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Faneuil Hall Marketplace Neighborhood Guide

April 2019 – April 2020 Vol. 9 FaneuilHallMarketplace.com Original Merchant SHUCKING SINCE 1976

Oysters, Lobster Rolls, Chowder-Bisque, Clams, Mussels, Beer, Wine and More!

Food Hall – Building Marketplace 3 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Neighborhood Guide

Volume 9, Spring 2019 /Spring 2020 Publisher Emeritus Carol Troxell Welcome To Editor/Advertising As “America’s First Open Marketplace,” Faneuil Hall Ed Hurley Marketplace is the first stop for visitors coming to Design Boston. The city is one of the most historic places Pam Rogers Design in the U.S. As the birthplace of the American Editorial Revolution, Boston holds a vast appeal to tourists Ann Murphy from both near and far for many different reasons. Marissa Sullivan Known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” it is here where Production several significant events took place to help shape Christina Grise our nation. Furthermore, Boston is also a sports Rita Juliano town, a college town, a cultural center and a Tori Silva maritime mecca. Photography Boston’s unique character and charm can be Chris Barajas experienced in all corners of the city and is best Erin LaVigueur seen on foot. It is one of the most walkable cities in Kristof Torok the world.

Management Office Stay In Touch General Manager FaneuilHallMarketplace.com Joe O’Malley FaneuilHallMarketplaceBoston.com 617-523-1300 @faneuilhallmarketplace Public Realm/Outdoor Programming @faneuilhall Holly Masek @faneuilhall [email protected] Retail & Specialty Leasing Marketplace Hours Ashkenazy Acquisition Corporation Monday – Thursday 10 am – 9 pm [email protected] 10 am – 7 pm (Winter) Office Leasing Friday & Saturday: 10 am – 9 pm Robert Le Clair Sunday: 11 am – 7 pm [email protected] Noon – 6 pm (Winter) Food Colonnade Open Late Events & Marketing Ed Hurley Getting Here | Take the To History! [email protected] Blue Line to Aquarium or Government Center Public Relations Green Line to Government Center or Ann Murphy – O’Neill and Associates Orange Line to or [email protected] Red Line to Park Street or Corporate Signage / Sponsorships Commuter Rail to North or Monika Walesa [email protected] Discounted Parking Discounted parking available online at Travel & Tourism 75StateStreetGarage.com or with Carolyn J. Feimster validation from participating Marketplace [email protected] merchants. Buy online and save time! A Publication Of The Faneuil Hall Marketplace 75StateStreetGarage.com | (617) 443-2817 Merchants Association Linda J. DeMarco, President Cover Photos: Gail Richman, Vice President Top: Quincy Market Sara Youngelson, Treasurer Bottom Left: The Real McCoy Bottom Right: The Greenway Carousel Kerry Henderson, Secretary


Greetings, Greetings, Faneuil HallAA M Mis oneEESS ofSS Boston’sAAGGEE mostFFRR OiconicOMM and MM historicAAYYOO destinations.RR MMAARR It’sTT IaI NNlink JJto.. ourWW past,AALL whereSSHH Faneuil Hall is one of Boston’s most iconic destinations. In many ways, it tells the story of our generationscity. It’s of tofen merchants called th esold “C goodsradle oandf L revolutionariesiberty,” where debated revolu ttheion futurearies gofa tourher enation.d to d Today,iscuss it’sthe one ofGfGu rtroureueereet timosti nongfg sso,, upopularr natio gatheringn. Today ,places. it’s w here locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy the food, music, and culture of our diverse city. FFaanneeuuiill HHaallll iiss oonnee ooff BBoossttoonn’’ss mmoosstt iiccoonniicc ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss.. IInn mmaannyy wwaayyss,, iitt tteellllss tthhee ssttoorryy ooff oouurr It’scMciitty yinspiring ..o IIfttf’’sisc oeof fatt eteto nnC see cictaayll l modernlHeedda lttlhh leeo “odancers“CkCsrra aoddullete ando oovff e LLmusiciansr iitbbheerr tMtyy,,”a” r w kwperformehhteperrleae c rre ein.vv Eo othelvluuet trisameioyon ndaaarr yiplaceie,e ssI ’ ggma awheret tihhneesrrpeeid drearly e ttdoo tddo iBostoniansi sscceuues sshs o tthwhee o ur future of our nation. Today, it’s where locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy the food, music, demonstratedcfuittyu’rse roicfh o huir sfor ntoa rAmericantyio enn. dTuorde asIndependence.y i,n i tt’hsi ws ehxecreit ilStudentsnogc aulrsb aann fromd h vuibs alli. tMo roverso dael irthekne d gcountryaantcheerrs t comeoan edn jt oatolye learnnthted f oaboutmouds, imc iaunsisc, paanenrddf o ccruumllttu uirnree t ohofef oosuaumrr ddei ivpvelearrscsee cwciithtyye..re early Bostonians demonstrated for American Independence. theSch eventsool ch thatildr changeden come the to courselearn aofbo history.ut the wAndom localen’s vendorssuffrage sell ral food,lies a arts,nd a nandti- sgiftslave wherery pro thetes ts that earliestMcMhyayn oogffef fmerchantsidicc eteh aeat t c CCoiuitty ryhelpeds HeH aoalfll l h lltooioso otestablishkoksrsy oo. uAutt n oo dvBoston’sv eleorr c tthahlee v MM eeconomy.naadrrkokeresttp pslleaa lWhatccle eg.. o EEo vhasvdeesr ryo ylong n dd atahyy e,been, IsI’’ammm considered ieinn ssppioirrtee wdd htt otheoe r ssee e “Cradleeteh heho oewwa r oloofiueu rsrt cmciitetyyr’c’ssh rariinccthhs hhieisslttpooerrydy eteonn dedusutrraeebss l iinsnh tt hBhiisos seetxoxcncii’ttsiin neggc ouunrrbobamanny h.h uubb.. MMooddeerrnn ddaanncceerrss aanndd ttaalleenntteedd mmuussiicciiaannss Democracy” is today an important gateway to our thriving, global city. ppeerrffoorrmm iinn tthhee ssaammee ppllaaccee wwhheerree eeaarrllyy BBoossttoonniiaannss ddeemmoonnssttrraatteedd ffoorr AAmmeerriiccaann IInnddeeppeennddeennccee.. FSSaccnhheoouooill ccHhhaiilldld rriesen na clcsoomm thee e tt ooa n lleceaharronnr aaobbfo oBuuott stththoeen w’wso oMmmaeernnk’’ess t spsuulafffcfrreaa gDgeei srratarlillcliiete,s sw aanhndidc ahan nitntii-c-slslulaadvveeesrr yoy u pprrr otorttaeedsstitstsi otthhnaattl Faneuil Hall has also helped to shape the face of . It’s the anchor of our Marketplace occhuhatadnnoggoeerdd H tthhaeye mccooauurrkrsseeet oaofsf hwhiisestltolo rrayys.. AtAhnend dm lloocdcaealrl n vv eBennoddsootrorssn s sPeelulll b ggloiocoo dMdss a oornkn e ttthh.e eI t s sataimemse et sospgpoeott h wwehrh eseroreem ttheh eeo efeaarrlliieesstt District,mBmoeesrrctcohhnaa ’nwhichnst tsms hhoees ltlincludesp pheeidds t totoor iee courss tntaaeb bihistoriclgliishshbh o BBroh ooutdoorsostotoodnns’’,ss l e ieHaymarketkccoeo nnthooemm Nyy..o r asth wellEnd asan ourd B moderneacon HBostonill. An Publicd it’s rMarket.ight It’sacr orightss t hacrosse stre ethet f rstreetom C fromity H Cityall PHalllaz aPlaza,, whi cwhichh we’ we’veve tra nturnedsform intoed ian tvibranto a we spacelcom iforng publicpublic space tFFhaannt eehuuoiilsl t HsH acalulll l itisus r aalllss oeo v tthehnee t asa nnacclhlh oyorer a oorff l BoBnoogsst.to onn’’ss MMaarrkkeettppllaaccee DDiissttrriicctt,, wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddeess oouurr ttrraaddiittiioonnaall events.oouuttddoooo Andrr HHa ait’syymm aaa rfocalrkkeett a apointss wwee loflll a aBoston’sss tthhee mmo ofamousddeerrnn BB oFreedomossttoonn PPuu Trail,bblliicc M Mwhereaarrkkee ttpeople.. IItt ttiiee ssfrom ttoogge ealltthh eovererr ssoo mthemee world ooff comeFBBooorss tcto oetonn ’’learntssu mrmieoo ssabouts,t t F hhaiisns teourtoourriil cccountry’s H nneaeiliglg hhbabso obeginnings. rbrhheooeoondd ass ,,p llliiakk ceee t thwheeh NeNroeor rtbthhi g EE innddde a aasnn addr BeB ebeaoacrconon.n I HtH’siil llal.. AlAivnnidnd g iit t’m’ss orrinigguhhmtt ent taaocc raroo csssist ytthh teeh sastttr’rese eejtut fsfrtro oamms e CCxicittiyyt e HHd aallbll oPPullata zziatas,, fwwuhthuiicrcehh awwse ei’t’v viese tptrrraaonnussdffo oorrmfm ietesdd p iinansttoto. aWa wwe eeilnlccvooimtmei inenvgge prpyuuobbnlliiecc tssopp aaccee Fortethhxaap ttcenturies,l ohhrooess ttshs iccsuu glFaneuillttauutreraawll eaevy vHalle etnont tsB shas aoalsll lt been yoyenea.ar r a ll oplaceonngg.. where big ideas are born. It’s a living monument to a city that’s just as excited about its future as it is proud of its past. We invite everyone to explore this FSFoionrrc cecerenenlttyuu,rriieess,, FFaanneeuuiill HHaallll hhaass bbeeeenn aa ppllaaccee wwhheerree bbiigg iiddeeaass aarree bboorrnn.. IItt’’ss aa lliivviinngg mmoonnuummeenntt importantttoo aa cciittyy ttgatewayhhaatt’’ss jjuus stott a aBoston.ss eexxcciitteedd aabboouutt iittss ffuuttuurree aass iitt iiss pprroouudd ooff iittss ppaasstt.. WWee iinnvviittee eevveerryyoonnee ttoo explore this gateway to Boston. explore this gateway to Boston. SincerelyMSSiinancyceoerre eMllyy,a, rtin J. Walsh ,

