Suite 2, Wilton *Photos are optional and returned if submitted of every song. ends. 580-0080 IRAN Callustoday to www.Hearing.Pro Place your Fathers DayIn-Memoriam expression by The attack on Iran schedule avisit –your Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM Wednesday, June 14th at noon.Thecost is $20. marked a new stage for the life is waiting. Payment with order,please. Islamic State group, which had threatened the Shiite- majority state repeatedly Nationally Recognized -Winner of without actually striking it. multiple Best of SaratogaAwards! Five Islamic State group Saratoga’sAmbassador THE SAR1I:001\ extremists battle-tested for Hearing CareSM in strongholds Mosul and Dr.Robin M. Solomon, Call Ashleyat518-290-3919 to place your memoriam Raqqa simultaneously tar- FAAA, CCC-A [email protected] geted the country’s par- Audiologist -BoardCertified in Audiology The Saratogian/Father’s Day|Attn: Ashley liament and shrine of late 20 Lake Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 founder of the Islamic Re- Registered HearingAid Dispenser 6 | A NEWS | THE SARATOGIAN TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017

POLICE + COURTS Data Monday, June 19, 2017 Dow Jones industrials 21,560 Saratoga Springs days, a class E felony. Clifton Park and charged MARKETWATCH Close: 21,528.99 21,320 Plea: Thomas Morro, 38, of with aggravated driving Change: 144.71 (0.7%) Police Department 21,080 10 DAYS South Glens Falls pleaded while intoxicated and DWI, 22,000 Trespass: Jason M. Mc- misdemeanors. u u u guilty June 16to first-de- 21,500 Mahon, 40, of Saratoga NYSE Nasdaq Russell2000 gree attempted rape, a class DWI: Stephen E. Abba, 25, 21,000 Springs was arrested at 9:14 11,833.34 6,239.01 1,418.08 C violent felony. of Schenectady was ar- +61.32 +87.25 +11.35 p.m. June 18 on Walworth 20,500 rested June 18 in Malta and Street and charged with Sentencing: Paul J. Devito, 20,000 charged with driving while COMMODITIES third-degree criminal tres- 44, of Mechanicville was Close %Chg. 19,500 intoxicated and driving with DJJF MAM pass, a misdemeanor. sentenced June 16to one to Crude oil (bbl)44.20 -.54 a blood alcohol level greater 2,480 Unlicensed operation: three years in prison after Unleaded gas (gal)1.45... S&P 500 pleading guilty April 21to than .08percent, misde- Heating oil (gal)1.41-.02 Close: 2,453.46 2,440 Vasco D. Hale, 41, of South Gold (oz) 1244.20-9.80 Change: 20.31 (0.8%) driving while intoxicated, a meanors. 2,400 10 DAYS Glens Falls was arrested at Silver (oz) 16.48-.16 2,500 class E felony. Obstruction: Nelida Fuen- Copper (lb) 2.59 +.03 5:07p.m. June 18 on West 2,450 tes, 30, of Schenectady, Platinum (oz) 926.90 +.10 Circular Street and charged Arraignment: Rafael Brito, Corn (bu) 3.75 -.09 2,400 was arrested June 17after a with third-degree aggra- 21, of Ballston Spa was ar- Wheat (bu) 4.67+.02 2,350 raigned June 16on a charge complaint in Halfmoon and Soybeans (bu) 9.38 -.01 2,300 vated unlicensed operation, Cattle (lb)1.20-.02 charged with second-degree 2,250 a misdemeanor. of failure to register as a sex Sugar (lb) .13... 2,200 offender, a class E felony. obstructing governmental Coffee (lb) 1.24 ... DJJF MAM Felony assault: Owen G. administration and making Phinney, 23, of Gansevoort Plea: John L. Dowdell III, 26, of Colonie pleaded guilty a false written statement, STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST was arrested at 1:33a.m. misdemeanors. Name DIV PE Close Chg.%YTD Name DIV PE Close Chg.%YTD June 18 on Broadway and June 16to third-degree Petit larceny: Mark R. AFLAC 1.72 13 79.26+.88+13.9 LockhdM 7.28 22282.30+1.19 +12.9 charged with second-degree criminal possession of a AK Steel... 22 6.28 +.29 -38.5 M&T Bk 3.00 19 162.66 +.99 +4.0 Muller, 20, of Clifton Park AT&T Inc1.961538.91 -.05 -8.5 Manulife g.44 ... 18.49+.24+3.8 assault and first-degree weapon, a class D violent AMD ...... 11.93+.49+5.2 McDnlds3.76 28 153.14 +1.15+25.8 was arrested June 17in aggravated unlicensed op- felony. Aetna 2.0019151.73+1.14 +22.4 Merck1.881763.68 +.71 +8.2 Clifton Park and charged AlbnyIn .683152.55 +.35 +13.5 MetLife1.601153.99 +.47 +.2 eration, felonies, and driving Indictment: Nicholas J. AlbnyMlc...... 21.65+.01+15.4 MicronT ... 38 31.20+1.34 +42.3 while intoxicated and resist- Murtlow, 28, of Middle with petit larceny, a misde- Allstate 1.48 16 89.41-.41+20.6 1.56 29 70.87+.87+14.0 meanor. Alphabet A... 32 975.22 +16.60 +23.1 MorgStan.80 14 45.72+1.24 +8.2 ing arrest, misdemeanors. Grove was indicted June Altaba...... 54.46+1.88 +40.8 NBT Bcp.92 20 37.33-.43-10.9 Obstruction: Eric M. Her- AEP2.361872.06 -.36 +14.5 NiSource s.70 22 26.17+.11+18.2 Unlicensed operation: 16on two counts of driv- Apple Inc2.5217146.34+4.07 +26.4 NokiaCp.17 ... 6.46 +.06 +34.3 Marquan T. Threatt, 26, ing while intoxicated and rey, 38, of Clifton Park was ArrowFn 1.00 16 32.75-.05-19.1 Novadaq g...... 11.70+5.70 +65.0 arrested June 17in Clifton BP PLC2.385436.04 +.04 -3.6 OcciPet 3.04 ... 62.03+.20-12.9 of Albany was arrested at first-degree aggravated BallCorp s... 22 41.89 +.73 ... Oracle .602245.73 +.64 +19.4 12:34a.m. June 18 on High unlicensed operation, class Park and charged with BkofAm.30 15 23.91+.48+8.2 OwensCorn.80 19 65.84+1.67 +27.7 second-degree obstructing BerkHBcp .841836.20 -.85 -1.8 PepsiCo 3.22 25117.29+.43+12.1 Rock Avenue and charged E felonies, and second- and CSX.80 29 53.26 +.52 +48.2 Pfizer1.281433.22 +.25 +2.3 third-degree aggravated governmental administra- CVS Health 2.001378.10 +1.04-1.0 PitnyBw .75915.58+.33+2.6 with second-degree aggra- CP Rwy g1.64... 155.93 +.86 +9.2 PlugPowr h...... 2.25 +.02 +87.5 tion and seventh-degree vated unlicensed operation, unlicensed operation, mis- ChesEng ... 45 4.99 -.11 -28.9 PwShs QQQ 1.52 ... 140.46+2.31 +18.6 criminal possession of a Cigna.04 20 170.26 +1.18+27.6 ProctGam 2.76 24 89.86 +.20 +6.9 a misdemeanor. demeanors. Cisco 1.16 16 31.99+.36+5.9 Prudentl 3.00 11 108.48 +.77 +4.2 Indictment: Angela M. controlled substance, mis- Citigroup.64 13 64.48+.59+8.5 PSEG 1.72 17 44.26-.19+.9 Unlicensed operation: demeanors. CocaCola 1.48 28 45.38+.07+9.5 Qualcom2.281857.61 +.79 -11.6 Anthony J. Diorio, 20, of Burnside, 45, of Ballston Comcst29 1.58 ... 55.00 ... +21.4 Regenrn... 57 471.67 +11.76 +28.5 Aggravated DWI: David J. Corning.62 19 29.88+.47+23.1 RiceEngy...... 24.57 +4.88+15.1 Saratoga Springs was ar- Lake was indicted June 16 Delcath rs ...... 10 +.05 -89.2 RiteAid... 31 3.36+.36-59.2 rested at 5p.m. June 17on on two counts of aggravat- Bartoli, 55, of Scotia was Disney1.5618105.37-.14+1.1 S&P500ETF 4.13 ...244.66+2.02 +9.5 arrested June 18 in Clif- DukeEngy3.421986.89 -.25 +11.9 SearsHldgs ...... 6.37-.30-31.4 Nelson Avenue and charged ed driving while intoxicated, EQT Corp .128653.51 -5.26-18.2 SnapInc A n...... 17.88+.34-27.0 with third-degree aggra- a class E felony, and DWI, a ton Park and charged with EliLilly2.082782.34 +.46 +12.0 SPDRFncl.46 ...24.54 +.25 +5.5 aggravated driving while Espey1.003222.71 -.07 -12.8 Starbucks s1.003160.90 +.76 +9.7 vated unlicensed operation, misdemeanor. ExxonMbl 3.08 37 82.76-.73-8.3 Symantec .30828.88+.43+20.9 a misdemeanor. Indictment: Bruce E. St. intoxicated and DWI, misde- FordM.60 611.24 +.02 -7.3 Sysco 1.32 24 54.50+.12-1.6 meanors. GenDynam3.3621204.52+1.85 +18.5 Target2.481151.71 -.90 -28.4 Felony DWI: Jennifer J. Gelais, 21, of Troy was GenElec.96 20 28.80 -.20 -8.9 TimeWarn 1.61 17 99.90+.70+3.5 Trespass: Karen L. Lynn, HP Inc.53 11 17.69+.34+19.2 TrnWEnt... 41.63-.03-50.2 Slachtovsky, 33, of Amster- indicted June 16on charges HSBC 1.50 ...44.18 +.18 +10.0 TrstNY .26187.80 ... -10.9 of first-degree robbery, 55, and David K. Iverson, HomeDp 3.5624158.81 +2.17+18.4 UPS B3.3219110.87+.28-3.3 dam was arrested at 6:30 HonwllIntl2.6620135.84+1.21 +17.3 USSteel.20 ... 20.80 +.64 -37.0 54, both of Lake Luzerne a.m. June 17on Van Dam a class B violent felony, iShEMkts .84... 41.63+.41+18.9 ValeantPh ... 213.47 +.81 -7.2 were arrested Juen 18 in iShR2K1.77... 141.23 +1.04+4.7 Vectren1.682361.65 -.41 +18.2 Street and charged with second-degree robbery, a Intel1.091635.51 +.30 -2.1 VerizonCm2.311146.57 -.06 -12.8 aggravated driving while in- class C violent felony, and Hadley and charged with IBM6.0012154.84-.54-6.7 Viavi... 32 11.31... +38.3 second-degree criminal IntPap 1.85 19 56.94+.43+7.3 WEC Engy2.082263.83 -.40 +8.8 toxicated, a felony because two counts of third-degree JPMorgCh1.921488.07 +1.89 +2.1 WalMart2.041775.50 +.26 +9.2 criminal possession of a trespass, a misdemeanor. JohnJn3.3620134.07-.28+16.4 WellsFargo 1.52 14 54.24+.35-1.6 of having a child passenger, Keycorp .341918.79 +.25 +2.8 XcelEngy 1.44 22 47.59-.20+16.9 DWI, endangering the wel- weapon, a class D felony. Unlicensed operation: KimbClk 3.88 22 132.78+2.57 +16.4 Xerox rs ...1028.79 +.29 +25.2 fare of a child and operat- Indictment: Sydney S. Justin A. Flood, 32, of Wa- Kroger s.48 11 22.64 +.35 -34.4 ZimmerBio .9616127.09+1.17 +23.1 ing a motor vehicle with Jolly, 21, of Valley Falls was terford was arrested June a suspended registration, indicted June 16on charges 18 in Halfmoon and charged misdemeanors. of first-degree robbery, with third-degree aggra- PUBLIC NOTICE DWI: Jessica S. Devan- a class B violent felony, vated unlicensed operation, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) second-degree robbery, a a misdemeanor. ney, 28, of Broadalbin was Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation will be required to performnatural gas arrested at 1:33a.m. June class C violent felony, and Assault: Courtney L. Bor- 17on Caroline Street and two counts of third-degree deau, 34, of Burnt Hills was leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies criminal possession of a arrested June 18 in Ballston charged with driving while have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a$100 charge on customer billsand thepotential for intoxicated and driving with weapon, a class D felony. and charged with third- a blood alcohol level greater Indictment: Nicholas A. degree assault, a misde- termination of natural gas service when acustomer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose meanor. than .08percent, misde- Higgs, 21, of Mechanicville of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at meanors. was indicted June 16on Drugged driving: Joseph E. DWI: Nicholas C. Goulet, charges of first-degree Avallino, 58, of Clifton Park nyseg.com (click on “For Suppliers and Partners,” then on “Pricing and Tariffs” and then on “PSC Filings”). 19, of Ballston Spa was robbery, a class B violent was arrested June 18 in Clif- COMM 5/17-1300 arrested at 1a.m. June 17 felony, second-degree rob- ton Park and charged with on Congress Street and bery, a class C violent felony, first-degree operating a mo- charged with driving while and two counts of third-de- tor vehicle while impaired by intoxicated and driving with gree criminal possession of drugs, a misdemeanor. a blood alcohol level greater a weapon, a class D felony. than .08percent, misde- Washington County meanors. New York State Police Sheriff’s Office Mischief: Devin C. Bryant, Felony DWI: Brian P. Miller, Saratoga County 21, of Victory Mills was ar- 52, of Stillwater was ar- It pays to • o District Attorney’s rested June 16and charged rested June 17in Greenwich Office with third-degree criminal and charged with driv- mischief, a felony. Plea: Shrockie T. Kirk, 39, of ing while intoxicated, a Clifton Park pleaded guilty Aggravated DWI: Kevin felony because of a previous your own June 16to failure to report Vadeboncoeur, 42, Alplaus drunken driving conviction an address change within 10 was arrested June 17in within the past 10 years.

