Quaternary of Western Lithuania:From the Pleistocene Glaciations to Theevolution of the Baltic Sea
THE QUATERNARY OF WESTERN LITHUANIA: FROM THEPLEISTOCENE GLACIATIONS TO THE EVOLUTION OF THE BALTIC SEA The INQUA Peribaltic Group Field Symposium May 27- June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania PROCEEDINGS VILNIUS, 2007 The Quaternary of Western Lithuania: from the Pleistocene Glaciations to the PROCEEDINGS Evolution of the Baltic Sea, May 27 – June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania TTHHEE QQUUAATTEERRNNAARRYY OOFF WWEESSTTEERRNN LLIITTHHUUAANNIIAA:: FFRROOMM TTHHEE PPLLEEIISSTTOOCCEENNEE GGLLAACCIIAATTIIOONNSS TTOO TTHHEE EEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN OOFF TTHHEE BBAALLTTIICC SSEEAA PROCEEDINGS The INQUA Peribaltic Group Field Symposium May 27 – June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania SPONSORS: KKKAAAUUUNNNOOO HHHIIIDDDRRROOOGGGEEEOOOLLLOOOGGGIIIJJJAAA VILNIUS, 2007 1 The Quaternary of Western Lithuania: from the Pleistocene Glaciations to the Evolution of the Baltic Sea, May 27 – June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania PROCEEDINGS UDK [551.79: 551.33: 551.8] (100): 061.3 (474.5) Qu‐09 The Quaternary of Western Lithuania: from the Pleistocene glaciations to the evolution of the Baltic Sea: Proceedings: The INQUA Peribaltic Group Field Symposium, May 27 – June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania / Eds.: R. Guobytė, M. Stančikaitė; Lithuanian Geological Survey, Institute of Geology and Geography. – Vilnius: LGT, 2007. – 107, [1] p.: iliustr. – ISBN 978‐9986‐623‐45‐8 SSSYYYMMMPPPOOOSSSIIIUUUMMM PPPRRROOOGGGRRRAAAMMMMMMEEE May 28th Paper and poster session May 29th Stops 1–2, 4–6, Samogitian Upland Stops 8–9, Venta Plain May 30th Stops 3, 16–19, south‐western Samogitian
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