Summer 2012

Blakefield Celebrates 160th COMMENCEMENT

Also Inside: - Blakefield Bids Farewell to Two Administrators - Campus News - Unique Course Offerings Message From THE PRESIDENT Board of Trustees UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPUS Campus News p. 5 NEWS Graduation Highlights p. 6 Ignatian Service p. 11 Reflection Blakefield Artists Take Part Annual Fund p. 15 in Young Artists Showcase Forensics p. 17 Blue & Gold p. 18 Auction 5 Questions p. 22 5 Don Athletics p. 24 QUESTIONS Class Notes p. 26

EDITOR: Robert J. Robinson, M.S., Director of Marketing & Communications Blood Drive Results ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Michael J. Nitti, Multimedia Communications Coordinator

CONTRIBUTORS: Shawn Turner, ‘12 Charles Donovan

DESIGN: Whitney Walker

PRINTING: Printing Images, Inc.

COVER IMAGE: Mrs. Erin Courtney (Mathematics) and her son, Brendan, ‘12

4 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Catholic League Service Project Blakefield Welcomes Multimedia Communications Coordinator

John Lowe ‘12 Awarded 2012 Troy Vance Scholarship

Blakefield Grad Comes Home To Celebrate David Greenwood ‘53 Receives Sailabration 2012 Kelly Medal

Summer 2012 5 Blakefield Community Cele

Graduates from the class of 2012 will attend distinguished colleges and universities across the country and the class was awarded $11.6 million in college scholarships. The top 20 students from the Class of 2012 have enrolled in the following colleges and universities: Carleton College (2) Dartmouth College Georgetown University Harvard University James Madison University Northwestern University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Top : Mrs. Erin Courtney (Mathematics) and her son, Brendan, ‘12 Left : Patrick Franks, ‘12 Right : Deemer Class, ‘12

6 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE ebrates 160th Commencement

It is impossible to predict where we will be, what we’ll be doing, or even what we’ll have accomplished in the coming years. Regardless, one thing will be shared, we will always be Dons. As we depart from our time at Blakefield I urge each of you to pursue your passions, study what interests you, and learn. Learn what kind of man you are, and what kind of man you want to become. If there’s someone you want to be, the only person standing in your way is you.

– A.J. Unitas ’12 – Commencement Address

From Left: Members of the Class of 2012 Enter The Hollow; Colin McGrath, ‘12 ; Colin Brown, ‘12

Summer 2012 7 Fr. Pesci Leaves Legacy of Innovation

and Ignatian Identity by Robert Robinson

Understanding the Jesuit commitment to providing a formative, educational experience for all Loyola Dons, Fr. Pesci challenged the school to hold our young men to high standards and expected that they seek the Magis each and every day. - ANTHONY DAY

8 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE I believe that Fr. Pesci, as the Jesuits before him, is leaving Loyola in a better state than when he arrived. - STEVE MORRILL

Summer 2012 9 10 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Ignatian Service Reflection by Shawn Turner, ‘12