This traveling exhibit from INN AT SARATOGA: 7p.m. way, the American Friends - 10p.m., Redneck Soul, Calendar Service Committee, which country, soul, rock and roll FROM PAGE 5 is sponsored locally by Duo. 231Broadway, Saratoga Women Against War, will be Springs. CON BRIO CONCERT: on display June 18—30at NORTHSHIRE BOOK- Con Brio Performing Arts the C.R.E.A.T.E. Community Adtaxi is the winner o presents the Sariah Ashton STORE: Yaddo Presents Studios, 480-B Broadway, Lynn Freed, “The Last Trio on Saturday, June 24, Saratoga Springs. The post- at 7:30p.m. Sariah will be Laugh,” 7:30p.m. The author the 2016 U.S. Google,... ers show how militarism - a Yaddo alum - shares her accompanied by cellist Kath- directly impacts our lives, leen Bowman and pianist witty new novel about three from Ferguson to Gaza. The self-proclaimed old bags Channel Sale5.irc!--, Douglas Bischoff. The trio free exhibit is open Tues- will perform art songs and who run off to a Greek island. day through Thursday from A beautifully written and novato. :,9-r_Or arias by composers Giacomo noon — 4p.m. There will Puccini, Franz Lehar, Richard funny novel about money, be a reception on June 24 sex, friendship, and the plea- Hundley and Edward Elgar, from 4p.m. - 7p.m., where and songs from Broadway sures and perils of children. the posters will also be on 424Broadway, Saratoga musicals by Rodgers and display. Hart, Rodgers and Ham- Springs. merstein, George Gershwin, Meredith Wilson and Bock and Harnick. The concert will be held at the Bischoff Better hearing House, 573Dunbar Road, Cambridge. An Aprés Con- can mean a cert reception will be hosted by Linda Bischoff. Admission bigger paycheck! Digital made simple. is free. Donations to Con Brio are gratefully accepted, so we can continue to bring concerts and theatre pieces Dr.Solomongives you back to the greater Washington 1.1 County Area. Reservations the edge you need to succeed! 0 are necessary. Please make reservations by calling 796- Untreated hearing loss may be afinancial liability. Ircui Mine L Auel Rr I:. IIIYIII 8184or by emailing Dbcho- Call today (580-0080) to schedule ahearing 0146erliiin :argehlIg 11oree ling [email protected]. CORINTH SUMMER READ- evaluation and consultation! ING PROGRAM: The 2017 12 Mountain Ledge Drive, Summer Reading Program is coming! This year the Suite 2, Wilton focus is on The Seven Lively 580-0080 Arts. The program starts on www.Hearing.Pro 2fteirch Emial EMU n Saturday, June 24, with a Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM Marlathrig Al ell ill double-whammy kick-off; first, “Stained Glass” Paint- Saratoga’sAmbassador ing (very messy, wear old SM for HearingCare Niluzi is it cier!-C-10Iric urViriAcirkrn lhal clothes!) and then the start Dr.Robin M. Solomon, peKkaion. cind 54phhccirivel Fa rrorgialing of a summer-long building FAAA, CCC-A Lavgroging Ito bialirrithotplicipla rnathor us much as linamolcigy, project – constructing a Audiologist we Kelp ini...81,ilers solve complex rrrzytaling castle. Registration is open -Board Certified Willi (010m. pliOWN:iiiC0-4.‘rwer1101~5 now at http://corinth.sals. in Audiology edu. Registered Hearing Nationally Recognized - HUMANIZE NOT MILITA- Aid Dispenser Winner of multiple Best www.teltaxi.corri RIZE POSTER EXHIBIT: of Saratoga Awards! STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS Jennifer Peterson, being duly sworn, deposes and says she is the Principal COUNTY OF CHEMUNG) Clerk of the Elmira Star-Gazette, Division of Subsidiary, publishers of -Gazette newspaper printed and published daily in Elmira, and of general circulation in said county, and that a NOTICE, of which the annexed is a printed copy, out from said newspaper, has been published in said newspaper on May 29, 2017 and June 5, 12, and 19, 2017

