Bnl Holidays 1961
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VOLUME 14 - NUMBER 21 Published by the BNL Personnel Office JANUARY 31, 1961 RICHARD III BNL HOLIDAYS 1961 On Monday, February 6, the I3ERA Film Study Group will present Laurence The following holidays will be observed by the Laboratory during the Olivier’s color production of Richard III based on the play by William Shake- remainder of the 1961 calendar year: speare. TIME Magazine said of the film, Wednesday February 22 Washington’s Birthday “The cast that Olivier has assembled is a ‘Who’s Who’ of the British thecltre - Monday May 29 *Holiday Sir John Gielgud, Sir Ralph Richardson, Tuesday May 30 Memorial Day Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Claire .Bloom, Tuesday July 4 Independence Day Pamela Brown - and they play, for the Monday September 4 Labor Day most part, with a remarkably even and deep-breathing power. Olivier himself Thursday November 23 Thanksgiving Day interprets the title role with a mastery Friday November 24 *Holiday so complete that Richard III in this gen- Friday December 22 Half Holiday eration can surely never be himself Monday December 25 Christmas again.” *Additional holidoys. AUDIENCE LIKES PLAY! ENGINEERS TO VISIT BNL “Detective Story” brilliantly pre- A group attending the American In- sented by the BERA Theatre Group stitute of Electrical Engineers meeting in should have been titled “A Night To New York City this week will visit the Remember”. The audience sat en- Laboratory on Thursday, February 2. thralled for two and a half drama There will be about 70 people in the packed hours and will not soon forget group. the memorable performances of the en- tire cast of twenty-eight. CIVIL DEFENSE I.D. CARDS The action of the play takes place in the detective squad room of a New All Civil Defense I.D. Cards issued by York precinct police station in August, the Laboratory are now invalid. All 1959, and depicts the cases the detec- present holders of such cards are re- tives are called upon to cope with. quested to return them to the Security Beneath the main theme, however, Office for reissue of new type cards or runs the story of Detective McLeod, a for cancellation if no longer required. man filled with principles but devoid of Civil Defense credentials are issued heart and sympathy. only to personnel (including AEC) who “The Detective Story” as portrayed are essential to the operation of the by the Theotre Group contained a good Laboratory during a time of emergency NE&WEEK called it “the year’s most mixture of laughs and tears and ex- when roads to the Laboratory are - exciting film.” The dark history of a cellent talent. closed by Civil Defense forces. wicked king - an interwoven pattern of A record-breaking number of people literature, history and legend - splrings attended the play; total attendance for to exciting life on the screen. Here are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday was WORLD SERIES pageantry and social portraiture, aill the well over 800. This figure is especially political elements that made possible a impressive in view of the snowstorm on OF PROFESSIONAL TENNIS hunchbacked king’s career of brutality Thursday night. Discount tickets to the World Series and crime in medieval England. Here is of Professional Tennis are now avail- soaringly loveliness of speech, image, able at the Personnel Office, 58 Brook- costume, setting. Above all, here is the PERSONNEL SERVICES haven Avenue. This event, which will genius of Shakespeare interpreted by take place on February 8 at Madison one of the most magnificent casts of The following items may be pur- Square Garden, will feature Pancho actors ever assembled for a film, chased at Personnel Services, 58 Brook- Gonzales, Lew Hood, Alex Olmedo, directed by the most superb Shake- haven Avenue, at the present time: Barry McKay, Earl Buchholz, and Andres spearean of our generation. FILM (ALSO FILM PROCESSING) Gimeno. Single admission for employees and RADIO AND TV TUBES guests is 9Oa. High school students will COFFEE BNL SAFETY RECORD be admitted for 5OC. The film will begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. in the Lec:ture Any profit derived from the above There have been no disabling iniuries Hall. sales is given to BERA. at BNL thus far in 1961. THE BULLETIN BOARD JANUARY 31,196l DISCOUNT TICKETSFOR AGS EAST EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC MAN BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTIONDiscount tickets for the hit musical THE MUSIC MAN, starring Bert Parks, are now available at the Personnel Office, A 60,000 square foot experimental building is under construction at the 58 Brookhaven Avenue. The show is Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. The 458 X 166 foot building is being con- playing at the Broadway Theatre in structed in an L-shape around the