Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
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CHAPTER 15 ROOF ASSEMBLIES AND ROOFTOP STRUCTURES SECTION 1501 cludes the roof deck, vapor retar der, substra te or ther mal GENERAL bar rier, in su la tion, va por re tarder and roof cov er ing. 1501.1 Scope. The pro visions of this chap ter shall gov ern the ROOF COVERING. The cov ering appli ed to the roof deck de sign, ma teri als , con struc tion and quali ty of roof as sem blies, for weather re sis tance, fire clas si fi ca tion or ap pear ance. and rooftop structure s. ROOF COVERING SYSTEM . See “Roof as sem bly.” ROOF DECK. The flat or sloped surf ace not in cluding its sup - SECTION 1502 port ing mem bers or ver ti cal sup ports. DEFINITIONS ROOF RE COVER. The proces s of insta ll ing an ad diti onal 1502.1 Gen eral. The fol lowing words and terms shall, for the roof cov ering over a pre pared ex ist ing roof cov ering without purposes of this chap ter and as used else where in this code, re mov ing the ex ist ing roof cov er ing. have the mean ings shown herein. ROOF REP AIR. Recon struc tion or rene wal of any part of an BUILT-UP ROOF COVERING. Two or more layers of felt ex ist ing roof for the purposes of its main tenance . ce mented to gether and sur faced with a cap sheet, min eral ag - gre gate, smooth coat ing or sim i lar sur fac ing ma te rial. ROOF RE PLACE MENT. The proces s of remo ving the ex ist - ¬ ing roof cov ering, re pair ing any damaged sub strate and insta ll - INTERLAYMENT. A layer of felt or nonbituminous satu - ing a new roof cov ering. rated felt not less than 18 inches (457 mm) wide, shin gled be - tween each course of a wood-shake roof cov ering. ROOF VEN TI LA TION. The nat u ral or me chan i cal pro cess of sup ply ing con di tioned or un con di tioned air to, or re mov ing ME CHAN I CAL EQUIP MENT SCREEN. A par tially en - such air from, at tics, ca the dral ceil ings or other en closed closed rooftop structure used to aes thet ical ly concea l heating, spaces over which a roof as sem bly is in stalled. ven ti lat ing and air con di tion ing (HVAC) elec tri cal or me chan i - cal equipment from view. ROOF TOP STRUC TURE. An enclos ed structure on or above the roof of any part of a build ing. METAL ROOF PANEL. An inter locking metal sheet ha ving a mini mum in stalled weather ex po sure of 3 square feet (.279 m2) SCUPPER. An opening in a wall or para pet that allo ws water per sheet. to drain from a roof. METAL ROOF SHIN GLE. An inter locking metal sheet hav - SIN GLE-PLY MEM BRANE. A roof ing membrane that is ing an in stalled weather ex posure less than 3 square feet (.279 field appli ed using one layer of membrane mate ria l (either ho - m2) per sheet. mo ge neous or com pos ite) rather than mul ti ple lay ers. MOD IFIED BI TU MEN ROOF COVERING. One or more UNDERLAYMENT. One or more layers of felt, sheathing pa- lay ers of poly mer-mod i fied as phalt sheets. The sheet ma te ri als per, nonbituminous satu rated felt or other ap proved ma terial shall be fully adhered or mechan i cal ly at tached to the substra te over which a steep-slope roof cov ering is appli ed. or held in place with an appro ved bal last layer. PENT HOUSE. An enclos ed, unoc cu pied struc ture above the SECTION 1503 roof of a build ing, other than a tank, tower, spire, dome cupola WEATHER PROTECTION or bulkhead, oc cup y ing not more than one-third of the roof area. 1503.1 Gen eral. Roof decks shall be cov ered with appro ved roof cov erings secured to the build ing or structure in ac cor- POS I TIVE ROOF DRAIN AGE. The drainage con diti on in dance with the pro visions of this chap ter. Roof cov erings shall which consid er ati on has been made for all loading defle cti ons be designe d, insta lled and maintai ned in accor dance with this of the roof deck, and addi ti onal slope has been pro vided to en- code and the ap proved man u facture r’s instruc tions such