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July 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966

7-23-1966 The aiD ly Egyptian, , 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Volume 1.7 Ca,bondol., III. Solu,day July 23, 1966 Humb.r 188

Gov. Kerner to Bolster Area Touri~m

* Plans for Massac Bus Ser~ice Told to Investors Gov. Dno Kerner announced May Cease in hi s address to the South­ ern illinOis Tourism lnvest­ T he summer bus service that was star t ed on a tempo­ mem Confe r e nce Friday that rary basis two weeks ago has he will seek $1 million in general revenue fund$ from been operating 31 a 90 per cent de fi cit, according (0 Bob the next Illinois Gene.u.l As ­ sembly for deveJopmem of Drinan, student body presi­ demo Fon Massac State Park near Metropolis . "We have onl y been getting The projecl, wh ich could about $2 per day from fares result i n the c r e ation of 800 and it is costi ng us $30 a day job opportunities, will be pan to run (he service," Drinan of the drive to develop the said. " At this rate it is costing tOUrl!;im and (ravel industry almost $1. 25 pe r person per in Southe rn Illinois, ride. Ke r ner s poke to de le gates " This seem s ver y unfair [0 in the University Cente r Ball ­ PUt [he burden on the stude nt roo m a s part 0 1 the day- lo ng body as a whol e when the conference t h a t inc lude d ave rage taxi ca b fare IS 50 or m e e [i n g :.:. and discussion 60 cems, t. he said. groups . Swdem governme nt, which " , need not r e mi nd you r eceives subs idy from st ud ent that (he rouri s m and [rave l aClivl[Y fees, must make up i ndustry i s one of the fast ­ pan of the defic it. e st growing indus (ri e~ in the United States tOday," Kerne r " It wil l beenrire l youl of the said. question to CO ntinue thi s ser­ The i ndu Sl r y' S reve nu e vi ce unless the student suppon r eache d an a ll - time high of is more significant," h e said. $33 billio n last year . to "Unless we ge t comme nts and Ke rner said t har sourhern s ugge sllons concerning the Illinoi s could e xpand i ts $25 bus schedulc or r out e , We will million annual lOuris r - r ec­ discontinue the service.' reation bu s ine::.s five fo ld in 10 Drinan said st ude nt s will be years-to a pore mial of $12 3 notified a week 10 advance , if million. the service IS stOpped. " We have cominua l s uppon and inLerCSI i n soulhc- r n Illi ­ " It wa s imposslbl .... 10 gl-' t a nois , " he said. "Invest ing in cheaper bid for The Sl-'r VICl-' , SO Ulhe rn illinois is a solid and The COSI IS t npk Ihat of last PAUSE THA T REFRESHES-- Mainlenance of a city waler pump, the University is using sound bUSiness venture . It i s year becaus ~ [he compames worker J oh n Roach services the pump used to la ke wa ler ralher Ihan city water 10 keep its an area thai Just five yea r s have been for ced ( a up lh ~tr draw water from Ih e Lake-on ·the-Campus to Wd' laW n" cmd trees al ive dutlnR the hot weathe r. ago was be set by economic prices," he said. ter SIU's thirsty lawns. Becaus(' of <4 breClkdown ( Pho to by J ohn R::tran) problems Ihal see med insu r­ ,. The 1 eason that we pr o­ O ffi ci a l Ch a lien!!es J ou rnali. ls mountable . .. vided the bus scrv]ct..' for t he "Farl y In 1901 the s ituation summer was the r equests w as c ritica l. ThIrty - s ix from sl ude nts, If the many who Press Must Adjust to Changing Pattern counries we r e designate d as said they wame dtheservi ce do de pressed a re a s by the Ar ea: nOt r espond to thiS minima l Redevc lopmt"n t Ad minis tra ­ arrangeme m, it will be im­ tion. Today, only 12 of tilese poSSIbl e 10 provide the service To Continue Vital Role in Electronic Age counties re main on s uch a on a full sca le ," Drinan said. lis!. " he said. The printcd ne ws med i3 ha s r t.~ c t o r of the U, S, Information exposure of per sons [Q a ne ws "Unless we can get s pecifl<': a continued vital role pro"idl'd Agency. medium e ncourages their par­ "We acco mpli s he d this be­ guarantees from the serviced they adjust to [he altt' ring pat ­ Thi~ was [ h(' message o f tic ipation in othe r me dia. cause we sat do wn and drew up realistic goals. II was a are as. the buses will not con- te rn in l:ommUni c3tion s , Howa rd 13 . Woods, who s pok c' " Electroni c age o r not, it is t('3m e ffo rt that i s s till s how­ unue runnIng, according ro the associat l..' di- Thursday night at the annua l nO( a c ho iced between t he I ng result s. ': s ubscription dinnl-'r and Icc­ primed wo rd and te lecommun_ turt> o f the Inte rnational Con­ Kerner c ite d s ix goals (hat Ica[iOn s. As ne w media appe ar we re set in a s tatewide at ­ f(' r (' nc L' o f Weekl y News pape r on the com munications scene . te m pt (Q Imrrovc conditions. Ec.Ji to r s . It wa s he ld in St. they have al ways caused- and "F I r st , we ple dged to con­ Cha rles, Mo . • as a feature of will always c aU SC - a r e adjust­ serve and de ve lop our c riti­ the annual confere nce. me nt in the total pattern. The Woods wa s editor of t he St. ne w one does not destroy the (Continued on Page 2) L ouis Ar gus fo r 15 yea r s prior old o ne . [ 0 hi s appointme nt in March, H At the same time , if the 1965 , [0 his prescnt po s ition Gus Bode ol d one is not to die , it must with [he USI A. adjus t to the alte ring pattern. His appear ance Thurs day And it must take for itself night wa s before [he weekly what the new media hay.e to e ditors , and journalism col­ offe r," Woods said. le agues from the St. Louis and Southern Illinois area. The dinne r was sponsor ed He discussed the future of by the Southern Illinois and St, Louis professional c hapters of the press in the e lecrronic Sigma Deita Chi, the SlU e r a. Woods po inted () ur that the primed medium has sur­ unde rgr aduate chapter, pro­ vived and thrived through the fessional journalistic societ y. and t he Depanme nt of J our­ adve nt of radio and te le vision, and now faces prospective new nalism of SIU . ad vances in e lectronic com- The conference , hel d this munic ations . wee k' Jt Pe r e Marquette State "The press is kee ping up .parle near Grafton, closed Fri­ with the times. adoptfng :n-ew..l~:w.i ~: l a. cx;i.F:9ue of newspa­ technOlogies, and adjusting co per e ditO rial pages. CROWN--Jeanne Enel (white swim suit), Miss South· "Says he guesses "he'll an ever c hanging pattern in The international head­ have to quit school and take em of 1966. poses beside a QUincy swimming pool with ~hree which other media have places. quaners of the conference is a job as a construct ion work­ other contestants in the Miss Illinois contest. The winner will be too,' I he saId. at the 51U Department of e.r to get a parking place on named tonight. .- (AP Photo) In his expressed opimon, JouT'lalsim. . c·ampus. P.,. 2 DAILY EGYPTIAN Ker~r-Jells Tourism Investment Conference Of Plans for Southern Dlinois Development fe r s . Tourtsm councils have (Continu.d from Page I) " second, I promised to es­ tablish a Board of Economic been organized a nd tourist cal water resources at Rend Development which would trails have been established. It Lake-, Kaskaskia Valley. As­ maintain ap economic de­ Kerner said he has already line Valley and the Wabash velopme m bffice in Herrin. appr oved Illinois' application Valley. In. this, our progress This was done. to the Economic ~ve lopme nt Administration fo r a tec hnical has been substantial. Third. we set out to en­ assistance grant of $200,000 courage the expansion of to plan the development of growth industry and to aura~[ the rec reation complex near new industry to southern IllI­ nois. Expansion is still going Metrop::>lis. "Fon Mass ac will serve on. as a gateway to the Shawnee "Fourth, we decided that recre ation area and contribute new inte r state highway de­ to the his torical and c ultural velopment was e s sential to in­ imerests of our citizens," he dustrial development and said. tourism. Inte r state 57 I S near­ "The need exists for pro­ ing completion. viding these facilities," Ker­ Fifth, we nee ded to educ ate ner s aid, "not only fo r the our unskilled workers. This people of Illinois. but also for is now paying dividends al­ our neighbors from. sister though our work is far from s tates who can help the .. 15 S. IIlinoh complete . economy of illinoiS and the "Sixth, we needed to study profits of your bu s iness. I WALK IN SERVICE and promote the tremendous place the challenge of pro­ ..-call 457 -4525 tourism and rec reational viding these facilities before potential that thi s area of- you." Leasure Writes Article LAST TIMES J. K. Leasure, professor of TODAY plant industries, is the author Continuous from of an article, "A Logarithm ic ! :30 p.m . Step Sprayer, ,. in the s ummer issue of Down To Earth, a pub­ PERFORMANCE TONIGHT - - The Summer Mu sic Theater pro­ The story of what they lication of the Dow C he mical duction of "Once Upon a Mattress" will be presented tonight did to a kid ... Co. r evie wing progress in the at 8 and again Sunday night in Muckelroy Auditorium in the Ag­ use of agric ultural chem ical s. riculture Building. The musical !fin-the -round" will be repeated Aug. 5. 6 and 7 . Ti..::kets are on sale at the University Center information desk. 1118t8Ue WOOD Music Department Schedules CHRiStOPHer pwmmer Concerts, Workshop for Fall inSiDe DaisY"CLOVe'p An organ workshop, a c horal Webb, assist ant professor of clink, a program of oper a o rgan, Oct . 23; Homecoming excerpt s and two per ­ Concen, Oct. 29; a perfo r­ -' 8e~;' early bird! Attend the Sat. MATINEE formances of the oratoriO, mance by the Southe rn Illinois atl:30 and see a bonus feature, " GO GO "The Messiah." together with Sympnony Or c hestra, Nov. 9; a number of concen s have and a program by the Opera -·RliIIA". Don't forget, shown one time been scheduled by the Depan­ Workshop, directed by Mar­ only' at 1:30 ment of Music for the fall Jo rie Lawre nce , Nov. 13. quane r . A concen by the Unive r sity SIU will also be host to Symphony Nov. 16; piano con­ SUNDAY - MONDAY· TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY a district m eeting of the Illi­ cen by Steven Barwick. pro­ nois Music Education Asso­ fessor of music, Nov. 20; " The c iation Nov. 12, and will fur­ MessIah" by the So uthe rn nIi­ nish auditorium facilties for nols Or atorio Society. Dec. 3 seve r al concen s prese nted by and 4; and a Christm as pro­ the Car bolldale Community gram by the University School Concert. Association, in­ music depanment, Dec. 11. cluding one Oct , 3 by pianist r--~------'" Andre Watt s. T- d ' The c horal clinic will be 0 ay s held Oct. 8, the o rgan wo rk- s hop Nov . 5. Weather .. Concens include a Yo ury.g People ' 5 Concert Oct. 19 ; an iI£1lI){lJJ)«jlll1'tR LET'S GO! organ r ecital by Marianne i]iilfl)l'IIll.tlO< Cool jerk 1.0 a live(ver Daily Egyptian

