ESTIMATES of the POPULATION of STATES, by AGE 1960 to 1966 with Provisional Estimates for July 1, 1967
Series P - 25, No. 384 February:13, 1968 ESTIMATES OF THE POPULATION OF STATES, BY AGE 1960 TO 1966 With Provisional Estimates For July 1, 1967 J::STIMATEDPOPULATION 21 YEARS OLD AND OVER, BY STATE, JULY 1, 1966, AND PERCENT CHANGE SINCE 1960 (Population shown in thousands)' N. OAK. 358 S. OAK. 381 ..I11III 15.0 to 20.9 _ 9.5 to 14.9 U.S. 115.5 million; Em 4.5 to 9.4 percent increase 6.8 m LO to 4.0 D Less than 1.0 or loss DEPARTMENT OF CO ..... ERCE BUREA.U CONTENTS Page Methodology . '. 1 Estimates for 1966 .........................' ........................... 1 Estimates for 1961 to 1965 ................... -........................... 2 Provisional estimates for 1967 .................... ;. ....................... 2 Population base ........................................................ 3 Sources of data . 3 Accuracy of estimates .............................................. "..... 3 Comparison of published estimates of the population 65 years old and over with Medicare sta tistics . 4 Related reports ........................................................ 5 Rounding of estimates .................................................... 5 DETAILED TABLES Table Page l.--Estimates of the total resident populatlOn, by age, for States: July 1, 1966. 6 2.--Total residept populationi by age, for States: April 1, 1960 . 7 3.--Percent change in total resident population, by age, for States: April 1, 1960, to July 1, 1966 . 8 4.--Percent distribution of the estimated total resident population, by age, for States, July 1, 1966, with comparative figures for April 1, 1960 ............. " . 9 5.--Estimates of the total resident population, by age, for States: July 1,1961 to 1965. .. La 6.--Provisional estimates of the total resident population, by age, for States: July 1, 1967. .. 15 For sale by the Superintendent oj Documents, U.S.
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