Friend and Foe of the Libyan Political Milieu)
Key Social Institutions and Actors of the Libyan Conflict (Friend and Foe of the Libyan Political Milieu) Andrey V. Chuprygin, Senior Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, Faculty of World Economy and International Relations, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia Larisa A. Chuprygina, Senior Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, Faculty of World Economy and International Relations, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia Valeriy A. Matrosov, Lecturer, School of Asian Studies, Faculty of World Economy and International Relations, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia Abstract. Recently, Libyan conflict has become one of the vital elements that determine the development of the geostrategic space in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Meanwhile all the governing mechanisms of this artificial state, the social structure of which still crucially depends on tribes and archaic principles of their interaction, were destroyed. During the Libyan monarchy the social fabric of the country was held together among other factors by the network of Islamic institutions, while in Ghaddafi`s Libya it came down to his personal charisma and the network of his contacts and connections through tribal elders and elites. Since late 2011, there has been an apparent lack of such a factor, on the state level, that could contribute to reunification of the Libyan society or, at least, be used as an impetus for the main actors to compromise. Instead, there are multiple tribes, controlling territories and infrastructure, and numerous militias, controlling the cities, and three governments, each posing as the sole legitimated one.
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