Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 194 / Friday, October 4, 1996 / Rules and Regulations

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Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 194 / Friday, October 4, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 52088 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 194 / Friday, October 4, 1996 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Sources, Engine Programs and Planning and Standards. The service is AGENCY Compliance Division, Engine free of charge, except for the cost of the Compliance Programs Group, 501 3rd phone call. Users are able to access and 40 CFR Parts 89, 90, and 91 Street, Washington, DC 20005. The download TTN files on their first call public workshop will be held at 501 3rd using a personal computer and modem [FRL±5548±8] Street, Washington, DC 20005. per the following information. RIN 2060±AE54 Materials relevant to this rulemaking TTN BBS: 919±541±5742 (1200±14400 are contained in a docket at the bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) Control of Air Pollution; Final Rule for following address: EPA Air Docket (LE± Voice Helpline: 919±541±5384 New Gasoline Spark-Ignition Marine 131), Attention: Docket Number A±92± Also accessible via Internet: TELNET Engines; Exemptions for New Nonroad 28, room M±1500, 401 M Street, SW., ttnbbs.rtpnc.epa.gov Off-line: Compression-Ignition Engines at or Washington, DC 20460. Materials Mondays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Above 37 Kilowatts and New Nonroad contained in this docket may be Noon ET Spark-Ignition Engines at or Below 19 reviewed at this location from 8:00 a.m. A user who has not called TTN Kilowatts until noon and from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 previously will first be required to p.m. Monday through Friday. As AGENCY: Environmental Protection answer some basic informational provided in 40 CFR part 2, a reasonable Agency (EPA). questions for registration purposes. fee may be charged by EPA for ACTION: Final rule. After completing the registration photocopying. process, proceed through the following SUMMARY: As directed under section 213 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: menu choices from the Top Menu to of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990 Deanne R. North, Office of Mobile access information on this rulemaking. (CAA), EPA is regulating exhaust Sources, Engine Programs and <T> GATEWAY TO TTN TECHNICAL emissions from new spark-ignition (SI) Compliance Division, at (313) 668±4283 AREAS (Bulletin Boards) gasoline marine engines (including or James A. Blubaugh, Office of Mobile <M> OMSÐMobile Sources Information outboard engines, personal watercraft Sources, Engine Programs and <K> Rulemaking & Reporting Compliance Division, (202) 233±9244. engines, and jet boat engines) because <6> Non-Road exhaust emissions from SI gasoline SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: <1> File area #1. Non-Road Marine marine engines cause or contribute to Engines ozone concentrations in more than one I. Regulated Entities At this point, the system will list all ozone nonattainment area. Once the Entities potentially regulated by this available files in the chosen category in program is fully implemented, action are those which manufacture SI chronological order with brief manufacturers of these engines must gasoline marine engines. Regulated descriptions. To download a file, select demonstrate to EPA that hydrocarbon categories and entities include: emissions are reduced, by 75% from a transfer protocol that is supported by present levels, by testing engines Category Examples of regulated entities the terminal software on your own representative of the product line before computer, then set your own software to sale and after use. The result of these Industry .... Outboard engine manufacturers, receive the file using that same protocol. regulations will be a new generation of personal watercraft engine If unfamiliar with handling manufacturers, jetboat engine compressed (that is, ZIP'ed) files, go to cleaner gasoline marine engines manufacturers available to boaters. the TTN top menu, System Utilities EPA is also revising existing (Command: 1) for information and the This table is not intended to be necessary program to download in order regulations for new nonroad CI engines exhaustive, but rather provides a guide at or above 37 kW and new nonroad SI to unZIP the files of interest after for readers regarding entities likely to be downloading to your computer. After engines at or below 19 kW so as to regulated by this action. This table lists include exemptions comparable to getting the files you want onto your the types of entities that EPA is now computer, you can quit the TTN BBS exemptions provided to highway aware could potentially be regulated by engines. with the <G>oodbye command. this action. Other types of entities not Please note that due to differences DATES: This regulation is effective listed in the table could also be between the software used to develop December 3, 1996. The reference of regulated. To determine whether your certain publications listed in the the document and the software into product is regulated by this action, you which the document may be regulations is approved by the Director should carefully examine the of the Federal Register as of December downloaded, changes in format, page applicability criteria in § 91.1 of title 40 length, etc. may occur. 