Publication 431 ( Fees), Provided in Response to Interrogatory DBP/USPS-155

Post Offic d Fees


Putllrcalion 43 I Jdriuary, 2001

Post Office ......

How to Use This Publication

This publication is provided to and facility managers to them in understanding the new fee restructuring (see Domestic Manual D910 and D920 for complete rules and standards governing post office box service and caller service). Included is a list of new fee groups for all current five-digit ZIP Codes, explanation of the new fees, WinBATS instructions, frequently asked questions, and sample letters to help you communicate the changes to your post office box customers.

Please read this publication and share the information with appropriate staff members to ensure your post office box customers understand the changes and your office charges the correct fees.

Table of Contents

Overview...... 2

Effective Date of the New Fees ...... 3 Key 3 ...... Additional Key 3 Fee ...... Lock Replacement 3 Fee...... No-Fee (Group E) Post Office Box Service...... 4 WinBATS 4-5 Instruction...... Questions and Answers 6-7 ...... Sample Post Office Box Customer for Current Fee Groups A, 6.and C Offices ...... 9 Sample Post Office Box Customer Letter for Current Fee Group D 11 ...... d Caller Service F 13 List of Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments (by distri 15-264

1 Post Office Box Fees


Effective January 7, 2001, the Postal Service is restructuring post office box fee groups with new fees for each of those groups. In an attempt to better align fees with the actual cost of providing post office box service, the Postal Service has changed the classification structure for post office . Currently, post office box fees are based primarily on the type of carrier delivery provided within the delivery area of the supervising post office.

The Postal Service has undertaken a major project to align post office box fees with actual costs by five-digit ZIP Codes. In other words, post office boxes that have similar costs would be grouped together and have the same fee. These "actual costs" include estimated real estate value of the space used to provide post office boxes.

Each five-digit ZIP Code has been assigned to one of six cost-based groups based on the estimated cost per square foot of the postal facility with the most post office boxes in that ZIP Code. All facilities within each five-digit ZIP Code charge the same fees for post office boxes. Multi-ZIP Code cities may find, however, that facilities in different five-digit ZIP Codes are assigned to different fee groups.

The Postal Service believes that this post office box restructuring will result in more fair and equitable post office box fees for all customers because fees will more accurately reflect the true costs of providing service.

The Postal Service also is implementing a new fee for each additional key, above the original two provided (see Additional Key Fee, page 3). In addition, the Postal Service is implementing a $10.00 customer-initiated lock replacement fee (see Lock Replacement Fee, page 3).

A complete five-digit ZIP Code and fee group assignments list is included in this publication. Postmasters and facility managers also can access the fee group list on the Postal Service intranet (

Fees within specific groups will change as a result of a rate case. Interim changes, such as when facilities or ZIP Codes are opened, changed, or realigned, will be published in the Postal Bulletin.

2 Post Office Box Fees

Effective Date of New Fees

The new fees are effective on January 7,2001. However, current post office box and caller service customers will not pay the new fees until they renew their post office box for another six-month period. Fees paid on or after January 7, 2001, are the new fees.

Postmasters and facility managers must ensure that the current and correct fees for post office box service are being charged.

Key Deposit

There are no changes to the $1.00 key deposit. When beginning post office box service, a customer receives two keys and pays a $1.OO deposit for each key. The deposit also must be paid for each additional key requested (see below). When post office box service is terminated (either by the customer or by the Postal Service), the $1.00 deposit is refunded for each key (including additional keys) returned to the Postal Service. Customers who qualify for and receive no-fee (Group E) post office box service must pay the key deposit.

Additional Key Fee

The additional key fee is $4.00, so a total of $5.00 must be paid for each additional key (over and above the two given to the customer at the start of their post office box service) requested by a post office box customer. The $1 .OO key is refundable, but the additional $4.00 fee is not. Customers who qualify for and receive no-fee (Group E) post office box service must pay for the additional keys.

Lock Replacement Fee

The Postal Service will charge a non-refundable $10.00 fee to replace a post office box lock or combination lock when the primary box holder has requested that service. Customers can exchange, at no charge, up to two keys with each "new" lock. They must pay the additional key fee (plus deposit) for any further keys. Customers who qualify for and receive no-fee (Group E) post office box service must pay for the lock replacement.

3 Post Office Box Fees

~ ...... ~~ .. ...

No-Fee (Group E) Post Office Box Service

There are no changes to no-fee (Group E) box service. Customers who currently qualify for no-fee post oftice box service could continue to receive that service. It is important that postal employees regularly review whether Group E customers continue to be eligible for no-fee box service under Domestic Mail Manual D910.

Customers may qualify for a no-fee (Group E) post office box if their physical or business location meets all of the following criteria:

a. The physical address or business location is within the geographic delivery ZIP Code boundaries administered by a post oftice. b. The physical address or business location constitutes a potential carrier of service. c. The USPS chooses not to provide carrier delivery to the physical address or business location. d. The customer does not receive carrier delivery via an out-of-bounds delivery receptacle.

Only one no-fee (Group E) box may be obtained for each potential carrier delivery point of service. Eligibility for Group E boxes does not extend to individual tenants, contractors, employees, or other individuals receiving or eligible to receive single- point delivery such as delivery to a hotel, college, military installation, or transient trailer park. A customer must pay the applicable fee for each additional box requested beyond the initial box obtained at the Group E fee.

