
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 327 - April 2013 Michael J. Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - : www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, einer großzügigen DVD-Spende für die Geheimtipp gekürt hat. Der Clou dabei: im liebe Filmfreunde! Inhaber einer Dauerkarte haben wir auch Anschluss an die Filmvorführung geben die noch den offiziellen Festival-Trailer vom Darsteller aus dem Film ein 60-minütiges “Gut Ding braucht Weile” heisst es ja so Videoformat in ein professionelles DCP Bluegrass-Konzert auf der Bühne des Ki- schön in einem alten deutschen Sprichwort. umgewandelt – inklusive eines sauberen nosaals. Gänsehaut ist garantiert! Und Und genau so verhält es sich auch mit un- 5.1-Upmixes des vorhandenen Stereo- ganz wichtig: ausreichend Taschentücher serem Newsletter. Denn auch der braucht Sounds! Wer sich für das “Widescreen mitbringen – der Film hat es in sich! eine ganze Weile, um den Zustand zu errei- Weekend” interessiert, dem sei die offiziel- chen, in dem wir ihn bedenkenlos versen- le Website des Festivals nahegelegt: http:// Und jetzt wünschen wir viel Spaß beim den können. Was genau jetzt passiert ist, www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/ Lesen! wie Sie sicherlich bemerkt haben, seit Sie BradfordInternationalFilmFestival.aspx. das “gut Ding” in Händen halten oder on- Aufgrund unserer Teilnahme am Festival Ihr Laser Hotline Team line lesen. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn: der wird unser Büro in der Zeit vom Newsletter ist einmal mehr ziemlich ver- 24.04.2013 bis einschließlich 01.05.2013 spätet, weist dafür aber fast doppelt so geschlossen bleiben. Wir bitten um Ihr viele Seiten auf. Also Lesestoff satt für die Verständnis. kalte Vor-Frühlingszeit. Bereits jetzt sollten Sie sich noch einen Mit den “Fantasy Filmfest Nights” hat für weiteren Termin in Ihrem Kalender anstrei- uns die diesjährige Filmfestivalsaison offi- chen: am Wochenende 01./02. Juni 2013 ziell begonnen. Ab Seite xx können Sie wird in der Karlsruher Schauburg der 60. lesen, welche Filme sich unser Blogger Geburtstag des CinemaScope-Formates Wolfram Hannemann dort angeschaut hat gefeiert. Und das selbstverständlich mit und ob sie ihm gefallen haben. Weiter geht authentischen und möglichst farblich erhal- es mit dem Festivaljahr Ende April, wenn tenen 35mm-Kopien, zumeist mit 4-Kanal wir einmal mehr zum “Widescreen Week- Stereo Magnetton. Ein Fest für Auge und end” nach Bradford reisen. Dort gibt es Ohr, das man nicht verpassen sollte. Wei- nicht nur einen nagelneuen 3-Streifen Cine- tere Details folgen, sobald das Programm rama-Film zu sehen, sondern auch farblich steht. intakte 70mm-Kopien von THE SOUND OF MUSIC und HELLO, DOLLY! Zu Und wenn wir schon die Schauburg in unseren beiden Lieblingsmusicals wird Karlsruhe erwähnen, dann wollen wir es unser Blogger Wolfram vor Ort eine Ein- nicht versäumen, auf ein weiteres Highlight führung geben. Und das ist nicht die einzi- in diesem Traditionskino hinzuweisen: am ge Unterstützung, die wir als LASER 24. April 2013 gibt es dort den belgischen HOTLINE dem renommierten Breitformat- Film THE BROKEN CIRCLE zu sehen, festival angedeihen lassen. Zusätzlich zu den Filmspezialist Wolfram zu seinem

Gibt ein Konzert in der Karlsruher „Schauburg“: die BROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN Bluegrass Band

