HOME ASSIGNMENT PART 9 (CHAPTER 1) (HISTORY) SHORT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q1. What was Feudalism? Ans. 1.It was a system of organizing early or medieval society. 2. Stretching from one power for, wealthy person to those with no power at all. 3. Land was granted in return for labour services. Q2. What does the term “Subsistence Crisis “ means? Ans. It is an extreme condition where the basic means livelihood are endangered? Q3. Based on the French constitution of 1791,who were known as ‘active citizens ‘? Ans. 1. Those who were entitled the vote. 2. Active citizens were the men who were above 25 years and paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labourer’s wages. Q4. Who were known as passive citizens? Ans. 1. Passive citizens were who had no property rights or voting rights. Men had to belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers. 2. No knowledge about law and government. 3. Don’t have jobs but they are under the government protection. Q5. Which rights were established as natural and inalienable rights by the constitution of 1791 in ? Ans. Rights to life, Equality before law and Freedom of speech and opinion were established as the natural and inalienable rights by the constitution of France in 1791. Q6. Name the continent between which triangular slavery was prevalent in 17th century. Ans. Europe, Africa and America. The triangular slave trade began in the 17th century when the Europeans were reluctant to go and work in distant and unfamiliar lands. Q7. Which three causes led to the ‘subsistence crises’ France during the Old regime? Ans. Rise in population. Increase in demand of food grains. Prices of bread rose rapidly. Gap between rich and poor widened. Drought and hail reduced the harvest. Q8. Describe the legacy of the for the people of the world. Ans. The French revolution gave the term nation its modern meaning. The idea of sovereignty was also given by the French revolution. The French soldiers carried which them the idea of liberty and equality. Q9. How did women suffer in France during the old regime? Ans.1. Most women worked to earn a living. 2. They worked as domestic servants. 3. They were uneducated. Only the daughters of rich people could study. 4. Working women had to take care of rich people. 5.Their were lower than those of men. Q10. Who was Napoleon? Describe the rise of Napoleon in France. Ans. 1. Napoleon was the emperor of the France from 1804to 1815. 2. After the formation of France as Republic in 1792,the ruler, Robespierre, gave more privileges to the wealthier section of the 3. Robespierre was an autocrat. His act led to establish a reign of terrors. 4. After his rule came to end,a directory was formed so as to avoid concentration of power in a men’s hand. But the member of the directory fought among themselves which led to political instability. 5. Napoleon gained the control of the reign as a Dictator. 6. Soon the Napoleon armies came to be viewed everywhere as an invading force. Q11. Who wrote a ‘Declaration of Rights of Women and Citizens’? Ans. Olympe de Gouges. Q12. What was the name of the assembly which was called in France in 1792? Ans. THE CONVENTION. PICTURE BASED QUESTION. Q13. 1.Identify what or whom the following illustrations related to.

Ans. A cartoon showing the exploitation of the peasant by the clergy and the nobilities. 2. Who were Nobles and Clergy? Ans. First estate consisting of the clergy. And second estate consisting nobility. 3. What was the status of clergy and the nobility in the French society? Ans. They enjoyed certain privileges by birth and were exempted from paying taxes to the state. Note :- *DO WORK IN FAIR NOTEBOOK. * UPLOAD ASSIGNMENTS SHALL BE REVISED ONCE. AGAIN ON THE REOPENING OF THE SCHOOL. *CONTACT ME IN CASE OF ANY CONCERN. 8107412617.