DIRECTORY. J BERKSHIRE. SHAW-CUM-DONNINGTON. 225 Vaughan-Davies Mro.Sandhurst lodge Hanson Harry Richard, grocer Pitchell Hy. fly propr. College Twn (postal address, Wellington Col- Harper George Henry, cycle agent, Pitman Charles, news agent, York lege Station) York Town road Town road, College Town Wilkin George Frederick, The Hollies Harper Jn. stationer k sub-postmstr Pocock Richard, farm bailiff to J. C01.QIERCIAL. Hedges Geo. shopkpr. Lit. Sandhurst Over esq. Watts farm Aldworth Thomas, jobbing gardener, Hicks Henry, shopkpr. York Town rd Purvey William, Wellington Arms Branksome Hill road, College Town Hodge Waiter (Mrs.), laundry, York P.H. York Town road Allsworth Herbt. grocr.York Town rd Town road Rawlings George, chimney sweeper, Angel! Thomas & Son, tailors Hudson ArthurJas.grcr.College Town York Tow.u road Ankerson Richard, sbopkeeper,Brank-IHudson John, carrier, .A.lbion road Russell James M.D., C.M.AbeTd., some Hill road, College Town !Hunt Vincent,jobmastr.YorkTown rd M.R.C.S.Eng. surgoon, & medical Ayres Henry, market gardener James Edwd.Louis,drpr.YorkTown rd officer & public vaccinator, Sand- Barefoot Wm. Hy. White Swan P.H ~James William, grocer,York Town rd burst district, Easthampstead Bateman John, Rose & Crown P.H fJolly Claude, outfitter union, The Cedars Bedford James Sydney, hair dresser, Kent Fredk. Thos. baker,College Twn Sandhurst Working Men's Club(Jesse College Town Lark Frederick William, laundry, Weaver, manager) Blake Robt. Henry, Duke's Head P.H1 College road, College Town Saunders Harriett (Mrs.),sbopkeeper, Brake Charles John, land agent, York I Lockbart Robert llruce M. A. school- Branksome Hill road, College Town Town road, College Town master (boys' preparatory), Eagle Seeby Alfred, market gardener, Rose Brown Mary (Mrs.), draper, College School house dene, College Town . Town Mel!on Frederick ·w. insurance agent, Siwpson Thomas & Son, blacksmith• Clutterworth William, laundry, York Little Sandhurst Smallbone George Edward, chimney Town road Metcalfe George Edward Gibson sweeper, 8 College rd.College Town Cochrane HarryH.frmr.Ambarrow fm L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin., L.F.P. Smith Geo. butcher, York Town rd Cooper Robert (Mrs.), grocer, Little & S.Gias. & L.M. physician & sur· Stembridge Henry, painter, Oak villa, Sandhurst geon, Pinewood College Town Cornish Edwin, shoe maker Milam Theresa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Storror Henry Thomas, Jolly Farmer Cox Jesse, dairyman, York Town rd Melbourne villa, Longdown road P.H. College Town Cox Josepb, insur. agent, New Town Mitchell Edwd. Chas. insur. agent, 4 Sweet Artbur, butcher, College Town Cox J osiah, farmer, Breach farm Bromley cottages, York Town road Thompson William, picture frame Dalley Alfd. Edwd. bldr.College Twn Moss Arthur W. blacksmith, York maker, 7 Brind Park terrace Doe Francis, farmer, Nightingale 'fawn road Watts Herbert, assistant overseer for farm, York Town road Napper Vincent Wm. grocer & sub- Sandhurst & Crowthorne &:; clerk Erskine William, cycle repairer, 5 postmaster, Little Sandhurst to Parish Councils, assessor & col- Bromley cottages, York Town road Nash George, shopkpr. York Town rd lector of taxes & registrar of births Foster Geo. Edward, New inn, York Neal Bertie George, grocer & sub- & deaths for Sandhurst sub-district, Town road postmaster, Sandhurst street Rose cottage Giblett Robert, farmer, Sandhurst Newson Wm. upbolstr. College Town Wells & Co. grocers, College road, farm, College Town Osborne Henry, farmer, York Town College Town Greenaway George, beer ret.Albion rd road, College Town White John, Bull &:; Butcher P .H. Griffiths Wm.Edwd.Bird-in-Hand P .H Ottaway Chas.beer ret.Lit. Sandhurst York Town road, College Town Hammond Minnie (Mrs.), shopkeeper Over Brothers, millers (suction gas) Williams Henry, haulage contractor, & sub-postmistress, College road, Payne Arth. carpenter, Lit. Sandhrst College Town College Town SANDLEFORD, formerly extra-parochial, is now a · being still extant. In 1730 the lease was purchased by parish on a small stream called the Enborne, which Edward Montagu esq. grandson of the first Earl of here divides the counties of J3erks and Rants, r~ miles