Independents to Retain Con T C Trol of the Council
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Miller, Volpe THE MATAWAN, N .J. 077<7 win new terms p a r k in Keyport UEYPOHT a v e An overwhelming plurality in Brown’s Point and a weak showing by the Republicans I n d e p e n d e n t . yesterday helped incum ft ^ ^ ft The Weekly Newspaper bents Donald Miller and Richard Volpe win re-elec tion to the Borough Council. The victory enabled the Vol. 5 No. 52 W ednesday, Nov. 5, 1975 15 Cents; Independents to retain con c t trol of the council. Miller and Volpe defeated Democrats Richard Bergen and George Bolte and Re publicans Earl Hallam and Robert McLeod. In unofficial returns. M il A rm ellino defeats ler led all candidates with 1,012 votes. Volpe polled 970: Bergen, 807; Bolte, 735: Mc Leod, 581; and Hallam, 533. The Brown’s Point dis trict gave the Independents more than a 2-1 margin. Miller received 250 votes in p a rtie s1 choices district, and Volpe. 246. eod ran third in- the t with 104 votes. MATAWAN BOROUGH borough, led all candidates problems working with an Blaine, who will retain his with 1,405 votes. Mrs. Chris Democrats received Denied the Republican all-Democratic council, Ar seat as a councilman, said he tinet polled 1,366, defeating mellino said, “No I don't. was “looking forward to 0 support in District 5, nomination in June, Mayor Dr. Joseph Wallace by 45 When I supported the Demo working with Vic. I think it h includes the new Kev- Victor Armellino won re votes. Lawrence Lupi polled crats, I was a good guy. Let’s was a good campaign You gion Apartments, and election yesterday as an 1,242 votes. find out now if I am a good .ontinued on Page 8) independent, defeating go into a race to win If you Before the election, Armel Councilmen Walter Blaine guy.” . do win, fine. If you lose, you lino had predicted that 1,200 just regroup and try to do the GOP wins and Dennis Rike. Most of his campaign votes would be needed to win funds, Armellino said, came best for Matawan.” Armellino swept five of the the mayoral race. He missed two seats from small contributors. It was Blaine who first told borough’s seven election dis that total by just six votes. / “ It was really gratifying to Armellino last night that he tricts, piling up his big “ I figured I had to win 40 me,” he said, “to see all the had won. in Holmdel gest totals in the Contempra percent of the districts,” he $5. $10, and $20 contribu HOLMDEL and Marc Woods sections. said last night, ‘‘and the “He called me when 1 had tions come in. They came The two Democratic Town He polled a total of 1,194 other candidates would di only a few of the districts,” from the people on the street. s h i p Committee candi votes, 253 more than Rike vide the other 60 percent.” Armellino said. “He told me I didn’t get any $200 contri dates—both wom£n—w e n t and 376 more than Blaine. Armellino attributed his. I won and congratulated butions.” down to a resounding defeat Sam Masiello and Virginia victory to "people’s faith in me.” The mayor said he was " l i s t night, leaving the coun Christinet won the two Bor me to do what is right for the Armellino thanked his sup surprised by Rike's strong cil’s GOP majority and male ough Council seats up for town. It proves that they’re porters, mentioning Frank election, giving the Demo showi.ig. “ I thought Walter monopoly intact. an awful lot of independents Bucco, Glenn Lukash, and would run second,” he said. The GOP candidates. Jo crats all six seats on the in town who don’t believe in his campaign managers. Sal seph Popolo and incumbent governing body. the party.” “ Dennis made a good show vatore Milazzo and John Mc Thomas Parker outdrew Victor Armellino Masiello, a native of the Asked if he auMcipated ing.” Kenna. their opponents. Mary Han cik and Aletha Spang, in all Pow ers only Republican victor in township six township voting districts to take a 3-2 win. Parker was high-vote get ter with 1,518, leading his running mate by only two Matawan Dems win 3 council seats votes Popolo drew 1,516 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP votes. Democrats y e s- Ms. Spang polled 982 votes terday swept three of the - 2Hi?i Ms. Hancik, 935. If one of four Township Council seats v the women had been ejected, up for election and lost the she would have been the first fourth by only 12 votes. to have served on the five- Former Mayor Thomas man committee. Powers was the only Re A reported 67.3 percent of publican who won. edging the voters cast ballots in the Joseph Otterbine. 