Borehamwood Cover.qxp_Layout 1 13/07/2018 13:12 Page 1 Saturday 14th July 2018 WOOD Pre-Season Friendly THE Kick Off 3.00pm Commemorative Programme, welcoming Unai Emery to Arsenal Official Benchwear and Match Ball Sponsor MAIN CLUB SPONSOR MEMBER LEAGUE LEAGUE SPONSOR LEAGUE BROADCAST SPONSOR MATCH BALL & BENCH KIT SUPPLIER New, exciting courses available for September 2017! human rEsourcEs lEvEl 3 markEting, salEs and businEss lEvEl 3 financE and businEss lEvEl 3 EvEnts managEmEnt and businEss lEvEl 3 EntErPrisE and businEss lEvEl 3 assistEd living dEntal travEl, tourism and businEss lEvEl 3 tEchnologiEs digital markEting and Plumbing, gas and social mEdia lEvEl 3 ElEctrical …and many more! Please see our website for more details. a lEvEls vocational ProfEssional dEvEloPmEnt Higher Education #BePartOfOurStory 020 8266 4000
[email protected] Contents.qxp_Layout 1 13/07/2018 12:18 Page 1 BOREHAM WOOD STADIUM MANAGER: Matthew Hunter FOOTBALL CLUB PROGRAMME EDITOR: FOUNDED 1948 CONTENTS Craig Draycott GROUND: Meadow Park, Broughinge Road, Borehamwood, Herts. WD6 5AL. PA ANNOUNCER: Mark Hughes TELEPHONE: 0208-953 5097 CLUB SHOP: Grant Morris 4-5 APROGRESS REPORT Full Members of The Football FROM CHAIRMAN DANY HUNTER Association The National League CLUB HONOURS AFFILIATED TO: The Hertfordshire Football Association & The London Promotion Final Runners-Up: Football Association 2017/18 CLUB COLOURS: ALL White CONFERENCE SOUTH PLAY-OFF 10-11 FROM THE DUGOUT CHANGE COLOURS: All Sky Blue WINNERS 2014/15 From Manager Luke Garrard MAIN SPONSOR: ISTHMIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Barnet & Southgate College PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Premier Division Play-off Winners Hertsmere Borough Council, 2009/10 Arsenal Football Club, Lexus, Reggiani, Davis Bonley, MOD Pizza, Carlsberg, 14-15 MEET THE NEW BOYS Village Hotels, Brend Hotels Premier Division Runners-up 1997/98 DIRECTORY Division One Champions 1994/95, 2000/01 PRESIDENT: W.F.