ANDROGEN RECEPTOR INTERACTING PROTEINS AND COREGULATORS TABLE Compiled by: Lenore K. Beitel, Ph.D. Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research 3755 Cote Ste Catherine Rd, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1E2 Canada Telephone: 514-340-8260 Fax: 514-340-7502 E-Mail:
[email protected] Internet: Date of this version: 2010-08-03 (includes articles published as of 2009-12-31) Table Legend: Gene: Official symbol with hyperlink to NCBI Entrez Gene entry Protein: Protein name Preferred Name: NCBI Entrez Gene preferred name and alternate names Function: General protein function, categorized as in Heemers HV and Tindall DJ. Endocrine Reviews 28: 778-808, 2007. Coregulator: CoA, coactivator; coR, corepressor; -, not reported/no effect Interactn: Type of interaction. Direct, interacts directly with androgen receptor (AR); indirect, indirect interaction; -, not reported Domain: Interacts with specified AR domain. FL-AR, full-length AR; NTD, N-terminal domain; DBD, DNA-binding domain; h, hinge; LBD, ligand-binding domain; C-term, C-terminal; -, not reported References: Selected references with hyperlink to PubMed abstract. Note: Due to space limitations, all references for each AR-interacting protein/coregulator could not be cited. The reader is advised to consult PubMed for additional references. Also known as: Alternate gene names Gene Protein Preferred Name Function Coregulator Interactn Domain References Also known as AATF AATF/Che-1 apoptosis cell cycle coA direct FL-AR Leister P et al. Signal Transduction 3:17-25, 2003 DED; CHE1; antagonizing regulator Burgdorf S et al. J Biol Chem 279:17524-17534, 2004 CHE-1; AATF transcription factor ACTB actin, beta actin, cytoplasmic 1; cytoskeletal coA - - Ting HJ et al.