6LQFHD\RXQJDJH,KDYHKDGDQLQVDWLDEOHGHVLUHWRWHDFK'XULQJÀUVWJUDGH I remember watching my teacher, Ms. Horton, control the classroom with ease DQGH[FHOOHQFH,QRUGHUWRSUHSDUHPHIRUWKHZHHNO\VSHOOLQJWHVWVP\JUHDW grandmother would act as the student and I would be the teacher, dictating the words to her and grading her test. I quickly grew to love this element of teaching DQGIURPWKHQRQ,NQHZWHDFKLQJZDVWKHULJKWÀWIRUPH While attending Saint Ignatius I volunteered at Rognel Heights Elementary and Middle School as an assistant to my aunt. I tutored there during my three years at Saint ,JQDWLXV/R\ROD$FDGHP\DQGGXULQJP\IUHVKPDQ\HDUDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG,ORYHGLWVRPXFKWKDW,HYHQEHJDQWR spend my days off volunteering at schools. $IWHUHVWDEOLVKLQJP\VHOIDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGIUHVKPDQ\HDU,GHFLGHGWREHJLQUHYLVLWLQJ6DLQW,JQDWLXV Loyola Academy as a tutor. I assisted my former teachers as well as new teachers in grading papers, monitoring VWXGHQWVDQGWXWRULQJVWUXJJOLQJVWXGHQWV,FRQWLQXHGWRGRWKLVWKURXJKRXWP\IRXU\HDUVDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG During this past spring break I spent four days at Saint Ignatius Loyola Academy that I will never forget. Because my service hours were already completed by this time, it felt good knowing that I was volunteering for the sake of volunteering, rather than needing the hours in order to graduate. 2QWKHÀUVWGD\,UHDFTXDLQWHGP\VHOIZLWKWKHVWXGHQWV,KDGQRWVHHQVLQFH-DQXDU\0RVWRIWKHPZHUH unfamiliar with my face and my personality. After observing in the morning, I assisted in serving lunch and caught up with former teachers, met new ones, and talked with current students about their struggles as well as their DVSLUDWLRQV$PRQJWKHFODVVHVWKDW,VDWLQRQZDV7KHUHVD6FRWW·VHLJKWKJUDGH$OJHEUDFODVV7KHUH,REVHUYHG WHDFKHUVWXGHQWLQWHUDFWLRQVZKLOHODWHUDVVLVWLQJKHUZLWKDGPLQLVWUDWLYHGXWLHVVXFKDVFUHDWLQJFHUWLÀFDWHVSULQWLQJ pages, and monitoring students. 2QWKHVHFRQGGD\,ZDVJLYHQP\ÀUVWFKDQFHWRWHDFKDFODVVRQP\RZQ2QWKHWKLUGGD\,DVVLVWHGZLWK the Saint Ignatius Annual Sponsor Luncheon. After breakfast and performing various administrative duties in the PRUQLQJ,GURYHWR/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGWRDVVLVWZLWKVHWXSIRUWKHOXQFKHRQ,QWKLUW\PLQXWHVWKHFDIHWHULDLQ.QRWW +DOOZDVWUDQVIRUPHGLQWRDOXQFKHRQKDOOÀWIRUVXFFHVV$IWHUKHOSLQJFOHDQXSWKHOXQFKHRQ,ZHQWEDFNWR6DLQW Ignatius to help coach during the academy’s physical education class. Before the rousing game of middle school kickball, I was provided the opportunity to give the young athletes a talk. The most memorable day of my spring break was the fourth day of my visit when I created a lesson plan for WZRHLJKWKJUDGHPDWKFODVVHV:KHQWKHFORFNVWUXFNDP,RSHQHGWKHFODVVURRPGRRUDQGVKRRNWKHKDQGV RI WKHHLJKWKJUDGHUVDVWKH\HQWHUHG$IWHU,WDXJKWWKHÀUVWOHVVRQDQGDGPLQLVWHUHGDTXL]WKHVWXGHQWVVKRZHG their appreciation by applauding my efforts. The same held true for the following class. My opportunity to volunteer is still not complete. I plan to continue to volunteer at schools and a vacation bible school program. Having spent some additional time during my junior year working with underprivileged children, I was taught the true meaning of determination and will when I witnessed their ability to overcome obstacles in spite of the doubt that often surrounds them. That experience acted as the driving force behind my FUHDWLRQRI WKH'RQV2WKHUV&OXEDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG$V,SXUVXHRWKHUVHUYLFHRSSRUWXQLWLHV,·OOVHHNWREHD voice for the speechless, to be the ears for the deaf and to be the eyes for the blind. My family has instilled in me the magis (the more) and ad maiorem dei gloriam (for the greater glory of God). It is for that reason that I thank /R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGP\IDPLO\DQGWKHYROXQWHHUDJHQFLHVIRUSURYLGLQJPHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRKHOSRWKHUVDQGWREHD man with and for others.

Summer 2012 11 Loyola Bids Farewell to Gail Kujawa

Gail Kujawa has worn many hats during her career in Catholic education, a vocation that has spanned more than 35 years. The long and winding road she chose to pursue has produced an RXWVWDQGLQJWHDFKHUDQGLQÁXHQWLDO administrator. And, after 26 years at Loyola, she has easily come to call %ODNHÀHOGKHUVHFRQGKRPH Gail Kujawa began her career in education during the spring of 1986 as a science teacher at Sacred Heart School of Glyndon, the same school she attended as a young girl. One day she was approached by the wife of the Headmaster of Loyola %ODNHÀHOG'HWHUPLQHGWKDW*DLOZRXOG EHDSHUIHFWÀWIRU/R\ROD·VQHZPLGGOH Back Row: Omari Watson ‘17, Philip Wies ‘17, Gail Kujawa, Alec Cerasoli ‘18, Alexander Breschi ‘18 school, she encouraged her to apply for a Front Row: Alex Pongchit ‘17 & Alexander Reid ‘18 position as a science teacher. ´,ZDVQRWORRNLQJWRPDNHDFKDQJHEXWVKHZDVSHUVLVWHQWLQ/R\RODEHLQJDJUHDWÀWIRUPHµVDLG .XMDZD´:LWKP\PLQGVHWRQVD\LQJQR,REOLJHGKHULQYLWDWLRQWRYLVLWWKHFDPSXVµ 7KHYLVLWDOWHUHGKHUSURIHVVLRQDOOLIHDQGKHOSHGPROG/R\ROD·VJUDGHSURJUDPDVZHNQRZLW Gail arrived on the campus and was fascinated by its scenic setting. She was also pleasantly surprised by the courteous young men who greeted her and who were so willing to assist her. ´'XULQJP\ÀUVWWRXURI 6KHULGDQ+DOO,ZDVLPPHGLDWHO\VWUXFNE\WKHYHU\VWUDQJHRGRULQWKHKDOOZD\V This odor, as I soon discovered and grew to love, was the smell of 200 middle school boys at the end of a long day.” As she toured the rest of the campus, she fell in love with the wonderful energy and enthusiasm generated by happy and healthy young men. ´$WWKHWLPH,VDLGWRP\VHOIWKDW,FRXOGGRWKLVIRUWZR\HDUVDQGWKHQMXVWPRYHRQ:HOOWKDWZDV years ago.” After nearly three decades of chaperoning mixers, accompanying the boys on Christian Service trips, cheering at games and sitting with the boys, wiping away their tears after being cut from a sports team for the ÀUVWWLPH*DLOÀQGVVRODFHLQWKHVHPHPRULHVDQGNQRZVWKDWWKH\ZLOOUHPDLQZLWKKHUZHOODIWHUKHUWLPHDW Loyola comes to an end. ´:HJHWWKHVHER\VKHUHDVVL[WKJUDGHUVZKRFDQ·WUHPHPEHUWKHLUORFNHUFRPELQDWLRQVDQGZDONDURXQG with their lunches all over their faces. Then I sit in the Hollow seven years later and watch the same young men ready to take on the world. It’s that incredible moment that reminds me again and again what we are all here for.” $V*DLO·VHYHUFKDQJLQJWLWOHVFDPHDQGZHQWKHUJRDOVDOZD\VUHPDLQHGSHUVLVWHQW

