January to June, 1911, Inclusive Volume Lxxxxii
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c TV ommerria w j INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers’ Convention Section State and City Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States, JANUARY TO JUNE, 1911, INCLUSIVE VOLUME LXXXXII. WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, Front, P ine & Depeyster Sts., Rew Y ork. ' ' , A. ‘ V Copyrighted in 1911, according to Act of Congj-^ss, by W ILLIA M B. DANA COM PANY, in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I£ INDEX. [VOL. LXXXXII. INDEX NINETY-SECONDT O T H E VOLUME. JANUARY 1 TO JUNE 30 1911. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES. P a ge. Page. Page. ccidents in Railway Workshops, Preven Butler, Nicholas Murray, President of Court Decisions— Ation o f. See Ry. A Ind. Sec., April 29. Columbia, Speaks on Irrationalism _____ 1522 E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. Agricultural Improvement Assn, of New Declared Illegal by Circuit Court______ 1669 f o r k S tate (F . S . ) . — - - ------------------ 143 able Messages, Interchange of (F. S .)___ 1201 E m ployees May Not Conspire to Injure A ldrich Banking Bill, Conditions Proposed Canadian Bank Clearings (m onthly)___ 41, Business of Employer____ ______________ 151 by A. B. A. for Admission of State Banks 300, 572, 931, 1219, 1478 E m ployers’ Liability Law of N. J. Valid. 996 and Trust Companies------- ------- -------1349 Canadian Immigration _______________________1153 Federal Corporation Tax Law Sustained A ldrich Plan Defective in Not Providing for Canadian Reciprocity, Trade Agreement for b y U . S. Suprem e C ou rt_____________682, 697 State Banks and i'rust Cos.210, 344, 847, 927 144, 210, 280, 289, 345, 414, 418, 490, Inter-State Commerce Law Applies to Aldrich Plan Endorsed----- 159, 430. 1081, 024, 917, 1005, 1142, 1594 Forbid Contracts for Free Passes Made 1215, 1412, 1538, 1010, 1077 Car Development in Electric Traction. See Before Law was Passed_________________ 1148 Aldrich Plan and Savings Banks -------------- 1077 Electric Ry. Section, June 24. Massachusetts Law Regarding Unclaimed 'Aridi Senatoi^Modines Ilis Plan so as to Car Interchange and Demurrage. See R y . Deposits Held Valid by Supreme Court 1474 (see also 1408) t TTiIov Trust Tlos. and State Banks to & Ind. Section, Jan. 28. T ’ixticipate---------------------------------- 1270, 1288 Carnegie Trust Co. Closed________________ 74, 90 Minnesota Rates Held Illegal by Judge A ldrich’s Plan in Complete Outline-----------157 Chicago Clearing House Provides for the S a n b o r n ____________________________________ 988 A ldrich’s (Senator) Currency and Banking Issuance of C.-H. Certificates against De Nation Can Control Forest Reserves_____1474 Reform Plan -----------------------— r - 147, 1200 posits of Gold and Currency_______________ 235 Private Banking Law of New York Up A m erican Railway PAgem ent, Mr. Ac- Chicago Stock Exchange Record of Prices held by U. S. Supreme Court------------- 92 worth’s Opinion o f.^ ^ --------- ,--- ............... for 1910_________________________________227, 234 Standard Oil Company, U. S. Supreme A m erican Securities in 1 ranee and^Germ any^^ Child-Labor, Bill to Discourage, Loosely Court Holds a Violation of Anti-Trust D ra w n ________________________________________1065 L a w _______ _________ ________________1336, 1343 American Shares Quoted in Paris ’.095! 1005 China Confronted by a Rebellion in Canton U. S. Government Loses Libel Suit American Tobacco Co., Supreme Court^De-^^^ (F . S . ) ............ 1202 Against N. Y. World and Indianapolis China— Russia Alleges Violation of Treaty N e w s ........................... - 4 Anglo” Japanese Treaty, New (F. S .) ........... 914 o f 1881 (F . S . ) _________________ 416 U. S. Supreme Court in Dr. Miles Medical Anthracite Coal Production in 1910............. 29.) China, Russia’s W arn in g t o ____________ 498 Co. Case Decides that Contracts to Fix Anti-Option Bill Fails in Congress............... 030 China’s Reply to Ultimatum Satisfactory to Prices of Proprietary Medicines, both at A n ti-O ption B ill, S c o t t . ------ - - - - - - - o00 Russia (F. S.)....... ............ ................ -.4 9 6 , 838 Retail and Wholesale, are Illegal_______ 910 Anti-Trust Law, American Tobacco Co. Chinese Government and Railroad Loan West Virginia Held Liable for its Share of Condem ned b y Suprem e C ou rt------1400, 1400 1066, 1080, 1279, 1288, 1407, 1596,1606 V irg in ia’s D e b t____________________________682 Anti-Trust Law and Clearing Houses. .235, ^ City Government, New Scheme of, in N. J.1530 Courts, The Limitation upon the Powers of, Clearing-House Action at New Orleans Al 149, 689 Anti-Trust Law, Decisions Expected, Mar- leged to be in Violation of Anti-Trust Crop Situation in the United States. .1280, 1523 kets N ervous M eanwhile (1*. S . ) . _ .834, 910 L a w ..........................................