Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.)

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Global Change Ecology (M.Sc.) UNIVERSITY OF BAYREUTH Graduate Program (M.Sc.) UNIVERSITY OF AUGSBURG UNIVERSITY OF WÜRZBURG Global Change Ecology Scope Structure The graduate program Global Change Ecology is devoted The general structure of the program (120 ECTS) brings to understanding and analyzing the most important and together natural sciences (research in global change and eco- consequential environmental concern of the 21st century: logy - 70 %) and social sciences (laws and regulations, social Environmental Global Change. Problems of an entirely new and dimensions, socio-economic implications - 30%). The obtained Change interdisciplinary nature require the establishment of degree is a Master of Science. Based on additional research ac- Universität innovative approaches in research and education. tivity, a PhD degree can be obtained. Methods Augsburg Ecological A special program focus is the linking of natural science The courses in the graduate program require a high Change perspectives on global change with approaches in social level of performance. Students are selected via a standar- Universität science disciplines. dized aptitude assessment procedure that meets the highest Internship/ Schools Würzburg international criteria. Bachelor degrees related to all fields of The elite study program combines the expertise of the Uni- environmental science will provide for acceptance to the pro- Societal versities of Bayreuth, Augsburg and Würzburg, with that gram. Finally, a select number of students will be accepted who Change of Bavarian and international research institutions, as well as may profit from excellent infrastructure and direct one-on-one Master Thesis economic, administrative and international organizations. communication with their supervisors. The program is unique in Germany, from the standpoint of content, and at the forefront with respect to international efforts. The goal is to train highly qualified leaders for tasks and problem solving in science, environmental protection, and with respect to political or economic decision making. Background Partnership Ecosystems of the earth are exposed to various and rapid alte- The University of Bayreuth serves as the main lo- rations of their environment, such as global changes of climate, cation in coordination of this program, howe- element cycles, land use and biodiversity. ver partners from the University of Augsburg and the University of Würzburg are also of central importance to the The consequences for the function of these ecosystems in the program. At the national level, research facilities, such as DLR future are unclear. and UFZ, participate. Risks to ecological services such as the protection against na- The program integrates strong international partners in the tural hazards, filtration of drinking water, provision of food and field of economics (e.g. Munich RE, McKinsey, World Bank, Na- other resources can be expected. ture) and from international organisations as well governmen- tal as non-governmental organisations (e.g. UNESCO, UNEP, EU). Economic, social and political uncertainties may follow. Declining glaciers act as demonstrative implication of global warming... Taschachferner Pitztal, Austria ... but also element cycles, land use and biodiversity and hence ecological services to mankind are affected. Further information: Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein - [email protected], +49 (0)921 55 2270 Dr. Volker Audorff - [email protected], +49 (0)921 55 2364 UNIVERSITY OF BAYREUTH Graduate Program (M.Sc.) UNIVERSITY OF AUGSBURG UNIVERSITY OF WÜRZBURG Global Change Ecology Modules & Courses Learning in Networks Courses are organized in four groups of modules invol- According to the general structure, the courses are or- ving teaching. The course modules are subdivided into ganized in four groupds of modules. Pursuant to the in- A, B, C and M. Hereby, A and B focus on environmental terdisciplinarity of our graduate program Global Change change and ecological change. The C module group is Ecology, one of these particularly deals with integration addresses the inter-disciplinarity behind global chan- and coordination. ge, dealing with the integration of natural and social sci- ences. M courses aim at teaching methods relevant for Teaching language is English. To integrate students into other courses. The lagnuage of instruction is English. research exercise courses will be embedded in current research projects (see figures on the left hand side). In- ternships are offered inland and abroad. The internatio- In this module group, students will have the opportunity nal exchange of students is encouraged through inten- to learn about global change. The focal point hereby is sive courses on selected themes (summer and winter A) placed on abiotic processes, meaning physical and chemi- schools) at various sites around the world. Working to- cal mechanisms in connection with global environmen- gether with peer students from other countries will offer Environmental tal changes. Physical and chemical aspects of aquatic and a new perspective for the students in this global field of Change terrestrial ecosystems, the dynamics of climate change, research. recent and historical developments, land use change as a determining factor for biotic and material changes as Students are integrated in inter- disciplinary research projects, well as biogeochemical cycles are of particular interest. dealing with global change at lo- cal to global scales. In this module block, courses of various fields are offered In the modules of the block ecological change, the ecolo- in order to better address the differing requirements of gical effects of global change will be addressed. Among students. The method courses offered adhere to those the topics, the response of organisms and ecosystems, applied in current global change research. Some topics land use change and human impacts, as well as the im- B) include, modelling, R, temporal developments via time pacts on species distribution will be discussed within the M) series analysis, spatial analysis tools, environmental eco- framework of global change and changing environmen- Ecological Methods nomics as well as key soft skills. The individual selection tal conditions. In addition to biological knowledge, me- of methodological courses supports individual comple- Change thodological approaches to modelling and spatial stati- mentary learning, leading to an efficient completion of stics are necessary for communicating ecological change thematically oriented modules. and thus offered. Global environmental changes have, on the one hand, The study of global change ecology lies not only in course been caused by anthropogenic influence, however si- modules, but also offers the opportunity to gain practical multaneously, society also has to bear the consequences experience via internships. Internships are possible within C) of climate change and ecosystem changes. The module four main areas including economy, research, national or Societal block “C” deals with the global interplay between societal I) Internships international administration and international organisa- and ecological changes. The socio-economic causes of tions or consortia. The selection is made by the student, Change global climate and land use change and their ecological however supported by the teaching staff via suggestions consequences for ecosystem services, regional climate and recommendations for positions. and biodiversity will be addressed. Further methodology relating to these topics is addressed in the module block on methods. Projected Occupations Science schools aim at integrating students in current developments in the rapidly changing scientific field of National Administration (Federal Agencies, Landesämter) global change research. Intensive external and internal Political Consulting (Environmental Policy) S) Schools courses allow for students to make direct contact with Economic Consulting (Risk Assessment, Due Diligence) not only other lecturers and real-world practitioners but Global Change Research (Universities, Research Centres) peers or other study programs, universities and countries. International Organisations (UN, EU, World Bank, NGOs) Thus serving to expand knowledge outside of the class- Scientific Management and Coordination room and learn networking and other soft skills, the sci- ence schools are a key aspect of global change ecology. Further information: Prof. Dr. Carl Beierkuhnlein - [email protected], +49 (0)921 55 2270 Dr. Volker Audorff - [email protected], +49 (0)921 55 2364
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