It is the responsibility of the or facility manager to ensure no-fee box service is properly administered. Postmasters and facility managers must not charge box fees to customers who qualify for no-fee box service.

~...... ~~ ~~ ~~ ...... ~~~ ......

WinBATS Instructions

Fee Change Steps

a. First, change the fee group (A through D) in the Facility Information screen. b. Next, change the group (A through D) for all existing boxes in the Utilities/Change Group Size, LocklGroup screen. c. Finally, change the actual fees on the Rate Table screen under UtilitieslBox RateslChange.

Remember to enter the appropriate fee group alpha letter of the old fee group that corresponds to the alpha part of the new fee group you will be using. For example, if you are currently using Group C fees and your new fee group is Group C3, you will

4 Publiraf!:m '1.37. .Iariuar; 2061 Post Office Box Fees continue to make all of your WinBATS entries correspond to Group C. If you are changing from Group B to the new Group C3, you will change your WinBATS set up to Group C for starters.

Facility Information Screen

a. The first step is to open the Facility Information screen by clicking on “UTILITY” from the menu bar. b. Next click on “Change Facility Information.” The PO Box Group field is located in the lower-left corner of the screen. c. Click on “PO Box Group Field” and enter the alpha character that corresponds to your new fee group. For example, enter “Cif your new fee group is C3, C4, or C5. d. Now click on “SAVE”.

UtilitieslChange group, size, LocWGroup

a. Click on the “UTILITY” button on the tool bar and choose “UtilitieslChange Group, Size, LocWGroup”, and then click on “GROUP”. b. Enter the starting box number, the ending box number, and the increment. c. Change the group alpha character to the same character entered in the facility screen and click “SAVE”.

Now for the last step:

Fees per Semiannual Period

a. Going back to the “UTILITY” button, click on “BOX RATES’. b. Next, click on “CHANGE”. c. Enter the new fees under the alpha column that corresponds to your new fee group. For example, if you entered “D for a new “D6 fee group, enter your new “Dfees under the “Dfee column. You do not have to type the dollar sign, the decimal, or the last two zeroes. For example, to change thirty dollars to forty dollars, just type “40. d. Finally, click on “SAVE’.

Your WinBATS is now ready to automatically apply the new fees to all box customers in the system.

5 ost Office Box Fees

Questions and Answers: Post Office Box Restructuring

Q: What post office box fees should be charged for contract stations?

A: Charge the fees that correspond to the box section's five-digit ZIP Code

Q: Would you explain in further detail the new fee structure for post office box service?

A: The existing post office box fee groups are based upon the assumption that is no longer true: the cost of providing post office box service is much greater in offices served by city carriers (Group C) than in offices serviced by non-city carriers (Group D). The new fee groups are based upon the current cost of space in specific five- digit ZIP Codes. Full alignment of fees with costs will be a gradual process so that drastic changes in specific ZIP Codes can be avoided.

In some cases, post office box fees in current fee Group C offices with low real estate costs will be reduced by 7 to 14 percent. In other cases, post office box fees in some higher-cost rural communities will see an average increase of 43 percent. This may sound excessive, but let's put this increase into perspective. Currently a size 1 post office box in a rural community is $14 annually. If the location of the office is in a higher-cost community, that yearly cost would increase to $20, or an additional 50 cents per month. In a less costly rural community, the yearly cost would be $17, or just 25 additional cents per month. Even with these increases, post office box service remains an excellent value.

The majority of post office box customers choose box service in addition to carrier delivery service. Post office box service provides many valuable features, such as customer-selected locations, separation of residential and home office mail, alternative delivery times, and greater security.

We believe post office box restructuring will result in more fair and equitable fees for all customers because fees will more accurately reflect the true cost of providing service.

Q: What if the primary box customer requests a lock replacement and brings in three keys, what do we charge?

A: You will charge $10.00 for the customer-initiated lock replacement. You will exchange key for key on the first two keys, refund $1 .OO on the third key returned, and charge $5.00 ($1.00 of is the refundable key deposit) if a third key is again requested.

6 Post Office Box Fees

Q; When do new post office box fees go info effect for current box holders?

A: New fees are in effect on January 7, 2001. Existing box customers’ new fees go into effect the month they renew their post office box service for another six-month period.

Q: How will l notify customers of their new box fees?

A: Sample letters are included in this publication (see pages 9 and 77). The letters can be used when notifying customers of their new post office box service fee upon notice of renewal.

Q: How do I know which box fee to charge?

A: All post ofice box fivedigit ZIP Codes and their fee groups are listed in this publication, beginning on page IO. The list is alphabetical by district, starting with the Akron district. Find your ZIP Code and designated fee groups and refer to the fee chart (on page 9) of this publication. Postmasters and facility managers also can access the fee groups on Postal Service intranet (http://b/

Qr How many days in advance can customers pay their box fee?

A: Customers can pay post office box fees 30 days in advance of the due date.

Q: If a customer’s post office box fee is due in January, what fee do we charge?

A: If the payment is received or postmarked before January 7, 2001, then customers pay the old fee. On or after January 7, the new fee is charged.

Q: Can there be more than one post office box fee in the same city?

A: Yes. New post ofice box fees are based on the five-digit ZIP Code. Multi-ZIP Code cities could have up to three different post office box fees, depending on costs associated with the individual ZIP Codes.

