Summer 2012 Blakefield Celebrates 160th COMMENCEMENT Also Inside: - Blakefield Bids Farewell to Two Administrators - Campus News - Unique Course Offerings Message From THE PRESIDENT Board of Trustees UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS CAMPUS Campus News p. 5 NEWS Graduation Highlights p. 6 Ignatian Service p. 11 Reflection Blakefield Artists Take Part Annual Fund p. 15 in Young Artists Showcase Forensics p. 17 Blue & Gold p. 18 Auction 5 Questions p. 22 5 Don Athletics p. 24 QUESTIONS Class Notes p. 26 EDITOR: Robert J. Robinson, M.S., Director of Marketing & Communications Blood Drive Results ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Michael J. Nitti, Multimedia Communications Coordinator CONTRIBUTORS: Shawn Turner, ‘12 Charles Donovan DESIGN: Whitney Walker PRINTING: Printing Images, Inc. COVER IMAGE: Mrs. Erin Courtney (Mathematics) and her son, Brendan, ‘12 4 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Baltimore Catholic League Service Project Loyola Blakefield Welcomes Multimedia Communications Coordinator John Lowe ‘12 Awarded 2012 Troy Vance Scholarship Blakefield Grad Comes Home To Celebrate David Greenwood ‘53 Receives Sailabration 2012 Kelly Medal Summer 2012 5 Blakefield Community Cele Graduates from the class of 2012 will attend distinguished colleges and universities across the country and the class was awarded $11.6 million in college scholarships. The top 20 students from the Class of 2012 have enrolled in the following colleges and universities: Carleton College (2) Dartmouth College Georgetown University Harvard University James Madison University Northwestern University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Top : Mrs. Erin Courtney (Mathematics) and her son, Brendan, ‘12 Left : Patrick Franks, ‘12 Right : Deemer Class, ‘12 6 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE ebrates 160th Commencement It is impossible to predict where we will be, what we’ll be doing, or even what we’ll have accomplished in the coming years. Regardless, one thing will be shared, we will always be Dons. As we depart from our time at Blakefield I urge each of you to pursue your passions, study what interests you, and learn. Learn what kind of man you are, and what kind of man you want to become. If there’s someone you want to be, the only person standing in your way is you. – A.J. Unitas ’12 – Commencement Address From Left: Members of the Class of 2012 Enter The Hollow; Colin McGrath, ‘12 ; Colin Brown, ‘12 Summer 2012 7 Fr. Pesci Leaves Legacy of Innovation and Ignatian Identity by Robert Robinson Understanding the Jesuit commitment to providing a formative, educational experience for all Loyola Dons, Fr. Pesci challenged the school to hold our young men to high standards and expected that they seek the Magis each and every day. - ANTHONY DAY 8 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE I believe that Fr. Pesci, as the Jesuits before him, is leaving Loyola in a better state than when he arrived. - STEVE MORRILL Summer 2012 9 10 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE Ignatian Service Reflection by Shawn Turner, ‘12 6LQFHD\RXQJDJH,KDYHKDGDQLQVDWLDEOHGHVLUHWRWHDFK'XULQJÀUVWJUDGH I remember watching my teacher, Ms. Horton, control the classroom with ease DQGH[FHOOHQFH,QRUGHUWRSUHSDUHPHIRUWKHZHHNO\VSHOOLQJWHVWVP\JUHDW grandmother would act as