RicARDO MONTALBAN live) band TONIGHT Publl~ht.:l In t h,· Depan m,·m .. 1 Journ~ l lsm lu.. "da) Ihroup.h 'iOi lurd Ol \ throughoul tlK. AGNESMOOREHEAD · CHADEVERETT at .~ct>t),.01 !f'C;U t . cept dUTl ng Un l~crS~I > ,·OIeOl­ lion p.: r iod~ . .. .. amlnJ110n ... eel-.~. and le!!,. " t Ol te m{'nls puDlu,hoed Ii<' TI:" do nol l'\E'ees !'i nl) rel lt.- >; I IIIe opinIOn Fair to slightly warm with "I the id m i m ~lra ll on Of any Qep;! rllnem 01 III.. U m~{'r~IIY · a high in the mid 90s. The F d llonal and b u ~l<\e,..~ a t/ICe,. loc llte d In BU11d 1nl/. T-.U. F I"eal officer. Howard R r ecor d high for this date is 1.onp: . fe le pho l"ll"" 4 ~3-23~ 4 . 11 0, r ecorded in 1934, and the Fdltort.11 Conl.-renet' lI os.t' ASlorlno. rtmoln) W Ay r.- f< . Pameli J. Glellton. Mll r · low is 43, set in 1947, accord­ lI aret Pcre l. Fd .... ard A. flapelr1. Roben D. ing to the SIU Climatology Retr.ekc, Jnd Michael Sc hwebel. Laboratory. N ~ b'::.tH~~~~~ .~o LF!_,. .~. ~ _"'I_~_ ' _ YOUR BEST BUY! course, expertly lighted for ~' .. ~ _ ~ SEE THE JAWA 05A TODAY night golfers. 3.5 ;I.P. ONLY 5139 .00 45 MPli ( PLUS FRT. AND TAX) ~i This is not a "gimmick" , but a golf course entirely illuminotec.l for those ltud~ts and who are busy during the day or who do not wish to chane. strokes and sunburn. Fairways range from 60 to 168 yards, so only irons need be utilized. Th is is the first golf course "under.the. lights" in Southern Illinois, and is a genuine boon to golfers . Also, for lin evening of fun and relaxation: (] • GOLF DRIVING RAIIIGE • GO-CART RACING "" _~-PUTT-AROUND GOlf • PADDLE BOATS

