GuideGuide toto CelebratingCelebrating SukkotSukkot

Created BY: NJOP © WELCOME TO JEWISH TREATS Guide to Celebrating

Welcome to Jewish Treats Guide to Celebrating Credits Sukkot. Shake your , grab a hammer and Founder: get ready to discover how to celebrate the Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Feast of the Tabernacles. From to Edited By: Sarah Rochel Hewitt Jewish four walls (well, really 2 1/2), the Content: Treats Guide to Celebrating Sukkot offers fun Sarah Rochel Hewitt facts and inspiring insights into the entire Social Media: Susanne Goldstone Rosenhouse

holiday. We hope that you will use this guide Guest Contributors: to significantly enhance your own Sukkot Norene Gilletz, Sharon Langert, celebration. Sukkot photographs on page 7:

From everyone at NJOP and Jewish Treats, we wish you a Chag Sukkot Sameach!

EXPERIENCE NJOP’S SUKKOT ACROSS AMERICA In this uplifting event, participants are welcomed into the to experience the most joyous time on the Jewish calendar. At each of these specially chosen sukkah locations, participants will be invited to shake a lulav and , enjoy some refreshments and perhaps some music and dance while rejoicing on this happiest of together with other members of the Jewish community. For more information and to find a participating sukkah near you, please visit Inspired by Mr. Sam Domb; Dedicated by Paul J. Taubman, in memory of his father, L. Taubman Table of Contents

The Mitzvot of Sukkot...... 1 Sukkot: The Time of Our Rejoicing ...... 2 Rejoicing Then and Now ...... 3 The Four Species: Palm, Myrtle, Willow and Citron...... 4 What To Do with the Four Species...... 5 The Four Species After Sukkot...... 6 Lay’shayv Ba’sukkah: To Dwell In The Sukkah...... 7 What Is A Sukkah?...... 7 Beautifying the Sukkah: Chic Sukkah Decor...... 9 Camping in the Fall?...... 10 Ushpezin ...... 11 The Water Holiday ...... 12 International Oxen...... 12 The Great Hoshana...... 13 Sukkot Cuisine ...... 14 International Customs of Sukkot ...... 15 The Next Day, The Next Holidays: /Simchat ...... 16

Jewish Treats Guide to Sukkot The Mitzvot of Sukkot

All Jewish holidays share certain basic mitzvot and rituals. With the exception of , all festivals include festive meals that are eaten after the evening service and the morning service. These meals begin with both kiddush and ha’mo’tzee (the blessing over the wine and the blessing over two loaves of challah). The days are kept holy by being observed as if it were (cooking and carrying, however, are permitted), and candles are lit at sunset. Each holiday also has its own unique mitzvot. The mitzvot of Sukkot are:

Rejoice On Your Holiday “You shall keep the feast of tabernacles seven days... And you shall rejoice in your feast... and you shall be altogether joyful (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).

To Wave The Four Species “And you shall take for yourselves on the first day, the fruit of a beautiful tree, the branch of a palm tree, a bough from the myrtle tree, and willows of the stream, and you shall rejoice be- fore your G-d for seven days” (Leviticus 23:40).

To Dwell In A Sukkah “You shall dwell in sukkot seven days, every citizen in Israel shall dwell in sukkot, so that your descendants shall know that I caused the Children of Israel to dwell in sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 23:42-43).

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 1 Sukkot: THE TIME OF OUR REJOICING

“You shall keep the feast of tabernacles seven days... And you shall rejoice in your feast...and you shall be altogether joyful” (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) result of witnessing the miracle of growth in declared: “Mitzvah gedolah lee’yoht b’simcha the field, people are moved to be thankful to tamid. - To always be happy is a great the Creator of all things. mitzvah.” The commandment to be happy is not included among the positive command- But what of the years when the harvest is not ments of the Torah except during the good? If Sukkot were purely an agricultural holiday of Sukkot. holiday, it would be cruel to command the farmers to rejoice on years that The Feast of the Tabernacles, as the crops failed. In fact, many Sukkot is called in English, is a commentators have associated seven day holiday in which the the directive to live in the sukkah Jewish people are commanded as a reminder to humankind that to live in temporary dwellings the success of their own handi- with thatch-like roofs. The other work is, and always will be, primary focus of the holiday is dependent upon Divine will. the waving of the four species, the lulav (palm), hadassim (myr- Sukkot is celebrated on the 15th tle) aravot (willow) and the etrog of , less than one week (citron). One might ask why the after Yom Kippur and two weeks command to be happy is associ- after Rosh Hashana. During the ated with Sukkot rather than High Holidays, every man and , when celebrate woman approaches the Divine being redeemed from slavery in Egypt, or throne to beseech God to be forgiven for the , when Jews celebrate receiving the sins they may have committed and to be Torah at Mount Sinai. cleansed of their misdeeds. At the end of Yom Kippur, it is assumed that the prayers for The holiday of Sukkot is celebrated at the time atonement have been accepted and that we of the harvest, when farmers bring in the fruits enter the new year with a clean slate. Sukkot of their labor, and everyone prepares for the is known as “Z’man Sim’chah’tay’nu,” the time onset of winter. This, too, serves as a spur for of our rejoicing, because the Jewish people people to be thankful that the ground brings are especially joyful knowing that the world forth such delights and that trees bear such has just been judged and, please God, their bountiful fruit. There is no question that, as a prayers for atonement have been accepted.