MayorMMaayyoo rrMartin MMaarrtti inJ.n JWalshJ.. WWaallsshh

FanFaneuileuilHall MHallark Marketplaceetplace.com 5

FFaanneeuuiillHHaallllMMaarrkkeettppllaaccee..ccoomm 55 Table Of Contents A Message From Mayor Martin J. Walsh...... 5 A Letter From Governor Charles D. Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn E. Polito...... 7 A Message From Linda J. DeMarco...... 8 Neighborhood Map...... 10 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Thrives With History...... 12 New Merchants At The Marketplace...... 16 Marketplace Musicians – Bring The Art Of Music To A Whole New Level...... 20 Don’t Miss The “Seafood Trail”...... 24 Annual Traditions At The Marketplace...... 28 Outdoor Programming at Faneuil Hall Marketplace...... 32 Local & Unique Merchants Offer One-Of-A-Kind Shopping And Dining...... 36 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Map...... 40 Quincy Market Food Colonnade...... 42 Quincy Market South Canopy...... 44 Quincy Market North Canopy...... 46 South Market Building...... 48 North Market Building...... 50 Women In Variety Street Performing...... 52 Having Fun In Boston...... 54 Fun Outdoor Food...... 55 Restaurants...... 56 Historic Faneuil Hall / The Shops At Marketplace Center...... 62 ...... 64

6 Faneuil Hall Marketplace April 2019 April 2018 Dear Friends: Dear OnFrie behalfnds: of the Commonwealth of , Lieutenant GovernorOn Polito beha landf of tIh welcomee Comm oyounwe toal tFaneuilh of Ma Hallssac hMarketplaceusetts, Lieut ienn ant theGov hearternor ofPo Boston’slito and I Marketwelcom eDistrict. you to ThisFane guideuil Ha lwilll M aproviderketplac youe in the withhear tall of the Bo sinformationton’s Market you Dis tneedrict. T htois help guid appreciatee will provid thee yo incredu withible all the history Boston has to offer. information you need to help appreciate the overwhelming history BostoBoston’sn has to oMarketffer. District is home to a variety of food vendors and restaurants in the historic neighborhood bordered by HaymarketBos tSquareon’s Ma andrket FaneuilDistrict Hallis ho Marketplace.me to a varie tThisy of farea,ood v knownendors asan dBoston’s restaur aheartnts in and the soul,histo risic bestneig hdescribedborhood baso rad emicrocosmred by Hay mofa rket BostonSquare aandnd Fthean ecrossroadsuil Hall Mar ofke tthepla ccity.e. T hHere,is are thea, k nGreenway,own as Bo stheton ’s , the train lines and the top tourist destinations all heart and soul, is best described as a microcosm of Boston and the intersect. Faneuil Hall Marketplace offers locals and tourists alike, crossroads of the city. Here the Greenway, the Freedom Trail, the train a glimpse of the history of the City of Boston through its various lines and the top tourist destinations all intersect. Faneuil Hall statueslines an dof t hfamouse top to Bostoniansurist destin aandtion thes al lAncient intersec andt. Fa Honorableneuil Hall ArtilleryMarketp lMuseum.ace will al sTheo b eMarketplace sure to prov alsoide a servesll the fo asod a a centralnd fun that one locationcould ho forpe fvisitorsor while to tr agatherveling andarou enjoynd th eentertainment city. from street performers and musicians. Lieutenant Governor Polito and I would like to wish you the Lieutenant Governor Polito and I would like to wish you the very best as you search for great food and great times in this historic very best as you search for great food and great times in this and vibrant part of Boston. historicand vibr andant p vibrantart of B partosto nof. Boston. Sincerely, Sincerely,


Faneuil Hall Marketplace 7 Members of the FAneuil Hall Marketplace Merchants Association A Message From Linda J. DeMarco President of the Faneuil Hall Marketplace Merchants Association

Welcome to Faneuil Hall Marketplace where the is all around you. In just a few short blocks, you can see where the seeds of the were sown at historic Faneuil Hall. History continues when you visit Quincy Market next door which was established by Mayor Josiah Quincy and opened in 1856. Quincy Market is part of Faneuil Hall Marketplace which was reborn as the nation’s first festival marketplace when it was renovated and reopened in 1976. Faneuil Hall Marketplace is truly the heart and center of Boston. On every side of the Marketplace is a neighborhood with its own historic significance including the North End, West End, Waterfront, Downtown Crossing, Haymarket and the new Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. All of our neighbors collaborate on making the tourist experience in Boston the best that it can be. We invite you to use Faneuil Hall Marketplace as a base for your exploration of Boston while you spend time visiting historic sites. We have everything you need here at the Marketplace. Like to shop? We have unique, locally-owned specialty stores and push carts that complement national and international brands. Hungry? Stop by one of our many restaurants, pubs and vendors in the Quincy Market Food Colonnade. Looking to pass some time? Enjoy our free programming that continues throughout the year with our world-famous street performers and musicians, and join a free dance class, kids program and more. We hope that the 2019 Neighborhood Guide is helpful as you plan your visit to the City. Stop by Faneuil Marketplace and experience the true history of Boston.

8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace The Greenway Carousel at The Tiffany & Co. Foundation Grove

Take a spin on a whale, fox, turtle, butterfly and more! Featuring New native creatures, the Greenway Carousel is located in the heart of downtown Boston, steps away from Faneuil Hall! Open daily April-September and weekends through December. To see hours and to learn more about our Carousel Birthday Party Package, visit: rosekennedygreenway.org/Carousel

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 9 10 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Ice Cream, Frappes, Sundaes, Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches, Smoothies & More!

“Locally Made from the Farm to the Market” • Locally made Ice Cream from Richardson’s Farm in Massachusetts • Locally made Gourmet Fudge from Winfrey’s Chocolates • Office & Party Deliveries

Thank You for Supporting A Locally Owned & Operated Small Business! East End of Quincy Market | 617-367-0569 (store) and 617-367-3322 (office) Faneuil Hall Marketplace 11 The Freedom Trail Printing Office of Edes & Gill Faneuil Hall Marketplace Thrives With History Faneuil Hall Marketplace is the center of historic Boston and visitors should take advantage of the history all around. Located on the Freedom Trail, spend an hour, a day or the weekend to take it all in and learn about the city where the American Revolution began. “It’s an honor to work at this historic landmark,” says Joe O’Malley, General Manager of Faneuil Hall Marketplace. “Visitors can immerse themselves in the spirit of the ‘” as they walk in their footsteps, visiting the many historic sites that surround us,” he added.

Freedom Trail® Beginning on adjacent to the Massachusetts State House you’ll find the Freedom Trail. Marked by a red line on city sidewalks, Boston’s 2.5-mile Freedom Trail connects 16 of the nation’s most significant historical landmarks, weaving its way through Boston’s proud past in the middle of this vital, modern city. It is a unique collection of museums, churches, meeting houses, burying grounds, parks, a ship and historic markers that tell the story of the American Revolution and beyond. The Freedom Trail goes through Faneuil Hall Marketplace and continues to the North End and ends at the in Charlestown. For information visit www.thefreedomtrail.org.

Free Tours of Historic Faneuil Hall Tour historic Faneuil Hall, also known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” and listen to a free talk from the about the importance of Faneuil Hall as a marketplace and a meeting place from colonial Boston to the present time. Fifteen to twenty minute talks are offered in the Great Hall, daily from 9:30am to 4:30pm unless the Hall is in use for city- sponsored events. For information visit www.nps.gov/bost.

Printing Office of Edes & Gill On the first floor of historic Faneuil Hall in Stall #5 is the Printing Office of Edes & Gill where visitors can engage with living historians to learn about the printers’ trade in pre- revolutionary Boston. and John Gill were at the vanguard of citizen angst over British governmental policies that Bostonians felt violated their rights as Englishmen. The Printing Office of Edes & Gill recreates this experience by demonstrating the colonial printing process daily Monday through Saturday from 10am-9pm and on Sunday from 10am-6pm. For information visit www.bostongazette.org

12 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 13 Artillery Company’s Museum and Library Historic FAneuil Hall

Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company‘s Museum and Library History buffs can continue their journey at historic Faneuil Hall and venture to the fourth floor to the Museum and Armory of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery, a hidden gem in the heart of the historic market district. The museum houses some of the most significant artifacts in the . Travel back as far as the Revolutionary War and see the role that Boston played in a variety of military affairs up close. Take the opportunity to view original uniforms, firearms, swords, artifacts and memorabilia that date as far back as the 1700’s to present day. Open Monday through Friday, 9am -3:30pm. For information visit www.ahac.us.com.

