1 The Kingsclere Editors Mike Stokoe, Nicki Lee and Sarah Hewitt Advertising Les Wallace, Jada, Union Lane ( 298794 Tower Distribution Andrew Kitch ( 299743 Printer Kingsclere Design and Print Layout/Cover James Cruickshank "Use it or lose it" is a phrase we hear a lot in wildly differing circumstanc- es. It is so true for local village amenities and services. Over the years many shops, for example, have come and gone. Years ago Kingsclere had a bak- ery, ironmonger and quite a few more pubs than now. But custom de- clined and they disappeared. It's important to 'shop local' or we will find the option to do so is gone. Online shopping is helpful, but it's no good if you are in the middle of cooking and need an ingredient, or feel ill and need some medi- cine now, or professional advice on medications (see page 10 for a notice from our local chemist). Regularly shopping locally will make sure we have these last minute and emergency options available. Nicki Lee, October editor October 2018 Neither the Editor, nor the Management Committee accept responsibility for the opinions expressed or the goods and services advertised in the Kingsclere Tower magazine. To all “Tower” Contributors COPY FOR November to the editors at 3 Blue Meadow, Garrett Close
[email protected] by October 12th Your Village Magazine Copy MUST include name, address/phone number 2 3 KINGSCLERE PARISH COUNCIL (KPC) Chairman: John Sawyer (297221) Clerk: Louise Porton (298634) email:
[email protected] The result of the Parish Referendum held on 6th September was as fol- Office: 37 George Street, Kingsclere RG20 5NH lows: Public Opening: Mon & Wed 9:30-11:30am Electorate 2,630 Ripairian duties – This is the time of year when we need to think about the Number of votes cast 880 of which 255 were postal votes.