that sure drainage of the roof within 48 hours of precip i ta ti on. the roof cov ering shall serve to protec t the build ing or structure . REROOFING. The proces s of reco v ering or re plac ing an ex - 1503.2 Flashing. Flashing shall be insta lled in such a manner isting roof cov er ing. See “Roof re cover” and “Roof re place - so as to pre vent moisture enter ing the wall and roof through ment.” joints in cop ings, through mois ture-per me able ma te ri als and at in ter sec tions with par a pet walls and other pen e tra tions through ROOF AS SEM BLY. A system designe d to pro vide weather the roof plane. protec tion and resis tance to de sign loads. The system consis ts of a roof cov ering and roof deck or a single compo nent serving 1503.2.1 Lo ca tions. Flash ing shall be in stalled at wall and as both the roof cov ering and the roof deck. A roof as sembly in - roof in ter sec tions, at gutters, wher ever there is a change in 2003 SEATTLE BUILDING CODE 293 ROOF ASSEMBLIES AND ROOFTOP STRUCTURES roof slope or direc ti on and around roof openings. Where signed in ac cordance with ANSI/SPRI ES-1, ex cept the ba sic flash ing is of metal, the metal shall be cor ro sion re sis tant wind speed shall be deter mined from Fig ure 1609. with a thickness of not less than 0.019 inch (.483 mm) (No. 26 gal va nized sheet). 1504.6 Phys i cal prop er ties. Roof cov erings in stalled on low-slope roofs (roof slope < 2:12) in accor dance with Sec tion 1503.3 Coping. Para pet walls shall be prop erly coped with 1507 shall dem on strate physi cal inte g rity over the working life noncombustible, weath erproof mate ri als of a width no less of the roof based upon 2,000 hours of ex po sure to accel erate d than the thickness of the para pet wall. weath ering tests conducte d in ac cordance with ASTM G 152, ASTM G 155 or ASTM G 154. Those roof cov erings that are [P] 1503.4 Roof drainage. Design and insta lla ti on of roof subjec t to cy cli cal flex ural response due to wind loads shall not drain age system s shall com ply with the In ter na tional Uni form demon strate any signif icant loss of tensil e strength for Plumb ing Code. unreinforced membranes or breaking strength for rein forced 1503.4.1 Gutters . Gutter s and leaders placed on the out side mem branes when tested as herein re quired. of build ings, other than Group R-3 as appli cable in Sec tion 1504.7 Im pact re sis tance. Roof cov erings in stalled on 101.2, pri vate garages and build ings of Type V construc - low-slope roofs (roof slope < 2:12) in accor dance with Sec tion tion, shall be of noncombustible mate ria l or a mini mum of 1507 shall re sist impact damage based on the result s of tests Sched ule 40 plasti c pipe. conducte d in ac cordance with ASTM D 3746, ASTM D 4272, 1503.5 Roof ven ti la tion. Intak e and ex haust vents shall be pro - CGSB 37-GP-52M or FM 4470. vided in accor dance with Sec tion 1203.2 and the man u fac- turer’s in stal la tion in struc tions. SECTION 1505 FIRE CLASSIFICATION SECTION 1504 1505.1 Gen eral. Roof assem bli es shall be di vided into the PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS classes de fined be low. Class A, B and C roof as sem blies and 1504.1 Wind resis tance of roofs. Roof decks and roof cov er- roof cov erings re quired to be listed by this sec tion shall be ings shall be designe d for wind loads in accor dance with Chap- tested in accor dance with ASTM E 108 or UL 790. In addi ti on, ter 16 and Secti ons 1504.2, 1504.3 and 1504.4. fire-re tar dant-treated wood roof cov er ings shall be tested in ac - ¬ cordance with ASTM D 2898. The mini mum roof cov erings 1504.1.1 Wind resis tance of as phalt shingles . Asphalt insta lled on build ings shall comply with Table 1505.1 based on shingles shall be de signed for wind speeds in ac cordance the type of construc tion of the build ing. with Sec tion 1507.2.7. TABLE 1505.1a,b 1504.2 Wind resis tance of clay and con crete tile.