12 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE ´*DLOLVDQGKDVDOZD\VEHHQYHU\FRPPLWWHGWR-HVXLWHGXFDWLRQ and to the spirituality of St. Ignatius,” said Day. Gail has also been devoted to staying on top of the trends in PLGGOHVFKRROHGXFDWLRQDQGWKHWKLQJVWKDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGDVD Catholic institution, needs to do in order to meet the needs of evolving young learners. ´6KH·VEHHQYHU\VXSSRUWLYHRI WU\LQJWRÀJXUHRXWZD\VLQZKLFKWR move the academic program of the middle school deeper into the 21st century,” said Day. Gail’s accomplishments go far beyond the realm of academics at %ODNHÀHOG ´$VWKHOHDGWHDFKHURI RXUPLGGOHVFKRRO*DLOVSRNHHYHU\ZRUG of encouragement and made every gesture of consolation out of a genuine love for the boys,” said Father Thomas Pesci, S.J. ´6KHQDWXUDOO\NQRZVKRZWRFRPIRUWSHRSOHµVDLG&KDQWDO&URVV ´3DUHQWVDOZD\VFRPHWRKHUZLWKWKHLUZRUULHVDERXWWKHLUVRQVEXW*DLO John O’Hara ‘96 UHDVVXUHVWKHPWRWKHSRLQWZKHUHWKH\ZDONRXWRI KHURIÀFHIHHOLQJ perfectly normal and optimistic about how their son is doing.” John O’Hara ‘96 has been ´*DLOLVDYHU\FRPSDVVLRQDWHDQGFDULQJSHUVRQ6KHDOZD\VPDNHV appointed the next Middle School herself available for anyone and that is a very important concept in the Assistant Principal. John holds a B.A. WHDFKLQJVRI WKH-HVXLWSKLORVRSK\µVDLG'D\´6KHKDVEHHQUHVLOLHQW from and a M.A.T. with moving the community past some tragedies that we’ve had here at from Goucher College. Since 2005, John %ODNHÀHOGRYHUWKHSDVWIHZ\HDUVµ has been a teacher and administrator at Trinity School where, in addition As the lead teacher of our middle school, Gail spoke to serving as the chair of the math every word of encouragement and made every gesture department, he designed and maintained the master schedule for all middle of consolation out of a genuine love for the boys. school courses, students, and faculty. Fr.Thomas Pesci, S.J. Additionally, he has served on school 7KLVVWURQJVRXUFHRI FRPIRUWIRUWKHHQWLUH%ODNHÀHOGFRPPXQLW\ committees and task forces focused will make her sorely missed by all. on curriculum development, textbook review, fundraising, and online grading ´6KHKDVEHHQWKHIDFHRIWKHPLGGOHVFKRROIRUVRORQJQRZ programs. He also acted as the liaison to and it’s going to be tough to replace an icon like her who is so well the National Middle School Association respected,” said Cross. and National Council of Teachers of As for her retirement plans, Gail doesn’t plan on traveling far from Mathematics. %ODNHÀHOGRUHGXFDWLRQ Prior to his time at Trinity, John ´,SODQWRPRYHWR+RZDUG&RXQW\DQGVSHQGPRUHWLPHZLWKP\ was an elementary and middle school daughter and my grandchildren while they are still young enough to want teacher at Father Charles Hall and St. their grandmother around.” Pius X School. After accepting the *DLODOUHDG\H[SHFWVWKDWVKHZLOOEHYROXQWHHULQJDVDRQHRQRQH RIIHU-RKQVWDWHG´-XVW\HDUVDJR tutor with children. /R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGLQWURGXFHGPHWRD ´,WKLQN,KDYHWRVWHSEDFNIURPLWIRUDZKLOHEXW,FDQ·WVHH lifetime of learning, devotion to God, myself walking away from it for long because I love it and it’s why I get and a commitment to service. I am quite up in the morning and what I look forward to every day.” honored and grateful for the opportunity to pass these very same gifts of learning, faith and service to our next generation of young Dons.” Summer 2012 13 14 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Your gift ensures that EVERY DON receives the highest quality education in the Ignatian tradition. Make an online gift today at

