English) Is Proposed, Which Enables Potential Risks and Social and Environmental Conflicts to Be Minimized While Promoting the Benefits of REDD+
R-PP Submission Format v. 5 Revised (December 22, 2010): Working Draft for Use by Countries. (Replaces R-PP v.4, January 28, 2010; and draft v. 5, Oct. 30, 2010). Republic of Colombia NOTE ON THIS VERSION OF THE FORMAL SUBMISSION OF THE READINESS PREPARATION PROPOSAL FOR REDD + (R-PP) (Version 4.0 – September 27, 2011) The Government of Colombia, as part of the preparation regarding the possibility of carrying out Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) activities, has developed a proposal for readiness for REDD+ (R-PP) within the framework of support received by the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). In this context, we present this fourth version of the document R-PP to be officially submitted as a formal document at the tenth meeting of the FCPF Participants Committee to be held in Berlin, Germany, from October 17 to 19, 2011. This version includes the contributions and adjustments made to previous versions and is the work and collaboration among different stakeholders in the country, including the communities who live directly in the forests, the productive sectors, the state institutions and representatives of civil society. Even included are the PC and TAP reviewers of the FCPF who evaluated the previous versions. While this document is formally submitted for evaluation by the FCPF, we are still inviting interested parties to continue working together with the R-PP development team (redd@minambiente.gov.co) to improve this proposal by involving current and future strategic allies to accompany and monitor the proper implementation of resources obtained to strengthen the development of REDD+ activities in the country, within the framework of respect for the rights of communities, the conservation of natural ecosystems, and the effectiveness in the maintenance of carbon stocks in the country.
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