Proroguing Parliament Spineless Liberal Move the Escalating Twists and Turns of the WE Canadians Forget

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Proroguing Parliament Spineless Liberal Move the Escalating Twists and Turns of the WE Canadians Forget SUMMER/FALL 2020 NEWS FROM YOUR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, GLEN MOTZ [email protected] /GlenMotz @GlenMotz /GlenMotz Proroguing Parliament Spineless Liberal Move The escalating twists and turns of the WE Canadians forget. Charity scandal reveals the depth of de- ception the Trudeau Liberals are willing to Fortunately, Trudeau’s move to prorogue Participating in one of my many plunge. came a day too late, as parliament’s Fi- Virtual Townhalls nance Committee’s earlier request for Influence from the highest levels of cabi- all documents related to the Liberal’s WE Virtual Townhalls net, including the prime minister’s office to Charity decision was fulfilled. Over 5,000 several top ministers and staff from varying memos, e-mails, planning schemes and Proving Popular departments, pressured civil servants to charming personal notes of platitudes be- The COVID-19 pandemic has forced carry out a plan to reward WE Charity with tween ministers and the funding recipients, businesses in every industry to rethink a $43-million of taxpayer funded money. albeit heavily redacted, are now in the how best to interact with their custom- This organization was tasked with manag- scrutiny of the public domain. ers, and a Member of Parliament’s of- ing a near-billion dollar support program fice is no different. Normally in the for students, which they had absolutely no Proroguing during a time of crisis can only summer I attend many community experience in providing. To think Liberals backfire for the Liberals. By the time parlia- events, parades, rodeos, festivals, and actually thought Canadians wouldn’t be ment resumes on September 23, the me- gatherings which allow me to meet paying attention to such interference is ticulous dissection of these government constituents and hear their issues and absurd, yet obviously they did. records will be complete. The full context concerns. of Trudeau and company’s deceptive un- This year, I have taken my tour online, With multiple parliamentary committees dertakings will rightly have gained momen- hosting virtual townhalls in communities making investigative headway exposing tum and they will have wished they had across Medicine Hat—Cardston— layers of government cover-up and deceit, faced truth and consequences during the Warner. These sessions have been well Trudeau in all his typical arrogance used summer calm. received and the feedback is important the power of his office to prorogue parlia- to help me best represent the residents ment. This was done to avoid accountabil- Locking out Opposition MPs, who were of the riding. ity for a train wreck of his own making. working hard to fix this government’s pan- Unbelievably, in the midst of a major demic programs, is a spineless move for Depending on continued COVID-19 health and economic crisis, when Canadi- Trudeau. Hiding will not solve the prob- health restrictions, my office will consid- ans are looking for stability and leadership, lems Canadians are experiencing right er further virtual townhalls in late fall, Trudeau has given us corruption and cha- now. We deserve better. 2020. os and now, a disgusting attempt to make PARLIAMENT HILL OFFICE CONSTITUENCY OFFICE Suite 610, Valour Building 151 Sparks St., Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Suite 306, 2810-13th Avenue SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 3P9 613-996-0633 Telephone 403-528–4698 or 1-844-781-9061 [email protected] WE CHARITY Liberals Caught in Tangled Web “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we tasked with developing the paid volunteer first practice to deceive.” How can one person program. How ridiculous! Bureaucrats follow OUT AND ABOUT - a leader of a great democracy no less - get direction. They do not sign-off on billion dol- into as many quagmires as Justin Trudeau? Is lar programs. it intentional for attention? Does he just not Testimony made by many witnesses including think things through? Or, does he actually the prime minister, is that substantive govern- believe he can do whatever he chooses, with- ment action was required during the pan- out repercussions because of who he is? If his demic. But, it was the Liberals who shutdown well-documented past misconduct is any in- Parliament, deliberately curbing debate that dicator, evaporating no matter how grievous, would have put the best aid programming I’m convinced of the latter. options to a parliamentary vote. I was pleased to present a new The WE Charity scandal however, rewarding Canadian flag to the Stubers of The Liberals ignored the fundamental ele- friends and political backers with a taxpayer- Medicine Hat, in preparation for ments, which in the WE Charity case would funded $912-million grant project, of which Canada Day. have curtailed a disaster before