Research Paper

GEOSPHERE Three-dimensional flow dynamics within subvolcanic sheet intrusions GEOSPHERE; v. 12, no. 3 C. Magee1, B. O’Driscoll2,*, M.S. Petronis3, and C.T.E. Stevenson4 1Basins Research Group (BRG), Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BP, UK doi:10.1130/GES01270.1 2School of Physical and Geographical Sciences, Keele University, Keele ST5 5BG, UK 3Environmental Geology, Natural Resource Management Department, New Mexico Highlands University, PO Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701, USA 14 figures; 1 table 4School of Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK

CORRESPONDENCE: c.magee@​imperial​.ac​.uk ABSTRACT Walker, 1993; Schirnick et al., 1999; Gudmundsson, 2002; Muirhead et al., CITATION: Magee, C., O’Driscoll, B., Petronis, M.S., 2012; Schofield et al., 2012b; Cashman and Sparks, 2013; Petronis et al., 2013). and Stevenson, C.T.E., 2016, Three-­dimensional magma flow dynamics within subvolcanic sheet Sheet intrusions represent important magma conduits and reservoirs in Analyses­ of ancient sheet intrusion complexes provide invaluable insights into intru­sions: Geosphere, v. 12, no. 3, p. 842–866, doi:​ subvolcanic systems. Constraining the emplacement mechanisms of such in- magma emplacement mechanisms and thereby contribute to volcanic haz- 10​.1130​/GES01270.1. trusions is crucial to understanding the physiochemical evolution of magma, ard assessment (e.g., Sparks, 2003; Sparks et al., 2012; Cashman and Sparks, volcano deformation patterns, and the location of future eruption sites. How- 2013), understanding the distribution of eruption locations (e.g., Abebe et al., Received 22 September 2015 ever, magma plumbing systems of active volcanoes cannot be directly accessed 2007; Gaffney et al., 2007), and elucidating controls on crystal growth and geo- Revision received 2 February 2016 Accepted 4 March 2016 and we therefore rely on the analysis of ancient systems to inform the interpre- chemical variations (e.g., Latypov, 2003). For example, studies of magma flow Published online 20 April 2016 tation of indirect geophysical and geochemical volcano monitoring techniques. indicators (e.g., vesicle imbrication, phenocryst alignment, magnetic fabrics) Numerous studies have demonstrated that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibil- in solidified intrusions have demonstrated that sheet geometries alone cannot ity (AMS) is a powerful tool for constraining magma flow patterns within such be used as proxies for magma transport directions, i.e., flow within dikes or in- ancient solidified sheet intrusions. We conducted a high-resolution AMS study clined sheets can range from dip parallel to strike parallel (e.g., Abelson et al., of seven inclined sheets exposed along the Ardnamurchan peninsula in north- 2001; Holness and Humphreys, 2003; Callot and Geoffroy, 2004; Geshi, 2005; west , and examined how magma flow in sheet intrusions may vary Philpotts and Philpotts, 2007; Kissel et al., 2010; Magee et al., 2012a). All studies along and perpendicular to the magma flow axis. The sheets form part of the focused on elucidating the structure and source of subvolcanic intrusion com- Ardnamurchan Central Complex, which represents the deeply eroded roots of plexes should therefore consider magma flow patterns. an ~58-m.y.-old volcano. Our results suggest that the inclined sheets were em- Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) allows the rapid and precise placed via either updip magma flow or along-strike lateral magma transport. It measurement of magnetic fabrics from large sample sets (Tarling and Hrouda, is important that observed variations in magnetic fabric orientation, particularly 1993). Numerous studies have successfully demonstrated that magnetic lin- magnetic foliations, within individual intrusions suggest that some sheets were eations and foliations, measured by AMS, can record information on primary internally compartmentalized, i.e., different along-strike portions of the inclined magma flow in sheet intrusions (Fig. 1; Launeau and Cruden, 1998; Archanjo sheets exhibit subtle differences in their magma flow dynamics. This may have and Launeau, 2004; Cañón-Tapia and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004; Féménias et al., implications for the flow regime and magma mixing within intrusions. 2004; Philpotts and Philpotts, 2007; Stevenson et al., 2007b; Polteau et al., 2008; Petronis et al., 2013). For example, the imbrication of magnetic fabrics is related to increasing velocity gradients adjacent to the wall rock, and can be INTRODUCTION used to establish magma flow directions (Fig. 1; e.g., Knight and Walker, 1988; Tauxe et al., 1998; Callot et al., 2001; Féménias et al., 2004). AMS therefore The transport of magma within a subvolcanic system is commonly facili- potentially provides a powerful tool for assessing magma flow in solidified tated by interconnected sheet intrusions (e.g., dikes and sills). Because magma sheet intrusions. plumbing systems of active volcanoes cannot be directly observed, analyzing Although several studies have identified variations in magma flow–related ancient sheet intrusion complexes exposed at the surface is crucial to under- AMS fabrics, particularly along strike of the principal emplacement direction standing magma transport within subvolcanic domains (e.g., Anderson, 1937; in individual intrusions, the processes that generate local variations in magma flow dynamics remain poorly constrained (e.g., Ernst and Baragar, 1992;

For permission to copy, contact Copyright *Present address: School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Man- Cañón-Tapia and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004; Aubourg et al., 2008; Cañón-Tapia and Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. chester, Williamson Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Herrero-Bervera, 2009; Magee et al., 2013a). An AMS analysis of numerous

© 2016 Geological Society of America

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placed into a complex host-rock stratigraphy on Ardnamurchan that consists of Neoproterozoic Moine Supergroup metasedimentary rocks (i.e., upper Morar Group) unconformably overlain by Mesozoic metasedimentary strata (e.g., the calcareous Blue Lias Formation, interbedded limestones and shales of the Pabay Shale Formation, and the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation) and early Figure 1. Schematic diagram of Newtonian volcaniclastics and olivine-basalt lavas (Fig. 2) (Emeleus and Bell, magma flow within a sheet intrusion and 2005; Emeleus, 2009). The sheet intrusions predominantly display a concentric the imbricated fabrics that may be de­ veloped. or arcuate strike (Fig. 2) and an inward inclination (Richey and Thomas, 1930; Imbricated foliation (white plane) Emeleus, 2009). This apparent inverted conical geometry, also exhibited by and lineation (dashed white lines) similar intrusion suites within the Mull and Skye Central Complexes, forms the + – Velocity gradient foundation of the cone sheet emplacement model developed by Bailey (1924) + and Anderson (1936). The assumption that cone sheets and their host fractures Magma flow direction and velocity profile can be ­simply projected downdip to a convergence point has led to the notion that they are fed from a central overpressured magma chamber (Bailey, 1924; Richey and Thomas, 1930; Anderson, 1936). For example, Richey and Thomas intrusions exposed in the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (northwest Scot- (1930) used linear projections of the Ardnamurchan cone sheet dips and the lo- land) was conducted (Magee et al., 2013b) and it was found that the magnetic cation of the major intrusions to originally define three intrusive foci, which were fabric orientations measured occasionally varied along sheet strike. Assuming inferred to reflect three spatially and temporally separate centers of magmatic that the magnetic fabrics record lateral variations in the magma flow pattern, activity (Fig. 2). However, numerous studies have reevaluated the geometry and it was speculated (Magee et al., 2013b) that individual inclined sheets were emplacement mechanisms of major intrusions on Ardnamurchan and have locally compartmentalized because rheological differences between adjacent questioned this hypothesis (e.g., Day, 1989; O’Driscoll et al., 2006; O’Driscoll, magma pulses promoted the internal segmentation of otherwise continuous 2007; Magee, 2012; Magee et al., 2012b). Burchardt et al. (2013) constructed a sheet intrusions. The potential preservation of internal compartmentalization three-dimensional (3D) downdip projection of the cone sheets and suggested implies that mixing (e.g., chemical composition, crystal population transfer, that the principal zone of convergence corresponds to an ~6 × 5 km (elongated or xenolith transport) within continuous sheet intrusions may be laterally east-west) ellipsoidal source reservoir emplaced at 3.5–5 km depth (Fig. 2). restricted and could result in the preferential channelization of magma (Hol- In Magee et al. (2012a), an alternative interpretation for cone sheet emplace- ness and Humphreys, 2003; Magee et al., 2013a). In this study we present a ment based on an analysis of magma flow patterns derived from magnetic high-resolution AMS analysis combined with structural measurements and fabrics was presented. The subhorizontal, strike-parallel flow fabrics identified field observations of seven sheet intrusions within the Ardnamurchan Central in the majority of intrusions led to the proposal that the cone sheets repre- Complex. An important aim of this study is to assess how magnetic fabric vari- sent laterally propagating regional dikes (i.e., externally sourced), which upon ations that correspond to localized, intraintrusion magma flow dynamics can entering­ the vicinity of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex were deflected by be elucidated and distilled from overall magma flow patterns. the local stress field into preexisting, inwardly inclined, concentric fractures (Magee et al., 2012a). Although the origin of some of the Ardnamurchan sheet intrusions originating from a central source was not precluded (Magee et al., GEOLOGICAL SETTING 2012a), i.e., a prerequisite of the cone sheet model, the term “inclined sheet” is utilized for all sheet intrusions we studied in this work in order to avoid genetic The Ardnamurchan Central Complex is located in northwest Scotland and connotations (cf. Gautneb et al., 1989; Gautneb and Gudmundsson, 1992; Siler comprises a suite of major intrusions (e.g., laccoliths and lopoliths) and nu- and Karson, 2009). merous minor sheet intrusions (Fig. 2) (Emeleus and Bell, 2005). This exposed magmatic network represents the deeply eroded roots of an ancient volcanic edifice that formed ca. 58 Ma during the development of the British and Irish METHODOLOGY Paleogene Igneous Province (Emeleus and Bell, 2005). Intensive igneous ac- tivity at that time (ca. 61–55 Ma) was fundamentally related to the incipient Magnetic Fabrics as a Record of Magma Flow opening of the North Atlantic and associated lithospheric impingement of a mantle plume (Saunders et al., 1997). Magma flow petrofabrics in sheet intrusions may be attributed to the Sheet intrusions in Ardnamurchan are primarily , typically <1 m hydrodynamic­ alignment of suspended crystal populations by noncoaxial thick, and display a variety of orientations (Magee et al., 2012a). They were em- shear or coaxial shear, dependent on variations in magma velocity gradients­

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42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

1 km N 72


70 3 1 69

2 68

20 67 Figure 2. Simplified geological map of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (based on Emeleus, 2009) diagrammatically high- 66 lighting the attitude of the inclined (cone) sheets and the locations of the intrusions studied here. Bedding and intrusion dip Fig. 11; S7 65 and strikes omitted for clarity. Location map of Ardnamurchan inset. Ben Hiant