Jennifer Peters n

Sworn to before me, on this 19th day of June, 2017 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BROOME

Elizabeth M. Conklin ry Public, State of New York ne County No.01C06338552 .ission expires March 14, 9Za2e, M ONDAY, MAY 29, 2017 STAR-GAZETTE • 5A Local pets available for adoption Debate Continued from Page 1A and loves to go for walks. She needs to be spayed before going to her forever home, but visitors can meet her at the Senate Republicans and the Indepen- shelter anytime. dent Democratic Conference said their •Information: Horseheads Commu- members were legally able to get the nity Animal Shelter,150 Wygant Road, additional money, but prosecutors are Horseheads, behind the Horseheads said to be looking into the matter. Town Hall. Open Monday, Wednesday, Critics questioned whether stipends Friday and Sunday from 2 - 5 p.m. Con- should be issued at all. tact: 607-739-3945. Congress pays only the heads of the •Adoption fee: Adoption fee for Senate and House additional money. A dogs is $150, which includes all shots number of states have stipends for com- and spay/neutering. Cat adoption fee is mittee posts, according to records from $40, which includes all shots and spay/ Conference of State Legis- neutering. latures. But only Pennsylvania and New York appeared to have the combination of a high base pay and stipends, the group’s record showed. Pennsylvania lawmak- ers get a base pay of $86,478, while New York legislators get $79,500. Only Cali- fornia is paid more at $104,118, but has only a few stipends. PROVIDED PHOTO PROVIDED PHOTO Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, was Rocco Arlo elected in 2002 and has refused to ac- cept the stipends. She took them for a short while about Bradford County Humane Society with an active family with older chil- two years ago: To pay for her Senate of- •Name: Rocco. dren.. fice’s rent in Manhattan. Now the Sen- •Breed: Lab/Pit Bull mix. •Information: Stop by the Finger ate picks up the full tab for her office, as •Age: Adult. Lakes SPCA on Route 54 in Bath from 11 is the case with any other senator. •Gender: Male. a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Wednes- PROVIDED PHOTO “For me, it was really clear from the •Of interest: Rocco is a friendly, hap- day and Friday and Saturday. Phone 607- Jesse day I got here: I never wanted my salary py and energetic boy looking for a new 776-3039. Website: fingerlakesspca.org. to be determined by any leader and person to bond with. He's house-trained, •Adoption fee: The fee for adult dogs whether they were going to reward me knows sit and down, and excels at being a is $140. Cats are $70. Schuyler County Humane Society or punish me based on what I choose to watchdog. He behaves well on a leash for •Name: Jesse. do,” Krueger said. a firm handler. Rocco loves riding in a •Breed: Lab mix. But some senators disagreed, saying car and playing with toys. Rocco needs to •Age: 6 years. they should receive higher compensa- go to a home with no children, cats or oth- •Gender: Neutered male. tion for their leadership positions. er dogs. He's best suited to be the best •Of interest: Jesse originally came Every member of the 63-seat Senate friend to anyone who has time to play and to the humane society from an over- gets a stipend, but many Assembly work with him. crowded municipal shelter downstate. Democrats who are newly elected do •To adopt: Stop by the Bradford He was adopted to a family, but the new not because there are not enough lead- County Humane Society on Route 220 in owner had a health issue and could no ership positions for all of them. Con- Ulster from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon- longer take care of him. Jesse went versely, all Assembly Republicans, who day through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. back to the shelter. He's a well-man- hold just 42 of the chamber’s 150 seats, Saturday. Phone: 570-888-2114. nered dog and a gentle giant. Jesse get stipends. •Adoption fee: Intact dogs: $50 plus a would prefer to be the only pet. Sen. Tom O’Mara said the stipends do $100 refundable spay/neuter deposit. PROVIDED PHOTO •To adopt: Visit The Schuyler Coun- not influence how he votes and rejected Spayed/neutered dogs: $120. Bradford Vovo ty Humane Society at 124 Marina Drive criticism that the extra money has any County residents are required to pur- in Montour Falls from 9-11 a.m. Mon- sway with his colleagues at the Capitol. chase a 2016 dog license. Intact cats are day, Wednesday and Friday and 9 a.m. “I don’t think the stipends are used $20 plus a $50 spay/neuter deposit; spay/ Horseheads Community Animal to noon Saturday or call 607-594-2255 to for control of members. I think it’s for neutered cats are $50. Shelter schedule an appointment at another the extra responsibility you have in tak- Finger Lakes SPCA •Name: Vovo. time. Online: schuylerhumane.org. ing on that role,” said O’Mara, R-Big •Name: Arlo. •Breed: Miniature Pinscher mix •Adoption fee: $150 includes spay/ Flats. •Breed: Lab mix. •Age: 3 years. neuter; rabies, DHLPP and kennel The situation under question, •Age: Young. •Gender: Female. cough vaccinations; worming; flea though, deals with how some lawmak- •Gender: Male. •Of interest:Vovo came from a loving treatment; heartworm testing; heart- ers can hold both a committee chair- •Of interest: Arlo is a young lab mix home who had to surrender her due to worm preventative; microchipping manship and a conference leadership who loves to run and play. He will do best family matters. She's friendly, playful and microchip registration fee. post.

Village of Horseheads Neighborhood Watch STAR-GAZEITE PUBLIC NOTICE Please Join us on stargazette.corn New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Tuesday May 30th, 7PM at Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required 202 South Main St. to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections Horseheads Village Hall throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for The easy way termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their to pay for premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion your subscription! inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on “For Suppliers and Partners,” then on “Pricing and Tariffs” and then on “PSC Filings”). Carl 1-B66-254-0173 for more information. COMM 5/17-1300 NY-0000803530 The Horseheads Police Department has recognized the need to re-establish the community-based NEIGHBORHOOD IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN ITHACA FOR: WATCH program within the Village of Horseheads. Any Village of Horseheads Licensed Practical Nurses resident interested in committing to the community based NEIGHBORHOOD Join our team of dedicated nursing professionals. Cayuga Medical Associates WATCH program, is invited to join. offers convenient daytime hours in anumber of specialty environments. Apply today,and grow with CMA! For More information, please contact David Reynolds at 607-481-5837 or [email protected]