Jewish Treats Guide Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 22 Rejoicing THEN AND NOW

Although the mitzvah to rejoice in one’s feast is emphasized on the holiday of Sukkot, it is a mitzvah that applies to all the Jewish “feast” days. As with all of the mitzvot, the details of the mitzvah are elaborated on in the Talmud:

Our Rabbis taught: A man is duty-bound to make his children and his household rejoice on a festival, for it is said, ‘And you shall rejoice on your feast, [you and your son, and your daughter, etc.]’ With what does he make them rejoice? With wine. Rabbi Judah said: Men with what is suitable for them, and women with, what is suitable for them. ‘Men with what is suitable for them’--with wine. And women with what? Rabbi Joseph recited: in Babylonia, with colored garments; in the Land of Israel, with ironed lined garments (Pesachim 109a).

According to Jewish tradition, the key to a man’s heart really is through his stomach! More specifically, through meat and wine. For women, it seems that “retail therapy” is not as new a concept as one might think.

In the days of the sages, and, in truth, for much of history, both a fine cut of meat and a new dress were luxury items. Today, although many of us still enjoy an attractive gift or a juicy steak, it is harder to connect these items to rejoicing. So how can one rejoice on the holidays in the 21st century?

The presence of meat at an ancient meal represented a vast upgrade in menu. Whether one is able to fulfill the mitzvah of eating in the sukkah or not, one can, nevertheless, enhance the festival week by setting the table with attractive china (or nice dishware) and serving a favored delicacy.

The gift of a new garment (whether given or purchased for oneself) represents another means of setting the festival days apart. It is commonly understood that the way one dresses influences the way one feels and acts. Wearing something new, or something which is usually reserved for special occasions, during the days of the festival is one more way of elevating the holiday and of keeping oneself in a festive spirit.

Wine represents our ability to take the mundane and elevate it to the holy. This is an opportunity that we have every day of our lives, but all the more so on the Jewish festivals when we use wine to sanctify the day.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 3 The Four Species: PALM, MYRTLE, WILLOW AND CITRON

Aravot/Two Willow Branches: Lulav/Branch of a Palm Tree: The aravot, which are bound to A lulav is actually the closed the left side of the lulav (slightly frond of a date palm tree. A lower than the hadassim) should nice lulav is green, with no signs have reddish stems with green, of dryness. It should be straight, moist leaves. The leaves should without any bends or twists near be long, narrow and smooth- the top. The tip and top leaves edged, with no nips or tears. of the lulav must be whole, and not split. Etrog/Citron: “The fruit of a beautiful tree” (Leviticus 23:40). Ideally, the skin Hadassim/Three Myrtle Branches: of this yellow (or green when not The hadassim, which are bound on ripe) citrus fruit must be clean of the right side of the lulav, should spots and discolorations. It should have moist, green leaves grouped in be bumpy, not smooth like a level rows of three. There should be lemon, and should be broad at the no large, uncovered section of stem. bottom and narrow toward the The stem and the leaves should be top. (The etrog is very delicate and whole, without any nips at the top should be handled with great care. and the leaves should cover the entire If dropped and damaged, the etrog branch to the top. There should not can be rendered unfit for use!) be more berries than leaves and there should be no large twigs.