S5 64 S6 S4 Long 6 O W Fig. 3A; S1, S2 and S3 200 km 63

Major Center 3 intrusions Paleogene volcaniclastic 62 breccias and conglomerates Major Center 2 intrusions Scotland Paleogene olivine-basalt Major Center 1 intrusions lavas Mesozoic metasedimentary Ardnamurchan Inclined sheets rocks

O Regional dikes Neoproterozoic Moine Supergroup metasedimentary rocks t 55 N Center foci (Richey & Thomas, 1930) La Fault Ireland Central reservoir (Burchardt et al., 2013)

across the intrusion (e.g., Fig. 1) (Correa-Gomes et al., 2001; Callot and that the crystals transition between flow-parallel and nonparallel orientations ­Guichet, 2003; Cañón-Tapia and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004). Although this hydro­ (Cañón-Tapia and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004; Cañón-Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, dynamic alignment is typically considered to be stable during magma flow 2009). The time each crystal spends in either stage of the cyclic phase (i.e., (i.e., crystal orientations remain fixed once aligned), experimental work sug- flow parallel or nonparallel) is controlled by the aspect ratio of the crystal and gests that this assumption is only valid if the crystal content is >20%, because the amount of shear, e.g., high-aspect-ratio phenocrysts spend the majority of collisions prevent crystal rotation (see Cañón-Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, 2009, time in a flow-parallel orientation (Cañón-Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, 2009). and references therein). Below this threshold, crystals within a flowing magma These theoretical considerations of crystal cyclicity therefore imply that if a display a cyclic behavior, whereby the rotation of their principal axes means significant proportion of crystals are nonparallel to flow in a specific part of an

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intrusion during solidification, then the average petrofabric of a corresponding the majority of inclined sheets on Ardnamurchan, the analyzed intrusions are sample may not obviously relate to the magma flow conditions (Cañón-Tapia aphyric and predominantly consist of fine- to medium-grained (<0.05–0.5 mm) and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004; Cañón-Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, 2009). Magma plagioclase microlites, skeletal clinopyroxene, and titanomagnetite (Magee, flow within an intrusion can also vary with time, potentially producing a range 2011; Magee et al., 2012a, 2013a). The relatively fine grain size of the inclined of petrofabric orientations preserved in different zones of a sheet intrusion. sheets is challenging for petrological (petrographic) analyses of silicate fabrics. For example, petrofabrics within chilled margins are likely to relate to the ini- Of the seven inclined sheets examined, AMS fabrics were analyzed for three tial magma propagation conditions, whereas fabrics in thick sheet intrusion intrusions (i.e., S2, S4, and S7) in Magee et al. (2012a); their analysis involved cores may correlate to a more mature phase of magma flow (e.g., backflow the collection of one (i.e., S2 and S4) or three (i.e., S7) block samples for each or convection; Philpotts and Philpotts, 2007). Magma flow fabrics can also be intrusion, a strategy that was not designed to investigate local magma flow overprinted by postemplacement processes such as convection and tectonic pattern variations in individual intrusions. AMS samples used in this study compression (e.g., Borradaile and Henry, 1997; Schulmann and Ježek, 2012). were collected in 2008, typically from two or more sites along sheet strike, as It is clear that petrofabrics preserved in sheet intrusions may have a com- oriented drill cores using a portable gasoline-powered drill with a nonmag- plex origin and history. AMS provides a quantitative measure of mineral align- netic diamond bit. All samples were oriented using a magnetic and (when ments (e.g., of titanomagnetite phenocrysts in mafic rocks) and is particularly possible) a sun compass. Depending on exposure quality, suites of samples useful for fine-grained rocks where petrofabrics may not be optically resolv- were extracted at each site and binned into profiles characterizing the intru- able (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993; Dunlop and Özdemir, 2001). It is now widely sions margins and core or an entire sheet-orthogonal traverse. This sampling accepted that, even in weakly anisotropic material, magnetic lineations and strategy allows any lateral and vertical variations in the magnetic fabrics to be foliations commonly reflect the magmatic petrofabric, providing information spatially analyzed. on magma migration, flow geometries, and regional strain (King, 1966; Owens The AMS fabrics of each specimen were measured on either an AGICO and Bamford, 1976; Hrouda, 1982; Borradaile, 1987, 1988; Rochette, 1987; Tarling­ KLY-3S kappabridge (an induction bridge that operates at a magnetic field of and Hrouda, 1993; Borradaile and Henry, 1997; Bouchez, 1997; Sant’Ovaia et al., 300 A/m and a frequency of 875Hz) at the University of Birmingham (UK) (i.e., 2000; Petronis et al., 2004, 2009; Horsman et al., 2005; O’Driscoll, 2006; Steven- S1, S6, and S7) or on an AGICO MFK1-A (an induction bridge operating at 976 son et al., 2007a; Kratinová et al., 2010). In particular, numerous studies have Hz with a 200 A/m applied field) at New Mexico Highlands University (USA) substantiated the relationship between the orientation of magnetic minerals (i.e., S2–S5). Some S1, S6, and S7 specimens were remeasured on the AGICO and magma flow through correlation with visible magma flow indicators (e.g., MFK1-A and showed no difference in magnetic fabric results between the two Callot et al., 2001; Aubourg et al., 2002; Liss et al., 2002; Horsman et al., 2005; induction bridges. Magnetic susceptibility differences were measured in three Morgan et al., 2008). Knight and Walker (1988) presented an empirical study of orthogonal planes and combined with one axial susceptibility measurement AMS and suggested that the magnetic lineation could be equated to the pri- to define the susceptibility tensor. This tensor, which may be visualized as an

mary magma flow axis. Furthermore, high magma velocity gradients at sheet ellipsoid, comprises the three principal susceptibility magnitudes (K1 ≥ K2 ≥ K3) margins and crystal interactions have been shown to create imbricated fabrics, and a corresponding set of three orthogonal principal axis directions. the closure directions of which coincide with the primary magma flow direc- Where magnetic fabrics are prolate and the shape of the susceptibility

tion during initial emplacement (Fig. 1) (Tauxe et al., 1998; Correa-Gomes et al., ellipsoid­ is elongated along the K1 axis, it is at times appropriate to interpret

2001; Callot and Guichet, 2003; Féménias et al., 2004; Philpotts and Philpotts, the orientation of the K1 lineation in the context of a flow or stretching direc- 2007; Morgan et al., 2008). To interpret magma flow patterns from magnetic tion, although there are many caveats when interpreting the linear fabric (e.g., fabrics it is therefore important to (1) sample different locations of an intrusion Ellwood, 1982; Knight et al., 1986; Hillhouse and Wells, 1991; Geoffroy et al., by collecting traverses of varying orientation, with respect to the sheet geom- 1997; Le Pennec et al., 1998; Tauxe et al., 1998). Conversely, oblate fabrics cor-

etry, and analyzing multiple sites along sheet strike and/or dip (Cañón-Tapia respond to a susceptibility ellipsoid that is flattened in the 1K -K2 plane (e.g.,

and Herrero-Bervera, 2009); (2) independently determine magma flow patterns Tarling and Hrouda, 1993). The orientation of the K1-K2 susceptibility axes within sheet intrusions if possible (e.g., measuring visible magma flow indi- commonly varies­ between specimens from the same sample, with the over- cators); and (3) consider whether primary fabrics have been modified by later all dispersion of the two susceptibility axes defining a great-circle girdle on a magmatic or tectonic processes. stereographic projection. Therefore, if the fabric elements at a site are strongly

oblate and the 95% confidence ellipses of the 1K and K2 axes overlap in the

AMS Technique K1-K2 plane, it is often not appropriate to interpret the orientation of the K1 lin- eation as a flow or stretching direction (e.g., Cañón-Tapia, 2004; Cañón-Tapia In this study seven separate sheet intrusions (S1–S7) that intrude a variety­ and Herrero-Bervera,­ 2009). of host rocks and display a range of orientations (i.e., sills to dikes) in the The magnitude parameters are reported in terms of size, shape, and southern portion of the Ardnamurchan peninsula were analyzed. Similar to strength (or ellipticity) of the ellipsoid. These include the mean (or bulk) sus-

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2 ceptibility, Kmean = (K1 + K2 + K3)/3; the degree of anisotropy {Pj = exp√2[(h1 – h) + When it can be demonstrated that the magnetic fabric is carried by para- 2 2 (h2 – h) + (h3 – h) ]}, where h = (h1 + h2 + h3)/3, h1 = lnK1, h2 = lnK2, h3 = lnK3 magnetic ferromagnesian silicates, multidomian ferrimagnetic grains, or a

(Jelínek, 1981) and the shape parameter T = [2ln(K2 /K3)/(ln(K1/K3)] – 1. The lat- mixture of both, it is commonly observed that the magnetic fabric and petro-

ter parameters (Pj and T) are reported as dimensionless parameters, whereas fabric agree. However, occasionally the petrofabric and magnetic fabric may

Kmean is measured in SI units. A value of Pj = 1 describes a perfectly isotropic­ still not coincide if there are magnetostatic interactions between individual,

fabric, while a Pj value of 1.15, for example, corresponds to a sample with closely packed ferrimagnetic grains (Hargraves et al., 1991). These magneto­ 15% anisotropy (P gives a value that translates directly to percent anisotropy, static interactions­ can produce a distribution anisotropy, promoted by the whereas Pj is a close approximation). The quantitative measure of the shape of generation of an asymmetric magnetic interaction field that may contribute the susceptibility ellipsoid (T) ranges from perfectly oblate (T = +1) to perfectly to the bulk magnetic anisotropy (Hargraves et al., 1991). Theoretical models prolate (T = –1). have shown that when grains become closer and magnetostatically interact, the distribution of grains rather than their individual orientations dominate the petrofabric (e.g., Stephenson, 1994; Grégoire et al., 1995, 1998; Cañón-Tapia, Mineralogical Controls on Magnetic Fabric Orientation 1996, 2001). To assess the magnetic mineralogy of the sheet intrusions in question in Magnetic fabrics measured in titanomagnetite-bearing rocks are at times this study, high-temperature, low-field-susceptibility experiments were con- difficult to interpret because the relationship between the magnetite fabric and ducted, using an AGICO MFK1-A (multifunction kappabridge) susceptibility the mineral fabrics of the volumetrically dominant silicate phases is often un- meter and a CS4 furnace attachment, in a stepwise heating-cooling fashion certain, and titanomagnetite is frequently a relatively low-temperature liquidus from 25 °C to 700 °C to 40 °C in an Ar atmosphere. Hysteresis measurements phase. It is important that quantitative textural analyses have demonstrated were conducted on a Lakeshore Shore Cryotronics MicroMag 2900/3900 vi- that titanomagnetite shape and distribution (i.e., petrofabric) is commonly brating sample magnetometer (VSM) at the University of Texas-Dallas paleo- controlled by the primary silicate framework (e.g., Cruden and Launeau, 1994; magnetism laboratory. Hysteresis experiments involved vibrating the sample Launeau and Cruden, 1998; Archanjo and Launeau, 2004; O’Driscoll et al., within a 3.0 T applied field at 83 Hz next to a set of pick-up coils. The vibrating 2008). The magnetic response of titanomagnetite is also controlled by grain sample creates a time-varying magnetic flux in the coils, generating a current size and its shape anisotropy (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993). Multidomain (MD) that is proportional to the sample magnetization. titanomagnetites (>100 µm) have a strong shape-preferred anisotropy and thus their magnetic lineation will parallel the long axis of the grain. In con- trast, single-domain (SD) magnetites (<1 µm) are more susceptible to magneti­ ­ RESULTS zation along the magnetocrystalline easy axis, orthogonal to the shape long axis (Hrouda, 1982; O’Reilly, 1984; Potter and Stephenson, 1988; Dunlop and Here we present the field observations and magnetic fabric analysis for ­Özdemir, 2001). From the dependence of principal susceptibility axis orienta- each of the seven intrusions studied, as well as data pertaining to a suite tion on grain size, titanomagnetite populations consisting purely of MD or SD of rock magnetic experiments. All orientation measurements are recorded grain sizes are interpreted to produce normal or inverse magnetic fabrics, re- as strike and dip unless otherwise stated. Magnetic data are presented spectively (Rochette et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002). A normal magnetic fabric implies in Table 1. that the magnetic fabric mimics the mineral shape fabric, regardless of the