Summer 2012 15 Blakefield Players

D\HUV·6SULQJD\HUV·6SULQJ SHUIRUPDQFHIHDWXUHGWKUHHRQHDFWFRPHGLHVE\PDQFHIHDWXUHG QHDFWFRPHGLHVE\ Thorntonon Wilder. The three shorthort plays presented were The Happyppy Journey to TrentonTr anda Camden, directected by Ben Horgan,gan, Loyola’s ChristianChri SeService Director; Thehe Long Chriristmas DinnerrGLUHLUHFWHGEE\/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG alumnus andnd Comedy Improv Clubb moderator, Lance %DOGZLQ·DQGPullman Car HHiawawathaa, directed by Christian Garretson, Loyola’s DirDirectoor of Theatre.

Judah Parham ‘12 won Best Featured Actor in a Musical from Cappies of Baltimore for his performance in 1776.

16 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Loyola Forensics Continues Tradition of Excellence

In late February, the team successfully defended its Chesapea competition from Walt Whitman and Baltimore City College. A Lo .XUW,PKRII ·0LFKDHO6FKHLQHU·5\DQ0LOOHU·6WHSKHQ3K compete at the National Forensic League (NFL) Championship in ZDVWKHÀUVW/R\RODVWXGHQWWRDGYDQFHWRWKHVHPLÀQDOURXQGRIVWXGHQWFRQJUHVV In March, Loyola captured its ninth consecutive BCFL Championship. The team took 1st place in the speech sweepstakes, 2nd in debate, and 1st overall. Outstanding performances included Stephen Phillips ’12 (champion in student congress), Jack Scaletta ’14 (champion in duo, 5th in declamation, 2nd in individual sweepstakes), Michael Scheiner ’12 (champion in duo, 3rd in extemp), Joseph Ferlise ’14 (champion in declamation, 4th in duo), Ryan Miller ’13 (champion in dramatic performance, 5th in oral interpretation), AJ Unitas ’12 (champion in impromptu, 3rd in oratory, 6th in duo), Kurt Imhoff ’13 (4th in drama, 2nd in oral interpretation, 6th in duo, and 3rd in individual sweepstakes), Aleks Jaunzemis ’14 (3rd in oral interpretation), Anebi Adoga ’12 (6th in original oratory), Lucas Iverson ’13 (5th in oral interpretation), Austin Cramer ’14 (2nd in children’s literature, 4th in duo), Clark 6WDOOLQJV· WKLQVWXGHQWFRQJUHVV 7RP&DPHURQ·DQG/LDP)RZO· VHPLÀQDOLVWVLQSROLF\GHEDWH DQG -RVK$ORQVR]DQD· VHPLÀQDOLVWLQ/LQFROQ'RXJODVGHEDWH  ,Q0D\7RP&DPHURQ·DGYDQFHGWRWKHTXDUWHUÀQDOURXQG WRS RI /LQFROQ'RXJODV'HEDWHDWWKH 7RXUQDPHQWRI &KDPSLRQVLQ/H[LQJWRQ.HQWXFN\DVFKRROEHVWÀQLVKDWWKHPRVWFRPSHWLWLYHGHEDWHWRXUQDPHQW

l Day weekend, Loyola and the Archdiocese of Baltimore hosted over 4,200 guests from across 12 National Catholic Forensics League Grand National Tournament. The event was four years ad Loyola team members, parents, alumni, students, and friends scattered all across Baltimore lcoming our guests and carrying out an enormous assortment of mundane but essential tasks. at success, with many guests commenting on Loyola’s welcoming community and generous urnament, Kurt Imhoff ’13 took 6th place in oral interpretation, Joe Ferlise ’14 was an PDWLRQDQG6WHSKHQ3KLOOLSV·ZDVDVHPLÀQDOLVWLQVWXGHQWFRQJUHVV Forensic League conferred several prominent awards upon team members this season. Stephen DV·DQG/LDP)RZO·HDUQHG$FDGHPLF$OO$PHULFDQKRQRUVIRUWKHLUWRSSHUIRUPDQFHVLQ FODVVURRP7RP&DPHURQ·ÀQLVKHGZLWKWKHPRVWQXPEHURI SRLQWVLQWHDPKLVWRU\DQGZDV RQDO1)/$OO$PHULFDQUDQNHGLQWKHVWDWHRI0DU\ODQG

In June, current and former team members gathered for a surprise roast of 7RP'XUNLQ¶ZKRDQQRXQFHGKLVUHWLUHPHQWIURPFRDFKLQJDWWKHVWDUWRI WKH \HDU,WZDVDJUHDWFHOHEUDWLRQRI DPDQZKRKDVKDGDSURIRXQGLQÁXHQFHRQDQ entire generation of Loyola Dons. In Tom’s honor, the Baltimore Catholic Forensic League renamed the championship trophy for him. Also, the team announced the institution of a new award in Tom’s name, to be given to the most committed and enthusiastic novice. This year’s award was presented to Jackson Sanchez ’15.