Free History Tours with Linda Perlman Step back in time with Linda Perlman as she guides visitors on free walking tours of Quincy Market and its ever-evolving role in Boston’s history. Discover how Quincy Market was built under the design of famed architect Alexander Parris. Championed by Mayor Josiah Quincy, the market opened in 1826 to serve the growing population of Boston. For tour information visit www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com. Quincy Market HIstory TOurs

14 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 15 New Merchants At The Marketplace

Faneuil Hall Marketplace welcomes several new merchants who will surely make your stay a memorable one from new shops carrying unique items to new restaurants serving fresh seafood. “Wicked Lobsta” has opened inside the Quincy Market Food Colonnade serving lobster and a huge selection of seafood. “Wicked Lobsta’s” products are all locally sourced and Starbucks is an environmentally friendly business as it is plastic free. If you are craving a “Starbucks” coffee or other beverage, look no further than at the end of the North Market where the Seattle-based café phenom has opened serving caffeine- crazed customers on two levels, with free Wifi for customers. Boston is known for its championship sports teams and rabid sports fans. A shop that brings it all together is “I Love Boston Sports” located in the North Market. Pick up a shirt, I Love Boston SPorts hat or other sports memorabilia and become a Boston sports fan! Around the corner in the South Market you may encounter a huge stuffed rhinoceros. That’s where “American Rhino” is located, a shop dedicated to promoting African wildlife conservation and anti-poaching efforts in Kenya and beyond. With every purchase of high- quality apparel, bag, homeware or footwear, customers are supporting the American Rhino Foundation. Along with the mission of “American Rhino,” 80 percent of the products

American Rhino are made within Eastern Africa. Some of the most popular items include the jean jackets, rhino sneakers and the Original Kikoys. The Original Kikoy is the fabric that originated from Eastern Africa and is very versatile where it can be worn as a scarf, sarong or tablecloth. Also located in the South Market are “John Fluevog Shoes and U.S. Polo Assn.” The Fluevog brand was launched in 1970 on the West Coast and one of the first designs was the “Pilgrim,” a leather Victorian-inspired t-strap with a buckle. Fast forward 49 years later, and John Fluevog is still making waves with its avant garde styles. The Faneuil Hall Marketplace John Fluevog Shoes shop is decked out in custom Fluevog floral,

16 Faneuil Hall Marketplace the


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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 17 giant shoe charms and a custom cash desk made from rubber F-Soles, and features a whole lotta room to groove for their famously charming team of Boston Fluevogologists! Just a few doors down is the “U.S. Polo Assn.” They deliver style, quality and value to their customers, while representing the authenticity of the sport of polo and showcasing classic American style. U.S. Polo Assn. brand products are authentic and officially sanctioned by the Polo Association, the governing body for the sport of polo in the United States since 1890. When shopping at Faneuil Hall Marketplace U.S. Polo Assn. there are also many pushcarts resembling the original carts used to peddle wares when Quincy Market first opened in 1826. Now, the pushcarts offer enticing gifts and souvenirs to make your visit to Boston memorable. Several new pushcarts are on the scene including “Scent For You” whose products are all hand made in Vermont. The scent of apples will enchant you as it’s one of their fruit series candles that not only smells like, but also looks like an apple. More products such as goat-milk based soaps, lotions, bath bombs, lip balm and Scent For YOu more are the perfect choice for a personal gift or indulgence. If you are “of a certain age” you may remember the “paint by numbers” kits that would transform anyone into a Monet or Van Gogh. This concept is back and better than ever with the “Paint By Numbers” pushcart located in the North Market canopy. The do-it-yourself painting is where the numbers are displayed on the canvas that match a paint or diamond color and you paint over it with the corresponding color or place the diamond overlay in the Paint By Number correct spot. Each kit comes with a canvas, brushes and paint. Another new pushcart is “Wicked Maps & Treasures” that sells maps of Boston and surrounding areas and official MBTA licensed products, including their most popular item the “T” magnets representing the local public transit system. T-related items have been such a huge hit with both tourists and locals. New maps are being added regularly and if you can’t find a map that you want, the owner will search for it and ship it to you. Wicked Maps & Treasures

Additional information on the new merchants can be found at www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com

18 Faneuil Hall Marketplace L’Attitude Boston Boutique “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” ― Maya Angelou

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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 19 Marketplace Musicians – Bring The Art Of Music To A Whole New Level

Faneuil Hall Marketplace is a dynamic stage filled with free entertainment year-round with our world famous street performers who thrill the crowds with their jaw-dropping acrobatic acts, and the many talented musicians who bring their passion for their work, every day to this unique historic performance space in the heart of Boston. Walking through the Marketplace you may hear the sounds of a piano, guitar, violin, harmonica and more from the talented musicians who love what they do. Boston Piano Kid, Bradley James now 16, was the youngest official performer ever to be selected to perform at Faneuil Hall Marketplace at the age of 11. Bradley got the attention of the legendary “Piano Man” Billy Joel and performed alongside him at Park in 2016. He has also appeared on the Harry Connick Jr. Show. But it’s Faneuil Hall that holds a special place in Brigit Smith Bradley’s heart. “I love performing at Faneuil Hall and meeting people from all over the world,” said Bradley. He continues to perform at the Marketplace, whether it be performing the tenor saxophone, ukulele, guitar, harmonica or vocals. Singer/songwriter Lauren Weintraub of Massachusetts, now living in Nashville, is a rising star in the music industry. When talking about performing at Faneuil Hall Marketplace Lauren says, “Faneuil Hall supports young talent like me and I am eternally grateful for the joy performing at Faneuil Hall has brought me and the lessons I’ve learned from people all around the world.” She also says she loves having the opportunity to set up right in the middle of the Marketplace and interact with different people from almost every continent as they walk by. Many of our musicians find joy in performing at such a historic and well-known location. Cahill is a musical duo of guitarists Scott O’Brien and Robert Antonelli. They’ve built up a large fan base from across the country due to their longevity of performing at Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The dynamic duo Lauren Weintraub say that “As artists, performing at Faneuil Hall


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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 21 Cahill Marketplace presents an incredible opportunity to bring our music to an audience of virtually unparalleled diversity, and we are able to reach listeners across every age, race, gender, income and nationality on a daily basis.” When not performing at the Marketplace, Cahill tours colleges across the United States as well as clubs, coffeehouses and breweries in the Greater area. Ryan LaPerle, singer/songwriter, brings Boston Piano Kid a full acoustic sound of pop music to Faneuil Hall Marketplace. He says the best part about performing at the Marketplace is “feeding off the energy of the audience that gets into my music and dances and sings along with the songs I’m playing.” When Ryan isn’t performing at the Marketplace he can be found playing at venues throughout the United States and has shared the stage with national artists like Matthews Perryman Jones, The Kin and Joshua James. Brigit Smith, 16 year old vocalist and guitar player, performs songs from a variety of genres ranging from the 60’s to current music. “My favorite thing about performing at Faneuil Hall is meeting people from all over the world who come together from all different backgrounds and enjoy the music, and I can put a smile on their faces,” says Brigit. She also added that she loves seeing the little kids dance to the songs and being stunned when she lets them strum her guitar. you can always find live music at Faneuil Hall Marketplace performed by artists who truly love to entertain. Whether you spend a couple minutes or the entire day, these musicians create lasting memories that will keep you coming back for more. Ryan LaPerle

22 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 23 Fisherman’s Net Boston & Maine Fish Co. Don’t Miss The “Seafood Trail”

A visit to Boston wouldn’t be complete without a visit to The Freedom Trail, just like a visit to Faneuil Hall Marketplace wouldn’t be complete without visiting its “Seafood Trail.” From sit-down restaurants to the world-famous Quincy Market Food Colonnade, the Marketplace has lots of places to find a hot bowl of New England Clam Chowder, a lobster roll and other seafood favorites. Start your “Seafood Trail” at the south side of Quincy Market where one of the oldest establishments, The Salty Dog Oyster Bar & Grille, has been serving fresh fish and chowder since 1972. You won’t want to miss the local oysters and clams on the half shell shucked to order at their indoor and outdoor sit-down raw bars. Next stop is inside the Quincy Market Food Colonnade at the West End where Legal Fish Bowl serves clam chowder, seafood bowls and more. Watch as they prepare your seafood bowl orders right in front of your own eyes. Delectable seafood is all around as you continue your “Seafood Trail” stroll through the Colonnade. If it’s fresh oysters and shellfish that you’re craving, stop by the Walrus & Carpenter Oyster Bar that has been shucking for more than 40 years. They also serve other popular seafood dishes plus…beer and wine too! Taste your way through the Colonnade and visit longtime seafood vendors such as Boston and Maine Fish Co. Whether it’s lobster, clams, shrimp, scrod or scallops they offer it all. Plus, they are the only other food merchant in the Colonnade that also offers beer and wine.