fabric origin. Inverse magnetic fabrics are characterized by K1 and K3 principal susceptibility axes that parallel the pole to the mineral foliation and the min- S1 eral lineation, respectively, somewhat complicating their interpretation. The term inverse magnetic fabric was coined by Rochette and Fillion (1988), who Field Observations proposed that such fabrics may form in response to either (1) c-axis preferred-­ orientation of ferroan calcite grains, whose maximum susceptibility is parallel Diabase inclined sheets in the vicinity of S1 (UK National Grid coordinates to the c-axis; or (2) the presence of SD elongated ferromagnetic grains. In mag- NM 492 626; 56°41′16″N, 6°05′45″W) display a wide range of orientations and netite or maghemite-bearing rocks, when the fabric is carried by SD grains, locally complex intrusion morphologies (Figs. 3 and 4; see also Kuenen, 1937; this leads to an inverse fabric (e.g., Potter and Stephenson, 1988; Rochette­ and Magee et al., 2012a). The S1 intrusion is aphyric with grain sizes <2 mm; with Fillion, 1988; Borradaile and Puumala, 1989). A mixture of SD and MD titano- the exception of a thin <1 cm chilled margin, no grain size variation is observed magnetites may yield intermediate fabrics, where either one of or neither of across the inclined sheet at hand specimen scale. The ~1-m-thick S1 intrusion

the K1 and K3 principal susceptibility axes align with a component of the min- (oriented 142/15°SW) is generally concordant to the local Blue Lias Formation eral shape fabric (Rochette et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002). bedding (~140/10°SW), except for an ~5-m-wide zone where it transgresses

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K1 K2 K3 Magnetic foliationPj TInclined sheet Kmean AMS Number of (10–2) Dec. Pl. Dec. Pl. Dec. Pl. Strike Dip Strike Dip Dip profile specimens (SI) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) direction. S1a 21 3.03 316 03 22608063 81 153091.025 –0.839 12918SW S1b 10 5.11 136 26 01051240 27 150631.046 –0.721 12918SW S1c 05 4.79 134 25 34561231 13 141771.038 –0.028 12918SW S1d 12 5.50 134 29 01144244 32 154581.038 –0.602 12918SW S1e 24 6.16 142 09 23518026 70 116201.039 –0.169 14215SW S1f 28 6.91 128 03 30260037 03 127881.026 –0.619 14215SW S1g 13 6.29 138 14 22800319 76 049141.036 –0.522 14215SW S1h_A 05 6.51 138 25 04605304 65 034251.028 –0.495 14215SW S1h_B 10 7.15 147 23 03345255 36 165541.024 –0.450 14215SW S1h_C 25 6.98 11345326 41 22017130 73 1.024–0.069 14215SW S2a 13 4.13 319 17 22900139 73 049171.017 0.358048 44 NW S2b 16 5.33 126 15 02925244 60 154301.015 –0.819 04844NW S2c 19 5.32 128 04 22134032 56 122341.015 –0.705 04844NW S2d 13 5.40 134 09 22721021 67 111231.014 –0.181 15410SW S2e 14 1.93 350 01 08020257 70 167201.011–0.713 16118SW S2f 21 1.75 166 00 07675256 15 166751.017 –0.243 16118SW S2g 21 1.62 342 02 07773252 17 162731.016 –0.670 16118SW S3a 19 4.91 144 26 33663237 05 147851.068 0.792152 90 – S3b 19 5.21 049 88 15901249 02 159881.073 0.579152 90 – S3c 15 4.92 148 74 34616255 05 165851.065 0.488152 90 – S3d 15 5.21 272 77 13909048 09 138811.028 0.049 15290– S3e 53 5.22 128 77 33812247 07 157831.030 0.256152 90 – S3f 19 5.90 122 81 33207241 06 151841.039 0.087152 90 – S4a 24 3.57 155 72 32318054 04 144861.027 –0.706 03807W S4b 12 4.15 315 40 16546058 15 148751.031 –0.361 03807W S4c 06 2.59 321 59 20714109 27 019631.020 –0.736 03807W S4d 17 3.40 355 48 18242089 03 179871.019 –0.109 03558W S4e 26 3.52 317 33 11656221 10 131801.029 –0.600 02046W S4f 17 2.57 327 43 07619183 41 093491.015 –0.594 02046W S5a 16 4.65 159 02 26884069 06 159841.022 0.316042 22 N S5b 26 3.33 151 06 05740248 50 158401.026 –0.460 04222N S5c 13 3.65 128 17 02829244 55 154351.009 –0.219 04222N S5d 77 4.24 152 27 00658250 15 160751.029 –0.167 04222N S6a 19 5.28 355 21 08704188 69 098211.031 0.006096 30 N S6b 24 3.68 349 11 08110212 75 122151.043 0.048096 30 N S6c 15 5.22 343 23 07607182 66 092241.026 –0.043 09630N S6d 26 4.91 354 20 08810203 68 113221.037 0.142096 30 N S7a 25 3.68 144 44 26226012 35 102551.033 0.339037 30 WNW S7b 20 6.87 171 58 27006004 31 094591.141 0.587074 30 NW S7c 24 5.79 107 67 34114247 18 157721.049 –0.096 08003N S7d 33 3.64 141 32 33257234 05 144851.019 –0.270 05830N

Note: AMS—anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility; Kmean—mean susceptibility; Dec.—declination; Pl.— Plunge; Pj —degree of anisotropy (units are dimensionless); T—shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid (units are dimensionless). Dashes indicate that sheet intrusion is vertical.

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A B 492 19 19 S1a N S1c N 13 22 n = 21 n = 5 16 19 1010 24 48 33 20 15 34 10 40 20 166 10 50 44 17 49 40 33 53 122 50 0909 627 48 42 2020 39 40 2828 288 48 0505 40 19 12 17 11 Figure 3. (A) Geological map (1:10,000) 45 45 50 57 43 highlighting the complexity in inclined 1111 87 151 51 Top Base-Middle sheet geometry and orientation (based 040 41 43 1919 1313 50 S1b S1d on Magee et al., 2012a). The positions of 40 S3a-S3c 74 07 1313 N N n = 10 n = 13 S1, S2, and S3 are indicated. See Figure 1 N 14 10 for location. (B) Equal-area stereographic 23 44 S2a-S2d projections for the four anisotropy of mag- 08 099 netic susceptibility sample sites S1a–S1d. 15 13 11 The 95% confidence ellipses are plotted for 15 10 18 the average principal susceptibility axes. A 10 m S1a-S1d schematic depiction of the magnetic fabric S2e-S2g imbrication relative to the intrusion plane Legend 48 is also presented. 19 11 Inclined sheet 07 49 Fig. 4 (dip in °) 40 141 17 Middle Base Bedding (dip in °) 58 K1 average Blue Lias Formation 12 23 K average 1010 a 2 S3d-S3f S1e-S1h 48 K average Unclassified diabase 11 3 Individual sample K1 b & c Individual sample K Regional dike 2 Individual sample K d 3 Inclined sheets Magnetic foliation SW Sheet orientation

stratigraphy at a steeper angle (018/55°SW) (Fig. 4A). This zone of transgres- Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities sion is bound to the south by an ~35-cm-thick inclined sheet (160/48°NE) that crosscuts S1 (Fig. 4A). A steeply dipping dike (110/72°SW) impinges onto the Two sites were sampled, separated by ~20 m, along the strike of S1. At base of the transgressive S1 portion, where it rotates into a sill (086/10°S) and each site, the base, middle, and top of S1 were sampled and a vertical traverse –2 –2 exploits the contact between S1 and the host rock before terminating against was also collected (Figs. 3 and 4). The Kmean values (3.03 × 10 SI to 5.5 × 10

the ~35-cm-thick inclined sheet (Fig. 4A). Numerous studies have shown that SI) of S1a–S1d describe a broad range, while the Pj values range from 1.025 to such deflections of magmatic sheet intrusions may occur along boundaries 1.046 (Table 1). The T (–0.028 to –0.839) data reveal that the fabrics are triaxial

that mark a significant contrast in the mechanical properties of the host rocks to strongly prolate (Table 1). K1 consistently trends northwest-southeast with (e.g., Gudmundsson, 2002, 2011; Kavanagh et al., 2006; Burchardt, 2008). The plunges ranging from 3° to 29° (Fig. 3B; Table 1). Magnetic foliation strikes development of the inclined sheet into a sill may imply that its impingement are within 10°–23° of the inclined sheet strike (i.e., 129/18°SW) but the base locally uplifted S1. However, it is important to note that (1) the sill is not ob- and middle sheet fabrics dip northeast at 58°–77° (Fig. 3B). Toward the top served on the southern side of an inclined sheet, which crosscuts S1, suggest- of the intrusion, the magnetic foliation dips southwest at 9° and is subparallel ing that the sill terminated against a preexisting intrusion; and (2) adjacent to the orientation of the sheet (Fig. 3B). bedding planes are not tilted (Fig. 4B). These observations indicate that the The S1e–S1h samples are characterized magnetically by little variation in –2 –2 rotation of S1 is a primary, emplacement-related feature, although the exact Kmean (6.16 × 10 to 6.91 × 10 ), Pj (1.021–1.039), and magnetic fabrics that are origins of such a perturbation in the sheet geometry remain unexplained and triaxial (T = –0.069) to prolate (T = –0.619) (Figs. 4B, 4C; Table 1). Although require further study. the magnetic lineations commonly plunge southeast at ~21° (ranging from

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A B S1e N Top n = 26

S1f N Middle n = 28

Figure 4. (A) Field photograph and inter- S1g N Base pretation of the S1e–S1h site (note that n = 15 S1e was drilled on the top surface of S N Dike deflected the intrusion) and surrounding inclined 038/07°W S1 contact (strike/dip) sheets. See Figure 3A for location and key. 086/10°S (B) Equal-area stereographic projections 046/05°W Bedding (strike/dip) 018/55°W AMS sample position 110/11°SW for the four anisotropy of magnetic sus- ceptibility (AMS) sample sites S1e–S1h. For the average principal susceptibility S1e 142/15°SW axes, 95% confidence ellipses are plotted. S1h_A 164/10°SW See Figure 3B for key. (C) Plots of Pj against K and T (see text) for the three defined S1g S1h_C mean S1f 118/14°SW groupings within the vertical traverse S1h. N (D) A schematic depiction of the magnetic 150/09°SW 121/10°SW fabric imbrication relative to the intrusion plane.


