
A Lino et à Enzo 3

Bryophytes sl.

Mosses, liverworts and

Illustrated glossary

(traduction française de chaque terme)

Leica Chavoutier


CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – sl. : , liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p..


In September 2016 the following book was deposed in free download CHAVOUTIER, L., 2016 – Bryophytes sl. : Mousses, hépatiques et antho- cérotes/Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Glossaire illustré/Illustrated glossary. Inédit. 179 p. This new book is an English version of the previous one after being re- viewed and expanded.

This glossary covers the mosses, liverworts and hornworts, three phyla that are related by some parts of their structures and especially by their cycles. They are currently grouped to form bryophytes s.l. This glossary can only be partial: it was impossible to include in the defi- nitions all possible cases. The most common use has been privileged. Each term is associated with a theme to use, and it is in this context that the definition is given. The themes are: morphology, anatomy, support, , chorology, nomenclature, , systematics, life strategies, abbreviations, ecosystems.

Photographs : All photographs have been made by the author.

Recommended reference

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and horn- worts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p. Any use of photos must show the name of the author: Leica Chavoutier

Your comments, suggestions, remarks, criticisms, are to be adressed to : leica.bryo@.fr

Acknowledgements I am very grateful to Janice Glime for its invaluable contribution. This English version benefited from its review, its comments, its suggestions, and therefore improvements. I would also like to thank Jonathan Shaw.


Example: anisophyllous

. English term (or group of words): anisophyllous . (French term): (franç. anisophylle) . grammatical nature: adj. . theme of common use: anatomy . definition: having two types of on the same stem, stem leaves and rameal leaves are different. . antonym: [ant.isophyllous] . illustration and legend: anisophyllous (Sphagnum fimbriatum) or report to another illustration « see… » anisophyllous (Sphagnum fimbriatum)

Abbreviations in definitions Notes

n.: noun . For each term consider the defi- suf.: suffix nition in the designed theme pref.: prefix (some of them could also be used adj.: adjective in other themes). abb.: abbreviation loc.: locution, group of words . Terms (of color, support, habitat symb.: symbol …) haven’t needed a definition in the context of this glossary (for the French users). They also ap- pear in summary tables.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 6

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 7

Plate 1: classification : 1:Sphagnum squarrosum , 2:Dicranum scoparium, 3: tamariscinum , 4:Jungermannia sp. , 5:Reboulia hemisphaerica, 6: agrestis.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 8

Plate 2: /

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 9

Plate 3: sporophyte

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 10

Plate 4: male

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 11

Plate 5: thallose liverworts

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 12

Plate 6: calyptra

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 13

Plate 7: , phillidium (Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides, Didymodon luridus)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 14

Plate 8: nerve, rib

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Plate 9: propagulum

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Plate 10: distribution of gametangia

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. leg. (franç. leg.) Latin « legit »17 meaning dj. - relative to a , having « collected by ». sporophyteleg.µm (franç. (franç. leg.) produced µm)Latin « delegit « » at meaningmicrometer apex of » or « «collected micron »,by length ». unit = 1/1 000 mm. µmn (franç.(franç. n)µm) de « micrometer number » or(haploid). « op.micron cit. »,(franç. length op. unit cit.) = 1/1 Latin 000 «mm. opus citatum » n (franç. n) chromosome number (haploid). meaning « mentioned, cited above ». a- (franç. a-) pref. anatomy - prefix op.OPL cit. (franç.(franç. op.OPL) cit.) meaning Latin « opus« outer citatum peristomial » meaning « mentioned, cited above ». meaning « not » or « no ». layer ». OPLPPL (franç. (franç. OPL) PPL) meaning meaning « outer « primary peristomial peristo- a - (franç. a-) pref. anatomy - prefix mea- layermial ». layer ». PPL (franç. PPL) meaning « primary peristo- ab- (franç. ab-) pref. anatomy – s.d. (franç. s.d.) Latin « sine die » meaning ning « not » or « no ». prefix mial layer ». « without date ». meaning « away from ». s.d.sensu (franç. (franç. s.d.) Latin sensu) « sineLatin die « »sensu meaning » meaning ab - (franç. ab-) pref. anatomy – prefix « «without in the sensedate ». (of) » meaningabandoned « away land from (franç. ». friche) n. habitat/ sensus.l. (franç. (franç. s.l.) sensu) Latin Latin « sensu « sensu lato » » meaning meaning « in ecosystem. « ain broad the sense sense (of) ». » s.l. (franç. s.l.) Latin « sensu lato » meaning « in abandoned land (franç. friche) n. s.n. (franç. s.n.) Latin « sine numero » meaning a broad« without sense a number». ». habitat/ecosystem.abaxial (franç. abaxial) adj. anatomy – s.n. (franç. s.n.) Latin « sine numero » meaning s.s. (franç. s.s.) Latin « sensu stricto » meaning relative to a surface of a leaf, « «without strict sense a number ». ». abaxial (franç. abaxial) adj. anatomy – s.s. (franç. s.s.) Latin « sensu stricto » meaning dorsal, outer. see face sp. (franç. sp.) meaning « ». relative to a surface of a leaf, dorsal, « strict sense ». spp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « more than one sp.species (franç. ». sp.) meaning « species ». abortiveouter. see Plate7(franç. abortif) adj. anatomy - spp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « more than one ssp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « subspecies ». having development that is speciesvar. (franç. ». var.) meaning « variety ». abortive (franç. abortif) adj. anatomy - ssp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « subspecies ». havingincomplete, development abnormal, that is stopped incomple- var. (franç. var.) meaning « variety ». te,before abnormal, maturity. stopped before maturity.

abbreviations/ abreviations absent abbreviations/ (franç.abreviations absent) adj. absent (franç. absent) adj. anatomy - mis- anatomyaff. (franç. - missing. aff.), meaning « related to ». sing. auct.aff. (franç. (franç. aff.) auct.), Latin Latin « affinis « auctor » meaning » meaning « related to ». « author ». adj. anatomy – acauleauct. (franç. (franç. auct.), acaule) Latin adj. « auctor anatomy » –meaning acaule (franç. acaule) c. (franç. c.) Latin « circa » meaning « around, without apparent stem. withoutabout« author ». ». apparent stem. c. (franç. c.) Latin « circa » meaning « around, cf. (franç. cf.) Latin « confer » meaning « compar withabout ». ». acaulescent (franç. acaulescent) adj. acaulescentcf. (franç. cf.) Latin (franç. « confer acaulescent) » meaning « adj. compar cfr. (c. fr.) (franç. cfr. (c. fr.)) Latin « cum fructi- anatomy - provided with a very short anatomybuswith » ». meaning - provided « with with a ».very short cfr. (c. fr.) (franç. cfr. (c. fr.)) Latin « cum fructi- stem. [ant.caulescent] stem.cm (franç. [ant.caulescent] cm), meaning « centimeter ». det.bus »(franç. meaning det.), « withLatin sporophytes « determinavit ». » meaning "determinedcm (franç. cm), by". meaning « centimeter ». accrescent (franç. accrescent) adj. det. (franç. det.), Latin « determinavit » meaning accrescente.g. (franç. e.g.), (franç. Latin « acrescent) exempli gratia adj. » meaninganatomy anatomy – increasing in size, growing « determined by ». –« increasingfor example ». in size, growing continuously after . fo.e.g. (franç. (franç. f.) e.g.), Latin Latin « forma « exempli » meaning gratia «» formmeaning ». continuouslyibid.« for example(franç. ibid.) ». after Latin reproduction. « ibidem » meaning « in thefo. (franç.same book f.) Latin ». « forma » meaning « form ». .aceae (franç. .aceae) suf. nomenclature/ ibid. (franç. ibid.) Latin « ibidem » meaning « in .aceaeIPL (franç. (franç. IPL) meaning.aceae) « suf. inner peristomial taxonomy/systematic - the same book ». suffix applied to a nomenclature/taxonomy/systematiclayer ». - IPL (franç. IPL) meaning « inner peristomial (Encalyptaceae, …). suffixleg. (franç. applied leg.) Latin to a «family legit » meaning «layer collected ». by ». (Encalyptaceae, Pottiaceae…). CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 18

achlorophyllose, achlorophyllous acrocarpous moss (Weissia controversa) (franç. sans chlorophylle) adj. anato- ( anomalum) my – without .

[ant.chlorophyllose] see chlorophyllose . acicole (franç. acicole) adj. life stra- tegy - growing on or among needles of .

adj. acicular (franç. aciculaire) anatomy - elongated and sharp as a needle. acidicline (franç. acidicline) adj. life strategy – preferring weakly aci- dic substratum.

n. acidophile (franç. acidophile) life strategy – growing on acidic substratum. [ant.basophile] acidophilous (franç. acidophile) adj. life strategy – growing on acidic substratum. acrogynous (franç. acrogyne) adj. [ant.basophilous] anatomy – in many leafy liverworts, sporophyte growing at top of acinaciform (franç. acinaciforme) stem (from apical cell). [ant.anacrogynous] adj. anatomy – saber-shaped. acrogynous leafy liverwort Mesoptychia collaris) (left, female ; right, male) acrocarp (franç. acrocarpe) n. anatomy – of a moss, species that produces sporophyte at apex of stem or main branch. [ant.pleurocarp] acrocarpous (franç. acrocarpe) adj. - relative to a moss, having spo- rophyte produced at apex of stem or main branch. [ant.pleurocarpous]

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 19 actinomorphic (franç. actinomor- adherent (franç. adhérent) adj. ana- phe) adj. anatomy – having radial tomy – strongly attached to the subs- symmetry, like spokes of a wheel. tratum. adherent ( dilatata) [ant.zygomorphic] acumen (franç. acumen) n. anatomy – long, pointed tip. aculeate (franç. aigu comme un aiguillon) adj. anatomy – sharply pointed, prickly. acuminate (franç. acuminé) adj. anatomy – gradually ending in a adnate (franç. adné) adj. anatomy – long, tapered tip. said of two fused structures.

and epiphragm adnate acute (franç. aigu) adj. anatomy – (Atrichum undulatum) ending in a point or an angle bet- ween 45° and 90°.

ad- (franç. ad-) pref. anatomy – pre- fix meaning « towards », «near ». adaptation (franç. adaptation) n. life strategy – adjustment of an orga- nism to survive in a habitat. adaxial (franç. adaxial) adj. anato- my – relative to a leaf surface, to- adsorption (franç. adsorption) n. wards stem or axis, ventral face, life strategy - fixation of the elements upper face. [ant.abaxial] on the surface.

aduncus (franç. unciné) adj. anato- (Didymodon my – hooked. (Sanionia uncinata) luridus)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 20 adventitious (franç. adventice) agg. (franç. agg.) abb. nomenclature/ adj. anatomy – growing on an atypi- taxonomy/systematic – f o r cal place (, stem…). « aggregate », designating a group adventitious on the rib of species which are difficult to (Conardia compacta) distinguish from one another.

aggregate (franç. agrégé) adj. anato- my – clustered together.

air chamber (franç. cavité aérifè-

re) loc. anatomy – in some thallose liverworts : specialized air- containing cavity. air chamber (Marchantia polymorpha) adventive (franç. adventif) adj. anatomy – introduced. aerenchyma (franç. aérenchyme) n. anatomy – in some thallose liver- worts, loose parenchyma, with empty spaces between groups of cells. air pore (franç. pore épidermique) loc. anatomy – in some thallose liver- aerohaline (franç. aérohaline) adj. worts, opening of an air-chamber. habitat/ecosystem – subject to the in- [syn.pneumathode] fluence of salty sea spray. see simple pore, conpound pore

alar cell(s) (franç. cellules alaires) aerohygrophyte (franç. aérohy- adj. anatomy – group of cells located grophyte) n. life strategy – plant gro- in the corners of the base of the wing in habitats having high air leaf. alar cells (Straminergon stramineum) humidity.

aerophyte (franç. aérophyte) n. life strategy – plant growing on the aerial parts of another. aff. (franç. aff.) abb. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic – for « affinis » meaning « related to ».

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 21

alar cells (Dicranum acutifolium) alternate leaves (Plagiochila porelloides)

alate (franç. ailé) adj. anatomy – win- ged. alder (franç. aulnaie) n. alveola (franç. alvéolé) n. anatomy habitat/ecosystem – forest of Alnus. – more or less polygonal surface depression. alkaline (franç. alcalin) adj. habitat/ ecosystem – rich in base, having a pH alveolate (franç. alvéolé) adj. of more than 7. anatomy – with depressions on the

surface. .ales (franç. .ales) suf. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic – suffix applied to amentulum (franç. châton mâle) an (, Orthotricha- n. anatomy – in Sphagnum, male les …). , resembling to a

catkin. allopatric (franç. allopatrique) adj. amentulum (Sphagnum quinquefarium) chorology – said of two species which have separate areas of distri- bution.

n. habi- alluvium (franç. alluvion) tat/ecosystem. alpestrine (franç. alpestre) adj. chorology – subalpine, growing to

the line.

alternate (franç. alterne) adj. anato- my – inserted at different levels on the stem.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 22 amorphous (franç. amorphe) adj. anastomosing (endothecium) (Anthelia juratzkana) anatomy – without definite form. amphigastrium (franç. amphigas- tre) n. anatomy – in leafy liverworts, underleaf. see underleaf amphithecium (franç. amphithé- cium) n. anatomy – outer layer of the embryonic . amplexicaulous (franç. amplexi- caule) adj. anatomy – sheathing the ancophile (franç. plante vivant stem. dans les canyons) adj. life strategy – plant living in canyon . ana- (franç. ana-) pref. anatomy – prefix meaning « again », « back », ancophilous (franç. vivant dans « against ». les canyons) adj. life strategy – living in canyon forests. anacrogynous (franç. anacrogy- ne) adj. anatomy – designating a spo- androcyte (franç. cellule mère rophyte growing in lateral position d’un anthérozoïde) n. anatomy – cell on a stem, branch or thallus (e.g., that will give rise to an anthero- thallose liverworts). zoid. [ant.acrogynous] androecial branch (franç. rameau analogous (franç. analogue) adj. mâle) n. anatomy – specialized anatomy – said of structures not ha- branch bearing antheridia and ving a common phylogenetic ori- . gin but having a similar function. androecium (franç. andrécie, an- anastomosing (franç. anastomosé) droécie) n. anatomy – male inflores- adj. cence, antheridia and surrounding . anatomy – interconnected and for- bracts. ming a network such as found in see Plate 4 some ornamentations. . habitat – refers to a river that forms androgametophyte (franç. andro- a network due to sand-bars and gamétophyte) n. anatomy – male ga- islands. metophyte. see Plate 4

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 23 androgynous (franç. androgyne) in the same capsule. adj. anatomy – male and female or- [ant.isosporous] gans in the same inflorescence, monoicous. see Plate 10 annotinous (franç. à croissance périodique annuelle) adj. life strategy androgynogametophyte (franç. – with yearly growths. androgynogamétophyte) n. anatomy - autoicous or synoicous gameto- annual (franç. annuel) adj. life strate- phyte. see Plate 10 gy – life cycle is one year (sometimes less). [ant.perennial] anemochory (franç. anémochorie annual thallose liverwort (Riccia glauca n. life strategy – dispersal by , such as a , gemma, or other propagule. anhydrobiosis (franç. anhydro- biose) n. life strategy – strategy of surviving a dehydrated state or extreme temperature conditions, reviviscence.

anisophyllous (franç. anisophylle) adj. anatomy – having two types of leaves on the same stem: stem (cauline) leaves and branch leaves are morphologically different. annular (franç. annulaire) adj. [ant.isophyllous] anisophyllous leaves anatomy – ring-shaped. (Sphagnum fimbriatum) annulus (franç. anneau) n. anato- my – ring of specialized cells loca- ted between the capsule urn and its operculum. annulus (Ptychostomum boreale)

anisosporous (franç. anisospore) adj. anatomy – having two types of

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 24

antrorse teeth anterior (franç. antérieur) n. anato- ( pellucidum) my – dorsal, abaxial. [ant.posterior] see Plate 7 antheridiophore (franç. anthéri- diophore) n. anatomy – specialized

structure bearing antheridia. see Plate 4

(franç. anthéridie) n. aperture (franç. aperture) n. anato- anatomy – male , containing antherozoids. see Plate 4 my – opening, hole, orifice.

aperturate (franç. aperturé) adj.

antheridium anatomy – with an opening. Phaeroceros laevis

apex (franç. apex) n. anatomy – tip,

see leaf end. antherozoid (franç. anthérozoïde) n. anatomy – spermatozoid, male aphyllous (franç. aphylle) adj. gamete. anatomy – without leaves.

anthracine (franç. gris anthracite) apical (franç. apical) adj. anatomy – adj. color – coal black. at the tip. anthropochorous (franç. anthro- apical cell (franç. cellule apicale)

loc. anatomy – cell located at the pochore) adj. life strategy – dispersal of propagules associated with hu- apex (tip) of thallus, leaf or other man activities. which by divisions produ- ces new cells and new organs. anthropogenic (franç. anthropi- see initial cell (Metzgeria temperata) que) adj. life strategy – relative to an

ecosystem, resulting from action of humans.

antical (franç. antérieur) adj. anato-

my – dorsal surface of a stem or thallus . [ant.postical] apiculate (franç. apiculé) adj. ana- tomy – with a short and abrupt antrorse (franç. antrors) adj. anato- point. my – forward, upward, toward the apiculus (franç. apicule) n. anatomy tip [ant.retrorse] . – short point.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 25

apiculus (Entodon concinnus) apophysis ( piliferum) (Polytrichum formosum)

apogamy (franç. apogamie ) n. anatomy – asexual multiplication, appendage (franç. appendice) n. without fusion of gametes. anatomy – in some thallose liver- [syn. apomixis] worts, outgrowth of a scale.

appendiculate (franç. appendicu- apolar (spore) (franç. spore apo- lé) adj. anatomy – having short, thin laire) n. anatomy – spherical without transverse projections (cilia of distinct polarity. [ant. polar spore] apolar spore ( starkeanum) inner peristome). appendiculate cilia (Ptychostomum capillare)

appressed (franç. apprimé) adj. apomixis (franç. apomixie) n. anato- anatomy – closely applied to the my – asexual multiplication, wi- substratum. thout fusion of gametes. [syn. apogamy]

appressed n. apophysis (franç. apophyse) (Frullania anatomy – relative to a capsule, steri- dilatata) le and strongly differentiated neck, at base of capsule. [syn. hypophysis]

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 26 aquatic (franç. aquatique) adj. life archesporium (franç. archéspo- strategy – growing in water. re) n. anatomy - layer of cells which gives rise to spores. arable land (franç. terre arable) loc. habitat/ecosystem. Arctic (franç. arctique) adj. chorolo- gy – present in areas around the arachnoid (franç. aranéeux) adj. North pole. anatomy – covered with fine and tangled hairs. arcuate (franç. arqué) adj. anatomy - arachnoid archegoniophore curved like a bow. (Marchantia polymorpha ssp. montivagans) arcuate capsule ( striatum)

area (franç. aire) n. chorology - re- gion of distribution. arboreal (franç. arboricole) adj. life strategy – growing on . arenicolous (franç. arénicole) adj. life strategy - growing on the sand. archegoniophore (franç. archégo- niophore) n. anatomy – specialized areola (franç. aréole) n. anatomy - branch bearing archegonia. on the surface of a leaf or a thallus, small . Areolae form a (franç. archégone) network. n. anatomy – female organ, fema- le gametangium, it contains the areolation (franç. aréolation) n. female gametes. anatomy - cellular network. archegonium (Cratoneuron filicinum) areolation (Conocephalum salebrosum)

argillicolous (franç. argilicole) adj. life strategy – growing on clay soils.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 27 arid (franç. aride) adj. habitat/ arthrodontous ecosystem. (Tetraphis pellucida)

arista (franç. arête) n. anatomy -

awn. arista (Syntrichia caninervis)

article (franç. article) n. anatomy - segment.

articulate (franç. articulé) adj. anatomy - segmented. aristate (franç. aristé) adj. anatomy - ash (franç. frêne) n. support - tree in ending in an awn. Fraxinus. aristate leaves ()

ascending (franç. ascendant) adj. anatomy - curving upwards.