Salty Dog Oyster Bar & Grille

24 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 23 McCormick & Schmick’s Walrus & Carpenter Oyster Bar

Legal Fish Bowl A visit to Boston Chowda Co. means a wide variety of traditional seafood favorites plus specialties like lobster pie, haddock pot pie and lobster mac & cheese. Boston Chowda Co. Fisherman’s Net is another seafood spot that also features fried versions of your favorites like fried shrimp, fried salmon, fried clams, fried oysters, fried calamari and much more. New on the scene is Wicked Lobsta serving, of course, lobster and other seafood favorites! There’s plenty of lobster waiting for you along with several baked versions of your favorites plus a chilled lobster cocktail! Faneuil Hall Marketplace’s “Seafood Trail” also includes several popular restaurants that each have their own seafood specialites: McCormick & Schmick’s (Johnny Shucks and Cali Kumo Oysters), Dick’s Last Resort (Baja Fish Tacos), at Faneuil Hall (Clam Chowder), Ned Devine’s Irish Pub (Lobster Grilled Cheese and Chowder Fries), Anthem Kitchen + Bar (Clam Chowder — 2-Time Boston Chowderfest winner) and MIJA Cantina & Tequila Bar (Baja Shrimp). If seafood is what you are looking for, Faneuil Hall Marketplace has it all, so bring your appetite and your best so you can Wicked Lobsta order your “chowdah” and “lobstah” like a local.

26 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 27 Annual Traditions At The Marketplace

Faneuil Hall Marketplace is known for its popular signature events that take place throughout the year. Beginning in June, the Marketplace hosts the 12th Annual Boston Area MG Club Classic Car Show Series, with shows also running in July and August. Head over to the West End of the Marketplace to view an array of antique cars and chat with the owners. Pride Day @Faneuil Hall Marketplace returns to kick offBoston Pride Week on Saturday, June 1, for its 19th anniversary. Stop by the West End of the Marketplace and enjoy live MG Club Classic Car Show Series entertainment for all ages. Performances will include local musicians, drag queens, Zumba dance classes and more. Don’t miss the exciting 3nd Annual High Heel Dash held in conjunction with the event. Over the 4th of July holiday week, the Marketplace honors the city’s colonial roots as well as America’s Independence at the 38th Annual Harborfest celebration with daily performances from multiple bands representing the armed services. The fun begins on July 1st with the Opening Ceremony which Pride Day @ Faneuil Hall features one of the largest commemorative cakes for your tasting pleasure. In August, the Marketplace offers the3 rd Annual “Movies at the Marketplace” every Thursday evening. The West End is transformed into an outdoor movie theater where visitors have the opportunity to enjoy free movies starting at dusk with cabaret-style seating. If it is musicals that you like then we have them! Titles include “A Star Is Born”, “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go HarborFest Again” to name a few. In September, look for the Country Fall Fest featuring live country music, outdoor games and fun. September is also the time when Boston Pride presents their free “Fall Family Movie Night” at the Marketplace. Visit www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com for updates on both of these events. On October 19th and 20th, Faneuil Hall Marketplace hosts the 23nd Annual A’Cappella Competition during the weekend of the international rowing competition, the Head of the Charles. The best A’cappella groups in New Movies At the Marketplace



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888-266-1200 · BSO.ORG FaneuilSeason Hall MarketplaceSponsors 29 England go head-to-head as they entertain the crowds while competing for cash prizes in the West End of the Marketplace. Finish off the month of October with a “howl” as the 7th Annual Halloween Pet Parade & Costume Contest takes place on October 26. Dress up your favorite pooch or feline and watch them strut their stuff for a chance to win exciting prizes! Faneuil Hall Marketplace kicks off the holiday season with the 7th Annual Faneuil Hall Holiday Spectacular on WBZ-TV (CBS Boston) a’cappella Competition with a program filled with entertainment that culminates with the lighting of New England’s tallest holiday tree featuring the “Blink Light and Sound Show”. “Blink” runs from early December through January 1st. It is an annual holiday tradition in New England. This free, nighttime event transforms the entire Marketplace into a glittering spectacle of light and sound. Over 600,000 “smart” LED lights adorn 36 trees including the biggest holiday tree in the Northeast. The lights change into tens of thousands of different color hues, Halloween Pet parade transforming the Marketplace into a spectacle of technicolor while choreographed to holiday music synchronized to all of the trees. Tunes include holiday favorites from Mariah Carey, Pentatonix, Johnny Mathis and Andy Williams. The 34rd Annual Boston Tuba Christmas Concert takes place on November 30th, where an estimated 150 tuba players serenade the crowd with everyone’s favorite holiday classics at their outdoor performance in the West End of the Marketplace. School vacation arrives in full force

Photo: Scarpetta Photography in February so what better place to bring Blink the kids than to Faneuil Hall Marketplace? During vacation week, the Marketplace offers “Marketplace Movie Nights” for children of all ages with free movies and fun. And don’t forget the biggest unofficial holiday in Boston – St. Patrick’s Day the one day a year when everyone at Faneuil Hall Marketplace is Irish. March also brings the 2nd Annual Quincy Market Casino Night on March 28th. It’s a night of casino games for fun prizes. Proceeds from this event benefit Shriners Hospitals for

Photo: Scarpetta Photography Children – Boston. Tuba Christmas Concert

For updates please visit: www.FaneuilHallMarketplace.com.


Building some pretty amazing projects in and around Boston. Faneuil Hall Marketplace 31 Outdoor Programming At Faneuil Hall Marketplace

There is no better place to enjoy the outdoors than at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, where you will find our world-famous street performers, patios and outdoor cafes are open and outdoor programming and events are in full swing. Faneuil Hall Marketplace features hundreds of free outdoor activities to engage the body and soul, where visitors can learn chess, apply their artistic skills and stretch their

Fitness Classes hamstrings. There’s nothing like spending an afternoon at Quincy Market, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace. Jump into some friendly competition and show off your talents in chess, ping-pong and other classic board games. If dancing is your thing or you want to learn some new steps, come on down to Faneuil Hall Marketplace for a night of dancing in September. Start out with dance lessons in swing or salsa and then end the night showing off your new moves as you groove to live bands at our outdoor dance parties. Rosalita’s Puppets Get your workout in at Faneuil Hall Marketplace with fitness classes with local partners, including cardio dance and martial arts. Feel the burn while you’re dancing, squatting or doing push-ups and burpees, moving and sweating through higher and lower intensity dance sequences. Get a glow from your workout and you’re ready to take on whatever the day or night throws at you next. Bring the whole family and experience some fun programming, including puppet Big JOe the Storyteller shows and storytellers. Puppets will charm both kids and adults with new productions every week. Experience Faneuil Hall Marketplace’s favorite professional storytellers as they perform free shows that are kid-tested and parent-approved. Come and visit Faneuil Hall Marketplace with your friends and family and make it your “go to” spot for get-togethers. For more information on free outdoor programming visit www.faneuilhallmarketplace.com.

Chess Games and Competitions

32 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 33 28834-OTT-Boston-Faneuil-Hall-Guide-Ad.pdf 1 4/2/19 1:03 PM

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Present this at ticket booth & receive ADULT $2.00 OFF ADMISSION Good for up to 4 tickets. Cannot be used with any other offer. Not valid for online purchase. Must be redeemed at time of purchase. Expires 6/1/2020. (Faneuil Hall Guide)

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Photos © Candy Kennedy, © Ashley McCabe, © The Abacus Imaging Group Faneuil Hall Marketplace 35 Photos © Candy Kennedy, © Ashley McCabe, © The Abacus Imaging Group Local & Unique Merchants Offer One-Of-A-Kind Shopping And Dining

What makes Faneuil Hall Marketplace truly special for visitors is the opportunity to experience locally-owned unique shops and restaurants that are focused on catering to their customers from near and far. Sara Youngelson, owner of L’Attitude, a women’s boutique in South Market, says, “This is where our forefathers started bringing their goods to sell. It is amazing to see the history of time at the Marketplace. Meeting people from all L’Attitude Boston Boutique around the world including local customers who come to shop, eat and also learn about the history of Faneuil Hall makes having a business here priceless. You cannot find this type of experience anywhere else.” From women’s boutiques to decorative arts and antiques, Faneuil Hall Marketplace is a magnet for customers who want to have their retail experience steeped in history. Boston Pewter Company, located in North Market, Boston Pewter Company specializes in pewter, hand-blown glass and hand-done scrimshaw on bone, antler or whale teeth and more. The shop also has historic reproduction items including their most popular pewter item, the Bowl, sold in either satin or a polished finish. Other items that Boston Pewter Company carries are Cape Cod Jewelry, pewter tableware, lighting, office products, figurines, wild life, aquatic sculptures and more, all great for gifts or collectors. GeoClassics Entering the store Geoclassics in the North Market, is like stepping into a museum. Another long time merchant, Geoclassics specializes in minerals, gem stone jewelry and fossils. Knowledgeable staff have a wealth of information regarding the origins of their crystals, opals, tourmalines and other minerals for sale. If you are on a hunt for that one-of-a- kind unique piece of jewelry or for an item that has been around for millions of years, such as fossils, stop by Geoclassics on your next visit. Michal Negrin, a shop located in the North Market, has been selling items featuring a unique lifestyle for more than two decades with hand-made vintage-inspired designs, including Michal Negrin jewelry, fashion, home décor and accessories

36 Faneuil Hall Marketplace BRING THIS IN FOR 15% OFF YER GRUB

You’ll have a good time whether you want to or not!