• PRO. GOLF LESSONS SPEEDE SERVICE "YOUR CYCLF. CDJTER" Riverview gar dens Rt . #lJ-EastofMurphysboro JACKSON CLUB ROAD ~MI. SOUTH OF OLD RT. 13 WEST J"I, 23, 1966 Plight of Poor EAST GATE THEATER . ~ Is TV Topic 457-5685 .. America-s Crises" takes a look a t ur ban pr oble ms, NOW tIuu WED! and will f ocus on the plight of the poor in the cities at 8: 30 p.m. Monday on WSlU-TV. Otber pr ograms: A~~* 4:30 p.rn ~kHlIDTlfE SA T URDA Y SUNDAY What'S New; A space discussion of gravity. Summe r Musical Theater will Summe r Mu s ic The ate r will pr e"se nt ° Onee U JX>n a Mat­ pre sent "Once Upon a M at­ 5 p.m. tr ess" at 8 p. m. in Muckle ­ tress" at 8 p. m. inMuckle ­ C him ney Cor ner : r oy A IJditori um of (he Agri ­ roy Audico r ium of the Ag r i ­ for children. culture Builjing. cul ture Building. 5:30 p. m. So uthern Players will present Will ia m Jacque Gray. Carbon­ l. CLARK DAVIS See the U . S. A.: "in Wh ite Ame r ica" at 8 dale , will pl ay in a s tude nt mu s ic r ecital at 3 p.m. in tr avel film s . p. m . i n the Playhouse. Davis' Condition Davis Audito rium. 6:00 p.m. A bu s excursio n [Q the Sr. A bus trip to Fountain Bluff Is 'Satisfactory' Loui s Bo tanical Gar dens Wi 1! leave at I :30 p. m. fr om Film F eature. leavi ng fro m in f rom of the in fro nt of the Uni vers ity I. Clark Davi s , assis tant Unive r s ity Cente r at 10 a.m. Center . to Ra lph W . Ruffne r , vice 8 p. m. pr esident for s tudent and"'B r ea Pass port 8, E xpedit ion: "Mus, ic and Yo uth at So ut he rn" " Weavers of Death." feature s a band conce rt at M ONDAY ser v ice s was in s atis fa ctory condition Friday at Doctors 7:30 p. m. in the ballroom Hos pita l. 8:30 p.m. of the Unive r s ity Center.· The Inte r - var s i[y Chris tian Fellows hip will meet in Davis was ad mined te the C ivil R i ght s: Summer ' 66. A ba nd da nce will be he ld in Room C of the UniversHy hospital Tuesday he is under­ the ballroom of the Uni­ Cente r at 11 :30 a.m. and going tests [Q dete rmine if he 9:30 p.m . ver s ity Center at 9 p. m. 7 p. m. has s uffe r e d a heart attack. contine ntal C ine ma; " With­ out Pity," the stOry of an American GI in who Author to Discuss Book on Algren hel ps a black m arket gang in or der to aid a girl who "Co nversations with Nelso n 1: 15 p.m. 9:37 a.m. Algren" will be discussed by Sunda y Mus icale: Music to Law in the News: Recent once saved his life. Ijii~;~iiifl author H.E.F. Dono hue on r e lax by on a Sunday after­ U.S. Supre me C OUrt de ­ " World of the Paperback" at noon. cisions on the " confession" noon teda y on W SIU Radio. ca ses. Other programs : 4 p.m. Sunday Concert. 10 a. m . 10 a . m. Pop Concert: Light cla ssi­ From Southe r n Illinois: 8 p. m . cal and semiclas s ical News , inte rviews, conver­ World Pea ce T hrough Law; mus ic. satio n and popular music . " The U.S. Mi s s ion to the Kosher Cor ned Beef U.N. Searche s for P eace " 3 p.m. featur e s Francis W . Car­ To Be Served Sunday News Report. pe nte r . its d ir e ctor of news The J e wi s h Swdent s As ­ services. socia[ion will hold a koshe r 3:10 p. m. corned beef d inne r at 6: 30 p. m. Spectrum. Sund ay at the organization's 8:35 p.m. cenfer, 803 S. Washington Ave . 7 p.m. Master s of the Oper a: P r e ­ Br oadway Beat: T he ori­ sents the life and work of ginal casts and dialogue of some of the world' s gr eat '"' EGYPTIAN ~.. :~ . : Broadway pr oductions . ope ra(ic com po ser s .

