P.O. Box 1235 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 USA Phone: 919.688.9969 x125 www.mergerecords.com

International Sales Contact Kraegan Graves: [email protected]

TRACK LISTING: SIDE A SIDE B 1. Notorious Lightning 7. New Ways of Living 2. It’s Gonna Take an Airplane 8. Don’t Become the Thing You Hated 3. An Actor’s Revenge 9. Mad Foxes 4. The Music Lovers 10. The Fox and the Hound 5. From Oakland to Warsaw 11. What Road 6. 12. Certain Things You Ought to Know

Your Blues is a stunning collection of songs and MRG 238 craftsmanship. Bombastic and bold at times, quiet and soothing at others, Your Blues has an almost theatrical quality that informs the compositions. Originally released Destroyer on CD in 2004, Destroyer’s sixth studio album is now widely available on vinyl, as the December installment in Your Blues the Merge25 reissue series. Recorded with the production duo JC/DC (aka David (reissue) Carswell and John Collins) -- who aided in the creation of Destroyer’s first three discs -- ditches the band format he used for 2002’s This Night with tremendous results. Fusing a dramatic vocal style akin to that of David Bowie in the 1970s with 1980s studio achievers like Microdisney and Prefab Sprout, Your Blues is regularly 180g LP breathtaking.

2 December 2014 vinyl is non-returnable KEY NOTES & PAST PRESS:

• First time available on vinyl outside of Canada Box Lot: LP 25 • LP pressed to 180g & includes coupon for full album download UPC: 673855023816 • Destroyer’s sixth studio album; originally released in 2004 Format: LP is jacket + printed insert + 180g vinyl + full album download coupon • 8.6 album review for Your Blues (2004) File Under: Alternative • “2004’s early front-runner for art rock album of the year.” Export: World excluding North America --ALL MUSIC GUIDE