7 8 st Office Box Fees

Sample Post Office Box Customer Letter for current Fee Group A, B, and C Offices

Include this letter with Notice 32-6, 32-C, or 32-N on renewal notification.

Postal Box Customer:

On January 7,2001, fees for all post office boxes changed. As part of the omnibus rate case, the Postal Service restructured post office box fees by recognizing cost factors and modernizing our method of fee determination. We are now aligning post office box fees with actual costs.

In some cases, post office box service fees in locations with less expensive real estate costs are reduced by 7 to 14 percent. In other cases, post office box fees in higher-cost locations see a modest increase.

Even with an increase, post office box service remains an excellent value. Post office box service provides valuable features, such as customer-selected locations, separation of residential and home office mail, alternative delivery times, and greater security.

We believe post office box restructuring will result in more fair and equitable post office box fees for all customers.

We thank you for your business.


9 10 Post Office Box Fees

Sample Post Office Box Customer Letter for current Fee Group D Offices

Include this letter with Notice 32-5,32-C, or 32-N on renewal notification.

Postal Box Customer:

On January 7,2001, fees for all post office boxes changed. As part of the omnibus rate case, the Postal Service restructured post office box fees by recognizing cost factors and modernizing our method of fee determination. We are now aligning post office box fees with actual costs.

Fee increases for the most commonly used post office box (size 1) range from 21 to 43 percent. This may sound excessive, but put this increase into perspective. In a higher-cost community, the fee increase is just an additional 50 cents per month. In a less costly community, the fee increase is only 25 additional cents per month.

Even with an increase, post office box service remains an excellent value. Post office box service provides valuable features, such as customer-selected locations, separation of residential and home office mail, alternative delivery times, and greater security.

We believe post office box restructuring will result in more fair and equitable post office box fees for all customers.

We thank you for your business


11 12 Post Office Box Fees

Box Fees Per Semiannual (six-month) Period

Fee Group 62 Fee Group C3 Size 1 - $30.00 Size 1 - $27.50 Size 2 - $45.00 Size 2 - $40.00 Size 3 - $85.00 Size 3 - $75.00 Size 4 - $170.00 Size 4 - $150.00 Size 5 - $300.00 Size 5 - $250.00

Fee Group C4 Fee Group C5 I Size I- $22.50 Size 1 - $19.00 Size 2 - $32.50 Size 2 - $27.50 Size 3 - $60.00 Size 3 - $50.00 Size 4 - $125.00 Size 4 - $87.50 Size 5 - $212.50 Size 5 - $150.00

Fee Group D6 Fee Group D7 Size 1 - $10.00 Size 1 - $8.50 Size 2 - $16.00 Size 2 - $13.00 Size 3 - $25.00 Size 3 - $22.50 Size 4 - $50.00 Size 4 - $40.00 Size 5 - $90.00 Size 5 - $65.00

Caller Service

Under the same restructuring effort,caller service fees will no longer be broken out according to post office fee groups. Every postal facility will charge the same $375.00 semiannual fee for caller service (see DMM R900.5.0). 14 osi OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Akron District I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 Group Group


I 43566 434021 C5 I m43407

43441 D6 43442 D6 43443 D6 43445 D6 13446 C5 43447 D6

43452 43456 43457

43467 43468

43501 435601 C5 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group Group

43935 c5 43937 D6

43983 43984 D6 43985

443081 C5 S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group Group I 444441 C5 I

44677 D6

-1 -1 4461 1 44fi65 44612 44613 44669 D6 44670 D6 44671 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

44905 44906 44907 C5 44999 c5

Alabama District


35126 35127 35130

44887 D6 44889 D6 351431 D6 448901 C5 I Past Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

35582 D6 35584 D6 35585 D6 35586 D6 35587 D6

35602 35609

35491 35502 35615 35540 35616 35541 35617

19 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

I t 356181 D6 356191 D6 356201 D6 356211 D6

35640 35643 35645 35646 35647 36003 D6 36005 D6 -1 -1 36006 D6 35650 C5 36009 D6 36010 C5 36013 D6

20 Post Office ees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

I 360491 C5


364821 D6

21 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I

I I Group I I I Group I I I Group I

-1 -1 36605 CS

36529) D6 365301 D6 -1 365331 C5 36619 C4

-1 -1 36564 36862


22 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group I I Group I

368791 D6

Alaska District r ZIPCode I New Fee 1 Group


99626 99627 99628 99630

23 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


-1 -1 99760

Albany District


99736 99737 99738


24 P'ihlicatioii 431. Januav 2007 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

25 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

12929 12930 D6 12932 D6 12933) D6 129341 D6 129351 D6

12857 12858 -1 12859 D6 12942 12943 D6 12944 C3 12945 D6

12950 12952 12953 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group 1Group Group Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I i ZIP Code I New Fee I Group

13339 13340 13341

28 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

29 P!ibi/cce!ion431. ltnuary 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

J 87057 D6 87059 D6 87060 D6

Albuquerque District

Group Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments Group 1-1 Group 87594

Fl 87735 D6

87517 87518 D6 87519

31 Pubitcation 431. Jmuxv 2007 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIP Code 1 New Fee I ZIP Code New Fee Group nGroup tp5q-g 87935 88058 -1 -1 88312 88063 D6 88314 -1 -1 El88114 -1 -1 88120 88023 88124 D6 88024 88025 t 8802fil Dfi 88130 88132 88133 D6 l,,,,,Il l,,,,,Il R81141 Dfi 88136

Rl88268 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ..