asexual multiplication (franç. multiplication asexuée) loc. anatomy - reproduction not resulting from the fusion of gametes, vegetative

reproduction. see Plate 9 arthrodontous (franç. arthrodon- (franç. tremble ) n. support - te) adj. anatomy - relative to a peristo- tree in the genus Populus. me, articulated (having thickened areas, segmented) and hygroscopic (bryo-) association (franç. teeth (mosses). arthrodontous loc. life (Orthotrichum cupulatum) association bryo-lichénique)

strategy - vegetable association

consisting of bryophytes and li- chens.

astomous, astmomatous (franç.

adj. anatomy – astome) without sto- ma, indehiscent (capsule), without operculum or valves. astomatous (Microbryum rectum)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 28

auriculate (franç. auriculé) adj. anatomy - with auricles.

austral (franç. austral) adj. chorolo- astomatous (Microbryum gy - of the Southern Hemisphere. rectum) author(s) (franç. auteur(s)) n. no- menclature/taxonomy/systematic – name (s) of bryologist(s) (sometimes atratous (franç. noirci) n. anatomy - abbreviated) who contributed to turning black. the taxonomic history and nomen- attenuate (franç. atténué) adj. anato- clature of the . my - tapering. autoicous (franç. autoïque) adj. auct. (franç. auct.) abb. nomenclature/ anatomy - male and female organs taxonomy/systematic - Latin abbrevia- on the same plant but in distinct tion « auctor » meaning . see Plate 10 « author ».

awn (franç. poil) n. anatomy - auricle (franç. oreillette) n. anatomy hair-point. - group of specialized cells located in the corners of the base of leaf,

forming an ear-like lobe. auricle awn (Syntrichia montana)

(Brachythecium rivulare)

axil (leaf axil) (franç. aisselle d’u- ne feuille) n. anatomy - inner space between the leaf and the stem.

axial strand (franç. faisceau

loc. anatomy - axial) formed (Cratoneuron of elongated cells and located in filicinum) the center of some stems or thalli.

see central strand

axillary (franç. axillaire) adj. anato- my - located in the axil of a leaf or a , the point of insertion with a stem.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 29 axillary propagules ( dichotomum) axis (franç. axe) n. anatomy - main

stem. see Plate 7

bank (franç. berge, rive) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

barbate (franç. barbu) adj. anatomy - axillary hair (franç. poil axillaire) with tufts of long hairs, beard-like. loc. anatomy - multicellular filament see hairy, hirsute located in the leaf axis. axillary hair ( lingulata) bark (franç. écorce) n. support.

basal (franç. basal ) adj. anatomy - at the proximal end of the structu- re, forming bottom or base.

basal cells (franç. cellules basales) loc. anatomy - group of cells located at the base, in the proximal part of the leaf.

basal membrane (franç. membrane basale) adj. anato- my - short cylinder at the axillary hair (Drepanocladus aduncus) base of a peristome (single peristome) or at the base of endostome (double peristo- me) supporting segments and cilia. basal membran (Tortula subulata)

base (franç. base) n. anatomy - part located at the proximal end of the structure.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 30 basic (franç. basic) adj. habitat/ bi- (franç. bi-) pref. anatomy – prefix ecosystem - alkaline, containing a meaning « two ».

base, having a pH higher than 7. bicolorous (franç. bicolore) adj. basionym (franç. basionyme) n. color. having two nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - ori- different colors . ginal name on which the current taxon name is based. bicolorous

(Barbula bicolor) basiphile (franç. basiphile ) adj. life strategy - preferring basic habitats (limestone, sandstone, chalk, dolo- mite…). [ant.acidophile] beak (franç. bec) n. anatomy - elon- gated apex. beak (of a calyptra) (Encalypta alpina) biconvex (franç. biconvexe) adj. anatomy – with two opposing convex (outwardly curved) surfa-


bicostate (franç. binervuré) adj. anatomy – with two nerves.

bicuspidate (franç. bicuspidé) adj.

anatomy – with two points. bicuspidate (of a operculum) (Eurhynchium striatum) leaves

(Cephalozia lunulifolia)

(Lophocolea bidentata) beech (franç. hêtre ) n. support - member of the genus Fagus or .

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 31 bidentate (franç. bidenté) adj. anato- formed of two Latin terms : a ge- my - with two teeth (different from neric and a specific term. By

« double teeth »). convention this binomial is written in italics. biennial (franç. bisannuel) adj. life strategy - cycle of two season’s dura- biocenosis (franç. biocénose) n. life tion (generally less than two strategy - association of different

years). living together in a ha- bitat. bifarious (franç. bifarié) adj. anato- my - on two opposite rows, disti- biotope (franç. biotope) n. habitat/ chous. ecosystem - ensemble of physical,

chemical and climatical conditions bifid (franç. bifide) adj. anatomy— of a habitat. Biotope plus bioceno- deeply divided into two parts. sis form an ecosystem.

bifid underleaf (Lophocolea bipartite (franç. bipartite) adj. ana- minor) tomy - deeply divided into two parts.

bipinnate (franç. bipenné) adj.

anatomy - twice pinnately branched. bipinnate pleurocarp (Abietinella abietina)

adj. biflagellate (franç. biflagellé) anatomy - with two flagella.

bifurcate (franç. bifurqué) adj.

anatomy - divided into two equal parts. bigeminate (franç. bigéminé) adj. anatomy - doubly paired, i.e. in fours. bilobate (franç. bilobé) adj. anatomy

- divided into two lobes or seg- bipolar (franç. bipolaire) adj. choro-

ments. logy - said of a species found at both polar regions. binomial (franç. binôme) n. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic —an expres- birch (franç. bouleau) n. support - sion used to designate species. It is members of the genus Betula.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 32 birch forest(franç. bétulaie) n. bloom (Saelania glaucescens) habitat/ecosystem - forest where Betu- la is the dominant species. biseriate (franç. bi-sérié) adj. anato- my - in two rows. bisexual (franç. bi-sexué) adj. anato- my - monoicous. see Plate 10

bistratose (franç. bistrate) adj. anatomy - having two layers of over- lapping cells. bistratose ( dubius) blue (franç. bleu) adj. color.

bog (franç. tourbière haute, t. om- brotrophe) loc. habitat/ecosystem.

bog moss (franç. sphaigne) loc. anatomy - Sphagnum.

bordered (franç. bordé) adj. anato- my - with a distinct margin (cells are different than other cells of the tissue). black (franç. noir ) adj. color. bordered ( blackish (franç. noircissant) adj. stygium) color - almost black. blackish-green (franç. vert- noirâtre) adj. color - dark green.

blackthorn (franç. prunellier) n. support - Prunus spinosa. border (franç. lisière) n. habitat/ ecosystem. blade (franç. limbe) adj. anatomy - portion of leaf (Polytrichum). border, edge (franç. bordure) n. anatomy - margin (cells that are dif- bloom (franç. pruine) adj. anatomy – ferent in shape, size, or color… powder covering some capsules or than the other cells of the structu- leaves. re).

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 33 border, edge ( thomsonii) box tree (franç. buis) n. support - in genus Buxus, boxwood.

bract(s) (franç. bractée(s)) n. ana- tomy – modified leaves surronding archegonia, antheridia or gemmae

-cups. see (perichaetial) leaves,

(perigonial) leaves

bracteole (franç. bractéole) n. anatomy - modified underleaf asso- boreal (franç. boréal) adj. chorology ciated with gametangium (in leafy - in the areas near the northern po- liverworts). le. (temperate region dominated by , coniferous forests). branch (franç. branche, rameau) n. anatomy - lateral subdivision of a botryoid (franç. botryoïde) adj. stem or an axis. anatomy - like a bunch of grapes. botryoid oil-bodies (Calypogeia suecica) branch (fascicle) (franç. fais- ceau) see Sphagnum

(pendent-) branch (franç. ra- meau pendant) loc. anatomy - branch that hangs down in Sphagnum. see Sphagnum

(propagule) branch (franç. ra- meau propagule) n. anatomy - mo- bottle-shaped (franç. lagéniforme) dified branch, having a vegetative adj. anatomy - flask-shaped. bottle- propagation function by deta- shaped cells (Conocephalum conicum) ching. propagule branch (Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans)

breadth (franç. largeur) n. anato- my - dimension opposite to the length, width.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 34 brittle (franç. cassant) adj. anatomy , with gametophyte - breaking easily. generation dominant and sporo- phyte generation ephemeral, com- broadleaved tree (franç. feuillu) prising mosses, liverworts and n. support. hornworts. brood body (franç. propagule) n. association (franç. anatomy - generalized term for pro- association bryophytique) loc. life pagulum, gemma, bulbil, tuber, strategy - group of bryophytes gro- reduced branch… see Plate 10 wing in the same ecological condi- tions. brook, stream (franç. ruisseau) n. habitat/ecosystem. (franç. bourgeon) n. anatomy -

. structure produced by the proto- brown (franç. brun) adj. color. nema. brush (franç. broussaille) n. habitat/ . outgrowth that will give rise to ecosystem - undergrowth of small stem, branch or inflorescence. trees and . bud (Plagiothecium nemorale) bryoid (franç. bryoïde) adj. anatomy - « perfect » peristome, diplolepi- dous peristome including an exos- tome and an endostome with seg- ments and cilia. bryoid peristome (Bryum pallens)

buffer zone (franç. zone tampon) loc. chorology - zone between two biogeographical or habitat entities.

bulbil (franç. bulbille) n. anatomy -

vegetative bud-like propagule.

bulbil (Pohlia bryophyte, bryophyte s.l. (franç. camptotrachela) bryophyte) n. nomenclature/taxonomy/ systematic - plant lacking lignified

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 35 axillary bulbil (Pohlia andrewsii) tufts. caesiptose habit (Grimmia pulvinata)

bulbous, bulbiform (franç. bul- beux, bulbiforme) adj. anatomy - - shaped.

bush (franç. arbuste, buisson) n. support – . caesious (franç. gris bleuâtre) adj. color - bluish grey. bushy (franç. buissonneux) adj. habit – growing thickly and resem- calcareous (franç. calcaire) adj.

bling a bush. support - mostly or partly composed of carbonate (lime). burrow (franç. terrier) n. habitat/ ecosystem - hole or tunnel dug by an calcicole (franç. calcicole) adj. life . strategy - growing on limy substra- tum. [ant.calcifuge]

calcifuge (franç. calcifuge ) adj. life

strategy – growing on acidic (or base

-poor) substratum(having a pH lower than 7). [ant.calcicole]

calciphile (franç. calciphile) adj. abb. nomenclature/ c. (franç. c.) life strategy – preferring basic subs- taxonomy/systematic - Latin abbrevia- tratum. tion for « circa » meaning « about ». calyptra (franç. calyptra, coiffe) n. anatomy - membrane that covers the caducous (franç. caduc) adj. anato- sporophyte, developed from arche- my - . gonium. see Plate 6

caespitose (franç. cespiteux) adj. campanulate (franç. campanulé) anatomy - growing in cushions or adj. anatomy - bell-shaped.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 36

capillary (franç. capillaire) adj. campanulate calyptra anatomy - thin as a hair.

(Grimmia elatior) capitate (franç. capité) adj. anatomy - rounded and compact like a head.

capitulum (franç. capitulum) n.

anatomy - in Sphagnum, young bran- canal (cells) (franç. cellules du ches grouped at the top of the stem canal ) n. anatomy - in the neck of an and having the appareance of a archegonium, central row of cells head. capitulum (Sphagnum girgensoh- (the uses this channel to join nii) the egg). archegonium canal (Cratoneuron

capsule (franç. capsule) n. anatomy – part of the sporophyte containing the spores-bag. see Plate 3 canaliculate (franç. canaliculé) adj. capsule (Brachytheciastrum velutinum) anatomy - channeled. cancellate (franç. cancellé) adj. anatomy - lattice-like. canescent (franç. canescent) adj. color - whitish or hoary. canescent (Racomitrium gr. canescens) carinate (franç. caréné) adj. anatomy – keeled.

carneous (franç. carné) adj. color – flesh-colored.

carpocephalum (franç. chapeau femelle) loc. anatomy – in complex thallose liverworts, the sporangial receptacle.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 37 carpocephalum (Sauteria alpina) cauline leaf (Thuidium tamariscinum)

n. anatomy - cartilaginous (franç. cartilagi- caulis (franç. caule) neux) adj. anatomy - firm and tough, stem. see caulidium, Plate 7 often hyaline. caulonema (franç. caulonéma) n. castaneous (franç. châtain) adj. anatomy – second stage of the proto- color - chestnut-colored. nema (chloronema is the first sta- ge), having long cells with slanted catenulate (franç. caténulé) adj. crosswalls; stage giving rise to anatomy - chain-like. . catenulate branches (Pterogonium gracile)

n. cave (franç. caverne, grotte) habitat/ecosystem.

cavernicolous (franç. cavernicole) adj. life strategy - preferring caves and cavities.

adj. cavernose (franç. caverneux) anatomy - with cavities.

CD (franç. CD) abb. Protection - Conservation Dependent.

caulescent (franç. caulescent) adj. n. anatomy - cell (franç. cellule) mi- anatomy - with a caulidium, a stem. croscopic element of a living tis- [ant.acaulescent] sue; in bryophytes, having nucleus (containing genetic material), cyto- caulidium (franç. caulidium) n. plasm, and , surrounded anatomy - stem. see Plate 7 by cell membrane and .

adj. ana- cauline (franç. caulinaire) cellular (franç. cellulaire) adj. tomy - relative to a leaf, inserted on anatomy - relative to a cell. the stem.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 38 central strand (franç. cordon cen- chalk (franç. craie) n. support - li- tral) loc. anatomy - relative to a stem, mestone. column of elongate cells forming a central axis. central strand Polytrichum channelled (franç. canaliculé) adj. formosum) anatomy - hollowed, keeled.

character (franç. caractère) n.

anatomy - criterion.

chasmocolous (franç. chasmo-

phyte) adj. life strategy - growing in

crevices or cracks.

cherry (franç. cerisier) n. support - central cells (franç. cellules guide) some members of genus Prunus. loc. anatomy - see guide cells chersophilous (franç. chersophi- cereus, ceraceus (franç. cireux) le) n. life strategy – growing on poor adj. color - waxy. and dry habitats. cernuous (franç. pendant) adj. chestnut (franç. châtaignier) n. anatomy – drooping. support - genus Castanea. cf. (franç. cf.) abb. nomenclature/ chionophilous (franç. chionophi- taxonomy/systematic - Latin abbrevia- le) adj. life strategy - growing in habi- tion « confer » meaning « compare tats with a long cover of , with ». snow-beds. cfr. (c. fr.) (franç. cfr. (c. fr.)) abb. chledophilous (franç. vivant dans nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - Latin les terrains vagues, les habitats abbreviation « cum fructibus » perturbés) adj. life strategy - growing meaning « with sporophytes ». in disturbed habitats. cfr. (Grimmia elatior) chlorenchyma (franç. chlorenchy- me) n. anatomy - parenchyma cells with chlorophyll.

chlorocyst (franç. chlorocyste) n. anatomy - in Sphagnum, Leuco- bryum, … chlorophyllose cell (hyalocyst is a non chlorophyllose


CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 39 chlorocyst (Sphagnum fimbriatum) (franç. chloroplaste) n. anatomy - of the cell that contains chlorophyll..

chorology (franç. chorology) n. chorology - study of geographical or spatial distribution of species.

chromatography (franç. chroma- tographie) n. anatomy - type of ana- lysis of the chemical constituents. chloronema (franç. chloronéma) n. anatomy - first stage of the proto- chromosome (franç. chromosome) nema (caulonema is the second n. anatomy - element of a cell nucleus stage). containing genes. chlorophyll (franç.chlorophylle) n. (franç. cilié) adj. anatomy - anatomy - green pigment present in with cilia, fringed. some cells (role in ). ciliate leaf ( pulcherrimum)

chlorophyll ()

chlorophyllose (franç. chloro- phyllien) adj. anatomy - containing chlorophyll (the color is green, sometimes hidden by other pig- ments). [ant.achlorophyllose] cilium (franç. cil) n. anatomy - ap- chlorophyllose cell pendage very fine as a hair. (Plagiothecium platyphyllum) cineraceous (franç. cendré) adj. color - ash-colored.

circinate (franç. circiné) adj. anatomy - curved, very arched, al- most in a circle.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 40

circinate leaves (Sanionia uncinata) cladocarpous moss (Cinclidotus fontinaloides)

circumboreal (franç. circumbo- (franç. classe) n. nomenclature/ réal) adj. chorology - widespread in taxonomy/systematic – subdivision of a the higher latitudes of the Northern , next major classification Hemisphere. level below phylum. circumpolar (franç. circumpolai- clathrate (franç. cancellé) adj. ana- re) adj. chorology - present in the tomy – perforate. areas located between 75° and 90° north and south latitude. clavate, claviform (franç. clavi- forme) adj. anatomy – club-shaped. circumtropical (franç. circumtro- pical) adj. chorology - present in tro- clay (franç. argile) adj. support. pical areas around the world. clear (franç. clair) adj. color - trans- cirrate, cirrose (franç. cirré) adj. parent. a n a t o m y - curled, wavy (appendages). clearing (franç. clairière) n. habitat/ ecosystem - having no forest cover. clade (franç. clade) n. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic - group of taxa cleistocarpous (franç. cléistocar- having a common ancestor. pe) adj. anatomy - relative to a capsu- le, without operculum or valves, (franç. cladistique) n. opening by disruption of the tis- nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - sues of the wall. science of comparison of the taxa [ant.stegocarpous] according to proportion of measu- rable characteristics they have in common. cleistocarpous capsule (Microbryum rectum) cladocarpous (franç. cladocarpe) adj. anatomy - with sporophyte for- med at the end of short lateral branches.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 41 cliff (franç. falaise) n. habitat/ collenchymatous (franç. collen- ecosystem. chymateux) adj. anatomy - relative to cells, walls thickened at the angles cliff ledge (franç. rebord de falai- (named trigones in liverworts). se) loc. habitat/ecosystem. collenchymatous cells (Mnium marginatum) .cline (franç. .cline) suf. life strategy - suffix meaning «preferring to ». cline (franç. gradient) n. anatomy - degree or nuance of a variation. clone (franç. clone) n. anatomy - population produced vegetatively from a single propagulum or spore.

collum (franç. col) n. anatomy - rela- clump (franç. touffe) n. anatomy - tive to a capsule, neck, base. cushion-like. see urna

clump (Dicranum colony (franç. colonie) n. life form - scoparium) population. colony (Weissia controversa)

cm (franç. cm) abb. measure of length

- abbreviation of « centimeter ».

coastline (franç. littoral) n. habitat/ ecosystem. cochleariform (franç. cochléari- coloring (franç. coloration) n. color. forme) adj. anatomy - concave, spoon -shaped. color (franç. couleur, teinte) adj. color. coelocaule (franç. coelocaule) adj. anatomy - in some leafy liverworts, color/color fleshy organ located at the base of anthracite grey (franç. gris anthracite) a young sporophyte (a type of peri- bicolorous (franç. bicolore) gynium). black (franç. noir) blackish (franç. noircissant) .colous (franç. .cole) suf. life strategy blackish-green (franç vert-noirâtre) - suffix meaning "growing." blue (franç. bleu)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 42

bright-green (franç. vert vif) commissural (franç. commissural) brunneus (franç. brun) adj. anatomy – said of some Spha- canescent (franç. canescent) gnum pores, located along the mar- carneous (franç. carné ) castaneous (franç. châtain) gins of hyalocysts. cereus, ceraceus (franç. cireux) see (commissural) pore cineraceous (franç. cendré) clear (franç. clair) commissure (franç. commissure) concolorous (franç. concolore) n. anatomy - in Sphagnum tissue, dark (franç. foncé, sombre) decolorate (franç. décoloré) margin of hyalocysts, junction diaphanous (franç. diaphane) between hyalocysts and chloro- dull (franç. terne) cysts. ferrugineous, ferruginous (franç. ferrugi- neux) common (franç. commun) adj. cho- fulvous (franç. fauve) fuscous (franç. brun-gris) rology - relative to a species : wides- glaucous (franç. glauque) pread. glossy (franç. vernissé) green (franç. vert) complanate (franç. aplani) adj. grey (franç. gris) anatomy - flattened into one plane. hyaline (franç. hyalin) complanate leaf (Fissidens dubius) lustrous (franç. lustré) luteus (franç. jaune) nitidous (franç. nitide) olivaceous (franç. olivacé) opaque (franç. opaque) pale (franç. pâle) pale green (franç. vert pâle) reddish (franç. rougeâtre) rosaceous (franç. rosé) rubescent (franç. rubescent) rufous (franç. roux) stramineous (franç. straminé) verdigris (franç. vert-de-gris) violet (franç. violet) white (franç. blanc) complex thallus (franç. thalle complexe) adj. anatomy - multilaye- columella (franç. columelle) n. red thallus with differentiated in- anatomy – sterile column located in ternal structures. see (complex) thallus the center of the capsule. columella (Schistidium crassipilum) compound pore (franç. pore composé) loc. anatomy - opening in thallus surrounded by multiple layers of cells. see (compound) pore

compressed (franç. comprimé) adj. anatomy - flattened.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 43

compressed (Radula complanata) conduplicate leaf (Fontinalis antypyretica)

concave (franç. concave) adj. anato- my - not plane, curved inwards. [ant.convex] concave leaf (Nyholmiella obtusifolia

conduplicate-bilobate (franç.

