To Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993

To Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993

Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 Indexed and prepared by Michael Elliott of the Special Collections Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. Please note that it is quite common for an individual’s obituary to appear in two or three consecutive issues of the newspaper, with an abbreviated version appearing on at least one day. If the obituary that appears on the date given is not as detailed as you had hoped, check the issue for the previous and/or following day. Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 1 Aaron, Ophelia 12/2/1993 Abbott, Charles R. 8/9/1993 Abbott, Goldie V. 9/6/1993 Abel, Theresia 9/19/1993 Abell, Emmet G. 6/20/1993 Abercrumbie, J. Duffie 4/13/1993 Abernathy, audrey L. 4/29/1993 Abernathy, Teresa Rene 10/19/1993 Aberth, Albert J. 11/18/1993 Aberth, Herman Godfrey 10/22/1993 Abney, William H. "Bus" 12/25/1993 Abood, Chester M. 11/9/1993 Abood, Fred 11/5/1993 Abrams, Gayl M. 6/27/1993 Abrams, Harold J. "Teed" 3/1/1993 Abrams, Lawrence E. 5/22/1993 Abrams, Louise 1/25/1993 Ace, Albert David 1/28/1993 Acker, Harold E. 1/23/1993 Ackerer, Donald R. 2/8/1993 Ackerman, Dorothy A. 10/29/1993 Acord, Orval J. 8/2/1993 Adair, Juanita 6/11/1993 Adair, Newman John 12/25/1993 Adams, Agnes Louise 11/3/1993 Adams, Birney C. 12/6/1993 Adams, Eileen O. 8/11/1993 Adams, Evelyn Williams 11/16/1993 Adams, Frank D. 4/13/1993 Adams, Irene E. 3/7/1993 Adams, Irene J. 8/11/1993 Adams, Leona M. 10/28/1993 Adams, Mary P. 7/17/1993 Adams, Patricia A. 11/12/1993 Adams, Paul M. 6/17/1993 Adams, Robert "Teddy Bear" 9/23/1993 Adams, Thomas B. 8/29/1993 Adams, William 7/21/1993 Adams, William W. 2/22/1993 Addis, Edith 11/3/1993 Addison, William D. 9/28/1993 Adkins, Irene I. 1/23/1993 Adkins, Thelma A. 5/19/1993 Adlesic, Rudy 10/1/1993 Adolph, Roseen D 9/6/1993 Ady, Martha L. 12/21/1993 Agrusa, Lena 12/5/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 2 Aiken, Julia "Anita" 5/11/1993 Aiken, Laverne Russell 4/1/1993 Aikens, Dorothy D. 9/27/1993 Aikey, Lila M. 2/18/1993 Ake, Eleanor R. 2/17/1993 Aker, Betty Jane 3/21/1993 Akins, Delcia 11/1/1993 Akins, Grace E. 4/8/1993 Akins, Rhea Ethel 2/12/1993 Alaman, Carl R. 2/3/1993 albert, Helen r. 4/6/1993 albright, Betty J. 5/8/1993 Albright, Dale E. 8/21/1993 Albright, Geraldine "Jerry" 4/28/1993 Albright, Kenneth E. 6/11/1993 Albright, Margaret C. 7/5/1993 Alden, Clayton E 9/8/1993 Alderman, David A. 11/21/1993 Alderman, Isabelle 11/21/1993 Alderman, Peggy A. 11/21/1993 Aldridge, Helen Eileen 1/15/1993 