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v.* PUBLIC NOTICE New York State Electric & Gas Corporation (NYSEG) Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation will be required to perform natural gas leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a $100 charge on customer bills and the potential for termination of natural gas service when a customer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections. Additional information is available at (click on "For Suppliers and Partners," then on "Pricing and Tariffs" and then on "PSC Filings") COMM sp 7:1300 6 |•A NEWS | THE SARATOGIAN TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2017 SPA CITY Charter open house to be held Tuesday house is to showcase the pro- afford attendees to spend with a stage and podium in periphery of the room. At manager), finance and ac- By News Staff posed charter, which will be as much time as they wish one corner for 15 minutes each station, one to three countability (how the pro- SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y.>> voted on in November. on the topics they are inter- featured on either a desig- Commission members will posed Charter has enhanced From 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. The Charter Review Com- ested in. nated topic or open mic ses- be set to explain an aspect financial accountability), at the Saratoga Spring City mission decided instead of a Guest speakers, including sions for Q&A. The open mic of the Charter. The top- transition time line (describ- Center on Tuesday, the large forum, they would di- Sharon Addison, city man- sessions allow general public ics will be: elected leader- ing the transition plans in Charter Review Commis- vide the room into “topic ager of Watertown, will be an opportunity to take turns ship (powers and responsi- the next two years to pre- sion will host an open house based” areas so anyone at- available throughout the day asking questions or making bilities in Council-Manager pare for 2020) and elections for the final draft of the pro- tending can seek informa- for Q&A. The open house brief statements. form of government), profes- and participation (how citi- posed charter. tion from their own inter- will have hourly features Six information stations sional management (powers zens will be able to take part The purpose of the open ests. The open forum will where a room will be set up will be located around the and responsibilities of a city in City government). WASHINGTON Dozens of new Veterans Affairs drug-theft cases probed cited in part a larger quan- it was working to develop By Hope Yen Associated Press tity of drugs kept in stock at additional policies “to im- the bigger VA medical cen- prove drug safety and re- WASHINGTON >> Federal au- ters to treat a higher volume duce drug theft and diver- thorities are investigating of patients, both outpatient sion across the entire health dozens of new cases of pos- and inpatient, and for dis- care system.” sible opioid and other drug tribution of prescriptions “We have security proto- theft by employees at Vet- by mail. cols in place and will con- erans Affairs hospitals, a Sen. Marco Rubio, R- tinue to work hard to im- sign the problem isn’t go- Fla., said AP’s findings were prove it,” Poonam Alaigh, ing away as more prescrip- “troubling.” He urged Con- VA’s acting undersecretary tions disappear. gress to pass bipartisan ac- for health, told the AP. Data obtained by The countability legislation he In one case, a registered Associated Press show 36 was co-sponsoring that nurse in the Spinal Cord In- criminal investigations would give the agency “the jury Ward at the VA med- opened by the VA inspec- tools needed to dismiss em- ical center in Richmond, tor general’s office from ployees engaged in miscon- Virginia, was recently sen- Oct. 1 through May 19. It duct.” The Senate is set to tenced after admitting to brings the total number of vote on the bill June 6. stealing oxycodone tablets open criminal cases to 108 “The theft and misuse of and fentanyl patches from involving theft or unau- prescription drugs, includ- VA medication dispensers. thorized drug use. Most of ing opioids, by some VA em- The nurse said she would those probes typically lead ployees is a good example sometimes shortchange the to criminal charges. of why we need greater ac- amount of pain medication The numbers are an in- countability at the VA,” Ru- prescribed to patients, tak- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS crease from a similar period bio said. ing the remainder to satisfy In this June 21, 2013 file photo, the Veterans Affairs Department in Washington. in the previous year. The VA In February, the VA an- her addiction. has pledged “zero tolerance” nounced efforts to combat Hughes cited in particu- American Hospital