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group


Appalachian District


33 Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

i t 245281 D6

L 24225 D6 24226 D6 24228 D6

PEFl24236 X Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

I 249201 D6 OSt Office Sox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

-1 -1 PGFl25126 24946

25015 25018 D6

25022 25024 25026

36 OX Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


W{ 25245

I*- I*- ml 25422 25547

37 ffice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group 1Group



25639 25644 25645 25646 25647 Post Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group Group

25871 25972 26184 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Group


-1 -1 pEfTj 26463 26589 D6

40 ffiCe BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

Arizona District



I 2fi7fi41 C4 1

41 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

856191 D6 856201 D6 856221 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group I I Group I

Arkansas District

43 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group



44 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group 1Group Group Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

724471 D6 724491 D6 724511 C5



72476 C5 72478 c5 72479 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I

728231 C5 I OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group Group


Atlanta District

ZIP Code New Fee 1Group


30009 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


49 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


30357 C5 30358 C5 30359 C3 30362 C4 30364 C5 30366 C5 30368 C5


50 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

Baltimore District


21074 21075 21076 D6

51 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

Big Sky District

I ZIP Code i New Fee I

59006 59007 D6

21849 D6 59012 21850 D6 59013 -1 -1 21851 C3 21856 -1 -1 59018 21861

59024 21864 59025 21865 D6 59026 21866 59027 D6

53 ost Office Box !eS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 1-1 1-1 Group Group Group 59086 59419 59274 -1 59422 D6

P%Fl59425 594271 C4 594301 D6 594321 D6

54 eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

59846 D6 59847 D6 59848 D6 59851 D6 59853 D6 59854 D6

59640) D6 596411 D6 596421 D6 59863 596431 D6 597591 D6 1 e@§Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I

I I Group I I I Group I I I Group I

599371 C3

Boston District



56 eC?S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group I I Group I

Capital District

I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 Group



1-1 1-1 20722 20637

20643 20645 20733 20735

57 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

Caribbean District


00604 00605

58 st Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I

I I Group I

Central Florida District

ZIP Code New Fee Group

32706 32709

59 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I

I I Group I

33480 t 334811.. .. . C4 I W{33488

60 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Central Illinois District Group


60546 60548

F-1 60439 C4 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments __ -

Group Group

60935 D6 60936 C5 60938 C4 60939 D6 60940 D6 60941 D6 60942 C4 60944 D6 60945 06 60946 D6 60948 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group I I Group I

63 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code 1 New Fee i Group Group



Central New Jersey District


65 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 1Group Group

66 P!ihiicaiinn 451 January 7001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Group 1-1 1-1 08850 51527

08879 C3 08880 c3 08882 C3 08884 C3 08885 D6 -1 -1 08886 D6 08889

08903 08904

Central Plains District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I I Group I t---EpJ 51 573

51 520

51577 51523 51578 , 51525 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode i NewFee i I ZIPCode I NewFee i Group Group I I Group I


piGp-1 51652 D7

68 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group 1Group Group

67074 67016 67101 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group I I Group I


674301 D6 675041 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -...... -

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 1 ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group I I Group I I I Group I


67859 67860

I fi7Rfi7l.. .._ Dfi I



67634 D6 67876 67635 D6 67877 67637 C5 -1 67882

.. .. .

67654 68007 D6 -1 -1 68008 C5 67658 68009 C5

71 Pi;b/;cation 431. J~inuay2007 St Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group I I Group I

68319 68320

68324 D6 68325 D6 - 68326 D6 68327 D6 68328 D6

-1 -1 68310 I 683621 C4 St Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments t ZIP Code I New Fee I LUGroup Group Group

I fiRfi791 Dfi I 68725 D6 68726 D6

~ 68727 D6 ffice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

68824 D6 68825 D6 68826 C4

t 689391 C5 ffice Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

i 691541 D6 I 69155 D6 69156 D6 68943 69157 D6 68944 68945

69353 69354

75 ost Office ees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ~......

Group Group Group

I 4inn71. nFi Eaz4 60647 -1 41015

Chicago District -1 41030 Group

41034 41035 41037 D6 606641 82 606661 C4 Fl 606701 C4 41041 C3

60680 60681

Cincinnati District


60639 41003 60640 41004 60641 41005 60643 41006 I I I I e€?SFive-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ,Group Group

45176 45177 45201 45204 45205

4521 1 45212

45220 45221 45222 Post office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group



45312 45314 Fl Fl 45806 C5 45318 C5

7a Post Office Box ees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Cleveland District Group Group


45876 45877

45883 45884 45885

79 ost Office eS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

. .


