Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966 7-23-1966 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 23, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1966 Volume 47, Issue 188 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 23, 1966." (Jul 1966). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1966 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1966 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Edi0riou Page 4 SOU THER N LLINOIS UN IVER S ITY Volume 1.7 Ca,bondol., III. Solu,day July 23, 1966 Humb.r 188 Gov. Kerner to Bolster Area Touri~m * Plans for Massac Bus Ser~ice Told to Investors Gov. Dno Kerner announced May Cease in hi s address to the South­ ern illinOis Tourism lnvest­ T he summer bus service that was star t ed on a tempo­ mem Confe r e nce Friday that rary basis two weeks ago has he will seek $1 million in general revenue fund$ from been operating 31 a 90 per cent de fi cit, according (0 Bob the next Illinois Gene.u.l As ­ sembly for deveJopmem of Drinan, student body presi­ demo Fon Massac State Park near Metropolis . "We have onl y been getting The projecl, wh ich could about $2 per day from fares result i n the c r e ation of 800 and it is costi ng us $30 a day job opportunities, will be pan to run (he service," Drinan of the drive to develop the said. " At this rate it is costing tOUrl!;im and (ravel industry almost $1. 25 pe r person per in Southe rn Illinois, ride. Ke r ner s poke to de le gates " This seem s ver y unfair [0 in the University Cente r Ball ­ PUt [he burden on the stude nt roo m a s part 0 1 the day- lo ng body as a whol e when the conference t h a t inc lude d ave rage taxi ca b fare IS 50 or m e e [i n g :.:. and discussion 60 cems, t. he said. groups . Swdem governme nt, which " , need not r e mi nd you r eceives subs idy from st ud ent that (he rouri s m and [rave l aClivl[Y fees, must make up i ndustry i s one of the fast ­ pan of the defic it. e st growing indus (ri e~ in the United States tOday," Kerne r " It wil l beenrire l youl of the said. question to CO ntinue thi s ser­ The i ndu Sl r y' S reve nu e vi ce unless the student suppon r eache d an a ll - time high of is more significant," h e said. $33 billio n last year . to "Unless we ge t comme nts and Ke rner said t har sourhern s ugge sllons concerning the Illinoi s could e xpand i ts $25 bus schedulc or r out e , We will million annual lOuris r - r ec­ discontinue the service.' reation bu s ine::.s five fo ld in 10 Drinan said st ude nt s will be years-to a pore mial of $12 3 notified a week 10 advance , if million. the service IS stOpped. " We have cominua l s uppon and inLerCSI i n soulhc- r n Illi ­ " It wa s imposslbl .... 10 gl-' t a nois , " he said. "Invest ing in cheaper bid for The Sl-'r VICl-' , SO Ulhe rn illinois is a solid and The COSI IS t npk Ihat of last PAUSE THA T REFRESHES-- Mainlenance of a city waler pump, the University is using sound bUSiness venture . It i s year becaus ~ [he compames worker J oh n Roach services the pump used to la ke wa ler ralher Ihan city water 10 keep its an area thai Just five yea r s have been for ced ( a up lh ~tr draw water from Ih e Lake-on ·the-Campus to Wd' laW n" cmd trees al ive dutlnR the hot weathe r. ago was be set by economic prices," he said. ter SIU's thirsty lawns. Becaus(' of <4 breClkdown ( Pho to by J ohn R::tran) problems Ihal see med insu r­ ,. The 1 eason that we pr o­ O ffi ci a l Ch a lien!!es J ou rnali. ls mountable . .. vided the bus scrv]ct..' for t he "Farl y In 1901 the s ituation summer was the r equests w as c ritica l. ThIrty - s ix from sl ude nts, If the many who Press Must Adjust to Changing Pattern counries we r e designate d as said they wame dtheservi ce do de pressed a re a s by the Ar ea: nOt r espond to thiS minima l Redevc lopmt"n t Ad minis tra ­ arrangeme m, it will be im­ tion. Today, only 12 of tilese poSSIbl e 10 provide the service To Continue Vital Role in Electronic Age counties re main on s uch a on a full sca le ," Drinan said. lis!. " he said. The printcd ne ws med i3 ha s r t.