8:4U p.m. 10:30 p. m. Rt. 148 . Herri n T he T wo Worlds of Jazz: Ne ws Report. Gate op ens at 7:45 p.m. Nat He moff , Father Norman Show storts at du sk. J . O' Connor, P aSlOr John p.m. Gensel. 11 Nocturne : Light claSSICS. 10:30 p.m. News Repon. Monda y II p. m. Swing Easy: Cool, r esn ul P syc holugIcal Fonitude ­ sounds fo r a Saturday e ve n­ A Gr ea t Need" will be fea ­ ing. tured t on .. Date line: The Wor ld' " at 7 p.m. toda y on Sunda y WSIU Radio. Alfr ed Jones, psychologis t " Special of the Week" fea ­ and codirec tor of The Me nt a l rures J a mes B. Donova n, nOled He allh Cons uharion C ente r , attorney and a uthor, In a r e ­ wil l le ad the diSC USti lon. cor ded s peech at the Univer­ Othe r pr ogr ams : sity of MI chigan. The ta lk, which de a ls wit h Incide m s in his career in im e llige nce wor k: PROMPT SERVICE and in pr ivat e pr acti ce, will be pr e s e med at 7 p. m. Sunda y on I\. oda r o lo r -R la c k a nd WSIU Radio. Other programs : While .. .deve lopin!!

10:25.a.m. a nd pri n l in/! Non Sequitur: Da vid Brook, SIL: studcm, selects mus ic Univer ~ ity Rexall a nd word r ecor dings. Uni versit y Drugs

12:30 p.m. In s ur.ed by Lloyd s of l ondon News Report. • modern equi pment CAMPUS SHOPPING pleasa nt OPEN 1~Of!S • atmosphere CENTER • dOles ~ p lay frH Pholte .. 6 . ; BILLIARDS 549-2835 Campus Shopping Cent.r Open 7 days 'a week ,..... July,ll, 1966 "Daily E,orp~i~n ~~.~rial ~~ge'. ,_ '\'v .~ ~ '\. R- - ,-, ~ ":. ,, '-. " , Rise of Dueling, Beer Bouts Cause Concern in GerTitany