One of the main mitzvot of the holiday of Sukkot is the waving of the four species: citron (etrog), palm, myrtle and willow. Trying to understand this mitzvah metaphorically, our sages compared the four species to four different types of Jews: The fruit of a "beautiful The branch of the palm The boughs of myrtle The willows of the stream tree" (etrog) has both taste tree (lulav) has taste but no (hadassim) have scent but (aravot) have no taste and and scent, and is symbolic scent, and is symbolic of no taste, and are symbolic no scent, and are symbolic of those Jews who are those Jews who are well- of those Jews who have of those Jews who have well-versed in Torah and versed in Torah but have performed many good neither studied Torah nor who have performed many not performed good deeds, but have not performed good deeds. good deeds. deeds. studied Torah. When the four species are brought together to be waved, they represent the complete spectrum of the Jewish people. Acknowledging our different strengths and weaknesses is critical not only in creating harmony among people, but in creating a unified nation -- the ideal state of the Jewish people.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 4 What To Do With The Four Species

The waving of the four species is one of the most beautiful and symbolic mitzvot of the year. Indeed, one is supposed to make a specific effort to enhance and beautify this mitzvah. The mitz- vah of taking the four species is performed by taking a frond of a palm branch (lulav), 3 myrtle stems (hadassim) and 2 willow branches (aravot) in one's right hand and the citron (etrog)--held upside down, with the small stem stub facing upward--in one's left hand [lefties should reverse hands] and reciting the blessing: /cŠkUk ,‹kh¦y±b k‹g Ub²Uˆm±u 'uh¨,I‰m¦n‰C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t'oŠkIg¨v Q†k¤n Ubh¥vO¡t '¨h±h v¨T©t QUrŠC

Ba’ruch Ah’tah Ah’doh’nai, Eh’lo’hay’nu Melech ha’o’lam, ah’sher Why is the etrog turned? kidishanu b'mitz’vo’tav v'tzee’va’nu ahl n'tee’laht lulav. The proper procedure Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has for saying a blessing is sanctified us in His commandments and commanded us to take the to hold the object in lulav [and the other 3 species]. one’s dominant hand, recite the blessing and When performing the mitzvah for the first time this year, one should also perform the act. If one recite the blessing of Sheh'heh'cheh'yanu. wishes to eat an apple, 'oŠkIg¨v Q†k¤n Ubh¥vO¡t '¨h±h v¨T©t QUrŠC one takes the apple in one’s dominant hand, /v®Z©vi©n±Z‹k UbŠgh°D¦v±u Ub¨n±H¦e±u Ub²h¡j¤v¤J says the blessing and Ba’ruch Ah’tah Ah’doh’nai, Eh’lo’hay’nu Melech ha’o’lam, then takes a bite. sheh'heh'cheh'yanu v'kee'manu v'hee'gee'anu la'zman ha'zeh. Once one is holding the Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has kept us lulav and etrog, how- alive, sustained us, and brought us to this season. ever, one is technically performing the mitzvah. The etrog is then turned right-side-up and the four species are waved Therefore, one holds the together three times in each of the 6 directions: forward, right, back- etrog in the wrong posi- ward (toward oneself ), left, up, and down. (The order may differ de- tion until the blessing pending on custom.) has been completed.

Waving the four species is a symbolic recognition of God’s om- nipresent kingship over the world and everything in it. As it says in the Talmud, in Sukkah 37b: “It is as if one is taking the species and bringing them to God Who possesses the four directions. One raises them and lowers them to God Who owns the heavens and the earth.”

Acknowledging God’s dominion over the world is particularly appro- priate during the harvest season, when people might be tempted to rejoice exclusively about their own personal success. Surely, people are entitled to celebrate their own achievements, but with an acknowledgement that behind it all is God.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 5 The Four Species After Sukkot

Recycled Species “When Rabbi Ammi and Rabbi Assi happened to get hold of a loaf of bread that had been used for an eiruv (method of creating a private area in which one would be allowed to carry on Shabbat), they used to say over it the blessing, ‘who brings forth bread from the earth,’ saying, since one religious duty has been performed with it, let us perform with it still another” (Berachot 39b). To this end, many customs have developed in which items that have been used for a holy purpose are reused for other “elevated” purposes. For instance:

1) The etrog (citron), one of the four species of Sukkot, is used by many to produce post-holiday delicacies such as etrog jam. Others use the citron fruit for besamim (smelling spices for havdallah after Shabbat), often sticking cloves into the rind to enhance the scent.