Sandwich and M.P. for Huntingdon, and Sandleford south from Newbury, in the Southern division of the was for many years the residence of his widow, the county, Faircross hundred, Newbury petty sessional celebrated Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, who made con­ division, union and Cl}nnty court district. The in­ sidereble additions and alterations to the house, built habitants attend the churches of Newtown and Green­ the present drawing room and converted the chapel ham. Sandleford form~rly ·belonged to the priory, into a dining room, but it is now used for this founded here before 1202 by Geoffrey, Earl of Perch, purpose ; somewhere about 1760 she entertained here and Maud his wife, for canons of the Augustinian a coterie or society of literary persons, known as order, but in 1478, owing to a dispute between the "The J3lue Stockings"; at her death in r8oo the leaso Prior and the Bishop of Salisbury, the canons deserted passed to her nephew, Matthew Montagu, 4th Baron the priory and it was eventually annexed to the King's Rake by ; the Priory is now the joint property of the Free Chapel of St. George, Windsor. By a decree trustees of the late Alpin Macgregor esq. J.P. who are obtained by Sir Francis Moor kt. of Fawley, in the the principal landowners, and is the residence of Mrs. Court of Exchequer, in the reign of James I. Sandle­ Myers. The soil is gravelly clay; subsoil, clay. The ford was declared to he "no part of the parish of New­ chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is bury, nor so to be reputed," and instead of the tithes 515 acres of land· and 5 of water; rateable value, £746; and other ecclesiastical dues, which bad been there­ the po'pulation in 19rr was 37· tofore paid to the parson of Newbury, a modus or This place is reputed to be extra-parochial for eccle­ charge of £8 yearly was substituted, which is still paid siastical purposes. to the 1·ector of Newbury, and a seat in the church of Letters through Newbury. The nearest money order St. Nicholas, Newbury, is apportioned to Sandleford. office &:; telegraph office is Newtown (Rants), about 1 The present mansion, called Sandleford Priory, includes mile distant portions of the monastic buildings, the ancient chapel The children attend the school at Greenbam Myers Mrs. Sandleford priory Butler AlbertHy.farmr.Sandleford fm 'Ellis Thomas William, gardener to Thynne John C. Sandleford cottage Mrs. Myers SEACOURT is 7 miles north from Abingdon and ri The Earl of Abingdon is lord of the manor and prin­ from Oxford. By Local Government Board Order No. cipal landowner. The soil is stone brash, sand and 4o,66r, dated April rst, 1900, part of Seacourt civil loam; subsoil, various, but principally limestone. The parish was added to Wytham; the remaining part is crops are a succession of grain. in Oxford County Borough, and became a separate civil Letters from Oxford by foot p!)St arrive between 8 & 9 parish, under the provisions of the "Local Govern- a. m. The nearest money order ·& telegraph office is ment Act, r894," but has not yet been named 1 or otherwise dealt with. It is united for ecclesiastical at Oxford, 1& miles distant purposes with the parish of Wytham. There is no Wall Letter Box, near Botley, cleared at 6.25 p.m. l church; the inhabitants attend that of North Hinksey. 1 sundays, 10.15 a. m Skelcber George, farmer, Lych farm 1 Turner Albert Vincent, farmer SHALBOUl!.N is .. parish, a part of which, known Confirmation (No. 12) Act," which came into opera• as Oxenwood and 'Bagshot, was formerly in Berks, but j tion September 30, r895, these places were transferred by the "Local Government Board's Provisional Orders to Wilts and the parish is now wholly in that county. SHAW-cum-DONNINGTON is a parish and vil-~ petty sessional division, union and county court district lage, on the northern bank of the river Lambourn, of Newbury, rnral deanery of Newbury, archdeaconry of which separates it from the borough of Newbury, in the 1 Berks and diocese of Oxford. The ehuroh of St. Mary, Southern division of the county, hundred of Faircross. rebuilt in 1840, is an edifice of stone in the Norman. BERKS. 15 .
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