~ c t o r of the U, S, Information exposure of per sons [Q a ne ws "Unless we can get s pecifl<': a continued vital role pro"idl'd Agency. medium e ncourages their par­ "We acco mpli s he d this be­ guarantees from the serviced they adjust to [he altt' ring pat ­ Thi~ was [ h(' message o f tic ipation in othe r me dia. cause we sat do wn and drew up realistic goals. II was a are as. the buses will not con- te rn in l:ommUni c3tion s , Howa rd 13 . Woods, who s pok c' " Electroni c age o r not, it is t('3m e ffo rt that i s s till s how­ unue runnIng, according ro the associat l..' di- Thursday night at the annua l nO( a c ho iced between t he I ng result s. ': s ubscription dinnl-'r and Icc­ primed wo rd and te lecommun_ turt> o f the Inte rnational Con­ Kerner c ite d s ix goals (hat Ica[iOn s. As ne w media appe ar we re set in a s tatewide at ­ f(' r (' nc L' o f Weekl y News pape r on the com munications scene . te m pt (Q Imrrovc conditions. Ec.Ji to r s . It wa s he ld in St. they have al ways caused- and "F I r st , we ple dged to con­ Cha rles, Mo . • as a feature of will always c aU SC - a r e adjust­ serve and de ve lop our c riti­ the annual confere nce. me nt in the total pattern. The Woods wa s editor of t he St. ne w one does not destroy the (Continued on Page 2) L ouis Ar gus fo r 15 yea r s prior old o ne . [ 0 hi s appointme nt in March, H At the same time , if the 1965 , [0 his prescnt po s ition Gus Bode ol d one is not to die , it must with [he USI A. adjus t to the alte ring pattern. His appear ance Thurs day And it must take for itself night wa s before [he weekly what the new media hay.e to e ditors , and journalism col­ offe r," Woods said. le agues from the St. Louis and Southern Illinois area. The dinne r was sponsor ed He discussed the future of by the Southern Illinois and St, Louis professional c hapters of the press in the e lecrronic Sigma Deita Chi, the SlU e r a. Woods po inted () ur that the primed medium has sur­ unde rgr aduate chapter, pro­ vived and thrived through the fessional journalistic societ y. and t he Depanme nt of J our­ adve nt of radio and te le vision, and now faces prospective new nalism of SIU . ad vances in e lectronic com- The conference , hel d this munic ations . wee k' Jt Pe r e Marquette State "The press is kee ping up .parle near Grafton, closed Fri­ with the times. adoptfng :n-ew..l~:w.i ~: l a. cx;i.F:9ue of newspa­ technOlogies, and adjusting co per e ditO rial pages. CROWN--Jeanne Enel (white swim suit), Miss South· "Says he guesses "he'll an ever c hanging pattern in The international head­ have to quit school and take em of 1966. poses beside a QUincy swimming pool with ~hree which other media have places. quaners of the conference is a job as a construct ion work­ other contestants in the Miss Illinois contest. The winner will be too,' I he saId. at the 51U Department of e.r to get a parking place on named tonight. .- (AP Photo) In his expressed opimon, JouT'lalsim. c·ampus. P.,. 2 DAILY EGYPTIAN Ker~r-Jells Tourism Investment Conference Of Plans for Southern Dlinois Development fe r s . Tourtsm councils have (Continu.d from Page I) " second, I promised to es­ tablish a Board of Economic been organized a nd tourist cal water resources at Rend Development which would trails have been established. It Lake-, Kaskaskia Valley. As­ maintain ap economic de­ Kerner said he has already line Valley and the Wabash velopme m bffice in Herrin. appr oved Illinois' application Valley.
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