ColoradoMlyoming District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I

I I Group I


80026 C3 80027 C4 80034

80 st Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group I I Group I I I Group I -1 -1 80511 D6



80526 80527 -1 -1 80248 C5 80534 80535 80536

80482 80483 -1 -1 80488 -1 80427 D6 80497 80623 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

-1 -1 -1 -1 80864 D6 80908 810491 D6 et?S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I

I I Group I

83 ffiCe Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


820611 D6 I 827111 D6

84 ice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group m-1 I Group I 82714

29046 29047 29048 29051 29052 29053 -1 -1 29054 29058 D7

Columbia District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I Group I Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group 1Group Group -1 -1 29409 29318 29413 C5 29414 C5 29415 C3

-1 -1 29168

29355 29356 29360


86 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code 1 New Fee I Group Group I I Group I


29577 29578 29579 29580 29581


87 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Columbus District ZIPCode I NewFee I Group GfOuP


43145 43146 43147 06 43148 D6 43149 D6

I 430461 06 I Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group I I I OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I I I Group I

Connecticut District


90 Post Office @@SFive-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

06034 06102 06104

060961 C4

91 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I

I I Group I

06373 06447

06516 C4 -1 -1 06517 C4 06519 C4

-1 -1 06753 D6 067541 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

.... ~ ~ . I ZIP Code 1 New Fee I px-pzq Group Group I I Group I

06876 56525 56527 “““‘“I156528 D6 56531

56536 56538

06786 C4 06787 D6 06790 C5

Dakotas District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I4Group

93 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -

57""'11 57053

57057 57058 57059 57061 D6 57062 D6 57063 D6



94 t?Mica!ion 431, Joriimry 2007 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

95 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group Group

I 576501 D6 -1 -1 57.155 (5756211575601 D6 I 1pi%peJ576511 D6 I 57457 D6 57563 57653

57648 57649

96 Publication 431. Jnnimry 2007 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

580421 D6 580431 D6 580451 D6

58063 t 580641.... . D6 I


580331 D6 1 582701 D6

97 ii,?licnfion 431. January 2001 Post Office Ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Group i,,,,,II i,,,,,II 1-1 58272 58366 58455

583821 D6 583841 D6 583851 D6

98 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ...... - ..

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group Group

58542 58645 58762 58544 58646 58763

588351 D6 58838) D6 588431 D6

58854 58856

99 t?eSFive-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Dallas District I ZIP Code I New Fee I wGroup

100 QSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee -1 -1 GrouD 1t-xEpEJ Grow -1 75364 C5 75432 75490 D6

-1 -1 75386

-1 -1 . 75469 75569 75570 75571 D6

101 Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

. ... ~ ~ ~

I ZIPCode I NewFee1 ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group Group 75760 D6 75762 D6 75643 75763 D6 75764 D6 75765 D6 75766 C4

102 ost Office Box (33s Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Detroit District I ZIPCode I NewFee i Group Group


48176 48238 48177 t 4112391 C5 I 48178 48242 OX Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments t ZIP Code I New Fee I t ZIPCode I NewFee I 1 ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup wGroup wGroup

-1 -1 15565

15710 15711 15712 15714

492891 D6

Erie District

15825 I 15R771 nfi E?S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .. .

Group Group

15845 15846 15957 15847 15958

15935 D6 15936 D6 15937 D6

105 Pubikiifion 431 .Innoar/ 2001 Ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code 1 New Fee I 1 ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZiPCode I NewFee 1 Group Group Group l---i&J M l7EiL-l

106 Post Office e13Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I ZIP Code New Fee Group I””t7J GrouD 16727 16640

Fort Worth District

-1 -1 I ZIP Code I New Fee I 16672 wGroup

76006 76007 C4 OSt Office BOX Flees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments Post Office eC?S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

109 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee pEGp?lGrow Grow 79031 D6


794nd c4 Post office Box FF?t?S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


62050 79493 79566 1-1 62052

62058 Gateway District -1 62059 62063~ ~

62067 -1 -1 R7fl77.


lpq----g 62207 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .

I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I wGroup wGroup wGroup

62275 62277 62278


62284 62285 62286

62289 62292

62295 62297

62258 C5 62259 D6 62260 C5


62266 62268 D6 62269

112 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Grouo ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

...... ~~

ZIP Code New Fee Grow piZGp-1 63040 D6

114 Piblica!ion 431. Jzriuary 2007 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee GrouD GrouD Group

63119 63338 63439 63440 63441 63442

63330 63332 63333 633341 C4

115 F’!i!?l!rarinn431. Jnn’iary 2uGl OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

65052 65053 65054

65059 65061 65062 D6

116 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

65348 65349 C5 65350 65351 C5 65354 D6 65355 D6 65360 C4

461181 D6 461201 D6 461211 D6

46148 46058 D6 46149 46061 C5 46150 46063 D6 46151 46064 C5 46065 D6 46067 D6 t Office Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I t ZIPCode t NewFee I 1 ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Group Li-Gk-4 w l--z&rl Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I Li&E--lGroup Group 46857 -1 -1 46858 46761 C4

46765 46766 46767


119 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I 1 ZIPCode I NewFee i wGroup wGroup wGroup

47456 47459 47460 47462

120 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -1 -1 YI Group Group

121 st Office Box €?e5Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments



48650 D6 48651 D6 48652 D6

Greater Michigan District X Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup wGroup wGroup

48832 48833 48834 48835 -1 -1 48836 48840 D6

48908 C3 48909 C3 48950 C3

49030 ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group Group l-ZEd-4 w l-Zd-4

124 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee 1 Group Group Group w l--&Erl w

-1 -1 49710 D6

Greensboro District

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group 496661 D6 l5ZEl-J

125 Pubiirrrfiriii 43!. Jnniiary 2Off! Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group 270071 D6 270091 D6

27243 D6 27244 D6 27247 D6

126 ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments __ . ..