3, 1996. The information collection of the Code of Federal Regulations. If requirements contained in 40 CFR Part you have questions regarding the III. Contents 91 have not been approved by the Office applicability of this action to a IV. Statutory Authority and Background of Management (OMB) and are not particular product, consult the person A. Statutory Authority effective until OMB has approved them. listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER B. Background EPA will publish a document in the INFORMATION CONTACT section. V. Requirements of the Final RuleÐOverview Federal Register announcing the A. Outboards and Personal Watercraft, and effective date. II. Obtaining Copies of Documents Jetboat Engines A public workshop for manufacturers This preamble, the final regulatory B. Emission Standards who must comply with this regulation language, the Summary and Analysis of C. Administrative Programs will be held on November 13, 1996 Comments, and the Regulatory Impact 1. Pre-production Certification beginning at 10 a.m. Analysis are also available i. Beginning of Emission Standard Phase- in ADDRESSES: For information or electronically on the Technology ii. Stabilization of Certification Program compliance assistance, manufacturers Transfer Network (TTN), which is an 2. Production Line Testing and Compliance who must comply with this regulation electronic bulletin board system (BBS) 3. In-Use Testing and Remediation may contact the Office of Mobile operated by EPA's Office of Air Quality i. In-Use Testing Program Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 194 / Friday, October 4, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 52089 ii. In-Use Credit Program engines, equipment, and vehicles do, in V. Requirements of the Final RuleÐ iii. Recall Provisions fact, contribute significantly to ozone Overview 4. Consumer Warranty on Emission and CO concentrations in more than one Components Beginning in 1998, manufacturers of 5. Manufacturer Reporting of Engines with NAAQS nonattainment area. This brand new SI gasoline marine engines Emission effects and Voluntary Emission significance determination was finalized used in outboards, personal watercraft, Recalls on June 17, 1994 (59 FR 31306) and is and jetboats must comply with this rule. 6. Tampering with Emission Components incorporated by reference into this final This rule does not regulate in any way 7. Engines Excluded or Exempted from rulemaking. boat engines which already are in use. Regulations Today's rule imposes different 8. Prohibition on Importation of Under section 213(a)(3) of the CAA, Uncertified Engines into the United EPA is required to regulate those requirements for the subcategory of States categories or classes of new nonroad outboard, personal watercraft and 9. Revisions to Small SI (40 CFR Part 90) engines, equipment, and vehicles that in jetboat (OB/PWC) engines than for the and Large CI (40 CFR Part 89) EPA's judgement cause or contribute to subcategory of sterndrive and inboard RegulationsÐAdded Exemptions ozone and CO concentrations in more engines (SD/Is). Outboards, personal VI. Discussion of Issues than one nonattainment area. On watercraft, and jetboat engines are the A. No Sterndrive or Inboard Emission November 9, 1994, EPA published a engines that EPA is most concerned Standards Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) about from the standpoint of pollution B. Outboard/Personal Watercraft (OB/PWC) because they currently utilize, for the Emission Standards Meet Statutory establishing emission standards for new Criteria gasoline spark-ignition (SI) and diesel most part, 2-stroke technology that VII. Regulatory Impact Analysis compression-ignition (CI) marine emits high rates of HC exhaust VIII. Administrative Requirements engines pursuant to section 213(a) of the emissions. Current, unregulated, SD/Is A. Reporting and Recordkeeping CAA.2 On February 7, 1996, EPA are far cleaner than OB/PWC. The result Requirements published a Supplemental Notice of of this regulation will be that OB/PWC B. Impact on Small Entities Proposed Rulemaking (SNPRM).3 In the engines will be dramatically cleaner: C. Submission to Congress and the General They will be near the lower emission Accounting Office course of the comment period for the NPRM, some commenters suggested that levels exhibited by today's SD/I engines. D. Executive Order 12866 By imposing emission standards on only E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 EPA consider new approaches to some OB/PWC engines, EPA will achieve the of the items addressed in the proposal; IV. Statutory Authority and greatest degree of emissions reduction also, it became apparent that some Background achievable from new gasoline SI marine aspects of the proposed regulation were engines as a whole through the A. Statutory Authority not addressed in sufficient detail in the application of technology, taking cost NPRM and needed additional Authority for the actions set forth in (including cost to boaters) and other this rule is granted to EPA by sections development for further comment. The factors into account.
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