
THE COLLECTION > From the mine> toI wNTasRtOeD dUisCpToIsOaN l

1 > The atom 2 > Radioactivity 3 > and man 4 > 5 > Nuclear energy: fusion and fission 6 > How a works 7 > The nuclear cycle 7 > The cycle FROM RESEARCH 8 > Microelectronics 9 > The : a concentrate of light TO 10 > 11 > Nuclear astrophysics 12 >

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© Commissariat à l’’Énergie Atomique et aux Alternatives, 2005 Communication Division Bâtiment Siège - 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex www.cea.fr

ISSN 1637-5408.

From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 2 > CONTENTS > INTRODUCTION 3

Uranium ore is extracted from open- mines – such as the McClear mines in seen here – or underground workings. a m e g o C

© “The nuclear fuel cycle includes an erray

UPSTREAM THE REACTOR: of industrial operations, from uranium PREPARING THE FUEL 4 e to the disposal of radioactive

l Extracting uranium from the ore 5 waste.” c Concentrating and refining uranium 6 y Enriching uranium 6

c Enrichment methods 8

l introduction uel is a material that can be burnt to pro - IN THE REACTOR: FUEL CONSUMPTION 9 Fvide . The most familiar are wood, e Preparing fuel assemblies 10 , and oil. By analogy, the ura - e g

a nium used in nuclear plants is called Per unit or (e.g. per kilo), nuclear fuel s e

u Uranium-235 consumption 10 L

. P

/ “nuclear fuel”, because it gives off heat too, supplies far more energy than a (coal a

f Fuel degradation 11 m e

g although, in this case, the heat is obtained or oil). When used in a pressurised reactor, o C

DOWNSTREAM THE REACTOR: © through fission and not combustion. a kilo of uranium generates 10,000 times more r REPROCESSING NUCLEAR Spent fuel is stored in a pool on the site, where it will After being used in the reactor, spent nuclear energy than a kilo of coal or oil in a conven - WASTE 12 remain for three years.

a fuel can be reprocessed to extract recyclable tional power station. Also, the fuel will remain The purpose of reprocessing 13 energy material, which is why we speak of the in the reactor for a long time (several years),

e Extracting fission products 13 nuclear fuel cycle. This cycle includes all the unlike conventional fuels, which are burnt up

l Recycling fuel materials 14 following industrial operations: quickly. Nuclear fuel also differs from others in • , that uranium has to undergo many processes c NUCLEAR WASTE 16 • fuel fabrication, between the time it is mined and the time it

u Nuclear waste production • use in the reactor, goes into the reactor. in France 17 • reprocessing the fuel unloaded from the For the sake of simplicity, the following pages

n Sorting and disposing reactor, will only look at nuclear fuel used in pressurised

of 18 • waste treatment and disposal. water reactors (or PWRs), because nuclear Research on long-lived power plants consisting of one or more PWRs e waste 19 are the most widely used around the world (see

h How a nuclear reactor works booklet). T

Designed and produced by Spécifique – Cover photo by © CEA/Roquemaure - Illustrations by YUVANOE - Printed by Imprimerie de Montligeon - 03/2005 From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 4 > UPSTREAM THE REACTOR: PREPARING THE FUEL 5

AFTER MINING , THE URANIUM IS PURIFIED , CONCENTRATED AND ENRICHED . Upstream the Simplified diagram of the fuel cycle in France today

reactoor: prepparing Storage Fuel fabrication

U-235 depleted MOX fuel uranium UO 2 + PuO 2 the fuel Enrichment UO 2 fuel U-235 Pure natural Conversion uranium

Concentration Recycled uranium PWRs with thermal Ore Spent UO 2 fuel extraction

Spent MOX fuel

Waste Natural Reprocessing uranium plants Storage

Ultimate disposal 3% of spent fuel Storage 0.5% of mined

EXTRACTING URANIUM with the highest uranium content are known as FROM THE ORE uranium ores, which often include Uranium is a relatively common metal in the and pitchblende. Earth’s crust (it is 50 times more common than The nuclear fuel cycle thus begins at the open- , for example). Like most metals, it can - pit mines or underground workings where the e g a

s not be mined directly in its pure form, because is mined . The largest known ore e L

. P / in its natural state it is found in rocks com - deposits are in , the , a m e

g bined with other chemical elements. The rocks Canada, and . o C

© From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 6 > UPSTREAM THE REACTOR: PREPARING THE FUEL > UPSTREAM THE REACTOR: PREPARING THE FUEL 7 “In order to increase uranium content, ore rocks are broken up and finely ground. The resulting concentrate is called cake.”

