See Our Ad On Page 17. FANEUIL HALL MARKETPLACE NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDE April 2019 – April 2020 Vol. 9 FaneuilHallMarketplace.com Original Merchant SHUCKING SINCE 1976 Oysters, Lobster Rolls, Chowder-Bisque, Clams, Mussels, Beer, Wine and More! Food Hall – Quincy Market Building Faneuil Hall Marketplace 3 FANEUIL HALL MARKETPLACE NEIGHBORHOOD GUIDE Volume 9, Spring 2019 /Spring 2020 Publisher Emeritus Carol Troxell Welcome To Boston Editor/Advertising As “America’s First Open Marketplace,” Faneuil Hall Ed Hurley Marketplace is the first stop for visitors coming to Design Boston. The city is one of the most historic places Pam Rogers Design in the U.S. As the birthplace of the American Editorial Revolution, Boston holds a vast appeal to tourists Ann Murphy from both near and far for many different reasons. Marissa Sullivan Known as the “Cradle of Liberty,” it is here where Production several significant events took place to help shape Christina Grise our nation. Furthermore, Boston is also a sports Rita Juliano town, a college town, a cultural center and a Tori Silva maritime mecca. Photography Boston’s unique character and charm can be Chris Barajas experienced in all corners of the city and is best Erin LaVigueur seen on foot. It is one of the most walkable cities in Kristof Torok the world. Management Office Stay In Touch General Manager FaneuilHallMarketplace.com Joe O’Malley FaneuilHallMarketplaceBoston.com 617-523-1300 @faneuilhallmarketplace Public Realm/Outdoor Programming @faneuilhall Holly Masek @faneuilhall [email protected] Retail & Specialty Leasing Marketplace Hours Ashkenazy Acquisition Corporation Monday – Thursday 10 am – 9 pm [email protected] 10 am – 7 pm (Winter) Office Leasing Friday & Saturday: 10 am – 9 pm Robert Le Clair Sunday: 11 am – 7 pm [email protected] Noon – 6 pm (Winter) Food Colonnade Open Late Events & Marketing Ed Hurley Getting Here | Take the To History! [email protected] Blue Line to Aquarium or Government Center Public Relations Green Line to Government Center or North Station Ann Murphy – O’Neill and Associates Orange Line to State Street or Haymarket [email protected] Red Line to Park Street or Downtown Crossing Corporate Signage / Sponsorships Commuter Rail to North or South Station Monika Walesa [email protected] Discounted Parking Discounted parking available online at Travel & Tourism 75StateStreetGarage.com or with Carolyn J. Feimster validation from participating Marketplace [email protected] merchants. Buy online and save time! A Publication Of The Faneuil Hall Marketplace 75StateStreetGarage.com | (617) 443-2817 Merchants Association Linda J. DeMarco, President Cover Photos: Gail Richman, Vice President Top: Quincy Market Sara Youngelson, Treasurer Bottom Left: The Real McCoy Bottom Right: The Greenway Carousel Kerry Henderson, Secretary 4 Faneuil Hall Marketplace A MESSAGE FROM MAYOR MARTIN J. WALSH Greetings, Greetings, Faneuil HallAA M Mis oneEESS ofSS Boston’sAAGGEE mostFFRR OiconicOMM and MM historicAAYYOO destinations.RR MMAARR It’sTT IaI NNlink JJto.. ourWW past,AALL whereSSHH Faneuil Hall is one of Boston’s most iconic destinations. In many ways, it tells the story of our generationscity. It’s of tofen merchants called th esold “C goodsradle oandf L revolutionariesiberty,” where debated revolu ttheion futurearies gofa tourher enation.d to d Today,iscuss it’sthe one ofGfGu rtroureueereet timosti nongfg sso,, upopularr natio gatheringn. Today ,places. it’s w here locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy the food, music, and culture of our diverse city. FFaanneeuuiill HHaallll iiss oonnee ooff BBoossttoonn’’ss mmoosstt iiccoonniicc ddeessttiinnaattiioonnss.. IInn mmaannyy wwaayyss,, iitt tteellllss tthhee ssttoorryy ooff oouurr It’scMciitty yinspiring ..o IIfttf’’sisc oeof fatt eteto nnC see cictaayll l modernlHeedda lttlhh leeo “odancers“CkCsrra aoddullete ando oovff e LLmusiciansr iitbbheerr tMtyy,,”a” r w kwperformehhteperrleae c rre ein.vv Eo othelvluuet trisameioyon ndaaarr yiplaceie,e ssI ’ ggma awheret tihhneesrrpeeid drearly e ttdoo tddo iBostoniansi sscceuues sshs o tthwhee o ur future of our nation. Today, it’s where locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy the food, music, demonstratedcfuittyu’rse roicfh o huir sfor ntoa rAmericantyio enn. dTuorde asIndependence.y i,n i tt’hsi ws ehxecreit ilStudentsnogc aulrsb aann fromd h vuibs alli. tMo roverso dael irthekne d gcountryaantcheerrs t comeoan edn jt oatolye learnnthted f oaboutmouds, imc iaunsisc, paanenrddf o ccruumllttu uirnree t ohofef osouaumrr ddei ivpvelearrscsee cwciithtyye..re early Bostonians demonstrated for American Independence. theSch eventsool ch thatildr changeden come the to courselearn aofbo history.ut the wAndom localen’s vendorssuffrage sell ral food,lies a arts,nd a nandti- sgiftslave