2,414 to election 2.4,02. The Democrats will decide today whether to request a recount, according to Coun cilman Edward Kaufman, who led all candidates with 2,611 votes. The other Democratic vic tors were Eugene Sadowski, who received 2,478 votes, and Donald Rankin, who polled 2.570. “ I ’m terribly disappointed about Joe Otterbine.” Kauf Thomas Powers Edward Kaufman Donald Rankin Eugene Sadowski man said last night. “A loss by 12 votes is hard to take. You always feel that a little Marlboro Democrats sweep bit extra push would have brought him in.” AIARLBORO In the council race, Demo swept all the districts except Powers said he felt he was Democratic candidates for cratic incumbent Richard 1 and 3, which are both in the “fortunate to win by 12 mayor and Township Council Vuola polled 2,234 votes and more rural areas of town. votes." Praising his running swept yesterday’s election to his running mate, Douglas Vuola credited the Demo ma'le s—George Sabados. Gilbert Bennett retain their monopoly of the McClung, a Board of Educa cratic victory to his party’s John McTaggart, and Burt governing body. tion member, drew 2,022. record over the past four Dems sweep Goldstein—P o w e r s said, Mayor Arthur Goldzweig G O P council candidate years. " I ’m better known than they was the high vote-getter with Robert Mclnerney, 3 Am “ We’ve tried to progress,” in Hazlet \are. They’re just as capable 2,461 votes, outpolling his herst Rd., was high-vote get Vuola said, “ and I think as I am ." GOP opponent by 708 votes ter for his ticket, polling winning by a good majority HAZLET All four winning candi and winning election to the 1.943. His running mate, shows that people recog Democrats swept all local dates said they would avoid post to which he was ap James A. Lisky. Nolan Road, nize whosetioing a good job. contests yesterday, gaining partisan politics on the coun pointed a year ago. drew 1,722 votes. We gave them good, respon a monopoly on the Township cil. The Republican candidate The estimated 65 percent sive government and we’re Committee. "We’re going to work well for mayor. Jack Farscht, turnout of voters helped (he going to continue to give Gilbert Bennett, who ran together,” Sadowski said. “ I polled 1.753 votes. Democratic ticket to victory. them even better govern for election to the Township know in my heart that Tom is "It was a good solid vic Goldzweig said. ment." Committee, won with 3,639 going to work with us. We'll tory—a mandate," Goldz “ We were working for a "We wouldn't be in office," votes over former Republi work as seven men, not six weig told The Independent. big turnout." he said. "We said McClung. “ if it weren't can Mayor Joseph Morales, against one." "It was our good programs knew the big early vote was for the people that believe in who polled 2,279. Bennett Powers said. “ I’m not that did it. Give the people not our vote. Bui the people us. I believe that even the said that the electorate “ put going to play politics. We had what they want and what came out late in town and people that opposed us in the Arthur Oold/.weig an end to the bugaboo that a bipartisan council before they need, and they’ll keep voted for us." primary were with us in this Democrats and they voted (Continued on Page IS) (Continued on Page X) vou in office." The Democrats reportedly election. All of them were for u s " Page 2 THE INDEPENDENT Nov. 5, 1975 Pro testers fill council chambers ■ i i ■ Deadline for news Zoning change hearing delayed l$ noon Saturday KKYPORT contain 100 units. public meeting at Keyport More than 40 persons who Mayor William Ralph said Central School to explain the last week filled the Borough after the meeting that the recommendations of the FROM THE MADISON MINT Planning Board. Council chambers to protest amendment is the first of two 999 Fine Pure Silver, a proposed amendment to or three steps to change the “At that time we’ll pass the zoning ordinance did so borough’s zoning ordinance. out maps of the borough 1 oz. HOLIDAY ART BARS in vain. Ralph said that 1 a ter showing everyone which The Borough Council post changes would refer to speci areas are affected,” Ralph poned a public hearing on the fic areas of the borough, but said, “but we don’t have amendment and promised to would not disclose any in those maps now.” schedule an open forum ’ to formation regarding future At Councilman Richard explain the measure before amendments.