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group Group l57Zk-l

27568 27569

127 Piibiicafion 431 January 2001 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group -1 -1 27845 27850 D6

M{ 2/869/1 -1 28608 27870 c5 27937 D6

27873 27874 27875 27876

28624 28626 D6 28627 D6 28628

27887 28631 28634 27889 pipq 28635 27966 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

~~ ~


28697 28698 28699 D6

Harrisburg District

ZIP Code New Fee Group

16912 16914

'l29 st Office eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee 1 I ZIPCode I NewFee I l-iEI-4Group k-i&r-lGroup

17217 17219 17220 st Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 -1 -1 Grouo Group 17813 D6 18069 18070

18235 18237 18239

131 Post OFFice Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

18323 18324 18325

Fl18331 D6

183551 D6 1

132 eS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Grow

Hawkeye District

133 eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode 1 NewFee 1 Group

50119 Post Office S Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group -1 I I GrouD I 50476 50557

sf15141... . . n7 I EEEA

50583 C5 50585 D7 50586 07

50609 5061 1 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode 1 NewFee I Group

51001 51002

136 St Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee Grouv GrouD OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee Group Group l-zEA-4 l-xd-4

523621 D7 524061 C5 524071 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

52549 52550 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

96725 96726 96727 D6

Honolulu District

I ZlPCode I NewFee I


140 Post Office Box f?eS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup l-7A-JGroup l--%k-lGroup

-1 -1 -1 -1 96951 D6 96970

Houston District

77202 77203 I 772591 C5 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

142 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .. -. . .

1 ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group l--zi&JGroup

77838 77839 77841 77842

Kentuckiana District

ZIP Code New Fee Group 382571 C5

143 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .__.

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I l---&rlGroup Group

40421 D6

40392 C3 40402 D6 40403 C4 40405 D6 40409 D6

144 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group GrOuD Group

40604 40862 D6 41129 41135



,,,,,il ,,,,,il 1-1 FZpFl40844 40983 40849 D6 40997 412401 C4 1 40999 1-1 -1 -1 41256 40856 412601 D6 st Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee """"I1GrouD 41263 . .


146 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I l--Zi&AGroup Group

42036 42037 42038



-1 -1 42025 C5

42029 42031

147 Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .

I ZIPCode I NewFee 1 Group

42267 42270

42275 42276 42280 Fl 42302 C4 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments _- -

ZIP Code New Fee Group

42762 47736 47737 c4 p$+j 47739 c4 A7in7.. CS Lancaster District 47106

47165 47166 47 167

149 Ptibltciiian 431. Jarwary 2001 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments st Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group


151 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group wGroup Group

19492 D6

19609 89112

196121 C5

Las Vegas District st Office €?sFive-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Liz&x-4 l-3mI-J 898241 Dfi i -1 -1 -1 -1 89831 D6 89835


Long Beach District

I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group

90209 90212

189802/1 89803 -1 -1 I 898151 C4 I 89821 D6 898221 D6 st Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Long Island District Group


90640 C5

154 eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


11758 11760

11976 D6 11977 D6 11978 C5 11980 C5

155 ffiCe BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group

90007 70046

Louisiana District

I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments pFzzpxq Group

1 703941 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


158 ice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee GrouD

159 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee f Maine District

71417 71418 71419

71425 714961 C5 71426 71427 71428 71429 D6 71430 D6

160 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I ZIP Code New Fee Group Grouo Group 040481 D6 040491 D6 04116 04280 Past Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -

I ZIPCode I NewFee i I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group Group liiZd-4 w

04478 04479 04481

162 Post Office Box fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments . ..

I 21~CodeI New Fee I I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I l-GA-34Group L-xEk-IGroup wGroup

04770 04772 04773 D6 04774 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 1 ZIP Code i New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 I,,,,,Il I,,,,,Il GrouD wGroup 04984 04985 D6 04986 D6 04987 D6 04988 D6 04989 D6

Mid-America District p5Kq-q 63620 D6

164 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee1 Group Group Group l-EJ-4 64179 64074 64180 64075 D6 64076 C5 64077 D6


640701 C4

165 Qst Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group Group l-TiJ-4 64465 64633


64647 64648 64649 64650 -1 -1 P%Fl64652 64655 64656 D6 64657 D6 64658 C4 64659 D6 64660 D6

~ 64661 D6 st Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee Grow -1 Grow Grow 65463 65609 65610

167 f%Ce BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

168 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments -

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee i Group Group w l---G&J

Mid-Carolinas District

ZIP Code New Fee Group


169 Post Office eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 2,,,,11Grouo 28097

170 ice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ppF] 28434 D6

28439 28441 28442 28443 28444 D6 OS0 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee GruuD

Middlesex Central District

172 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

01532 C3 01534 D6 01535 C3 01536 C3 01537 D6 01538 D6

01542 01543

173 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ...