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013


Ostern ist gekommen und gegangen. Trotzdem scheint sich die schwarzem Humor stellt. Juno macht aus einer schwierigen Natur schwer zu tun mit dem Thema Wiederauferstehung. Nur Situation das Beste und entdeckt auf dem Weg zum ganz zaghaft trauen sich die ersten Knospen an den Bäumen Geburtstermin, wer sie wirklich ist und was Liebe sein kann. hervor, einige schwache Krokusse recken das Köpfchen Randvoll mit aberwitzigen, exzellenten Dialogen, quirliger Musik zwischen grauen Grashalmen und die Palmkätzchen scheinen und einer bombastischen Performance von Ellen Page – Juno sich noch längst nicht von ihrem Fell verabschieden zu wollen. wird auch die letzten Reste von Winterdepression hinausfegen. Bei Schnee im April, wer kann es ihnen übelnehmen? Lachen ist schließlich die beste Medizin. Juno ist extra hoch Dennoch sage ich: vorbei mit Winter! Wenn nicht freiwillig dosiert. gehen will, dann helfen wir ihm eben auf die Sprünge und zwar so, wie wir es am besten tun: mit Filmen! Hier sind meine Top 5 4 – Shortbus Filme, die dem Winter-Blues garantiert den Garaus machen. Beim Thema Fortpflanzung ist auch das Thema Sex nicht weit. In 1 – Car Wash Shortbus, einem der besten (und verkanntesten) Filme dieses Jahrzehnts, erzählt Regisseur John Cameron Mitchell die Zum Auftakt: Frühjahrsputz! Eine rührende und krachende Geschichten verschiedener Paare und Menschen, die alle auf der Komödie wie Car Wash von 1976 ist da genau das Richtige. Sie Suche nach Antworten sind. Diese Antworten finden sie im fühlen sich gefangen in Ihrem Beruf oder im Haushalt? Nur ein Shortbus Club, einem geheimen Tempel des Sexes, in dem der winziges Rädchen in der großen Weltmaschinerie? Dann folgen Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt sind. Aber die sexuelle Freiheit Sie den hart arbeitenden Jungs von der Autowaschanlage und bedingt auch das Erwachen und Verstehen von versteckten, oft lassen Sie sich von ihrem unermüdlichen Eifer inspirieren. Nein, quälenden Emotionen. Shortbus ist ein waghalsiger, das Leben ist nicht immer fair und schön, aber wenn man Arbeit wunderschöner, authentischer Film, der zu jeder hat und alle zusammenhalten, dann wird es ein wenig besser. Frühlingsfilmliste zählen sollte. Eine bessere Metapher für unser Car Wash ist voller wahnwitziger Dialoge, Songs und Gastauftritte eigenes, notwendiges Aufblühen gibt es nicht. und wird Ihnen beim Entstauben der Wintersmüdigkeit bestimmt helfen. 5 – Saint-Jacques … La Mecque

2 – Garden State Zum Abschluss ein Film übers Pilgern: das innere und das äußere. Diese französische Komödie hat alles, was das Eine intelligente, bittersüß romantische Komödie der Extraklasse Filmliebhaberherz begehrt: herrliche Figuren, Charme, Witz, – Garden State wird Sie wieder an die Liebe und das Leben Tragik, Liebe und bezaubernde Szenerien. Eine aus Geldgier und glauben lassen. Egal wer wir sind, egal woher wir kommen, der Neid entstandene Pilgerschaft wird für drei Geschwister zur Film sagt uns deutlich: Alle verdienen es, geliebt zu werden. Das Bestehungsprobe. Aufgebrochen, um Geld zu bekommen, Erstlingswerk von Zach Braff als Regisseur und gleichzeitig werden die Drei mit ihrem Wesen, ihren Vorurteilen und ihrer Hauptdarsteller ist ein moderner Klassiker der Indie-Movies, nicht Familiengeschichte konfrontiert. Am Ende, das darf man verraten, zuletzt wegen Natalie Portmans wunderbarer Darstellung einer steht ein wohlverdientes Happy End und die Versicherung, dass mythomanen, aber weisen jungen Frau, deren Verrücktheit und auch aus der schlimmsten Herzenskälte eines Tages ein Krokus Liebenswürdigkeit dem verlorenen Braff helfen, wieder ins Leben erblühen kann. zu finden. Ein Film, der einen wachrüttelt und Hoffnung gibt, ohne jemals kitschig zu werden. Perfekte emotionale Unterstützung für In diesem Sinne, lassen Sie uns die kalten Temperaturen all jene, die sich im Frühling von Horden von Verliebten umzingelt ignorieren und an den Frühling so lange und so fest glauben, bis fühlen. Doch trotzdem wissen müssen, dass auch für sie ein er tatsächlich da ist. In der Zwischenzeit helfen warme Socken Neustart gleich um die Ecke liegen kann. Nicht woher man und diese fünf Filme! kommt, ist wichtig, sondern wohin man geht. Anna Rudschies

3 – Juno

Der Frühling ist auch Zeit der Fortpflanzung, welch bessere Anna freut sich über Feedback: Begleitung also als Juno? Ein schwangeres Highschool- [email protected] Mädchen, das sich seinen Fehlern und seinem Leben mit

