SPRING WILDFLOWERS: in the WILD and in the GARDEN by Bob Freckmann 10 March 2016
SPRING WILDFLOWERS: IN THE WILD AND IN THE GARDEN by Bob Freckmann 10 March 2016 slides Swamps, bogs, and wet woodlands; wet peaty soil. Symplocarpus foetidus, skunk-cabbage. Caltha palustris, marsh-marigold. Ribes triste, swamp currant. Ribes glandulosum, skunk currant. Packera (Senecio) aurea, golden ragwort. Arisaema triphyllum, jack-in-the-pulpit. Ranunculus (septentrionalis) hispidus, swamp buttercup. Geum rivale, purple avens. Cypripedium reginae, showy lady's-slipper. Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum, small yellow lady's-slipper. Chamaedaphne calyculata, leatherleaf. Sand, rocks, and dry prairies. Anemone patens, pasque flower. Geum triflorum, prairie smoke. Ranunculus rhomboideus, prairie buttercup. Viola pedata, birds-foot violet, wild pansy. Northern conifer woodland, with layer of needles over sand or peat; acidic and with partial shade all year. Epigaea repens, trailing arbutus. Polygala paucifolia, bird-on-a-wing, gay-wings, fringed polygala. Clintonia borealis, bluebead-lily. Trientalis borealis, northern starflower. Viola (conspersa) labridorica, dog violet. Viola macloskeyi, smooth white violet. Cypripedium acaule, moccasin flower. Plants of sugar maple woods, needing rich neutral to alkaline soil, good spring light, and summer shade. Hepatica (Anemone) acutiloba, sharp-lobed hepatica. Hepatica (Anemone) americana, blunt-lobed hepatica. Anemone quinquefolia, wood anemone. Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot. Asarum canadense, wild-ginger. Allium tricoccum (A. burdickii), wild leek. Dicentra cucullaria, Dutchman's-breeches.
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