condupliqué-bilobé) adj. anatomy -

with two-lobed folded lengthwise. conduplicate-bilobate leaf (Scapania scandica)

concave leaf (Pottiopsis caespitosa)

confervoid (franç. confervoïde) concolorous (franç. concolore) adj. adj. anatomy - filamentous, similar to color - of same color. confervae.

conduplicate (franç. condupliqué) confluent (franç. confluent) adj. adj. anatomy - folded, lengthwise. anatomy - merging together.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 44 confluent leaves (Schistotega pennata) conspecific (franç. conspécifique) adj. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - said of taxa belonging to the same species.

contiguous (franç. contigu) adj. anatomy - relative to two adjacent non-merged parts.

contracted (franç. contracté) adj. anatomy - abruptly constricted.

contorted (franç. contourné) adj. anatomy - twisted. congeneric (franç. congénérique) adj. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - convex (franç. convexe) adj. anatomy said of two taxa belonging to the - outward-curved surface. same genus. convex/concave face (Gymnomitrion convolutum) conical (franç. conique) adj. anatomy – cone-shaped. (franç. conifère) n. support. connate (franç. conné) adj. anatomy- said of two similar fused structu- res. connivent (franç. connivent) adj. anatomy - converging but non- fusing. connivent lobes (Cephalozia connivens)

convoluted (franç. convoluté) adj. anatomy - inrolled and forming a sheath.

coppice (franç. taillis) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

cordate (franç. cordé, cordifor- me) adj. anatomy - heart-shaped.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 45 coriaceous (franç. coriace) adj. crenate-dentate margin (Fissidens osmundoides) anatomy - leathery. cornfield (franç. champ de maïs) loc. habitat/ecosystem. corn-oak (franç. chêne-liège) n. support.

cortex (franç. cortex) n. anatomy – stem tissue located between the crenophilous (franç. crénophile) central strand and . adj. anatomy - dwelling in or near a

spring. cortical (franç. cortical) adj. anato- my – relating to the cortex cells. crevice (franç. anfracuosité) n.

habitat/ecosystem. corticolous (franç. corticole) adj. life strategy - growing on tree bark. cribrose (franç. criblé) adj. anatomy

- finely perforated. cribose peristome cosmopolitan (franç. cosmopoli- (Grimmia crinitoleucophaea) te) adj. chorology- present in almost all parts of the world. costa (franç. costa, côte) n. anatomy - nerve, rib of a leaf or a thallus. see Plate 8

costate (franç. nervuré) adj. anatomy

- with a nerve, a midrib.

CR (franç. CR ) abb. protection - Cri- tically Endangered. crisped (franç. crispé) adj. anatomy - wavy, variously curled or twisted. crag (franç. rocher escarpé) loc. habitat/ecosystem. crispate (franç. crispé, crêpu) adj.

anatomy - wavy. crenate, crenulate (franç. créné, crispate aspect (Anthoceros agrestis) crénelé) adj. anatomy - with rounded teeth. crenate-dentate (franç. crénelé- denté) adj. anatomy - with sharp teeth and rounded teeth.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 46 cristate (franç. crêté) adj. anatomy - CS (franç. TS) loc. preparation - trans- with one or more ridges. cristate verve section, cross section. spore (Microbryum starkeanum)

cucullate (franç. cucullé) adj. anato- my - spoon-shaped. cucullate apex (Trichostomum crispulum)

cruciate (franç. cruciforme) adj. anatomy - cross-shaped. cucullate calyptra ( ambiguus)

cruciate pore (Preissia quadrata)

cultriform (franç. cultriforme) adj. crymocolous (franç. cryophile) adj. anatomy - curved and asymmetric, life strategy - growing in tundra or knife-shaped. polar regions.

cuneate (franç. cunéiforme) adj. cryophile (franç. cryophile ) adj. anatomy - wedge-shaped. life strategy - preferring cold habitats.

(gemma) cup (franç. corbeille à cryptopore (franç. cryptopore) adj. propagules) loc. anatomy - in some anatomy - relative to a stomate, thallose liverworts, outgrowth of guard cells are hidden by exothe- the thallus, cup-shaped cial cells. [ant.phaneropore] cryptopore pore (Orthotrichum alpestre) containing gemmae. gemmae-cup (Marchantia polymorpha)

. in the species Tetraphis pelluci- da, group of differentiated leaves forming a cup. see splash-cup

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 47 cupulate (franç. cupulé) adj. anato- cyathiform (franç. cyathiforme) my - cup-shaped. adj. anatomy - cupulate, cup-shaped. cupuliform (franç.cupuliforme) cygneous (franç.cygnoïde) adj. adj. anatomy - cupola-shape. anatomy - curved like the neck of a swan. cygneous cushion-forming (franç. coussi- (Pohlia drummondii) net, en coussin) n. anatomy - relative to a habit, half-sphere shaped.

c u s h i o n - forming habit (Crossidium squamiferum)

cuspidate (franç. cuspidé) adj. ana- tomy - ending in a rigid point. cuspidate apex (Calliergonella cuspidata) (central) cylinder (franç. cylindre central) loc. anatomy - relative to a

stem, column of elongate cells forming a central axis. see axial strand, central strand, central cylinder

(peristomial) cylinder (franç. cylindre péristomial) loc. anatomy - relative to an arthrodontous peris- tome, the three layers of the am- phithecium (OPL + PPL + IPL). cuticle (franç. cuticule) n. anatomy - cymbiform (franç. cymbiforme) extracellular cutinized layer on adj. anatomy - boat-shaped. some thalli, leaves, stems, setae, and capsules; utermost wall of cypress (franç. cyprès) n. support. cells on the epidermis. cytoplasmic (franç. cytoplasmi- cutting (franç. coupe (de tissu) n. que) adj. anatomy - relative to the anatomy/microscopie – leaf section. cytoplasm.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 48 cytoplasmic membrane decumbent habit (Orthothecium rufescens) (Ptilidium pulcherrimum)

decurrent (franç. décurrent) adj. anatomy - relative to a leaf : exten- ding down the stem, below the insertion point. decurrent leaf (Fuscocephaloziopsis connivens)

dark (franç. foncé,sombre) adj. color.

DD (franç. DD) abb. Protection - Data Deficient. decurrent leaf ( debris (franç. déblais) n. habitat/ stellata) ecosystem.

deciduous (franç. décidu) adj. anato- my - falling off (mosses and leafy liverworts). [syn. caducous, fugacious] [ant.persistent] decolorate(franç. decoloré) adj. defoliate (franç. défeuillé) adj. ana- color - colorless. tomy - having lost its leaves. decumbent (franç. décombant) adj. anatomy - relative to habit, prostrate dehiscent (franç. déhiscent) adj. towards the base but with ascen- anatomy- relative to a capsule, ope- ding tips. ning by valves or an operculum.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 49 dehiscent capsules (Schistidium elegantulum) dentate (Dicranum fuscescens) (left) denticulate (Rhynchostegium riparioides) (rigth)

delicate, soft (franç. délicat) adj. anatomy - slender.

denuded (franç. dénudé) adj. anato- deltoid (franç. deltoïde) adj. anatomy my - relative to a stem, without lea- - like an equilateral triangle. ves.

dendroid (franç. dendroïde) adj. deoperculate (franç. désoperculé) anatomy - tree-like. dendroid habit adj. anatomy - relative to a capsule, ( alopecurum) lacking an operculum, the lid has fallen. deoperculate capsule (Schistidium helveticum)

dendrophilous (franç. dendrophi- le) adj. life strategy - preferring tree habitats. depauperate (franç. appauvri) adj. anatomy – not well developed. dentate (franç. denté) adj. anatomy - with teeth. det. (franç. det.) abb. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic - Latin abbrevia- denticulate (franç. denticulé) adj. tion for « determinavit » meaning anatomy - with small teeth. « determined by ».

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 50 deuter cell, guide cell (franç. cel- diaphragm (franç. diaphragme) n. lule - guide) loc. anatomy - large cell anatomy - see epiphragm with thin walls and large lumina present across the stem of many diaspore (franç. diaspore) n. anato- mosses. my - structure for the plant dispersal deuter cell (Tortula atrovirens) (asexual or sexual multiplication) : spore, propagulum, gemma…

dichotomous (franç. dichotomi-

que, dichotome) adj. anatomy - divi- ding into two equivalent parts. false dichotomous (Pellia endiviifolia)

dextrorse (seta) (franç. soie dex- trorse) adj. anatomy - referring to the seta, twisted to the right, clockwise when looking from the seta apex (capsule base) to the seta base (sporophyte insertion). [ant.sinistrorse] dextrorse seta (Crossidium squamiferum, Antitrichia curtipendula)

dicranoid (franç. dicranoïde) adj. anatomy - said to be a haplolepidous peristome, with 16 forked teeth. dicranoid peristome (Dicranum scoparium)

diagnosis (franç. diagnose) n. no- menclature/taxonomy/systematic – defini- tion of the characteristics of a spe- cies. diaphanous (franç. diaphane) adj. color - transparent.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 51 didymous (franç. didyme) adj. ana- discoid, disciform (franç. discoï- tomy - divided in two, in pairs. de, disciforme) adj. anatomy - roun- ded and flattened, disc-shaped. digitate (franç. digité) adj. anatomy - with finger-like lobes. disciform propagule (Marchantia dimorphous (franç. dimorphe) adj. palacea) anatomy - occurring in two different forms (leaves…). dimorphism (franç. dimorphisme) n. anatomy – in two different forms. dioicous (franç. dioïque) adj. anato- disjunct (franç. disjoint) adj. anato- my - relative to a unisexual plant my – of a species, separated from its (archegonia and antheridia on se- main geographic distribution. parate ). see Plate 10 dispositio (franç. disposition, ar- rangement, phyllotaxie) adj. anatomy diploid (franç. diploïde) adj. anato- – leaf arrangement on the stem. my - 2n, contains sets of chromo- [syn.phyllotaxy] somes (organ, tissue, cell, …). distal (franç. distal) adj. anatomy - diplolepidous (franç. diplolépidé) located at the top, in a terminal adj. anatomy - said to be an arthro- position, in the remote part from dontous peristome, double peristo- the base. [ant.proximal] me with two distinct rings of teeth. distal (spore) (Sphaerocarpos michelii) [ant.haplolepidous] diplolepidous peristome (Orthotrichum striatum)

distant (franç. distant) adj. anatomy - said of the leaf disposition, spa- ced.

distinct (franç. distinct) adj. anato- my - different.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 52

distichous (franç. distique) adj. dorsal (franç. dorsal) adj. anatomy - anatomy - said of leaves, arranged in . referring to moss surface or to two opposite rows on the stem. leafy liverwort, lower face = distichous leaves ( capillaceum) abaxial face. see Plate 7 . referring to a thallose liver- wort (prostrate plant), outer face, upper face. [ant.ventral] dorsal face (Conocephalum conicum)

ditch (franç. fossé)n. habitat/ecosystem. divaricate (franç. divariqué) adj. anatomy - divergent (about 90° angle). divergent (franç. divergent) adj. anatomy - gradually spreading in opposite directions. dorsiventral (franç. dorsi-ventral) doline (franç. doline) n. habitat/ adj. anatomy - relative to a habit : ecosystem. flattened, with distinct dorsal and ventral faces. domatium (franç. domatie) n. ana- dorsiventral (Radula complanata) tomy - little cavity within an organ, sheltering for example Nostoc co- lonies (Blasia pusilla) fungi, mites, ... domatium (Blasia pusilla)

dry (franç. sec) adj.anatomy - dehy- drated.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 53 dry /fresh (Abietinella abietina) ecostate leaf (Hedwigia stellata)

ectohydric (franç. ectohydrique) adj. life strategy - relative to a plant, water is conducted to the tissues externally. [ant.endohydric] dull (franç. terne) adj. color. edaphic (franç. édaphique) adj. [ant.shiny] habitat/ecosystem - character relative to soil (pH, humidity…). duff (franç. litière) n. support - par- tly decayed organic matter on the edentate (franç. édenté) adj. anato- . my - without teeth.

(sand) (franç. dune) n. habi- e.g. (franç. e.g.) abb. nomenclature/ tat/ecosystem. taxonomy/systematic - abbreviation for "exempli gratia" meaning « for example ».

elater (franç. élatère) n. anatomy - in liverworts, specialized (elongated and with spiral thicke- nings) cell present among spores in the capsule. e- (franç. e-) pref. anatomy – prefix elater (one spiral) (Frullania dilatata) meaning « without ». echinulate (franç. échinulé) adj. anatomy - with minute spines. egg (franç.oeuf) adj. anatomy - ovum. ecostate, ribless (franç.énerve, sans nervure) adj. anatomy - without nerve, without rib.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 54 elaterophore (franç. élatérophore) emergent (franç. émergent) adj. n. anatomy - in liverworts, sterile anatomy - relative to a capsule, that tissue bearing elaters. slightly exceeds the perichaetial leaves. emergent capsule (Orthotrichum elder (franç. sureau) n. support - in pumilum) genus Sambucus. elimbate (franç. immarginé) adj. anatomy - lacking a border or mar- gin.

elliptical (franç. elliptique) adj. anatomy - ellipse-shaped. elliptical leaf (Mnium stellare) EN (franç. EN) abb. protection - En- dangered.

endemic (franç. endémique) adj. chorology - growing in a well- defined geographical area, general- ly small.

endogenous (franç. endogène) adj. anatomy - deriving from inner cells. elm (franç. orm) n. support - in ge- [ant.exogenous] nus Ulmus. endohydric (franç. endohydrique) elongate (franç. allongé) adj. anato- adj. life strategy - relative to a plant, my - stretched out. water is conducted in the tissues internally. [ant.ectohydric] emarginate (franç. échancré, émarginé) adj. anatomy - notched at endostome (franç. endostome) n. the apex. emarginate (Marsupella anatomy - in the arthrodontous mos- emarginata) ses, inner peristome.

endostome (Sanionia uncinata)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 55 endothecium (franç. endothecium) epigonium (franç. épigone) n. ana- n. anatomy - inner part of the em- tomy - protective envelope of em- bryonnic capsule. bryo before the separation in two parts (basal part, the vaginula and enervate (franç. enerve) adj. anato- upper part, the calyptra). my - without nerve. epilithic (franç. épilithique) adj. life ensiform (franç. ensiforme) adj. strategy - growing on rock. anatomy - sword-shaped. [syn.saxicolous, petrocolous] entire (franç. entier) adj. anatomy - epiphragm (franç. épiphragme) n. without teeth on margins, smooth. anatomy - relative to a Polytricha- entire leaf margin (Marsupella sphacelata) ceae capsule, circular membrane located between the peristome teeth and formed at apex of colu- mella. [syn.diaphragm] epiphragme (Atrichum undulatum)

ephemeral(franç.éphémère) adj. life strategy - having a very short life. epidermis (franç.épiderme) n. ana- tomy – layer of superficial cells, outer layer of a stem or a thallus. (Ptychostomum boreale)

epiphyllous (franç. épiphylle) adj. life strategy - growing on living leaves. [syn.foliicolous]

epiphytic (franç. épiphytique) adj.

life strategy - growing on another plant but not a parasite.

epithelium (franç. épithelium) adj. epigaeous (franç. épigé) adj. anato- anatomy - in some thallose liver- my - growing on or close to ground. worts, hyaline layer covering ou- [ant.hypogaeous] ter surface of the thallus.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 56

epitype (franç. épitype) n. nomencla- et al. or et aliores (franç. et al. ou ture/taxonomy/systematic - the speci- et aliores) loc. publication - abbrevia- men designated as a model tion for « et alii » or « et aliae » (holotype or lectotype or neotype) meaning « and others ». in the event of ambiguity of the type. etiolated (franç. étiolé) adj. anatomy – becoming pale and drawn out by equidistant (franç. équidistant) lack of light. adj. anatomy - at equal distance. eurycyste (franç. eurycyste) n. equilateral (franç. équilatéral) adj. anatomy - chlorophyllous cell, wide anatomy - which has equal sides. lumen and thin walls (= guide-

cells) see Plate 8 eremophilous (franç. érémophyle) adj. life strategy - growing in deserts eutrophic (franç. eutrophe) adj. life and steppes. strategy - relative to a habitat rich with mineral nutrients. erect (franç. érigé, dressé) adj. [ant. oligotrophic] anatomy - almost vertical. (franç. sempervivent) erect-spreading (franç. dressé- adj. anatomy – persistant, green year- étalé) adj. anatomy - forming an angle round. about 45° with the stem. evanescent (franç. evanescent) adj. erect-squarrose (franç. érigé- anatomy - relative to a rib squarreux) adj. anatomy - first erect which ends just before then forming an angle to 90° with the apex of the leaf. the stem. erect-squarrose leaves (Meesia triquetra)

evanescent nerve



excavate (franç. évidé) adj. anatomy - hollowed, concave.

ex (franç. ex) abb. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic - in the case of erose, scraped (franç. érodé) adj. validation after the formation of anatomy - notched, corroded, gna- the name (Straminergon strami- wed. neum (Dicks. ex Brid.) Hedenäs).

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 57

EX (franç. EX) abb. protection – Ex- exothecial (franç. exothécial) adj. tinct. anatomy - relative to an exothecium. ex- (franç. ex-) pref. anatomy - prefix exothecium (franç. exothécium) n. meaning « sans », « non ». anatomy - relative to a capsule, ou- termost layer. excurrent (franç. excurrent) adj. exothecium (Schistidium elegantulum) anatomy - relative to a rib, a nerve, beyond the apex of the leaf. e x c u r r e n t nerve

(Fissidens taxifolius)

exine (franç. exine) adj. anatomy - the outer layer of a spore. exogenous (franç. exogène) adj. anatomy - emerging at the surface of exserted (franç. exsert) adj. anatomy a cell or an organ, growing or - relative to a capsule, that far ex- originating from outside an orga- ceeds the perichaetial leaves. nism. exserted capsules (Orthotrichum anomalum) exosporic (franç. exosporal) adj- anatomy - spore ; the first mitotic division occurs outsi- de spore after rupture of spore wall (typical of most bryophytes). exostome (franç. exostome) n. anatomy - relative to an arthrodon- tous capsule, outer peristome.

exostome exsiccatum, pl. exsiccata (franç. (Orthotrichum exsiccata) n. anatomy - distributed striatum) and labelled reference specimen.

extern (franç. externe) adj. anatomy - relative to the surface of a leaf, dorsal face, abaxial face.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 58 rate (franç. taux d’ex- falcato-secund leaves tinction) loc. protection - rate of di- (Sanionia sappearance of species. uncinata) extrorse (franç. extrorse) adj. anato- my - turned outwards.

fallow land (franç. jachère) n. habitat/ecosystem.

family (franç. famille) n. nomencla- ture/taxonomy/systematic - subdivision of an order, next major classifica- tion level. face (franç. face) n. anatomy - side. see Plate 7 farinaceous, farinose (franç. farineux) adj. anatomy – covered facies (franç. faciès) n. anatomy - with a white bloom. general appareance (habit of a spe- cies), or appearance of a plant fascicle (franç. faisceau) n. anatomy community dominated by a taxon - cluster of branchs, leaves, propa- or a small number of taxa. gules… fascicle (Sphagnum girgensoh- nii) facultative (franç. facultatif) adj. anatomy - not occurring regularly, occurring optionally in response to circumstances rather than by natu- re. failing (franç. manquant) adj. anato- my - not present, not percurrent (nerve). falcate (franç. falciforme) adj. anato- fasciculate (franç. fasciculé) adj. my - sickle-shaped. anatomy - arranged in fascicles. falcate-secund (franç. falciforme- fastigiate (franç. fastigié) adj. anato- seconde) adj. anatomy - sickle-shaped my – with branches erect, nearly and turned towards only one side parallel and nearly the same leng- of the stem. th.

C HAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 59 fault (franç. faille) n. habitat/ ecosystem. fibril (Sphagnum female (franç. femelle) adj. anatomy - centrale) (inflorescence) bearing the arche- gonia. fen (franç. tourbière basse, bas- marais) loc. habitat/ecosystem. fibrillose (franç. fibrillé) adj. anato- fenestrate (franç. fenêtré, fenes- my - with fibrils. tré) adj. anatomy - pierced, perforated with openings like windows. field (franç. champ) n. habitat/ fenestrate peristome ecosystem. (Grimmia crinitoleucophaea) fig tree (franç. figuier) loc. support - in genus Ficus.

(franç. sapin) n. support - in ge- nus Abies.

fire place (franç. place à feu) loc. habitat/ecosystem.

flank (franç. flanc) n. anatomy - in some thallose liverworts, zone between the median groove and the margin of the thallus.

fleshy (franç. charnu) adj. anatomy - soft and thick. ferrugineous, ferruginous (franç. filament (franç. filament) n. anatomy ferrugineux) adj. color - rust colored. - thin appendage. chlorophyllose fila- ments fertile (franç. fertile) adj. anatomy - producing sex organs (antheridia, (Crossidium archegonia), bearing sporophy- squamiferum) tes ...". [ant. sterile] fibril (franç. fibrille) n. anatomy - in Sphagnum, fiber-like wall thicke- nings like a fine spiral, (on hyalo- cysts).

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 60 filamentous (franç. filamenteux) flagelliform branch ( complanata) adj. anatomy - thread-like. filiform (franç. filiforme) adj. anato- my - slender and elongate, thin as a thread. fimbriate (franç. fimbrié) adj. anato- my - fringed. marginal cells fimbriate (Sphagnum fimbriatum)

flagelliform branch (Bazzania flaccida)

fluted (franç. cannelé) adj. anatomy - furrowed, having grooves or rid- fimicolous (franç. fimicole) adj. life ges. strategy - growing on manure, on dung. flaccid (franç. flasque) adj. anatomy

– soft, limp and flexible. adj. anato- fistulate (franç. fistuleux) my - cylindrical and hollowed. flexuose (franç. flexueux) adj. anato-

my - twisted, wavy. flabellate (franç. flabelliforme) adj. anatomy – fan-shaped. (franç. flore) n. inventory - flagelliform branch (franç. ra- vegetation (of a country, a conti- meau flagelliforme) adj. anatomy – nent, ...). . whip-like structure of the anthe- rozoids. flora (franç. flore) n. nomenclature/ . branch bearing vestigial leaves. taxonomy/systematic - book of botanic determination.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 61 floristic list (franç. relevé floristi- fovea (franç. fovéa) n. anatomy – of a que) loc. inventaire - list of species spore, ornamentation, depression present on a site. like a golf-ball. flowerbed (franç. plate-bande) n. foveolate (franç. fovéolé) adj. anato- habitat/ecosystem. my – pitted. fo. (franç. fo.) abb. nomenclature/ fresh (franç. frais) adj. anatomy – taxonomy/systematic - abbreviation fresh state: in the presence of suffi- meaning « forma ». cient moisture (opposite: dry state, in a hot and dry atmosphere). folded (franç. plié) n. anatomy - fresh (left)/dry (right) pleated, plicate. (Anomodon viticulosus) foliicolous (franç. foliicole) adj. life strategy - growing on leaves. [syn. epiphyllous] foliose (franç. foliacé, feuillé) adj. anatomy - leaf-like, leafy. foot (franç. pied) n. anatomy - basal frieze (franç. frisé) adj. anatomy - as part or base of sporophyte imbed- an endive salad. ded in the gametophyte. In the frieze thallus genus Sphagnum, the foot of the (Anthoceros agrestis) sporophyte is atta-

ches into the pseu- dopodium which is part of the gameto- fringe (franç. frange) n. anatomy - phyte. foot margin lined with cilia. (Sphagnum squarrosum) frondose (franç. frondiculé) adj. anatomy – relative to habit, densely branched, -like. footpath (franç. sentier pédestre) frondose habit (Thuidium tamariscinum) loc. habitat/ecosystem. forest (franç. forêt, boisement) n. habitat/ecosystem. fount (franç. source) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

fountain (franç. fontaine) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 62 fructification (franç. fructifica- furrowed, sulcate (franç. sillonné) tion) n. anatomy - analogy to vascular adj. anatomy - grooved. plants, synonymous term with « sporophyte », considered by so- furrowed capsule me authors as unsuitable. (sporose) (Plagiopus (franç. fruit) n. anatomy— oederianus) inappropriate term by some au- thors, meaning sporophyte. fugacious (franç. fugace) adj. anato- my - fleeting. (resorption) furrow (franç. sillon

de résorption) n. anatomy – groove fulvous (franç. fauve) adj. color - due to the partial resorption of the reddish yellow. marginal cells. see resorption

♀ (franç. ♀) symb. anatomy - sign fuscous (franç. brun-gris) adj. color meaning « female », i.e. bearing - dark brown and somber color. archegonia.

fusiform (franç. fusiforme) adj. funiform (franç. funiforme) adj. anatomy – elongated, spindle- anatomy - like a rope. shaped. furcate (franç. fourchu) adj. anatomy - divided into two or more similar parts. furfuraceous (franç. furfuracé) adj. anatomy - covered with scales. furrow (franç. sillon) n. anatomy - groove. furrow (Riccia sorocarpa) galeate (franç. galéiforme) adj. anatomy - helmet-shaped. galeate lobe (Frullania tamarisci)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 63

geminate teeth (Mnium marginatum) gametangium (franç. gamétange) n. anatomy - organ bearing gametes: antheridia and/or archegonia. gametangiophore (franç. gamé- tangiophore) n. anatomy - specialized branch bearing gametangia (archegoniophore or antheridio- phore). gemma (franç. gemma, gemmule) gamete (franç. gaméte) n. anatomy - n. anatomy - asexual propagule. reproductive cell, sex cell: anthero- see Plate 9 zoid, ovum.

gametophore (franç. gamétopho- re) n. anatomy - structure bearing gemma gametes. (Blasia pusilla) gametophyte (franç. gamétophyte) n. anatomy – leafy or thalloid plant bearing antheridia/archegonia gemmae-cup (franç. cupule) n. (haploid stage). see Plate 2 anatomy - small cup containing pro- pagules, gemmae. garden (franç. jardin) n. habitat/ gemmae-cup ( cruciata) ecosystem.

gelatinose, gelatinous (franç. gelatineux) adj. anatomy - jelly consistency. geminate (franç. géminé) adj. anato- my - doubled, per pair. geminate hairs (Metzgeria temperata)

gemmae-cup (Tetraphis pellucida)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 64 gemmate (franç. gemmiforme) adj. glabrescent (franç. glabrescent) anatomy – bud-like. adj. anatomy - almost hairless.

gemmiferous, gemmiparous glabrous (franç. glabre, lisse) adj. (franç. gemmifère) adj. anatomy – anatomy – smooth, without ornamen- bearing gemmae. tations, without papillae.

geniculate (franç. géniculé) adj. glacier (franç. glacier) n. habitat/ anatomy - bent like a knee. geniculate ecosystem. pseudoelaters (Anthoceros agrestis) glandular (franç. glanduleux) adj. anatomy - with one or more glands.

glaucescent (franç. glaucescent) adj. color - almost glaucous.

glaucous (franç. glauque) adj. color.

globose (franç. globuleux) adj. ana- tomy - round, spherical. genus (franç. genre) n. nomenclature/ glossy (franç. vernissé) adj. color –

taxonomy/systematic - subdivision of a shiny color. family. gorge (franç. gorge) n. habitat/ gibbosity (franç. gibbosité) n. anato- ecosystem. my -bump, bulge.

granulose (franç. granuleux) adj.

anatomy - gibbous (franç. gibbeux) adj. anato- minutely roughened. my - bulging on one side. gibbous capsule (Diphyscium foliosum) gravestone (franç. pierre tombale) loc. support..

gregarious (franç. grégaire) adj.

strategy-live - growing together but not densely (tufts, mats…).

green (franç. vert) adj. color.

(pale) green (franç.vert pâle) adj.

bright) green (franç. vert vif) adj. color.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 65 greenhouse (franç. serre) n. habitat/ guide cell (Fissidens taxifolius) ecosystem. grey (franç. gris) adj. color. ground (franç. sol, terre) n. habitat/ ecosystem. grove (franç. bosquet) n. habitat/ ecosystem. guards cells (franç. cellules de garde) loc. anatomy - specialized cells bordering a capsule . guards-cells (Orthotrichum affine)

guttulate (franç. guttulé) adj. anato- my - having cell lumen rounded like drops of oil.

gymnostomous (franç. gymnosto-

me) adj. anatomy - relative to a cap-

sule, without peristome. gymnostomous (Grimmia anodon)

guide cell (franç. cellule- guide) loc. anatomy - large cell with thin walls and large lumina present across the stem of many mosses used for conduction. guide-cell (Ptychostomum boreale)

(franç. gynécie) n. anatomy - « female inflorescence », female gametoecium (archegonia, paraphyses and the surronding bracts).

gypsum (franç. gypse) n. support -

gyrate (franç.vrillé) adj. anatomy - circinate, spiral-like.

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haploid (franç. haploïde) adj. anato-

my - 1n, one set of .

hanging branch (franç. branche pendante) loc. anatomy - in Spha- gnum, pendent branches. hanging branch (Sphagnum girgensohnii) habit (franç. port) n. anatomy - gene- ral appearance, aspect. habitat (franç. habitat) n. habitat/ ecosystem - environment, ecological station of a species. hair (franç. poil) adj. anatomy - bris- tle.

hair (Cirriphyllum haplolepidous (franç. haplolépi- piliferum) dé) adj. anatomy – relative to a peris- tome : simple, having only one

row of teeth. [ant.diplolepidous] haplolepidous peristome (Schistidium helveticum)

hair (Radula complanata)

hairless (franç. nu, glabre) adj. anatomy - glabrous, without hair. hastate (franç. hasté) adj. anatomy - spear-shaped. haired (franç. chevelu) adj. anatomy - covered with long hairs. haustorium (franç. haustorium) n.

anatomy - structure located at the hair-point (franç. poil, arête) n. base of the sporophyte that pene- anatomy - .see, awn, arista trates the gametophyte. This struc- halophytic (franç. halophyte) n. life ture allows the transport of organic strategy – plant growing on salty or nutrients and is important for the alkaline soil. the development of capsule, spo- res….

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 67 hawthorn (franç. aubépine) n. heliophilous (franç. héliophile) adj. support - in genus . life strategy - growing in a full sun- light habitat. [syn. photophilous] hazel (franç. noisetier) n. support - in genus Corylus. hepatic(franç. hépatique) n. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic - plant be- heath, heathland (franç. lande) n. longing to the phylum Marchantio- habitat/ecosystem. phyta, liverwort. heather moor (franç. lande tour- (franç. herbier) n. no- beuse) loc. habitat/ecosystem. menclature/taxonomy/systematic - collec- tion of dry plant specimens. (franç. haie) n. habitat/ ecosystem. heterogeneous (franç. hétérogène) adj. anatomy - composed of dissimilar helical, helicoid (franç. hélicoïdal) parts. [ant.homogeneous] adj. anatomy - twisted like spiral, heterogeneous cells (Mnium marginatum) helix. elater : helical band (Frullania dilatata)

heteroicous (franç. hétéroïque) adj. anatomy - polyoicous, with several types of gametangia on the same plant. see Plate 10

heterolepidous (franç. hétérolépi- helical habitus (Tortula inermis) adj. anatomy - dé) relative to a peris- tome : simple or double (one or two pairs of teeth), form of arthro- dontous peristome.

heteromallous (franç. hétérotro- pe) adj. anatomy - pointing in all di- rections. [ant.homomallous]

heteromorphous (franç. hétéro- morphe) adj. anatomy - dimorphic, having different shapes.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 68 heterophyllous (franç. héterophyl- holm oak (franç. chêne-vert) n. le) adj. anatomy - having different support - Quercus ilex. leaves (size, shape…) on the same axis. [ant.isophyllous] holotype (franç. holotype) n. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic – single specimen used for the typification h e te r o - of a species. phyllous l e a v e s homogeneous (franç. homogène) (Porella adj. anatomy - composed of similar parts. [ant.heterogeneous]

homogeneous cells (Mnium stellare) hexagonal (franç. hexagonal) adj. anatomy - with six-sides nearly equal. hexagonal cells (Rhizomnium punctatum)

homomallous (franç. homotro- pe,homomalle) adj. anatomy - poin- ting in the same direction. hillock, mound (franç. butte) n. habitat/ecosystem. homomallous hillside (franç. flanc de coteau) loc. leaves habitat/ecosystem. (Kiaeria starkei) hirsute (franç. hirsute) adj. anatomy - hairy. hispid (franç. hispide) adj. anatomy - covered with stiff hairs. hooked, uncinate (franç. crochu, Holarctic (franç. holarctique) adj. unciné) adj. anatomy - hook-shaped. chorology - species present in terres- trial areas north of the Tropic of horn (franç. corne) n. anatomy - Cancer, Nearctic and Palearctic elongated and pointed protuberan- regions combined. ce. hollow (franç. gouille, dépression) hornbeam (franç. charme) n. sup- n. habitat/ecosystem. port - in genus Carpinus.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 69

(franç. anthocérote) n.

nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - plant belonging to the phylum Anthoce- rotophyta.

host (franç. hôte) n. support - plant

or animal that provides support for another .

humicole (franç. humicolous) adj.

life strategy – plant growing on hu-


humus (franç. humus) n. support - organic component of soil.

hyaline (franç. hyalin) adj. color - colorless, transparent. hybrid (franç. hybride) adj. life strategy - the offspring of two plants hyalocyst, hyalocyt (franç. hyalo- of different species or varieties. cyste ) n. anatomy - in Sphagnum, large and hyaline cell (often used hydric (franç. hydrique) adj. life in water storage). [ant.chlorocyst] strategy - wet.

hydrochory (franç. hydrochorie) hyalocyst n. life strategy - mode of dispersal by (Sphagnum water. rubellum) hydroid (franç. hydroïde) n. anato- my - conductive cell, elongated and with thin and concave walls, pre- sent in the central strand or in the costa of some bryophytes.

hydroid hyaloderm, hyalodermis (franç. (Syntrichia hyaloderme) n. anatomy - a cortex montana) composed of large, hyaline cells. . with hyaloderm: (Sphagnum subsecundum) . without hyaloderm: ( vernicosus)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 70 hydrophilous (franç. hydrophile) hypophysis (franç. hypophyse) n. adj. life strategy - growing on wet, anatomy - referring to a capsule : submerged or aquatic habitats. sterile neck located at the base of the capsule, between seta and urn. hydrophobic (franç. hydrophobi- [syn.apophysis] que) n. life strategy - which doesn’t hypophysis (Polytrichum formosum) absorb water, resisting wetting. hydrophyte (franç. hydrophytic) n. life strategy - plant, always immersed or partly submerged. hygroscopic (franç. hygroscopi- que) adj. life strategy – aspect, appea- rance changing with humidity. hygrophile (franç. hygrophile) adj. life strategy – growing in wet habi- tats, not in water. hypnoid (franç. hypnoïde) adj. ana- tomy –

. referring to a peristome : comple- te, with endostome and exostome; . relative to a habit : like a (pleurocarpous moss). hypnoid peris- tome (Hypnum cupressiforme)

ibid. (franç. ibid.) abb. publication - abbreviation for « ibidem » mea- ning « in the same book ».

idioblast (franç. idioblaste) n. anato- my - specialized cell, ocellus, oil cell. see also ocellus hypodermal (franç. hypodermi- i.e. (franç. i.e) abb. nomenclature/ que) n. anatomy - located under the taxonomy/systematic - abbreviation for epidermis. « id est. » meaning « that is ». hypogaeous (franç. hypogé) adj. imbricate (franç. imbriqué) adj. anatomy - growing below the surface anatomy - closely appressed and over- of the soil. [ant.epigaeous] lapping.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 71 imbricate leaves imperfect (franç. imparfait) adj. ( Gymnomitrion corallioides) anatomy - referring to a peristome, incomplete.

incised (franç. incisé) adj. anatomy - nicked, cut.

inclined (franç. incliné) adj. anatomy

- oblique position.

included (franç. inclus) adj. anatomy - enclosed. see also immersed immersed (franç. immergé) adj. incrassate (franç. épaissi) adj. ana-

tomy - anatomy - . referring to a moss or thick-walled. leafy liverwort capsule, exceeded incrassate cells (Pterogonium gracile) by the perichaetial leaves. . referring to thallose liverworts, included in the thallus. . referring a pore, cryptopore immersed sporophyte (Hedwigia stellata)

incubous (leaf insertion) (franç. insertion incube) adj. anatomy - in leafy liverworts: observing the upper side of a stem, the base of insertion is hidden while the more distal part is clearly visible. [ant.succubous]

immersed sporophyte (Riccia subbifurca) incubous Calypogeia fissa)

incubous (Lepidozia reptans)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 72 incurved (franç.incurvé) adj. anato- infundibuliform (franç. infundi- my - curved upwards and inwards. buliforme) adj. anatomy - funnel- shaped. indehiscent (franç. indéhiscent) adj. anatomy - relative to a capsule, initial cell (franç. cellule initiale) without distinct opening. loc. anatomy - specialized cell that divides repeatedly and will produ- indigenous (franç. indigène) adj. ce leaves or other tissues. chorology - plant naturally present in initial cell (Metzgeria temperata) a geographical area. [ant.adventive, introduced]

inflated (franç. enflé) adj. anatomy - swollen, swelled. inflated auricle (Blindia caespiticia

inner (franç. interne) adj. anatomy -

referring to a leaf face (side) : ven- tral face = upper face = adaxial

face. see Plate 7

inner peristome (franç. péristome

interne) adj. anatomy - see endostome inflexed (franç. infléchi) adj. anato- inner (peristomial layer) (franç. my - bending slightly upwards and couche péristomiale interne) loc. inwards. anatomy - IPL. see (inner) peristomial layer inflorescence (franç. inflorescen- ce) n. anatomy - term sometimes innovation (franç. innovation) n. considered inappropriate, some anatomy - young branch, new . authors retain it : structure compo- inoperculate (franç. inoperculé) sed of gametangia and the adj. anatomy - said of a capsule that (perichaetial and/or perigonial) has no (or lost) operculum. leaves. Sphagnum

squarrosum infrageneric (franç. infragénéri- que) adj. nomenclature/taxonomy/ systematic - within a genus. infraspecific (franç. infraspécifi- que) adj. nomenclature/taxonomy/ systematic - within a species.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 73 inrolled (franç. enroulé) adj. anato- involucre (franç. involucre) n. my - rolled inwards. anatomy - structure of thallus (tube- like) which protects archegonia ; insertion (franç. insertion) n. anato- row of leaves modified in an inflo- my - line of attachment. rescence ; term sometimes used to insertion (Plagiothecium nemorale) name perigonial and perichaetial leaves. involucre (Anthoceros agrestis)

interwoven (franç. entremêlé) adj. anatomy - mixed. involucral bract(s) (franç. bractée intramarginal (franç. intramargi- (s) involucrale(s)) loc. anatomy - mo- nal) adj. anatomy - referring to cells, dified leaves surrounding the pe- near the margin, internal position rianth. relative to the outermost row. intramarginal cells (Mnium thomsonii)

involucral bracts (Solenostoma hyalinum)

involute (franç. involuté) adj. anato- my - rolled inwards, upwards, to- wards the adaxial face intricate (franç. intricate) adj. anato- my - tangled. IPL (franç. IPL) abb. anatomy - ab- breviation meaning « inner peris- introrse (franç. introrse) adj. anato- tomial layer ». my - turned inwards or towards. see (inner) peristomial layer inverse (franç. inverse) adj. anatomy irregular (franç. irrégulier) adj. - in the opposite direction. anatomy - unequal, asymetrical.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 74 isodiametric (franç. isodiamétri- (franç. genévrier) n. sup- que) adj. anatomy - nearly as broad as port. in genus Juniperus. long, typically referring to a cell. isodiametric cells ( medium) juxtacostal (franç. juxtacostal) adj. anatomy - referring to cells, adjacent to costa.

juxtacostal cells (Mnium thomsonii)

isophyllous (franç. isophylle) adj. anatomy – stem leaves and branch leaves are similar. [ant.anisophyllous]

isotype (franç. isotype) n. nomencla- ture/taxonomy/systematic - duplicate specimen of type specimen (holotype).