2) The lulav (the palm branch of the four species of Sukkot) is set aside to dry. The dried lulav is then used as tinder to start the fire in which chametz (leaven) is burned before Passover. Making Etrog Jam Slice etrog and remove as many seeds as possible. Try slicing the long way into eighths to get seeds out as efficiently as possible. There are a lot of The Ingredients seeds in an etrog so allow at least 1 hour for this step. •1 Etrog (Citron) •6 Cups Water Chop the fruit into very small pieces, including the peel (consider using a food •3/4 Cup Sugar processor for this step). Cover the fruit with water and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Next, bring everything to a boil, and simmer uncovered for 20 minutes. Drain the fruit.

Cover the fruit with water again and simmer for 20 more minutes, then refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Drain. Cover the fruit with water and simmer uncovered again for 20 minutes. Drain the fruit. (These steps are important since if you skip them the finished product will be bitter!)

Cover the fruit with water and add most of the sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer uncovered for one hour. (Be careful here, if you leave it for a minute it can burn on the bottom. If it does burn, do not stir up the burned parts into the jam. Put the jelly into a clean bowl, wash out your pot, put the jelly back in and continue.)

Taste to see if you need to add more sugar. Continue simmering for 1/2 hour or more. The temperature should be 220º–222º, the water should be syrupy and the fruit should be clear-ish. It should cool and congeal. If it is still runny, some people add 1/4 – 1/2 cup of orange marmalade per quart or add pectin, and cook 15-20 minutes more. Recipe by Jack Reichert on

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 6 Lay’shayv Ba’sukkah: To Dwell In The Sukkah:

During the week of Sukkot, the sukkah becomes the Jewish peoples’ temporary dwelling. There- fore, weather permitting, everything that a person would do at home, such as eat, sleep or study, is done in the sukkah.

When eating a meal or a large snack in the sukkah, one should make the following blessing: /vŠFªx‹C c¥a«h‡k Ub²Uˆm±u 'uh¨,I‰m¦n‰C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t 'oŠkIg¨v Q†k¤n Ubh¥vO¡t '¨h±h v¨T©t QUrŠC

Ba’ruch Ah’tah Ah’doh’nai, Eh’lo’hay’nu Melech ha’o’lam, ah’sher kidishanu b’mitz’vo’tav v’tzee’va’nu lay’shayv ba’sukkah.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us in His command- ments and commanded us to dwell in the sukkah.

WhatWhat IsIs AA Sukkah?Sukkah?

Webster’s Dictionary defines a tabernacle as a temporary dwelling. One might then think that the holiday of Sukkot should be celebrated by pitching a tent in the backyard or even moving to a hotel room, as neither of these are one’s permanent dwelling. As Jews, however, we know that the methods and means of celebrating the rituals of the Jewish holidays are specified in the Oral Law and that there are specific parameters for a temporary dwelling to be considered a sukkah.

THE WALLS The walls of the sukkah may be made out of any material--wood, brick, plastic, even canvas-- as long as they are strong enough to withstand normal gusts of wind without swaying noticeably.

While a sukkah must have a minimum of two and “a half” walls (the third “half” wall must be a minimum of a handbreadth wide) and have a doorway, it is best if four full walls are built. One may utilize the side of a permanent building as one of the walls of the sukkah. The sages set both a minimum and maximum measurement on the height of a sukkah - at least 10 hand- breadths (approx 40”) tall, but no higher than 20 amot (approx 30’), but only a minimum is set for the length and width (seven handbreadths - approx. 28”).

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 7 What Is A Sukkah?, Continued THE ROOF The covering on top of the sukkah is critical to the creation of a proper sukkah as opposed to any other type of temporary dwelling. The material used for the covering of the sukkah is known as sechach, which is defined as anything of plant origin that is now detached from the ground. The sechach may not undergo any manufacturing process nor have had a previous use (such as boards torn from a crate) nor may it be edible. Because one should enjoy dwelling in the sukkah, the sechach should not be made of a malodorous material, nor one that has leaves that would fall off easily (and land in your soup!). Additionally, the individual sechach pieces should be less than four handbreadths wide.

The way the sechach is placed on top of the sukkah is also important in creating a “kosher” sukkah. There must be enough sechach so that there is more shadow than sunlight, yet not so much sechach that one is unable to see the larger stars at night.

The requirements that the sechach be detached from the ground and that the night sky be somewhat visible, creates another important factor to consider when building a sukkah--where it is placed. To meet the sechach requirements, one cannot build the sukkah beneath the over- hang of a building or, more importantly, under a tree whose branches spread over the sukkah.

The placing of the sechach must be the final act of building the body of the sukkah.