Summer 2012 17 &DP&DPHURQ *LRQ'·$QQD

The Bird makes a Surprise Visit

18 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Tom Galloway Keeps the Bidding Going &R&KDLUV-RKQ 6KDURQ6WDQWRQ OHIW DQG7RP  Susan Brennan (right) with Fr. Pesci.

Pat O’Hara with Brad ‘93 and Shahla Price

Save the Date for Next Year’s Blue & Gold Auction : Saturday, March 23, 2013

Summer 2012 19 Blakefield Continues to Provide Innovative and Unique Blend of Course Offerings As Loyola strives to remain at the forefront of 21st century learning, this often involves the creation of new course offerings as well as a marriage between different academic disciplines. For instance, Mr. Greg Koffel’s engineering course, which was added in 2011, allows students to learn LQWURGXFWRU\FRQFHSWVPHWKRGVDQGSULQFLSOHVRI HQJLQHHULQJSUDFWLFH´,VDZDQHHGWRSURYLGHVRPH application for some of the things that we practice in math and science. The administration was supportive of a course where students were interacting with problems more than they would in most mathematics courses DQGDSSO\KDQGVRQVROXWLRQVWRWKRVHSUREOHPVµVDLG.RIIHO7KHFRXUVHDOVRSURYLGHGDOLQNWRRWKHU DFDGHPLFDUHDV´7ZRWKLQJV,ZDQWHGWKHFRXUVHWRDFFRPSOLVKZDVWRH[SRVHVWXGHQWVWRGLIIHUHQWÀHOGVRI engineering and gain an understanding of the world around them and how things work together,” said Koffel. Students worked on a variety of projects that let them interact with their fellow Dons in such courses as $UFKLWHFWXUDO'HVLJQ'LJLWDO0HGLDDQG6WDWLVWLFV´2XUHQJLQHHULQJVWXGHQWVGHVLJQHGWKHYDULRXVFRPSRQHQWV of a golf course and then worked with the Digital Media students, who were creating marketing materials for WKHFRXUVHµVDLG.RIIHO6WXGHQWVDOVRGHVLJQHGZDWHUÀOWHUVIRUDQ$IULFDQYLOODJHVFHQDULRDQGEXLOWEDVHEDOO SLWFKLQJPDFKLQHVZKLOHWKH$36WDWLVWLFVVWXGHQWVDQDO\]HGWKHPIRUWKHLUVSHHGDFFXUDF\DQGFRVW´:HDUH excited to grow our engineering offerings and create more integration with other departments,” said Koffel. %ODNHÀHOG·VHQJLQHHULQJFRXUVHZDVIXHOHGE\WKHDLGDQGH[SHUWLVH provided by Bob Rassa ‘58. Rassa offered professional guidance and has generously provided funding dedicated to supporting the course. Grant assistance is also provided by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics (QJLQHHUV ,((( ´2QHRI WKHEHVWRXWFRPHVRIWKHFRXUVHLVWRVHH VWXGHQWVLQWURGXFHGWRWKHÀHOGRIHQJLQHHULQJDQGZLWQHVVWKHPPDUYHODW WKHHQGOHVVSRVVLELOLWLHVLWRIIHUVµVDLG.RIIHO´$IHZFRPHLQZLWKDSUH exisitng interest but by the end of the year, many will consider it for their college major.”

We want to create a setting in which students can immerse themselves in theory and in practical applications. Michael Lackner, Academic Technology Coordinator. Michael Lackner, Academic Technology Coordinator


