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Sandra Krane

From: Barry Dutton Sells Homes! ([email protected]] Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:14PM To: Amy England; Bob Chapman; Bruce Wood; Doug Sanders, John Aker; John Neal; John Henry; Nancy Diamond; Nester Pidwerbecki; Roger Bouma; Tito-Dante Marimpietri; Bob Duignan; David Potts; clerks; Sandra Krane Cc: CrY- Newsdesk; Editor- This Week; Fallert, Jillian; Joe lngino; [email protected]; Lindsey Cole; [email protected]; John Gray; Vyhnak, Carola; Bill Steele: Barb Parrott; Larry Ladd, Cathy Clarke; Michael Clarke; Alan Clarke; dbryant· 5 . tll (I) rAF- Ir'f>A- Pau i ~Andre Larose; Aaron Slabysz; Dale Jodoin; Jacob Jodoin; Patrick Walsh; Counc. Peter Rodrigues-Pickering; Reality Radio; Brent Regnier; John Mutton Subject; Continued lack of transparency and accountability and disrespect towards citizens by some members ofcouncil and staff Follow Up Flag! Follow up Flag Status: Red Submitted with respect for some members of council and staff, to be printed in the next city council agenda regular meeting. Submitted to the media in the hopes of making some "oP.inlon" col u mns.~.:as a resident. Submitted also to council watchers and community people watching starr and council decisions. I am available for comment or if editing of this is required by the MEDIA for publication-- citv staff is NOT to edit this or any more of my emails, tdealt with later in the note) in tflis "police state" our citv Is beComing, slowly, squeeztng the lifeblood out of democracy as it were the juice out of a lemon. It leaves a bad taSte in our mouths. I digress. ..Continued lack of transparency and accountability and disrespect towards citizens by some members of council and staff'• - Is how this can be described liy clerks in the agenda. That is my request. The following (at the end of this note) represents my Facebook status this afternoon, after your bureaucracy once again has hassled me as a resident and champion of this citv, and with the complaints oeing heard from the rooftops about some of the behaviours and actions of city council, staff, and how Oshawa Is becoming less and less of a people friendly city, I hear it daily. I am concerned. I care enough to come to virtualfy every council meeting, many committee and related meetings, etc. There are some really_good council and staff working in t he city, and then again, there are some t hat are NOT. I am on record by email and video on my Youtube page as having spoken to both sides. I have 4 pages of notes relating to this latest matter and the public needs to know what is going on with departments and some of their attitudes towards the very constituents and residents that pay their salaries out of our very high taxes that the bureaucracy has allowed to spiral out of control at both the citY. ana the regional level. Funding projects like tfle $300M cash/trash burner basei::l In our friend's communicy next to us in Clartnm;on, which will ruin the environment, and our infrastructi.lre funding for the future the mess with the 407 the various levels of government have allowed to be similarly1 rammed down our throats, the proposed ethanol refinery nobodv wants here except friends of the Federal Government we also pay our taxes to, and the list goes on. The lack of transparency and accountability and decen9r as some city leaders and workers run over democracy and residents like roadkill on a backwoods concession is disgusting. What the ivory tower of government wants, is to silence us, bully usl. tell half or complete untruths about residents, and twist and spin factS to suit tneir agenda and the main points of this note, deals with the complete lack of trust our various levels of government by and large, leave us with as ratepayers and dtizens and small business owners like mvself runnino mv real estate business here, since 1991. in the town I was

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born and raised in. Oshawa City Hall, continues to leave a bad taste in my mouth as a lifetime resident here and I love this citY, enough to say these things and stand up for her. 2 more people this week have messaged me they are leaving OShawa for t he same reasons, also as taxes are too high here and they are disgusted with some of the goings on that YOU are legislating, and or allowing to happen and or turning a blind eye towards. The city has become my bride and I will protect her. I love Oshawa. Period. Enough to stand up to many of you. And in some cases, stand with some of you. It has been an honour to work with some of you. SOME• ... and if that means I keep challenging you and the black hand of this system set up to see the middle class evaporate and degracre our tax base, then so be it. They call me Blue Collar Barry and the Un-Councillor for a reason and you know this. Things need to change. The ship of bureaucracy is turning in our great Harbour beside the Second Marsh MUCR too slowly. Change th1s please. ""Now. ****Sandra and the clerks department, I am taking this time, to remind you - you are not here to edit my emails as you have been doing. You have eaited out as of late on me-- 2 YouTube links, I asked' to oe included in my last letter to council like this to be included. Those were conveniently the ones where I challenged the mayor John Henry on his behaviour towards the closure of Harman Park that I also spoke on the nite, he called 1n police and abused his elected position as mayor of this city--and bullied us as residents, and it is all on film on my YT channel. You are editing my personal thoughts and intellectual property I am submitting, without my permission. Stop it. You also have started emailing out my email signature and anything else that you seem to think fit. This last paragrapll and tflis note is part of my corresponcrence and you are forthwith asked to never edit out my thoughts, or my email address or my email signature, nor any links or anything else, I ~rovide you with from this point forward. I find it disgusting you would do sucfl a tlimg as I fight to Improve this city and make it great. Make it friendly and prosperous, I hope 1 am makii"IQ myself clear. Your job is to record and distribute my thoughts and information in FULL, not in part and be my editors, or make the mayor and council look good when you see fit. **** To the rest of the people out there, keep fighting and stick together, together we will win.

Here is my_ Facebook status~. today, the little guy from Oshawa, won another battle as city bylaw staff led by Jerrv Conlin who fails to return emails, Blocked Per section 55 of ­ Council Procedural By-law 126-75, as amended ... beat the City of Oshawa today, and their lead prosecutor in traffic'court. I did not even get a chance to br1ng the rain on them with all ~Y notesf they withdrew the charge after they had a pow wow at trial. Rise Up peoP. e! Rise up. I am also raying further complaints about how this was hanilled. Challenge the system and never give up. Ever. I am not going away.'' ·30­

Blessings.... arry Dutton ­ * Think Real Estate - Think Barry Dutton * Politically aware & informed, CommunityFocused www.BarryDutton.co1n

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Lice11sed RealEstate Sales Rep~esentative sillce 1991 ! Oslrnwa City Council Candidate. 2010 J',funicioal Election


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