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tail isn’t provided. » It costs taxpayers $65 million per WEATHER N E W margl Confined year to confine the offenders, or TUESDAY Continued from Page 1A $175,000 each. By contrast, the strict TODAY probation costs about $9,000 per offend- Shower, er. Exact numbers were unavailable be- heavy Mostly cause state officials would not release cloudy, a mum security echoing on the state t- t-storm; property steeped in America’s dark fiscal records, citing the fact that civil- commitment costs are not separated in J J j cooler history of insane asylums shuttered long ago as inhumane. state budget documents. HIGH LOW HIGH 65 LOW 50 Today’s forecast is provided by The interview unfolded in a cafete- 75 55 WENY-TV meteorologists ria-style room, and guards sat at a The law FOR THE LATEST FORECASTS www.stargazette.com/weather Joe Veres and Craig Flint. nearby desk during the hour-long questioning of Raul Laguerre Jr., one The civil commitment law in New WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY of 231 men confined there indefinitely York is named “Connie’s Law” after Concetta Russo-Carriero, a 56-year-old HIGH 63 LOW 46 HIGH LOW under New York’s civil commitment 68 47 HIGH 74 LOW 51 law for sex offenders. legal secretary fatally stabbed by a con- Laguerre had served his entire 10- victed rapist in a White Plains parking Clouds garage outside the Galleria mall. Cool with rain ‘_.-11° A. year criminal sentence for a vicious and drizzle Mostly cloudy limiting Phillip Grant was out on parole after sunshine sexual assault, but instead of being re- serving 23 years in prison for raping leased he was civilly confined in 2014, three Bronx women when he brutally *AccuWeathencom prompting a long-delayed trial set for murdered Russo-Carriero. He told po- Monday. lice he wanted to kill a white woman be- BY THE NUMBERS REGIONAL “Every time I go to court, it’s the cause he was fighting a race war, Today Tomorrow same thing all over again,” Laguerre prompting intense lobbying that led to City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W said in the interview. “This is being New York becoming the 20th state with ELMIRA BINGHAMTON ITHACA Albany 67 51 t 55 48 t Yesterday’s high 70° Yesterday’s high 56° Yesterday’s high 64° Atlantic City 73 62 r 66 56 sh punished twice for the same crime.” civil commitment. Yesterday’s low 38° Yesterday’s low 44° Yesterday’s low 42° Buffalo 66 54 t 61 50 sh The closely watched glimpse be- Under the law, state mental-health of- Erie 68 55 t 62 51 sh Normal high 75° Normal high 71° Normal high 73° Harrisburg 79 61 t 71 54 c hind the psych center’s walls in 2015 ficials evaluate sex offenders to deter- Normal low 49° Normal low 52° Normal low 50° New York City 71 56 t 60 51 sh led to an investigation by The Journal mine if they have a mental abnormality Record high 95° in 1930 Record high 84° in 1966 Record high 96° in 1925 Philadelphia 79 61 t 66 54 c Rochester 66 54 t 63 51 t News/lohud into the controversial civil that makes them likely to re-commit sex Record low 34° in 1986 Record low 38° in 1998 Record low 31° in 1964 Scranton 76 58 t 63 49 sh commitment law, enacted a decade ago crimes, thus requiring confinement af- Syracuse 71 53 t 58 48 t ter they complete criminal sentences. PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION in the wake of a high-profile murder in in inches in inches in inches NATIONAL a downtown White Plains parking ga- The state Attorney General’s Office Yesterday 0.15 Yesterday 0.20 Yesterday 0.22 Today Tuesday rage. prosecutes the offenders, who are rep- Month to date 0.15 Month to date 0.20 Month to date 0.22 City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W resented by the state Mental Hygiene Albuquerque 91 64 s 90 63 t A months-long review of public rec- Normal m-t-d 0.56 Normal m-t-d 0.55 Normal m-t-d 0.48 Amarillo 84 57 pc 84 59 pc ords and interviews with a dozen med- Legal Service and public defenders. Year to date 14.37 Year to date 24.65 Year to date 16.75 Anchorage 58 48 r 60 50 c Examples of the secrecy shrouding Aspen 76 44 pc 74 43 t ical and legal experts raised questions Normal y-t-d 13.28 Normal y-t-d 15.30 Normal y-t-d 13.66 civil commitment include the limited Atlanta 81 68 c 76 63 t about justice system failures, abuse in- Austin 90 70 t 90 68 pc public information about who is con- Baltimore 77 61 r 75 54 c side psych centers and gaps in mental- POLLEN/MOLD COUNT Billings 79 54 pc 75 53 pc fined. For instance, the state Office of Trees: High (269) Grasses: Absent Weeds: Absent Mold: Low Birmingham 82 69 t 78 61 c health services in New York and na- Mental Health cited privacy law in re- Boise 77 53 s 87 61 s tionally. Readings refl ect pollen per cubic meter of air as of June 1. Boston 57 50 r 53 50 r fusing to confirm Laguerre was locked Source: Dr. Mohan Dhillon Burlington 63 52 r 59 50 r “There is not a completely right or up in Marcy, despite / Casper 84 52 pc 73 48 t wrong answer regarding civil commit- Charleston, SC 85 72 c 82 67 sh lohud obtaining the interview through a Charleston, WV 77 58 t 74 53 pc ment, but really a question of whether mental health law request. EXTREMES: High: 110°, Needles, CA Low: 31°, Dillon, CO Charlotte, NC 83 68 t 81 61 c or not we’re using our community re- Further, The Journal News/lohud had Chicago 73 53 s 73 53 s 81 55 t 76 51 pc sources to keep the community safe,” to create a database of civilly confined THE MOON SKYWATCH Cleveland 73 55 c 66 54 sh said Maia Christopher, executive di- men from an online sex-offender regis- RISE SET Columbia, SC 87 72 c 80 65 sh Sun 5:32 a.m. 8:40 p.m. Columbus, OH 81 55 sh 72 54 pc rector of the Association for the Treat- try to analyze the law. The effort re- Moon 5:00 p.m. 3:39 a.m. Concord 58 47 r 55 47 r ment of Sexual Abusers. quired identifying them from the regis- Venus 3:27 a.m. 4:39 p.m. Dallas 84 70 t 89 68 pc The Journal News/lohud analysis of try of nearly 40,000 sex offenders in Mars 6:33 a.m. 9:54 p.m. Daytona Beach 85 72 t 86 73 t DOI Denver 85 53 t 74 53 t New York. FULL LAST NEW FIRST the civil commitment law in New York, Jupiter 3:15 p.m. 2:53 a.m. 73 54 pc 68 53 pc JUN 9 JUN 17 JUN 23 JUN 30 Saturn 9:15 p.m. 6:30 a.m. Fairbanks 73 51 pc 74 53 pc however, found new details about how Fargo 86 59 s 88 60 t and why 322 sex offenders are con- Politics and media Flagstaff 81 47 pc 81 44 s NATIONAL FORECAST FOR JUNE 5, 2017 Green Bay 74 51 pc 76 52 s fined at the Marcy psych center and Hartford 64 51 r 55 48 sh another site in Ogdensburg, near the Opponents have historically criti- Honolulu 86 72 pc 86 73 pc Houston 87 72 t 89 70 t Canadian border. cized civil commitment’s cost and the Jackson, MS 81 68 t 77 63 c » About a third of the 322 men civ- likelihood those confined would ever be Jacksonville 87 72 t 83 71 t Juneau 56 49 r 62 51 c illy confined in New York are black, set free, but political debate has been Kansas City 89 62 s 80 56 s suggesting racial bias in the justice limited because many lawmakers are Key West 88 80 t 88 79 t Las Vegas 104 79 s 105 76 s system. The New York Civil Liberties reluctant to appear soft on crime. Lexington 78 59 t 77 54 pc Union has long asserted the bias would Judges have also drawn criticism for Little Rock 81 67 t 84 60 pc Los Angeles 79 61 pc 77 60 pc be a key failure of the law, but it wasn’t erring on the side of confinement, ac- Louisville 84 63 t 80 58 s confirmed until The Journal News/lo- cording to legal experts, such as Mi- Memphis 81 69 t 84 62 s hud sex-offender data in chael Perlin, a prominent New York law Miami 89 80 sh 90 78 t 67 54 pc 70 54 s 