1 ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I Group MGroup

01 904 01905

Milwaukee District


49814 X Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments r ZIP Code I New Fee I 1 ZIPCode I NewFee I Group wGroup

49963 49964

175 Post Office Bo Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode I New Fee I 1 ZIP Code 1 New Fee I LsATF-IGroup wGroup Group

53572 C3 53204 53205 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 wGroup


54216 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee -1 -1 Grow GrouD 54226 D6

54486 54487 54488 D6 54559 D6 54489 D6 54560 D6 54490 D6 54561 D6 54491 D6 54562 D6

178 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments



RRfi311 Dfi I


Mississippi District -1 38646 C5 Group

38664 38665 38666


38674 Ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I ZIP Code New Fee MGroup Group

38912 38914 38915 38916 l=zzEFi38917... .. Dfi

t,,,,,II t,,,,,II .. 38744

38864 D6 38865 D6 38866 D6

180 Post Office Box eeS Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ___ - .

1 ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I New Fee i I ZIP Code I New Fee I wGroup l---A-JGroup l---&rIGroup

39044 39045 39272 39282

39054 -1 39288

-1 -1 39078 39165 39166 39167 39168

1-1 1-1 39354

39358 39359 39218 39360 39225 393611 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIPCode 1 NewFee 1 1 ZIP Code 1 New Fee I 1 ZIPCode I New Fee I wGroup wGroup Group 39663 39664 39665 D6 39666 D6 39667 C5

New Hampshire District

ZIP Code New Fee Group

182 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup wGroup 03033 D6 03034 D6 03036 D6 03037 D6 03038 C3 03040 D6

03570 03574 -1 -1 03224 03582 032251 D6 03583

183 post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group l-Ei4-JGroup 03585

03590 I 035921 Dfi I

NewYork District

IzZRA... . .

184 431. January 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ___ ~ .

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group

10473 10475 10044 in072 c3 North Florida District

I ZIPCode I New Fee 1

-1 -1 32180 pgZJ -1 32183 104701 C3 32189 D6 I 32091 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIPCode I New Fee 1 Group Group


32428 32430 32431

324231 D6 I Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group Group

32535 34447

Northern Illinois District

187 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I New Fee I 1-1 1-1 Grow IpiEy-eJGrow Group 60040 60106 60174 -1 -1 60176 60043 C3

601701 C3

188 oSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

r ZIP Code 1 New Fee I Group Group l-64-4 61125 t 070441.. .. . C3 I Rl61126 ESA 61132

Northern New Jersey District

.. ... Fl07062 07065 C3

61106) C4

Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .

I ZIPCode I NewFee I ZIP Code New Fee Group Group liFZt-4

07642 C4

Northern Virginia District

t 076321 62

190 P:;Diicr;!ion 431, Jsnusry >!IO? Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Grouo

~~~ 22627 D6 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee IZipCode INewFee I Group Group I IGroup I Northland District


547341 D6 547351 D6 547361 C4

Wl 54722

192 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Zip Code New Fee Group Group Group

54805 D6

193 Piibiicnfirm 431. January 2001 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

IZioCode INew Fee I Group I ' lGroup I


55308 55309 55310

194 ost Office Bo Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Zip Code New Fee nGroup Group Group

I 554151 c3 I

55562 55563 55564 D6

195 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Group Group Group

559591 Dfi 55752 55753

196 Puhlicn!!an 431 January 2001 Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

tZir,Code INewFee I Group I . lGroup I

56085 56087 56088 -1 -1 56096 C4 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Zip Code New Fee [Zipcode INewFee I Group 1Group I - lGroup I


56243 56244 56246 -1 -1 56253 56368 56255

56280 56281

198 Publication 431, Januay 2001 Ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

IZipCode lNew Fee I Group Group

I ~ lGroup I I F{566861 D6 56688

Oakland District

~t-&q-q 94522 C3

94524 94525

-1 -1 56681

94549 56685 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Grow -1 -1 94556 -1 94611 94559 94614 C5

730431 D6 Fl 730441 C5 94581 C3 730451 D6

94808 94820 C5

Oklahoma District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group 73001 D6 73002 D6 73003 C3 73004 D6 73005 C4 -1 -1 73006 D6 94603

73010 7301 1 946091 C4

200 Puhlicaiirjn 431. January 2001 St Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee GrOUD


73488 73491 73502

73506 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments t ZIPCode 1 New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIP Code 1 New Fee 1 l--&JGroup wGroup MGroup

73853 D6 ost Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Grow

-1 -1 74370 D6

203 st Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group

74730 74556 74557 D6 74558

-1 -1 74826 74936

204 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group GrouD


Philadelphia District

205 St Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Pittsburgh District Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

207 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments - -._

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup l-iEJ-4Group

t 260751 D6 Portland District

r ZIP Code I New Fee I Group 970011 D6 970021 D6

208 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

97024 97026 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 1 ZIPCode I NewFee I ~ppqGrow k5iEL-lGroup 97351 C5

97528 ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I NewFee I 1 ZIPCode I NewFee I Group MGroup

97537 97538

21 1 Piihli:niion 431, January 2001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

LIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee Grow pz-peJGfOUD 02339 02025 02027 02030 D6

Providence District

I ZIP Code I New Fee i wGroup 020191 C3

212 Publication 431. Jan,a

I ZIP Code I New Fee t I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee1 wGroup I-imL-IGroup wGroup

213 Publicatirin 4.31. January 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I Group wGroup k-Ed-4Group


Richmond District

214 ffice Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

. . ~ . . ~~ ~

I ZIPCode I NewFee I I ZIP Code I New Fee I 1 ZIPCode I New Fee I wGroup wGroup wGroup

23032 23035 EZEA73038_... . D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

216 Piibikafion 431. .January 2007 0.d Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group Group Group

23959 23866 23960 23867 23868

I 238741 D6 I

217 Ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee 1 Group l-TGI-4Group 24474 24476


Rio Grande District

I ZIPCode I New Fee I

. t 766551 D6 779621 D6

218 P;biicafir;n 431, January 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

78227 78228 78229

78235 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group -1 Grow 78361 C5 78245

78270 78278

78280 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

788811 D6 78883) D6 788841 D6 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .. .~.

I ZIPCode 1 NewFee i Group 799311 C5 799371 C4

885271 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments ..

ZIP Code New Fee lt--mipqGrn,," Group -1 -1 88529 C5 88580 88532 C5 I 885841 CS I

88589 88590

Royal Oak District ~piTk?+l 88546 C5

48005 48006

223 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group

48462 48393 484fi3 Dfi

Sacramento District -1 -1 94289 C5

224 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Grouo

95629 95631 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments



95957 95958 95959 95960 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments



Salt Lake District

1 ZIP Code 1 New Fee 1 Group l-EmI-4 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode 1 NewFee Group 1-1 91946

San Diego District


91912 91916


91935 I Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

F] 92270 C4

923091 D6 923101 C3 923121 C4 92398 92399 92316 92402

230 Publication 431. January 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .. .. . -



94129 94131


San Francisco District


t 940151 C3

231 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIPCode I NewFee I 1-1 1-1 I I Groun I 95486

95490 95492 95494 D6

. .


232 P~ihlicatinn431. Jnnuniy 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group Group

93256 93258 95587 93260 Dfi

San Jose District

233 Post Office OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group w 95109

Santa Ana District

ZIP Code New Fee 1-1 1-1 Grow Fl 91702 95038 C5

234 Pub!icaiion 431. Jenileiy 2001 Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group Group

92706 98024 92707 1-J 98027 I 9802111 CR I

Seattle District



98010 98013 98014 Ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIP Code I New Fee I Group Group

98326 98327 D6 98328 D6

-1 -1 98291 C3

236 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee -1 -1 Grouo ~pEq-Eq 98537 06 98593 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments



South Florida District

238 Piibiicsiiar 431. Jarway 2001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

South Georgia District

29939 29940 Wl 30412 D7 ice BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


30814 ("""'"I1 30821

240 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ZIP Code New Fee GrOUD Grow

