List of Investment Agreements № Name of Investment Agreements
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List of Investment Agreements № Name of investment Parties of Date of Date of entry Aim of Place of Term agreements agreements signing of into force project realization agreement 1. Investment agreement on Government of the 02.04.14 Decree of the Production Danghara construction and Republic оf (Decree of MNMO RТ, of petroleum district of implementation of Oil- Tajikistan and the GRT 09.10.2014, derivatives Khatlon Refinery Factory in FEZ Investment and №189 from №1590 region “Dangara” Development 18/03/14) company of “Kheli” city of Dunin PRC 2. Investment agreement on Government of the 17.07.14 Decree of the Production Tursunzoda 5 years construction and Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ, of petroleum city (till implementation into Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 07.01.2015, derivatives 7.01.2020) exploitation an Oil-Refinery "KKR-Regar" №370 from №1721 Factory in Industrial area of 03/06/14) the Tursunzade city 3. Investment Agreement on Government of the 24.07.14 Decree of the Production Sugd region 10 years complex processing of soil Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ, of lead and (till sources in “North Zarnisor” Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 25.02.2015, zinc 24.07.2024) "Tajikistan and China №434, №1796 concentrate industrial and mining 03/07/14) company" 4. Investment agreement on Government of the 13.09.14 Decree of the Cement Bobojon 5 years construction and Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ production Gafurov and (till commissioning of second Tajikistan and the GRT 11.02.2015, Danghara 11.02.2020) and third stages of cement Huaxin Cement Co., №603 from №1765 districts production enterprises in Ltd. - People's 11/09/14) Bobojon Ghafurov district Republic of China and FEZ "Dangara" 5. Investment agreement on Government of the 07.01.15 Decree of the Production Dushanbe 5 years construction and operation Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of drinking city (till of an enterprise for Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 11.02.2015, water 11.02.2020) production of non-alcohol "Coca Cola №807 from №1764 beverages Innovations of 31/12/14 Tajikistan" 6. Investment agreement on Government of the 04.09.15 Decree of the production Yovon 5 years construction and Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of cement, district of (till commissioning of Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 16.12.2015, plasterboard Khatlon 16.12.2020) production of cement, "International №547 from №259 and bags region plasterboard and bags in Company of 29/08/15 Yovon of Khatlon region» Zhongtian Mohir Cement" 7. Concession Agreement on Government of the 17.02.16 Decree of the Production Isfara city terminated Thermal Power Plant of Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of electricity of Sughd (June 23, "Shurob" Tajikistan and HOS the GRT 15.04.2016, and region 2018) Powertech №789 from №416 exploitation International SDN 29/12/15) of coal BHD Company minefield 8. Investment Agreement on The Government of 03.09.16 Decree of the Production Levakant terminated reconstruction and the Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of carbamide city of (Decree commissioning of factories Tajikistan and the the GRT 14.12.2016, and Khatlon GRT from for the production of company "Henan №365 от №653 ammonia region 30/08/2019, carbamide and ammonia Zhong-ya Holding 23/08/16.) №434 OJSC "Azot" Group" of the PRC 9. Investment Agreement on Government of the 10.04.17 Decree of the gold Vahdat city 10 years extraction of "Pakrut" Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ extraction (till deposit Tajikistan and "Kryso the GRT 31.01.2018, 31.01.2028) Resources Limited" №88 от №982 and LLC "Pakrut" 25/02/17) 10. Investment agreement on Government of the 19.07.17 Decree of the Production Danghara 5 years construction of enterprise Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of industrial district of (till for production of industrial Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 29.11.2017, explosives Khatlon 29.11.2022) explosives in Danghara "KM Muosir" №321 от №940 region district of Khatlon region 29/06/17 11. Investment agreement on Government of the 09.8.2018, Decree of the production город - construction of factory for Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of public Душанбе production of public Tajikistan, LLC the GRT 17/10/2018, passenger passenger and freight «Avesto Group» and №385 от №1183 and freight transport and establishment «Ulasim Ic Ve Dis 01/08/18.) vehicles of a maintenance center Ticaret Anonim Sirketi» 12. Investment agreement on Government of the January 15, Decree of the Confectione Rudaki 10 years modernization, expansion, Republic of 2019, MNMO RТ ry, starch region (till 6th of construction, Tajikistan and LLC (Decree of 06/03/2019., and flour March 2029) commissioning and «Amiri confectionary the GRT №1297 products operation of enterprises for factory» №601, the production of 29/12/18) confectionery products, starch and starch syrup, and flour products 13. Investment agreement on Government of the 25/04/19, Decree of the production Dushanbe 5 years construction of the factory Republic of (Decree of MNMO RТ of drinking city (till 7th of for production of drinking Tajikistan and LLC the GRT 07/06/2019г., water and June 2024) water and alcohol beverages «Amiri confectionary №127, №1371 alcohol "Siyoma" factory» 29/03/19) beverages 14. Investment agreement on Government of the 25/05/19, Production Jaloliddin 5 years Decree of the construction and Republic of (Decree of of cement Balkhi (till 24th of MNMO RТ commissioning of cement Tajikistan and LLC the GRT region June 2024) 24/06/2019., plant «Mohir cement» №193, №1388 02/05/19) 15. Investment agreement on Government of the June 14 Decree of the Mining Murgab 7 years integrated development of Republic of 2019, MNMO RТ silver region, (till 1st of the “Yakjilva” silver Tajikistan and КОО Decree of 01/10/ 2019, Badakhshan October deposit « Kashi Xinyu Dadi the GRT, №1426 Autonomous 2026) Mining Investment №192 Region Company Ltd » 02/05/19) 16. Investment agreement on Government of the June 10 Decree of the Production город 5 years construction and Republic of 2019, MNMO RТ of cement, Душанбе (till 1st of commissioning of cement, Tajikistan and CJSC (Decree of 01/10/ 2019г., construction October concrete materials and bags “Tajikcement” the GRT, №1425 - concrete 2024) factory production №269 materials 31/05/19) and bags 17. Investment agreement on Government of the Manufacturi Dushanbe 10 years December construction and operation Republic of ng of city (till 22nd of 12,2019г, Decree of the for manufacturing Tajikistan, LLC household January (Decree of MNMO RТ household appliance “Artel «Avesto Group» and appliance 2030) the GRT 22/01/2020г., Avesto Electronics” ООО «Artel №597, №1582 company Engineering and 27/11/19г.) Management» 18. Investment agreement on Government of the implementat Dushanbe 5 years implementation of Republic of ion of city (till 22nd of December automated system for Tajikistan and automated January 12,2019, Decree of the monitoring and accounting Investors Consortium control 2025) (Decree of MNMO RТ electricity (Avesto Group LLC, system and the GRT, 22/01/2020, Tajikgidroelecromont energy №597 №1583 azh” OJSC and accounting 27/11/19) MDO Dushanbe City LLC) 19. Investment agreement on Government of the 18 марта Production Dushanbe construction and Republic of 2020г., of city commissioning of factory Tajikistan and LLC (Decree of polypropyle for production of “Gayur” the GRT ne bags polypropylene bags №154, 29/02/20) .