2017. professor and former director of the Minneapolis 81 58 s 81 59 s » Two-thirds of civilly confined of- state Mental Health Advocacy program Nashville 78 66 t 82 59 s New Orleans 83 71 t 81 72 t fenders, or 206 men, had no prior con- in New Jersey. Oklahoma City 81 63 c 88 59 s Shown are noon positions of weather victions that required sex-offender “What’s the judge most afraid of?” Omaha 92 60 s 86 61 s systems and precipitation. Orlando 85 71 t 84 71 t registration, calling into question Perlin said. “They are most afraid of a I Irk I 16" elI* *1 1= I= v.v... a-s-s• Phoenix 108 82 s 107 81 s statements by prosecutors, politicians headline in the New York Post or local Showers T- Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Pittsburgh 76 55 t 67 51 sh Portland, ME 56 47 r 58 49 r and mental-health officials that the newspaper that talks about a patient re- -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Portland, OR 77 52 pc 83 57 pc law focused on repeat offenders. leased by the judge going out and com- Providence 63 51 r 56 50 r » At least 15 guards and 22 prison- mitting a horrific act.” INTERNATIONAL Raleigh 83 66 t 82 61 c Today Today Today Richmond 75 64 t 81 60 pc ers have been injured inside the Marcy Further insight into how courts han- City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Sacramento 92 55 s 91 54 s psych center, according to state and la- dle civil commitment came from a state Amsterdam 70 55 pc Geneva 68 53 t New Delhi 111 92 pc St. Louis 91 63 pc 82 60 s bor union reports, but it’s difficult to report last year that disclosed the suc- Athens 83 65 s Havana 88 77 pc Nice 75 65 t St. Thomas 90 81 pc 90 81 s Baghdad 109 76 s Hong Kong 90 83 t Paris 73 53 pc Salt Lake City 87 63 s 92 67 s determine many details about abuse cess rate of prosecutors in New York. Bangkok 92 78 t Jakarta 91 77 t Prague 73 53 pc San Antonio 90 71 t 89 69 pc because state officials denied a public- Courts supported the key “mental ab- Beijing 87 59 c Jerusalem 84 61 s Rio de Janeiro 87 73 s San Diego 70 63 pc 70 62 pc Beirut 80 69 s Johannesburg 68 40 s Rome 80 62 pc San Francisco 70 52 pc 68 53 s records request, citing privacy laws normality” diagnosis in 91 percent of Belgrade 80 64 t Kabul 94 62 s San Juan 90 80 pc Seattle 72 52 pc 80 55 pc intended to protect patients at hospi- 564 cases between 2007 and 2015, the re- Berlin 70 56 pc Lima 72 63 pc Seoul 83 64 pc Spokane 72 51 s 83 60 pc Brasilia 83 60 s London 63 51 r Singapore 89 82 t Tampa 87 78 t 87 77 t tals. port shows. Bucharest 80 58 s Madrid 80 56 s Stockholm 66 48 t Topeka 89 62 s 82 56 s » Since the law took effect, 91 civilly Of those cases, 331 men were civilly Budapest 81 60 pc Melbourne 61 47 sh Sydney 66 49 pc Tucson 104 74 s 104 74 s confined and 174 went on the strict pro- Buenos Aires 56 34 pc Mexico City 81 58 pc Taipei 88 78 t Washington, DC 77 65 r 78 59 pc confined men have been released to a Cairo 99 78 s Montreal 61 51 r Tokyo 74 64 pc Wichita 86 63 pc 86 59 s highly restrictive probation program. bation program, with the remaining Cape Town 70 50 s Moscow 56 48 r Toronto 64 52 sh Many committed violations that likely nine pending a decision, according to Dublin 59 46 r Nairobi 78 55 pc Vancouver 66 50 pc Forecasts and graphics, except the Frankfurt 72 54 sh Nassau 93 79 t Vienna 76 59 pc WENY 5-day forecast, provided by revoked their release, the most recent the report. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017 data from 2016 show. Out of 220 viola- For an example of the political stigma tions in one analysis, six were sexual in nature, state data show, but further de- For Corrections See CONFINED, Page 6A Please bring errors in stories, photos, graphics or headlines to the attention of Consumer Experience Director Kevin Hogan at 607-798-1338. LOTTERIES N.Y. lottery: (518) 388-3300 Pa. lottery: (800) 692-7481 HOW TO REACH US CIRCULATION CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-866-254 www.nylottery.org www.palottery.com STAR GAZETTE .COM ELMIRA, N.Y. -0173 STAR-GAZETTE →E-mail: [email protected] SATURDAY 28-29-43-44-49-50-58-65- Pa. Treasure Hunt: Published by Star-Gazette Company →Self-serve online: www.stargazette.com/cs NEW YORK 72-80 1-4-11-17-24 Division of Gannett Satellite Information Network Inc., Customer service hours are 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. N.Y. 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age of American households subscribing WENT MarAg to paid cable television services has re- WEATHER Cable mained relatively stable since 2012, even TODAY TUESDAY Continued from Page 1A as more subscribe to streaming services. Tia Allen and her family booted the ca- Mostly ble provider from her City of Bingham- sunny A couple of showers and bargain and you’d get a package.” ton home five years ago. and Further price adjustments for for- “The cable bill just got so ridiculous,” t-storms mer Time Warner customers may be on the 44-year-old said. the way. Rutledge said just 17 percent of A combination of Hulu, , Ap- HIGH LOW HIGH 86 LOW 60 Today’s forecast is provided by the Time Warner legacy customer base pleTV and the MLB package gives her 92 65 WENY-TV News chief meteorologists is on Spectrum pricing. The remaining home everything they need at a cost of FOR THE LATEST FORECASTS www.stargazette.com/weather Joe Veres and Craig Flint. 83 percent may be in for surprise when about $40 each month. With a discounted they open their next Spectrum bill. monthly $35 deal through her employer WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Charter is paying a hefty price for for broadband services, she figures the HIGH 81 LOW 53 HIGH LOW the strategy shift. In the first quarter, savings amount to about $100 a month on 80 57 HIGH 77 LOW 61 the Stamford, Connecticut-based Char- her TV viewing habits. Periods of Cloudy, ter lost 100,000 customers, mostly Time More than money, Allen said cutting clouds and Mostly cloudy a shower Warner clients pushing back on the rate cable also trimmed the time she and her sunshine and t-storm increases. During the same period a family spent in front of the screen, an around year ago, Time Warner and Charter added attraction to returning the cable gained 24,000 video customers. box to the provider. AccuWeathercom Rutledge expects customer churn “The dollars versus what we were get- BY THE NUMBERS REGIONAL among former Time Warner customers ting was getting worse and worse,” said Today Tomorrow to be a short-term trend, but others are Douglas Griffiss, 44. He now relies on a City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W not so certain. Charter’s first quarter combination of Hulu, Netflix, PlaySta- ELMIRA BINGHAMTON ITHACA Albany 92 70 pc 87 58 t Yesterday’s high 89° Yesterday’s high 84° Yesterday’s high 87° Atlantic City 83 72 s 84 70 s subscriber loss could be an initial wave tion Vue, combined with his Spectrum Yesterday’s low 59° Yesterday’s low 64° Yesterday’s low 61° Buffalo 85 70 s 81 62 t in an impending tsunami. broadband service delivering the goods. Erie 85 70 s 81 66 t Normal high 77° Normal high 73° Normal high 75° Harrisburg 92 70 s 92 70 s “In order to continue to grow you His $200 cable bill has been trimmed Normal low 52° Normal low 54° Normal low 52° New York City 92 74 s 93 68 s have to keep the customer happy,” said by almost half and no complaints from Record high 93° in 1973 Record high 87° in 1973 Record high 91° in 1973 Philadelphia 94 74 s 94 72 s Rochester 90 72 s 80 61 t Jeff Kagan, a telecommunications ana- this Apalachin family of four. Record low 33° in 1972 Record low 35° in 1972 Record low 35° in 1980 Scranton 