Patterson,Fiedler Wintopsga Andunionspots Pattersoncourt
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Standard U.S. PostagePaid Permit #1 Davidson,NC + ALEriDA LU>C\JOT^bjPCTA LIBERTAS ♥ Davidson College Wednesday,February 20,2002 Volume 93,Number 17 Patterson Court vandalism sparks investigation Rusk, SigmaPhiEpsilon, CoHo suffer significantproperty damage during 'mindless'Thursday morning spree By Nick Asma Such wasthedisorder that SPE'scook was for their annual "Heaven andHell" party on couches and decorations.Our foosball table Senior Staff Writer unableto servemealsfor theremainderof the Feb. 15. was covered in inches of food and is com- week. The fraternity hiredPhysicalPlant to According toRuskpresidentAlyssaSinclair pletely destroyed." Early Thursday morning, several houses properlyclean up themess. '03, "The floors and tables were covered in Somemembers of thehouse and the cook on Patterson Court were subject to acts of Ruskeatinghousealsoexperiencedasimi- starch,syrup and cereal. Leftover food was wereable to sufficiently clean the house to vandalism resulting in more than $1,000 in lar levelof destruction. The vandals ruined dumped out on the floors and thrown at the serve lunch after police had taken photos. damage and leading to an investigation by sections of the housealong withdecorations decorations on the walls. Eggs were on our Physical Plant workers later came by and both Patterson Court officials and Campus finishedthecleaningjob.Thecookestimated Police. that thehouse lostatleast$100 worthoffood. According to Patterson Court Advisor The house still managed to redecorate on Grahaeme^Hesp, the vandalism took place Thursdaynightand throw their partyonFri- between 2 and 5 a.m. and was primarily dayevening. directed at Sigma Phi Epsilon,Rusk eating The kitchen of CoHo was also damaged, house,andthe co-edeatinghouse,CoHo. Of though not to the extent of the other two the three, SPE and Rusk suffered the most facilities. damage. Officials immediately commenced inves- Hespdescribed the actsaspurely"blatant, tigation after discovering the acts, and cur- mindless,criminal vandalism." rently both Patterson Court officials and the BrothersarrivedatSPEThursdaymorning Campus Police arecombining efforts toseek to discover thehouse inshambles. The floor the perpetrators. and tables were littered with food,miscella- On Thursday morning Hesp met with the neouscondiments fromthehouse werestrewn presidentsof the victimizedhouses andPCC about everywhere and, most notably, the President Daniel Hanks '03 to discuss the fraternity's new pool table was strewn with events.That eveninghe alsomet with presi- beans and humanfeces. dentsofallhousesonthe courttopresentthe Inaddition,four windows werebrokenand latestinformation to them. shattered glass was scattered over the floor. s^juP-gesidente "expressed collective concern three k1""*- arid"annoyance" as Hespencouraged house Perpetrators also stole house member « Jh| II B^**^ composites, all of the pool cues and four leaders to urge any guilty members to step billiardballs. forward. "I'mthankfulnoonewasinthehouseatthe Allevidence "pointstooneorganizationat timeof theseacts.There were shardsofglass themomentand asof now itis only a matter 2-4 inches long all over the floor," noted of pulling together the rest of the informa- Hesp. see Court,page 3 Patterson,Fiedler win top SGA andUnion spots A 80% students in SGAactivities.Iknow thatIwillcontinue recommendations on many aspects of cam- offs, the final three representatives were record of to represent the student body's collective pus life. Beau Dasher '04 is now United elected-Trip Young '03, Academics;Lucy vote inMonday elections interestsinaddition toperformingtheofficial Community Action President, and Jackie Long '04, Admissions and Erika Dean '05, Vice-Presidential responsibilities." Protos'04becameUCAVice-President. Amy Finance andBudget. By Lindy Baldwin Fiedler defeatedcandidates AdamHill '03 Leitch '04 was elected totheReview Board. NewmembersoftheSCC werealsoelected NewsEditor and Jeff Storms '02 to succeed Will Parker Six new Trustee Committee Representa- in Tuesday's runoffs. The winners were - '02 as Union Board President. "My oppo- tives were elected to represent the student NancyKohler '03andJimmyCarr '03.Megan A record 80% of Davidson students a nents brought greatideas and experience to bodytotheCollegetrustees.Ian Willoughby Schafer '03andMarkPustay'03wereelected 450% increase over pre-electronic voting - thetable. Ithink wechallengedeachother in '03 was named the Buildings and Grounds defense advisorsandPatrick Baetjer '03and logged on to votein Monday's Category II constructive ways. Theywereboth support- representative;A.C.Christopherson '03was SallyStackhouse '03 wontherace forstudent elections. ivelastnightafter it wasallover,andIreally elected