A Lino et à Enzo 3 Bryophytes sl. Mosses, liverworts and hornworts Illustrated glossary (traduction française de chaque terme) Leica Chavoutier 2017 CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. Introduction In September 2016 the following book was deposed in free download CHAVOUTIER, L., 2016 – Bryophytes sl. : Mousses, hépatiques et antho- cérotes/Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Glossaire illustré/Illustrated glossary. Inédit. 179 p. This new book is an English version of the previous one after being re- viewed and expanded. This glossary covers the mosses, liverworts and hornworts, three phyla that are related by some parts of their structures and especially by their life cycles. They are currently grouped to form bryophytes s.l. This glossary can only be partial: it was impossible to include in the defi- nitions all possible cases. The most common use has been privileged. Each term is associated with a theme to use, and it is in this context that the definition is given. The themes are: morphology, anatomy, support, habit, chorology, nomenclature, taxonomy, systematics, life strategies, abbreviations, ecosystems. Photographs : All photographs have been made by the author. Recommended reference CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and horn- worts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p. Any use of photos must show the name of the author: Leica Chavoutier Your comments, suggestions, remarks, criticisms, are to be adressed to : [email protected] Acknowledgements I am very grateful to Janice Glime for its invaluable contribution. This English version benefited from its review, its comments, its suggestions, and therefore improvements. I would also like to thank Jonathan Shaw. 5 Example: anisophyllous . English term (or group of words): anisophyllous . (French term): (franç. anisophylle) . grammatical nature: adj. theme of common use: anatomy . definition: having two types of leaves on the same stem, stem leaves and rameal leaves are different. antonym: [ant.isophyllous] . illustration and legend: anisophyllous (Sphagnum fimbriatum) or report to another illustration « see… » anisophyllous (Sphagnum fimbriatum) Abbreviations in definitions Notes n.: noun . For each term consider the defi- suf.: suffix nition in the designed theme pref.: prefix (some of them could also be used adj.: adjective in other themes). abb.: abbreviation loc.: locution, group of words . Terms (of color, support, habitat symb.: symbol …) haven’t needed a definition in the context of this glossary (for the French users). They also ap- pear in summary tables. CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 6 CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 7 Plate 1: classification : 1:Sphagnum squarrosum , 2:Dicranum scoparium, 3:Thuidium tamariscinum , 4:Jungermannia sp. , 5:Reboulia hemisphaerica, 6:Anthoceros agrestis. CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 8 Plate 2: gametophyte/sporophyte CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 9 Plate 3: sporophyte CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 10 Plate 4: male receptacle CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 11 Plate 5: thallose liverworts CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 12 Plate 6: calyptra CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 13 Plate 7: leaf, phillidium (Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides, Didymodon luridus) CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 14 Plate 8: nerve, rib CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. Page 14 15 Plate 9: propagulum CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 16 Plate 10: distribution of gametangia CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. leg. (franç. leg.) Latin « legit »17 meaning dj. - «relative collected by to ». a moss, having leg. (franç. leg.) Latin « legit » meaning µm (franç. µm) de « micrometer apex of » or sporophyte« collected by ». produced at « micron », length unit = 1/1 000 mm. µm (franç. µm) de « micrometer » or n (franç. n) chromosome number (haploid). « micron », length unit = 1/1 000 mm. op. cit. (franç. op. cit.) Latin « opus citatum » n (franç. n) chromosome number (haploid). meaning « mentioned, cited above ». a- (franç. a-) pref. anatomy - prefix op.OPL cit. (franç.