Sukkot Extras The Torah commandment is not to “build” a sukkah, but to “dwell” in the sukkah. Once the walls and the sechach are in place, there are certain basics that are necessary for making the sukkah a place in which one can dwell. Here’s a pre-Sukkot suggestion list for those who will have their own sukkot:

Table and Chairs: Perhaps the most obvious, but also the most important, since dwelling in the sukkah includes eating meals and snacks (baked goods) in the sukkah as well. Although some have the custom of moving their dining room chairs into the sukkah, for those who live in cold or rainy climates, folding chairs may be most suitable.

Lights: It is customary to light the Yom Tov and Shabbat candles in the sukkah (making certain to avoid any fire hazard situations). In order to enjoy an evening meal in the sukkah with sufficient lighting, many hang outdoor lighting from the structural beams of the sukkah roof. Make certain that the lights and electrical connections are water-safe in case of rain.

Air Mattress: Many people try to sleep in their sukkot (weather and safety permitting). An air mattress is lightweight, and therefore easy to move in and out of the sukkah as necessary.

Patio Heater: For those living in colder climates, outdoor patio heating units are an excellent method of making eating outdoors a more enjoyable experience.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 8 Beautifying the Sukkah: Chic Sukkah Decor

Building the sukkah is one mitzvah, decorating the sukkah is yet another. While all mitzvot should be done in a way that enhances their beauty, the sukkah is one of the few mitzvot singled out for beautification: “‘This is my God and I shall exalt Him’ (Exodus 15:2)--exalt Him by beautifying the performance of the mitzvot. Build a beautiful sukkah, select a beautiful lulav, choose a beautiful ...”(Shabbat 133b).

The sages of the Talmud suggested hanging "handmade carpets and tapestries, nuts, almonds, peaches, pomegranates, branches of grapes, vines...wreaths of corn ears" (Beitzah 30b). Such natural decorations were appropriate not just because they were available in what was then a more agrarian society, but also because they reflected the spirit of thankfulness for a plentiful harvest. Today in North America many people hang artificial fruit as well as gourds.

Fashion Forward Sukkah by Fashion-Isha, Sharon Langert This is the holiday that we build and decorate huts outside our homes where we eat our festive meals and basically just hang out. And as mentioned in my previous table setting inspirations post, while most people are putting thought into menus and shopping lists, I'm dreaming up ideas for decorating. The common thing to do is to decorate traditionally using foliage, fruits and tinsel crafts. But I prefer to turn this simple exterior 'box' that a Sukkah is into a mini 'jewel box' of a room. Every year I dream up a different theme, usually based on a color scheme that has inspired me. One year I did orange and turquoise, another year, eggplant and bordeaux. I had a lime green Sukkah and a black and silver one dripping in mirrors and crystals. I definitely take this Discover more great fashion ideas with box 'out of the box'. Sharon Langert at

Kid Decorating: Paper Chain The paper chain is one of the most popular and easy to make sukkah decorations. What you need: colored construction paper, scissors, and tape/glue/stapler What to do: Cut construction paper into 1” wide strips. Create the first link by connecting the two ends of one strip. Choose a second strip of a different color and pass it through the first link before connecting the ends of the second strip. Repeat until a long and colorful chain is formed. Hang it creatively from the roof of the sukkah.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 9 Camping in the Fall?

Why is the holiday of Sukkot, are celebrations of the during which one dwells in a You shall dwell in booths relationship of the Jewish temporary structure with a seven days; all that are home- people with the Divine and semi-permeable roof, cele- with the world around us. born in Israel shall dwell in brated in the fall, at the start The importance of of the rainy season and when booths; that your generations celebrating the holiday temperatures begin to fall? may know that I made the during the fall is that it

Children of Israel to dwell in demonstrates faith in God. The Torah states, in Leviticus If one chose to dwell in a booths, when I brought them 23:43, that the reason for sukkah during the spring- celebrating the holiday of out of the land of Egypt... time, it could easily be Sukkot is that Jews through- construed as merely a Leviticus 23:42-43 out history would remember pleasant excursion. how God caused the Dwelling in the sukkah Children of Israel to dwell in when the weather is sukkot when He brought them out of Egypt. growing wetter and colder also makes a But if dwelling in sukkot is yet one more way statement about the Jewish people's belief of commemorating the exodus from Egypt (as and trust in God as a Provider and Sustainer. is Passover), one might think that it would be appropriate to observe the "Feast of the Taber- While we are far less in tune with the changing nacles" in the spring month of Nissan, when the of the seasons in today’s modern world, there Jews actually left Egypt. is still no question as to the power of rain...this, too, is an aspect of the celebration of Sukkot at The Torah, however, specifically states that the beginning of the rainy season. Dwelling the festival of Sukkot should be celebrated outside in a sukkah reminds us of how at the time of the gathering of the harvest. powerful the forces of nature can be, and of Indeed, the Torah not only specifies which how vulnerable humankind is to such forces. harvest--the gathering from the threshing- floor and the gathering from the winepress-- Sukkot is celebrated in the fall because that is but that the harvest and the festival should when the Torah instructs us to celebrate the occur in the seventh month. holiday. However, the fact that it is in the fall gives every individual the unique opportunity of More than just anniversaries of great events in not only feeling, but demonstrating, their trust Jewish history, however, the Jewish holidays in God and His control over the natural world.