wherery pro thetes ts that earliestMcMhyayn oogffef fmerchantsidicc eteh aeat t c CCoiuitty ryhelpeds HeH aoalfll l h lltooioso otestablishkoksrsy oo. uAutt n oo dvBoston’sv eleorr c tthahlee v MM eeconomy.naadrrkokeresttp pslleaa lWhatccle eg.. o EEo vhasvdeesr ryo ylong n dd atahyy e,been, IsI’’ammm considered ieinn ssppioirrtee wdd htt otheoe r ssee e “Cradleeteh heho oewwa r oloofiueu rsrt cmciitetyyr’c’ssh rariinccthhs hhieisslttpooerrydy eteonn dedusutrraeebss l iinsnh tt hBhiisos seetxoxcncii’ttsiin neggc ouunrrbobamanny h.h uubb.. MMooddeerrnn ddaanncceerrss aanndd ttaalleenntteedd mmuussiicciiaannss Democracy” is today an important gateway to our thriving, global city. ppeerrffoorrmm iinn tthhee ssaammee ppllaaccee wwhheerree eeaarrllyy BBoossttoonniiaannss ddeemmoonnssttrraatteedd ffoorr AAmmeerriiccaann IInnddeeppeennddeennccee.. FSSaccnhheoouooill ccHhhaiilldld rriesen na clcsoomm thee e tt ooa n lleceaharronnr aaobbfo oBuuott stththoeen w’wso oMmmaeernnk’’ess t spsuulafffcfrreaa gDgeei srrtaarlillcliiete,s sw aanhndidc haan nitntii-c-slslulaadvveeesrr yoy u pprrr otorttaeedsstitstsi otthhnaattl Faneuil Hall has also helped to shape the face of Downtown Boston. It’s the anchor of our Marketplace occhuhatadnnoggoeerdd H tthhaeye mccooauurrkrsseeet oaofsf hwhiisestltolo rrayys.. AtAhnend dm lloocdcaealrl n vv eBennoddsootrorssn s sPeelulll b ggloiocoo dMdss a oornkn e ttthh.e eI t s sataimemse et sospgpoeott h wwehrh eseroreem ttheh eeo efeaarrlliieesstt District,mBmoeesrrctcohhnaa ’nwhichnst tsms hhoees ltlincludesp pheeidds t totoor iee courss tntaaeb bihistoriclgliishshbh o BBroh ooutdoorsostotoodnns’’,ss l e ieHaymarketkccoeo nnthooemm Nyy..o r asth wellEnd asan ourd B moderneacon HBostonill. An Publicd it’s rMarket.ight It’sacr orightss t hacrosse stre ethet f rstreetom C fromity H Cityall PHalllaz aPlaza,, whi cwhichh we’ we’veve tra nturnedsform intoed ian tvibranto a we spacelcom iforng publicpublic space tFFhaannt eehuuoiilsl t HsH acalulll l itisus r aalllss oeo v tthehnee t asa nnacclhlh oyorer a oorff l BoBnoogsst.to onn’’ss MMaarrkkeettppllaaccee DDiissttrriicctt,, wwhhiicchh iinncclluuddeess oouurr ttrraaddiittiioonnaall events.oouuttddoooo Andrr HHa ait’syymm aaa rfocalrkkeett a apointss wwee loflll a aBoston’sss tthhee mmo ofamousddeerrnn BB oFreedomossttoonn PPuu Trail,bblliicc M Mwhereaarrkkee ttpeople.. IItt ttiiee ssfrom ttoogge ealltthh eovererr ssoo mthemee world ooff comeFBBooorss tcto oetonn ’’learntssu mrmieoo ssabouts,t t F hhaiisns teourtoourriil cccountry’s H nneaeiliglg hhbabso obeginnings. rbrhheooeoondd ass ,,p llliiakk ceee t thwheeh NeNroeor rtbthhi g EE innddde a aasnn addr BeB ebeaoacrconon.n I HtH’siil llal.. AlAivnnidnd g iit t’m’ss orrinigguhhmtt ent taaocc raroo csssist ytthh teeh sastttr’rese eejtut fsfrtro oamms e CCxicittiyyt e HHd aallbll oPPullata zziatas,, fwwuhthuiicrcehh awwse ei’t’v viese tptrrraaonnussdffo oorrmfm ietesdd p iinansttoto. aWa wwe eeilnlccvooimtmei inenvgge prpyuuobbnlliiecc tssopp aaccee Fortethhxaap ttcenturies,l ohhrooess ttshs iccsuu glFaneuillttauutreraawll aeeyv vHall eetnont tsB shas aoalsll lt been yoyenea.ar r a ll oplaceonngg.. where big ideas are born. It’s a living monument to a city that’s just as excited about its future as it is proud of its past. We invite everyone to explore this FSFoionrrc cecerenenlttyuu,rriieess,, FFaanneeuuiill HHaallll hhaass bbeeeenn aa ppllaaccee wwhheerree bbiigg iiddeeaass aarree bboorrnn.. IItt’’ss aa lliivviinngg mmoonnuummeenntt importantttoo aa cciittyy ttgatewayhhaatt’’ss jjuus stott a aBoston.ss eexxcciitteedd aabboouutt iittss ffuuttuurree aass iitt iiss pprroouudd ooff iittss ppaasstt.. WWee iinnvviittee eevveerryyoonnee ttoo explore this gateway to Boston. explore this gateway to Boston. SincerelyMSSiinancyceoerre eMllyy,a, rtin J. Walsh , MayorMMaayyoo rrMartin MMaarrtti inJ.n JWalshJ.. WWaallsshh FanFaneuileuilHall MHallark Marketplaceetplace.com 5 FFaanneeuuiillHHaallllMMaarrkkeettppllaaccee..ccoomm 55 Table Of Contents A Message From Mayor Martin J. Walsh .......................................................................................5 A Letter From Governor Charles D. Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn E. Polito ............7 A Message From Linda J. DeMarco ................................................................................................8 Neighborhood Map .......................................................................................................................10 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Thrives With History ..........................................................................12 New Merchants At The Marketplace ...........................................................................................16
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