By 'Thomas Nuzum diplomatic corps consist of fighting in anger·, .. said one. Cdpley News Service "old gemletnen'~ who promote " When we mus t c ross swor ds you nger fraternity brothers. with a youth from another BONN; -The complain nonfra ternity stu- Burschenschaft, Landsmann­ resurgence of dueling and beer dents. ~ scbaft o r Turne rschaft (types bouts in German universities The poblid.tion complained of corporations ), we a re petri­ is alarming Ii be r.a I srudents, that cOrporations are using the fied with fear I'WI we will Swords and beer steins are same old "beer bibles " (song become laughings tocks by get­ being · wi~ .\ded by the same books) with verses like ting. a scar that show~. Luckily "corp:;r;aUpns," '(fraternities) "Every' Frenchman s hould be we are only required to fight blamed ' Ibr" glorifying mili­ called Enemy. every German twice during our university . tarism in. me past and bel ping should be called Friend; the careers. pave [tie w~y for Hitler's rise highes t 'hell' is made with the "We have been debating for [Opow~F' ~: • sword; let's go to baule and a long time whether to put Corporations form~rly w,e re death for the fatherland." a,way our swords. But if we bastions of the upper classes. Dueling has come back even did we would be expelled from Their :',(O..l\eS" (freshmen) and in the ne wl y founded Free the national fe deration of "old gentlemen" (old grads) Univer s ity of Berlin, where Burschenschaften. were 3l'!tilabor. ami-intel ­ corporations are banned. Two comestams of equal lectual; . amifemini !';(, a nti­ "The (act that a social group ability stand only a s word­ Semitic 'a nd believed foreign­ may s hed blood in the middle length apart. They wear heavy ers were inferior co the of peacetime shows everybody padding and fa ce masks, They Germ'ffilmasrer race. charges the privileged s tatus of this are forbidden to move a.ny pan (he l~~ ~ t i ssue of the Bonn group," said the magazine. of the body except the s word student ~gazine. AKUT. , When thi s reJX)rter visited a arm . Dueling wa s forbidden after due ling fraternit y house, he My informants dis closed No Hook-Up Problem Nazi Germany's ' defeat in expec te d ro see scar-faced s ome secondar y reasons for World War I I. But s[udem s brutes. Instead. he was r e­ not hanging up their swords: caught at it were freed by ceived by a pair of s le nder "Fighting builds up our Seen for Luci's Gown judges who were "old gentle­ youths who w id him rhat they community spirit. When a man men." They ruled that dueling raised s word s mainl y ro de­ By A rthur Hoppe tinctty recalled the nationwide mus t c ross s words, the o ther publicity when it was revealed was only a sporL Half fend democ r acy. faxes gather a r ound and fear (San Francisco Chronicle) [he country's judges and "We would neve r dream of he designed the eye of Mrs. for him. Kennedy's inaugural gown. "Sword prac ti ce F;iv es us WASHINGTON - Prepara­ Would he mind comparing•. • Army Seeking More Nurses, something to do. Dueling il" "I cenainly would," said s afe r than boxing or rugby [ions are moving ahead for the s imple fa mi ly wedding of Miss Mr. P ettibone. glancing ner­ football. I~ o win p: o n the Hhine vousl y over his shoulder. Launches National Campaign would me an tipping over fre­ Luci Johnson to Mr. Patric k Nugenl. "But off the record, you might The Army wams ro double as warrant office'r s. With quemly in the wa ves. Invitations have gone out to say the e yes of the previous itS Nurse Corps in the next three o r four yea r s of col­ .. A([ er a duel (he advcr­ [heir 700 closest fr iends . The Administration \qere perhaps year, bU[ so far isn't having lege, they can qualify for ~ aries drink a co upl e of bee r ~ White House is iss uing dail y more brilliant, more cosmo­ muc h lucie.. commissions. lO~e th e r. They a re supposed to press releases. And we ace polit an. while the eyes today The Army is running into be blood buddies for life but Today the Nurse Corps news men are foraging fe ve r­ are mor e American, more c ounts up to 4 ,000. The Army tough co mpetition in the ra ce u ~ ua ll y never see e :J l.: h orher ishly ro rerrer our yer unpub ­ sincere, mo re, if you will, wants anothe r 4,000 in the to line up thousa nds of nurses. again. So me of our o ld gemle­ folksy." next 12 .months and has The othe r armed services a re mC'n dre disgusted a bout our lished de tail s for a waiting I said I wouldn't quote him world. There aren't m any lefr. launched a nationw ide ca m ­ rec ruiting, 100, a nd so are di s likC' fo r ~ w o r ds . " on thar. paign [Q achie ve this goa l. thou s ands of c ivilian hos pitals Foxc~ gather in taverns ;If But through an incredible Orginally the Army Nurse a round the na tion. It see m s night [Q drink beer, T he y r abe s troke of good fortune. I was Corps was comprised of onl y that nursi ng has los t s ome s te ins ;Jn d say , "A llow me the able to obt a in an exclU Sive in­ commissione d office r s. Now of it s gloss as a profession. hono r of a he ft y gulp to yo ur terview with Mr. Home r T. After I'd thanked him pro­ young women with only two [he Army concedes . hta lth," ta ke J s m all l" wig, Pe ttibone , president of The fusely, he went off to appear years of coll ege nurses ' train­ rai se the s t e in ~ again, and re­ Pettibone Hook & Eye Mfg, Co, ing can come into [he Army Copley News Se rvice pl an:- them on rhe table. on "Meet the Press, "Face the Na tion" and the "Ed I HEARD THERE ARE A LOT OF FOREIGN STUD ENTS HERE . Sullivan Show," happil y sing­ "In the long hislOryof Pe tti ­ ing hi s firm theme song, "The bone Hook 8. Eye, this, I think Eyes of Perrioone Are UPO!1 I may say without fear of con­ YO;J." tradiction," said Mr. Pe tti­ As for me , I set out to un­ bone proudly, "is our finest earth the only unpublis hed hour. " s tory-an interview with the "The r umors are rrue, man who made [he hook. But rhen ... ·l .said. my heart leaping I couldn't find him. 1 think. the up. "You did manufac ture opposition has him stashed the hook and eye for the back away tn a roll - top desk. of Miss Johnson' s wedding gown." Oh, we ll, it isn't every day "Only Ihe eye," he said we ace newsmen in Wa shingtol'\ modestl y. "The contrac t for get a story like thiS. Even the hook was let to a Texas though it's every day we try. firm. But we have been in constam joint- planning ses­ s ions to make s ure one dove­ Change Hoped rails perfectl y with the other." "But s till," I s aid, ill con­ For Peking cealing my awe, "to be r e ­ ~ponsib!~ for the very eye The crisis (in ) has u self. .. been precipitated by the con­ "The challenge ha s been a vergence of two factors: the grave one," agreed Mr. Petti­ impending death of Mao, and bone, nodding somberl y. "Nor the calam itOus decline in Chi­ only did the eye have [Q be an na's influe nce in the' world aesthe;ic mas te r pi e ce-a over the las t e ighteen months, highw.:ater ma rk in Amedcan A .s imilar s ituation a ro se in eye deSign-but it had {Q be Russia at the twilight of Sta} faultless ly constructed to lin) reign. The battle between meet the stresses and s trains dogmatist and technoc r at is on, that will inevitabl y be placed and soone r or late r the tech­ upon it. You can imagine nocrat seems bound to win, the dire consequences s truc ­ as he did in RUSSia. tural failure would bring." This is perhaps unlike l y to Mr. Pettibone s huddered. "On lead to any early weakening network televis ion. roo. But in China' s global activities; we feel confident our metal­ a change in methods seems lurgists, design e ngineers and mo r e probable. with greater structural steel s ubcontr ac­ e mphasis on efficiency. tors have met these 'chal'­ MeanwhUe, the west's best lenges. We hope." hope is for an e volution 3Oal­ Well, I said, it wasn't as agous to that of RUSSia from though he was inexperienced 1953 to ! 963,- The Statist, in these ticklish jobs. I dis- . DAILY ! EGYJOT~ , .------_..•. ,Graves Says -'\


Investors' Aid ApJX)intme nts for job i4fl terviews s hould be made ThE! Illinois Department of with Placement Service in Anthony Hall as soon as Business and Economic De­ JX)s s ible. velopment will strive to develop tourism and recrea- Tuesday . tion In southern Illinois. To do so, howeve r. help RYDER TRUCK LINES, INC., Jacksonville, fla.: is needed from private inves­ Seeking business administration, industrial engineering tors and Checchl and Co. of and transportatJon majors for JX)sitions in sales and , Washington. D. C,., Gene management. ' . Graves, the depanment direc­ tor, "it'd at the Southern Illi­ ., Wednesday nois TOUrism Investment Con­ ference held Friday In the BEST FOODS DMSION OF CORN PRODUCTS, St. Unlverslry Center. Louis: Seeking business, liberal arts and sc~~,nce The conference discussed Conti, en tPlM adri d" majors for positions in sales and sales manag~:rp~nt. the potentials for tourism de­ ---NADA DE LLAMAR A UN TAXI. BASTANTE HEMOS GASTADO velopment In Southern IllI~ YA HOY . GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION, Flint, Mich.: nols presented In the Checchl Seelc1ns general business, accounting, and engineering report, which gave detailed Corunca a au Vecino majors for positions In administration and supervlston : listings and appraisal of area of production. . · I~\ '~';~:, projects. There- were also panel discussions and an ad­ SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, Payfu e~i dress by Gov. Otto Kerne r. 'Mi Media Naranja' Cente r, : Seelc1ng candidates for positions In Graves pointed out that his claims . claims representative, field repre sentative., depattment has the r espons i­ benefit examiner and other related tpositions. Almost ·· bility Hof looking out for the Segfin la tradici6n e ste reoti­ las nec esidades de la educa­ all majors are eligible to apply. . economic welfare of all areas pada del latinoamericano 0 del c ion en su sentido mas amplio: of our state and de veloping and espanol, el hombre gobierna la esc uela, la dive rsl6n, la SWIFT AND CO., Chicago: Seeking candidates \\li/I1 .':' en e l hagar. e s el r ey de su promoting the state 's touris m vida social, la r ellgi6n . . .. majo rs in agriculture . chemistry, mathe matics ~nq dominio, el que manda y a potentials whe never they may As( es que la conduct;l,.del bus iness for positions in agricultural che mical s al e~ , exist." qulen