While one must eat in the sukkah throughout the holiday, on the first night there is a specific obligation to do so. If it is raining, it is customary to wait until the rain has stopped to start the meal--waiting even until midnight. If the rain does not stop, many make the kiddush and ha’motzee (blessings over the wine and bread) in the sukkah and then return to the house to conclude the meal.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 10 Ushpezin (Oo’shpee’zin)

According to the , the Jewish mystical tradition, the Divine Presence (Shechina) accompa- nies every Jew into the sukkah. The Shechina itself is accompanied by the seven shepherds of Israel, the Ushpezin, each of whom reminds Jews of the time of wandering in the wilderness because they lived through their own exile: , , , Joseph, , Aharon, and . According to tradition, each night a different one of the Ushpezin visits each sukkah. The order may vary according to custom. mdxa` Abraham went forth from his homeland and his father’s house to go to Canaan, the unknown place awri that God would show him wgvi (Genesis). Jacob Isaac left his home to protect went to Gerar in the Kingdom himself from his brother of Philistia when there and to find a wife was famine (Genesis). sqei (Genesis). Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt (Genesis). dyn oxd` Moses Aharon led the nation out of slavery led the nation in the wilderness in Egypt, through the in his role as High Priest wilderness and to the borders (Exodus). of the Promised Land cec (Exodus). David was driven into the wilderness to avoid the wrath of Saul (I Samuel).

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 11 The Water Holiday

Sukkot is considered the holiday on which God determines the world’s water allotment for the year to come. During the time of the Temple, the week of Sukkot was highlighted by the festive water libation ceremony, during which water was poured into the altar after the morning offering. The celebration actually lasted all night and was known as the Simchat Beit Hasho’evah, the Celebration of the House of the Water Drawing.

The Simchat Beit Hasho'evah was such a joyous and wonderful event that the sages wrote of it in the Talmud (Sukkah 51a), "Whoever did not see this celebration [the Simchat Beit Hasho'evah] never saw a real celebration in his days."

Here is a description of the how it was celebrated in the Temple: The Temple was set up for the Simchat Beit Hasho'evah. Three balconies were erected in the women’s section and the men would stand in a courtyard below, allowing more people to attend. Golden lamps were placed in the courtyard that gave off enough light to illuminate the entire city. In the courtyard, men would dance as the Levites played instruments and sang praises to God. The kohanim, the priests, would then go to the Gichon Spring and draw the water to be used.

It is customary today, during the week of Sukkot, to attend or host a Simchat Beit Hasho'evah party, which generally takes place in the sukkah. International Oxen

One of the unique laws of the holiday of Sukkot in the days of the Temple, was the additional offerings that were sacrificed. On the first day of the holiday, 13 young bulls were sacrificed, on the second day 12, on the third day 11, on the fourth day 10, on the fifth day 9, on the sixth day 8, and on the seventh day 7. In total, 70 bulls were offered. Sukkot is the only holiday on which the number of the sacrifices varies from day to day.

In the Talmud (Sukkah 55b), Rabbi Eliezer explains that these 70 offerings are brought “for the [merit of the] 70 nations of the world.” Rashi, the famous 11th century commentator, explained that this was, “To bring a forgiveness [offering] for them [the 70 nations], so that rain shall fall all over the world.”

