(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 22/03/2021 18:00
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Public Document Pack Council Town Hall Wallasey 12 March, 2021 Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council to be held at 6.00 p.m. on Monday, 22 March 2021, virtually, to take into consideration and determine upon the following subjects: This meeting will be webcast at https://wirral.public-i.tv/core/portal/home Contact Officer: Andrew Mossop Tel: 0151 691 8501 e-mail: andrewmossop@wirral.gov.uk Website: http://www.wirral.gov.uk AGENDA 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest. 2. CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence. 3. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 52) To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 7 and 9 (Extraordinary meeting) December, 2020 and 1 March, 2021 (Budget meeting). 4. PUBLIC AND MEMBER QUESTIONS To deal with questions, statements and petitions from members of the public, and Members, in accordance with Standing Orders 10, 11 and 12. A. Public Questions Notice of question to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, Wednesday, 17 March, 2021 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer (committeeservices@wirral.gov.uk) and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 10. B. Statements and Petitions Notice of statements to be given in writing or by email by 12 noon, Wednesday, 17 March, 2021 to the Council’s Monitoring Officer (commmitteeservices@wirral.gov.uk) and to be dealt with in accordance with Standing Order 11.1. Petitions may be presented to the Council. The person presenting the petition will be allowed to address the meeting briefly (not exceeding one minute) to outline the aims of the petition. The Mayor will refer the matter to another appropriate body of the Council within whose terms of reference it falls without discussion, unless a relevant item appears elsewhere on the Agenda. Please give notice of petitions to committeeservices@wirral.gov.uk in advance of the meeting. C. Members' Questions To consider Members’ questions to the Leader or Deputy Leader of the Council, Committee Chair or a Leader of a Political Group, in accordance with Standing Orders 12. 5. MATTERS REQUIRING APPROVAL OR CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL To consider any recommendations and receive reports from the Council’s Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports. A. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION - HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD (Pages 53 - 54) The Council is requested to agree the following recommendation of the Constitution and Standards Committee: That in respect to the Health & Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference as detailed in Part 3b Section 16.4 of the Constitution, ‘Chairing the Board’ be revised to read ‘The Board will be chaired by the Leader of the Council (or another elected member as their nominee)’. Constitution and Standards Committee minute 16 (24/2/21) attached. The report can be viewed here. B. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2021/22 (Pages 55 - 70) The Council is requested to approve the Calendar of Meetings for the 2021/22 municipal year, subject to the amendments recommended by the Constitution and Standards Committee. Constitution and Standards Committee minute 19 (24/2/21) attached, together with the revised proposed Calendar of Meetings. The report can be viewed here. C. PAY POLICY 2021/22 (Pages 71 - 82) The Council is requested to agree a recommendation from the Policy and Resources Committee, to be considered at the Committee’s meeting on 17 March, 2021. The report is attached, and the minute extract will be included in a supplementary agenda. 6. REPORTS AND DECISIONS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND PARTNERSHIP ORGANISATIONS To receive reports about and receive questions and answers on decisions made by Committees since the last meeting of Council. A. DECISIONS TAKEN SINCE THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING (Pages 83 - 294) To receive reports about and receive questions and answers on decisions made by Committees since the week of the publication of the last ordinary Council agenda. The minutes of all committees which have met since 23 November, 2020 are attached, as below. Members’ attention is drawn to three minutes, in accordance with Part 4, Section 4, paragraph 9 of the Constitution, in that a decision was taken, which was regarded as urgent by the Committee, as follows: Minute 32 (Policy and Resources Committee (18/12/20)) – Draft Revenue Budget 2021/22 – Consultation Proposals, as consultation needed to start immediately. Minute 43 (Policy and Resources Committee (21/12/20)) - Acquisition of Property in Birkenhead, as the acquisition needed to be completed without delay. Minute 20 (Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee (26/1/21)) – Birkenhead Town Deal – Funding Request, as the submission needed to be completed without delay. Minutes of Committees: Policy and Resources Committee – 18 and 21 December, 2020, 20 January and 17 February, 2021 (Pages 83 - 118) Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee – 18 January and 2 March, 2021 (Pages 119 - 137) Children, Young People and Education Committee – 1 December, 2020 and 28 January, 2021 (Pages 139 – 157) Economy, Regeneration and Development Committee – 26 January and 4 March, 2021 (Pages 159 - 176) Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee – 3 December, 2020 and 1 February, 2021 (Pages 177 - 193) Housing Committee – 26 November, 2020 and 27 January, 2021 (Pages 195 - 201) Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee – 23 November, 2020, 21 January and 3 March, 2021 (Pages 203 - 223) Partnerships Committee – 13 January, 2021 (Pages 225 - 230) Audit and Risk Management Committee – 23 November, 2020, 11 and 25 January, 2021 (Pages 231 - 242) Constitution and Standards Committee – 25 November, 2020 and 24 February, 2021 (Pages 243 - 257) Pensions Committee – 2 February, 2021 (Pages 259 - 265) Planning Committee – 17 December, 2020, 14 January and 11 February, 2021 (Pages 267 - 289) Regulatory and General Purposes Committee – 19 January, 2021 (Pages 291 - 293) B. JOINT ARRANGEMENTS AND EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS To receive reports about and receive questions and answers on the business of joint arrangements and external organisations, including the Combined Authority. 7. MOTIONS ON NOTICE (Pages 295 - 304) Motions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 13.1, are attached. They are listed in accordance with Standing Order 13.2, and the full text of each motion is attached. 1. NHS Pay Rise 2. Support for British Values Locally 3. Recognising the Contribution of Those Who Care 4. Community Investment Bonds 5. Liverpool City Region Fair Employment Charter 6. The NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 7. Right to Food 8. Government Support for Wirral 9. Refugees and Asylum Seekers Director of Law and Governance Audio/Visual Recording of Meetings Everyone is welcome to record meetings of the Council and its Committees using non-disruptive methods. For particular meetings we may identify a ‘designated area’ for you to record from. If you have any questions about this please contact Committee and Civic Services (members of the press please contact the Press Office). Please note that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons, including disruption caused by the filming or the nature of the business being conducted. Persons making recordings are requested not to put undue restrictions on the material produced so that it can be reused and edited by all local people and organisations on a non-commercial basis. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 COUNCIL Monday, 7 December 2020 Present: The Civic Mayor (Councillor Tony Smith) in the Chair Deputy Civic Mayor (Councillor George Davies) Councillors T Anderson JE Green Y Nolan B Berry EA Grey T Norbury J Bird P Hayes C Povall A Brame S Hayes L Rennie D Burgess-Joyce A Hodson J Robinson H Cameron K Hodson L Rowlands K Cannon J Johnson C Spriggs C Carubia AER Jones S Spoor P Cleary C Jones J Stapleton W Clements T Jones P Stuart C Cooke M Jordan M Sullivan A Corkhill S Kelly J Walsh T Cottier B Kenny S Whittingham T Cox A Leech I Williams S Foulkes I Lewis KJ Williams S Frost M McLaughlin S Williams A Gardner J McManus J Williamson P Gilchrist D Mitchell G Wood K Greaney C Muspratt A Wright Apologies Councillors M Collins T Usher S Jones 30 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Prior to Members’ declarations of interest, the Civic Mayor asked the Deputy Monitoring Officer, Vicki Shaw, to provide advice to all Members in respect of motion 1, ‘Public Sector Pay Freeze’. Vicki Shaw informed the meeting of the requirements of the Localism Act and the Members’ Code of Conduct, in respect of declaring interests and that the Leader of the Council had submitted a written request for the Council to grant a general dispensation for this meeting only for all Members to be present, speak and vote were they would otherwise have a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of the first motion, Public Sector Pay Freeze. Written advice had already been provided to Members by the Monitoring Officer, with which she herself concurred, in that with the number of Members Page 1 who would be affected, the test for granting a dispensation would be met on the ground that the representation of different political groups would otherwise be affected so as to alter the likely outcome of any vote. Also, quite possibly there would be too few Member left in the meeting, that the transaction of business would be prohibited as the meeting might become inquorate.