Fission-Produced 99Mo Without a Nuclear Reactor
BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Fission-Produced 99Mo Without a Nuclear Reactor Amanda J. Youker, Sergey D. Chemerisov, Peter Tkac, Michael Kalensky, Thad A. Heltemes, David A. Rotsch, George F. Vandegrift, John F. Krebs, Vakho Makarashvili, and Dominique C. Stepinski Argonne National Laboratory, Nuclear Engineering Division, Argonne, Illinois halted in the past due to inclement weather, natural phenomena, 99Mo, the parent of the widely used medical isotope 99mTc, is cur- flight delays, and terrorist threats (6). rently produced by irradiation of enriched uranium in nuclear reac- The predominant global 99Mo production route is irradiation of tors. The supply of this isotope is encumbered by the aging of these highly enriched uranium (HEU, $20% 235U) solid targets in nuclear reactors and concerns about international transportation and nu- reactors fueled by uranium (2). Other potential 99Mo production Methods: clear proliferation. We report results for the production paths include (n,g)98Mo and (g,n)100Mo; however, both routes re- of 99Mo from the accelerator-driven subcritical fission of an aqueous quire enriched molybdenum material and produce low-specific- solution containing low enriched uranium. The predominately fast 99 neutrons generated by impinging high-energy electrons onto a tan- activity Mo, which cannot be loaded directly on a commercial 99m talum convertor are moderated to thermal energies to increase fission Tc generator. The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administra- processes. The separation, recovery, and purification of 99Mo were tion implements the long-standing U.S. policy to minimize and demonstrated using a recycled uranyl sulfate solution. Conclusion: eliminate HEU in civilian applications by working to convert re- The 99Mo yield and purity were found to be unaffected by reuse of the search reactors and medical isotope production facilities to low previously irradiated and processed uranyl sulfate solution.
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