(franç. op.OPL) cit.) meaning Latin « opus« outer citatum peristomial » meaning « mentioned, cited above ». meaning « not » or « no ». layer ». OPLPPL (franç. (franç. OPL) PPL) meaning meaning « outer « primary peristomial peristo- layer ». a - (franç. a-) pref. anatomy - prefix mea- mial layer ». PPL (franç. PPL) meaning « primary peristo- ningab- (franç. « not » ab or- )« pref. no ».anatomy – prefix s.d. (franç. s.d.) Latin « sine die » meaning mial« without layer ». date ». meaning « away from ». s.d.sensu (franç. (franç. s.d.) Latinsensu) « sineLatin die « »sensu meaning » meaning « without date ». ab - (franç. ab-) pref. anatomy – prefix « in the sense (of) » meaningabandoned « away land from (franç. ». friche) n. habitat/ sensus.l. (franç. (franç. s.l.) sensu) Latin Latin « sensu « sensu lato » » meaning meaning « in « in the sense (of) » ecosystem. a broad sense ». s.l. (franç. s.l.) Latin « sensu lato » meaning « in n. s.n. (franç. s.n.) Latin « sine numero » meaning abandoned land (franç. friche) a broad sense ». habitat/ecosystem.abaxial (franç. abaxial) adj. anatomy – « without a number ». s.n.s.s. (franç. (franç. s.n.) s.s.) Latin Latin « «sine sensu numero stricto » meaning» meaning « without a number ». relative to a surface of a leaf, « strict sense ». abaxial (franç. abaxial) adj. anatomy – s.s. (franç. s.s.) Latin « sensu stricto » meaning dorsal, outer. see face sp. (franç. sp.) meaning « species ». relative to a surface of a leaf, dorsal, « spp.strict (franç.sense ». ssp.) meaning « more than one sp. (franç. sp.) meaning « species ». species ». abortiveouter. see Plate7(franç. abortif) adj. anatomy - spp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « more than one ssp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « subspecies ». having development that is speciesvar. (franç. ». var.) meaning « variety ». abortive (franç. abortif) adj. anatomy - ssp. (franç. ssp.) meaning « subspecies ». havingincomplete, development abnormal, that is stopped incomple- var. (franç. var.) meaning « variety ». te,before abnormal, maturity. stopped before maturity. abbreviations/ abreviations absent abbreviations/ (franç.abreviations absent) adj. absent (franç. absent) adj. anatomy - mis- anatomyaff. (franç. - missing. aff.), meaning « related to ». sing. auct.aff. (franç. (franç. aff.) auct.), Latin Latin « affinis « auctor » meaning » meaning « related to ». « author ». adj. anatomy – acauleauct. (franç. (franç. auct.), acaule) Latin adj.« auctor anatomy » –meaning acaule (franç. acaule) c. (franç. c.) Latin « circa » meaning « around, without apparent stem. withoutabout« author ». ». apparent stem. cf.c. (franç.(franç. cf.)c.) Latin «« confercirca » meaning «« compar around, withabout ». ». acaulescent (franç. acaulescent) adj. acaulescentcf. (franç. cf.) Latin (franç. « confer acaulescent) » meaning « adj. compar cfr. (c. fr.) (franç. cfr. (c. fr.)) Latin « cum fructi- anatomy - provided with a very short anatomybuswith » ». meaning - provided « with sporophytes with a ».very short cfr. (c. fr.) (franç. cfr. (c. fr.)) Latin « cum fructi- stem. [ant.caulescent] stem.cm (franç. [ant.caulescent] cm), meaning « centimeter ». det.bus »(franç. meaning det.), « withLatin sporophytes « determinavit ». » meaning "determinedcm (franç. cm), by". meaning « centimeter ». accrescent (franç. accrescent) adj. det. (franç. det.), Latin « determinavit » meaning accrescente.g. (franç. e.g.), (franç. Latin « acrescent) exempli gratia adj. » meaninganatomy anatomy – increasing in size, growing « determined by ». –« increasingfor example ». in size, growing continuously after reproduction. fo.e.g. (franç. (franç. f.) e.g.), Latin Latin « forma « exempli » meaning gratia «» formmeaning ». continuouslyibid.« for example(franç. ibid.) ». after Latin reproduction. « ibidem » meaning « in thefo. (franç.same book f.) Latin ». « forma » meaning « form ». .aceae (franç. .aceae) suf. nomenclature/ ibid. (franç. ibid.) Latin « ibidem » meaning « in .aceaeIPL (franç. (franç. IPL) meaning.aceae) « suf. inner peristomial taxonomy/systematic - the same book ». suffix applied to a nomenclature/taxonomy/systematiclayer ». - IPL (franç. IPL) meaning « inner peristomial family (Encalyptaceae, Pottiaceae…). suffixleg. (franç. applied leg.) Latin to a «family legit » meaning «layer collected ». by ». (Encalyptaceae, Pottiaceae…). CHAVOUTIER, L., 2017 – Bryophytes sl. : Mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Illustrated glossary. Unpublished. 132 p.. 18 achlorophyllose, achlorophyllous
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