Why does Rashi specify “so that rain shall fall all over the world”? Rain is the ultimate sign of blessing--when it falls in a timely manner and in proper proportions. Without rain, nothing can live. Additionally, when all nations are sufficiently endowed with their needs (water, food, etc.) peace prevails, and peace is the greatest blessing of all.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 12 The Great Hoshana

Beating the Willows Customs of Hoshana Rabbah

According to tradition, as stated in the (3:31b): a) There is a custom to spend the night “This [Hoshana Rabbah] is the final day of judgment of Hoshana Rabbah studying Torah, for water, source of all blessings. On the seventh day fortifying oneself at the last moment of of Sukkot the judgment of the world is judgment. finalized and the edicts are sent forth from the King.” The days of judgment are not, it seems, truly over b) In Israel, people stay up all night until the seventh day of Sukkot. studying Torah and then thousands go to the Western Wall for the Hoshana On Rosh Hashana, God determines the fate and Rabbah Service. fortune of both individuals and communities for the year to come, including exactly how much one will c) The cantor wears a white (robe) earn in the coming year. Material endowments are on Hoshana Rabbah, as he does on one form of sustenance. On the holiday of Sukkot, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. however, God determines the world’s water allotment for the year to come. d) It is customary to eat a festive meal in the sukkah in the afternoon to fulfill Since God is still sitting in His heavenly courtroom the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah deciding the fate of the world, there is still time to one last time. slip in a final appeal or to do an extra act of kindness in the hope of altering the scales of justice in one’s e) It is traditional to begin the meal favor. Therefore, in the synagogue, the following acts with a whole round challah which is are added: sprinkled with salt and then dipped in honey. a) One or more of the Torah scrolls are removed from the ark and held by members of the congregation at f) On Hashana Rabbah, some have the bimah (platform or table on which Torah is read). the custom to serve (dumplings), which are symbolic of our b) While holding the lulav and etrog, the bimah is wanting God to hide our sins. circled 7 times while responsively reciting the special Hoshana prayers (hoshanot) of the day.

c) After circling the bimah, the lulav and etrog is put down and special bundles of 5 aravot (willow branches) are held. , penitential prayers, are then recited and the Torah scrolls are returned to the ark.

d) The participants then take the bundle of aravot (willow branches) and beat them against the ground five times.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 13 Sukkot Cuisine

While every community and family has its own customs and traditions, there are no official foods of the holiday for Sukkot, with the exception of kreplach (stuffed dumplings) on Hoshana Rabbah. However, it is an almost univeral custom that the dishes served on Sukkot reflect the harvest season. Here are three delightful examples from Norene Gilletz’s Healthy Helpings: Black Bean and Corn Casserole 4 cups cooked or canned black beans Spray a 2-quart ovenproof casserole with 2 cups stewed tomatoes or tomato sauce non-stick spray. 3 tbsp maple syrup or brown sugar 2 medium onions, chopped Combine all ingredients and mix well. 1 green pepper, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped Bake covered at 350° F for 45 minutes, until 3/4 cup canned or frozen corn niblets bubbling hot and flavors are blended. (Or microwave in a 1 tsp Dijon mustard covered microsafe casserole on HIGH for 15 to 18 minutes. Stir 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper once or twice during cooking.) 1/2 tsp chili powder Yield: 6 servings of about 1 cup each. Freezes and/or reheats freshly ground pepper to taste well. Also delicious cold. Honey and Spice and Everything Nice Cake 3 eggs plus 2 egg whites (or 4 eggs) Preheat oven to 325° F. Spray a 10-inch 1 cup brown sugar, packed Bundt pan with non-stick spray. 1/3 cup canola oil In a food processor, beat eggs, egg whites, 11/4 cups liquid honey sugar and oil until light. Add honey, mix well. 3 cups flour (you can use part whole wheat) Combine dry ingredients and spices. Add to batter, alternating 2 tsp baking powder with tea and brandy. Mix just until blended. Stir in raisins and 1 tsp baking soda apricots. 2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger Pour batter into pan. Bake at 325° F for 1 hour and 15 minutes, 1/4 tsp allspice or until cake tests done. 3/4 cup cold tea or coffee 1/4 cup brandy, whiskey or orange juice Remove from oven and let cool for 20 minutes. Loosen cake from 1/2 cup raisins, rinsed and well-drained pan with a flexible spatula. Carefully invert onto a serving plate. 1/2 cup dried apricots, cut up Yield: 20 servings. Freezes well.

Norene Gilletz is the leading author of kosher cookbooks in Canada. She is the author of nine cookbooks and divides her time between work as a food writer, culinary consultant, spokesperson, cooking instructor, lecturer and editor. Norene lives in Toronto, Canada and her motto is “Food that’s good for you should taste good!” For more information about her cookbooks, visit her website at or email her at [email protected].