the student and I would be the teacher, dictating the words to her and grading her test. I quickly grew to love this element of teaching DQGIURPWKHQRQ,NQHZWHDFKLQJZDVWKHULJKWÀWIRUPH While attending Saint Ignatius Loyola Academy I volunteered at Rognel Heights Elementary and Middle School as an assistant to my aunt. I tutored there during my three years at Saint ,JQDWLXV/R\ROD$FDGHP\DQGGXULQJP\IUHVKPDQ\HDUDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG,ORYHGLWVRPXFKWKDW,HYHQEHJDQWR spend my days off volunteering at schools. $IWHUHVWDEOLVKLQJP\VHOIDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGIUHVKPDQ\HDU,GHFLGHGWREHJLQUHYLVLWLQJ6DLQW,JQDWLXV Loyola Academy as a tutor. I assisted my former teachers as well as new teachers in grading papers, monitoring VWXGHQWVDQGWXWRULQJVWUXJJOLQJVWXGHQWV,FRQWLQXHGWRGRWKLVWKURXJKRXWP\IRXU\HDUVDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG During this past spring break I spent four days at Saint Ignatius Loyola Academy that I will never forget. Because my service hours were already completed by this time, it felt good knowing that I was volunteering for the sake of volunteering, rather than needing the hours in order to graduate. 2QWKHÀUVWGD\,UHDFTXDLQWHGP\VHOIZLWKWKHVWXGHQWV,KDGQRWVHHQVLQFH-DQXDU\0RVWRIWKHPZHUH unfamiliar with my face and my personality. After observing in the morning, I assisted in serving lunch and caught up with former teachers, met new ones, and talked with current students about their struggles as well as their DVSLUDWLRQV$PRQJWKHFODVVHVWKDW,VDWLQRQZDV7KHUHVD6FRWW·VHLJKWKJUDGH$OJHEUDFODVV7KHUH,REVHUYHG WHDFKHUVWXGHQWLQWHUDFWLRQVZKLOHODWHUDVVLVWLQJKHUZLWKDGPLQLVWUDWLYHGXWLHVVXFKDVFUHDWLQJFHUWLÀFDWHVSULQWLQJ pages, and monitoring students. 2QWKHVHFRQGGD\,ZDVJLYHQP\ÀUVWFKDQFHWRWHDFKDFODVVRQP\RZQ2QWKHWKLUGGD\,DVVLVWHGZLWK the Saint Ignatius Annual Sponsor Luncheon. After breakfast and performing various administrative duties in the PRUQLQJ,GURYHWR/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGWRDVVLVWZLWKVHWXSIRUWKHOXQFKHRQ,QWKLUW\PLQXWHVWKHFDIHWHULDLQ.QRWW +DOOZDVWUDQVIRUPHGLQWRDOXQFKHRQKDOOÀWIRUVXFFHVV$IWHUKHOSLQJFOHDQXSWKHOXQFKHRQ,ZHQWEDFNWR6DLQW Ignatius to help coach during the academy’s physical education class. Before the rousing game of middle school kickball, I was provided the opportunity to give the young athletes a talk. The most memorable day of my spring break was the fourth day of my visit when I created a lesson plan for WZRHLJKWKJUDGHPDWKFODVVHV:KHQWKHFORFNVWUXFNDP,RSHQHGWKHFODVVURRPGRRUDQGVKRRNWKHKDQGV RI WKHHLJKWKJUDGHUVDVWKH\HQWHUHG$IWHU,WDXJKWWKHÀUVWOHVVRQDQGDGPLQLVWHUHGDTXL]WKHVWXGHQWVVKRZHG their appreciation by applauding my efforts. The same held true for the following class. My opportunity to volunteer is still not complete. I plan to continue to volunteer at schools and a vacation bible school program. Having spent some additional time during my junior year working with underprivileged children, I was taught the true meaning of determination and will when I witnessed their ability to overcome obstacles in spite of the doubt that often surrounds them. That experience acted as the driving force behind my FUHDWLRQRI WKH'RQV2WKHUV&OXEDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOG$V,SXUVXHRWKHUVHUYLFHRSSRUWXQLWLHV,·OOVHHNWREHD voice for the speechless, to be the ears for the deaf and to be the eyes for the