CONCENTRATING AND REFINING However, this uranium concentrate cannot be nium-235, making only 0.7% of fissile ura - booklet). They can be distinguished, however, URANIUM used in a nuclear reactor as it is. The uranium nium-235. The process of increasing the pro - due to their slightly different mass, uranium-235 The ore generally has a rather low uranium con - oxide must first go through various stages of portion of uranium-235 is called enrichment. being just a little lighter than uranium-238 . tent. For example, in France, one tonne of ore purification (or refining) to get rid of any impu - This is a difficult operation because , like all the This is why the current uranium enrichment contains between 1 and 5 kg of uranium rities. Once it is very pure, it is converted into of the same element, uranium-235 and process used is based on the difference in

(between 0.1 and 0.5%). This makes it essen - uranium tetrafluoride (UF 4), which is composed uranium-238 are very similar and have almost mobility caused by this slight difference in tial to concentrate the uranium in these ores, of four atoms and one uranium atom. identical chemical properties (see The Atom mass. Of all the enrichment processes studied a job usually carried out on the spot. so far, only two have been developed on an First of all, the rocks are broken up and finely ENRICHING URANIUM industrial scale: and the crushed. Then various chemical processes are The fuel used in a PWR must contain between “Before it can be used ultracentrifuge process . used to extract the uranium. 3 and 5% uranium-235, because this is the The resulting concentrate looks like a yellow only uranium that can withstand as nuclear reactor ENRICHMENT METHODS paste and is called yellow cake. It contains about energy-releasing (see How a fuel, natural uranium Gaseous diffusion 75% uranium oxide, i.e. 750 kg per tonne. nuclear reactor works booklet). The problem must be enriched with Before being enriched via this process, the ura - Uranium is a metal that oxidises very quickly when it comes into is that 100 kg of natural uranium contains nium tetrafluoride obtained after extraction contact with in the air and changes into uranium oxide. 99.3 kg of uranium-238 and 0.7 kg of ura - uranium-235.” from the ore and refining will be transformed

Raise boring in frozen ground in the McArthur mine (Canada). COMINAL ore processing plant in . l e o t r c a e M m

. a O C / / a a m m e e g g o o C C

© ©

From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 8 > UPSTREAM THE REACTOR: PREPARING THE FUEL 9


into uranium (UF ), which becomes enough 235 U-enriched uranium for use in In the reactor: 6 a gas when heated to 56°C. plants. The gaseous diffusion process consists in passing

gaseous UF 6 through a long series of “barriers” Ultracentrifuge process formed by membranes with microscopic pores. Another uranium enrichment process is used fuel consumption Uranium-235 hexafluoride molecules are slightly on a smaller scale by the European lighter than uranium-238 hexafluoride mole - (Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom). It is cules and cross each barrier a little faster, grad - known as the ultracentrifuge process. ually enriching the uranium as they do so. This separation process uses a centrifuge which, However, as the difference in mass between the acting like a high-speed salad spinner, projects two isotopes is very small, the uranium-238 the uranium-238 hexafluoride molecules to its travels hardly slower than the uranium-235. For outer edge more quickly than those of uranium- this reason, the operation has to be repeated 235 hexafluoride, which remain nearer the centre. 1,400 times at the uranium enrichment plant The very slight difference in mass between the in France (the plant in Tricastin in the two molecules gradually increases the uranium-235 Rhone valley, which produces more than a third concentration. This process also requires many of the world’s enriched uranium) to obtain stages to obtain sufficiently enriched uranium. t e u q u a e P

g . a C s / e F L D

. E P

/ e a u m q e è g h t o Diffusers at Eurodif’s a C i

d © Georges Besse plant. é M

© From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 10 > IN THE REACTOR: FUEL CONSUMPTION > IN THE REACTOR: FUEL CONSUMPTION 11 “In a , more than 40,000 “rods” are prepared and grouped together in “bundles” with a square cross-section called fuel assemblies.”