130/11°SW 165/18°SW 110/72°SW 127/06°SW 160/48°NE Broken bridge Vertical transverse S1h_A S1h_B S1h_C n = 5 n = 10 n = 25 013/90° 1 m C D 1.032 1 e

h_A j P T 1 P 1.032 j h_B


1.000 g 3.36E-02 8.11E-02 –1 Kmean SW

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3° to 45°), the orientation of the magnetic foliation varies with sample posi- regardless of sheet orientation and are thus considered reliable (Figs. 5 and 6). tion (Figs. 4B, 4D). Magnetic foliations from samples S1e and S1g, which cor- Typically, the magnetic foliations strike northwest-southeast, parallel to the respond to the top and base of the intrusion, respectively, are close to the magnetic lineation trend, apart from S2a, which is oriented 049/17°NW (plunge plane of intrusion (i.e., 142/15°SW) but dip in different directions; S1e strikes azimuth and plunge). Only the S2a and S2d magnetic foliations are located subparallel to the intrusion and dips 20°SW, whereas S1g dips southeast 14° close to the plane of the intrusion (Figs. 5 and 6). However, while the majority (Figs. 4B, 4D). In contrast to the two marginal samples of S1e and S1g, the of the magnetic foliations are thereby oriented out of the intrusion plane, it

girdle of K2 subspecimen axes in S1f (i.e., from the middle of S1) relative to is important to note that the extension of the K2 and K3 girdles implies that the consistently oriented magnetic lineations suggests that magnetic foliations the magnetic foliations corresponding to S2b, S2c, and S2e–S2g may not be within the sheet core are variable (Fig. 4B). This is supported by examining dis- reliable (Figs. 5 and 6). The principal susceptibility axes of S2d are subparallel­ crete sections of the vertical traverse, S1h. Toward the top of the intrusion, the to those measured in Magee et al. (2012a) for a sample (i.e., CS166) from ap- magnetic foliations progressively rotate from subparallel to S1g (i.e., S1h_C) proximately the same position (Fig. 5C). to steep, northeast-dipping orientations (i.e., S1h_B and S1h_A are oriented at 165/54°NE and 130/73°NE, respectively) (Figs. 4B, 4D; Table 1). S1h_B and S1h_A dip oppositely to the immediately overlying S1e fabric (Figs. 4B, 4D). S3

This change in orientation is coincident with a subtle increase in Kmean and change from prolate to triaxial fabrics (Figs. 4B, 4D). Field Observations

The only dike analyzed in this study (i.e., S3; 56°41′18″N, 6°05′48″W) has a S2 diabase composition and is oriented 152/90° (Fig. 3A). Sample S3 is planar and crosscuts the Blue Lias Formation and earlier Paleogene inclined sheet intru- Field Observations sions (Fig. 3A). Crosscutting relationships indicate that dike intrusion postdated tilting of the Blue Lias Formation and emplacement of the inclined sheets (Fig. Inclined sheet S2 is 50 cm thick and displays a prominent ramp-flat mor- 3A) that occurred in response to the inflation and growth of the Ardnamurchan phology (Fig. 5A); S2 is observed to transgress the interbedded limestones Central Complex, i.e., the contemporaneous local stress field was characterized

and shales (160/09°SW) of the Blue Lias Formation at 048/44°NW toward its by a radially inclined s1 and a circumferential s3 (Magee et al., 2012a). The rela­

western extent (NM 49271 62680; 56°41′18″N, 6°05′46″W), before abruptly be- tively young age of S3 and its vertical nature (i.e., suggestive of a horizontal s3), coming strata concordant (154/10°SW) (Figs. 5A, 5B). Extrapolation to the east imply that dike emplacement occurred after the cessation of magmatic activity of the flat S2 section highlighted in Figure 5B suggests that a second outcrop on Ardnamurchan. It is likely that S3 represents a so-called regional dike given of strata-concordant (140/16°SW) S2 is preserved at NM 49278 62664 (i.e., that its orientation (152/90°) is parallel to that of the regional dike swarm (160°– 56°41′18″N, 6°05′46″W) (Fig. 5A). Both outcrops are mineralogically identical, 340°) exposed locally (Speight et al., 1982). Dike thickness varies along strike consisting of a medium-grained (<1.5 mm) diabase that contains coarse (to from ~1.5–3 m. The dike consists of fine (≤1 mm) plagioclase, clinopyroxene, 3 mm) pyroxene and sulfide blebs. No chilled margins were observed and and titanomagnetite with no phenocryst phases present. Grain size does not there is no apparent grain size variation at hand specimen scale across the appear to vary across the intrusion at hand specimen scale. inclined sheet.

Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities Two separate sites 60 m along strike were analyzed within S3 (Fig. 3A); Two sites were selected for analysis within S2; four profiles (i.e., S2a–S2d) at each site, western and eastern contact-parallel profiles and a sheet-normal –2 were collected from the western outcrop and three profiles (i.e., S2e–S2g) from traverse were sampled (Fig. 7). The Kmean values of S3a–S3c (4.91 × 10 SI, the eastern outcrop (Figs. 5 and 6). The two sites display a distinct difference 5.21 × 10–2 SI, and 4.92 × 10–2 SI, respectively) are slightly lower compared to –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 in Kmean, with S2a–S2d ranging from 4.13 × 10 SI to 5.40 × 10 SI and S2e–S2g S3d–S3f (5.21 × 10 , 5.22 × 10 and 5.90 × 10 , respectively), but within all six –2 –2 ranging from 1.62 × 10 SI to 1.93 × 10 SI (Table 1). No intrasite variation profiles there is a degree of internal variability that is independent of Pj (Fig. 7;

is observed within the Pj values (1.11–1.17) and the T data indicate that, with Table 1). For all six profiles, the magnetic lineation and the magnetic foliation the exception of S2a (T = 0.358), all profiles contain magnetic fabrics that are are located within or close to the plane of intrusion (Fig. 7). The magnetic lin- near triaxial to prolate (T = –0.181 to –0.819). The subhorizontal magnetic lin- eation is typically subvertical, with plunges ranging from 74° to 88°, although

eations, which trend northwest-southeast, also remain remarkably consistent the S3a K1 is oriented at 144/26° (plunge azimuth and plunge) (Fig. 7; Table 1).

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A C S2a N Top n = 13

SE NW S2b N Middle S2e-g n = 16 140/16°SW 048/44°NW S2 154/10°SW


Fig. 5B 160/09°SW 038/07°W S2 contact (strike/dip) 046/05°W Bedding (strike/dip) 1 m Figure 5. (A) Field photograph and inter- pretation of S2, highlighting its ramp-flat B S2c N Base morphology. (B) Field photograph focus- SE NW n = 19 ing on the ramp section delineated in A. (C) Equal-area stereographic projections for the four anisotropy of magnetic sus- ceptibility sample sites S2a–S2d. The 95% confidence ellipses are plotted for the average principal susceptibility axes.

See Figure 3B for key. (D) Plot of Pj versus S2d T for S2a–S2d (see text). (E) Schematic representation of the orientation of the S2a–S2c magnetic fabrics within the ramp S2b S2a portion of S2. S2d N Base S2c n = 13

30 cm D 1 E a

b T 1 P 1.033 j c S2a S2b NW S2c –1 S2d

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S2e For the three S3a–S3c samples, Pj is relatively consistent (1.065, 1.068, and N Top n = 14 1.073, respectively) while T values range from 0.49 to 0.79 (oblate). Although

the Pj values of S3d–S3f are similarly consistent (1.028, 1.030, and 1.039, respec- tively), albeit lower, the shape of the magnetic fabric is triaxial (T = 0.05, 0.26, and 0.09, respectively). Within S3e it is apparent that the most oblate fabrics commonly occur along the dike margins, while the triaxial fabrics occur primar- ily within a thin (~25 cm wide) zone offset to the southwest of the dike center by ~25 cm (Fig. 7B). These triaxial fabrics also spatially correspond to a zone of de-

creased Pj (Fig. 7B). A similar internal variation is not observed in S3b, where Pj (1.068–1.077) and T (0.49–0.62) are both tightly constrained and uniform (Fig. 7A).

S2f N Middle S4 n = 21 Field Observations Figure 6. Equal-area stereographic projec- tions for the three anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility sample sites S2e–S2g. For Along its ~100 m length (centered on 56°41′33″N, 6°04′44″W), S4 dis- the average principal susceptibility axes, plays a highly variable dip of 7°–58°, compared to the consistent orientation 95% confidence ellipses are plotted. See (~046/05°W) of the Pabay Shale Formation host rock (Figs. 8A, 8B). Sheet thick- Figure 3B for key and Figure 5A for sample location. ness is similarly variable and ranges from 1 to 5 m (at S4e and S4f ) (Figs. 8A, 8B). In two locations, S4 is crosscut by dikes trending 151°–331° and 156°– 336° (Figs. 8A, 8B). The intrusion is aphyric with grain sizes <1.5 mm; with the exception of a thin <1 cm chilled margin, no grain size variation is observed across the inclined sheet at hand specimen scale. S2g N n = 21 Base Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities

Six sample suites were collected from S4 (Fig. 8): (1) the S4a–S4c profiles sample the base, middle, and top of the 2-m-thick inclined sheet (038/07°W) where a small (~10 cm high) intrusive step, bearing 163°–343°, occurs; (2) S4d samples the moderate to steeply dipping portion (035/58°W) of S4 to the north of the S4a–S4c site and approximately corresponds to the CSJ1 AMS sam- ple position in Magee et al. (2012a); and (3) S4e and S4f were taken from the southern extent of the inclined sheet (020/46°W), at the low tide mark, where

sheet thickness increases to ~5 m. The range of Kmean values for all samples is relatively limited, from 2.57 to 4.15 × 10–2 SI (Table 1). Overall, the magnetic