91 67 s 88 64 pc Syracuse 90 69 pc 82 56 pc lyst based in Marietta, Georgia. The abandonment of traditional tele- PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION There’s no telling if the departing vision pay services is having widespread in inches in inches in inches NATIONAL Time Warner customers are fleeing to impact. Popular cable sports network Yesterday 0.00 Yesterday 0.00 Yesterday 0.00 Today Tuesday options such as satellite dishes or cut- ESPN, cable television’s most expensive Month to date 0.83 Month to date 2.49 Month to date 0.46 City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Albuquerque 92 56 s 86 55 s ting the cord entirely. service on a per subscriber basis, has lost Normal m-t-d 1.60 Normal m-t-d 1.55 Normal m-t-d 1.40 Amarillo 99 65 s 97 61 s Traditional cable television stands at 12 million subscribers over the past six Year to date 15.05 Year to date 26.94 Year to date 16.99 Anchorage 55 46 c 54 45 r Aspen 77 35 pc 64 37 s the crossroads. More subscribers are years. Normal y-t-d 14.32 Normal y-t-d 16.30 Normal y-t-d 14.58 Atlanta 83 71 pc 85 71 t Austin 94 72 pc 95 74 pc cord cutting, abandoning conventional That’s a significant revenue loss for Baltimore 94 70 s 93 71 s video services and opting for choices the Disney-owned network. ESPN POLLEN/MOLD COUNT Billings 78 50 t 66 52 pc Trees: Absent Grasses: High (275) Weeds: Absent Mold: Low Birmingham 85 71 pc 85 71 t available through broadband services, charges cable outlets $7.21 per subscrib- Boise 63 49 r 68 48 pc surviving with an on-demand stream of er every month for access to its offer- Readings refl ect pollen per cubic meter of air as of June 9. Boston 92 72 s 89 63 t Source: Dr. Mohan Dhillon Burlington 91 69 t 81 54 r either Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, ings. Impact from the loss took a large Casper 78 43 t 63 43 sh or a combination of services. toll. A bevy of high-priced on-air person- Charleston, SC 86 67 pc 87 71 s Charleston, WV 88 68 pc 87 68 t Services such as Sling and PlaySta- alities has been cut from the payroll to EXTREMES: High: 104°, Pecos, TX Low: 20°, Bodie State Park, CA Charlotte, NC 89 68 pc 90 69 pc tion VUE, which offer an a la carte me- compensate. Chicago 95 73 s 93 73 pc Cincinnati 91 69 s 89 70 t nu of popular channels are also proving “The traditional cable television in- THE MOON SKYWATCH Cleveland 92 73 s 90 70 t inviting for long-time cable television dustry has crested,” Kagan said. RISE SET Columbia, SC 91 70 pc 93 71 pc Sun 5:31 a.m. 8:44 p.m. Columbus, OH 92 71 s 92 70 t customers looking to pare their bills Charter closed the complex $67.1 bil- Moon 11:03 p.m. 8:15 a.m. Concord 95 68 pc 89 55 t and channel selections. lion merger deal for Time Warner and Venus 3:18 a.m. 4:47 p.m. Dallas 92 76 pc 93 77 pc There’s continued debate on the im- Bright House Networks last year, cata- Mars 6:26 a.m. 9:46 p.m. Daytona Beach 85 72 t 86 72 t DOI Denver 90 49 s 79 49 s LAST NEW FIRST FULL pact of cord-cutting on cable television pulting it to the number two cable televi- Jupiter 2:47 p.m. 2:25 a.m. Detroit 92 73 s 87 68 t JUN 17 JUN 23 JUN 30 JUL 8 Saturn 8:45 p.m. 6:00 a.m. Fairbanks 62 42 sh 63 42 s services. Accounting firm Deloitte re- sion provider in the nation after Comcast. Fargo 84 64 pc 83 62 t cently released its “Digital Democracy Follow Jeff Platsky on Twitter Flagstaff 66 30 s 75 33 s NATIONAL FORECAST FOR JUNE 12, 2017 Green Bay 85 64 t 77 65 pc Survey,” which indicated the percent- @JeffPlatsky Hartford 94 70 s 91 63 t Honolulu 86 75 sh 86 74 sh Houston 89 76 pc 90 76 t Jackson, MS 84 71 t 84 70 t 49 people — mostly Latinos — at Pulse, a Jacksonville 82 70 t 84 70 t Juneau 54 46 r 53 43 r gay nightclub. Kansas City 92 74 s 92 74 pc LGBT Among the marchers in Washington Key West 88 80 sh 88 80 t Las Vegas 82 64 s 91 70 s Continued from Page 1A was Gil Mendez, a Puerto Rican native Lexington 90 69 pc 89 70 t Little Rock 88 72 t 88 73 t who traveled with his partner all the way Los Angeles 72 57 pc 79 59 pc from San Francisco to join the parade. Louisville 92 74 pc 92 74 t Memphis 88 74 t 89 75 t tion — including the rollback of federal He carried a sign that included the Miami 88 78 pc 88 79 t guidance advising school districts to names of all the Pulse victims. Milwaukee 87 68 t 79 67 pc Minneapolis 87 71 c 93 70 pc let transgender students use the bath- “The attack on Pulse really struck me Nashville 89 71 t 89 72 t rooms and locker rooms of their hard,” he said. “It made the connection New Orleans 84 75 t 86 75 t Oklahoma City 92 71 s 92 73 pc choice. between the physical violence of guns Shown are noon positions of weather Omaha 95 75 pc 96 70 pc systems and precipitation. The activists also complain that and the political attacks on our commu- r4t,r1 Orlando 85 71 t 85 71 t 1>M re'el *1 p Phoenix 93 68 s 98 70 s Trump, although he campaigned as a nity.” Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Pittsburgh 89 71 s 88 69 t potential ally of gays and lesbians, has Also marching, and singing freedom Portland, ME 85 66 t 84 55 t -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Portland, OR 65 51 c 65 51 c stocked his administration with many songs and patriotic songs along the way, Providence 92 70 s 90 63 pc foes of LGBT-rights advances, includ- were scores of members of gay choruses INTERNATIONAL Raleigh 91 68 pc 91 69 s Today Today Today Richmond 94 71 s 93 71 s ing Vice President Mike Pence, Attor- from various . City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Sacramento 75 51 pc 84 55 s ney General Jeff Sessions, and Health “We have to be heard — we have to be Amsterdam 67 56 c Geneva 86 62 t New Delhi 106 81 s St. Louis 96 77 s 96 78 pc and Human Services Secretary Tom sure we’re not trampled on,” said L. Athens 81 67 pc Havana 87 73 pc Nice 79 69 pc St. Thomas 91 81 sh 91 82 pc Baghdad 110 79 s Hong Kong 92 80 t Paris 74 50 s Salt Lake City 66 53 t 71 52 r Price. Owen Taggart of Washington’s Gay Bangkok 92 77 c Jakarta 89 78 t Prague 78 53 t San Antonio 92 73 pc 94 76 pc Throngs of marchers, many thou- Men’s Chorus. Beijing 84 57 pc Jerusalem 83 62 s Rio de Janeiro 80 69 t San Diego 70 59 pc 72 61 pc Beirut 80 71 s Johannesburg 68 40 pc Rome 82 63 s San Francisco 65 53 pc 69 53 pc sands strong, paraded past the White Roughly 100 marches and rallies were Belgrade 84 63 pc Kabul 90 57 s San Juan 88 77 s Seattle 66 51 c 64 49 c House and toward the Capitol, trailing planned across the U.S., including the Berlin 72 55 pc Lima 72 61 pc Seoul 80 62 pc Spokane 79 50 pc 68 46 pc Brasilia 83 61 s London 68 52 c Singapore 88 79 t Tampa 87 76 t 87 75 t behind a giant rainbow flag near the first-ever gay pride parade in Grosse Bucharest 82 63 pc Madrid 100 68 s Stockholm 65 49 t Topeka 93 75 s 93 74 pc Budapest 86 60 pc Melbourne 61 47 pc Sydney 67 56 s Tucson 96 63 s 97 63 s head of the procession. Pointe, a prosperous Detroit suburb. The Buenos Aires 59 42 c Mexico City 82 53 pc Taipei 91 79 t Washington, DC 94 75 s 94 75 s For the LGBT community nation- one-mile (more than 1.5-kilometer) Cairo 94 74 s Montreal 88 67 t Tokyo 76 65 pc Wichita 94 74 s 93 74 pc Cape Town 61 54 c Moscow 71 57 sh Toronto 91 69 pc wide, it’s an emotional time. Monday is march began at Grosse Pointe South Dublin 63 53 c Nairobi 78 56 c Vancouver 65 50 pc Forecasts and graphics, except the the anniversary of the mass shooting a High School to emphasize support for Frankfurt 77 52 pc Nassau 91 80 sh Vienna 88 62 t WENY 5-day forecast, provided by year ago in Orlando, Florida, that killed teens who are gay or transgender. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017