IUCN (franç. UICN) abb. protection - keel (franç. carène) n. anatomy - sharp fold of a leaf. International Union for Conserva- tion of Nature. keeled, carinate (franç. caréné) adj. anatomy - sharply folded like the keel of a boat. keeled leaf (Fontinalis antypyretica)

julaceous (franç. julacé) adj. anato- my – like a catkin, referring to lea- ves that form a cylinder. julaceous branches (Pterygynandrum filiforme majus)

kindom (franç. règne) n. nomencla- ture/taxonomy/systematic-highest ma- jor category in biological taxono- my.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 75

(ventral face) (Polytrichum formosum) KOH (franç. KOH) chemical formula chemical reagent - hydroxi- de, commonly known as potash.

lamina (franç. lame) n. anatomy - part of the thallus or part of the lacerate (franç. lacéré) adj. anatomy leaf not including the nerve (costa) - with the margins torn. and the margin. see Plate 7 laciniate (franç. lacinié) adj. anato- (apical) lamina (franç. lame api- my – deeply divided into thin cale, lame ventrale) loc. anatomy - in straps. Fissidens, part of the leaf located above the sheath and the dorsal lacuna (franç. cavité) n. anatomy - lamina. empty space, hole. see cavity (dorsal) lamina (franç. lame dor- lacunose (franç. lacuneux) adj. sale) loc. anatomy – in Fissidens, anatomy - relative to a thallus, spon- part of the leaf opposite to the gy, with holes. sheath and below the apical lami- na. dorsal lamina (Fissidens taxifolius) lagoon (franç. lagune) n. habitat/ ventral, sheath and dorsal lamina ecosystem. (Fissidens dubius) lamella (franç. lamelle) n. anatomy - chlorophyllous slat. lamellae (ventral face) (Atrichum undulatum)

(dorsal face) (Campylopus pilifer)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 76

(sheathing) lamina, vaginant LC (franç. LC) abb. protection - Least lamina (franç. lame vraie = gaine) Concern. n. anatomy - in Fissidens, pocket of the leaf that forms a sheath and leaf (franç. feuille) n. anatomy - com- overlaps next leaf, double-layered mon term for phyllidium, chloro- portion. phyllose outgrowth from the stem. see Plate 7 lanceolate (franç. lancéolé) adj. (cauline) leaf (franç. feuille cauli- anatomy - lance-shaped, with largest width below middle. naire) loc. anatomy - leaf inserted on the stem. see cauline (leaf) lanuginose (franç. lanugineux) adj. anatomy - wolly. (perichaetial) leaf (leaves) (franç. feuille(s) périchétiale(s)) loc. anato- (franç. mélèze) n. support. in my - specialized leaves surroun- genus Larix. ding archegonia. perichaetial leaves (Hedwigia stellata) lateral (franç. latéral) adj. anatomy - on the side. lawn (franç. pelouse) n. habitat/ ecosystem. lax (franç. lâche) adj. anatomy - rela- tive to a tissue, formed of large diameter and thin-walled cells.

(perigonial) leaf (leaves) (franç. lax cells (Tayloria lingulata) feuille(s) périgoniale(s)) loc. anato- my - specialized leaves surrounding antheridia. perigonial leaves (Rhizomnium punctatum) layer (franç. strate, couche) n. ana- tomy - stratum.

(bush) layer (franç. strate arbusti- ve) loc. habitat/ecosystem - habitat stra- tum composed of shrubs.

(vegetation) layer (franç. strate de végétation) loc. habitat/ecosystem - layer with plants.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 77

(branch) leaf (franç. feuille ra- lenticular propagule (Marchantia polymorpha) méale) loc. anatomy - leaf inserted on a branch. see also cauline (leaves)

(vegetative) leaf (franç. feuille végétative) loc. anatomy - leaf which doesn’t surround sexual organs. vegetative leaf (Plagiomnium affine)

leptoid (franç. leptoïde) n. anatomy - food conductive cell with thin walls and large lumen in some mosses.

leucocyst (franç. leucocyste) n. anatomy – in Sphagnum, large, emp- leaf trace (franç. trace de l’inser- ty, hyaline cell. [syn. hyalocyst] tion foliaire) loc. anatomy - (in a stem cut) extension of hydroids between lid, operculum, (franç. opercule) the central strand and the costa. n. anatomy - relative to a sporophyte, operculum that blocks the capsule lectotype (franç. lectotype) n. no- mouth (lid is dehiscent to the spo- menclature/taxonomy/systematic - speci- rose). see operculum men designated as nomenclatural type among several original speci- life cycle (franç. cycle biologique) mens of a taxon. loc. anatomy - series of stages needed for its complete development. leg. (franç. leg.) abb. herbier - abbre- viation for « legit » meaning « who life form (franç. forme de vie) loc. has collected it ». anatomy - overall organization of growth form, branching pattern, leiodont (franç. léiodonte) adj. ana- and general assemblage of indivi- tomy - relative to a peristome, wi- duals or population as modified by thout winged crests in the ventral environment, morphological cha- face (some ). racters. [ant.pterygodont] lignicolous (franç. lignicole) adj. lenticular (franç. lenticulaire) adj. life strategy - growing on lignin, on anatomy - lens-shaped. .

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 78 ligulate (franç. ligulé) adj. anatomy - limnophilous (franç. limnophile) strap-shaped. adj. life strategy - growing standing water, fresh water, marshes, ponds. limb (franç. limbe) n. anatomy - up- per part of a leaf when leaf base is linear (franç. linéaire) adj. anatomy - differentiated. limb (Polytrichum narrow and long with parallel ed- formosum) ges.

lingulate (franç. linguliforme) adj. anatomy - tongue-shaped. lingulate leaves (Syntrichia ruralis)

limbate (franç. limbidié) adj. anatomy - in Fissidens, with a limbidium. limbidium (franç. limbidium) n. anatomy - in Fissidens, differentia- ted margin, often multistratose. (Atrichum undulatum) limbidium (Fissidens crassipes)

lithophytic (franç. lithophyte) n. life strategy - growing on stony or lime tree (franç. tilleul) n. support - rocky ground. in genus Tilia. liverwort (franç. hépatique) n. limestone (franç. calcaire) n. sup- nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - plant port. of the Division/Phylum Marchan- tiophyta. limicolous (franç. limicole) adj. life strategy - growing in mud. loam (franç. limon) n. support.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 79 lobe (franç. lobe) n. anatomy - divi- lower (franç. inférieur) adj. anato- sion of a leaf, a thallus, or organ. my—. relative to a leaf surface, two lobes (Marsupella sphacelata) abaxial face, outer face see Plate 7 . relative to a thallose liverwort,

ventral face see also dorsal/ventral face . relative to a leaf zone, lower third.

length (franç. longueur) n. anatomy -

dimension opposed to the width.

lorate (franç. lorifolié) n. anatomy - thong or strap shaped. [syn. ligulate] lobate (franç. lobé) adj. anatomy - divided, having lobes. lucifugous (franç. lucifuge) adj. life strategy - avoiding light, growing in lobule (franç. lobule) n. anatomy - dark caves. small lobe, in leafy liverworts it is the smaller lobe of an unequally lumen (franç. lumen) n. anatomy - divided leaf fold. cell cavity. lumen (Fissidens taxifolius) lobule (Frullania tamarisci)

locality (franç. localité) n. chorology - geographic position, location. lunate (franç. lunulé, croissant (en) adj. anatomy - crescent shaped. loess (franç. loess) n. support. lurid (franç. livide) adj. color - ha- longevity (franç. longévité) n. life ving a brown color tinged with red, strategy - long lifetime of a species, as in a flame seen through . life expectancy.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 80 lustrous (franç. lustré) adj. color - mamilla (franç. mamille) n. anatomy shiny. - nipple-shaped protuberance, strongly bulging cell surface. luteus (franç. jaune) adj. color - saf- mamilla (Cheilothela chloropus) fron yellow.

luticolous (franç. luticole) adj. life strategy – growing in mud or muddy places.

mamillose (franç. mamilleux) adj. anatomy – with mamillae. mamillose leaf (Cheilothela chloropus) macro- (franç. macro-) pref. anatomy - prefix meaning « large », « long », « great ».

macronema (franç. macronéma) n. anatomy - large, branched rhizoid produced around branch primordia and base of buds. [ant.micronema] manure (franç. fumier) n. support - macronema (Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum) organic matter, mostly derived from animal feces.

maple (franç. érable) n. support. in genus Acer.

marcescent (franç. marcescent) adj. anatomy - withering without falling off.

margin (franç. marge) n. anatomy – relative to a leaf : edge of the male (franç. mâle) n. anatomy - in structure (often differentiated bryophytes, said of a thallus or a cells). leafy plant capable of bearing margin (Cinclidium stygium) antheridia. see Plate 4

♂ (franç. ♂) symb. anatomy - symbol meaning « male »,

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 81 margin (Tortula subulata) mat (franç. tapis) n. life strategy - relative to habit, interwoven stems, in horizontal growth. mat

Isothecium myurum

marginal (franç. marginal) adj. Plagiomnium anatomy - located in the margin. undulatum

marl (franç. marne) n. support. marsh (franç. marais) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

(salt) marsh (franç. marais salant) loc. habitat/ecosystem. Hylocomium marshland (franç. zone maréca- splendens geuse) loc. habitat/ecosystem. marsupium (franç. marsupium) n. anatomy - in some leafy liverworts, fleshy pouch that encloses the spo- rophyte. marsupium (Geocalyx graveolens) meadow (franç. pré, prairie) n. habitat/ecosystem.

(wet) meadow (franç. prairie humide) n. habitat/ecosystem.

(swampy) meadow (franç. prairie marécageuse) loc. habitat/ecosystem.

median (franç. médian) adj. . anatomy – middle, central . statistics - denoting value or quanti- ty lying at midpoint of frequency distribution.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 82 mediterranean (franç. méditerra- mesophyte (franç. mésophyte) adj. néen) adj. chorology - areas around life strategy - plant growing in mode- the Mediterranean Sea. rately humid habitats.

medulla (franç. médulle) n. anatomy mesotrophic (franç. mésotrophe) - the central part of a stem or a adj. habitat/ecosystem - moderately rich seta. in dissolved nutrients, often near to neutrality, neither basic nor acid. (franç. méiose) n. anatomy - cell division process, « 2n » to messicole (franç. messicole) adj. life « n ». strategy - growing in the harvested fields. basal) membrane (franç. mem- brane basale) n. anatomy - short cy- mica-schist (franç. micaschiste) n. support. linder at the the base of a peristo- me (single peristome) or at the micro- (franç. micro-) pref. anatomy base of endostome and supporting - prefix meaning « very little ». segments and cilia (double peristo- me). basal membrane (Tortula subulata) micrometer, micron (franç. mi- cron) n. measure - unit of length, one -thousandth of a millimeter (µm).

micronema (franç. micronéma) n. anatomy - small, fine, sparsely bran- ched rhizoid produced on stem between leaves. [ant.macronema]

micronema (Plagiomnium ellipticum)

membranaceous (franç. microsto- me) n. anatomy - transparent and thin. mesic (franç. mésique) adj. habitat/ ecosystem - describes an ecosystem neither very dry nor very wet. mesophilous (franç. mésophile) microphyllous (franç. microphyl- adj. life strategy - preferring moist le) n. anatomy – having leaves smal- habitats. ler than normal leaves.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 83 microstomous (franç. microsto- -bière de transition) loc. habitat/ me) n. anatomy - relative to a capsu- ecosystem. le, with a small, narrow mouth. microstomous capsule (Ulota coarctata) (franç. mitose) n. anatomy - cell division process, without changing the level of .

mitriform, mitrate (franç. mitri- forme) adj. anatomy - similar to a bishop’s mitre. mitriform-lobate

(Grimmia elatior)

midrib (franç. nervure médiane) n. anatomy - single costa of a leaf or a rib of a thallus. moist (franç. humide) adj. anatomy - µm (franç. µm) abb. measure - abbre- hydrated. viation of « micrometer » or « micron », unit of length, one- moniliform (franç. moniliforme) thousandth of a millimeter. adj. anatomy - similar to a string of beads. moniliform (Nostoc) minerotrophic (franç. minérotro- (Blasia pusilla) phe) adj. habitat/ecosystem - powered by groundwater and runoff waters often richer in minerals than rain water.

minute (franç. minuscule) n. anato- my - very small. mire (franç. marécage) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

(sloping) mire/fen (franç. tourbiè- monoicous (franç. monoïque) adj. re de pente) loc. habitat/ecosystem. anatomy – with antheridia and arche- (spring) mire (franç. tourbière de gonia on the same plant, bisexual. source) loc. habitat/ecosystem. (including autoicous, synoicous, paroicous). [ant.dioicous] (transition(al)) mire (franç. tour- see Plate 10

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 84

monoicous species () moraine (franç. moraine) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

morphology (franç. morphologie) n. anatomy - form or appearance of a plant.

morphose (franç. morphose) n. anatomy - manner of morphological transformation which is not due to heredity.

mortar (franç. mortier) n. support.

moss (franç. mousse) n. nomenclatu-

re/taxonomy/systematic - plant belon- ging to the division Bryophyta (or monomorphic (franç. monomor- the class ). phique), monomorphous) adj. anato- my - of a single form. mountain (franç. montagne) n. habitat/ecosystem. monopodial (franç. monopodial) adj. anatomy - form of growth, whe- cavity (franç. cavité rein the plant develops on a single mucigène) loc. anatomy - specialized continous axis, the same initial cell internal cavity that contains muci- continues its development at each lages and sometimes also cyano- cycle. monopodial growth/sympodial . growth (Eucladium verticillatum) mucilage papilla (franç. papille mucigène) loc. anatomy. papille that contains .

mucilage cell (Reboulia hemisphaerica)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 85 mucro (franç. mucron) n. anatomy - multifid short point, clearly marked. (Riccardia multifida) mucronate(franç. mucroné) adj. anatomy - ending in a mucro. mucronate leaf (Barbula unguiculata)

multipapillose (franç. multipapil-

leux) adj. anatomy - with several papillae per cell. mud (franç. boue, vase) n. support - multipapillose cells (Syntrichia calcicola) soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water, cau- sing water to lose its clarity. mudflat (franç. vasière) n. habitat/ ecosystem. multi- (franç. multi-) pref. anatomy - prefix meaning « several ». multistratose (franç. multistrate) multicellular (franç. spore multi- adj. anatomy - with several layers. cellulaire) adj. anatomy - with many cells. muricate (franç. muriqué) adj. ana- tomy – with a rough surface, with multicostate (franç. multinervuré) many small asperities (like bumps adj. anatomy - with several nerves. on the tongue. multicostate leaf (Antitrichia curtipendula) muticous (franç. mutique) adj. ana- tomy - without awn, hair-point or mucro. muticous leaf (Grimmia unicolor)

multifid (franç. multifide) adj. anato- my - divided several times.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 86

nematodontous (Atrichum undulatum)

1n (franç. n) abb. genetic - haploid chromosome number, specific to gametes. narrow (franç. étroit) adj. anatomy - nematogon (franç. nématogone) thin, little width. adj. anatomy - initial cell that will produce a rhizoid. nematogon cell naked (franç. nu) adj. anatomy – wi- (Straminergon stramineum) thout ornamentations, without hairs or without perichaetial lea- ves.

natural area (franç. aire naturel- le) loc. chorology – the area where the species is considered to be native.

naturalized (franç. naturalisé) adj. protection - introduced species which naturally reproduces in its new territory; also, area lacking current nematogonous (franç. nématogo- disturbance. ne) adj. anatomy - filamentous.

NE (franç. NE) abb. protection - Not neotropic (franç. néotropique) adj. Evaluated. chorology – of geographic regions including Central America, Antil- nematodontous (franç. nemato- les, a large part of the northern part donte) adj. anatomy - said of a moss of South America and the Galapa- peristome, the teeth are formed of gos Islands. whole cells and not fragments of cells. These teeth are not hygrosco- neotype (franç. néotype) n. nomen- pic. [ant.arthrodontous] clature/taxonomy/systematic - specimen designated as the type of a taxon in nematodontous the absence of any original mate- (Tetraphis pellucida) rial.

nerve (franç. nervure, costa) n.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 87 anatomy - relative to a leaf, thicke- - in terminology, codified set of ned and differentiated band that terms used for the denomination of separates the leaf in the longitudi- species. nal sense. see Plate 8 normal (franç. normal) adj. anatomy network (franç. réseau) n. anatomy - usual. - reticulation. Nostoc (franç. nostoc) n. anatomy - Genus of . network nostocs colony (Conocephalum (Blasia pusilla) salebrosum)

(ecological) niche (franç. niche

écologique) loc. habitat/ecosystem - role of a species in its ecosystem.

nitidous (franç. nitide) adj. color - bright shiny appearance. nitrocline nitrocline) adj. life strate- gy - depth in the water column where nitrate concentration diffe- −1 −1 NT (franç. NT) abb. protection - Near rences are > 0.5 µg L depth . Threatened. nitrophilous (franç. nitrophile) adj. life strategy - preferring substra- tes rich in compounds. nodose (franç. noueux) adj. anato- my - relative to endostomial cilia, with knob-like. nodulose (franç. noduleux) adj. oak (franç. chêne) n. support - in anatomy - with small, knob-like genus Quercus. thickenings oak forest (franç. chênaie) n. habi- nomenclature (franç. nomenclatu tat/ecosystem - forest where Quercus -re) n. nomenclature/taxonomy/ is dominant.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 88 ob- (franç. ob-) pref. anatomy - prefix anatomy - difficult to distinguish, meaning inversely, reversed, upsi- indistinct. de down (obcordate, obconical, obovoid ..). obtuse (franç. obtus) adj. anatomy - rounded. obconical (franç. obconique) adj. obtuse apex (Schistidium anatomy - like a cone but upside sordidum) down, with attachment at pointed end. obcordate (franç. obcordé) adj. anatomy - like a heart but upside oceanic (franç. océanique) adj. down. obcordate apex (Tortula obcordata) chorology - relative to parts of the West of temperate , often used to refer to climate influenced by the ocean.

ocellus (franç. ocelle) n. anatomy - in liverworts, differentiated cell, large size, which includes one or more oblate (cell) (franç. plus large que large oil bodies. ocellus long) adj. anatomy - wider than long. (Frullania tamarisci) oblique (franç. oblique) adj. anatomy

- inclined.

oblong (franç. oblong) adj. anatomy - rounded at both ends, longer than broad and wider in the middle.

obovate (franç. obovale) adj. anato- my - like an egg but upside down ochrea franç. ochréa) n. anatomy - (said of a plane surface). relative to a moss, membranous

sheath at the obovoid (franç. obovoïde) adj. ana- base of the tomy - like an egg but upside down (said of a solid). seta, vaginula. o c h r e a

(Orthotrichum obsolete (franç. obsolète) adj. anato- patens) my - most missing. obscure (franç. indistinct) adj.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 89 oil body (franç. oléocorps) n. anato- ombrophilous (franç. ombrophile) my - in some liverworts, in a cell, adj. life strategy – referring a plant, structure limited by a membrane tolerant of wet conditions, i.e. and containing particular . much rain.

oil-body oogamy (franç. oogamie) n. anatomy

- mode of fertilization, the female

( Radula gamete is motionless, the male complanata ) gamete moves.

op. cit. (franç. op. cit.) abb. publica-

tion - abbreviation for « opus cita-

tum » meaning « mentioned, cited above ». (Leiocolea turbinata) opaque (franç. opaque) adj. color -

not transparent.

open-field (franç. plein champ) loc.

habitat/ecosystem. oil -cell (franç. oléocellule) n. anato- operculate (franç. operculé) adj. my – in thallose liverworts, idio- anatomy - with a lid. blastic cell with single large oil see also deoperculate body. oil cel (Ricciocarpos natans) operculum (franç. opercule) n. anatomy - relative to a sporophyte, lid that blocks the capsule mouth (lid is dehiscent to reveal the spo- res). operculum (Brachytheciastrum velutinum)

oligo- (franç. oligo-) pref. anatomy – prefix meaning « few ». oligotrophic (franç. oligotrophe) adj. life strategy - referring to a soil, mineral-poor, poor in nutrients so having little fertility. OPL (franç. OPL) abb. anatomy - olivaceous (franç. olivacé) adj. referring to a peristome, « outer color - olive green. peristomial layer ».