20 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE By incorporating state of the art hardware and tools, LQGXVWU\VWDQGDUGVRIWZDUHDQGH[SHUWLQVWUXFWRUV Computing and Informatics will strive to create FURVVFXUULFXODUFRQQHFWLRQVZLWK0DWKHPDWLFV 6FLHQFH)LQH$UWVDQG(QJOLVK´:HZDQWWRFUHDWH a setting in which students can immerse themselves in theory and in practical applications,” said Michael Lackner, Academic Technology Coordinator. ´8OWLPDWHO\ZHZDQWWREHDEOHWRSURYLGHVWXGHQWV the opportunity to use computational thinking, be creative, explore, think critically, work collaboratively, construct knowledge, and solve problems.” Having developed the new program in conjunction with instructors Tim Baier, Trudy Runge, Deborah Cotter, Koffel, Steve Morrill, Director of Technology, Engineering Students Work on Pitching Machine Design Lackner sees opportunity for the department to blend its curriculum across the campus. The core of the department’s focus lies in a new course titled, Foundations in Computer Science. In WKLVSURMHFWEDVHGUHTXLUHGFRXUVHIRUDOOIUHVKPHQVWXGHQWVZLOOEHFRPHSURÀFLHQWXVLQJDYDLODEOHWHFKQRORJ\ resources at Loyola, demonstrate their understanding of digital citizenship and net etiquette, learn basic programming, logic and computational thinking skills, develop their web design skills and be exposed to basic engineering concepts. ´$VZHSUHSDUHGIRUWKHQHZ)RXQGDWLRQV course, we began having conversations with other departments to identify natural integration RSSRUWXQLWLHVµVDLG/DFNQHU´:HDOVRSODQWRZRUN with our counterparts at other schools to seek ways to collaborate.” Runge, the newest member of the team has already been busy developing additional ways to integrate technology into other disciplines. ´:HDUHORRNLQJDWSURMHFWVZKHUHVWXGHQWVFRXOG be evaluated across different departments such as history assignments being graded for the factual relevance while also being graded on technical merit within the Foundations Course,” said Runge. Tim Baier, Debbe Cotter, Greg Koffel, Steve Morrill, ´7HDFKHUVDUHH[FLWHGDERXWWKHQHZRSSRUWXQLWLHV 7UXG\5XQJH 0LFKDHO/DFNQHU and the possibilities are endless.” Many of the concepts behind the creation of the department were born from research and guidance from institutions such as Johns Hopkins, UMBC, Loyola University and Towson University. The team talked WRFXUUHQWSDUHQWVZKRDUHOHDGHUVLQWKHLUÀHOGLQUHODWHGLQGXVWULHV/DFNQHUDOVRFLWHVVWXGHQWLQSXWDVDQ LPSRUWDQWVRXUFHLQEXLOGLQJWKHSURJUDP´7KHVWXGHQWIHHGEDFNZDVDYHU\LPSRUWDQWSLHFHIRUXVDQGLW UHDOO\VKRZHGWKDWWKHUHLVDORWRILQWHUHVWµVDLG/DFNQHU´.LGVDUHLQWRJDPLQJURERWLFVDSSFUHDWLRQPRELOH technology, video, the Web and we need to help provide them with structured opportunities to explore these tools and resources.”

Summer 2012 21 ,DQ+DQQDÀQ·IRXQGHGWKH PMC Parkton Kids Ride in 2008. The event is modeled after the 3DQ0DVV&KDOOHQJHDPLOHELNHULGHDFURVVWKH state of Massachusetts to raise money for cancer research and treatment. Over 5,000 riders take part in th 5 WKH3DQ0DVV7KH DQQXDO30&3DUNWRQZLOOEH held on Saturday August 19th, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. (Learn Ian‘13 Hannafin

more and register at QUESTIONS with

1) WHAT GOT YOU INVOLVED IN THE PMC KIDS RIDE? When I was living in Massachusetts, one of my best friends died from cancer. I had known him my entire life and it was difficult to watch him and his family suffer through this disease. My father rode in the PMC and we became more interested in being involved with the event. My mom and I started volunteering at water stops and supporting the race any way we could. Even after we moved to we still went back to help each year. 2) WHAT WAS THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZING YOUR OWN KIDS RIDE LIKE? In 2008, I learned about the PMC Kids Rides and my mother and I researched and looked up how to contact them. I immediately set out, determined to proceed with creating our own local event. As I managed my way through the process, the staff at PMC was surprised to learn that a kid was organizing it. I just figured that this wasn’t unique since the race was meant for youth riders, but I think they were pleasantly surprised to know that a kid was organizing the effort. I soon partnered with the NCR Trail in Baltimore County and we started promoting the event and gained sponsors as well. 3) WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT FOR KIDS TO TAKE PART IN EVENTS LIKE THIS? Cancer affects so many of us, and I think kids in particular are seeing their friends and family members afflicted with the disease. They may naturally feel like they are on the outside looking in and cannot do anything to help. This event gives them an outlet to support a cause. 4) DO YOU HAVE TO BE AN EXPERIENCED RIDER TO TAKE PART IN THIS EVENT? You don’t have to be experienced at all. The ride is open to kids starting at age six. Most riders take approximately 40 minutes to an hour to complete the ride. But the most important part is that we take our time, enjoy the outdoors and try to have fun as a group. It’s about being active, enjoying great company and supporting a great cause. After the ride we host a big barbeque for all participants. We grill, eat ice cream and make a fun day out of it. 5) WHAT DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST ABOUT YOUR INVOLVEMENT OVER THE YEARS? The best part is just being there at 8:00 a.m. when the kids arrive and seeing the smiles on their faces. I see them having so much fun and have the satisfaction in knowing that I played a role in their participation. The proceeds from the ride go directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. We are always looking for more riders and publicity for our event. It has been great to see it grow over the years. We even had a group of college marketing Want to get involved in students working on a class project where they developed idea to promote our message. the 2012 PMC Parkton Kids Ride? Visit parkton to register and learn more.

22 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Have you moved, changed jobs, gotten married or had an addition to your family? Visit: today and tell us about it. We will send you a Loyola gift to mark the occasion!

Summer 2012 23 DON ATHLETICS :



tennis team. Brendan Galloway 13 and Grant Palmer 14 earned a team best record at 2nd doubles. The team was coached by Don Kraft in his 13th season at Loyola and by assistant coach and former star Russ Taylor ‘06.

