Universal Postal Union - ASO April 2021 1/57 ABBREVIATIONS Where can I find lists of different types of thoroughfares, and their abbreviations used in different countries? Où puis-je trouver les listes de différents types de voies, et leurs abréviations utilisées dans les différents pays? ABRÉVIATIONS Your one-stop address:
[email protected] International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union POST*CODE ® Addressing Solutions (ASO) P.O. Box 312 3000 BERNE 15 SWITZERLAND Tél. +41 31 350 34 67- Fax +41 31 350 31 10 www.upu.int Universal Postal Union - ASO April 2021 2/57 AGO - Angola - Thoroughfare types and abbreviations Abbreviations for Types of Artery Type of Artery Abbreviation Avenida Av. Bairro Ba Quilômetro Km Largo Lar Número n° Principal Princ. Quarteirão Quart Abbreviations of Titles Title Abbreviation Comandante Cmdte Doutor Dr. San S. Abbreviations of Designators in frequent addresses Designation Abbreviation Empresa de Transporte Público ETP Angola Music Group AMG Obra da Divina Providência ODP Universal Postal Union - ASO Februay 2019 3/57 ARG - Argentina - Throroughfares types and abbreviations Glossary in Spanish Abbreviation Name in French Name in English 3er piso 3° troisième étage third floor 3ra puerta 3a troisième porte third door Aldea Ald. village village AtenciÓn At. A l'attention Attention Avenida Avda. Avenue Avenue Barrio Ba. quartier neighbourhood Bodega Bod. entrepôt/entrepôt de vinstorage cellar /winery Casa Ca. maison house Calle Cl. rue street Camino Cam. chemin path Canal Can. canal channel Correo Ceo Poste Post Casilla de correo C.c case postale Post Office Box Don D. Monsieur Mister Doña Dña. Madame Miss Edificio Edif.