) VISIT GUITAR WORLD Parker Music Compang 606 East Main{East of i:ngles) Call 9.23~2 THIS FALL LIVE. SPACIOUS COMFORT! • Accessories II Stevenson Arms, the new dorm for men at Mill and Poplo. offers: full 3(ock! · Mus ic· ·Less~s· ·Comfortable, beautifully furni5hed rooms -Located right next to compu5 Cibson . CrCl c h F en d t' r .H a&t'rslrom Com' ~lete line of .'rin5l s ·Top quality food *Color TV * ~r-conditi f. nin,~ H.rmo n l • T t'mpo *Spaciou. -!f!,eati~~1 ~~"$ Ciannin i .• Ka .... a i MOST COMPLETE STOCK BETWEEN CHICAGO & W.B. GILE MEMptllS APPLICATIONS NOW BEING 549-2755 TAKEN FOR FALL S12 W. Main

, ~ ...... , "' DAILY EGypnAM Jwly 23. 1966 £~ve~~u( Riou Ciaim Rusk Invites Third Life; 30 Injured S&viets,to Call , Ohio (AP)-. Winchester, 54, was felled by Talks Gunfire Friday took the third a bullet near a bus stop about WASHINGTON (AP) - Sec­ Ufe since rioting exploded four three miles from the troubled retary of State Dean Rusk: call­ days ago In a Negro slum and center of Hough. >d on the Fri­ blazed Into a nlgbtly guer­ Before he died, Winchester jay to Join with Britain In r1lla warfare by fire bomb­ gaaped that his assallant was reconvening the Geneva con­ Ing arsonists. a white man, shooting from ference to discuss a peace­ "We are fighting a guer­ a car. (ul settlement of the Viet Nam rilla war." said Col. Roben A few hours later, Negro confilct. Canterbury'. commander of Councilman M. Morris Jack­ Britain and the Soviet Union nearly 2,000 National Guard son called on Mayor Ralph are cochairmen of the 14-na­ troops called up I ast Tues­ S. Locher to demand martial tlon body which met at Geneva day after t"(o nights of wild law for the riot-struCK area in 1954 and 1962 to discuss rioting by Negroes. after violence had left three Southeast Asia. As the fire bomb attacks dead, more than 30 Injured In an address to tbe In­ lulled during tbe day, Police and heavy, continuing prop­ ternational Platform Associa­ CWef Richard Wagoer dis­ erty damage. tion, Rusk said repeatedly the closed at a news conference Locher conferred with Na­ Geneva meetings are the most his men .had found a make­ tional Guard officers and pol­ suitable machinery for peace sht;..flre bomb school. Ice officials. Then he an­ talks, provided both sides live The "thIrd killing came at nounced that a curfew and up to their promises. dawn. A Negro man, Samuel martial l aw still was unde r He sald the recent Warsaw consideration but no action Pact communique called for had been decided upon. compliance with the 1954 An 850- man guard unit from 'agreement. the CI, veland area was pulled "We agree with that, but home rom sum mer training we assume that others also Rentals camp at Camp Grayling, will comply-let us get on Mich., 24 hours ahead of the with It." Rusk said. original schedule. An aide of "We have tried in every • Refrigeratc;rs Gov. James A. Rhodes said way we know to engage the in Columbus there we r e no _-Lc...;;;.:lU!,:::~-:--:-~::::-::''''' other side In negot1a~ions for plans to use the Guardsmen L a peace settlement," he said. • TV's in Cleveland Has of now. " Loche r said he expected in­ 'World Is Round' Military May Use • Ranges creased lawlessness over the weelcend. He said he had taken La~er Light Soon • Washers ample precautions, but would Astronauts Glad to Return; not elaborate. WASHINGTON (AP)-Years The police chief said he was of research with devices us­ convinced that fire bombs Now Begin lO-Day Review ing highly concentrated light were being manufactured at beams Is about to payoff with an East Side house used by CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) Force major told the launch military hardware, it was Wiiliams crews. learned Friday. a militant Negro group. -Bubbling with praise for the STORE Fire has wrought heavy launch team that helped them felt' s certainly nice to be The first gear to use lasers 1 12 S. ILLINOIS 7·6656 damage in widely scatte r ed r ewrite space record books. back," noted Navy Cmdr. will be rangefinders for ar­ areas. In four nights, firemen the Gemni 10 astronauts flew Young. "We were up over tille ry forward observers, answe r ed ne arly 250 calls. to Cape Kennedy Friday and 400 miles and Columbus was Army scientists said. began 10 days of brainstorm­ right-the world is round." In the meantime, military ing sessions that will fill in scientists are pushing work More than 200 persons-in­ which could lead to a JX>S­ the gaps of their adventure. cluding a delegation of con­ sible death ray type of weapon "We had a very inte rest­ gressmen from' the House In the laser family. ing and I think ve ry success­ subcommittee On man n ed ful mission:' said Gemni 10 But this work is being car­ space flight-met the r eturn­ riech on unde r supersecret TO GET YOU TO CHURCH ON TIME ... command pilot John W. ing astronauts after a 91- Young. minute helicopter flight from conditions . The term laser, covering focused beam de­ "It looks like we got 100 the prime recove ry ship Guad­ vices, comes from the first per cent mor e than we alcanal. thought," agreed Donald K. letters of the technical de­ Slayton, direcror offlight crew The 35-year-old s pace men scription "light amplification operations. brought back a bundle of space by stimulated e mission of rad­ "Those things which we fefirsts" -including an alti­ iation:' each Sunday aI9:00·9:30·10:00·10:30A.M. were able to do on the flight tude record, mOSt time link­ Basically it involves the were the direct result of aU ed with another satellite, us­ generation of light in a very the superb work that was done ing powe r from a captured sat­ narrow beam, focused to tre­ CARBONDALE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION here at the Cape," space walk­ ellite to drive through the mendous energy intensities. e r Michael Collins, an Air skies, first dual rendezvous, As far back as 1962, Gen. first time anyone has gone Curtis E. LeMay, then Air outside the spacecraft more Force chie f of staff, spoke than once on a s ingle mis­ publicly of the possibility of To place YOUR ad, use this handy ORDER FORM s io'l and first time a space "beam-directed ene rgy weap­ ,..,.,M",mv AOVERTISING RATES INSTRUCTIONS fOR COMPLETING ORDER walker has r etrieved an ob­ ons" that might be used in · C ..... ol • •• '.<"0'" I.~ ... . . "1 b .. I1 ...... ' p." ject from another satellite. -:1 1)AY 10< pr' I .... · ~:. ..:. ::::!.I \C APIT Al Lf. TTER~ J OAYI 60 ',.. ,. •• On. ,...... b,.... I. " •• p.' .p.". O . ... ' ...... p .., •• I• • p .... " .... , _ I OArI 80< p~ I .... ~ , p .'0. ... b .. ,_ .. ., .. _ • • d . Little Brown Jug C ..." • .... . p ..... I,. 1.. , .. 00,. ' .. 11 I, .. .. DEADLINES · /tI ,. ... ,._.. ,.'b ...... "d .. d,l.d , .< ..... II .. d • 0 • .1 . E~ " , ..... ' ..., ... , ..... " ...... , •• 'u· ..... "' rd 'h .... ~o ...d . '_0 d .... p .. o . '0 p"bl.«".o" .d''''',. ,,,,c09' Little Brown Jug T ... . od. f " do, Little Brown Jug I DAILY EGYPTIAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM Mo d o.d~. I•• ", .,th •• ""n .. ne., to Dod,. E'llrpl,on. 81d9 T ·48 , SIU NAME OA TE ______