The BASKETBALL team finished the season with a 10-19 record. The season was filled with nail-biting, close finishes where almost every game seemed to be decided in the final few minutes. In the last five weeks of the regular season, eight games were decided by four points or less. The team’s most notable effort was during the come-from-behind win (39-38) versus Mt. Carmel where the Dons trailed by 17 points at halftime. The Dons were led by their captains Daniel Vigus ‘12, Jordan Floyd ’12 and Matthew Dunn ‘12. Vigus led the team in scoring with 12.4 points per game while Floyd led the team in rebounding with six per game.

Loyola’s team, with the help of outstanding leadership from the 2012 senior class, had an impressive 16-4 record this spring capped off yb a return to the MIAA “A” Conference playoffs, a championship game appearance, and a #11 national high school ranking in the Under Armour/Inside Lacrosse National Power Rankings. A first round playoff yb e and an impressive semifinal repeat win over Gilman (13-7) gave Loyola their first trip back to the championshipg ame since the 2008 championship season. 2012 will long be remembered as a season where dedication to a common goal and force of will were the dominant traits across the entire roster.

The ICE HOCKEYY team ended its most successful campaign in recent years by raising the MAPHL “A” Conference Championship trophy after a decisive 9-0 win over Good Counsel. Led yb captain Patrick Franks ’12 and MAPHL “A” Player of the Year Ross Stotesberry ’12, Loyola’s roster was incredibly balanced, combining defensive grit with scoring punch. In addition to holding MAPHL tournament opponents to only three goals h li J kL ’12b k d h D 33d bl i i i C l H lli





losing the tie-breaker (point differential) by only five points. Season highlights included wins over West Carroll and North Bay Rugby and sweeping Calvert Hall in both league matches. Captains Dan Bollinger and Jordan Jenkins along with veterans Corey Bennett ‘12, Zach Greeley ‘12, Austin Luera ‘12, Peter Snarski ’12 and Bennett Sipes ‘12 provided sound leadership as they guided the team to three come-from-behind victories.

The OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELD team finished third in the MIAA this spring. Led by a very strong group of distance runners, the team set a school record, while running the second fastest time in the state in the 4 x 800 meter relay. Dominic Piedmont ‘13, Kevin Corbusier ‘12, Dan McLoughlin and Ryan Johnson ’12 ran a time of 7:53.5. In the 4 x 200 meter run, Brendan Courtney, Andrew Lloyd, Dominic Piedmont and Connor Cunningham broke a 10-year-old school record with a time of 1:31.8. Other top competitors included Jamie Dubyoski ’12 in the pole vault 12-06, and Connor Cunningham ‘14 who set a school record in the triple jump (42-03) and was among the area’s best in the long jump (21-03). Michael Wegner ’15 was the MIAA champion in the 3200 meter run with a time of 9:30. 125-00 discus thrower Jon Horton ’13 was also a top scorer this spring.

The SQUASH program at Loyola Blakefield took on a new dimension during the winter season this past school year. Second year coach Joe Lacy settled in for the fourth season of Loyola’s varsity competition. A new attitude of determination accompanied the new facility where the team practiced and played matches. Two wins each over Calvert Hall and Park School demonstrated the improvement of our Dons. The program grew significantly to a roster of 45 players on three teams with many underclassmen in top tier varsity and JV positions, indicating an improving competitive direction for years to come. BASEBALL