as the Athletics representative, and solicitors; these are key positions inHonor Ina dramatic andextremelyclose race for appreciatedtheir response," saidFiedler. LaurenPerny '03 willfill theroleof College Codetrials. AmandaMildner'03 waselected SGApresident,GradyPatterson'03defeated The President-electhashighhopes for the Relations representative. In Tuesday'srun- Vice-Chair of the Activities Tax Council. KevinEpps '03 in aTuesday run-off. coming year. "I'mlooking forward toopen- The daybefore,Kate Fiedler '03 emerged inguptheboardandgettingcommitteemem- as the victorin athree-personrace for Union bersmoreinvolvedsoourteamis biggerand Board President. Charles Washington '04 better." INSIDETHIS WEEK waselected SGA Vice-President. "Ireallymissedthe Davidsoncommunity Studentsalsoelectednew members tokey while abroad last semester.Isee the Union News 1-3 bodies such as the Council on Campus and Boardas a wayto work withother groups to WALT 1610 AM will make changes ReligiousLife(CCRX),theStudent Conduct develop just that:union. Iwant to work to- toits talk showsinresponsetocriticism. Council (SCC)and the HonorCouncil. wards bringing people together for FUN, Page2. "Mymain goal will be toimprove onthe pureandsimple.Itiseasy togetcaughtupin system already in place," said Patterson. the stresses of this demanding atmosphere, Arts& Living 4-6 s;"Iwill also lookout for PattersonCourtand butIthink it'sjust asimportant to play!" Davidson welcomes the Royal make surethatahealthyrelationshipismain- Fiedler willbeginrecruitingnewCommit- ShakespeareCompany. Page4. tainedbyPCCmembers,CampusPolice,and teeChairsstarting Wednesday,Feb. 20. the administration." Alsoelected tokeypositionsontheUnion Perspectives 7-8 New SGA Vice-President Washingtonhas BoardwereVincentBenjamin'04andMbye Ahardlook atPresident Bush'senvi- student governmentexperiencedating back Njie '04. Benjamin was elected as Vice- ronmental proposals. Page 12. to eighth grade. Vice- Chair, Njie "I believe the SGA President:Co-Curricular and was IanBartholomewplays the moneylender Presidencyshould be somuchmore than the named Vice-President: SocialChair. Shylockin the Royal Shakespeare Sports 9-12 official responsibilities," Washington said Hannah Fuhr '04, Andrew Leventhal'03, Company'sproductionof TheMerchant Men's basketball wraps up SoCon when asked about his reasons for running. Roberta '03andKatie Wilson '03 were of Venice, openingFriday.See page6 North Divisionchampionship. Page 16. Quis for detailsonRSC's residency. "TheVice-Presidentneedstoremaininvolved electedtoCCRL,anadvisorybodythatmakes '- News W EDNESDAY, rEBRUARY 2X), ZOUZ WALT agrees to new talk show guidelines .... .. By Matt Garfield closely screened to prevent improper lan- now. We have to clean up our act without ManagingEditor guage.Andpersonalattacks against students stifling anybody's creativity. The Media or specific groups will no longer be permit- Boarddefinitely understands that." WALT managers reached an agreement ted. Hosts who violate these rules will be NjiesaidTuesdaynightthatthe show will iry 25at 7:30p.m. withtheMedia last week tochangethe taken off the air. adhere to the/newguidelines,butbelieves it, in Chambers Gallery,Mark Sterner will Bbard way they run the campus radio station in "We're all trying to figure out what is ok isbeingunfairly singledout. speak on the dangers of drunk driving. responseto complaints about acontroversial and what isn't ok," said Halpin, WALT's "We'll agree to do the show on those Stemer's life changed drastically when talk show. production manager. "It's a tough question conditions,but if it gets to a point where three of his best friends and fraternity Thestationwillhost campus-wideforum into the freedomof speech we're not happy with where the show is brothers werekilledinanimpaireddriv- a because you run tonight 7 p.m. field criticism and hear issue. We're trying to make sure that issues going, we won't [continue the show]," he ingcrash<luringspringbreakin1994. He at to ideasonhowprogrammingcanbeimproved. canbe talkedabout withoutbeingaggressive said. "Ithink we'rebeingpunishedforbeing wasdrivingt! iccar. Sternerendedup with "The Black Man and the Mexican," was tocertainpeopleinamean way.Youcanraise a popular show. There areother shows that three felonyconvictions and spent three held off the air during its normal Sunday questions justas longas it isn'tattacking." are worsethanweareintermsofcontent.To yearsinjail.Formore information,con- nighttime slotto giveits hosts time to meet Halpin said WALT's six-member Execu- a degree [the conditions] are fair, but if tact GrahaemeHesp at 704/894-2188. new requirementsagreedupononThursday tive Boardand theMediaBoardagreedthere they'regoing tostart censoring shows,they by the WALTexecutiveboardandtheMedia wasn't enough time between Thursday's should doit all the