Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 1 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE

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Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 1 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE ANNOUNCEMENTS The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management Bergen, Norway 19-24 June 2011 First announcement The largest international conference for lobster research and management. More than 300 participants. Network with the world’s leading experts on lobsters. Venue: Radisson Blu, Hotel Norge, Bergen Hosts: Norway’s Institute of Marine Research in collaboration with other institutions and agencies working with lobster research, fisheries and export in Norway and Europe. Conference web-site: www.imr.no/icwl_bergen Deadline for abstract submission: 1 October 2010 See Bergen at its best! Short summer nights, long days and traditional summer celebrations. See page 2 for details The Lobster Newsletter - Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 1 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE Tentative theme sessions (other suggestions welcome): • Conservation and management: lobster management practice, lobsters in ecosystem-based management; marine protected areas, stock enhancement, habitat studies, invasive species • Ecosystem and climate variability: foodwebs, intra- and interspecific interactions, distribution, population dynamics, genetic studies • Resource Development: fisheries, aquaculture, post-harvest practices, marketing • Animal Welfare: nutrition, physiology, reproduction, health, diseases, parasites • Ecology and Behaviour: all life stages, from larvae to adults, introduced species • Bioengineering: technological innovations; pharmacological studies, human nutrition, biochemistry Workshops on special topics: • Large marine protected areas • Marine diseases and parasites • Sea-ranching and aquaculture • Population connectivity • Live export and species invasions Topics will be selected by the scientific committee based on responses we receive. Please submit suggestions for theme sessions and special topics. Seeking volunteers for session and workshop chairs. Final program available spring 2011. Information on abstract submission, travel, accommodation, costs will be available on the website Contacts: Conference convener: Gro van der Meeren Phone: +47 56 18 22 68 e-mail: [email protected] Conference secretary: Kirsten Aas Phone: +47 56 18 22 40 e-mail: [email protected] Organiser: Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway, Phone: +47 55238500 (reception), www.imr.no e-mail: [email protected] Venue: Radisson Blu, Hotel Norge, Bergen, Norway The Lobster Newsletter - Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 2 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi; Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai; Marine Products Export Development Authority, WORKSHOP UPDATES Kochi, were represented at the conference. Department of Fisheries of few maritime states, staff and students from universities, private Conference Synthesis: entrepreneurs involved in aquaculture and Recent Advances in Lobster lobster export, lobster fishers trained by NIOT for lobster fattening and financial institutions Biology, Aquaculture and also participated. Forty-one oral presentations Management (RALBAM 2010), including a key note address, seven plenary talks and 21 poster presentations were made Chennai, India, January 2010 during the four days of deliberations at the conference. From: M. Vijaykumaran Dr. E. G. Silas, former Vice-chancellor of Kerala Agricultural University inaugurated the The International Conference on “Recent conference and the inaugural function was Advances in Lobster Biology, Aquaculture and presided over by Dr. P. Krishnaiah, Chief Management (RALBAM 2010)” was organized Executive of the National Fisheries by the Ocean Science and Technology for Development Board. Dr. M. Vijayakumaran, Islands (OSTI), National Institute of Ocean the organizing Secretary of RALBAM 2010, Technology (NIOT) at its Conference Centre described the genesis and importance of the “Sagar Sangamam” in Chennai during 5-8 conference. A review on lobster research in January 2010. The conference objective was a India was given during the inauguration, review of lobster research around the world which was followed by a key note address on mid-way between the 2007 and 2011 “Are the spiny lobster fisheries in Australia International Conference and Workshop on sustainable?” by Prof. Bruce Phillips. The Lobsters. The particular focus of this conference Poster session was inaugurated by Dr. Stewart was on lobster research in India to generate Frusher in the evening on the opening day and international cooperation in formulating was open till the conclusion of the conference. projects on lobster conservation, management The conference was divided into seven oral and biology with special reference to habitat sessions: Fisheries; Larval distributions and studies and aquaculture. settlement; Physiology; Nutrition and pathology; Climate change impacts; The conference was attended by lobster Aquaculture; and Conservation, management experts from many countries such as Australia, and ecosystem interactions. A poster session New Zealand, USA, Canada, Spain, Norway, augmented the breadth of presentations. Social Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and India. Wide events during the conference included a pre- ranging discussions were held on the state of conference meet and greet dinner, a cultural lobster research, lobster fishery, management show depicting classical and folk dances of and aquaculture in India and around the India, and local tour to the historically world, and possible