Spring & Early Summer Plant
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1a. Not woody (look for bark or wood formation near 8b. Doesn’t have “branches” like plant 8a. 13b. Tri-lobed shiny leaves, white flower, growing Muskegon Community College its base). Go to 2 in moist soil. 1b. At least 13 cm tall and woody. Go to 31 221 S Quarterline Road Muskegon, Mchigan 2a. Aquatic, either floating on the water or growing in the water. Go to 3 2b. Not aquatic. Go to 4 Spring & Early 3a. Smaller than the size of a dime and floating on Shining clubmoss the surface of the water. Lycopodium lucidulum Goldthread Coptis trifolia Summer Plant Key 9a. Mostly creeping on the ground. Go to 10 9b. Does not have branches that creep on the 14a. Grass-like leaves. Go to 15 ground and leaves may be toothed. Go to 11 14b. No grass-like leaves. Go to 16 10a. Leaves 1-2 cm often with white stripe, twin 15a. Grows in a cluster with leaves at 120 Duckweed white flowers, red berry. degree angle from each other at base. many different species 3b. Larger plant and may have a white flower. A Dichotomous Key for Distinctive Plants Along the Trails Partridge-berry Sedge in the Kasey Hartz Natural Area Mitchella repens Carex A dichotomous key is a tool for identifying unknown 15b. May grow in a cluster but leaves on stem items using familiar terms. Each step of descriptive Watercress 10b. Oval 2-8 cm leaves with fragrant pinkish-white choices is done as a choice of two (dichotomous Nasturtium officinale flowers in a cluster at end of branches. are 180 degree angle from each other. means forked cutting). Pick the choice that most 4a. Seems to be evergreen (mostly green during closely matches the plant that you want to identify the entire year). Go to 5 and follow the numbered steps to ultimately the 4b. Not evergreen. Go to 14 plant’s name and picture. 5a. Doesn’t appear to have leaves or they are narrow and tiny (less than 1 cm). Go to 6 Trailing arbutus Grass 5b. Larger with leaves and may be upright OR Epigaea repens many different species creeping on the ground. Go to 9 6a. Lies flat on the ground OR is upright but 11a. Thick, evergreen leaves that are not lobed, 16a. Toothed leaves. Go to 17 shorter than 5 cm. Go to 7 but may be toothed. Go to 12 16b. Non-toothed leaves. Go to 20 I have tried to use common, non-biological terms 6b. Upright and taller than 5 cm. Go to 8 11b. Tri-lobed evergreen leaves that may or not 17a. Finely-dissected (fern-like) leaves OR in the construction of this key and hope it aids you 7a. Along the creekbank and lying flat on the be toothed. Go to 13 palmately-lobed leaves. Go to 18 in learning the plants along the trail. ground. 12a. Oval leaves smelling like wintergreen when 17b. No finely dissected leaves, may have crushed. lobed leaves, but not palmately. Go to 19 By Theresa Van Veelen 18a. Fern-like leaves with small white flower Muskegon Community College and hairy stem, has a weak licorice odor. Life Science Faculty 2013 First Edition Liverwort Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens When you master this key, perhaps you would 7b. May be along the creek, but more upright and Sweet cicely enjoy using the Field Manual of Michigan may grow in colonies. 12b. Leaves at least twice as long as wide and Osmorhiza claytonii Flora by Voss and Reznieck (2012, University of arranged in a ring on the stem. Michigan Press). 18b. Palmately-lobed leaves, purple flower 2-3cm wide, stem may be hairy. Detailed plant fact sheets on-line at: http://www.muskegoncc.edu/pages/3146.asp Moss many different species Pipsissewa Chimaphila umbellate 8a. Looks like a tiny “pine tree” but is not. Wild geranium 13a. Tri-lobed leaves with no teeth, flower may be Geranium maculatum bluish, pinkish, or white. Centimeter Rule Club-moss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lycopodium Round-lobed Hepatica Hepatica americana ( Continued on flip side ) 19a. Heart-shaped leaves and white flower, 24a. Whorled leaves (arranged in ring 29a. Toothed or undulating edged 34a. Has shiny medium green leaves, smells like garlic when crushed. An around the stem). Go to 25 leaves. Go to 30 new twigs are green. invasive plant. 24b. No whorled leaves but leaves mostly 29b. Very large, smooth edged leaves coming from base of plant. Go to 29 that stink when crushed. 25a. Leaves whorled and each leaflet at least twice as long as wide. Go to 26 25b. Leaves whorled and each leaflet shorter than twice as long as wide. Go to 27 Low blueberry Garlic mustard 26a. Taller plant, about 25 cm with two Vaccinium angustifoliam Alliaria petiolata whorls of leaves on stem. Skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus 34b. Has light green leaves with tiny 19b. Leaves more than twice as long as wide, orange resin dots on the yellow flower. 30a. Typically about 25 cm tall and underside of leaves, reddish wide, yellow flowers. flowers. Indian cucumber root Medeola virginiana Field mustard 26b. Smaller plant, about 12 cm tall with Brassica rapa one whorl of leaves, white flower. Marsh marigold Huckleberry Caltha palustris Gaylussacia baccata 20a. Leaves twice as long as wide and not whorled. Go to 21 30b. Smaller than 12 cm plant, flowers 35a. Evergreen needle leaves in 20b. Leaves shorter than twice as long as can be yellow, purple, or white. clusters of five. wide OR whorled. Go to 24 21a. Between 5 – 15 cm tall Starflower Trientalis borealis 27a. Single whorl of three leaves or leaflets. Go to 28 Violets White pine 27b. One or two deeply lobed and Viola Pinus strobus Canada mayflower toothed large leaves, about 25 cm Maianthemum canadense across, white flower under leaves. 31a. Woody plant no more than 35b. No evergreen leaves. Go to 36 1 meter tall. Go to 32 36a. Large white flowers before or 21b. Taller than 15 cm. Go to 22 31b. Woody plant taller than as leaves are emerging, grows 22a. Flowers all at the end of the stem. 1 meter. Go to 35 in upland. 32a. Spines, thorns, or barbs on stem. Go to 33 Mayapple 32b. No spines, thorns, or barbs. Go to 34 Podophyllum peltatum 33a. Grows in the drier upland habitat. False Solomon seal 28a. Leaflets have a main middle vein, Flowering dogwood Smilacina racemosa flower is hidden in a tube (spathe) Cornus florida with a hood. 22b. Flowers not at the end of stem but 36b. Small yellow flowers directly hanging under along the stem. Go to 23 along branches before leaves 23a. Leaves smooth with no hairs on veins Common greenbrier emerge, smooth-edged leaves, on the underside of leaves. Smilax rotundifoliabenzoin grows in wetland, twigs are aromatic if scraped. Jack-in-the-pulpit 33b. Grows in the moist wetland Arisaema triphyllum habitat and is an invasive exotic plant, can be taller than 28b. Leaflets not with prominent middle 1 meter. Smooth Solomon seal vein, large white flower. Polygonatum biflorum Spicebush Lindera 23b. Veins on underside of leaves have hair (use magnification lens). Japanese barberry Hairy Solomon seal Trillium Berberis thunbergii Polygonatum pubescens Trillium grandiflorum (no picture included because it is so similar to the Smooth Solomon Seal.) Design by Ashley Shira Images by T. VanVeelen.