384 385 Stowmarket
Stowmarket - Bury Staint Edmunds 384 via Haughley - Wetherdon - Elmswell - Woolpit - Beyton/Norton - Thurston Stowmarket - Bury Staint Edmunds 385 via Haughley - Wetherdon - Elmswell - Woolpit - Beyton/Norton - Thurston Monday to Saturday Ref.No.: 002 Service No 385 384 385 384 384 385 384 384 Stowupland High School. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stowmarket,Ceders Park,GunCotton Way. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stowmarket,Rail Station,Forecourt. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stowmarket, Market Place,Outside argos. 0620 0710 0900 1010 1310 1420 1610 1720 Stowmarket,Bury Road,Violet Hill Road. -- 0714 -- 1014 1314 -- 1614 1724 Stowmarket,Tot Hill,Nareys Garden Centre. -- 0717 -- 1017 1317 -- 1617 1727 Stowmarket,Station Road ,Opp Railway Station. 0624 -- 0904 -- -- 1424 -- -- Old Newton,B1113,Opp,Shoulder of Mutton. 0633 -- 0913 -- -- 1435 -- -- Haughley,Station Road,Opp Millfields. 0638 -- 0919 -- -- 1441 -- -- Haughley,Old Street,Outside Co-op. 0640 0720 0920 1020 1320 1442 1620 1730 Haughley,Duke Street,Opp Church. 0641 0721 0921 1021 1321 1443 1621 1731 Haughley,New Street,Stowmarket Road. 0643 0723 0923 1023 1323 1445 1623 1733 Wetherdon,Maypole. 0645 0725 0925 1025 1325 1447 1625 1735 Elmswell,School,Shop Corner. 0651 0731 0931 1031 1331 1453 1631 1741 Woolpit,The street,OppPost office. 0656 0736 0936 1036 1336 1458 1636 1746 Woolpit,The street,BusisnessPark. 0657 0737 0937 1037 1337 1459 1637 1747 Tostock,The Green,Bus Shelter. -- 0745 -- 1043 1343 -- 1638 1753 Beyton,Bury Road,Opp.The Green. -- 0749 -- 1047 1347 -- 1647 1757 Norton,The Dog Public House. 0700 -- 0943 -- -- 1505 -- -- Thurston,School Road,Shops. 0705 -- 0952 -- -- 1514 -- -- Thurston,Sandpit lane. 0706 0751 0953 1050 1350 1515 1650 1800 Thurston,Norton Road,Community College. 0708 0752 0955 1052 1352 1517 1652 1807 Thurston,Genesta Drive.
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