Figure 7 highlights that some subtle variations between the magnetic foliation fabrics show a relatively weak anisotropy (Pj = 1.015–1.031) and are near triaxial and intrusion plane occur across the dike. The magnetic foliations in S3a–S3c to prolate (T = –0.109 to –0.736) (Table 1). Although the magnetic fabric orien-

all dip ~86° toward the northeast but strike rotates from 146° along the western tation is variable, K1 typically plunges (33°–59°) to the northwest and is within margin to 164° at the eastern margin. The strikes of the S3d–S3f magnetic fo- or close to the plane of the intrusion (Fig. 8C). These magnetic lineations are liations display a similar rotation from 138° (western margin) to 151° (eastern either parallel or oblique (by as much as 50°) to the inclined sheet dip direc-

margin) across the dike (Fig. 7A). However, it is important to note that the mag- tion (Fig. 8C). The one exception to this is S4a, where K1 is orthogonal to the netic foliations from the margin samples dip in opposite directions; S3d dips intrusion plane (Fig. 8C). Magnetic foliations range in dip from 49° to 87° and 81° to the southwest while S3f dips northeastward at 84° (Fig. 7A). Within both display variable strike orientations (Fig. 8C). Three profiles reveal magnetic fo- S3b and S5e, the two sheet-normal traverses, the magnetic fabric orientations liation strikes that are parallel to the inclined sheet dip direction (i.e., S4a, S4b, remain remarkably consistent (Fig. 7A). and S4e), while two are oblique (i.e., S4d and S4f ) and one is parallel (i.e., S4c)

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A 3 m 1.081 NE C D SW E F A B G H I J j

S3b P S3 c S3a S3 a S3b S3c 1.000 3.98E-02 5.75E-02 Kmean S3a N NE margin S3b N Transverse S3c N SW margin n = 19 n = 19 n = 15

Figure 7. (A, B) Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data and sample positions for the two S3 sites. The individual speci­ men locations in A and B correspond to S3b and S3e, respectively. Sketches of the fabric imbrication relative to the intrusion B 1.5 m plane are also shown. See Figure 3B for 1.055 key and Figure 5A for sample location; A >0.4 explanations in text. Letters A–J and A–T Pj <3 B P >3 0.3-0.39 T S3 f correspond to specimen locations. j 0.2-0.29 S3 d

<0.2 j P

J S3d B C D I E F T S3e A G H M S L R S3f Q K O P 1.000 NE N SW 3.69E-02 6.18E-02 Kmean N S3d NE margin S3e N Transverse S3f N SW margin n = 15 n = 53 n = 19

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A 2 m C S4d N Top S4a N Top n = 17 n = 24

S 2 m N S4e, S4f S4a, S4b, S4c Fig. 4B; S4d

Figure 8. (A, B) Field photograph and in- S4e N Middle terpretation of the S4 and surrounding S4b N Middle 046/05°W 020/46°W 038/07°W 024/32°W n = 26 inclined sheets. See Figure 1 for location. n = 12 (C) Equal-area stereographic projections for SW NE B the six anisotropy of magnetic susceptibil- 1 m S4d 1 m ity sample sites S4a–S4f. For the average 035/58°NW principal susceptibility axes, 95% confi- dence ellipses are plotted. The orientation (163°–343°; gray arrow) of an intrusive step 136/10°W observed near S4a–S4c is incorporated. See Figure 3B for key. The principal sus- ceptibility axes marked in gray on the S4d stereoplot­ correspond to sample CSJ1, which was collected from the same site N N (from Magee et al., 2012a). S4c Bottom S4f Bottom n = 6 n = 17

30 cm 30 cm Undifferentiated inclined S4 sheet intrusions Undifferentiated regional Pabay Shale Formation dikes

to the sheet strike (Fig. 8C). There are few to no systematic variations in the Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities magnetic fabrics across the sheet width or along strike, regardless of sheet orientation (Fig. 8C). For example, S4d yields a similar magnetic fabric to the Within S5, three profiles were analyzed that correspond to the top (S5a), CSJ1 sample measured (Magee et al., 2012a) from the same locality (Fig. 8C). middle (S5b), and base (S5c) of the inclined sheet; a vertical traverse was sam- –2 pled (S5d) (Fig. 9). Kmean values for all samples range from 3.33 to 4.65 × 10 SI

(Table 1). With the exception of the basal profile (S5c), which has a Pj value of S5 1.009, the Pj range is relatively restricted to 1.022–1.029 (Table 1). Overall, the T data suggest that the magnetic fabrics are generally triaxial, although there is Field Observations a range from near prolate (i.e., S5b = –0.460) to near oblate (i.e., S5a = 0.316) (Table­ 1). Magnetic lineations all trend northwest-southeast, with plunges The S5 fine-grained ≤( 1 mm) diabase inclined sheet (NM46527 62255; ranging from 2° to 27°, subparallel to the strikes of the magnetic foliations 56°41′10″N, 6°08′02″W) is oriented at 042/22°NW and intrudes a massive dia­ (Fig. 9; Table 1). This northwest-southeast trend is subparallel to the dip direc- base unit, the overall geometry of which cannot be distinguished in the field tion of the inclined sheet (Fig. 9). The spread of individual principal suscepti- due to a paucity of exposure (Figs. 2 and 9). Along strike, the thickness of the bility axes in the vertical traverse (i.e., S5d) is likely due to poorly constrained inclined sheet varies from <1 m to 3 m (e.g., Fig. 9). magnetic fabrics in the base of the intrusion (cf. S5c) (Fig. 9).

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SW NE N S6a N Top S6b Middle S5a 2 m n = 19 n = 24 A

K S5d S5b J

S5c Y 042/22°NW

N Base S5a N Top S5c n = 16 n = 13 Vertical N Base N S6c S6d transverse n = 15 n = 26

Vertical N N S5b Middle S5d transverse n = 26 n = 77

Figure 10. Equal-area stereographic projections for the six anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility sample sites S6a–S6d. The 95% confidence ellipses are plotted for the average principal susceptibility axes. The orientation (158°–338°; gray arrow) of an intrusive step observed near S6a–S6c is incorporated. See Figure 3B for key.

Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities

Four sample suites were collected from S6, including transects along the base, middle, and top of the intrusion as well as a vertical traverse (i.e., S6a– –2 Figure 9. Sketch of S5 highlighting the location of the four anisotropy of mag- S6d, respectively) (Fig. 10). Kmean ranges from 3.68 to 5.28 × 10 SI while Pj netic susceptibility profiles sampled and their corresponding equal-area stereo- (1.026–1.043) and T (–0.049–0.038; triaxial) show little variation (Table 1). Simi­ graphic projections. The 95% confidence ellipses are plotted for the average prin- larly, the magnetic fabric orientations remain remarkably consistent regard- cipal susceptibility axes. See Figure 3B for key. less of sample location; K1 is, on average, oriented at 350/18° (plunge azimuth and plunge) and the magnetic foliation (106/20°N average) is subparallel to the S6 plane of intrusion but does display a consistently shallower dip (Fig. 10).

Field Observations S7

The diabase inclined sheet S6 is fine grained ≤( 1 mm), oriented at 096/30°N, Field Observations and located along the Ormsaigbeg shore (56°41′09″N, 6°08′03″W) (Fig. 2). It is emplaced into the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation (083/30°S) and thins east- S7 is located to the east of Ben Hiant (at 56°42′22″N, 5°59′50″W), has a ward along strike from 2 to 1 m. A small intrusive step (~10–20 cm high), with a ­medium-grained (~2–3 mm) diabase composition, consisting primarily of long axis bearing 158°–338° (Fig. 10), is observed at the basal contact. plagio­clase, clinopyroxene, and titanomagnetite. It is intruded into a series

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of vertically­ stacked, subhorizontal olivine-basalt lavas (<1 mm grain size), but of subparallel troughs (~<0.5 m deep) that extend northward from the outcrops no host-rock contacts are exposed. Figure 11 reveals that S7 can be subdivided for ~10 m (Fig. 11B) and spatially correspond to the zones of observed thinning into four outcrops (~30–50 m width), bounded by subtle topographic depres- (Fig. 11C). Beyond the northern limit of the lobes, a small monocline is devel- sions, which individually display slight variations in thickness (~1.5–2 m) at oped within the lava flows (Figs. 11A, 11B). regular intervals along strike. Each outcrop represents the southern extremity of an elongated lobe-like ridge (~<5 m high), which extend northward for as much as ~200 m and have azimuths ranging from 116°–296° in the northeast to Magnetic Fabrics and Susceptibilities 161°–341° in the southwest (Figs. 11A–11C). From northeast to southwest, the four outcrops have approximate strikes and dips of 037/30°WNW, 058/30°NW, Four sites within S7 were selected for high-resolution AMS analysis 080/30°N, and 074/30°N (Fig. 11A). Toward the margins of each outcrop, grain (Fig. 11A); S7a was collected from the northeasternmost outcrop (NM 55401 size decreases to ~1 mm and contains an increasing proportion of calcite-bear- 64253), S7b and S7c are from the same outcrop (NM 55421 64327 and 55513 ing amygdales (to 8 mm diameter). Superimposed onto each lobe are a series 64422, respectively), and S7d is from the most southwestern outcrop sampled


~50 m 20 m NE N S S7a S7b S7c Troughs Figure 11. (A, B) Aerial view of S7 depict- ing the elongated segments. Sample sites S7d S7 magma lobes and inferred magma flow patterns are also Magma lobes Olivine-basalt lavas ~50 m 20 m marked. Note the monoclinal folding of the C WED olivine-basal lavas (thick black lines). See S7a N Middle S7b N Base Figure 1 for location. (C) Field photograph n = 25 n = 21 and interpretation of the S7d highlight- ing the along-strike variation in thickness and possible definition of magma fingers. (D) Equal-area stereographic projections for the four anisotropy of magnetic sus- ceptibility sample sites S7a–S7d. The 95% confidence ellipses are plotted for the average principal susceptibility axes. The gray arrows denote the elongation direc- tion of the samples respective lobe. Stars 1 m distinguish the intrusion poles. See Figure 3B for key. WETroughs S7d Base / S7c N Middle S7d N Top n = 24 n = 33