FANEUIL HALL MARKETPLACE Quincy Market Building (617) 267-8080 WWW.DICKSLASTRESORT.COM One per table. Not valid with any other offers. Must have this ad.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 37 Regina Pizzeria The Boston Chipyard Aris B-B-Q that are ageless, feminine and therefore “timeless.” The brand has been around since 1988 and has more than 65 international concept stores in many countries, with Faneuil Hall Marketplace being the only location in the U.S.

For the Foodies Many original and longtime Faneuil Hall Marketplace merchants are restaurants and food vendors located in the Quincy Market Food Colonnade. After touring the historic sites in Boston and at the Marketplace, work up an appetite and a thirst for a visit to one of our famous spots. The Salty Dog Oyster Bar & Grille has been operating continuously at Faneuil Hall Marketplace since 1972, prior to the rebirth of the marketplace in 1976. It’s been in the same family ever since. “We had a very unique opportunity to watch the great transformation from these three derelict buildings slated for demolition, (Quincy Market, North Market, South Market) to be transformed into the first urban festival outdoor marketplace,” said second generation owner Luke Prevost. He said that the opening celebration dazzled. “The Marketplace was completely decked out in a Disney World- like fashion. The response the Marketplace received from locals and visitors alike was astounding. I don’t believe anyone involved imagined just how excited people would be to come and see what Boston had made of this almost forgotten historic landmark.” No one can resist the aroma of homemade chocolate chip cookies coming out of the oven. That’s the best advertisement for The Boston Chipyard, located in the North Canopy of Quincy Market, which has been cooking up treats since Faneuil Hall Marketplace reopened in 1976 and is still going strong. The Chipyard’s secret to success is no secret at all: they use only the best ingredients, from the finest butter to the right flours and sugars, the best chocolate and real vanilla extract. And they never sell a cookie that isn’t fresh out of the oven. The secret is in the sauce at Quincy Market’s Regina Pizzeria that originated in Boston’s North End and opened at the Marketplace in 1976. Four generations of owners, the Polcari Family, have inspired Regina’s delicious pizza with their love of good food and special pride. In 2018, TripAdvisor voted Regina Pizzeria the #1 pizzeria in the country. The Quincy Market location was the first pizzeria to start selling by the slice, which started a trend everywhere. Just down the hallway in the Quincy Market Food Colonnade is another long time merchant, Aris B-B-Q. Stop by for a burger, ribs or chicken that will surely keep you going for more touring and shopping. If oysters on the half-shell and other seafood is your desire, the Walrus & Carpenter Oyster Bar is where it’s at. Locally owned and operated since 1986, the Oyster Bar has seating for you to enjoy your freshly shucked shellfish, clam chowder or lobster. There are a wealth of choices when choosing where to eat at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, from sit-down restaurants to the different cuisines offered in the Quincy Market Food Colonnade. If traveling solo or with a large group, Faneuil Hall Marketplace has options to please everyone.

38 Faneuil Hall Marketplace The first Legal Sea Foods restaurant opened in 1968. It was a small no-frills place where you paid before you ate, and the food was served on paper plates. It was a simple formula – offer only the highest quality, freshest seafood with fast and friendly service. Legal Fish Bowl is a modern interpretation of this heritage. Because five decades later, it’s still all about the fish. FANEUIL HALL, QUINCY MARKET BUILDING 617-896-5295

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 39

{Legal Fish Bowl} Quincy Market Building - 2019 Full Page Ad (Bleed) Bleed: 5.625" x 8.625" Trim: 5.375" x 8.375" Live: 4.625" x 7. 75” Faneuil Hall Marketplace Neighborhood Guide

393941_01a_LSF_2019_FishBowl_Ad_5-375x8-375_R2.indd 1 3/20/19 4:16 PM TO GOVERNMENT CENTER,Ca STATESTAT STREET, DOWNTOWN CROSSING & CITY HALL PLAZA






4400 FFaneuilaneuil HHallall MMarketplacearketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 41 Quincy Market Food Colonnade

1. Legal Fish Bowl | From Legal Sea Foods: rice, noodles or greens topped with poke, salmon, shrimp and more. legalseafoods.com 2. The Dog House | Delicious Italian, German, Polish and Cajun sausages as well as all-beef hot dogs. doghouseboston.com 3. West End Strollers | Roll-up sandwiches and Middle Eastern food and pastries. 4. Boston and Maine Fish Co. | Famous clam chowder, a variety of fresh seafood and a lobster bar. quicklobster.com 5. Jen Lai Rice & Noodle Co. | Authentic Asian cuisine. 6. Boston Chowda Co. | Two-time winner of the Boston Harborfest Chowderfest. Purveyors of traditional New England chowder, pot pies, soups and bisques. bostonchowda.com 7. Joey’s Gelateria | The finest gelatos and sorbets. 8. Boston Kitchen | Rotisserie-style grill, sandwiches and salads. 9. El Paso Enchiladas | A variety of Mexican favorites, including tacos, burritos, salads and, of course, enchiladas. elpasoenchiladas.com 10. Philadelphia Steak & Hoagie | Authentic Philadelphia-style steak and cheese sandwiches served on fresh-baked rolls, using only top steak and fresh grilled vegetables. Voted Best Steak Sandwich by the Phantom Gourmet. 11. Walrus and the Carpenter | Boston’s best oyster bar! Lobster, clambakes, chowders, lobster rolls and three varieties of oysters. All fresh daily. 12. Fisherman’s Net | Fried seafood, fresh-cut fries and chowder. 13a.The Green Organic Bowl | Fresh salads. 13b.MMMac N’ Cheese | Their classic blend is considered to be one of the best mac and cheeses in the country including MassLive’s Best of MA. mmmacncheese.com 14. Megumi of Japan | Teriyaki-themed Japanese restaurant. 15. Magnolia Bakery | Magnolia Bakery offers a range of freshly baked, classic American desserts, including classic and Boston Cream Pie banana pudding, cakes, cupcakes, cheese cakes, cookies, brownies and pies. magnoliabakery.com 16. Kilvert & Forbes Bakeshop and Maggie’s Sweets | Yummy cookies, brownies, fine chocolates, and world-renowned macaroons. kilvertandforbesbakeshop.com 17. The Monkey Bar | A bar with a twist. Freshly made shakes, fruit frappes and cocktails. 18. Steve’s Greek Cuisine | Greek-inspired dinners, salads and wraps. 19. Regina Pizzeria | Boston’s original brick-oven baked pizza since 1926. reginapizza.com 20. Berry Twist | Frozen yogurt, shakes and smoothies.

Offers Gluten Free Items Offers Kosher Items

42 Faneuil Hall Marketplace UNIQLO – 21. Boston Café | Coffees, candy, chocolate and fudge. Upper Level Quincy Market 22. North End Bakery | Authentic North End-style calzones and pizza squares along with a wide variety of delicious desserts. 23. Gourmet India | Authentic North Indian cuisine of the 15 1 highest quality; only the best quality cuts of meat and the freshest vegetables are used. gourmet-india.com 2 24. Ueno Sushi | Fresh sushi, makimono, bubble tea and udon noodle soup. 3 16 30 25. Wicked Lobsta | Cooked to order lobster specialties plus baked versions of your seafood favorites and more. 4 17 26. Aris B-B-Q | Barbecue chicken, shish kebab and other barbecue favorites. 5 18 27. Carol Ann’s Bake Shop | Tasty homemade pastries, scones, muffins, cupcakes, cookies and macaroons. 6 28. The Prime Shoppe | Famous for its American turkey 19 sandwich, chicken caesar wraps and delicious ribs. Established in 1955. 31 29. Sprinkles Ice Cream & Fudge Shoppe | Boston’s 20 favorite ice cream shop serving locally made ice cream, fudge, frozen yogurt and healthy fresh fruit smoothies. 7 21 sprinklesboston.com


THE UNIQLO | Committed to creating clothing that focuses on 33 ROTUNDA 34 the wearer, UNIQLO provides products with superb fit and real value, engineered to enhance your everyday life. Come shop the brand’s full assortment of men’s, women’s and children’s collections and collaborations. uniqlo.com 22 LOWER LEVEL RETAIL SHOPS 23 30. Cheers Gift Shop | Select from a wide variety of officially 8 licensed “Cheers” merchandise at the Cheers Gift Shop! 24 CheersBoston.com* 9 31. Quincy’s Place | A family ice cream parlor, candy shop, 32 25 10 and eatery in the heart of Quincy Market. QuincysPlaceBoston.com* 11 26 32. RevolutionaryBoston Museum| The Freedom Trail’s best selection of books, maps, Revolutionary-era flags 12 27 and one-of-a-kind gifts. RevolutionaryBoston.org 13 KIOSKS 28 14 33. Wicked Good Cupcakes | Famous ready-to-eat cupcakes

Ned Devine’s in a jar! wickedgoodcupcakes.com 34. lovepop | just because. We are reinventing the greeting card with intricate paper sculptures that pop. Find 29 Boston favorites and cards for any occasion at the shop. lovepopcards.com

*Lower Level Quincy Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates. Market Shops #30, 31 and 32 and restrooms are accessible from both North & South Canopies.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 43 Quincy Market South Canopy

INDOOR PUSHCARTS 13 1. Boston Kids | A collection of Boston souvenir bibs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, 14 hats and other children’s apparel plus toys and accessories. West End 2. Happy Hangups | Unique keepsakes of your Boston experience. 3. Boxers To Go II | Humorous boxer shorts as well as Boston apparel Salty Dog including sweatpants, sweatshirts, T-shirts, tank tops and shorts.