40,000 of these rods are prepared and grouped together in “bundles” with a square cross- Preparing fuel assemblies sec tion. These are called “fuel assemblies.” There are 264 rods in each assembly. It takes Welded plug 157 fuel assemblies containing a total of 11 million pel lets to fuel a 900 MW nuclear

reactor (1 MW = 1 million ). Uranium oxide pellet URANIUM-235 CONSUMPTION Height: The reactor core is made up of fuel assemblies, 4 metres arranged in a precise geometrical pattern. Spacer grid Each one remains in the core for three or four years. During this period, uranium-235 fission

e Fuel assembly r

è pro vides the heat required to generate water g u a F

steam, then . . M /

A Welded plug

E This is possible because uranium-235 is fis - C FUEL ROD © sile, which means that when its nucleus col - Each fuel assembly contains 264 “rods” that contain lides with a , it splits (hence the term uranium oxide “pellets”. fission) into radioactive fission products,

Atoms with unstable nuclei are said releasing energy to be radioactive. These nuclei are as it does so. Ura - FUEL DEGRADATION radiation emitted by these radioactive atoms naturally transformed into other PREPARING FUEL ASSEMBLIES nuclei, emitting radiation as they do nium-238, even Little by little, the fuel’s performance deterio - gives off a great deal of heat. For this reason, Following enrichment, is so (see Radioactivity booklet). though it repre - rates as it undergoes a number of transforma - once it has been removed from the core, spent transformed into a black uranium oxide pow - sents 97% of the mass of nuclear fuel, does tions, including: fuel is stored for three years in a special pool der. This is compressed, then sintered (baked not split when a neutron is absorbed. • the gradual consumption of uranium-235, near the reactor to lose some of its radioactivity in a furnace) to make “pellets”, which are small However, some uranium-238 nuclei cap - • the appearance of fission products (which (see Radioactivity booklet). cylinders about 1 cm long and as thick as a ture a neutron and are transformed into plu - absorb neutrons and disturb the chain reac - small piece of chalk. Each pellet weighs only tonium-239, which is fissile like ura nium- tion). 7 g but can release as much energy as a tonne 235. That’s why we say that uranium-238 is After a certain period of time, the fuel must of coal (1 million grams). fertile. Some of the plutonium-239 can therefore be removed from the reactor, even if “Spent fuel is stored The pellets are inserted into four metres generate energy through nuclear fission. A it still contains large amounts of retrievable in a pool on the site, long tubes made of . These small fraction is also transformed into other energy material, in particular uranium and plu - “claddings” are sealed at both ends to make plutonium isotopes by tonium. This spent fuel is also highly radioac - where it will remain fuel “rods” In a nuclear power plant, more than mechanisms. tive because it contains fission products. The for three years.”

From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 12 > DOWNSTREAM THE REACTOR: REPROCESSING NUCLEAR WASTE 13


Downstream “Some countries reprocess their spent fuel themselves, while others subcontract the job to other countries the reactor: such as France.”

reprocessing THE PURPOSE OF REPROCESSING waste. The fuel solution undergoes a series of reprocessing Reprocessing involves: chemical processes to separate the plutonium • retrieving material that can still be used – and uranium from the fission products. The fis - plutonium and uranium – to produce more elec - sion products are embedded in special tricity, in other words, recycling energy mate - (this is the vitrification process) and stored as nuclear waste rials found in the spent fuel, nuclear waste. Uranium and plutonium, which ¥ sorting radioactive waste that cannot be recy - account for 96% of the total, are isolated and cled. conditioned separately. Some countries, such as and the United States, have not opted for reprocessing. In these countries, spent fuel is considered as waste and is stored after removal from the reactor awaiting direct disposal. France, the United Kingdom, Russia and Japan have chosen to build repro - cessing plants. Other countries, like Germany, Switzerland and Belgium have their spent fuel reprocessed in other countries (particularly in France). EXTRACTING FISSION PRODUCTS When they arrive at the reprocessing plant, spent fuel assemblies are again stored in spent a

fuel pools. They are then cut into small pieces m e g e o g a C

s and placed in a chemical solution that dissolves e © L

. P

/ the fuel but leaves the metal parts (cladding,

a Once separated, fission products are embedded in special m e

g etc.) intact. These are then stored as nuclear glass and disposed of as nuclear waste. o C

© From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 14 > DOWNSTREAM THE REACTOR: REPROCESSING NUCLEAR WASTE > DOWNSTREAM THE REACTOR: REPROCESSING NUCLEAR WASTE 15 “Recovered uranium can be enriched to more than 3% and follow a path similar to that of ordinary fuel.”

