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Advancedaudioblogs3#1 Peruviancuisine:Lacomida Peruana LESSON NOTES Advanced Audio Blog S3 #1 Peruvian Cuisine: La Comida Peruana CONTENTS 2 Dialogue - Spanish 4 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 5 Cultural Insight # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2020 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DIALOGUE - SPANISH MAIN 1. Hola a todos! 2. Alguno ya tuvo la oportunidad de degustar algún plato típico peruano? 3. La comida peruana es una de las cocinas más diversas del mundo, incluso han llegado a decir que la cocina peruana compite con cocinas de alto nivel como la francesa y china. 4. La comida peruana es de gran diversidad gracias al aporte de diversas culturas como la española, italiana, francesa, china, japonesa, entre otras, originando de esta manera una fusión exquisita de distintos ingredientes y sabores que dieron lugar a distintos platos de comida peruana. 5. A este aporte multicultural a la cocina peruana, se suman la diversidad geográfica del país (el Perú posee 84 de las 104 zonas climáticas de la tierra) permitiendo el cultivo de gran variedad de frutas y verduras durante todo el año. 6. Asimismo el Perú tiene la bendición de limitar con el Océano Pacífico, permitiendo a los peruanos el consumo de diversos platos basados en pescados y mariscos. 7. La comida peruana ha venido obteniendo un reconocimiento internacional principalmente a partir de los años 90 gracias al trabajo de muchos chefs que se encargaron de difundir la comida peruana en el mundo y desde entonces cada vez más gente se rinde ante la exquisita cocina peruana. 8. En el año 2006, Lima, la capital del Perú, fue declarada capital gastronómica de América durante la Cuarta Cumbre Internacional de Gastronomía Madrid Fusión 2006. 9. En el próximo blog les contaré más detalladamente los platos más representativos del Perú como el ceviche, pollo a la brasa, chifa; CONT'D OVER SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #1 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: LA COMIDA PERUANA 2 10. postres como la mazamorra morada o los picarones y por supuesto les contaré también sobre las bebidas como el pisco y la chicha morada. 11. Hasta la próxima, y que tengan buena semana. ENGLISH 1. Hello! 2. Have you already had the opportunity to taste some typical Peruvian dishes? 3. Peruvian food is one of the world's most diverse cuisines, and it has even been suggested that Peruvian cuisine competes with high-level cuisines such as French and Chinese. 4. Peruvian food is very diverse, thanks to the contribution of different cultures such as Spanish, Italian, French, Chinese, and Japanese, among others, thus causing an exquisite fusion of different ingredients and flavors that gave rise to different Peruvian dishes. 5. To this multicultural contribution to Peruvian cuisine, the geographic diversity of the country (Peru has eighty-four of the 104 climate zones of the earth) is also added, allowing the cultivation of a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the year. 6. Peru also has the blessing of bordering on the Pacific Ocean, allowing the use of various Peruvian dishes based on seafood. 7. Peruvian food has been gaining international recognition mainly since the 1990s through the work of many chefs who were responsible for spreading the Peruvian food throughout the world, and since then, more and more people have been exposed to the Peruvian cuisine. In 2006, 8. Lima, Peru's capital, was declared America's gastronomic capital during Madrid Fusion's Fourth International Gastronomic Summit in 2006. CONT'D OVER SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #1 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: LA COMIDA PERUANA 3 9. In the next blog, I will tell you in more detail about the most representative dishes of Peru, such as "ceviche," grilled chicken, "chifa," 10. and desserts such as "mazamorra" or "picarones," and of course I will tell you also about drinks such as "pisco" and "chicha morada." 11. Until next time, have a good week. VOCABULARY Spanish English Class Gender declarada declared difundir to spread verb reconocimiento recognition noun masculine bendición blessing noun feminine multicultural multicultural adjective degustar to taste verb - fusión fusion noun feminine Exquisite, delicious Exquisita (feminine) diversidad diversity noun aporte contribute noun SAMPLE SENTENCES SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #1 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: LA COMIDA PERUANA 4 Lamentablemente José fue Es importante que difundas esta declarado culpable. noticia. "Unfortunately Joseph was "It is important that you spread declared guilty." this news." Carlos recibió un reconocimiento Es una bendición poder tenerte por su excelente trabajo. en esta reunión. "Charles received an award for "It is a blessing to have you in his excellent work." this meeting." El Perú es un país multicultural. ¿Le gustaría degustar esta nueva marca de galleta? "Peru is a multicultural country." "Would you like to taste this new brand of cookie?" Me gusta el resultado de esta Nunca había probado