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 90 opposite (franç. opposé) adj. anato- ovum (franç. oosphère) n. anatomy - my - referring to an arrangement of female gamete. the leaves, in pairs on either side of a stem. outcrop (franç. affleurement) n. opposite leaves (Southbya nigrella) habitat/ecosystem.

overhang (franç. surplomb) n. habitat/ecosystem.

ovoid (franç. ovoïde) adj. anatomy - shaped like an egg.

.opsida (franç. .opsida) suf. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic - suffix applied to a class (Bryopsida, …).

pachydermous (franç. pachyder- orbicular (franç. orbiculaire) adj. n. anatomy- anatomy - circular. me) thick-walled cells (stem, capsule). orchard (franç. verger) n. habitat/ ecosystem. pachyphyllous (franç. pachyphyl- le) adj. anatomy - with thick leaves. order (franç. ordre) n. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic – subdivision of a paired, binate (franç. apparié) class. adj. anatomy - in group of two. orifice (franç. orifice) n. anatomy - paleaceous (franç. paléacé) adj. opening. anatomy – having the consistency of straw. orophyte (franç. orophyte) n. life strategy - plant of the mountains. pallid (franç. pâle) adj. color - defi- cient in color. ostiole (franç. ostiole) n. anatomy - small opening. palmate (franç. palmé) adj. anatomy - relative to thallose liverwort, with outer peristome (franç. péristome finger-like lobes, radiating from externe) adj. anatomy – see exostome center.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 91

palmate thallus (Riccardia palmata) papillose cells ()

papillose tissue (Syntrichia calcicola) paludicolous (franç. paludicole) adj. life strategy - growing in marshes, in swamps. panduriform (franç. pandurifor- me) adj. anatomy - shaped like a vio- lin case. papilla (franç. papilla) n. anatomy - papyraceous (franç. papyracé) adj. cell ornamentation, small protube- anatomy – fine and dry, paper-like. rance. papilla (Hedwigia ciliata) paraphyllium (franç. paraphylle) n. anatomy - accessory leaf, scale or

filament scattered on the stems or branches (in some leafy liverworts or pleurocarpous mosses). paraphyllium (Thuidium delicatulum)

(C-shaped) papilla (franç. papille en C) n. anatomy - top view, crescent

-shaped papilla.

(slime) papilla (franç. papille mu- cigène) loc. anatomy - epidermal cell secreting mucilage. paraphysis (franç. paraphyse(s)) n. anatomy - sterile hyaline or yello- papillose (franç. papilleux) adj. wish hair intermixed with antheri- anatomy - with one or several papil- dia and archegonia. lae per cell.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 92

paraphysis (Rhizomnium punctatum) anatomy - monoicous plant with antheridia and archegonia on the same inflorescence but non mixed, located in different bracts. see Plate 10

patent (franç. patent) adj. anatomy - spreading at an angle greater than 45° (from stem or branch).

pasture (franç. pâturage) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

path (franç. sentier) n. habitat/ ecosystem. paratype (franç. paratype) n. no- menclature/taxonomy/systematic - speci- pavement (franç. dalle rocheuse, men cited in the original descrip- pavage) n. habitat/ecosystem. tion, having a different origin from the type specimen. peat (franç. tourbe) n. support - ac- cumulation of partially decayed parenchyma (franç. parenchyme) vegetation or organic matter that is n. anatomy - functionnal tissue made unique to natural areas called pea- up of usually short and isodiame- tlands, bogs, or mires. tric cells.

peatland (s.l.) (franç. tourbière) n. parenchymatous (franç. paren- habitat/ecosystem - natural area with chymateux) adj. anatomy - relative to a cell, isodiametric and thin- accumulation of partly decompo- walled. [ant.prosenchymatous] sed vegetable matter.

parenchymatous tissue (Mnium stellare) peaty (franç. tourbeux) adj. habitat/ ecosystem- containing peat.

peat-forming (franç. turfigène) adj. habitat/ecosystem - producing peat.

pebble (franç. caillou) n. support - small usually rounded stone espe- cially when worn by the action of water.

pectinate (franç. pectiné) adj. anato- paroicous (franç. paroïque) adj. my - like a comb.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 93

perennial (franç. perenne) adj. life pedicellate (franç. pédicellé) adj. strategy - surviving multiple years of anatomy - born on a or a life. stalk, or a seta. pedicellate propagule perfect (franç. parfait) adj. anatomy

- relative to a peristome, complete,

diplolepidous peristome (Hyophila involuta) (endostome with segments and cilia), bryoid. see bryoid

perforate (franç. perforé) adj. anato-

my - holed, riddled. see cribose, fenestrate pegged (franç. tuberculé) adj. anato- my - tuberculate, with peg-like pro- perianth (franç. périanthe) n. anato- jections. [syn. tuberculate] my - in leafy liverworts, envelope pellucid (franç. pellucide) adj. of foliair origin that surrounds the anatomy - transparent, translucent. archegonium. perianth (Sphaerocarpos michelii) peltate (franç. pelté) adj. anatomy - shield-shaped, flat and fixed by a central stalk. pendent (franç. pendant) adj. anato- my - relative to a habit, hanging down. percurrent (franç. percurrent) adj. anatomy - relative to a nerve, exten- ding to apex but not beyond. percurrent nerve (Jungermannia hyalina)

(Fissidens dubius)

perichaetial (leaves) (franç. feuil- (Barbula les périchétiales) adj. anatomy - mo- bolleana) dified leaves surrounding the fe-

male organs. see (perichaetial) leaves

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 94 perichaetial (leaves) (franç. perigynium (franç. périgyne) n. feuilles périchétiales) adj. anatomy - anatomy - in some leafy liverworts, modified leaves surrounding the tubular structure +/- fleshy which female organs. surrounds archegonium and subse- quently the sporophyte. (perichaetial) leaves involucre with perigynium (Solenostoma (Andreaea frigida) hyalinum)

perichaetium (franç. périché- tium) n. anatomy - female inflores- cence, gynoecium.

n. perigonium (franç. périgone) n. peristome (franç. péristome) anatomy - anatomy - male inflorescence, circular structure (one or androecium. perigonium two rows of teeth) present at the (Rhizomnium punctatum) mouth of a moss capsule. peristome (Tortula subulata) Dicranum scoparium)

perigonial (leaves) (franç. (double) peristome (franç. double feuilles périgoniales ) adj. anato- péristome) loc. anatomy - diplolepi- my - differentiated leaves that dous peristome, including an exos- surround antheridia. perigonial tome and a endostome. leaf (Jungermannia atrovirens) double peristome (Hypnum cupressifor- me) (Orthotrichum striatum)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 95

(outer) peristome (franç. péristo- of the inner part of the exostome me externe) loc. anatomy - exostome. and the outer part of the endosto- see exostome me.

(inner) peristome (franç. inner persistent (franç. persistant) adj. péristome interne) loc. anatomy - anatomy - not falling, not deciduous. endostome. see endostome petrocolous (franç. pétricole) adj. (single) peristome (franç. péristo- life strategy – growing on stone or me simple) loc. anatomy - peristome rocks. with a single row of teeth. petrophilous (franç. pétrophile) adj. life strategy - preferring stones single peristome habitats. (Schistidium

trichodon) phaneropore (franç. phanéropo- re) adj. anatomy - relative to a stoma- te, guard cells are at the same level as adjacent exothecial cells.

phaneropore pore

(Orthotrichum affine) (outer) peristomial layer (franç. couche péristomiale externe) loc. anatomy - OPL, in the arthrodontous mosses, the outermost part of the peristomial cylinder (constituting of the external part of the peristo- phenotype (franç. phénotype) adj. me). nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - ap- pearence characters of a species (inner) peristomial layer (franç. resulting from the interaction of couche péristomiale interne) loc. genotype and the environmental anatomy - IPL, in the arthrodontous conditions. mosses, the innermost part of the peristomial cylinder (constituting .phile (franç. .phile) suf. life strategy - of the internal part of the peristo- suffix meaning « that likes », « that me). prefers ».

(primary) peristomial layer phorophyte (franç. phorophyte) n. (franç. couche péristomiale pri- support - plant bearing epiphytic maire) loc. anatomy - PPL, in the species. arthrodontous mosses, the median photophilous (franç. photophile) part of the peristomial cylinder adj. life strategy - loving well-lit habi- (which contributes to the formation tats.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 96 photophyte (franç. photophyte) n. life strategy - plant of well-lit habi- Phytosociological nomenclature tats. (suffixs) photosynthate (franç. photosyn- -etum : Association thèse) n. life strategy - synthesised of -ion : Alliance organic matter from the energy of -etalia : Order the sun. -etea : Class -etosum : Subassociation phototropism (franç. phototropis- -enion : Suballiance me) n. life strategy - growth form, -enalia: Suborder orientation of the plant depends to -enea : Subclass the light factor. pilose (franç. pileux) adj. anatomy - phyllidium (franç. phyllidium) n. covered with long anatomy - leaf of a bryophyte, non- hairs. vascular leaf. see Plate 7

pilose calyptra phyllotaxy (franç. phyllotaxie) n. (Polytrichum piliferum) nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - spi- ral arrangement of leaves on a stem.

piliferous (franç. pilifère) adj. anato- phylogeny (franç. phylogénie) n. my - ending with a hair. piliferous nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic – evo- leaves lutionary history of a group of or- ganisms.

(Syntrichia ruralis) phylum (franç. phylum) n. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic - division of a .

.phyta (franç. .phyta) suf. nomencla- ture/taxonomy/systematic - suffix ap- plied to a phylum of the plant kingdom (e.g.Bryophyta). (Grimmia ovalis)

suf. anatomy - .phytic (franç. .phyte) suffix meaning « plant ».

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 97 (franç. pin) n. support - in genus (franç. plamodes- Pinus. me) n. anatomy - narrow thread allo- wing intercellular communication. pinnate (franç. penné) adj. anatomy – relative to a habit, feathery, in plant life-form (franç. type biolo- bryophytes, having branches arran- gique) loc. life strategy - growth form. ged on either side of the stem. pinnate plesiomorphous (franç. plésio-

morphe) adj. anatomy - nearly identic

(Ptilium in form. crista-castrensis) pleurocarpous (franç. pleurocar- pe) adj. anatomy – moss on which the sporophyte is produced on a short

lateral branch. pleurocarpous moss (Thamnobryum alopecurum)

(Abietinella abietina)

pioneer (franç. pionnier) adj. life strategy - relative to a plant, first colonizer of a disturbed habitats or an uncolonized area.

adj. anatomy - piriform (franç. pyriforme) adj. plicate (franç. plissé) anatomy – pear-shaped. marked by longitudinal furrows or pleats. pit (franç. pore) adj. anatomy - pore. plain (franç. plaine) n. habitat/ plicate leaf ecosystem. (Lescuraea plicata)

adj. anatomy - plane (franç. plan) relative to a leaf margin, flat, non curved.

plane margin (Dicranella subu- lata) plum (franç. prunier) n. support - in genus Prunus.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 98 plumose (franç. plumeux) adj. anato- polygamous (franç. polygame) n. my - regularly pennate, appearance life strategy - heteroicous, having of a feather. some male branches, some female, and some both. pluri- (franç. pluri-) pref. anatomy - prefix meaning « several". polymorphous (franç. polymor- phe) adj. anatomy - with a variability pluripapillose (franç. pluripapil- of forms. leux) adj. anatomy - relative to a cell, which has several papillae. polyoicous (franç. polyoïque) adj. see multipapillose anatomy - that can have several forms of distribution of the game- pluriseriate (franç. plurisérié) adj. tangia in the same species. anatomy - arranged in several rows. polikiloidric (franç. polikiloidri- pluristratose (franç. pluristrate) que) n. life strategy - entering dor- adj. anatomy - having several layers mancy during dry periods and re- of cells. suming metabolic activity very rapidly during rehydration. pneumathode (franç. pneumato- de) n. anatomy - air pore. polyploid (franç. polyploïde) adj. anatomy - organism with chromoso- polar(spore) (franç. spore polai- me number greater than 2x re) adj. anatomy - with a proximal (triploid, tetraploid, hexaploid…), face different from the distal face. always an exact multiple of x. [ant. apolar spore] polar spore (Sphaerocarpos michelii) polysety (franç. polysète) adj. anato- my - relative to a moss, having se-

veral setae so several sporophytes

in the same inflorescence. see polycarpous

polytrichoid (franç. polytrichoïde) adj. anatomy - having a habit of a Polytrichum. poly- (franç. poly-) pref. anatomy - pomiform (franç. pomiforme) adj. prefix meaning « many », anatomy - apple-shaped. « numerous ». pond (franç. mare, étang) n. habitat/ polycarpic (franç. polycarpe) adj. ecosystem. anatomy - that has several sporophy- poplar (franç. peuplier) n. support - tes per perichaetium or perianth. in genus Populus.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 99 population (franç. peuplement) n. commissural pore (Sphagnum subsecundum) life strategy - group of individuals of the same species inhabiting the same area. pore (franç. pore) n. anatomy – ope- ning, aperture. pore

(compound) pore (franç. pore (Sphagnum composé) loc. anatomy - in some thal- centrale) lose liverworts, epidermal pore

with a cylindric wall.

compound pore




(Conocephalum salebrosum)

(air) pore (franç. pore épidermi- (ringed) pore (franç. pore annelé) (air) pore (franç. pore épidermi- que) loc. anatomy - small orifice in loc. anatomy - pore circled. que) loc. anatomy - small orifice in the upper epidermis. ringed pore (Sphagnum subsecundum) the upper epidermis.

(simple) pore (franç. pore simple) (simple) pore (franç. pore simple) n. anatomy - in thallose liverworts, n. anatomy - in thallose liverworts, epidermal pore surounded only by epidermal pore surounded only by cells directly extending the epider- cells directly extending the epider- mis. simple pore (Conocephalum salebro- mis. simple pore (Conocephalum salebro- sum) sum)

(commissural) pore (franç. pore commissural) loc. anatomy - pore located along the junctures, such as adjoining walls of hyaline and photosynthetic cells of Sphagnum.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 100 porose (franç. porose) adj. anatomy - preperistome (Orthotrichum cupulatum) perforate by pores. porose tissue (Dicranum bonjeanii)

primordium (franç. primordium) n. anatomy - first stage of differentia- tion of the leaf or other organ. leaf primordium (Pohlia drummondii) posterior (franç. postérieur) adj. anatomy - ventral (face), adaxial (face). [ant.anterior] postical (franç. postical) adj. anato- my - ventral (upper) surface of a stem or thallus. [ant.antical] procumbent (franç. couché) adj. potamocolous (franç. vivant dans anatomy - prostrate. procumbent habit les rivières) n. life strategy - growing in rivers, streams.

(Plagiomnium pottioid (franç. pottioïde) adj. ana- affine) tomy - referring to habit, like a member of Pottiaceae.

abb. anatomy - PPL (franç. PPL) abbreviation meaning « primary peristomial layer ». see (primary) peristomial layer prolate (cell) (franç. plus long que large) adj. anatomy - longer than preperistome (franç. prépéristo- wide. [ant. oblate] me=prostome) n. anatomy - rudimen- tary structure outside to the peris- proliferous (franç. prolifère) adj. tome, usually adherent to the teeth. anatomy - growth continues by deve- [syn. prostome] lopment of new leafy stems or innovations.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 101 prominent (franç. proéminent) prosenchymatous tissue (Rhynchostegiella tenuicaulis) adj. anatomy – conspicuous, clearly visible. prominent nerve

(Tayloria acuminata)

prosenchyma (franç. prosenchy- me) n. anatomy - – tissue made up of prosenchymatous cells. [ant.parenchyma] propagulum (franç. propagule) n. anatomy - structure specialized in prostome (franç. prostome) n. . anatomy - rudimentary structure out- see Plate 9 side the peristome, usually adhe- propaguliferous (franç. gemmifè- rent to the teeth. [syn. preperisto- re) adj. anatomy - bearing propagules. me] see preperistome pro parte (franç. pro parte) loc. prostrate (franç. prostré) adj. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - part. anatomy - relative to habit, lying flat on the substratum, creeping. prorate (franç. proré) adj. anatomy – prostrate habit (Radula complanata) relative to a cell, having a papilla or a mamilla located at the distal end. prorate cells

(Pterygynandrum filiforme)

protandrous (franç. protandre) prosenchymatous (franç. prosen- adj. anatomy - monoicous, on the chymateux) adj. anatomy – relative to same plant the maturity of antheri- cells, narrow, elongated tapering dia come before that of archegonia and overlapping at ends. (self-fertilization is minimized). [ant.parenchymatous] [ant. protogynous]

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(bryophyte) conservation pruinose, pruinate (franç. prui- /conservation des bryophytes neux) adj. anatomy - covered with bluish or whitish powdery granules CR (franç.CR ) Critically Endangered. DD (franç.DD) Data Deficient. or bloom. EN (franç.EN) Endangered. EX (franç. EX) Extinct. psammophile (franç. psammophi- LC (franç.LC) Least Concerned. le) adj. life strategy - growing on or in NE (franç. LE) Not Evaluated the sand. NT (franç.NT) Near Threatened. IUCN (franç. UICN) International Union for Conservation of Nature. pseudo- (franç. pseudo-) pref. anato- VU (franç.VU) Vulnerable. my - prefix meaning « false ». protologue (franç. protologue) n. pseudoautoicous (franç. pseudau- nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - the toïque) adj. anatomy - dioicous, but first description of a taxon. with male plant growing (epiphytically) on a female plant. protonema (franç. protonéma) n. anatomy - filamentous or thalloid pseudodistichous (franç. pseudo- structure produced by spore (or distique) adj. anatomy - highly com- propagulum) germination. pressed, with leaves in spiral arran- protonema ( aloides) gement, but appearing to lie in two rows.

pseudoelater (franç. pseudoélatè-

re) n. anatomy – in some hornworts, false elater, generally multicellu- lar. pseudoelater (Anthoceros agrestis)

proximal (franç. proximal) adj. anatomy - located at the base near the point of attachment. see also polar spore. proximal zone of leaf (Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides)

pseudoparaphyllium (franç. pseudoparaphylle) n. anatomy - in some pleurocarpous mosses, rudi- mentary leaf present at a branch base.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 103 pseudoperianth (franç. pseudopé- pseudothallose (franç. pseudo- rianthe) n. anatomy - in some thallo- thalloïde) n. anatomy - said of a ga- se liverworts, tissue produced by metophyte resembling a thallus. the thallus that surrounds archego- nia, and subsequent sporophytes. pterygodont (franç. pterygodonte) pseudoperianth adj. anatomy - in some Polytricha- (Preissia quadrata) ceae, type of nematodontous peris- tome, teeth provided with a ridge

or a wing longitudinally. [ant.leiodont]

pubescent (franç. pubescent) adj.

anatomy - covered with short and pseudopodium (franç. pseudopo- fine hairs. pubescent thallus (Apometzgeria de) n. anatomy - in Andreaea and pubescens) Sphagnum, false seta produced by the gametophyte (seta is part of the sporophy- te) pseudopodium (Andreaea frigida) puddle (franç. flaque) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

puginiform (franç. puginiforme) . extension of the stem bearing adj. anatomy - dagger-shaped. gemmae. pulvinate (franç. pulviné, pulvini- forme) adj. anatomy – cushion- pseudopore (franç. pseudopore) n. shaped. anatomy - in some Sphagnum, rudi- mentary pore not perforated. pungent (franç. piquant) adj. anato- pseudostoma (franç. pseudosto- my - ending in a rigid, sharp point.

n. anatomy - mate) vestigial stoma with two guard cells but no pore. pungent stem Calliergonella pseudostoma cuspidata) Sphagnum squarrosum) (

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 104 pustulose (franç. pustuleux) adj. quag mire, quakingbog (franç. anatomy - covered with blisters or tremblant) n. habitat/ecosystem - in a pimples. pustulose thallus bog floating mat, soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.