Loading the reactor core in the Daya Bay reactor (). RECYCLING FUEL MATERIALS How to use plutonium after reprocessing is the subject of many studies, especially at the CEA. New fuels made from a mixture of uranium oxide and plutonium oxide (called MOX from “Mixed Oxides”) are already in use in some EDF reactors (PWRs). In addition, the uranium recovered during reprocessing is still slightly richer in uranium-235 than natural uranium (about 1% uranium-235), so it can be enriched again to more than 3% and follow a path similar to that of ordinary fuel. e s s e i L

. G / A a E C m

e g © o C

Coloured cross-section of MOX fuel. ©

From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 16 > NUCLEAR WASTE 17


Nuclear waste For the sake of comparison, France produces NUCLEAR WASTE PRODUCTION IN FRANCE 2,500 kg of per capita every All human activities generate waste. With pop - year (including 100 kg of ) compared ulation growth and industrial development to 1 kg of nuclear waste of which o nly 10 g is comes an increasing of waste to be high-level waste. Quantity is not, however, the treated, conditioned, recycled or disposed of only factor to be considered; toxicity is also very when recycling is impossible. important. This is why a great deal of research The nuclear industry is no exception to the rule. focuses on waste treatment and disposal This waste, however, only represents a tiny frac - methods. Nuclear waste is produced at every tion of the total amount that society produces. stage of the nuclear fuel cycle: uranium mining

THE THREE CATEGORIES Industrial waste per capita OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE per year: 2,500 kg Category A • Short-lived (half-life less than 30 years) low- and intermediate-level waste. – “Beta” and “gamma” radiation. Less than 1 kg (0.04%) – Radioactivity comparable with naturally occurring of nuclear waste radioactivity after 300 years. > Origin: laboratories, , industry (food processing, metallurgy, etc.), nuclear plants (contaminated items: gloves, filters, resins, etc.). Category B Less than 100 g of B + C waste • Long-lived (half-life several tens of thousands of years) low- and intermediate-level waste. – “Alpha” radiation. Category C • Long-lived, high-level waste, giving off heat for several hundred years. – “Alpha”, “beta” and “gamma” radiation. > Origin: reprocessing of spent fuel from nuclear power plants (combustion ashes). Including less than y l 10 g of C waste o J

. E / A E C

© From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle 18 > NUCLEAR WASTE > NUCLEAR WASTE 19 “After 300 years, 90% of waste is no longer radioactive.”

“In 2006, the French parliament will and enrichment, fuel fabrication, reactor oper - RESEARCH ON LONG-LIVED ation and reprocessing. Dismantling nuclear WASTE announce its decision facilities also creates waste. Radioactive waste Reducing the volume and activity of solid and concerning the is also produced by research centres (such as liquid waste is among the top priorities of the CEA) as as industries and hospitals current research and development , which prefered management using radioactive elements. includes: scheme for long-lived • CEA research on the separation and trans - nuclear waste.” SORTING AND DISPOSING OF mutation of long-lived radioactive elements RADIOACTIVE WASTE contained in this waste, As not all radioactive waste is the same, it is • the CEA’s study of conditioning and long- classified according to two criteria for disposal term, surface and sub-surface storage researchers and engineers, who take special purposes: processes, care to develop processes and technologies • activity level, i.e. the radiation intensity , which • the study of reversible or irreversible disposal aimed at constantly reducing risks relating to determines the degree of radiological protec - options in deep geological formations, work that radioactivity. On a day-to-day basis, they take A E C

tion required, is largely supported by the underground labo - the same care in managing the waste produced © • radioactive half-life, which determines how Conditioning waste in a concrete matrix. ratory built by Andra. by their own research work. Radioactive half-life of a long the waste may Safeguarding humans and their environment radioelement: the time required be harmful. is a prominent part of the work of CEA for half the atoms initially found Shielded vitrification line for fission products. in the radioelement to Waste is therefore disappear due to a distinguished accor - waste spans thousands, or even hundreds of disintegration process. ding to its lifetime thousands, of years. It is embedded in bitumen, and activity as follows. cement or glass. In France, a law was passed ¥ Short-lived low- and intermediate-level waste. in 1991 to determine what should be done about This accounts for 90% of radioactive waste pro - this type of waste. Deep geological disposal is duced in France. After 300 years, it has lost almost one option considered. One underground lab - all its activity (see Radioactivity booklet). It is oratory has been built to study this option. Other compacted in or concrete containers that options are transformation into shorter-lived are disposed of in surface repositories. There are waste in a nuclear reactor (this is known as trans - two of these in France, one in La Hague (Manche), mutation), studies of new conditioning processes the other in Soulaines (Aube). They are managed and long-term, surface or sub-surface storage by Andra, the French national agency for radioac - (sub-surface means several tens of metres below n o

tive . the surface). Until a final decision is reached, l u o F /

¥ Long-lived and/or high-level waste (10% of this waste is being held in surface facilities in A E C

the total volume). The of this La Hague and Marcoule. ©

From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle From the uranium mine to waste disposal 7 > The nuclear fuel cycle