it ever gained they would be paid handsomely for their ef- ground, simply by acknowledging the con- forts to implement, crosses all ethical bound- nection between the organization, Trudeau aries. The reciprocal connections between the and his family. The Liberals weren’t just blind WE organization and the Trudeau family so to this fact, they deliberately ignored the ob- blatantly contravene Canada’s Conflict of In- vious. terest laws, even the most apolitical individual would realize the time-bomb of such a deci- During the early stages of the health crisis, sion. many of the government’s proposals were impulsive and lacked forethought. It was the Much has been publicized about the WE Conservatives who forced the Liberals to In Bow Island I participated in scandal and Trudeau’s involvement. He, hammer out critical details before COVID-19 the Kids Virtual Summer Camp. along with multiple ministers and senior offi- funding legislations came to votes during cials have testified before the Finance Com- emergency House of Commons sittings. mittee examining what appears to be a clear picture of corruption at the highest levels of Democracy demands accountability. “When government. governments fear their people, there is liber- ty. When people fear their governments, Yet, these leaders are blaming the civil service there is tyranny.” - Thomas Jefferson CANADA/US BORDER Border Closure Causes Confusion Connecting with the Mennonite community for an interview Since the closure of the Canada/US border, Entry you plan to use for crossing and translated into Low German. my office has received hundreds of letters, explain your situation to them emails, and phone calls from worried constit- • Have a plan in place for self-quarantining uents impacted by the ban on non-essential on both sides of the border and be ready travel. Unfortunately, the government’s mis- to present your plan to officers should management of Canada’s border policy has you be asked created more confusion for Canadian travel- ers. On August 14, it was announced that the • Consult the latest travel information from closure would extend to September 21, 2020. each country for most recent updates The US Department of Homeland Security has also significantly limited Canadians’ ability to Contact information for both agencies can be cross the border. found on their respective websites: While the situation at the border is constantly CBSA: Despite the government’s refusal to allow Parliament to sit, I took changing, there are several things we recom- CBP: mend when considering whether to cross: the opportunity to ask firearms- If you are affected by the closure, please do related questions at June’s Spe- • Contact the CBP and CBSA at the Ports of not hesitate to reach out to my office. cial Committee on COVID-19. ECONOMIC RECOVERY Advancing the Needs of Canadians Critical After the 2008 Global Economic Crisis, needs of Canadians. To date, we have yet nities are held up by Liberal policies that there was no doubt that Canada had a to see him do that. So the best plan for all suppressed jobs and growth before 2020. recovery plan. The Economic Action Plan Canadians might be to get a new ap- Wasteful spending and huge deficits dur- was plastered everywhere. Conservatives proach and leadership for Canada – a plan ing economic booms, legislation to de- rapidly shifted spending to get shovels in to get rid of Justin Trudeau. stroy our energy sector, and trade barriers the ground and put people back to work Despite being six months into the pan- to the agriculture sectors could be turned through economic stimulus. demic, Trudeau’s Liberals have yet to pre- around by reversing the Liberals’ ideologi- Having balanced the budget and run a sent any plan to move Canada forward. cal policies. Ending the “No More Pipeline surplus for a number of years, Canada was The piecemeal of policies and programs Act” could ignite our massive energy sec- in a good fiscal position to make smart have no coherence and offer no long- tor, create tens of thousands of jobs, and investments and leave Canada better off in term thinking and planning. billions of dollars in new investments. the long term. We expanded ports, invest- Despite being 6 months into the pandem- Ending political blockades of agricultural ed in energy projects, restored aging infra- ic, Trudeau’s Liberals have yet to present products in China, India and other coun- structure, paved roads, expanded universi- any plan to move Canada forward. The tries could help our farmers. Eliminating ties and colleges, and put more money piecemeal of policies and programs have taxes like the carbon tax and the small into training and skills development. no coherence and offer no long-term business tax grab would put money back All these opportunities require Justin Tru- thinking and planning. This could be in into workers and small business operators deau to put his ego aside and advance the part because short term growth opportu- while lowering costs to Canadians.
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