quarry (franç. carrière) n. habitat/ (Exormotheca ecosystem. pustulosa)

quinquefarious (franç. quinquefa- rié) adj. anatomy - arranged in five rows. pyrenoid (franç. pyrenoïde) n. quinquefarious anatomy - in hornworts, refractive (Sphagnum inclusion in a chloroplast ; protei- quinquefarium) naceous organelle that concentra- tes CO2.

quadrate (franç. carré) adj. anatomy - square. quadrifid (franç. quadrifide) adj. anatomy - divided into four seg- ments. radially symmetric (franç. symé- trie radiale) loc. anatomy - symmetri- quadrilobate (franç. quadrilobé) cal around a central axis. adj. anatomy - having four lobes. leaf quadrilobate to trilobate radicle (franç. radicule) n. anatomy - (Barbilophozia barbata) rhizoid (archaic term).

radiculose (franç. radiculeux) adj.

anatomy - covered with many rhi-


rameal (franç. raméal) adj. anatomy - referring to a leaf, inserted on a branch. see also (cauline) leaf

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 105 rank (franç. rang) n. anatomy - verti- reniform (franç. réniforme) adj. cal row. anatomy - kidney-shaped. ravine (franç. ravin) n. habitat/ repand (franç. à marge légère- ecosystem. ment ondulée) adj. anatomy - with a slightly wavy margin. receptacle (franç. receptacle) n. anatomy - disc located on the thallus repent (franç. rampant) adj. anatomy or on a stipe and bearing sex or- - referring to habit, creeping, pros- gans. female and male receptacles trate. repent habit ( seri- (Marchantia polymorpha) ceum)

recurved (franç. récurvé) adj. anato- my - curved backwards, down- (sexual) reproduction (franç. wards. [ant.incurved] reproduction sexuée) loc. anatomy - reduced (franç. réduit) adj. anatomy reproduction with fusion of game- - incomplete, rudimentary. tes (males and females). reddish (franç. rougeâtre) adj. color resinous (franç. résineux) n. sup- - having red tinge. port. reed bed (franç. roselière) n. habitat/ resorption (franç. resorption) n. ecosystem. anatomy - in some Sphagnum spe- cies, disappearance the outer wall reflexed (franç. réfléchi) adj. anato- of the marginal cell of the leaf. my - curved abruptly downwards. resorption canal (Sphagnum centrale) [ant.inflexed] relictual (franç. relictuel) adj. life strategy - relative to a plant that sur- vives in a favourable but limited space. remote (franç. distant) adj. anatomy - distant.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 106 reticulate (franç. réticulé) adj. ana- rheophilous (franç. rhéophile) adj. tomy - forming a network. life strategy - growing in flowing creeks and rivers. retort cell (franç. ampulla) n. anato- my – in some species of Sphagnum, rhizoid (franç. rhizoïde) n. anatomy - cortical cells, flask-shaped, ending filament that affixes to substratum in a pore. retort cell (multicellular in mosses, unicellu- (Sphagnum subnitens) lar in liverworts).

rhizoids (Pohlia melanodon)

retrorse (franç. rétrorse) adj. anato- my - folded or curved backwards or downwards. [ant.antrorse]

retuse (franç. retus) adj. anatomy - relative to a leaf apex : narrowly rhizoid notched, truncate and round. (Bryum radiculosum)

revoluble (franç. tombant comme une bague) adj. anatomy- falling off like a ring, referring to annulus.

rhizoid disc (franç. disque à rhi- revolute (franç. révoluté) adj. anato- zoïdes) loc. anatomy - in leafy liver- my - rolled outwards, towards the worts, at the base of an underleaf, abaxial, dorsal, external face. pad of tissue bearing rhizoids. [ant.involute] revolute margin rhizoid disc (Calypogeia azurea)

rhizoid initial (franç. initiale de rhizoïde) loc. anatomy – cell that ge- nerating a rhizoid.

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rhizoid initial ringed (franç. cerclé) adj. anatomy - in some Sphagnum species, relati- (Straminergon stramineum) ve to a pore, surrounded by a cir- cle, a ring. see also (ringed) pore

riparian (franç. riverain) adj. life

strategy - growing along a river.

rhizomatous (franç. rhizomateux) river (franç. rivière) n. habitat/ adj. anatomy - having a . ecosystem.

river ecosystem (franç. écosystè- rhizome (franç. rhizome) n. anatomy me fluvial) loc. habitat/ecosystem. - perennial underground stem

which emits aerial stems. rhizome river bed (franç. lit de rivière) loc.


rock, boulder (franç. rocher) n. (Haplomitrium support.

hookeri) rock stack (franç. banc rocheux,

récif) loc., n. habitat/ecosystem.

rock face (franç. paroi rocheuse)

loc. habitat/ecosystem.

rotund (franç. arrondi) adj. anatomy – round, obtuse.

roof (franç. toit) n. habitat/ecosystem. rhombic (franç. rhombique) adj. anatomy - diamond-shaped. (franç. racine) n. support .

rib (franç. nervure) n. anatomy - root nodule (franç. nodosité) n. costa, nerve.

anatomy - outgrowth on root that

(double) rib (franç. double nervu- houses nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

re) n. anatomy - two ribs side by side. rosaceous (franç. rosé) adj. color - rill (franç. ruisseau) n. habitat/ having a dusty purplish pink color. ecosystem. (franç. rosette) n. anatomy - rim (franç. ourlet) n. habitat/ referring to habit, cluster of leaves

ecosystem - outer edge, border, mar- at the same level, thalli radiately gin, or brink of something. spreading.

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spreading. rosette (Riccia sorocarpa) rosulate (franç. rosulé) adj. anatomy - relative to a habit, forming a ro- sette (growing on one level).

rotting stump (franç. souche dé- composée) loc. habitat/ecosystem.

rotten wood (franç. bois pourri) loc. support - decaying tree, log, or


rosette (Rhodobryum ontariense) row (franç. rangée) n. anatomy - line, alignment.

rubescent (franç. rubescent) adj.

color - redenning.

rubrous (franç. rouge) adj. color.

ruderal (franç. ruderal) adj. life

strategy - relative to a place strongly influenced by human activities.

roseus (franç. rosé) adj. color - rosy rudimentary (franç. rudimentai- or pink. re) adj. anatomy - vestigial, poorly developed. rostellate (franç. rostellé) adj. anato- my - with a short beak. rufescent (franç. rufescent) adj. color - tinged with red or reddish rostrum (franç. rostre) n. anatomy - brown. relative to a capsule, beak of the operculum. rostrum rufous (franç. rufous) adj. color - reddish brown. () runoff (franç. ruissellement) n.

habitat/ecosystem - draining away of water from land surface.

rupestral (franç. rupestre) adj. life strategy - growing on the rocks.

rut (franç. ornière) n. habitat/ rostrate (franç. rostré) adj. anatomy - ecosystem. with a long beak.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 109

saxicolous (franç. saxicole) adj. life strategy - growing on rocks. [syn.epilithic, rupestral]

scabrous (franç. scabre) adj. anato- my - rough.

scale (franç. écaille) n. anatomy - in leafy liverworts, fine membran, often scarious. sabulicolous (franç. sabulicole) adj. life strategy - growing in gravel or (dorsal) scale (franç. écaille dor- sand. sale) loc. anatomy - referring to a thallose liverwort, colorful or hya- saccate (franç. sacciforme) adj. line membrane located at the dor- anatomy - bag shaped. sal surface, most often related to the reproductive structures. sacculus (franç. saccule) n. anatomy dorsal scale (Moerckia flotoviana) - small bag-like, utricle. sagittate (franç. sagitté) adj. anato- my - arrow-head shaped.

n. anato- sample (franç. échantillon) my - specimen. sand (franç. sable) n. support . sandstone (franç. grès) n. support.

sand pit (franç. sablière) n. habitat/ ecosystem. (ventral) scale (franç. écaille ven- saprolignicolous (franç. saproli- trale) loc. anatomy - in thallose liver- gnicole) adj. life strategy - growing on worts, scale located on the ventral decaying wood. surface of the thallus. ventral scale (Marchantia palacea) saprophyte (franç. saprophyte) n. life strategy - plant that grows on dead organic matter. saprophytic (franç. saprophyti- que) adj. life strategy - growing on dead organic matter.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 110 scalpelliform (franç. scalpellifor- oriented on the same side. me) adj. anatomy - asymmetrical and see uncinate resembling a scalpel blade. section (franç. section) n. anatomy - scarious (franç. scarieux) adj. anato- cut. my - membranous. (cross) section (franç. section scarce (franç. rare) adj. chorology – transversale) loc. anatomy - a cut few localities are known. perpendicular to the principal axis of the organ. sciophilous, skiophilous (franç. (longitudinal) section (franç. cou- sciaphile) adj. life strategy - preferring shady habitats. pe longitudinale) n. anatomy - a cut made lengthwise. sciophyte (franç. sciaphyte) n. life (transverse) section (franç. coupe strategy - plant growing in shady transversale) n. anatomy - a cut ma- habitats. de across, widthwise, in particular sciophytic (franç. sciaphile) adj.. for the observation of the rib. life strategy - growing in shady habi- sedge swamp (franç. cariçaie) n. tats. habitat/ecosystem. scleroderm (franç. scléroderme) n. seepage (franç. suintement) n. habi- anatomy - internal tissue made of tat/ecosystem. cells with thickened walls and segment (franç. segment) n. anatomy small lumen. - relative to a capsule, division of

the inner peristome (endostome), (franç. éboulis, pierrier) n. habitat/ecosystem. similar to a tooth. scrobiculate (franç. scrobiculé) SEM (franç. SEM) abb. microscopie adj. anatomy - with numerous depres- Scanning Electron Microscopy. sions, pitted. sensu (franç. sensu) pref. nomenclatu-

re/taxonomy/systematic - prefix mea- scrubland (franç. garrigue) n. habitat/ecosystem. ning « in the sense of ». s.d. (franç. s.d.) abb. nomenclature/ sensu lato (franç. sensu lato) loc. taxonomy/systematic - abbreviation for nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - in « sine die » meaning « without the broad sense. date ». sensu stricto (franç. sensu stricto)

loc. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - secund (franç. second) adj. anatomy - in the narrow sense.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 111 septate (franç. septé, cloisonné) adj. anatomy - with separating parti- serrulate margin tions in cells. septate propagulum ( Dichodontium (Orthotrichum lyelii) pellucidum)

serrulate margin (Dicranodontium asperulum)

septum (franç. septum) n. anatomy - in some Sphagnum, partition in a sessile (franç. sessile) adj. anatomy - cell, wall. without seta, without stalk. septum (Sphagnum fimbriatum) sessile capsule

(Cryphaea heteromalla)

seriate (franç. sérié) adj. anatomy - seta (franç. soie) n. anatomy – stalk arranged in rows (uni, bi-, tri- or of a sporophyte. seta multiseriate).

sericeous (franç. séricé) adj. anato- my - having a silky appearance. (Dicranum sericeous (Homalothecium sericeum) scoparium)

setaceous (franç. sétacé, sétifor- me) adj. anatomy - long, fine, like a bristle.

adj. habitat/ serrulate franç. serrulé) adj. anato- shady (franç. ombragé) ecosyste - my - minutely toothed. having full shade.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 112 shaly rocks (franç. schisteux) adj. smaller than a tree. support. sigmoid (franç. sigmoïde) adj. ana- sheath (franç. gaine) n. anatomy - tomy - S-shaped. tissue that surrounds the base of stem or seta or capsule, (in Fissi- siliceous (franç. siliceux) adj. habitat/ dens : vaginant lamina). ecosystem - acidic, having high-silica see also (dorsal) lamina content (usually poor in bases). sheathing (franç. engaînant, em- silicicolous (franç. silicicole) adj. brassant) adj. anatomy - surrounding life strategy - growing on siliceous a stem, seta, capsule or other struc- rocks or sandstone. ture. sheathing base (Hyophila involuta) single (peristome) (franç. péristo- me à un rang) adj. see haplolepidous

simple (franç. simple) adj. anatomy -

relative to a stem, to a thallus, which is not branched. see (simple) thallus

simple pore (franç. pore simple)

loc. anatomy - air pore surrounded by

only 1 layer of superficial (surface) cells. see (simple) pore

sinistrorse (franç. sinistrorse) adj. anatomy - referring to the seta : twisted to the left, counterclockwi- sheet metal (franç. tôle) n. support - se, when looking from the seta apex (capsule base) shoot (franç. pousse) n. anatomy - to the seta base stem, leaves and other structures. (sporophyte inser- shoulder (franç. constriction, tion). épaulement) n. anatomy - place whe- [ant.dextrorse] re abrupt narrowing is present.

shore (franç. rivage, rive, littoral, sinistrorse côte, bord) n. habitat/ecosystem. (Weissia brachycarpa) shrub (franç. arbrisseau) n. habitat/ ecosystem - with several main stems arising from base and

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 113 sinuose (franç. sinueux) adj. anato- base of tree trunks essentially in my - wavy. sinuose walls alluvial forests. (Racomitrium affine) sleeve (Anomodon viticulosus)

slime cell, mucilage cell (franç. sinus (franç. sinus) n. anatomy - cellule mucigène) n. anatomy - cell indentation between two lobes. sinus secreting or containing mucilage. slime cells (Reboulia hemisphaerica)

(Marsupella sphacelata)

skiophilous, sciophilous (franç. slime (franç. mucilage ) n. anatomy - sciaphile) adj. life strategy - preferring gelatinous secretion (with power of shaded habitats. water retention). s.l. (franç. s.l.) abb. nomenclature/ slope (franç. pente, talus) n. habitat/ taxonomy/systematic – abbreviation for ecosystem - incline. « sensu lato » meaning « in the broad sense ». s.n. (franç. s.n.) abb. herbier - Latin abbreviation for « sine numero » slate (franç. ardoise) n. support - fine meaning « without number ». -grained usually bluish gray rock that splits into thin, flat layers or snowbed (franç. combe à neige) n. habitat/ecosystem. plates, formed by metamorphosis of clay, shale, etc. soil (franç. sol) n. habitat/ecosystem/ support - complex mixture of mine- sleeve (franç. manchon) n. life strate- rals, water, air, organic matter, and gy - dense mat that surrounds the organisms.

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(top) soil (franç. sol arable) loc. species (franç. espèce) n. nomenclatu- support. re/taxonomy/systematic - subdivision of a genus and basic unit of classifica- (gravelly) soil (franç. sol grave- tion. leux) loc. support.

sphagnoid (franç. sphagnoïde) adj. (loose) soil (franç. sol meuble) loc. anatomy - a cellular tissue consisting support. of a network of chlorocysts and (bare) soil (franç. sol nu) loc. sup- hyalocysts, resembling that in port. Sphagnum. sphagnoid tissue (Paraleucobryum longifolium) (peaty) soil (franç. sol tourbeux) loc. support. sorb (franç. sorbier) n. support - in genus Sorbus. subspecies (franç. sous-espèce) n. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - sub- division of a species. sphagnum, peat-moss (franç. sp. (franç. sp.) abb. nomenclature/ sphaigne) n. nomenclature/taxonomy/ taxonomy/systematic – Latin abbrevia- systematic - plant belonging to the tion meaning « species ». phylum Bryophyta and the class

Sphagnopsida. (Sphagnum squarrosum) spatulate (franç. spatulé) adj. anato- my - spatula shape, narrower in the basal part than near the apex. spatulate leaf (Syntrichia montana)

spherical (franç. sphérique) adj. anatomy - globe-shaped. specimen (franç. spécimen) n. ana- spinulose (franç. spinuleux) adj. tomy - example, part, individual. anatomy - with small spines.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 115 spinulose spores spore (franç. spore) n. anatomy - (Microbryum davallianum) reproductive element, usually ha-

ploid, produced in the capsule (result of meiosis). spore

(Microbryum starkeanum)

spinose, spiny (franç. épineux) adj. anatomy - with sharp teeth, or with high or sharp papillae or mamillae. spiral (franç. spiralé) adj. anatomy - snail-shaped, helix-shaped, (aspect spore-sac (franç. sporosac, sac of some plant in dry state). spiral sporifère) n. anatomy - cavity located (Syntrichia inermis) in the urn of capsule and contains spores. spore-sac (Seligeria pusilla)

splash-cup (franç. cupule à propa- gules) loc. anatomy - cup-shaped structure (dispersion of propagules by water splash). splash-cup

(Tetraphis pellucida)

sporogonium (franç. sporogone) n. anatomy - sporophyte of moss or

liverwort. see sporophyte

sporophyte (franç. sporophyte) n. sporadic (franç. sporadique) adj. anatomy - diploid generation of the life strategy - appearing irregularly. bryophytes, the spore-bearing ge- naration, consisting of foot, seta (franç. sporange) n. and capsule (not the calyptra). anatomy – spore sac. see Plate 2

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 116 sporose (franç. sporose) n. anatomy - forest (franç. pessière) n. maturity of the spores. sporose habitat/ecosystem - forest with Picea left (Schistidium helveticum) as dominant genus. right (Pylaisia polyantha)

squamose (franç. squameux) adj.

anatomy - covered with scales.

squamulose (franç. squamuleux) adj. anatomy - covered with minute scales.

squarrose (franç. squarreux) adj. anatomy - spread at 90°. spp. (franç. spp.) abb. nomenclature/ squarrose leaves (Sphagnum squarrosum) taxonomy/systematic - meaning more than one species. spreading, patulous (franç. étalé) adj. anatomy - relative to a habit of leaves or branches, more or less horizontal and perpendicular to the axis (an angle of 45° or more with the axis). spreading leaves (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus)

squarrose-recurved (franç. squarreux-récurvé) adj. anatomy - with a right-angle and curved


s.s. (franç. s.s.) abb. nomenclature/ taxonomy/systematic - Latin abbrevia- tion for « sensu stricto » meaning

« in the narrow sense ».

ssp. (franç. ssp.) abb. nomenclature/ spreading branch (franç. rameau taxonomy/systematic -abbreviation étalé) adj. anatomy - in Sphagnum, meaning « subspecies ». branch more or less horizontal, or arched. see also hanging branch stegocarpous (franç. stégocarpe) adj. anatomy - relative to a capsule, spruce (franç. épicéa) n. support - in the operculum is dehiscent, majori- genus Picea . ty of cases in moss species.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 117 stegocarpous capsule sterome (franç. stéréome) n. anato- (Schistidium elegantulum) my - entire system of stereids.

sterile (franç. sterile) adj. anatomy - without structures of reproduction or multiplication (sexual or asexual). [ant. fertile]

stipe (franç. stipe) n. anatomy - stellate (franç. étoilé) adj. anatomy - . in thallose liverworts, false stem star-shaped. stellate papillae bearing male or female receptacles (Hedwigia . in dendroid or frondose mosses, stellata) stem similar to a trunk. stipe (Thamnobryum alopecurum) stipe bearing archegoniophore (Marchantia polymorpha montivagans) stellate appearance (Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum)

stem (franç. tige) n. anatomy - inap- propriated term in , but stipitate (franç. stipité) adj. anatomy widely used for « caulidium ». – with a stipe, a stalk. stereid (franç. stéréide) n. anatomy - stolon (franç. stolon) n. anatomy - long, slender and thick-walled slender, very elongated stem (or cell (stereid has a narow lumen), branch) with rudimentary leaves. found in some costae and stems. stolon stereids

(Atrichum undulatum, (Plagiochila porelloides)

(Tayloria acuminata) stoloniferous franç. stolonifère)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 118 adj. anatomy - with stolons. -meux) adj. anatomy - ha- ving on one side a stoma (franç. stomate) n. anatomy - goiter-shaped bulge. minute opening (pore) surrounded strumose with two guard cells. stoma (Oncophorus virens)

(Anthoceros caucasicus) stubble (franç. chaume) n. support - basal part of herbaceous plants and especially cereal grass remain pro- truding from soil after cutting.

stump (franç. souche) n. support - stone (franç. pierre) n. support remains of base of tree after most

of tree has fallen. stone-pit, quarry, stone pit (franç. carrière de pierres) loc. stylus (franç. stylet) n. anatomy - in habitat/ecosystem. some leafy liverworts, little appen- stramineous (franç. straminé) adj. dage (column) of one or more cells color - straw-colored. present between the lobule and the stem. strangulate (franç. étranglé) adj. stylus (Cololejeunea calcarea) anatomy - constricted under the mouth (some dry capsules). stratose (franç. stratifié) adj. anato- my - in several layers. sub- (franç. sub-) pref. anatomy - stria (franç. strie) n. anatomy - prefix meaning « almost », small, fine longitudinal line, ridge. « nearly », « under ».