-235, 350, 374 Currency Associations Recommended and Anti-Trust Law, du Pont Powder Works in Clearings and Speculation in 1910— ........... 85 Established......... ..................... 235, 928 Pnn flirt with. ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ lutU Coal Production, Anthracite, in 1910.............. 295 Currency and Banking Reform, Plan of A n ti-Trust Law,"Standard Oil Held to Con- Commerce Court Members and Jurisdic Senator Aldrich. See Aldrich . Currency Holdings of Treasury.435, 1413, 1612 traven e _______________________ io o o » 1 tion o f ..................- .......................296, 373, 1602 A rbitration andjtaternational Peace . 083, Com m ercial Bank o f S c o tla n d .. 1 -----------------238 anbury Hatters’ Case, Decision Reversed 688, 700, 837. 912. Commercial Education, the Economic Re sults o f................ 1671 D by Circuit Court of Appeals_____________998 Debt Statement, United States (monthly), Aviation, The Price of Progress in (F. S.)..1400 Commercial Paper, International Paper Co. to Have Its Paper Registered ....... ..........- 296 165, 434, 852, 931, 1412, 1612 Compensation Law Decision, an English Democratic Successes Due to Republican allinger, Richard A., Secretary of In- Espousal of Radicalism ................................. 834 B— terior, Resigns ---------- - - - — - ------ ”''7 V iew o f______________________________________ 1211 Comptroller of Currency Institutes Re Deposits of National Banks, Falling Off of. 347 D “ k 01C" i,,,!S ■ 'b T,f a; 0 l '^ S 2 5 k ” T 2 1 9 y i479 form s___________________ 1216, 1408, 1536, 1675 Diaz, President of Mexico, Resigns----------- 1400 “ Dollar Diplomacy” (F. S.)................... 1525 B.„k Clearings, M o n .l^ F e ^ of Congress and the Reciprocity Treaty ..............917 Congress— The Extra Session.......................... 840 Dynamiting Accusations and Labor Unions. 1146 Congress— Volume of New Bills Introduced Bank Clearings and Speculation in 1910-.- 85 ast River Ferry to Williamsburgh Re Bank Clearings by Telegraph ------- 42, 300, at Extra Session (F. S.) .................... 911 572, 932, 1218, 1478 Congressional Elections, Bill Requiring Pub E sumed (F. S.)_ ........................................... 684 Electric Railway Association’s Work. See Bank Collection Charges and the Anti-Trust licity of Contributions........... .............. — 1081 L a w _______________________________ 235, 350, 374 Congressional Investigation of All Govern Electric Ry. Section Feb. 25. Electric Railway Earnings, Magnitude and Bank Collection Charges, Rule of New York ment Departments....................................... 1155 Clearing H ouse................................................1676 Congressional Program of Democrats----------- 928 Stability of.......................... - .......... - - - - - 7- 923 E lectric Railway Operations, Method in Banks, Community of Interest among, in Congressional Record Suggestion that New York City (National Bank of Com Speeches Printed but not Delivered be so Im p ro ved . See Electric Ry. Section m e r c e )- ...................- ...............- ..............772, 928 M a rk e d ------- --------------- 988 Feb. 25. B ank Deposit Guaranty Laws of Oklahoma, Connecticut Public Service Commission Electric Railways and Public Utilities Kansas and Nebraska Held Valid by (F . S . ) .......... 686 Commissions. See Electric Ry. Section United States Supreme Court-........... — 40 Constitutional Amendments, Socialist Pro June 24. ,. Bank of England’s Method of Accounting posal to Facilitate Them ............................ 1065 Electric Roads, Car Dispatching and Control fo r Purchases o f N e w G o ld ----------------------761 Contracts, Impairing the Obligation of .1148,1216 by Telephone. See Electric Ry. Section Bank of England Reduces Discount Rate Copper Production and Stocks (monthly) June 24. „ . ( F . S . ) ........................................................217, 624 (F . S . ) - - - ...................................... 75, 911, 1523 Electric Traction in Europe. See E lectric ank Guaranty Law— Corners in Grain, Attempt to Prevent, by Railway Section Feb. 25. Colorado, N ew L a w ________________________1608 Chicago Board of Trade ____________ 1608, 1676 Emigration and Immigration, Monthly Montana, Defeated ......... ................................430 Coronation of George V. of England, &C--1666 Features of _______ 562, 836, 1153, 1280, 1463 South Dakota, Defeated ............... - ..........430 C orp oration R cgu lation .T h e P roper S pirit of. 1407 E m igration and Immigration in 1910—