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“In May of 2016, our office received an inquiry which we promptly WEATHER Investigation responded to. Since that time, we TODAY TUESDAY Continued from Page 1A have received no further contact regarding the matter.” Rain and a t-storm Clouds and Warren, said “any release or informa- SEAN HART sun with a tion on this matter needs to come from JOSEPH MORELLE’S DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF shower TITTI the U.S. Attorney.” HIGH LOW HIGH 77 LOW 52 Today’s forecast is provided by Bid-rigging scandal Glaser and Eimicke have longstand- 79 58 WENY-TV News chief meteorologists ing ties to Todd Howe, a lobbyist and for- FOR THE LATEST FORECASTS www.stargazette.com/weather Joe Veres and Craig Flint. Percoco, Kaloyeros and six private- mer Cuomo aide who pleaded guilty and sector executives were charged in No- is cooperating with prosecutors in the WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY vember by then-U.S. Attorney Preet case against Percoco, Kaloyeros and the HIGH 77 LOW 50 HIGH LOW Bharara, who accused Percoco of ac- private executives. 81 61 HIGH 84 LOW 61 cepting bribes and Kaloyeros of rig- Neither Eimicke nor Glaser’s attor- Partly sunny, ging the bid for state-funded contracts ney returned requests for comment Fri- a t-storm in Periods of rain A shower or worth hundreds of millions of dollars, day. Neither have been charged with any spots t-storm including a $750 million contract to crimes. build a major solar-panel factory in Buffalo. Cuomo ties #AccuWeathencom Attorneys for two of the defendants BY THE NUMBERS REGIONAL — Peter Galbraith Kelly of CPV Energy Other documents were received from Today Tomorrow and Louis Ciminelli of Buffalo-based Cuomo’s office and his re-election cam- City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W developer LPCiminelli — attached the paign, which took in contributions from ELMIRA BINGHAMTON ITHACA Albany 79 65 t 82 60 pc Yesterday’s high 89° Yesterday’s high 83° Yesterday’s high 88° Atlantic City 80 71 c 80 69 c list of documents to their pre-trial COR, LPCiminelli and their executives. Yesterday’s low 67° Yesterday’s low 67° Yesterday’s low 70° Buffalo 77 62 pc 72 57 sh court filings in late May. The indictment against Percoco notes Erie 76 63 pc 73 59 pc Normal high 79° Normal high 74° Normal high 77° Harrisburg 80 65 t 85 63 pc Soon after, the attorneys asked U.S. the contributions, but does not allege Normal low 54° Normal low 56° Normal low 54° New York City 83 69 c 83 67 pc District Judge Valerie Caproni to seal they were bribes. Record high 98° in 1957 Record high 92° in 1957 Record high 95° in 1923 Philadelphia 86 71 c 85 68 pc Rochester 80 62 c 75 57 sh the list from public view, arguing that it Cuomo’s office had previously ac- Record low 38° in 1980 Record low 43° in 1986 Record low 40° in 1979 Scranton 78 63 t 81 58 sh Syracuse 77 61 r 76 57 sh may contain “restricted information.” knowledged receiving a subpoena for PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION Union of Albany reported on documents. in inches in inches in inches NATIONAL the document on May 31. “As we previously said, we are assist- Yesterday 0.00 Yesterday 0.00 Yesterday 0.00 Today Tuesday The judge agreed, and the list was ing the U.S. Attorney in any way we can,” Month to date 1.47 Month to date 2.83 Month to date 0.87 City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Albuquerque 97 70 s 99 72 s redacted entirely two weeks later. The Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi said Normal m-t-d 2.64 Normal m-t-d 2.61 Normal m-t-d 2.35 Amarillo 88 62 s 95 68 s USA Today Network and other media in a statement. Year to date 15.69 Year to date 27.28 Year to date 17.40 Anchorage 64 51 pc 56 46 r Aspen 85 47 s 87 50 t outlets downloaded the document from Prosecutors also sought and received Normal y-t-d 15.36 Normal y-t-d 17.36 Normal y-t-d 15.53 Atlanta 89 71 t 80 70 sh Austin 96 73 pc 98 72 s the public court docket before it was re- documents from the Island Capital Baltimore 86 66 t 86 65 pc dacted. Prosecutors collected more Group, which was founded by Andrew POLLEN/MOLD COUNT Billings 83 57 s 93 63 s Trees: Absent Grasses: High (59) Weeds: Absent Mold: Low Birmingham 83 70 t 83 69 pc than 2 million documents during the in- Farkas, who employed Cuomo in the Boise 93 67 s 94 61 s vestigation, according to court papers. early 2000s and is now a major fundrais- Readings refl ect pollen per cubic meter of air as of June 16. Boston 83 67 c 84 66 pc Source: Dr. Mohan Dhillon Burlington 80 65 r 80 61 sh The trial for the defendants is slated er for his campaign. Casper 81 48 s 90 56 s for late October. Other documents came from the Mon- Charleston, SC 87 75 pc 84 72 t Charleston, WV 78 60 r 81 59 pc The list makes clear investigators tauk Yacht Club on Long Island, which is EXTREMES: High: 114°, Needles, CA Low: 32°, Gould, CO Charlotte, NC 89 70 t 80 67 s cast a wide net during the probe, col- owned by a Farkas-run group. Chicago 77 58 t 78 57 pc Cincinnati 79 58 pc 81 57 pc lecting information from a broad array Less is known about the documents THE MOON SKYWATCH Cleveland 80 62 t 77 61 pc of locations and individuals, many of requested from Morelle and the city of RISE SET Columbia, SC 92 74 t 84 71 t Sun 5:31 a.m. 8:47 p.m. Columbus, OH 81 60 pc 80 57 pc them with ties to Cuomo himself. Rochester. Moon 2:25 a.m. 3:31 p.m. Concord 85 66 t 85 57 c That includes Glaser, who was one of Venus 3:10 a.m. 4:56 p.m. Dallas 88 73 pc 94 73 s the governor’s closest aides from 2011 Mars 6:20 a.m. 9:38 p.m. Daytona Beach 87 76 pc 87 75 c Rochester links 01NEW FIRST FULL LAST Denver 84 58 s 94 63 s through 2014, and Eimicke, who Jupiter 2:20 p.m. 1:58 a.m. Detroit 78 59 t 75 55 pc JUN 23 JUN 30 JUL 8 JUL 16 Saturn 8:15 p.m. 5:31 a.m. Fairbanks 74 54 sh 68 52 sh worked for Cuomo’s father, former Morelle was a public foe of Kaloyeros, Fargo 72 48 pc 76 57 c Gov. Mario Cuomo. often feuding with him over SUNY Po- Flagstaff 89 55 s 91 53 s NATIONAL FORECAST FOR JUNE 19, 2017 Green Bay 71 54 t 73 52 c ly’s management of a major photonics in- Hartford 84 67 c 86 63 c stitute placing its roots in the Rochester Honolulu 84 73 pc 85 74 sh Columbia payments Houston 93 76 pc 95 74 t area. Jackson, MS 86 71 t 87 69 pc Prosecutors obtained records from He also often served as the Assem- Jacksonville 88 74 pc 84 73 t Juneau 57 47 r 56 45 r at least five personal bank accounts or bly’s representative in dealing with the Kansas City 84 62 s 89 67 s credit cards belonging to Eimicke or governor’s office, which often had Per- Key West 86 79 t 87 82 t Las Vegas 113 88 s 116 88 s his wife, Karen Murphy. They also ob- coco acting on the governor’s behalf. Lexington 82 59 pc 85 60 c Little Rock 85 66 pc 90 67 s tained documents from Columbia, his There is no indication Morelle was the Los Angeles 90 66 s 93 66 s employer. focus of the probe, and he was not Louisville 85 64 pc 86 64 c Memphis 84 67 r 90 69 s The index also lists bank records charged with any crime. Miami 87 80 pc 89 81 t from Glaser, along with phone records Percoco, whom Cuomo once referred Milwaukee 76 59 t 76 58 pc Minneapolis 73 57 t 76 59 pc and general documents. to as a brother, is accused of accepting Nashville 83 61 r 87 64 s The USA Today Network reported in bribes from COR Development and CPV New Orleans 88 76 t 83 76 t Oklahoma City 88 66 s 92 67 s May 2016 that Glaser received between Energy for assistance in navigating Al- Shown are noon positions of weather Omaha 85 60 s 86 67 s systems and precipitation. $25,000 and $70,000 in 2012 and 2013 bany. He has proclaimed his innocence, Orlando 85 74 t 86 74 c 1=1••••••• `-v-& Phoenix 117 89 s 120 90 s from ’s executive as have the other defendants. Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Pittsburgh 78 60 r 76 57 pc MPA program, which Eimicke leads. The city of Rochester, meanwhile, Portland, ME 80 65 c 82 60 sh -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Portland, OR 85 61 s 76 51 pc At the same time, Eimicke — direc- claimed it doesn’t have any records it Providence 80 67 c 83 65 pc tor of Columbia’s Picker Center for Ex- provided to the U.S. Attorney’s office. INTERNATIONAL Raleigh 89 70 t 80 67 t Today Today Today Richmond 88 70 t 84 67 c ecutive Education — was doing con- “The requested records are not main- City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Sacramento 105 66 s 103 64 s sulting work for Syracuse-area builder tained by the City of Rochester,” James Amsterdam 84 60 s Geneva 87 62 s New Delhi 98 78 pc St. Louis 86 68 s 89 69 s COR Development, whose two top ex- Smith, the city’s records access officer, Athens 78 66 pc Havana 82 73 t Nice 82 72 s St. Thomas 90 81 sh 91 82 sh Baghdad 110 80 s Hong Kong 87 80 r Paris 90 66 s Salt Lake City 94 67 s 100 70 s ecutives were ultimately charged in wrote in response Friday to a Freedom of Bangkok 94 80 t Jakarta 90 74 pc Prague 82 57 s San Antonio 96 76 pc 97 74 s the bid-rigging scandal. Information Law request. “You may Beijing 88 68 t Jerusalem 87 65 s Rio de Janeiro 82 69 s San Diego 79 66 pc 77 66 pc Beirut 82 75 s Johannesburg 60 40 pc Rome 86 66 s San Francisco 76 57 s 72 56 s Eimicke also sat on the board of the wish to contact the U.S Attorney’s Office Belgrade 83 60 pc Kabul 94 61 s San Juan 87 79 t Seattle 77 58 pc 71 52 c Fuller Road Management Corp., which for the Southern District of New York Berlin 83 63 pc Lima 71 62 s Seoul 85 64 pc Spokane 86 64 s 83 52 s Brasilia 78 53 pc London 88 64 pc Singapore 88 80 pc Tampa 87 77 t 88 78 pc handled contracting for some of SUNY for any records they may have.” Bucharest 80 60 pc Madrid 96 71 pc Stockholm 73 55 pc Topeka 85 62 s 91 68 s Budapest 83 58 pc Melbourne 62 44 pc Sydney 65 56 pc Tucson 113 82 s 114 83 s Poly’s major projects. When he stepped A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Buenos Aires 52 32 s Mexico City 79 52 pc Taipei 85 77 r Washington, DC 86 71 t 87 69 pc down in April 2014, he was replaced the office in Manhattan did not respond to a Cairo 101 76 s Montreal 79 62 r Tokyo 78 67 pc Wichita 84 63 s 91 69 s Cape Town 60 46 r Moscow 69 53 sh Toronto 78 60 t next month by his wife. request for comment. Dublin 74 53 pc Nairobi 76 52 pc Vancouver 70 55 c Forecasts and graphics, except the Frankfurt 86 61 s Nassau 92 82 pc Vienna 83 57 s WENY 5-day forecast, provided by Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. AccuWeather, Inc. ©2017 LOTTERIES For Corrections N.Y. lottery: (518) 388-3300 Pa. lottery: (800) 692-7481 www.nylottery.org www.palottery.com Please bring errors in stories, photos, graphics or headlines to the attention of Consumer Experi- ence Director Kevin Hogan at 607-798-1338. 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If at any time you decide to cancel your subscription, on in Ossining, New York. finals deficit by beating the defending you may contact customer service at 1-866-254-0173 and the 1964: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 champion Golden State Warriors 93-89. General Mgr./Operations: Kevin J. Crane full amount of any balance over $10.00 will be returned. We [email protected] do not provide refunds prorated for the remainder of the current month for Digital Only subscriptions. Distribution Director: Dianna Schuler [email protected] ADVERTISING →E-mail: [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICE The Star-Gazette is published daily and Sunday, →Classified: 1-800-640-1722 with editorial and publication headquarters at Weekday hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) 310 East Church Street, Elmira, N.Y. 14901. 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State of New York: County of Orange: ss: Muriel Boykin Being duly sworn deposes and says that the , Inc. is organized under the laws of the State of New York and is, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, was the printer and publisher of -Record, a daily newspaper distributed in the Orange, Ulster, Rockland, Dutchess, Pike, PA, Delaware and Sullivan, Counties, published in the English language in the City of Middletown, County of Orange, State of New York, that deponent is the Advertising Sales Rep of said The Times Herald-Record acquainted with the facts hereinafter stated, and duly authorized by said Corporation to make this affidavit; that the