comida nueva fusión. más exquisita que ésta. "I like the result of this new "I had never tried food more fusion." delicious than this." Me gusta venir a esta tienda María hizo un gran aporte a la porque hay gran diversidad de investigación. productos. "Mary made a great contribution "I like to come to this store to the research." because there is a great diversity of products." CULTURAL INSIGHT An Essential Part of Peruvian Culture SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #1 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: LA COMIDA PERUANA 5 In Peru, we have lots of delicious food, and we are proud of it. One example of this appears in a very well-known commercial that promotes Peru, which starts by saying, "If you are Peruvian, you have the right to eat well." Food is part of our culture, and proof of this is that many colloquial expressions and slang are related to our food. For example, we use the word causa, which is a typical Peruvian plate, to also refer to "a friend." Just like this, there are more names of plates that we use in our daily conversation, showing the influence that food has in our culture. SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #1 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: LA COMIDA PERUANA 6 LESSON NOTES Advanced Audio Blog S3 #2 Peruvian Cuisine: Ceviche CONTENTS 2 Dialogue - Spanish 4 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 6 Cultural Insight # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2020 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DIALOGUE - SPANISH MAIN 1. Esta semana les voy a contar un poco sobre uno de los platos más representativos del Perú, el cebiche. 2. Si bien es cierto que el cebiche es un plato que se prepara en muchos países latinoamericanos, sobre todo los litorales al Océano Pacífico como Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, México, entre otros; 3. en el Perú es considerado un plato tradicional y es tan valorado por la población peruana que incluso ha sido declarado Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación por el gobierno peruano. 4. Es más, tanto es la importancia de este conocido plato en el Perú que en el año 2008 fue instaurado el “Día del Ceviche”, celebrado cada 28 de junio a nivel nacional. 5. La preparación básica del cebiche es pescado blanco en trozos, jugo de limón, cebolla roja, ají y sal a gusto pero se pueden agregar otros ingredientes de acuerdo al gusto de cada uno. 6. En el Perú se preparan varios tipos de cebiche, como el cebiche mixto (se le agregan mariscos o pescados al cebiche normal); 7. cebiche de conchas negras, plato típico de la zona norte del Perú hecho a base de conchas negras marinado con limón; 8. cebiche de pulpo, entre otras variaciones. 9. Los acompañamientos del cebiche varían dependiendo de la región, sin embargo los acompañamientos más comunes son el choclo, cancha serrana, camote, yuyo y hojas de lechuga. 10. Y por si se están preguntando que bebidas caen bien con este plato, pues una cerveza bien helada. CONT'D OVER SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #2 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: CEVICHE 2 11. Espero que si alguno tiene la oportunidad de ir a Perú o comer en un restaurante peruano no se olvide de pedir un cebiche, pues se podría decir que sería un pecado no comer este delicioso plato sobre todo si te encuentras de viaje por la costa peruana. 12. Hasta la próxima! ENGLISH 1. This week, I'll tell you a little bit about one of the most representative dishes of Peru, "ceviche." 2. It is true that "ceviche" is a dish that is prepared in many Latin American countries, especially the coastal Pacific, such as Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Mexico, among others. 3. In Peru, it is considered a traditional dish and is so valued by the Peruvian population that is has even been declared a National Cultural Heritage by the Peruvian government. 4. Moreover, this popular dish is so important in Peru that in 2008, June 28 was proclaimed "Ceviche Day," celebrated nationwide every year. 5. The basic preparation of "ceviche" is white fish cut in pieces, lemon juice, red onion, pepper, and salt to taste, but you can also add other ingredients according to individual taste. 6. In Peru, various types of "ceviche" are prepared, like the mixed "ceviche" (seafood or fish are added to normal "ceviche"), 7. "ceviche de conchas negras," a typical dish of northern Peru made from black scallops marinated in lemon, 8. and "ceviche" octopus, among other variations. CONT'D OVER SPANISHPOD101.COM ADVANCED AUDIO BLOG S3 #2 - PERUVIAN CUISINE: CEVICHE 3 9. Side dishes of "ceviche" vary depending on the region; however, the most common accompaniments are corn, toasted corn, sweet potato, seaweed, and lettuce leaves. 10. And if you're wondering what drinks go well with this dish, cold beer is one of those. 11. I hope that if anyone has a chance to go to Peru or eat at a Peruvian restaurant, do not forget to order a "ceviche" because it can be said that it would be a sin not to eat this dish, especially if you are traveling along the coast of Peru.
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