The Winter Season December 1, 1984-February 28, 1985
CONTINENTAL SUIVEY The Winter Season December 1, 1984--February 28, 1985 NORTHEASTERN MARITIME REGION /Richard S. Heil With the understandingthat it is difficultto make generalcomments concerningthe weather,never mind avifaunal trends, in a Regionwhose diversityis reflectedin the starkdissimilarities between places such as the Avalon Peninsulaand the coastof Connecticut,the following state- mentsare made: Despite a colder-than-normalJanuary, the physidal elementsdealt to the winter of 1984-1985 were kind. The exceptionwas Newfoundland,where Decemberespecially was "colderand stormier thanaverage." Using Boston statistics as the Regionalmean, being the most readily availableto this editor, we see that Decemberaveraged nearly6 ø F abovenormal and that the temperaturereached a staggering 73ø on the 29th. A 20-day stretchof cold temperaturesJanuary 3-22 nearlyoffset Decemher's warmth but did not displaythe extremecold, with subzerotemperatures, evident in someseasons. February started out cold;but warm, spring-likeconditions prevailed from aboutFebru- ary 10-28. Precipitationwas well belowaverage throughout the Region for theentire season, resulting most importantly in greatlyreduced snow cover. Furtherameliorating this winter's hardshipwas a nearly universal abundanceof wild food crops.As describedby one ChristmasBird Countcompiler, Frank Mantlik, referringto the Westport,Connecticut. area, "Everythingfrom pines{white pine especially),hemlocks, oaks (acorns),and most berry-producingplants {winterberry, poison ivy, much of the coast,although an anomaloussum of 335 in BuzzardsBay bayberry)had what seemedto be bumpercrops." Likewise in thenorth Dec. 15 (C.B .C.) was still below severalrecent counts for thosewaters. countrypine and spruceyields were said to be abundant,as werefleshy Small flockswere correctlytermed "late" at far-inlandlocales, includ- fruitssuch as rose and mountain ash. As we shallsee, the implicationsof ing up to 20 at QuabbinRes., Mass., until Jan.26 (SK).
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