Index to Volume Xlvi
INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI [New generic,specific and subspecificname are printed in heavy facetype.] ACCIPITERcooperi, 236, 510. Allen, Glover M., obituary of Wm. nisus nisus, 335. Lyman Underwood,284. striatus striatus, 361. Amadina, 483. velox, 510. Amandava amandava, 483. Achorn, John Warren, obituary of, Amazona ventralis, 366. 582. American Ornithologists' Union, Actitis hypoleucus,339. forth-sixth stated meeting of, 79- macularia, 219, 323, 364, 508. 91; forty-seventh stated meeting, Aechmophorusoccidentalis, 503. 290, 591; attendanceat meetings Aegialitis nivosa, 509. of, 152; Check-List, 289. Aegithalos caudatus aremoricus, Ammodramus savannarum intri- 420. catus, 375. Aeronautesmelanoleucus, 205. Ammospizacaudacuta nelsoni, 243, Aestrelata, 148. 548. Aethopyga nipalensisangkanensis, c. subvirgata,243. 416. Anachilus,265. Africa, birds of, 344-347, 474-484, ucayalae, 265. 520-522. Anas acura acura, 338. Agelaiusphoeniceus caurinus, 517. platyrhynchos platyrhynchos, p. floridanus, 451. 337, 505. p. phoeniceus,242, 451. penelope,338. p. richmondi, 76. Anatomy, 560. qiscueyensis,373 Anhingha, 75, 250. Aldemosyne,483. anhinga,250. Ailuroedus buccoidesmolestus, 261. Ani, 368, 388, 546. Aimophila ruficepseremoeca, 205. Anomalospizaimberbis, 263. Ajaia ajaja, 105, 361, 381. Anser albffrons, 226. Alaska, birds of, 224, 230, 550. brachyrynchus, 533. 'Alauda,' reviewed, 422, 574. Anseres,46. Alauda arvensis arvensis•332. Anthracothorax dominicus,369. Alberta, birds of, 262, 552. Antbus spinolettajaponicus, 267. Alca torda, 223, 247, 529. Antrostomuscarolineusis, 236, 398. Aldrich, John W., observationsof Aphanotriccus,413. the Horned Grebe in captivity, Aphelocomasieberi couchi, 205. 527. Aphriza virgata, 221. Alectorisrufa rufa, 341. Apusaffinis bannern•ni, 261. Alisterus, 563. apus apus, 335. Alle alle, 247, 531. melba axcheri, 261. Allen, Francis H., Forster's Tern in m. bakeri, 261. Massachusetts,100.
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