Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN

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Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN CENTRAL FACILITIES OF FACULTY AND UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN Director approaches. All treatment decisions are taken Prof. Dr. med. Matthias W. Beckmann jointly by the experts in each specialty, at meet- ings known as “tumor conferences”. Address Patients suspected to have a complex oncolog- CCC Erlangen-EMN Office ical syndrome or with advanced/metastatic Östliche Stadtmauerstraße 30 solid cancers are presented in the cross-regional 91054 Erlangen molecular tumor board and can be tested with Phone: +49 9131 8547029 a comprehensive cancer-/genpanel. The results Fax: +49 9131 8536393 improve clinical decision making of innovative [email protected] therapies. The information brochure „Side by Side“ of the Graphic: CCC/ Hotline: 0800 8510085 CCC Erlangen-EMN offers relevant information on diagnosis, therapy, and other cancer related Data for cancer patients at CCC ER-EMN are Aims and structure topics. documented in three clinical cancer registries. This enables scientists in the field of cancer re- The Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen – Aims of CCC ER-EMN search to analyze disease courses and investi- European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg • Interdisciplinary and inter-organizational op- gate and develop improved treatments. (CCC ER-EMN) is an interdisciplinary center of timization of care for oncology patients Research on biomaterials forms the basis for excellence established to coordinate medical • Interdisciplinary and inter-organizational sup- new discoveries. For this purpose, a biomaterials care, research, and teaching. For patients, rela- port for cancer research at the level of clinical bank has been set up for tumor tissue, tissue from healthy controls, and also body fluids (e.g. tives, physicians, and scientific researchers, the research, epidemiological research, transla- pleural effusions, urine, etc.) as well as DNA CCC ER-EMN is the central contact for all ques- tional research, and basic research from tumor patients and control individuals. tions connected to cancer diseases. • Support for regional collaboration in the field These biomaterials are used with the consent of The center organizes further education and of tumor diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up the patients involved and enable the develop- training courses on topics in oncology and co- care together with other hospitals, particularly university teaching hospitals, specialist oncol- ment of investigational methods at the highest ordinates research projects. In addition, it runs ogy practices, specialist physicians and family scientific standards to pursue major research a free tumor consultancy service for patients doctors, hospices, and rehabilitation facilities goals speeding up medical progress with new and their relatives. • Support for interdisciplinary and inter-organi- discoveries and the development of new forms CCC ER-EMN was founded in December 2007 zational teaching in oncology of treatment. The core units ”tissue based auto- as the Erlangen University Cancer Center by • Recruitment of highly talented junior staff for mated RNA and DNA diagnostics“ and “cell line members of staff at the UK Erlangen and the clinical care and research construction” have been set up at the CCC ER- Faculty of Medicine. Cooperation agreements EMN. with Bamberg hospital (Sozialstiftung Bam- Research berg), Bayreuth hospital (Klinikum Bayreuth Teaching GmbH) and Amberg hospital (Klinikum St. If possible, patients are treated in the framework Marien Amberg) were established. All four sites of clinical studies. This means that they directly The center offers physicians, private medical have oncological centers certified in accordance benefit from clinical progress and can be treated practices, and hospitals the opportunity to re- with the German Cancer Society criteria. in accordance with the highest safety standards ceive further training in the various fields in- Under the aegis of CCC ER-EMN, there is a total in the context of clinical trials. Links with the volved in oncology and to consult with experts of 22 certified organ cancer centers, 13 focal Center for Clinical Studies (CCS; compare own in difficult treatment cases. In addition, CCC ER- points, and 26 interdisciplinary tumor confer- report) and with the study coordination offices EMN provides a series of lectures for physicians ences that are responsible for optimized patient at the cooperating hospitals are available for this and scientists in the field of cancer research. care and multidisciplinary development of clin- purpose. ical pathways according to the most up-to-date Patient care and clinical research at UK Erlangen standards. are supported by a structured IT approach. This consists mainly of the electronic patient file sys- Interdisciplinary treatment based tem SoarianTM and the data warehouse tool on a personalized plan CognosTM. Supplementary to these IT systems, At the CCC ER-EMN institutions, all types of there are commercial IT solutions for cancer reg- cancer are diagnosed and treated as gently and istry, trial management, and biobanking. Physi- effectively as possible using the most advanced cians and patients can soon search the CCC- modern technologies. Specially trained nurses website to get information about ongoing clin- and psychologists are there to assist patients ical trials. Clinical trials are important for inno- during the treatment phase. Due to the high vation and the treatment of cancer patients. level of research activity at the CCC ER-EMN, Clinical trials of all phases are conducted at the patients have access to innovative therapeutic CCC Erlangen-EMN. 162.
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