ADDRESS PHONE 1010 2 ~ KIND OF AD 3RUN AD 4 CHECK ENCLOSED D Fo. Sol.. O E",plo, ... ~". 0 p~,~,o"o l o I DAY o )Dns FOR '.' ...... " o FOI-.RC" 1 "'o" tcd LJ Sc'''''''_''- ..... 1· ... 1. ,,.,,1 ...... b., o' I. .. ~, ' . ~ ' ''' '." .. '" '.H, o . . .. d . < . . .. d .... d .. , 'a ' '' ' ,. o ' I ' 0 . J 1', 0; DAYS r ' ~M' l' l r ,~~ O E"I • •to ' " .... "1 Ofl~,.d .. I • • r l, ...... ·,. ••• •• ., a •• ' .. '0 1 ... . ' ,\' 00 nART _ _ _ , ~ , 0 a ' _ 0 " Mr a" ',., , ... r, ., •• , ,a " . D H~ lp WOn led OWon,.d .'0. ..!." .•. 1 ...... ,., . ) 1 !O UIO • • " .. , .. , ...... '." '.' .... ,, ' . 60 •

1.., ' ,-, ' I Ibnr " ~3, 1966 DAlLY,I:GYPTIAM NCAA Adopts Coed, S9j~aJJ Sp'!ts..,~~l~ PJl'!~; Optiottat,tRulWs 'A' Team Stands Undefeated It Iso't too Iste to begin Team B lost to the Chatter­ . playing In tbe sru women's boxes, with the A team whip­ For Baseball softball program this sum­ ping the Murpbysboro Sham­ Tbe NCAA Rules Commit­ mer. that is, if you are a rocks. tee has Introduced a number C9'!d. The women practice at tbe of optional rules for college The two teams In tbe pro­ University Scbool diamond, baseball that should speed up gram, playing no more than from 6 to 8 p.m. ' T uesday and Thursday. Home games the ball games. one game a week, have several Tbe rules, to be adopted games lined up for the are played here on either of In the 1967 season, maybe summer. tbe two evenings at 6 o'cJO!