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 14 Kreplach (Dumplings)

In the food processor, combine flour, salt, egg, egg whites and water. Process with the steel knife for 25 to 30 seconds, until dough forms a ball on the blades. Remove dough from bowl and wrap in foil for 20 minutes for easier handling. Meanwhile, prepare a filling.

Divide dough in four pieces. Shape 1 piece of dough into a square on a Dough lightly floured surface. (Keep remaining dough covered.) Roll dough very 2 cups flour thin into a rectangle. Cut into squares. Place 2 teaspoons of filling in the 1/4 tsp salt center of each square. Moisten edges of dough with water. Fold each 1 egg plus 2 egg whites square in half to make a triangle. Seal completely by pinching edges 1/4 cup warm water together firmly. Join 2 points together to form a little “purse.” Repeat with 1-2 tsp canola oil remaining dough and filling. (May be made in advance up to this point and frozen on a baking sheet. When frozen, wrap well. Cook without thawing.) Filling 4 cups cooked chicken or Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add kreplach to pot and cook uncovered for 15 minutes (or 20 minutes if frozen). They will rise to the meat (an excellent use top when done. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain well. Sprinkle for leftovers) lightly with oil to prevent sticking. 1/2 cup chicken broth or gravy Filling: Process chicken or meat in food processor until minced, 6 - 8 2 eggs seconds. Add chicken broth or gravy, eggs, salt and pepper. Process a salt and pepper few seconds to combine. International Customs of Sukkot

Morocco: A unique custom among Moroccan Jews is to hang a decorated chair on the wall of the sukkah and put festival prayer books on top of it. There are two opinions regarding the original meaning of this custom: 1) The chair is reserved for the ushpezin, and 2) This chair is a “kise shel Eliyahu Hanavi,” the chair of the prophet, to remind all who come to the sukkah of the imminent arrival of the Messiah.

Alsace, France: According to Daniel Stauben’s 1860 “Scenes of Jewish Life in Alsace,” the Jews of this region in France maintained a custom of hanging a red onion stuck with rooster feathers in the sukkah doorway.

Judeo-Spanish: Jews who follow Judeo-Spanish customs include bisochos, sweet, sesame seed-covered cookie rings, among the hanging decorations in their sukkot. While these cookies are traditionally shaped as rings, some make them in the shape of a Star of David.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 15 The Next Day, The Next Holidays: Shemini Atzeret/

Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of the Eighth, appears, on the surface, to be the eighth day (and ninth day outside of Israel) of Sukkot. It is, however, a separate and independent holiday that immediately follows Sukkot. In Israel, Shemini Atzeret is celebrated concurrently with Simchat Torah. Outside of Israel, Simchat Torah is celebrated on the day following Shemini Atzeret. They are presented here as two separate days.

Immediately after Hoshana is, technically, still Shemini Rabbah, the holiday of Atzeret. On Simchat Torah, the Shemini Atzeret, literally the Torah is not only completed, it is Gathering of the Eighth, begun again, to show that Torah begins. It is a connected, yet is always new and fresh and that independent holiday. our mitzvah to study Torah is never-ending. Because of Sukkot’s focus on all nations, God ordained Shemini On the night of Simchat Torah, Atzeret to demonstrate God’s all the Torah scrolls are removed special love for the Jewish from the ark. The bimah (platform people--comparable to a host or table on which the Torah is asking his/her best friend to read) is circled seven times stay after everyone else has left, in order to by those holding the Torah scrolls with the share a private moment and relish the time congregation dancing joyously with them. spent together. Each encirclement, called hakafa, begins with a responsive prayer. On Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, there is no longer an obligation to dwell or eat in the During the morning service, all the sukkah. In the Diaspora, some eat in the are again taken from the ark and the sukkah (without a blessing) on Shemini , the joyous circling of the night Atzeret, while others do not. In Israel, there is before, are repeated. The final parasha no custom to eat in the sukkah on Shemini (weekly portion) of the Torah, V’zot Ha’bracha Atzeret. (And this is the blessing...) is read. The final parasha is read over Simchat Torah and over until everyone (Rejoicing in the has been called to the Torah), which marks Torah. In some the conclusion of the congregations, several yearly cycle of the Torah readings take reading of the Torah place simultaneously.

Jewish TreatsTreats GuideGuide to SukkotSukkot 16 Read Hebrew America is the ideal way to learn how to follow synagogue services, to be more involved in your children’s Jewish education, or simply to enhance your own ties to Judaism. These five FREE hour and a half lessons are available for beginners and intermediates Click here to find a class in your community.

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Jewish Treats Guide to Sukkot