See Our Ad On Page 17. FANEUIL HALL MARKETPLACE NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDE April 2019 – April 2020 Vol. 9 Original Merchant SHUCKING SINCE 1976 Oysters, Lobster Rolls, Chowder-Bisque, Clams, Mussels, Beer, Wine and More! Food Hall – Quincy Market Building Faneuil Hall Marketplace 3 FANEUIL HALL MARKETPLACE NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDE Volume 9, Spring 2019 /Spring 2020 Publisher Emeritus Carol Troxell Welcome To Boston Editor/Advertising As “America’s First Open Marketplace,” Faneuil Hall Ed Hurley Marketplace is the first stop for visitors coming to Design Boston. The city is one of the most historic places Pam Rogers Design in the U.S. As the birthplace of the American Editorial Revolution, Boston holds a vast appeal to tourists Ann Murphy from both near and far for many different reasons. Marissa Sullivan Known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” it is here where Production several significant events took place to help shape Christina Grise our nation. Furthermore, Boston is also a sports Rita Juliano town, a college town, a cultural center and a Tori Silva maritime mecca. Photography Boston’s unique character and charm can be Chris Barajas experienced in all corners of the city and is best Erin LaVigueur seen on foot. It is one of the most walkable cities in Kristof Torok the world. Management Office Stay In Touch General Manager Joe O’Malley 617-523-1300 @faneuilhallmarketplace Public Realm/Outdoor Programming @faneuilhall Holly Masek @faneuilhall
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