Magma fingers 1 m

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–2 –2 (NM 55324 64217). The Kmean values for each site are 3.68 × 10 SI, 6.87 × 10 INTERPRETATION –2 –2 SI, 5.79 × 10 SI, and 3.64 × 10 SI, respectively (Table 1). Values for Pj and T range from 1.019 to 1.141 (weak to strong anisotropy) and –0.274 to 0.566 (pro- Magnetic Fabric Origin late-triaxial to oblate), respectively (Table 1). The magnetic fabric for each site

is relatively well constrained and reveals that K1 is approximately orthogonal Estimating primary magma flow patterns within ancient sheet intrusions is to the plane of intrusion (Fig. 11D); the magnetic lineation values (plunge azi- integral to understanding the transport and accommodation of magma within muth and plunge) are 144/44°, 171/58°, 107/67°, and 141/32° for S7a–S7d. These active subvolcanic systems. Although numerous studies have successfully magnetic lineations are subparallel to the elongation direction of their respec- demonstrated the correlation between primary magma flow and magnetic tive lobe-like ridge (Fig. 11D). Similarly, the magnetic foliation is oriented out of fabrics (e.g., Callot et al., 2001; Aubourg et al., 2002; Liss et al., 2002; Horsman the plane of intrusion and either dips moderately to the south (102/55°S, S7a; 094/59°S, S7b) or steeply to the east (157/72°E, S7c; 144/85°E, S7d) (Fig. 11D). A 2000 S3b B 3000 S3f 2500 SI ) SI ) 1500 –6 Rock Magnetic Experiments –6 0 0 2000 1000 Rock magnetic experiments provide important insights into the mag- 1500 netic mineralogy of a rock, particularly for fine-grained rocks (e.g., those 500 1000 analyzed here) where traditional petrography is difficult. Samples S3b, S3f, 500 S4c, and S5b were selected for low-field susceptibility versus high-tempera- 0 Susceptibility (1 ture experiments­ because (1) the S3 samples represent apparently normal Susceptibility (1 Heating 0 Cooling magnetic fabrics and allow internal variations in magnetic mineralogy to be –500 –500 assessed (Fig. 7); (2) the S4c magnetic fabric is oblique to the intrusion and 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) could therefore be interpreted as an imbricated fabric or an intermediate or 600 C S4c D 1000 S5b inverse fabric (Fig. 8C); and (3) S5b appears to be an inverse fabric (i.e., the 500 800 SI )

magnetic lineation and foliation are approximately orthogonal to the intrusion SI ) –6 400 –6 0 plane; Fig. 9). The four samples generally show an increase in susceptibility 300 0 600 on heating until a sharp downward deflection (i.e., a Hopkinson peak) occurs 200 400 at 559 °C (Figs. 12A–12D). Convex-upward bumps are superimposed onto this 100 heating trend for S4c and S5b (Figs. 12C, 12D). For S4c, the shallow bump 200 0 spans a temperature range of 131–350 °C and attains a maximum suscep- 0 –100

tibility of 274 SI at 287 °C (Fig. 12C). The prominent bump observed in the Susceptibility (1

–200 Susceptibility (1 –200 S5b heating curve spans 104–393 °C and attains a maximum susceptibility of –300 823 SI at 289 °C (Fig. 12D). Samples selected for hysteresis analysis apparently –400 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 represent either normal magnetic fabrics (S1a, S3a, S3f, and S6b) or possible Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) inverse fabrics (i.e., S4a and S4c; Figs. 4, 7, 8, and 10). Hysteresis loops for all E 0.6 samples show steep acquisition, reaching saturation by 0.300 T and yielding SD 0.5 moderately narrow-waisted loops consistent with a pseudo-SD grain size. Fig- ure 12E shows that the samples chosen for hysteresis analysis all plot within 0.4 S1a the pseudo-SD field of a standard Day plot. S4a 0.3 PSD Mr/Hs S3a S4c 0.2 S3f S6b Figure 12. (A–D) Low-temperature versus susceptibility plots for S3b, S3f, S4c, and S5b. Arrows demarcate the Curie point. (E) Day plot of hysteresis parameters (ratio of saturation remanence 0.1 to saturation magnetization, Mrs/Ms, and the ratio of remanent coercive force to ordinary co- ercive force, Hcr/Hc). The relationship between Mrs/Ms and Hcr/Hc defines the magnetic grain MD size of the ferromagnetic phase (single-domain—SD; pseudo-SD—PSD; and multidomain—MD). 0 5 All data for the Ardnamurchan inclined sheets plot in the PSD field on the Day plot (Day et al., 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 1977; Parry, 1982). Hcr/Hc

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et al., 2005; Morgan et al., 2008), the interpretation of AMS measurements as steps are observed in the inclined sheets analyzed here (i.e., S4a–S4c, S6, and reliable flow indicators remains controversial. Before AMS data can be used S7), the orientation of the magnetic lineation is subparallel to that of the step to interpret magma flow patterns, it is essential to define the magnetic miner- long axes (Figs. 8 and 10). This suggests that the magnetic fabrics can be cor- alogy (i.e., the carrier of the magnetic signature of the rocks) and the origin of related with magma flow. the magnetic fabric (e.g., has it been modified by postemplacement tectonic However, several alternative options need to be explored when interpreting activity?). magnetic fabrics as related to magma flow. For example, many of the inclined sheet intrusions analyzed here were emplaced at relatively shallow levels, but Magnetic Mineralogy apparently lack chilled margins (see also Magee et al., 2012a, and references therein), implying that either the temperature of the host rock during the em- From petrographic analyses and rock magnetic experiments, it was sug- placement of the inclined sheet swarm was elevated by the local magmatic gested (Magee et al., 2012a, 2013b) that the magnetic signature of inclined activity (Day, 1989), inhibiting chilled margin formation, or magma flow within sheets in Ardnamurchan is dominated by a low-Ti titanomagnetite phase. The the individual sheets was protracted and instigated melt-back of any chilled following observations support the dominance of low-Ti titanomagnetite on margin originally present (e.g., Huppert and Sparks, 1989). It is therefore diffi-

the magnetic signature of the sheets studied here: (1) relatively high Kmean val- cult to discern whether magnetic fabrics correspond to initial propagation or ues of >1.62 × 10–2 SI (Tarling and Hrouda, 1993); and (2) general increases in magma flow within a more mature system (e.g., Liss et al., 2002; Philpotts and susceptibility on heating to 559 °C (i.e., the Curie point of each sample) be- Philpotts, 2007). Furthermore, it is important to note that measured magnetic fore a rapid decrease upon further heating (Fig. 12); based on the equations lineations and/or magnetic foliations are not always close to the plane of the of Akimoto (1962) this is consistent with a Ti content of ~0.039 (see Dunlop intrusion (e.g., Figs. 3–6, 8, 9, and 11). Such disparities between the orientation and Özdemir, 2001). The bumps observed along the heating curves for S4c of the intrusion and the magnetic fabrics are commonly interpreted as inter- and S5b in the low susceptibility versus temperature experiments are typically mediate or inverse fabrics produced by the presence of a SD titanomagnetite interpreted to result from the homogenization of two Fe-Ti oxide phases, and population within a sample (e.g., Potter and Stephenson, 1988; Rochette and likely suggest that titanomaghemite may contribute to the magnetic signa- Fillion, 1988; Borradaile and Puumala, 1989). It is important that hysteresis ex- ture of some samples, although monoclinic pyrrhotite also has a Curie point periments demonstrate that S4a and S4c, which record magnetic fabrics that (320 °C) in this temperature range (see Dunlop and Özdemir, 2001). It was also are strongly oblique to the intrusion plane, do not contain SD titanomagnetite highlighted in Magee et al. (2013b) that some inclined sheets may contain pop- populations (Fig. 12E). This implies that apparently intermediate and inverse ulations of single-domain magnetite, which could potentially alter the orien- fabrics cannot necessarily be attributed to complexities in the magnetic miner- tation of the magnetic fabric by switching the principal susceptibility axes to alogy. Instead, these anomalous magnetic fabrics may result from cyclic crys- form intermediate or inverse magnetic fabrics (cf. Rochette et al., 1999; Ferré, tal behavior during magma flow and/or postemplacement processes (Cañón- 2002). Figure 12E indicates that all of the samples analyzed are dominated by Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, 2009). Because Ardnamurchan remained relatively ­pseudo-SD titanomagnetite populations, implying that, at least for S1a, S3a, tectonically inactive after the formation of the central complex (Emeleus and S3f, S4a, S4c, and S6c, the magnetic fabrics can be classified as normal. Bell, 2005), any postemplacement superimposition of magnetic fabrics would likely have resulted from (1) convection within individual inclined sheets; Magnetic Fabric Origin (2) inflation or deflation of later major intrusions (e.g., the lopolith); or (3) roof subsidence and intrusion closure, instigated by the waning of magma In Magee et al. (2012a, 2013b) it was demonstrated that the shape and dis- pressure, within the inclined sheets during the final stages of emplacement. tribution of titanomagnetite populations within the Ardnamurchan inclined We consider it unlikely that convection modified most of the magnetic fab- sheets was controlled by the primary silicate framework. This implies that rics measured because the majority of sampled sites occur where the inclined the magnetic fabrics correlate with the petrofabric of the silicate grains. If the sheets have thicknesses <3 m (e.g., Figs. 4, 5, 8, 9, and 11), i.e., heat loss is mineral fabrics were generated by magma flow, it is typically expected that expected to be relatively rapid, inhibiting convection. If convection did occur in

K1 and the magnetic foliation will be located within or close to the plane of any of the sheet intrusions studied, it may be expected that the thickest intru- intrusion (i.e., the magnetic fabrics are normal) and that the magnetic lineation sion (i.e., the S4e–S4f sample site where inclined sheet thickness increases to may correspond to the magma flow axis (cf. Knight and Walker, 1988; Rochette 5 m) would record the strongest evidence of convection within the magnetic et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002). It was argued (Magee et al., 2012a) that magma flow fabrics. We suggest that if convection were to have occurred in the thicker por- patterns are discernible in inclined sheets on Ardnamurchan by combining the tions of S4, the associated magnetic fabrics should differ from those measured orientation of identified normal magnetic fabrics, particularly magnetic linea- in thinner sections of the intrusion. However, AMS results for S4 all display tions, with measurements of the long axes of visible flow indicators such as magnetic lineations that trend approximately northwest-southeast, parallel to intrusive steps, broken bridges, and magma lobe axes. Where similar intrusive the long axis of an intrusive step (i.e., a visible magma flow indicator) ob-