Cheers sockittomeboston.com

15 4. SeaBoston USA | High-quality Boston apparel for the entire family since 1981. seabostonusa.com UNIQLO First Floor 5. Boston Tote | A variety of bags, from coin purses to totes. 16 6. Life Is A Highway | The best diecast collection of model cars, airplanes, motorcycles and more!

17 7. Real Flower Jewelry | Permanent fresh cut flowers made into lasting jewelry, hair accessories and more. realflowerjewelry.com 1 8. Boston Art Gallery | A wide selection of beautiful matted paintings of 18 Boston’s most historic streets and landmarks. 2 9. Stitch by Stitch | Embroidery pushcart that customizes T-shirts and hats. 3 10. Lucky Décor | Home decorations and accessories including Turkish evil eye. 19 4 KIOSKS 5

6 11. RevolutionaryBoston | The Freedom Trail’s best selection of books, maps, Revolutionary-era flags and one-of-a-kind gifts. RevolutionaryBoston.org 7 12. Boston Campus Gear | College logo apparel from Boston area colleges. seabostonusa.com 8 11 13. ArtsBoston BosTix Booth | Up to 50% off on tickets for theatre, music, 20 12 12 dance and comedy. Open Thursday through Sunday. bostix.org


9 14. Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston | Creators of the hop on/hop off 10 sightseeing tour. trolleytours.com/boston 15. Kariza | Wrap skirts, dresses, resort wear and more. karizadesigns.com 22 Wagamama 16. Wind Spinners | Colorful metal worked wind chimes.

23 Ned Devine’s 17. I Love Boston Sports | Fun, quality sports apparel and accessories for the Boston sports lover. Ilovebostonsports.com East End 18. Russian Collection | Beautiful wide selection of Russian goods and artwork including nesting dolls, religious items, Amber, carvings and more. russiandolls-boutique.com 19. Café Pulse | A café that crafts the highest quality coffee and tea beverages and serves artisanal pastries to pair with your drink of choice. 20. Coco Bar | Frozen desserts, frappes, and fresh-squeezed juices. 21. Just For Fun | Screen print shirts, mugs and other fun items. 22. Dottie’s Sweet Beignets | A collection of fine raspberry, vanilla custard and hazelnut chocolate beignets along with fried dough nuggets, cinnamon churros and beverages. 23. Prime Express | Famous for its American turkey sandwich, chicken Caesar wraps and delicious ribs.

Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates.

44 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Quincy Market South Canopy


1. Boston Kids | A collection of Boston souvenir bibs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and other children’s apparel plus toys and accessories. 2. Happy Hangups | Unique keepsakes of your Boston experience. 3. Boxers To Go II | Humorous boxer shorts as well as Boston apparel including sweatpants, sweatshirts, T-shirts, tank tops and shorts. sockittomeboston.com 4. SeaBoston USA | High-quality Boston apparel for the entire family since 1981. seabostonusa.com 5. Boston Tote | A variety of bags, from coin purses to totes. 6. Life Is A Highway | The best diecast collection of model cars, airplanes, motorcycles and more! 7. Real Flower Jewelry | Permanent fresh cut flowers made into lasting jewelry, hair accessories and more. realflowerjewelry.com 8. Boston Art Gallery | A wide selection of beautiful matted paintings of Boston’s most historic streets and landmarks. 9. Stitch by Stitch | Embroidery pushcart that customizes T-shirts and hats. 10. Lucky Décor | Home decorations and accessories including Turkish evil eye.


11. RevolutionaryBoston | The Freedom Trail’s best selection of books, maps, Revolutionary-era flags and one-of-a-kind gifts. RevolutionaryBoston.org 12. Boston Campus Gear | College logo apparel from Boston area colleges. seabostonusa.com 13. ArtsBoston BosTix Booth | Up to 50% off on tickets for theatre, music, dance and comedy. Open Thursday through Sunday. bostix.org


14. Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston | Creators of the hop on/hop off sightseeing tour. trolleytours.com/boston 15. Kariza | Wrap skirts, dresses, resort wear and more. karizadesigns.com 16. Wind Spinners | Colorful metal worked wind chimes. 17. I Love Boston Sports | Fun, quality sports apparel and accessories for the Boston sports lover. Ilovebostonsports.com 18. Russian Collection | Beautiful wide selection of Russian goods and artwork including nesting dolls, religious items, Amber, carvings and more. russiandolls-boutique.com 19. Café Pulse | A café that crafts the highest quality coffee and tea beverages and serves artisanal pastries to pair with your drink of choice. 20. Coco Bar | Frozen desserts, frappes, and fresh-squeezed juices. 21. Just For Fun | Screen print shirts, mugs and other fun items. 22. Dottie’s Sweet Beignets | A collection of fine raspberry, vanilla custard and hazelnut chocolate beignets along with fried dough nuggets, cinnamon churros and beverages. 23. Prime Express | Famous for its American turkey sandwich, chicken Caesar wraps and delicious ribs.

Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 45 Quincy Market North Canopy 18 West End INDOOR PUSHCARTS 19 MIJA 1. Irish Eyes | A wee bit O’ heaven here on earth. 2. Illusions | Games and tricks for the young and the young at heart! 3. Musically Yours | Unique and special gifts for music lovers. 13 4. A Hat For Every Head | Summer, spring, winter, fall – for every head, we have it all. 1 5. Wicked Maps & Treasures | A collection of maps of Boston and 14 surrounding areas as well as official MBTA licensed products. 16 20 6. Pajama Party | Cute, comfy cotton sleepwear including nightshirts and 21 pajama pants along with coordinating socks and Snoozies Slippers. 2 22 7. Boston Logos | The place to shop for great gifts of Boston’s four championship teams…Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins! 3

8. Stuck On Stickpins | An eclectic collection of fun and fine jewelry, 4 brooches, handmade and vintage pieces. A small space with an amazing selection. lottaluxe.com 5

9. Orient Express | Asian gifts: jewelry, handbags, chopsticks and lanterns. 6 10. Scent For You | Hand-made products from Vermont including bath bombs, lotions, soaps, candles, lip balm, hand sanitizers, 7 mineral powder and other items. 11. Paint By Number | Paint by number and paint by diamond kits for 8 those who want to show off their artistic side. 9 12. Russian Collection | Beautiful wide selection of Russian goods and artwork including nesting dolls, religious items, Amber, carvings and more. russiandolls-boutique.com 17 23 24 KIOSK 15 10 11 13. Sock It To Me | Socks and slippers for babies, kids and adults. sockittomeboston.com 12 14. Repair Shop By Gadget Street | Cables, charges, adapters, cellphone repairs and accessories screen protectors, pre-charged batteries to-go, Dick’s Last gaming accessories. cellphoneboston.com Resort 15. Faneuil Hall Marketplace Photo Booth | Capture your experience at East End 25 Faneuil Hall with a photo keepsake. 16. Destination Boston | Unique gifts and souvenirs to remember Boston! 17. The Boston Chipyard | Great selection of freshly baked cookies. chipyard.com


18. Quincy’s Place Ice Cream Cart | Famous homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches, shakes, sundaes and more! 19. Roasted Nuts Food Cart | Roasted assortment of nuts. 20. Real Flower Jewelry | Permanent fresh cut flowers made into lasting jewelry, hair accessories and more. realflowerjewelry.com 21. Puzzle Lamps | Unique and modern 3D light fixtures that add a little pizzazz wherever they are placed. 22. Boxers To Go | Humorous boxer shorts as well as Boston apparel including sweatpants, sweatshirts, T-Shirts, tank tops and shorts. sockittomeboston.com 23. Magic Rice | Personalized rice jewelry. 24. Sun Fun | Assorted sunglasses. 25. Boston Pretzel & Lemonade Stand | Fresh-squeezed lemonade and the best pretzel twists in town.

Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates.