collaborative projects to be important port town of Mahabalipuram. Post- undertaken in future. Seventy-nine Indian conference tours to Pondichery and Gulf of delegates and 26 delegates from other Mannar Biosphere Reserve were also offered. countries participated in the conference. All the important institutions involved in lobster The sessions on conservation and ecosystem studies in India such as the National Institute issues spanned a broad range of topics, from of Ocean Technology, Chennai; Central Marine deep sea lobster, Puerulus sewelli and Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi; Central participatory approaches in conserving the The Lobster Newsletter - Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 3 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE lobster fishery in southeast India, to the role of venture on commercial production of slipper artificial habitats in preventing predation, and lobsters in Australia. modeling regional differences in growth of the American lobster using size-frequency and Prof. Bruce Phillips presided over the tagging-based approaches. concluding awards session. The best student oral presentation award was given to Ms. The session on larval distributions included Charlene E. Bergeron, graduate student at the presentations on the importance of ocean University of Maine, U.S.A. for her paper, currents in spiny lobster larval distribution in “Modeling growth without age-markers in a Japan, to a review of the 20-year larval variable environment: integrating size-frequency settlement index of American lobster, and the and tag-based methods in the American lobster.” importance of vertical movements of The best poster presentation award was given phyllosoma larvae in its horizontal distribution to M. Anbarasu, R. Kirubagaran and N. V. attracted attention in session on larval Vinithkumar of the NIOT, Chennai for the distribution. poster entitled, “Diet and eyestalk ablation induced changes in lipid and fatty acid composition The sessions on physiology, nutrition and of Panulirus homarus.” The best exhibit award pathology considered the role of physical and went to the booth displayed by the Ministry of chemical cues influencing lobster growth in Earth Sciences, Government of India. communal rearing, the energy requirements of puerulii in culture, endocrine mechanisms The organizers are very satisfied with the controlling molting and egg maturation, enthusiastic participation by lobster scientists paralytic shellfish poisoning in Canada and and feel that the objectives of the conference gaffkemia infection in Indian spiny. were fulfilled to a great extent. It is hoped that the interaction between scientists and The session on climate change highlighted the institutions from India and abroad will result impact of warming sea temperatures on in many inter-institutional ventures on lobster Tasmania’s fisheries. Discussion during that research in India. session addressed the need to create a database to understand the vulnerability of global Dr. M. Vijaykumaran lobster fisheries to climate change. Ocean Science and Technology for Islands (OSTI) National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) The final session on aquaculture reviewed Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600100, INDIA lobster aquaculture across the world, from the Ph: +91 44 66783418; 66783419 present status of lobster farming and puerulus [email protected] collection in Vietnam and indoor and sea cage culture experiments in India, to the new RALBAM 2010 Attendees (Photo credit: NIOT) The Lobster Newsletter - Volume 23, Number 1: April 2010 4 VOLUME TWENTY THREE APRIL 2010 NUMBER ONE There are some 250 species of marine lobster, many of which have some commercial value to humans either as a food source or for bait. Assessing the Status of All the Lobsters vary greatly in their vulnerability to World’s Lobster Species. fishing pressure, owing to variation in their life IUCN Redlist Workshop, history characteristics. While the commercial species are well studied, there is still a Taiwan, significant gap in knowledge, particularly for November 2009 tropical species. Throughout
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    click for previous page 265 4. BIBLIOGRAPHY Albert, F., 1898. La langosta de Juan Fernandez i la posibilidad de su propagación en la costa Chilena. Revista Chilena Historia natural, 2:5-11, 17-23,29-31, 1 tab Alcock, A., 1901. A descriptive catalogue of the Indian deep-Sea Crustacea Decapoda Macrura and Anomala in the Indian Museum. Being a revised account of the deep-sea species collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator: 1-286, i-iv, pls 1-3 Alcock, A. & A.R.S. Anderson, 1896. Illustrations of the Zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Surveying Steamer Investigator, under the command of Commander CF. Oldham, R.N. Crustacea (4):pls 1-6-27 Alcock, A. & A.F. McArdle, 1902. Illustrations of the Zoology of the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship Investigator, under the command of Captain T.H. Heming, R.N. Crustacea, (10), pls 56-67 Allsopp, W.H.L., 1968. Report to the government of British Honduras (Belize) on investigations into marine fishery management, research and development policy for Spiny Lobster fisheries. Report U.N. Development Program FAO, TA 2481 :i-xii, 1-86, figs 1-15 Arana Espina, P. & C.A. Melo Urrutia, 1973. Pesca comercial’de Jasus frontalis en las Islas Robinson Crusoe y Santa Clara. (1971-1972). La Langosta de Juan Fernández II. Investigaciones Marinas, Valparaiso, 4(5):135-152, figs 1-5. For no. I see next item, for III see Pizarro et al., 1974, for IV see Pavez Carrera et al., 1974 Arana Espina, P. & M.F. Pizarro Campos, 1971.
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