Alexander, Frank G. 2/21/1993 Alexander, Milton B. 2/4/1993 Alexander, Nora Stronz 10/3/1993 Alexander, Olga 8/30/1993 Alexander, Ralph A. 10/27/1993 Alexander, Ruth 4/4/1993 Alexander, Stephen M. 4/17/1993 Alexandrou, Katherine J. 4/15/1993 Alkire, Sharon A. 10/24/1993 Allee, Marilynn S. 3/13/1993 Allen, Beatrice York 6/11/1993 Allen, Beulah B. 10/18/1993 Allen, Helen Ethel 5/30/1993 Allen, Marcella J. 1/8/1993 Allen, Mary D. 6/3/1993 Allen, Raymond E. 7/31/1993 Allen, Robert Lee 2/27/1993 Allen, Ruby 4/23/1993 Alley, George Douglas 9/10/1993 Allison, Kathryn H. 9/12/1993 Allison, Tommie Lee 7/28/1993 Allrutz, Conrad 2/13/1993 Aloisi, Carmella 1/27/1993 Alvarez, Dixie Anne 3/15/1993 Alverson, Grace Ann 7/13/1993 Alvino, Domenica 9/15/1993 Ameredes, Haritan T. 8/5/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 3 Amerson, Freeman Louis 6/23/1993 Ames, Ruth A. 3/14/1993 Amick, Larry James 9/17/1993 Amlin, Richard D. 12/19/1993 Ammons, Carolyn June 2/16/1993 Ammons, Harrol "Westy" 12/11/1993 Amodeo, Antonio 2/9/1993 Anderle, Bertha V. 2/15/1993 Andersen, Neil R. 4/30/1993 Anderson, Augusta Daniels 12/2/1993 Anderson, Bertha 2/20/1993 Anderson, Ernest "Ernie" 2/14/1993 Anderson, George B. 6/17/1993 Anderson, Harry E. 10/24/1993 Anderson, Maurice 11/4/1993 Anderson, Nancy B. 12/6/1993 Anderson, Peter C. 9/5/1993 Anderson, Robert P. 1/14/1993 Anderson, Ronald 12/5/1993 Anderson, Virginia G. 6/4/1993 Anderson, Walter Steve 3/15/1993 Andregg, Maryanna 9/15/1993 Andress, Samuel C. 11/9/1993 Andrews, Jordan Diere 8/25/1993 Andrews, Peggy W. 10/23/1993 Andrus, Mildred Ann 11/8/1993 Ange, Ottis E. 5/11/1993 Angus, Shaun R. 5/27/1993 Ankeny, Lela J "Billie" 11/30/1993 Antal, Bozena N. 5/4/1993 Anthony, Randy 1/26/1993 Antonavich, Lula Lavada 2/6/1993 Anweiler, Rozzina W. 12/14/1993 Apostol, Theodore G. 12/14/1993 Applegate, Carol Ann 12/19/1993 Arbaugh, Ronald "Joe" 5/4/1993 Arble, Walter F. 12/16/1993 Archambeau, Evelyne 2/6/1993 Archbold, Arlene 5/21/1993 Archer, Aubrey W. "Jake" 8/7/1993 Archer, Barbara 6/13/1993 Archer, Cloteen 7/18/1993 Archer, Fred G. 12/18/1993 Archer, Hoy W. "Shorty" 12/23/1993 Arehart, Earl 9/15/1993 Arendt, john 9/15/1993 Arenson, Sarah 5/19/1993 Ariss, Agatha J. 3/23/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 4 Armbruster, Alphonse V. 4/21/1993 Armbruster, Phyllis C. 6/15/1993 Armitage, Edna L. 7/22/1993 Armstrong, Helen E. 7/6/1993 Armstrong, Marguerite M. 4/19/1993 Arnold, Clarence 8/10/1993 Arnold, Donald R. 12/22/1993 Arnold, Gladys Catherine 2/2/1993 Arnold, Harold M. 4/14/1993 Arnold, James W. 4/29/1993 Arnold, John C. 9/19/1993 Arnold, Pearl E. 9/24/1993 Aronson, Elizabeth "Tudy" 3/24/1993 Arroyo, Rita Duignan 3/14/1993 Arrundale, Lawrence L. 3/5/1993 Arthur, Ida Beman 3/26/1993 Artis, Berylie 1/27/1993 Artis, Betty J. 11/3/1993 Artymovich, Theodore 11/24/1993 Artzer, Elizabeth C. 12/6/1993 Arvay, Gasper Paul 9/3/1993 Aschelman, Elizabeth M. 5/8/1993 Aschelman, Henry E. 11/15/1993 Asente, Bettie Marie 7/6/1993 Ashcraft, Helen 12/16/1993 Ashrey, Beatrice L. 7/8/1993 Ashton, Charles F. 6/26/1993 Ashton, Kenneth C. 7/14/1993 Ashton, Lynne Marie 9/1/1993 Ashton, Mae E. 4/14/1993 Ashworth, Shirley A. 10/24/1993 Atwood, Grace Phillips 12/25/1993 Auchmutey, Margaret C. 10/13/1993 Auerbach, Faye M. 9/23/1993 Auerbach, Sol L. 2/7/1993 Augden, Marian T. 3/18/1993 Auger, Anna 6/4/1993 Ault, Douglas C. 4/23/1993 Ault, Grace M. 3/28/1993 Aurand, Ella D. 2/10/1993 Aurandt, Charles A. 8/3/1993 Auria, Michael J. 7/26/1993 Austin, Grace A. 3/18/1993 Austin, Mary Chapman 10/11/1993 Auten, Loraine E. 5/7/1993 Averell, Ruth M. 8/8/1993 Averill, Peggy E. 8/9/1993 Averitt, John "Andy" 3/4/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 5 Avolio, Anthony D. 4/24/1993 Avritte, Jinnie V. 7/31/1993 Awakian, Nigochos 11/11/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 6 Babarick, Donna J. 6/27/1993 Babb, Nina A. 4/26/1993 Babin, Helen 2/27/1993 Bachman, Cathryn 10/10/1993 Bachman, Mary Jane 7/24/1993 Bachmann, Helen A. 8/16/1993 Bachna, Janet Hofstetler 4/9/1993 Bachtel, George 7/10/1993 Bachtel, Ruth Marie 1/2/1993 Backus, H. Eleanor 3/5/1993 Bacon, DeLoss J. 6/29/1993 Baer, Elizabeth Sokol 6/28/1993 Baer, Marian J. 4/19/1993 Bagley, Frank J. 4/13/1993 Baglia, Charles R. 9/1/1993 Bahil, Stephen A. 2/27/1993 Bahr, James R. 6/9/1993 Bail, Ashley Nicole 11/22/1993 Bailes, Alice M. 6/30/1993 Bailey, Joseph William 11/30/1993 Bailey, Lois J. 4/24/1993 Bailey, Martha V. 11/10/1993 Bailey, Odis 8/12/1993 Bailey, Ronald I. 1/21/1993 Bailey, William R. 6/20/1993 Baird, Ellis F. 10/10/1993 Baird, McKinley 3/29/1993 Baird, Ruth 4/14/1993 Baker, Addie R. 4/1/1993 Baker, Cheryl L. 11/8/1993 Baker, Florence M. 12/6/1993 Baker, Helen Baldwin 10/27/1993 Baker, Joseph Dorogi 7/23/1993 Baker, Lawrence M. 2/2/1993 Baker, Lorena Jane 9/9/1993 Baker, Lucille 7/3/1993 Baker, Marjorie A. 7/4/1993 Baker, Marjorie Lucille 8/20/1993 Baker, Neal E. 4/25/1993 Baker, Robert A. 7/4/1993 Baker, Ronald 6/26/1993 Baker, Rosalyn 8/25/1993 Baker, Ruby Baker 4/16/1993 Baker, Ruby G. 12/29/1993 Balaun, William J. 8/9/1993 Baldwin, Juanita J. 8/6/1993 Baldwin, Thomas L. 8/11/1993 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 1993 – page 7 Bales, Dorothy S.

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