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served near S4a–S4c (Fig. 8). These observations suggest that convection did different magnetic fabrics may be recorded at intrusion margins, particularly not modify the magma flow–related petrofabrics. those that are chilled, compared to within the core of the sheet (e.g., Liss et al., Deformation of the inclined sheets, induced by either major intrusion 2002; Philpotts and Philpotts, 2007). This is because chilled margins are likely growth or roof subsidence, would likely affect entire inclined sheets. We as- to record sheet initial propagation fabrics and high simple shear gradients, sume that at any one sample site, application of a postemplacement strain while intrusion cores could preserve either regional magma flow patterns, dif- capable of modifying petrofabrics will act to homogenize the magnetic fabric ferent magma pulses, or convection in a relatively mature conduit (Liss et al., orientation, although irregularities in sheet geometry at different sites may 2002). We consider it unlikely that the magnetic fabrics measured relate to promote variations in postemplacement fabrics. Given the subcircular nature differences in the style of fabrics recorded at the margins and the core because of the exposed major intrusions and the arcuate strike of the inclined sheets the chilled margin at S1 is <1 cm thick and therefore below our resolution (Fig. 2), we would expect that any non–magma flow–, compaction-related of sampling (AMS cores are 2.5 cm in diameter). An alternative explanation fabrics should be (1) oblate, with magnetic foliations that parallel intrusion concerns the common assumption that magma flow remains uniform along contacts; and (2) typically consistent along the strike of individual inclined the strike of the magma flow direction (e.g., Callot et al., 2001; Correa-Gomes sheets. However, the broad range of magnetic fabric orientations measured et al., 2001; Féménias et al., 2004). In Magee et al. (2013b) it was suggested that here (and in Magee et al., 2012a), some of which are not close to the plane of sheet intrusions may be internally compartmentalized, implying that magma intrusion, suggest that the magnetic fabrics were not formed by postemplace- flow patterns could vary laterally within individual inclined sheets. Such com- ment tectonomagmatic events. Similarly, quantitative textural analyses of sev- partmentalization could be associated with the observation that sheet intru- eral inclined sheets within the Ardnamurchan Central Complex suggest that sions are typically emplaced initially as a series of thin, discrete segments, they have undergone minimal textural equilibration following emplacement which only coalesce upon continued magma input (see Schofield et al., 2012b, (Magee et al., 2013a). Given the lack of evidence for postemplacement fabric and references therein). Any minor variations in the rheology and/or flow modification, as well as the observed parallelism between magnetic lineations temperature of these discrete segments could promote subtle differences in and field flow indicators (e.g., Figs. 8 and 10; Magee et al., 2012a), we suggest their magma flow dynamics, which may be maintained upon coalescence and that the magnetic fabrics dominantly record primary magma flow. Through effectively compartmentalize the sheet intrusion (Magee et al., 2013a). In par- the integration of magnetic fabric analyses and structural field observations, ticular, lateral variations in magma flow dynamics would likely produce zones the following subsections outline the interpretation of the emplacement of the of relatively high-velocity gradients that are orthogonal to intrusion contacts. individual sheet intrusions studied. Figure 13 is a schematic diagram based on the magnetic fabric data from S1 that illustrates a potential interpretation of the spatial variations in magnetic S1 fabrics, in light of the discussion here.

Regardless of AMS sample location, the magnetic fabrics within S1 are S2

weakly to strongly prolate (–0.169 to –0.839) and K1 gently plunges (~21°) northwest-southeast (~134°–314°), subparallel to sheet strike (Fig. 4B). If it is Many sheet intrusions observed in field (e.g., S2) and seismic reflection assumed that the magnetic lineation reflects the axis of primary magma flow, data have a ramp-flat morphology, i.e., whereby an inclined sheet trans-

the measured K1 would imply that magma within S1 either flowed toward gresses stratigraphy before eventually becoming strata concordant as a bed- the northwest or southeast, along the strike of the sheet. However, the mag- ding plane or weak lithology is exploited (e.g., Thomson and Schofield, 2008; netic foliations display variable orientations, although the majority strike sub­ Magee et al., 2012a, 2012, 2014). Commonly, the inclined sheets are fed via parallel to S1, and at S1a–S1d define an imbrication suggestive of a southwest-­ sills, although this can be difficult to corroborate in the field. It is important to directed magma flow pattern. In contrast, the magnetic foliations derived from note that these ramp-flat structures are not related to intrusive steps and that S5e–S5h do not display a clear imbrication pattern, but rather describe a pro- magma flow is expected to be close to parallel or parallel to the dip direction gressive rotation from southeast-inclined magnetic foliations at the sheet base of the inclined sheet portion. For S2, this sheet geometry would imply that to moderately inclined northeast-dipping foliations near the top. magma flowed from the northwest to the southeast (i.e., dip parallel overall), There are a number of interpretations that may be invoked to explain these consistent with the trend of the measured magnetic lineations (Figs. 5 and 6). observed complexities in the magnetic fabrics. Although S1a does not con- tain an SD titanomagnetite population, we cannot rule out the possibility that S3 magnetic fabrics recorded for other profiles within S1 are intermediate or in- verse (cf. Rochette et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002). Two alternative mechanisms for A magnetic analysis of a diabase dike was conducted to provide a com- generating different magnetic foliations via variations in primary magma flow parison with the inclined sheets examined. Magnetic lineations and foliations

dynamics­ may also be considered. First, several studies have highlighted that are all located within the plane of intrusion, with K1 primarily being subverti-

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cal (Fig. 7). The exception to this is S3a, where K1 plunges 144/26° (Fig. 7A), A but this value may not be reliable due to the strongly oblate nature of the magnetic fabric (T = 0.79) and the spread of observed specimen data. Subtle Intrusive step variations in the magnetic foliation, including S3a, define an imbrication that Sill opens downdip (Fig. 7). Overall, the magnetic fabrics are consistent with an upward-directed magma flow (i.e., dip parallel), slightly offset from vertical Fig. 13B toward the southeast. A magma flow origin of the magnetic fabric could be Newtonian further supported if the decrease in the oblateness of the magnetic fabrics to- ward the core of the S3e traverse is assumed to relate to the increased friction Bingham between magma and host rock toward intrusion contacts, which generates a high-velocity gradient and oblate fabrics (Féménias et al., 2004). Alternatively, the margins of S3 may preserve fabrics from an initial period of higher flow strength compared to the core, which could host magnetic fabrics related to

a later phase of decreasing magma flow. Similar fabric variations may not be Zone of maximum magma velocity Maximum magma velocity observed in S3b because (1) the sample spacing could be too coarse, or (2) the Range of lower magma velocities Minimum magma velocity increased width of the intrusion (i.e., 3 m relative to 1.5 m at S3e) may not be Velocity profile conducive to the preservation of the full velocity profile. It is, however, difficult B to determine the process driving the recorded magma flow, e.g., whether the magnetic fabric related to emplacement or subsequent convection.


The along-strike variation in the dip of S4 (~7°–58°) can be considered a Magma flow primary emplacement feature because there is no associated change in bed- S2h_A direction ding orientation (Fig. 8) that would be indicative of subsequent tilting. Sheet S1a, thickness is also observed to range from ~2 to 5 m. Despite this variation in S2e sheet geometry, encompassed by the three sites targeted for AMS, there is S2h_B little systematic change in the magnetic fabric (orientation, shape, or strength S2g, of anisotropy; Fig. 8). For example, with the exception of S4a, which displays S1b, S2h_C

a steep magnetic lineation and a weakly defined magnetic foliation, 1K axes S1c plunge northwest at 33°–59° and parallel the long axis of an intrusive step (Fig. 8C). Magnetic foliations are consistently oriented at a high angle to the sheet

dip and also occasionally to the intrusion strike (Fig. 8C). Because K1 remains in the same approximate position throughout the samples, the orientation of the

magnetic foliation is controlled by the K2 axis, which appears to switch with K3 (Fig. 8C). These deviations in the magnetic foliation orientation may relate to Plan view: (1) complex and localized variations in magma flow dynamics within a single Cross-section view: Magnetic foliation intrusion (e.g., Fig. 13); (2) the sampling of different magma pulses with differ- Magnetic foliation trace dip and strike ing magma flow patterns (Liss et al., 2002); or (3) the occurrence of a sufficient Magnetic lineation proportion of SD magnetite, in samples other than S4a and S4c (Fig. 12E), to Imbrication closure direction azimuth and plunge produce mixed fabrics, as discussed here (cf. Rochette et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002). Figure 13. (A) Schematic diagram of an intrusive segment bounded by Although adequate information to distinguish between these hypotheses is steps and the possible internal magma flow profile generated by high ve- lacking, the parallelism between the magnetic lineations, sheet dip direction, locity gradients (grayscale) at the top and lower contacts as well as the and the orientation of an intrusive step long axis implies that magma flow can lateral step boundaries for with Newtonian or Bingham rheol- still be elucidated (at least locally in the sheet) and was dip parallel. The AMS ogies (modified from Magee et al., 2013a). (B) The lobe geometry created produces a range of measurable fabric orientations, including apparent sample analyzed in Magee et al. (2012a) from the northern exposure limit of differences in imbrication closure directions. This indicates that sample S4 (i.e., their CSJ1) is parallel to the fabric described from within S4d (Fig. 5C). location may play a pivotal role in controlling the measured fabrics.

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S5 ~300 m to the west of S7 and emplaced into a succession of Neoproterozoic Moine Supergroup metasedimentary rocks and Paleogene volcaniclastics and The parallelism between the magnetic lineations and the dip direction of S5 olivine-­basalt lavas. The magma fingers are only observed within the poorly suggest that emplacement may have occurred in a northwestward or south- consolidated lavas and volcaniclastics, where intrusion-induced collapse of eastward direction (Fig. 9). Unfortunately there is not enough information to the host rock pore space accommodated the magma volume and promoted determine if the magnetic foliations, which are moderately to steeply dipping nonbrittle emplacement (Schofield et al., 2012b). It seems plausible that similar and strike parallel to the intrusion dip direction, reflect variations in primary processes may have controlled the intrusion of S7 into the olivine-basalt lavas. magma flow patterns or the development of intermediate and/or inverse mag- Long axes of magma lobes and fingers can be used as a proxy for the primary netic fabrics. magma flow axis (Schofield et al., 2012b). The northwestward elongation of the magma lobes and fingers documented here therefore implies a dip-paral- S6 lel, northwest-southeast–oriented magma flow axis (Fig. 11A). Given the radial disposition of the four S7 outcrops, i.e., their long axes rotate from 166°–296° Throughout S6 the AMS data are remarkably homogeneous (Fig. 10). The in the northeast to 161°–341° in the southwest, it is suggested that magma

triaxial fabric ellipsoids consistently display a K1 axis oriented subparallel to was fed from the northwest (Fig. 11A). Figure 11 highlights that the projected the dip and dip direction of the inclined sheet (083/30°N strike and dip) as well source position corresponds to the location of a northeast-southwest–trending as the orientation of a minor intrusive step (~158°–338° bearing) (Fig. 10). Al- monocline in the olivine-basalt lavas. This monocline might be the manifes- though S6 thins to the east of the sample site from 2 to 1 m, a morphological tation of roof uplift and forced folding above a tabular intrusion from which feature often inferred as a proxy for the magma flow direction (i.e., sheet in- the S7 magma lobes emanated. This model and the S7 field observations are trusions are expected to thin toward their propagating tip; e.g., Hansen et al., reminiscent of magma lobe structures described from the inclined limbs of 2011), the magnetic fabrics and intrusive step suggest that the magma flow saucer-shaped sills, where transgression was promoted by fracturing or fluidi­ axis was dip parallel (i.e., oriented north-northwest–south-southeast). Thus, in- zation­ of the host rock at points of maximum flexure on the fold (Thomson and trusion thinning may here be related to increasing proximity toward the lateral Schofield, 2008; Schofield et al., 2010). tip of the intrusion. Considering the possibility that S7 represents the southern inclined limb of a saucer-shaped sill centered to the north, it is apparent that the visible magma S7 flow indicators (i.e., magma lobe and finger long axes) are not corroborated by the AMS results presented here (Fig. 11) or those in Magee et al. (2012a, CS111– The four discrete outcrops composing S7 are considered to represent a CS115 therein). The model proposed requires an upward and outward magma

single intrusion because they are petrologically similar and display a con- flow pattern, implying K1 should plunge to the northwest and be located within sistent approximately northeast-southwest strike and northward inclination the plane of intrusion. Regardless of the sample position, Figure 11D reveals