existing Target Building. It is expected that New York City. Other shows and games for which tickets are available are: the new facility will be completed in July, 1961. The framework has been erected, and the installation of the walls of insulated aluminum panels and EPITAPH FOR GEORGE DILLON, the roof is almost complete. Actors’ Playhouse (Sheridan Square), NYC Malan Construction Corporation is the general contractor. Stone and NEW YORK RANGERS, Webster Engineering Corporation designed the building and is supervising its Madison Square Garden construction. The structural steel was fabricated and erected by the American MARINE RECREATION SHOW, Bridge Division of the U.S. Steel Corporation. Island Garden, W. Hempstead PEPE, Criteron Theatre, NYC WORLD SERIES OF PROFESSIONAL TENNIS, Madison Square Garden (Feb. 8) In this weeks problem it is white’s move and win. This game was played between Spielmann, playing with white, and Duras at Carlsbad in 1907. Answer elsewhere in this week’s BULLETIN BOARD. Six years ago, when the existing Experimental Area was laid out, it was thought that a large number of experiments could be performed in small iso- SKI CLUB NOTES lated movable houses scattered outside the Target Building. Since then, tech- The second trip planned for this com- nological developments have resulted in experiments which require beam ing weekend has been postponed until layouts up to several hundred feet in length, containing large numbers of the weekend of February 18th and 19th analyzing, bending, and focusing magnets, electrostatic beam separators, to the Rutlond region of Vermont. De- vast arrays of counters, and very large bubble chambers. These developments, posits will be due by Wednesday, Feb- ruary 8th. For further details call Ginger plus the requirement of rapid movement of experimental set-ups, dictated that Moore, Ext. 301-40 or John Walsh, Ext. the new areas be covered by overhead traveling cranes and that they be en- 454. The next Ski Club meeting will be closed with a weather shell. held in the Recreation Building on Mon- The huge new building will consist of one56’ high main room. Within this day February 13th at 8:00 p.m. ALSO - anyone interested in a ski week will be a two story structure conltaining an operations office and rest room at Stowe, starting March 6, please call on the first floor, and a control room on the second floor which overlooks the E. Rako, Ext. 310. experimental area. This control room will contain various alarms, timing and control circuits and equipment. To indicate the large scale of the new building, DECORATIONS CLOSE GYM when one of the two forty-ton overhead cranes (now installed in place) was The decorating committee for the being shipped to BNL, it had to be carried on three railroad cars because of 8ERA dance will move in and take over its 96 foot length. the Gymnasium for the whole of next week. Starting Monday, February 6th, The electrical services will be carried in ladder-type racks along the wall all physical activities will be cancelled. of the building. Electric power will consist of very heavy 480 volt power for All schedules will be resumed when the particle beam analyzing and focIusing magnets, and 1201208 volt power for Gym opens again on Tuesday, February minor power requirements. (Please turn to Page 4 ) 14th. THE BULLETIN BOARD JANUARY 31, 1961 BERA BERA EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTION BOWLING The terms of three members of the Executive Board of BERA will expire BLUE LEAGUE on March 1, 1961. The Nominating Committee of BERA presents the following The Techs continued to maintain first place slate of eight candidates. Three are to be elected for a term of two years. in the League by taking three points from the Ballots with voting instructions are being distributed this week to all Pacers. Larsens 228, 204-610 series, together with Wessel’s 21 l-522 series and Hilden- employees. brand’s 198-516, were too much for 011 but Jackson who bowled a 200, 192-563 series. The Splitters (2nd place in League) took 4 from the Powermites and will be bowling the Techs this week, Position Night. Best series for the Splits was Sick’s with a 197-506. The four Powermites need a fifth. The Nuclides came through with the first legitimate tie gome when they bowled the Meteors. The Nuclides took the edge on points - 2% to 1% for the Meteors - close con- test-Top score for each teom wos o 167. Names withheld to protect the reputations of the stars. The Snafus took all the marbles from the Bubble Boys. Uddman was the big man with a 205, 191-566 series. For the Bubble Boys, Fer- rante bowled a 199,190-538 series. Blue Ball to Dick Larsen - second time win- ner with 610 series (Dick has no handicap). GREEN LEAGUE The Old Timers II won over the Old Timers Ill 3-1. T. Holmquist and Keating continue to do their part in bringing the team through.