Associa- ployee complaints of faulty union’s attorney, Nata- in drug thefts following an drug thefts, including em- lar the risk of patient harm. tion. That means the rate of VA technical systems that lie Khawam, says whistle- AP story in February about ployee drug tests and added “Health care providers who drug loss or theft is lower track drug inventories, lead- blowers at other VA hospi- a sharp rise in reported inspections. Top VA offi- divert for personal use may than VA’s. ing to errors and months of tals have made similar com- cases of stolen or miss- cials in Washington led by be providing care while un- The VA inspector gener- delays in identifying when plaints. ing drugs at the VA since VA Secretary David Shulkin der the influence of narcot- al’s office said it had opened drugs go missing. Prescrip- Criminal investigators 2009. Doctors, nurses or pledged to be more active, ics,” he said. 25 cases in the first half of tion drug shipments aren’t stressed the need for a con- pharmacy staff in the VA’s holding conference calls AP’s story in Febru- the budget year that began always fully inventoried tinuing drug prevention ef- network of more than 160 with health facilities to de- ary had figures document- Oct. 1. That is up from 21 in when they arrive at a VA fa- fort. The VA points to inven- medical centers and 1,000 velop plans and reviewing ing the sharp rise in drug the same period in 2016. cility, he said, making it dif- tory checks every 72 hours clinics are suspected of si- data to flag problems. The thefts at federal hospitals, The IG’s office said the ficult to determine if a drug and “double lock and key ac- phoning away controlled department said it would most of them VA facilities. number of newly opened was missing upon arrival or cess” to drugs. It attributes substances for their own use consider more internal au- Subsequently released DEA criminal probes had previ- stolen later. many drug loss cases to rea- or street sale — sometimes dits. data provide more specific ously been declining since “It’s still the same pro- sons other than employee to the harm of patients — or Criminal investigators details of the problem at the 2014. cess,” said Glavin, who theft, such as drugs lost in drugs simply vanished with- said it was hard to say VA. Drug losses or theft in- Michael Glavin, an IT heads the local union at transit. But the DEA says out explanation. whether new safeguards creased from 237 in 2009 specialist at the VA, says the VA medical center in some of those cases may be Drug thefts are a growing are helping. to 2,844 in 2015, before he’s heard numerous em- Columbia, Missouri. The wrongly classified. problem at private hospitals “Prescription drug diver- dipping to 2,397 last year. as well as the government- sion is a multifaceted, egre- In only about 3 percent of run VA as the illegal use of gious health care issue,” said those cases have doctors, opioids has increased in the Jeffrey Hughes, the acting nurses or pharmacy em- CALL NOW & SAVE ON United States. But separate VA assistant inspector gen- ployees been disciplined, data from the Drug Enforce- eral for investigations. “Vet- according to VA data. ment Administration ob- erans may be denied neces- At private hospitals, re- YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION tained by the AP under the sary medications or their ported drug losses or theft Freedom of Information Act proper dosage and medical also rose — from 2,023 in show the rate of reported records may contain false 2009 to 3,185 in 2015, before missing drugs at VA health information to hide the di- falling slightly to 3,154 last fihN ) facilities was more than version, further putting vet- year. There is a bigger pool World Health Link,com double that of the private erans’ health at risk.” of private U.S. hospitals, at sector. DEA investigators Responding, the VA said least 4,369, according to the Toll Free Phone Toll Free Fax •844-494-5465 1-855-594-5465 PUBLIC NOTICE ClIqg 1434:111 Qty.:pall] Pace mug Name aly 101111 Prkra New York State Electric &Gas Corporation (NYSEG) 1i4gin 11Mg 16 :11414D Plirliap goling 1 00 5.114140 Effective June 12, 2017, New York State Electric &Gas Corporation will be required to performnatural gas Viagra 50m:1 la SganG Benicur DrPil 9* 1x175.00 leakage surveys and atmospheric corrosion inspections throughout their service territories. The Companies ria'llt 5rrrlj l'in 110.00 MiktiagliNINg mI) IN #5.41111 have updated their tariffs to include the addition of a$100 charge on customer billsand the potential for 0-:&20niu 16 S1D9.0D hilylbutliq 5{ P0 S35A CID termination of natural gas service when acustomer fails to provide access to their premises for the purpose Lemida errn la 51 nun re931110(img, 3ME 1.195.00 of performing the required leakage surveys and corrosion inspections.