The High Shoppers Attend Muny Opera;' School Journalists See KSD, Post Over I Da Communications Dispatch plain. The tour in­ W or k s ho pper ~ travel ed to St. cluded editorial r ooms, com­ Loui..; Monda y , J uly 18, [ 0 ~sing r ooms, and the press arr>?nd the Muny Opera pro ­ rooms. Saturday, July 23, 1966 Written c.JcI EJiteJ by Journalism Workshop Students Pag.8 duc tion of " A ye A ye Birdie. " Fo r the r e maining two hours Jou , aalism s tude nt s left earl y srudent s had a chance to see [Q have l ime [Q tour co m ­ the cit y on their o wn. muni : Jtians fa c ilitie s in (he The bu s the n took the jour­ bi~ : iry. British Editor Speaks to Journalists nalism work shopper s to For ­ For the Jou r nalis m people est Pa rk . whe r e they joined "Love is {he mainspring of Mary." en r oute to Amenca papers rather than the evll. a I rip to the K SD te levi sio n the e ntire universe, " sa id earlI er this m onth. She ar­ Her i deas ha ve c aught on. rhe other work shop student s st udiO was f irs! on the ag~nda. who arr i ved for a box supper Britis h editor Mrs . Ka yC lem­ ranged fo r a 20- mlnute in­ Recent l y the usuall y sensa­ Ther e they wer e the audienc e s uppl ied by SIU. etson [Q a group of women tervi e w with Graham, giving tional London Dall y Mirro r f or the "Noon Show." journalisls at the SIU Student her a .. scoop " for her re-oricntalcd its poliCi es to­ Stude nt s witnessed a live A lour of the Muny Opera Center J uly 15 . new spape r, ward good ne ws. I[ began ne wscast given by JohnO'Dcll followed dinner. At 8:15 [he This s ilve r - c urle wspa­ Mrs . C lernel son wa s amazed a SeTiCS of arti c l es on youths fro .n (he K SD ~fud i o. Follow­ ,Muny production of "Bye Bye per ediwr-publisher from when Graha m tO l d her (har 50 who arc he lping [Q ben er life i ng t he new!'=, the "Noon Show" Birdi e," starring Gr et chen Tunbridge We lls, England, per (em of his Engl i sh audi ­ b y dl ffere m wa ys throughout bc gJ'1. Wyl er and DiCK Patterson, went on {O e xpress her hopes encL'S al a crusade earlier the wo rld. After t h(> program . the began. that through an e mphasi 5 on thI s momh WL' n -' teenagers . Mrs. C l emetsan, who is a sh o ~p :" r s we r e free [Q eat lunch After the pe rformance, the "the c onstruc tive and better In this "bewilderi ng age for m ember of the Press Council at J ny of the many restaurants buse s took the students back things of life" in the ne wspa ­ kids " shl' think s "gambling, of Great 8ritain, announced in S1. L o ui s. to Carbondale . The follo wing pers, the r eade r s will becomc drugs , crime, m orE:" money that (he t I m e has come for a At 2:30 Me. Roberr Specht, day classes for the summer accustom ed to hearing about and shon er hours equals a Wor l d Socler y. "1 want [Q do publI C rel ations r epresenta ­ school student s did not stan good insLead of L'vil. l ack of purpose" in E ngland's all i possi bl ycanlnthe 'garden tive for the St. L ouis P OS t ­ until 10:30, giving workshop­ Mrs. C l e metson also SPOkL' yo unge r set. o f Engl and' through m y papers Dispatch, guided the journal ­ pers two "extra" hours of of (he new imponant r o l e of The past presi dem of Great to bring it about." ism st udents through the Post - sl eep. women In the fiel d of commun­ Bri taIn' s E di t c. r s Guild i sn't iCalio!ls. Beca use women have 100 worried, though. S¥ re­ "an inne r sensilivit y and m embe r s readi ng a work of Workshoppers Plan Future Activities underl ying qualit ies of l ove," Socrat es. who wa s also co m ­ she fee l s that they make beneT plaIning about the errors of Many program:,; have been The Oral Inte rpretation di ­ we nt to Gi ant Cit y Thursday, reponers. his younge r set. pl anned by ce nain depan­ vision presented "Deluge" J ul y 21. to participate in an One vital talent of a journ­ am.. o f Mrs. C l c m et son's m c nts o f the Com munic ations Thursday. , and "Grass e liminati o n round. Fin a I alist is being able to be greatest dream s I S the even­ Workshop in anticipation o f Harp" Friday, Jul y 22. "Chit­ r ounds of rhe debares will be aggressive without be Ing an­ [Ual e volution o f what s he the final days o f the wo rk­ ty-Chitty-Bang-flang," by Ian held Monday, " Jul y 25, i n rhe noying, she explaIned. names a "World Soc icty." shop. Flem ing. will be presented for Libra!)1 Audito rium. Mrs. C lemetson said thar People wo uld be more con­ the entire Commun ic at ion Cunin gs from cenain plays she and B illy G r aham wer e on cerned with hea r ing about the POp Popular at SIU Wo rk shop in the Library Audi­ will again be pr esented next torium Wednesday, . week by the members o f the the same ship, t he "Queen good i n t he world in the'ilews- Pa:-ents m ust ofren wo nde r T wo-man de Theater w h l~ re Si l l s(U d e nt ~ spend rheir­ money. A Journal su r vey last week provided a part i al an­ " wer, at least i n hOl weathe r. Considerable money goes for :-;ofr drtnk s . .-\ ( Tho mpson' s Store in BJrrack s T - .\ 2 JUSt nonh o f the ~ Iu de nt Ce nter. Mr. T r o­ baugh, , rhe o wne r, i n..: r ea:-:;ed hi s orde r s to 14 C3sE's of Coke dnd Pepsi every (wo d ay ~ . T he Stude nt U nion snack bar probabl y i s the c ampu s " best selle r" of W ft drink s. Last week food personne l we r e kept busy, dai l y se rving about 1, 100 glasses of Pepsi, 100 glasse s of Teem, about 700 e ight -ounce glasses of milk, and about 750 eight-o unce glasses of fruit drink.

W orkshop J ournal Staff

Man aging Editor • • .• Linda Bro wn Feature Editor.. • St eHie Wright News EdftOl .• . Mark Dorsey NO THING IS BETTER than a free watermelon feast on a hot day. Photo Editor. • • . Carol Works hoppers Mark Dorsey (left). JoAnn Peterson, f)iane " atthew~, SOME YOLK'--Workshoppers Judy Shepard (left), George Doug· Roberts Diana Hall and Linda Brown take advantage of the Student Activi­ las and Sid Faulkenbeny tested the II fryability" of an egg during Lay-ou[ Edi tor • • •• Alvin ty Comm ittee1s attraction Wednesday , . just north of the SIU's l 08-degree weather ~ ast week. Bronstein Student Union,