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ELIZABETH MARTHA RAPALO Notary Public - State of New York No. 01 RA6344907 Qualified in Orange County My Commission Expires 07/11/2020 TIMES HERALD-RECORD P.O. Box 2046, 40 Mulberry Street, Middletown, NY 10940

State of New York: County of Orange: ss: Elizabeth Rapala Being duly sworn deposes and says that the Local Media Group, Inc. is organized under the laws of the State of New York and is, at all the times hereinafter mentioned, was the printer and publisher of The Times Herald-Record, a daily newspaper distributed in the Orange, Ulster, Rockland, Dutchess, Pike, PA, Delaware and Sullivan , Counties, published in the English language in the City of Middletown, County of Orange, State of New York, that deponent is the Legal Advertising of said The Times Herald-Record acquainted with the facts hereinafter stated, and duly authorized by said Corporation to make this affidavit; that the

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'OWN P-I CCI1J Times Herald-Record I Wednesday, May 31, 2017 11 OUR REGION STATE .1,..111 I. I, 4.4 V Ivat L.A. NI 1,1-• uoara, me announcement mu be U IL VCIIIUIC VII tviuy ca, Z.U.LU, II I UM tiOV. HI IUI CW 1..LICH I IU, WI IIJ of her left ankle. leasing 24,000 square feet for its made public. Town of Wallkill, and that Slade left announced the funding's avail- She was taken by Mobile Life exercise rooms and other facilities, The SUNY Sullivan Board was the scene afterward. ability on Tuesday, and other state Support Services to a nearby land- which opened in February 2011 after asked to choose between three Slade is free without bail pending officials say after-school programs ing zone, and from there flown by a $2 million renovation. finalists: Irene Rios, dean of aca- arraignment on June 6 in Orange help boost student achievement in helicopter to Westchester Medical The building purchase gives the demic affairs for Naugatuck Valley County Court. school, lead to lower dropout rates Center in Valhalla. YMCA an additional 20,000 square Community College in Connecticut; — Heather Yakin and a reduction in juvenile crime, She was ticketed for failure to feet to build a four-lane pool, a gym, Rick Miller, executive vice presi- and improve students' chances of obey a traffic control device. a multipurpose room, a family locker dent at SUNY Potsdam and John landing a good-paying job after Degall refused medical attention, room and additions to the existing "Jay" Quaintance, who currently Newburgh woman hurt graduating. but a passenger in his car was taken men's and women's locker rooms. serves as SUNY Sullivan's acting The state Office of Children and in wrong-way crash to Orange Regional Medical Center Organizers hope to raise $600,000 in president. Family Services will announce donations to defray the cost. —Pauline Liu GOSHEN - A Newburgh woman for treatment of minor injuries. funding awards in the fall. —Chris McKenna was badly hurt when she drove the —Michael Randall —Michael Randall

41440 Dotson Avenue Medical PUBLIC NOTICE PHYSICAL THERAPY • CHIROPRACTIC • ACUPUNCTURE • MASSAGE New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections The doctors and therapists here are throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs knowledgeable, very friendly, and they to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for were with me every step of the way. R termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their Yetta -mod premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion • inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on "For Suppliers for a no-tbarge consultation and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings"). COMM 5/17-1300 845-342-0000 201 DOLSON AVENUE, MIDDLETOWN NY • DOLSONAVENUEMEDICALCOM

Times Herald-Record I Wednesday, June 7, 2017 13

NATION with 'health' care, and not down a full college schol- idential election. the disease care syst em that arship to join the Air Force. Winner's defense attor- people voted for a soulless Court records say Winner ney, Titus Thomas Nichols, ginger orangutan to 'fix.'" held a top-secret security would not confirm whether Winner remained clearance. she was being charged with locked up Tuesday on "I know my daughter. leaking the NSA report cited federal charges that she She's a patriot," Davis said. by The Intercept. PATTON'S AUTO BODY "Keeping You On The Road Since 119T1" www.pattonsautobody.com ,„0„, OUR 46" ANNIVERSARY 22 County Road 18, Mindletown, AY • 845-3W188


New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) YOUR LOCAL •Ran gas illeaorsami (Arts slay ail GLITTER HELMET Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required •Melts ci3magiv 'Leal snow during roller DIRER to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections •rEas on new II evsling cuter.. throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs •aktInWGuarmtee to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their CALL FOR A FREE (845)245-2708 premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion IN-HONE CONSULTATION GutterHelmetandHeatNY.com inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on "For Suppliers Star, jj.el fity

and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings"). •441111V11~41071103104.1110 —.... itoln4•4411,fileacit -0470:11:" ' • IBMINVitialkffirare 4•40,,ttevemook,w;ad4&g. rummy's, 400;4601st ,I•ve.r 4s. ran 0110111MOMPOOMOrlirea..1% t COMM 5/17-1300 tolre.:ir01010,411001:1001C, 4:010 UAW breffelletiorrikpAptimelbsipir foge MartesePageMor iniew•Cir no* 40wspillimatiftatolifpwilledge., — +44,s1p;06-vipm.- r‘tolleimmor ;710 • T:u.ek" 4.41,

20 Wednesday, June 14, 2017 I Times Herald-Record NATION Cosby jury studies PUBLIC NOTICE New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required his 2005 depositio to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs By Maryclaire Dale to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for and Michael R. Sisak rr The Associated Press termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion NORRISTOWN, Pa. — inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on "For Suppliers The jury in the sexual assault case, weigh- and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings"). ing charges that could send COMM 5/17-1300 him to prison for the rest of his life, drilled down Tuesday on what the TV star said happened inside his suburban Philadelphia home and how he char- acterized his relationship with the accuser. What's Your Story? With deliberations My We was not progressing as I'd hoped. I needed a change. After a long stretching into the eve- Bill Cosby walks from the courtroom during jury deliberations ning of a second day, sexual assault trial at the Montgomery County Courthouse in absence, I decided to go back to college. I was nervous I would not fit in, or ristown, Pa., Tuesday. [MATT ROURKE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] would not be prepared. jurors reviewed more than a dozen passages from a deposition Cosby gave The jury is consider- account, telling The To my surprise, I act only fit in, I more than a decade ago. ing three counts of felony dated Press in a pl thrived_ Younger students included They heard excerpts aggravated indecent interview that Cos on a wide range of topics, assault. lawyers are "going tg me in their lives and the faculty rrecrare curb .1-1-4Trn freArn The thirri ornin+ avvreciated the life

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 I Times Herald-Record

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Dolson Avenue Medical PUBLIC NOTICE PHYSICAL THERAPY • CHIROPRACTIC • ACUPUNCTURE * MASSAGE New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections ‘,/*4•40\ I went here for my back and leg pain and was so impressed by how professional it throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs is here, and the results I got are incredible! to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion II t inspections. Additional information is available at nyseg.com (click on "For Suppliers a L ITV'/ and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings"). ii45-342-00061 COMM 5/17-1300 / AI 201 DOLSON AVENUE, MIDDLETOWN NY • DOLSONAVENUEMEDICALCOM