subarctic (franç. subarctique) adj. striate (franç. strié) adj. anatomy - with streaks. chorology - of the regions localised immediately at the south of the striolate (franç. striolé ) adj. anato- Arctic. my - with minute streaks. submarginal (franç. submargi- struma (franç. strume) n. anatomy - nal) adj. anatomy - near the margin. submarginal goiter-shaped bulge, e.g. at base (Cinclidium of Oncophorus capsule. stygium) strumous, strumose (franç. stru-

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 119 substereid (franç. substéréide) n. bare soil (franç. sol nu) anatomy - cell resembling a stereid bark (franç. écorce) beech (franç. hêtre) (but thinner cell wall). birch (franç. bouleau) blackthorn (franç. prunellier) substratum (franç. substrat) adj. boulder (franç. gros rocher) support - substrate; underlying struc- box tree (franç. buis) ture. branch (franç. branche) broadleaved tree (franç. feuillu) bush (franç. arbuste) subulate (franç. subulé) adj. anatomy bush (franç. buisson) - tapering to a fine point. calcareous (franç. calcaire ) chalk (franç. craie) succubous (franç. succube) adj. cherry (franç. cerisier) anatomy - in leafy liverworts, obser- chestnut (franç. châtaignier) clay (franç. argile) ving the upper side of a stem, the conifer (franç. conifère) base of insertion is clearly visible cork oak (franç. chêne-liège) while the more distal part is hid- cypress (franç. cyprès) den. [ant. incubous] duff (franç. litière) elder (franç. sureau) succubous elm (franç. orme) (Barbilophozia fig tree (franç. figuier) hatcheri) fir (franç. sapin) gravelly ground (franç. sol graveleux) gravestone (franç. pierre tombale) gypsum (franç. gypse) hawthorn (franç. aubépine) hazel (franç. noisetier) holm oak (franç. chêne-vert) hornbeam (franç. charme) host (franç. hôte) humus (franç. humus) succubous juniper (franç. genévrier) (Plagiochila larch (franç. mélèze) asplenioides) lime tree (franç. tilleul) limestone (franç. calcaire) limon (franç. limon) loess (franç. loess) loose soil (franç. sol meuble ) manure (franç. fumier) maple (franç. érable) superficial (franç. superficiel) adj. marl (franç. marne) anatomy - on the surface. mica-shist (franç. micaschiste) mortar (franç. mortier) mud (franç. boue, vase) Supports/supports oak (franç. chêne) peat (franç. tourbe) alder (franç. aulne) peaty soil (franç. sol tourbeux) ash (franç. frêne) pebble (franç. caillou) aspen (franç. tremble)

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 120 pine (franç. pin) synoecium (franç. synécie) n. ana- plum (franç. prunier) tomy - synoicous inflorescence, poplar (franç. peuplier) resinous (franç. résineux) including archegonia, antheridia rock (franç. rocher) and the surrounding bracts. root (franç. racine) rotten wood (franç. bois pourri) synoicous (franç. synoïque) adj. sand (franç. sable) anatomy - with antheridia and ar- sandstone (franç. grès) chegonia mixed in the same in- shaly rock (franç. roche schisteuse) sheet metal (franç. tôle) florescence. see Plate 10 slate (franç. ardoise) sorb (franç. sorbier) systylious (franç. synstylé) adj. spruce (franç. épicéa) anatomy - relative to a capsule, at stone (franç. pierre) the operculum remains stubble (franç. chaume) stump (franç. souche) attached to the columella, e.g. in substratum (franç. substrat ) Schistidium. systylious (Schistidium topsoil (franç. sol arable) crassipilum) travertine (franç. travertin) tree (franç. arbre) trunk (franç. tronc d'arbre) tufa (franç. tuf ) twig (franç. brindille) wall (franç. mur, cloison) walnut (franç. noyer) willow (franç. saule) windfall (franç. chablis) wood (franç. bois) syntype (franç. syntype) n. nomen- clature/taxonomy/systematic - one of the original set of samples of the sylvicolous (franç. sylvicole) adj. taxon used to describe and name life strategy - growing in forests. it. swamp (franç. marécage, marais) systematic (franç. systématique) n. habitat/ecosystem - n. nomenclature/taxonomy/systematic - classification of taxa. symbiosis (franç. symbiose) n. life strategy - close association between two or more different species, in- cluding mutualism, commensa- lism, amensalism, or parasitism. sympodial (franç. sympodial) adj. anatomy - form of growth, the plant develops a succession of secondary stems. tall- community (franç. mé- see monopodial gaphorbiaie ) n. habitat/ecosystem .

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 121 tapering (franç. en diminuant vers terrestrial (franç. terrestre) adj. le sommet) adj. anatomy - narrowing habitat/ecosystem - pertaining to land. towards one end, one tip. terricolous (franç. terricole) adj. tapetum (franç. assise tapétale) life strategy - growing on soil. loc. anatomy - nutritive cell layer lining the inside of the capsule. terril (franç. terril) n. habitat/ ecosystem. taxon (franç. taxon) n. nomenclature/ tessellated (franç. mosaïqué, tes- taxonomy/systematic - organism, entity described, regardless of its rank sellé) adj. anatomy - like and its actual value. a mosaic, checkered.

taxonomy (franç. taxonomie, taxi- (basal membrane) nomie) n. nomenclature/taxonomy/ tessellated systematic - science of classification (Tortula subulata) of organisms.

temperate (franç. tempéré) adj. chorology - regions between the tro- pics and the polar circles. tetrad (franç. tétrade) n. anatomy - terete (franç. cylindrique) adj. anato- group of four spores (formed from my - in cross-section, round, cylin- a spore mother drical. cell).

tetrad terminal (franç. terminal) adj. ana- (spores) tomy - at the top, in the distal part of Sphaerocarpos a plant. terminal bud (Sphagnum teres) michelii)

tetrahedral (franç. tétraédrique) adj. anatomy - pyramid-shape.

tetraploid (franç. tétraploïde) adj. anatomy - plant, organism with 4n chromosomes. terpenoid (franç. terpenoïde) n. thallus (franç. thalle) n. anatomy - anatomy - organic compound present form of the gametophyte : blade in many bryophytes. non-differentiated into stem and leaves.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 122

thallus (Conocephalum conicum) (franç. thèque ) n. anatomy - urn. see urn

thermophilous (franç. thermophi- le) adj. life strategy – preferring warm places.

thin (franç. grêle, gracile, fin) adj. anatomy - fine. (complex) thallus (franç. thalle tight (franç. serré) adj. anatomy - den- complexe) loc. anatomy - thallus mul- se. tistratose with marked differentia- tion of tissues. complex thallus thicket (franç. fourré) n. habitat/ (Conocephalum salebrosum) ecosystem - dense group of bushes or trees.

tissue (franç. tissu) n. anatomy - mass of cells making up an organ.

tiled roof (franç. toit de tuiles) loc. habitat/ecosystem. (simple) thallus (franç. thalle simple) n. anatomy - undifferentiated tmema (franç. cellule d’abscis- thallus, unistratose or multistrato- sion) loc. anatomy - abscission cell at se. simple thallus (Metzgeria furcata) base of a gemma (breaking to set free the gemma) or parts of a proto-

nema. tmema (Aulacomnium androgynum)

thallose, thalloid (franç. thalloï- de) adj. anatomy - appearance of a thallus. thallose plant (Blasia pusilla)

tomentose (franç. tomenteux) adj. anatomy - woolly, fluffy, felted.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 123 tomentum (franç. tomentum) n. trabecula (franç. trabécule) n. anatomy – felting (abundant rhi- anatomy - relative to ornamentation zoids) covering some stems. of the peristome tooth: horizontal tomentum (Dicranum scoparium) appendage, lateral ridge. trabecula (Funaria hygometrica)

tooth (franç. dent) n. anatomy - . relative to peristome, division . relative to leaf margin, small point. teeth (Timmia bavarica) (left) double teeth (Mnium marginatum) (right)

trabeculate (franç. trabéculé) adj. anatomy - having trabeculae, cross- barred.

track (franç. piste) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

transverse (franç. transversal) adj. anatomy - perpendicular to the long torquate (franç. tordu) adj. anatomy axis. - twisted. travertine (franç. travertin) n. sup- torrent (franç. torrent) n. habitat/ port - form of limestone deposited ecosystem. by mineral springs. tortuose (franç. tortueux) adj. anato- tree (franç. arbre) n. support - my - winding. upright woody with branches. (franç. limite des arbres) loc. habitat/ecosystem - edge of habitat tri- (franç. tri-) pref. anatomy – prefix at which trees are capable of gro- meaning « three ». wing, bordering high elevations and frigid environments; timberli- tridentate (franç. tridenté) adj. ne. anatomy - with three teeth.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 124 trifarious (franç. trifarié) adj. anato- trilete spore (Riccia beyrichia- my - arranged in three rows. na) [syn.tristichous]

trifarious (Seligeria trifaria) trilobate (franç. trilobé) adj. anato- my - three-lobed. trilobate leaf (Tritomaria quinquedentata)

trifid (franç. trifide) adj. anatomy - deeply divided into three parts or lobes. tripinnate (franç. tripenné) adj. anatomy - three pinnately branched. trigone (franç. trigone) n. anatomy - tripinnate pleurocarp in some liverworts, thickenings (generally triangular) in corners of (Thuidium cells. Presence, size and shape are tamariscinum) used for specimen identification. trigone

(Frullania jackii)

triplet (franç. triplet) n. anatomy -

group of three, in some Sphagnum, group of three pores at the junction of three cells. triplet (Sphagnum subni- tens) (Mylia anomala)

trilete (franç. triléte ) adj. anatomy - tristichous (franç. tristique) adj. relative to a spore, polar, with a anatomy - arranged in three rows. convex distal face and a proximal [syn.trifarious] face with a triradiated ridge.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 125

tristichous (Meesia triquetra) tufa (franç. tuf) n. support - porous

rock composed of calcium carbo- nate and formed by precipitation from water.

tuft (franç. touffe) n. anatomy - rela-

tive to habit, clump with erect . tuft

(Tortella tortuosa)

tristratose (franç. tristrate) adj. anatomy - three layers of cells.

trunk (franç. tronc d’arbre) n. support.

tussock, hummock (franç. toura- truncate (franç. tronqué) adj. anato- don) n. habitat/ecosystem. my - abruptly cut transversely at apex. tumid (franç. gonflé) adj. anatomy -

swollen, inflated. tubercle (franç. tubercule) n. anato- my - small outgrowth, small round turbinate (franç. turbiné) adj. anato- tubercles on the rhizoid protuberance. my - obconic. (Marchantia polymorpha)

turf (franç. gazon) n. . habitat/ecosystem - grass and the sur- face layer of earth held together by its , . habit - growth form of bryophytes with erect shoots close together. turf (Bryum argenteum) tuberculate (franç. tuberculé) adj. anatomy- with tubercles, with peg- like projections. [syn. pegged] tubiform, tubular, tubate (franç. tubiforme, tubulaire) adj. anatomy - cylinder-shape, trumpet like.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 126 turgescent (franç. turgescent) adj. umbella (Marchantia polymorpha ruderalis) anatomy - swollen after hydration. turgid (franç. turgide) adj. anatomy – swollen, distended. twig (franç. brindille) n. support twin (franç. double) adj. anatomy - something containing or consisting of two matching or corresponding parts. umbilicate (franç. ombiliqué) adj. anatomy - peltate, attached near the twist (franç. torsion) n. anatomy - center. torsion. umbonate (franç. convexe) adj. type (franç. type) n. nomenclature/ anatomy - having or resembling a taxonomy/systematic - specimen atta- knob or knoblike protuberance. ched to a scientific name from which a species has been descri- unbroken (franç. continu) adj. ana- bed. tomy - uninterrupted, continuous.

uncinate (franç. unciné) adj. anato- my - hook-shaped. leaf uncinate

(Sanionia uncinata)

ubiquitous (franç. ubiquiste) adj. habitat/ecosystem - present in many types of distinct habitats, everyw- here. underbrush (franç. sous-bois) n. IUCN (franç. UICN) abb. protection - habitat/ecosystem. International Union for Conserva- tion of Nature. underleaf (franç. amphigastre) n. anatomy - in some leafy liverworts : (franç. ombelle) n. anatomy— leaf located on the ventral face, umbrella-shaped, having stalks generally smaller and different in which extend from a common cen- shape from that of the other leaves, ter. amphigastrium.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 127

underleaf unilateral (franç. unilatéral) adj.

anatomy – one-sided.

unipapillose (franç. unipapilleux) adj. anatomy - with a single papilla. (Frullania jackii) uniseriate (franç. unisérié) adj. anatomy - in one row.

unistratose (franç. unistratifié) adj. anatomy - one cell layer.

(Calypogeia neesiana) upland (franç. hauteurs, plateau, montagne) n. habitat/ecosystem - area of high or hilly land.

upper (franç. supérieur) adj. anato- undulate (franç. ondulé) adj. anato- my – my - wavy. undulate leaves . relative to a moss leaf, face oriented towards the axis of the

stem (= ventral, adaxial) (Neckera . relative to a liverwort thallus, crispa) dorsal face . referring a zone of the leaf (upper leaf), the distal third of a leaf. see Plate 7

urceolate (franç. urcéolé) adj. anato- my - relative to a capsule : narro- unequal (franç. inégal) adj. anatomy wed below the mouth. - of different size, asymmetric. urn (franç. urne) n. anatomy – spore- unguiculate (franç. onguiculé) adj. bearing portion of the capsule (= anatomy - ending in a point, a hook. theca). urn uni- (franç. uni-) pref. anatomy - pre- fix meaning « one ». (Seligeria pusilla) unpublished data (franç. donnée inédite) loc. nomenclature/taxonomy/ systematic. unicellular (franç. unicellulaire) adj. anatomy - with a single cell.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 128 utricle (franç. utricule) n. anatomy - valve (franç. valve) n. anatomy - vesicle-shaped appendage. relative to some capsules, (especially liverworts, Andreaea) one of the parts of the capsule after dehiscence. valve

(Andreaea frigida)

vacuole (franç. vacuole) n. anatomy - small cavity, space or vesicle wi- thin cytoplasm of a cell, enclosed by a membrane and typically (Lophocolea containing fluid. heterophylla) vaginate (franç. vaginé) adj. anato- my - sheathing. vaginula (franç. vaginule) n. anato- var. (franç. var.) abb. nomenclature/ my - sheath surrounding base of taxonomy/systematic - abbreviation seta. vaginula (Orthotrichum stramineum) meaning « variety ».

variety (franç. varièté) n. nomencla- ture/taxonomy/systematic - the lowest

level of classification.

vegetative leaf(ves) (franç. feuilles végétatives) loc. anatomy –leaves except those surrounding sexual

organs. vegetative leaf

(Syntrichia intermedia) valley (franç. vallée) n. habitat/ ecosystem.

(small) valley (franç. vallon) n. habitat/ecosystem.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 129 vegetative branchlet (franç. ra- vermicular propagule meau propagule) n. anatomy - modi- (Pohlia fied branch, having a vegetative proligera) propagation function by detaching. verrucose (franç. verruqueux) adj. velutinous (franç. velutineux) adj. anatomy - covered with small protu- anatomy - silky. berances.

venter (franç. ventre) n. anatomy - vesicular (franç. vésiculaire) n. relative to an archegonium, cavity anatomy - with blisters. containing the female gamete (egg.) venter vesiculose (franç. vésiculeux) adj. anatomy - bladder-like.

(Marchantia vestibule (franç. vestibule) n. anato- polymorpha) my - small cavity prior a hollow


viability (franç. viabilité) n. life strategy - durability, ability to survi- ve, germinate, or resume growth.

villose (franç. velu) adj. anatomy - hairy. ventral (franç. ventral) adj. anatomy villus (franç. villosité) n. anatomy – . relative to a leaf (face), side pla- ced inside, looking at the stem = referring to some paraphyllia, long inner face = upper face = adaxial hair. face see Plate 7 vineyard (franç. vignoble) n. habi- . in some thallose liverworts, next tat/ecosystem. to the substrate = lower surface . relative to a position (lobe), loca- violet (franç. violet) adj. color. ted near the support. vitta (franç. vitta) n. anatomy - in

some leafy liverworts, a band re- ventricose (franç. bombé) adj. anato- sembling a rib (only one cell layer my - convex, stomach-like. thick). vitta (Diplophyllum verdigris (franç. vert-de-gris ) adj. albicans) color. vermicular (franç. vermiculaire) adj. anatomy - long and narrow like a worm.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 130

VU (franç. VU) abb. protection - Vul- watercourse (franç. cours d’eau) nerable. n. habitat/ecosystem.

water sac (franç. lobule à eau) n.

anatomy - in some leafy liverworts, inflated or inrolled flap creating lobule, usually filled by water.

weft (franç. trame, tapis lâche) n. forme de vie – loose growth, and as-

cending shoots. weft (Thuidium tamariscinum) wall (franç. mur, cloison) n. . support./ continuous brick or stone structure. . anatomy - partition. walnut (franç. noyer) n. support - in genus Juglans.

wart (franç. verrue) n. anatomy - protuberance. water (franç. eau) n. loc. habitat/ ecosystem.

(spring) water (franç. eau de wetland (franç. zone humide) loc. habitat/ecosystem. source) loc. habitat/ecosystem - water from a spring. wetland drainage (franç. assèche-

(standing) water (franç. eau dor- ment, drainage des marais) loc. habitat/ecosystem. mante) loc. habitat/ecosystem - lake, pond, pool, puddle. willow (franç. saule) n. support - in genus Salix. (free) water (franç. eau libre) loc. habitat/ecosystem. wheatfield (franç. champ de blé) loc. habitat/ecosystem. (fresh) water (franç. eau douce) loc. habitat/ecosystem. windfall (franç. chablis) n. support . waterfall (franç. cascade) n. habitat/ wing (franç. aile) n. anatomy - mem- ecosystem. branous extension of a leaf, a spo-


CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 131

wing of a spore (Asterella gracilis) xeromorphic (franç. xéromorphe) adj. life strategy - adapted for dryness.

xerophilous (franç. xérophile) adj. life strategy - growing in dry places.

xerophyte (franç. xérophyte) n. life strategy - plante of dry places.

white (franç. blanc) adj. color. [ant.black] widespread (franç. répandu) adj. chorology - plant common over a wide area. wooded bog (franç. tourbière boi- zygomorphic (franç. zygomorphe) sée) loc. habitat/ecosystem. adj. anatomy - bilaterally symetrical. [ant.actinomorphic] /forest (franç. bois) n. support - substrate of lignified tissues from (franç. zygote) n. anatomy - trees. diploid cell producted by the fu- sion of two gametes. woods/forest (franç. bois) n. habitat/ ecosystem. woodland (franç. forêt claire) loc. habitat/ecosystem.

xeric (franç. xérique) adj. habitat/ ecosystem - referring to habitat, very dry.

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 132


 GLIME, J.—Bryophyte . Ebook sponsored by technological University and International association of bryologists.  MAGILL, R.E. 1990 (réédition 1993) – Glossarium polyglottum bryologiae : a multilingual glossary for byology. Missouri Botanical Garden. 297 p.  MALCOM, B. & N. 2000. - Mosses and other bryophytes. An illustrated glossary. Cambridge Timber Press, 220 p.  CHAVOUTIER, L., 2016 – Bryophytes sl. : Mousses, hépatiques et anthocérotes/ Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Glossaire illustré/Illustrated glossary. Inédit. 179 p.


 Michigan technological University : Janice Glime : http://www.bryoecol.mtu.edu.

 Tela Botanica : www.tela-botanica.org

 Bryophytes de France : http://bryophytes-de-france.org/yeswiki/wakka.php? wiki=PagePrincipale

 Bryolich : http://www.bryolich.ch/bryologie/bryologie_fr.

 Flora Quebeca : http://www.floraquebeca.qc.ca/bryophytes/la-bryologie/ glossaire-bryologie.

 British Bryological Society : http://www.britishbryologicalsociety.org.uk/ http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/bbs/bbs.htm

 Sociedad Española de Briología : http://www.uam.es/informacion/ asociaciones/SEB

CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p..