~~~ 31402 C5 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments


South Jersey District

... ..


08026 08027 08028 pEfZFj08029 C4 08033 C3 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIPCode I NewFee I Group


243 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

Spokane District

LIP Code New Fee Group




83223 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments Group -1 83617 83452 83454

245 Ost Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

r ZIP Code I New Fee I l--x&EA Group Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code 1 New Fee 1 I ZIPCode I New Fee I l-EzL-4Group wGroup

Springfield District



247 Post Office BOX k?@SFive-Digit Fee Group Assignments

IZIP Code I New Fee I I ZIPCode 1 NewFee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I wGroup wGroup l-7Zd-JGroup

05060 C3 1-1 1-1 05061 D6 01347 05062 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

05657 05658 05660 05661 05662 05663 C3 05664 D6 05665 D6 05666 06 Io56ss(I 05469 05670

249 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIPCode I NewFee I Suncoast District ZIP Code New Fee Group GrOuD --EA--J t ZIP Code I New Fee I wGroup 33662

05853 05855 C3 05857 D6 05858 D6 05859 D6 05860 C3 05861 D6 05862 D6 05863 D6 05866 D6 05867 D6 05868 D6 05871 D6

05874 05875

05903 05904 -1 05905 33631 05906 1-1 05907 33647 1 336551 CS 1

250 Piihlica!ion 431, January 2001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .-

ZIP Code New Fee 133802)lGrow 33804 C5

338511 D6 338541 C5 338551 C5

251 Publication 431. Januay 2001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments _- --- ______-


37012 37014


Tennessee District

ZIP Code I New Fee I l-5d-54Group

252 Puhikcalion 431. h~i8.y2007 OSt Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments __

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group L75GL-l

253 Pubbcn!ion 431, Jsnuary 2001 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

254 hibiicnfion 431, Januav 2001 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments .

ZIP Code New Fee I ZIPCode I New Fee I I ZIPCode I NewFee I -1 -1 Grouo Group l-5A-dGroup 37996 C5


255 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode I New Fee i I ZIPCode I New Fee I wGroup kiZil-4Group

Triboro District

I ZIP Code I New Fee I l-mtE-4Group

256 Pubiication 431, Jmusrv 2001 st Office BOXFees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

11026 11030

Van Nuys District

I ZIPCode I New Fee I Group l7iGJ-4 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

258 Piibliiolion 431. Jnniiav ZOO1 Post office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIP Code I New Fee I Group


I 105371 nfi I

Westchester District

,,,,,iI 10523

10526 10527 10528 10530 C4

259 Post Office Box Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee 1-1 1-1 Group 12429 12484 12485 D6 12486 D6 12487 D6

260 Ox Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

I ZIPCode 1 New Fee I Group Group

12542 12783 12784

12789 12790 12791 12792

Western New York District

I ZIPCode I New Fee -1 -1 Group 14004 12566 ~--x?-g 14006

261 P8;hircet!on 431. January 2007 OX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee ~pz$y-qGrOuD 14127 C3 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

ZIP Code New Fee Group

14556 14557 14558 D6 14559 C3

147381 D6 147391 D6 147401 D6

1 147691 D6 Post Office BOX Fees Five-Digit Fee Group Assignments

1 ZIPCode I New Fee 1 I ZIPCode I New Fee 1 t ZIPCode t New Fee I Group


t 148401 D6