Offers Gluten Free Items Offers Kosher Items

46 Faneuil Hall Marketplace SPECIAL OFFER Present This Coupon for: 10% Off Any Map

Wicked Maps & Treasures Maps of Boston and Surrounding Areas Plus Official MBTA Licensed Products North Market Canopy Pushcart | 714-924-6043 | [email protected]

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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 47 South Market Building 1 1. Anthem Kitchen + Bar | Anthem Kitchen + Bar is a casual dining restaurant serving classic American comfort food with a modern twist. anthemboston.com 2 2. Coach | Coach offers a wide selection of women’s designer handbags, wallets, shoes and jewelry. Browse the newest styles from your favorite 3 collections at coach.com. 3. Ann Taylor | Ann Taylor offers high-quality, chic women’s clothing, including suits, dresses, bridesmaid dresses, blouses, pants, sweaters and skirts. anntaylor.com 4/5 4. John Fluevog Shoes | An independent designer and retailer of forward-thinking footwear and accessories. When you wear a pair of Fluevogs, you’re wearing 6 decades of traditionally made, untraditional design. fluevog.com 7 5. Pepper Palace | A one-stop shop for hot sauce, BBQ sauce, salsa, pickled 8 items, jellies and jams, beef jerky and more! pepperpalace.com 9 6. U.S. Polo Assn. | The U.S. Polo Assn. brand delivers style, quality, and value to its customers, while representing the authenticity of the sport of polo and 10 showcasing classic American style. uspoloassn.com 11 7. L’Attitude Boston Boutique | This boutique shop, located in the heart of Faneuil Hall Marketplace, is where you will find that special addition to your 12 wardrobe or a gift for someone who has everything! lattitudeboston.com 8. Christmas in Boston | It’s always Christmas in Boston. Every customer will 13 feel as if they have entered a wonderland where the Christmas spirit rules. Shop for all your holiday decor, including personalized ornaments, gifts and more. christmasandcity.com 14 9. Local Charm| Jewelry from Local Charm represents the creative talents of more than 50 local, national and international artisans. These unique 11 designs reflect a sense of origin, a period of time or elements of nature 15 through innovative applications of various metals, gemstones and, of course, imagination. localcharm.net 10. Vera Bradley | An innovative brand for women specializing in bags, 16 fragrance, luggage and accessories. verabradley.com 11. Urban Outfitters | Always open, always awesome. Clothing, accessories and apartment items for men and women. urbanoutfitters.com 12. Uno de 50 | Uno de 50 features silver jewelry and accessories: bracelets, necklaces, rings, watches, earrings and original gifts for him or her—mixing metal with leather. unode50.com 13. Victoria’s Secret | The world’s most glamorous lingerie is only the beginning. Victoria’s Secret is THE destination for chic women’s clothing, must-have shoes and lingerie. victoriassecret.com 14. Black Dog | Apparel for men, women and children plus accessories, gifts and dog products. blackdog.com 15. TUMI | Discover world-class business and travel essentials, designed to upgrade, uncomplicate, and beautify all aspects of life on the move including back packs, roller bags, briefcases, small leather goods and much more. tumi.com 16. American Rhino | Makers of premium quality apparel, footwear, and accessories who support African wildlife conservation, by giving back 10% of their total net income to the most local and affected areas in Eastern Africa. americanrhino.com

Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates.

Offers Gluten Free Items

48 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Featuring Russian Goods And Artwork Nesting Dolls • Religious Items • Amber • Carvings and more! South Market Pushcart (Seasonal) and SPECIAL OFFER North Market Canopy Pushcart Present This Coupon for: $4 Off a Minimum Purchase of $29.95 or www.russiandolls-boutique.com More or a Free Gift With Any Purchase.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 49 North Market Building

Sephora | Play, learn, and be inspired by the world of beauty. Discover exclusive brands and products, and enjoy free classes, makeovers, and expert advice. sephora.com SEPHORA 1. McCormick & Schmick’s | From fresh seafood and shellfish to aged steaks and garden fresh salads, the goal is to exceed your dining expectations. mccormickandschmicks.com 2. Michal Negrin | Featuring a unique lifestyle for more than two decades with hand-made vintage-inspired designs, including jewelry, fashion, home décor and accessories that are ageless, feminine and therefore “timeless”. michalnegrin.com 1 3. Boston Pewter Company | Featuring the largest selection of American-made pewter. A retail store selling giftware, tableware, lighting, holiday items, sculpture and frames. bostonpewtercompany.com 2 4. Ghirardelli® Ice Cream & Chocolate Shop | Experience decadent chocolate 3 and irresistible World Famous Hot Fudge Sundaes, as well as unforgettable fountain treats including shakes, floats, malts and other delectable creations. There is also a tempting assortment of delicious chocolate confections and 4 beautifully wrapped gifts. ghirardelli.com 5. J.J. Donovan’s Tavern | An Irish watering hole in the heart of Boston. 6. Best of Boston | With upscale gifts and collectible souvenirs, Best of Boston is the “insider’s guide” to everything Boston. thecolorstores.com 5 7. Sunglass Hut & Watch Station | Shop for sunglasses and eyewear for men, women and kids, including designer and performance sunglasses at Sunglass 6 Hut. Free shipping on all orders. sunglasshut.com 7 8. Zuma Tex-Mex Grill | Zuma Tex-Mex is a Quincy Market favorite. Zuma satisfies 8 its clientele with Mexican-American comfort favorites such as fruity margaritas and sizzling fajita platters. zumatexmexgrill.com 9 9. Geoclassics | Boston’s finest collection of museum-quality gems, minerals and 10 fossils for collectors of all ages. An outstanding selection of finely crafted 11 gemstone jewelry from around the world. geoclassics.com 10. Lucy’s League | Lucy’s League, a first-of-its-kind boutique, “Where the City fo 12 Sports Passion Meets the World of Women’s Sports Fashion!” thecolorstores.com/lucysleague.html 13 11. Newbury Comics | Established in Boston in 1978. Wicked good pop culture gifts, clothing, collectibles including exclusive comics & vinyl records available nowhere else & much much more. newburycomics.com 12. I Love Boston Sports | Fun, quality sports apparel and accessories for the Boston sports lover. ilovebostonsports.com 14 13. Samsonite | Discover the latest innovation in Samsonite luggage. Visit the store located in the North Market for an extensive assortment of all your travel needs. samsonite.com 14. Starbucks | The world’s premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee. starbucks.com

Listing Is Subject To Change Visit FaneuilHallMarketplace.com For Updates. Offers Gluten Free Items Offers Kosher Items

50 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 51 The Flying Hawaiian Show Felice Ling Cate Great! Women In Variety Street Performing There aren’t many women in variety street performing, but here at Faneuil Hall Marketplace there are three women who entertain with their jaw-dropping talents. Each show is one-of-a-kind and can be experienced every day at the Marketplace on the historic cobblestone promenades. Street performer Sara Kunz (The Flying Hawaiian Show) said, “people come to Faneuil Hall specifically to see street performers. The crowds’ special appreciation does wonders to boost the atmosphere, energy and good times had by all.” Sara’s act has everything from contortion to hula hooping, coconut tree climbing and some really dramatic and silly moments. She says she “hosts with the grace of a dolphin, sweetness of a pineapple and jokes as good as your dad’s.” This year, Sara will also be performing in shows in Austria, Canada and Scotland too! The street performers enjoy the sense of community at the Marketplace. Magician Felice Ling says, “there’s a great community of street performers and supportive staff who have helped me grow during my time here.” She also adds that, “there’s a strong local community of women supporting one another at Faneuil Hall Marketplace.” Felice’s act is an intimate, close-up comedy magic show. She has performed in a variety of festivals outside the U.S. including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the United Kingdom and the Adelaide Fringe Festival in Australia. Have you ever witnessed someone do a one-handed handstand on a platform high above an audience? That is what you’ll see when you watch the act of Cate Flaherty, also known as Cate Great! Her act consists of high-level circus training with original comedy that has been developed over 17 years of performing on the streets, in circuses and cabarets. Cate has also performed all over the world and says that the street performers at Faneuil Hall Marketplace are among the best. “My favorite thing about performing at Faneuil Hall is the incredible line-up of international caliber performers.” She also added that it is not uncommon for her to work with her fellow Faneuil Hall Marketplace street performers in places as far away as Western Canada, Australia and New Zealand. With such a diverse group of performers with a variety of talents, visitors are guaranteed to find something that captivates their attention. Make sure to stop by Faneuil Hall Marketplace and experience all of the street performer acts, as they will leave you wanting more.

52 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 53 Having Fun In Boston Boston By Foot Kings Dining & Exploring the Entertainment buildings and Dining, bowling, spaces of Boston drinking and with a corps more at Boston’s of over 200 top “eater- volunteer guides tainment” Photo: Claire Pettit and a mission venue, creating to connect the public with Boston’s history memorable experiences for guests of all and architectural heritage. ages. Museum of Massimino’s Science Meeting Cucina Italiana a 65-million- and Regina year-old Pizzeria Eating Triceratops, Italian favorites witnessing while exploring indoor the North End lightning, or and Quincy traveling through the human body…all at Market courtesy of Massimino’s Cucina the Museum of Science! With countless Italiana and Regina Pizzeria. interactive exhibits, daily presentations, and more, there’s something for everyone! Boston Public Market Boston Enjoying fresh, Symphony locally sourced Orchestra offerings from 35 Attending a small business performance artisans and food at historic producers of Symphony Hall New England at the Boston Public Market featuring the spectacular Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Boston Pops, family concerts and much Children’s more. Museum Exploring the Boston Tea waterfront and Party Ships discovering the & Museum Power of Play at

Enjoying the Photo: Karin Hansen. Boston Children’s Boston Tea Party Museum with hands-on engagement and Ships & Museum learning sparking creativity, curiosity, and which tells the imagination of children.