Summer 2012 25 Class Notes 1948 WA from 2006-08. David was deployed 1998 Rear Admiral F. Neale Smith, to Iraq from 2009-10. Tracy S. Conway welcomed a son, USNR (Ret.) and his wife, Ginny, 1980 McLuhan Patrick Conway, in April have moved back to Texas after 25 Gregory Adinolfi was recalled back 2010. years where two daughters and most to Active Duty Navy, assigned to the 1999 of their grandchildren are. In 1984, Cyber Warfare at The Pentagon. He is Frank D. Fenhagen (Don) and his wife, th Neale was on headquarters staff of now in his 24 year of military service. Sarah, had son George Revell Fenhagen Exxon Pipeline Co. in Houston 1982 in February 2011. Don graduated from when he was recalled to active duty Michael H. Jessup has been named the Georgetown’s Executive MBA Program at the Pentagon and later served as Assistant Vice President of Resource in May 2011. He now works for IBM Chief of Naval Reserve. Development at Capital Caring. Global Business Service as Account 1960 1983 Manager for Department of Homeland Gerard R. Marconi has Robert L. Doyle (Bobby) has been Security business. published several short stories named associate instructor for Strike 2000 in literary magazines, including International, a firearms training Brendan M. Bailey and his wife, Chrissy, The Chattahoochee Review, company based in North Texas. welcomed their first child, Eleanor The Summerset Review, and an Strike International trains over 30 law “Nora” Jane, on Sunday, March 25. upcoming edition of Mayday, an enforcement agencies as well as military online magazine published by units and federal law enforcement New American Press. His recently agencies. Bobby specializes in instructor published novel entitled Gods and development, basic firearms training Heroes is about growing up in and tactical courses. Bobby works full Baltimore during the 1960s and time as a patrol sergeant for a municipal is available online as an e-book or police department. He lives in North in paperback. It features several Texas with his wife, Cyndi, and two scenes on the Blakefield campus as Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. it follows two protagonists from 1989 2001 childhood through adolescence Gregory H. Gunther is currently the Loyola Blakefield alumnus, Mike into adulthood. Head Tennis Coach for the Newman Lookingland ’01, was recently named 1962 High School Greenies in New Orleans. a 2011-12 All-Major Indoor Soccer John M. Sherwood ‘62 was selected The team finished as state runner up in League First-Team All-Star for his as the 2011-12 Catholic Layman of 2012 for Division Four. Additionally, defensive excellence on the . the Year by the West Virginia State he has been named Director of Tennis Council Knights of Columbus. for the YMCA of New Orleans. 1979 1995 David J. McCauley was promoted Robert F. Baird and his wife, Lizzy, to Colonel in 2005. He graduated welcomed their fifth child. John Lotz from the Naval War College in was born on June 29, 2011, weighing Newport, RI in 2006 and was 10.5 pounds. He joins older siblings selected for Brigade Command of Bobby (8), Shehan (7), Morgan (5), 17th Fires Brigade in Fort Lewis, and James (3). 26 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Lookingland is joined on the Base Officer Leadership Course Baltimore Blast professional soccer (BOLC) in Fort Sam Houston, TX. In team by two other Loyola Blakefield Following Medical BOLC, he will go alumni, goalkeeper Akira Fitzgerald to Fort Rucker, AL for flight school to ’06 and defenseman Mike Deasel become a Medical Evacuation pilot. Memoriam ’07. Lookingland was drafted in 2008 the second round of the Major Student Alex J. Ferro won two distinguished Tyler J. Sanchez, ‘15 League Soccer supplemental draft awards at the University of by Real Salt Lake, but signed with . One was for having the Alumnus the Baltimore Blast in 2005. In the highest GPA of all senior athletes; the Louis A. Koehler Jr., ‘37 2010-11 season, Lookingland was a second for the highest GPA in the John J. Krejci, M.D., ‘41 Second-Team Anthony F. Moscati, Sr., ‘41 school’s engineering program. Ferro was Paul J. Feeley Sr., ‘42 All-MISL selection and ranked a double major in engineering and the John F. Guidera, S.J., ‘43 second on the Blast and third in the Wharton School of Business. J. Richard Jenkins, ‘44 MISL with 35 blocks. Blakefield’s John G. Luber, ‘44 varsity soccer coach, Lee Tschantret, 2008 Robert A. Roesner, ‘44 Marc J. Franklin received the Joseph Robert T. Barry, ‘46 who recently retired from Brian M. Rooney, ‘51 professional soccer, won multiple M. Larkin, S.J. Award from Boston Ronald L. Gutberlet, M.D., ‘52 championships and set scoring College at the 2012 Commencement Theodore G. Jett, ‘53 Ceremony. This award is presented Lewis A. Ottenritter, M.D.,‘53 records with the Baltimore Blast. Gerard A. Dvorak, ‘56 annually to a senior member of the Edward C. Linz Jr., ‘63 2006 Boston College Dramatics Society who Brady B. Boyd, ‘68 Patrick V. O’Connell took part in has clearly exhibited the qualities of Ramond P. Woods, ‘81 the NCAA Men’s College Basketball dedication and integrity exemplified by Alumni Parent Tournament in March. Patrick the life and career of Rev. Joseph M. Anne B. Altemus is a graduate manager at Florida Larkin, S.J. Stephen R. Bogusky Sr. State University for the basketball Patrick M. Ercolano 2010 Frank A. Faraino team. Patrick was a four year letter Edwin J. Bradley took part in this year’s Francis M. Harvey winner in men’s basketball at Johns Patricia Maguire NCAA College Basketball Tournament Hopkins University, a 2007 member Antonio B. Martins as a sophomore student manager for Mary Lou Riddle of the Centennial Conference the Georgetown men’s basketball team. Championship Team (24-5) and is Friend Bradley, who joined the Hoyas staff second all-time in career steals at Elizabeth Dugan this season as a sophomore, has quickly George Mitchell Hopkins. At Loyola, O’Connell was proven himself valuable. G. Warren Mix a three-year varsity letter winner Angela A. Tiburzi and a member of the First Team Rose B. Roseman All Baltimore Catholic League his Grandparent senior season. Samuel Aiken 2008 Rowland K. Hill Thomas M. Carroll, Jr. was Margaret P. Scriba commissioned as a Second Parent Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Stacey K. Del Bene Reserve on May 22, 2012. Thomas recently graduated from the Past Grandparent University of Maryland, where he Bernadette Fields studied Government and Politics. William B. Greene James C. Koliha He will attend the Army Medical Frank J. Rodman Summer 2012 27 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.3233 P.O. BOX 6819 ʀ TOWSON MARYLAND 21285-6819 BALTIMORE, MD WWW.LOYOLABLAKEFIELD.ORG ʀ 800-337-DONS