(~30°) (Fig. 11). Apparent lobe-like elongations developed to the northwest of that K1 is located near the normal to the intrusion plane. Similarly, magnetic the individual outcrops, distinguished by subtle topographic changes and the foliations strike subparallel to the sheet intrusion dip direction and are nearly presence of small diabase outcrops, and the intervening topographic troughs orthogonal to the intrusion plane (Fig. 11D). These measurements imply that may reflect either postemplacement erosion, or are a primary morphological the magnetic fabrics do not correspond to the primary magma flow pattern feature (Figs. 11A, 11B). Chilled margins and increasing amygdale abundance and may instead reflect an inverse or unstable magnetic fabric (cf. Rochette toward the upper, lower, and lateral contacts of each lobe-like segment sup- et al., 1999; Ferré, 2002; Cañón-Tapia and Herrero-Bervera, 2009). port an emplacement-related origin to the outcrop pattern observed. Simi­ lar magma lobe geometries have been described from the transgressive, inclined rims of saucer-shaped sills observed both in the field (e.g., Polteau DISCUSSION et al., 2008; Schofield et al., 2010) and in seismic reflection data (Thomson and Hutton, 2004; Schofield et al., 2012a; Magee et al., 2013b). These stud- Our results show that integrated analyses combining AMS, rock magnetic ies have shown that magma lobes form through the coalescence of magma experiments, and structural field observations allow inferences about magma fingers, i.e., thin, elongated magma conduits with an elliptical cross section flow patterns to be made. An important observation emanating from this study that may be emplaced in a nonbrittle fashion in response to intrusion-­induced is that localized internal variations in the magnetic fabrics of inclined sheet host-rock fluidization­ (Schofield et al., 2012b). Internal variations in the thick- intrusions may result from perturbations in the primary magma flow and are ness of the S7 segments are consistent with the growth of magma lobes strongly controlled by sheet geometry. In particular, thinner sheet intrusions through the amalgamation of inflating magma fingers. Schofield et al. (2012b) appear to display more uniform magnetic fabrics relative to thicker intrusions. described similar magma fingers in a diabase inclined sheet intrusion located This may be because (1) chilled margins, which record the initial sheet propa-

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gation (e.g., Liss et al., 2002; Philpotts and Philpotts, 2007), form a greater bulk strike-parallel magnetic lineations were considered to reflect lateral magma of thinner intrusions; (2) particle rotation and cyclicity during magma flow may flow along the inclined sheets, sourced from a reservoir external to the Ardna­ be inhibited (see Cañón-Tapia and Chavez-Alvarez, 2004); or (3) thicker intru- murchan Central Complex; dip-parallel magma flow patterns were inferred to sions may be composed of multiple magma pulses, each of which may contain be fed from a central source beneath Ardnamurchan (Magee et al., 2012a). subtly different mineralogies or magma flow patterns, or allow convection. In this study, magma flow directions could only be inferred from S2 and S7, The emplacement of subsequent magma pulses may additionally super­ with both suggestive of a source to the northwest of the sampled exposures. impose inflation-related subfabrics onto earlier, subsolidus intrusive phases. Of these two inclined sheets, only the magma flow direction data for S2 is It is also important to consider how magma flow patterns may vary along consistent with being fed from a central source within the Ardnamurchan strike. Many sheet intrusions are not emplaced as long, continuous bodies Central Complex (Richey and Thomas, 1930; Burchardt et al., 2013). The S7 but rather form through the coalescence of discrete magmatic segments (e.g., intrusion appears to form part of a saucer-shaped sill, the source of which Fig. 13A) (see Schofield et al., 2012b, and references therein). If these indi- remains unknown. vidual segments become isolated following coalescence, perhaps due to the Although the scope of this high-resolution magnetic fabric study is insuf- presence of internal chills or rheological boundaries, continued magma flow ficient to determine whether the majority of inclined sheets were fed from a will therefore be influenced by high velocity gradients, not just at the major central source within the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (Burchardt et al., intrusion margins but also at the lateral contacts (e.g., Fig. 13A) (Magee et al., 2013) or an external reservoir (e.g., the Mull Central Complex; Magee et al., 2013a). The imbrication of magnetic foliations may be more complex than pre- 2012a), we note that (1) little, if any, postemplacement modification of the viously considered. Such an internal compartmentalization of sheet intrusions magnetic fabrics has occurred; (2) consistent northwest-southeast–trending may compromise lateral mixing of magma or crystal populations (Magee magnetic lineations and variable magnetic foliation orientations imply that the et al., 2013a). Our results show that information pertaining to primary magma AMS fabrics likely correlate to primary magma flow; and (3) inferred magma flow and inclined sheet emplacement can be elucidated given a thorough con- flow axes may be dip or strike parallel to the inclined sheet, indicative of both sideration of fabric relationships, magnetic mineralogy, and field observations. updip and lateral magma flow patterns, respectively. Burchardt et al. (2013) argued that lateral magma flow patterns inferred from inclined sheet AMS Ardnamurchan Inclined Sheet Emplacement data (e.g., Magee et al., 2012a; this study) could be produced via the vertical translation of magma from a central source if a helical flow regime dominated The Ardnamurchan and Mull Central Complexes host the archetypal exam- inclined sheet emplacement. The only documented occurrence of helical flow ples of cone sheet intrusions. Cone sheets have a subconcentric strike and dip concerns a composite, cylindrical pluton and is attributed to magma mixing inward toward a central source (Bailey, 1924; Richey and Thomas, 1930; Ander- (Trubač et al., 2009). However, for the Ardnamurchan inclined sheets, such a son, 1936; Phillips, 1974; Schirnick et al., 1999) from which the initial fracture magma flow pattern requires that the sheets are fully concentric along strike, a

and infilling magma are expected to propagate upward and outward (i.e., K1 geometry that is not consistent with geological maps or first-order field obser- should be dip parallel) (Herrero-Bervera et al., 2001; Geshi, 2005; Palmer et al., vations of the Ardnamurchan Central Complex that reveal that the vast major- 2007; Magee et al., 2012a). With the exception of S3, which likely represents ity of inclined sheets (i.e., those not crosscut by major intrusions) only extend a regional dike, the inclined sheets treated here have all previously been at- along strike 1–2 km but typically <100 m (Fig. 1) (Richey and Thomas, 1930; tributed to the cone sheet swarm on Ardnamurchan (Richey and Thomas, Emeleus, 2009). It is also important to note that the inclined sheets are repre- 1930; Emeleus, 2009; Burchardt et al., 2013). sented diagrammatically on the geological map of Ardnamurchan (see Richey Our results indicate that the inclined sheets studied across the southern and Thomas, 1930, p. 173 therein), i.e., the mapped inclined sheet traces and portion of Ardnamurchan, excluding the S3 regional dike, are predominantly dip values utilized by Burchardt et al. (2013) are local averages that have been characterized by dip-parallel, northwest-southeast magma flow axes (i.e., extrapolated. Overall, our observations and interpretations here support the S2, S4-S7; Fig. 14). The exception to this trend is S1, in which magma either conclusion in Magee et al. (2012a) that inclined sheets on Ardnamurchan were flowed toward the southwest (i.e., dip parallel) or northwest-southeast (i.e., sourced from magma reservoirs both central and external to the central com- strike parallel), depending on whether magnetic foliation imbrication or mag- plex. Petrological and geochemical (isotopic) analyses are required to further netic lineation trends, respectively, are used to define the magma flow pattern. test this hypothesis. These observations generally support the findings of Magee et al. (2012a), who Field observations reveal that the inclined sheets are geometrically com- noted that northwest-southeast–oriented magnetic lineations dominated the plex and typically display significant variations in the strike and dip of individ- Ardnamurchan inclined sheets (Fig. 14). From the 69 inclined sheets that were ual intrusions (see also Richey and Thomas, 1930; Kuenen, 1937; Magee et al., regarded (Magee et al., 2012a) as hosting reliable AMS fabric measurements, 2012a, 2013a). These observations and the magnetic fabric analysis imply that dip-parallel magma flow axes were only interpreted for 12 inclined sheets, the majority of sheet intrusions on Ardnamurchan may have a different down- with the other 57 displaying strike-parallel magma flow patterns. These latter dip extension to that previously envisaged, i.e., they do not converge upon a

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42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

1 km N 72


70 3 1 69

2 68 Figure 14. Geological map of Ardnamur- chan highlighting magma flow axes in- ferred from anisotropy of magnetic sus- 67 ceptibility (this study; Magee et al., 2012a). Two potential magma flow orientations are shown for S1 (see text). See Figures 2 and 3A for key. 492 66

S7 627 65

S6 S4 64 S2a-S2d S5 S3a-S3c Inset S2e-S2g 63 S1 Magma flow axes (based on K lineations; Magee et al., 2012a) N 1 62 Magma flow axes (this study) S3d-S3f Magma flow direction (this study) 10 m Vertical magma flow direction (this study)

central source reservoir (e.g., S7), and that magma was sourced externally to CONCLUSIONS the Ardnamurchan Central Complex (Magee et al., 2012a). These ideas high- light the danger in assuming that the dips of inwardly inclined sheets can be The analysis of ancient sheet intrusions exposed at the surface provides projected downward to infer magma chamber source locations (Richey and crucial insights into the emplacement mechanisms and magma flow patterns Thomas, 1930; Burchardt and Gudmundsson, 2009; Burchardt et al., 2013), al- of active subvolcanic plumbing systems. We employed anisotropy of magnetic though there are several examples where additional data (e.g., magma flow in- susceptibility (AMS) to examine magnetic fabrics within a suite of seven in- dicators) suggest that this approach may be applicable for constraining source clined sheet intrusions located on Ardnamurchan, northwest Scotland. Despite characteristics (e.g., Geshi, 2005). However, it is clear from field observations a broad variation in the orientation of studied sheet intrusions, magnetic lin- elsewhere (e.g., Burchardt, 2008; Tibaldi and Pasquarè, 2008; Muirhead et al., eations predominantly trend northwest-southeast and have shallow to mod- 2012; Schofield et al., 2012b) and seismic reflection data (e.g., Thomson and erate plunges. Magnetic foliations within individual intrusions display more Hutton, 2004; Planke et al., 2005; Magee et al., 2014) that the orientation of variation in their orientation and are not necessarily subparallel to the plane an intrusion at a specific level of exposure does not necessarily reflect that of intrusion. Through the integration of AMS, rock magnetic experiments, and of the entire sheet, questioning the accuracy of models that are solely reliant structural field observations, we demonstrate (1) that the magnetic signature on the planar projection of surficial strike and dip averages. is dominated by low-Ti titanomagnetite populations, which commonly have

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