blind. My family has instilled in me the magis (the more) and ad maiorem dei gloriam (for the greater glory of God). It is for that reason that I thank /R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGP\IDPLO\DQGWKHYROXQWHHUDJHQFLHVIRUSURYLGLQJPHWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRKHOSRWKHUVDQGWREHD man with and for others. Summer 2012 11 Loyola Bids Farewell to Gail Kujawa Gail Kujawa has worn many hats during her career in Catholic education, a vocation that has spanned more than 35 years. The long and winding road she chose to pursue has produced an RXWVWDQGLQJWHDFKHUDQGLQÁXHQWLDO administrator. And, after 26 years at Loyola, she has easily come to call %ODNHÀHOGKHUVHFRQGKRPH Gail Kujawa began her career in education during the spring of 1986 as a science teacher at Sacred Heart School of Glyndon, the same school she attended as a young girl. One day she was approached by the wife of the Headmaster of Loyola %ODNHÀHOG'HWHUPLQHGWKDW*DLOZRXOG EHDSHUIHFWÀWIRU/R\ROD·VQHZPLGGOH Back Row: Omari Watson ‘17, Philip Wies ‘17, Gail Kujawa, Alec Cerasoli ‘18, Alexander Breschi ‘18 school, she encouraged her to apply for a Front Row: Alex Pongchit ‘17 & Alexander Reid ‘18 position as a science teacher. ´,ZDVQRWORRNLQJWRPDNHDFKDQJHEXWVKHZDVSHUVLVWHQWLQ/R\RODEHLQJDJUHDWÀWIRUPHµVDLG .XMDZD´:LWKP\PLQGVHWRQVD\LQJQR,REOLJHGKHULQYLWDWLRQWRYLVLWWKHFDPSXVµ 7KHYLVLWDOWHUHGKHUSURIHVVLRQDOOLIHDQGKHOSHGPROG/R\ROD·VJUDGHSURJUDPDVZHNQRZLW Gail arrived on the campus and was fascinated by its scenic setting. She was also pleasantly surprised by the courteous young men who greeted her and who were so willing to assist her. ´'XULQJP\ÀUVWWRXURI 6KHULGDQ+DOO,ZDVLPPHGLDWHO\VWUXFNE\WKHYHU\VWUDQJHRGRULQWKHKDOOZD\V This odor, as I soon discovered and grew to love, was the smell of 200 middle school boys at the end of a long day.” As she toured the rest of the campus, she fell in love with the wonderful energy and enthusiasm generated by happy and healthy young men. ´$WWKHWLPH,VDLGWRP\VHOIWKDW,FRXOGGRWKLVIRUWZR\HDUVDQGWKHQMXVWPRYHRQ:HOOWKDWZDV years ago.” After nearly three decades of chaperoning mixers, accompanying the boys on Christian Service trips, cheering at games and sitting with the boys, wiping away their tears after being cut from a sports team for the ÀUVWWLPH*DLOÀQGVVRODFHLQWKHVHPHPRULHVDQGNQRZVWKDWWKH\ZLOOUHPDLQZLWKKHUZHOODIWHUKHUWLPHDW Loyola comes to an end. ´:HJHWWKHVHER\VKHUHDVVL[WKJUDGHUVZKRFDQ·WUHPHPEHUWKHLUORFNHUFRPELQDWLRQVDQGZDONDURXQG with their lunches all over their faces. Then I sit in the Hollow seven years later and watch the same young men ready to take on the world. It’s that incredible moment that reminds me again and again what we are all here for.” $V*DLO·VHYHUFKDQJLQJWLWOHVFDPHDQGZHQWKHUJRDOVDOZD\VUHPDLQHGSHUVLVWHQW 12 BLAKEFIELD MAGAZINE ´*DLOLVDQGKDVDOZD\VEHHQYHU\FRPPLWWHGWR-HVXLWHGXFDWLRQ and to the spirituality of St. Ignatius,” said Day. Gail has also been devoted to staying on top of the trends in PLGGOHVFKRROHGXFDWLRQDQGWKHWKLQJVWKDW/R\ROD%ODNHÀHOGDVD Catholic institution, needs to do in order to meet the needs of evolving young learners. ´6KH·VEHHQYHU\VXSSRUWLYHRI WU\LQJWRÀJXUHRXWZD\VLQZKLFKWR move the academic program of the middle school deeper into the 21st century,” said Day. Gail’s accomplishments go far beyond the realm of academics
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