Photo: Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. story of the iconic night of December 16, 1773, and the The Greenway “single most important event leading up to Carousel the American Revolution”! Taking a spin on a whale, Hard Rock Café Stopping by fox, butterfly the Hard Rock and more on Café Boston for Photo: Greenway Carousel. the Greenway some legendary Carousel, featuring New England burgers and native creatures, located in the heart of handcrafted downtown Boston...steps from Faneuil Hall! cocktails. Their lively atmosphere, classic American fare, unique musical experiences and authentic memorabilia collection cannot be beat!

54 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Fun Outdoor Food Quench your thirst at the Boston Pretzel & Lemonade Stand with the perfect cup of fresh squeezed lemonade. The best pretzel twists in town are here too. If beignets your thing, then stop by Dottie’s Sweet Beignets. This cart features a collection of fine beignets along with fried dough and other delights. With all these salty and sweet snacks, it’s important to keep hydrated. Stay energized with refreshing frozen and fresh-squeezed beverages at the Coco Bar, across from Dottie’s. Boston Pretzel & Lemonade Stand If coffee is your beverage of choice then head over to Café Pulse for the highest quality coffees and teas along with pastries too. Speaking of tasty flavors,Quincy’s Place Ice Cream Cart offers a wide variety of locally- made ice cream, homemade ice cream cookie sandwiches, and more! Nearby you will discover the Roasted Nuts Food Cart with selections that smell and taste delicious. If it is hearty food that you want then visit Prime Express for mouth-watering kabobs, hot dogs and more! Prime Express

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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 55 Eat, Drink & Be Captivated Dine beneath beautiful glass canopies at one of the many restaurants, modern pubs or outdoor cafes at the Marketplace.

ANTHEM KITCHEN + BAR South Market A casual upscale eatery, Anthem Kitchen + Bar serves a modern take on rustic American fare. With craft bottled and draft beers, skillfully mixed cocktails, fresh seafood and Boston Harborfest two-time winning “Best Clam Chowder,” Anthem Kitchen + Bar is the ideal setting for lunch and dinner daily. Large windows and patio seating allow you to enjoy the action of Faneuil Hall Marketplace while you dine. Anthem Kitchen + Bar also hosts a lively happy hour and a popular late night menu. anthemboston.com

CHEERS Quincy Market Cheers at Faneuil Hall is not just a museum – it’s a wonderful place to wine, dine and have a good time. There is live entertainment every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Food is served throughout the facility and features a wonderful RESTAURANTS selection of burgers and sandwiches as well as New England seafood items and appetizers, chowders, soups and stews. Specials each day provide an opportunity to choose items that are unique to New England. The bars are prepared to serve you cocktails and wines of your choice as well as ten draft beers. cheersboston.com

DICK‘S LAST RESORT Quincy Market Stop by and let your hair down. Enjoy some grub or toss back a few cold ones on the rockin’ patio! It’s all in good fun at Dick’s in Boston, so come see why Dick has been infamous since the rowdy times began in 1985! dickslastresort.com

Offers Gluten Free Items

56 Faneuil Hall Marketplace 8th Annual

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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 57 MCCORMICK & SCHMICK’S North Market From fresh seafood and shellfish to aged steaks and garden fresh salads, the goal is to exceed your dining expectations. You will experience culinary excellence at its best. Menus reflect seafood from the Pacific Rim, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Products are sourced from local ranches, farms and wineries to showcase regionally inspired dishes. A distinctive feature is the beautiful bar area that offers a comfortable environment from which to enjoy a wide variety of wines, beers, classic drinks and trendy cocktails. mccormickandschmicks.com

MIJA CANTINA & TEQUILA BAR Quincy Market MIJA Cantina & Tequila Bar is Boston’s premier authentic Mexican restaurant. Located at the entrance to Quincy Market in the world-famous Faneuil Hall, its uniquely elegant restaurant is the perfect location for enjoying a tasty lunch or a romantic night out. mijaboston.com

NED DEVINE’S IRISH PUB Quincy Market RESTAURANTS Ned Devine’s is a Faneuil Hall favorite for its casual pub dining, craft beer selection, lively happy hours and the best in live music on Friday and Saturday nights. A single destination for food, fun and entertainment, Ned Devine’s offers a bar amidst the action of the Quincy Market food plaza, spacious upper level dining, as well as a chic lounge and dance floor for weekend night life. Ned’s clam chowder is a Boston Harborfest three-time winner for “Best Clam Chowder” and now a proud Hall of Fame Member. Neddevinesboston.com

QUINCY’S PLACE Quincy Market Lower Level Eats & sweets at Quincy’s Place. Step back in time and experience an oldfashioned ice cream shop and eatery. With over 240 varieties of candy, ice cream and great food— Quincy’s Place has something for the whole family! Quincy’s Place is open for hot breakfast served all day and is the perfect spot for birthday parties! quincysplaceboston.com

Offers Gluten Free Items

58 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Walk the Freedom Trail ® through history. Experience more than 250 years of history—and 16 of Boston’s most signi cant sites—along the Freedom Trail. To book an 18th-century costumed-guided tour, download an audio guide or learn about exhibits and events, visit eFreedomTrail.org or call 617.357.8300.

Faneuil Hall Marketplace 59 THE SALTY DOG OYSTER BAR & GRILLE Quincy Market Established in 1972, The Salty Dog is Faneuil Hall’s landmark for fresh regional seafood served in a casual and historic atmosphere. Fresh oysters, fried seafood baskets, luncheon specials, fresh shore dinners, Maine lobster dishes, featured specialty dishes and deluxe sandwich plates round out the menu. Whether visiting the indoor bar and dining rooms, or out at the famous three-season patio and street side Oyster Bar, The Salty Dog provides the ultimate Boston seafood experience.

WAGAMAMA Quincy Market Enjoy authentic Asian flavors in a relaxed, friendly restaurant modeled on Japanese noodle bars. Wagamama offers a range of freshly cooked rice and noodle dishes, salads and starters. Its first U.S. restaurant was opened in Faneuil Hall in 2007. wagamama.us

ZUMA TEX-MEX GRILL North Market RESTAURANTS Zuma Tex-Mex Grill brings the flavors of the southwest to Faneuil Hall. The restaurant is proud to serve the freshest ingredients and makes almost everything from scratch – from hand cut fries and fresh daily pico de gallo, to homemade chorizo sausage and house smoked BBQ. Serving up great Tex-Mex food since 1989 and famous for its tall, frosty $5 Margaritas and selection of over 100 Tequilas and Mezcals. zumatexmexgrill.com

HARD ROCK CAFÉ Hard Rock Café Boston, established in 2007, is situated near Faneuil Hall, the city’s largest entertainment district. The Café is in walking distance of iconic locations, including the . The Café boasts over 16,000-square feet of space, including a 514-seat restaurant. The menu features classic items and locally inspired entrees. The Boston Café offers the classic burger, topped with a scoop of fresh lobster salad and served with cole slaw and seasoned fries. For additional information, including events, live music and the Monday Night Football schedule, visit hardrockcafe.com/location/boston

60 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Offers Gluten Free Items Experience Boston’s Most Popular Tour

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Faneuil Hall Marketplace 61 Historic Faneuil Hall Historic Faneuil Hall has served as a marketplace and meeting hall since 1742 when it was built by . First Floor – Marketplace Artists for Humanity: The Store afhboston.org Boston National Historical Park Museum Store Crabby Jack’s General Store & News Stand (617) 227-0710 Faneuil Hall Visitor Center (617) 242-5642 Second and Third Floors – Great Hall Grasshopper Sweets & Creamery A meeting place where many Boston debates grasshoppersweetsandcreamery.com are held. Enjoy a free talk and tour of the Greetings From Boston “Cradle of Liberty” every half hour from (617) 263-1242 9:30 am – 4:30 pm except during special events. Irish Eyes – (617) 263-7594 The Leather Shop at Faneuil Hall Fourth Floor – Ancient and Honorable davidkingbags.com Artillery Company’s Museum and Library On display are military artifacts, weaponry, The Printing Office of Edes & Gill uniforms, medals, gifts to the company, an bostongazette.org exhibit of President John F. Kennedy and the RevolutionaryBoston Museum Shop Stairway of the Constitution. Open Monday – revolutionaryboston.org Friday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

The Shops At Marketplace Center Merchants Include: All Stars City View Trolley Tours rosterstores.com/allstars cityviewtrolleytours.com/ American Eagle boston ae.com Clarks of England Ann Taylor Loft clarks.com The Shops at Marketplace Center loft.com Crocs are managed by the Clarendon crocs.com Banana Republic Group USA bananarepublic.com Gap, GapBody, Gap Kids For Information: (617) 439-7955 Boston Duck Tours gap.com Facebook.com/MarketplaceCenter bostonducktours.com Local Color Boston Bostonian ROSTER Bostonian.clarkusa.com rosterstores.com

62 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Faneuil Hall Marketplace 63 Boston Public Market The Boston Public Market is an indoor, year-round marketplace featuring 35 small business artisans and food producers from New England. Residents and visitors alike can find locally sourced produce, meat and poultry, eggs, dairy, seafood, baked goods, crafts, specialty items, and prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. Visit bostonpublicmarket.org for more info and a description of each vendor.



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64 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Fun At Faneuil

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