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 11. März 2013 Fußball und Steinzeit dazu, eines nachts alleine die Höhle zu Immer an der Wand lang Eine Dokumentation und ein Animations- verlassen und stößt dabei prompt auf den Heute wurde mir wieder klar vor Augen film lockten mich heute trotz schlechten hübschen Guy, der immerhin weiß, wie geführt, warum ich zu Höhenangst neige... Wetters ins Kino. man Feuer machen kann. Guy ist es auch, der den misstrauischen Croods den baldi- JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS (1:1.85, DD 11 FREUNDINNEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) gen Weltuntergang prophezeit. Vater Crood 5.1) Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) muss schon bald erfahren, dass Guy wohl Verleih: MFA Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Recht damit hat. Gemeinsam mit Guy ver- Land/Jahr: Österreich 2009-2012 Regie: Cho Sung-Hyung lassen die Croods ihre geliebte Höhle und Regie: Christian Lonk, Philipp Manderla, Darsteller: Lira Bajramaj, Uschi Holl, müssen sich einem großen Abenteuer stel- Malte Röper Dzsenifer Marozsán len... Wenn sich Familie Crood zur Kinostart: 25.04.2013 Kinostart: 23.05.2013 “Frühstücksformation” aufstellt und mit vereinten Kräften einem riesigen Eine besondere Herausforderung muss Zweimal schon war die deutsche National- Frühstücksei hinterherjagt, dann entfaltet schon dabei sein – denn sonst braucht man mannschaft Weltmeister beim Frauen- der computeranimierte Film DIE es ja gar nicht erst versuchen. In diesem fußball. Grund genug für Filmemacherin CROODS ein schier unglaubliches Tempo Punkt sind sich die drei Profi-Freeclimber Cho Sung-Hyung, die Mannschaft während an Aktionen und Einfällen, die auch noch absolut einig. So machen sich Stefan der Weltmeisterschaft 2011 mit ihren Ka- die verwendete 3D-Technik perfekt zur Glowacz, Kurt Albert und Holger Heuber meras zu begleiten. Dass ihr Film allerdings Schau stellt. Dass dieses Tempo im weite- auf in den südamerikanischen Dschungel, erst jetzt in die Kinos kommt, zeugt von ren Verlauf des Films nicht gehalten wer- um den Mount Roraima zu erobern. Der ungeschickter Vermarktung. Vielleicht lag den kann, versteht sich fast von selbst, tut Tafelberg hat es wahrhaftig in sich: Tau- es einfach nur daran, dass Deutschland den aber dem Spaß keinen Abbruch. Und der sende Meter ragt der harte Fels fast waag- dritten Sieg in Folge nicht errungen hat und macht auch vor Anarcho-Humor keinen recht in den Himmel. Die Filmemacher damit der Wunsch nach einem weiteren Halt, speziell wenn es um die ungeliebte Christian Lonk, Philipp Manderla und Sommermärchen nicht erfüllt wurde. Aber Großmutter (entliehen aus ICE AGE 4) Malte Röper haben die Extremsportler bei Cho Sung-Hyungs Film ist keinesfalls nur geht, die alle gerne loswerden möchten. ihrer Tour zum Roraima mit der Kamera ein Protokoll der Spiele. Vielmehr beginnt Hier generiert der Film tatsächlich einige begleitet und zeigen die Mühsalen, denen der Film bereits im Winter davor. Die Fil- herzhafte Lacher – ein seltenes Ereignis bei sich die drei wackeren Burschen aussetzen. memacherin hat sich fünf Spielerinnen her- amerikanischen Komödie. Damit ist DIE Schon alleine der Weg durch den Dschungel ausgegriffen und zeigt die jungen Frauen CROODS akzeptables Mainstream-Kino. bis hin zum Fuße des erklärten Ziels dauert nicht nur beim harten Training, sondern eine ganze Woche. Die vielen Strapazen auch in ganz privater, häuslicher Umgebung Mittwoch, 13. März 2013 jedoch finden ein jähes Ende, als unwirtli- sowie beim Job. Es gibt also tatsächlich Die Fuge gerät aus den Fugen ches Wetter und die zur Neige gehenden noch ein Leben nach dem Fußball! Lira Heute gab es mal wieder hochkarätig be- Vorräte die drei Kletterer zur Aufgabe Bajramaj, Uschi Holl, Dzsenifer Marozsán, setztes Kino vom Feinsten. zwingen. Damit ist der beeindruckende Anja Mittag und Bianca Schmidt sind die Dokumentarfilm jedoch noch keineswegs Heldinnen des Films. Nicht alle haben es in SAITEN DES LEBENS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) zu Ende – der richtig spannende Abschnitt den Kader der Nationalmannschaft ge- OT: A Late Quartet kommt erst noch! Versetzt mit vielen schafft. Sung-Hyung lässt auch die Verlie- Verleih: Senator Statements der drei Freeclimber, die ge- rer vor der Kamera zu Wort kommen. Ins- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 meinsam die Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung gesamt gelingt es dem Film, die Emotionen Regie: Yaron Zilberman ins Leben gerufen haben, sowie Archiv- der WM 2011 noch einmal aufleben zu Darsteller: Christopher Walken, Philip material aus den Frühjahren der Kletter- lassen, so dass es der Dokumentation ge- Seymour Hoffman, Imogen Poots, Mark partner, versucht der Film zu ergründen, lingt, auch ohne den davongetragenenen Ivanir, Catherine Keener was diese Männer zu ihrem Handeln an- Sieg ein begeisterndes Bild vom Frauen- Kinostart: 02.05.2013 treibt. Gleichzeitig gelingt es ihm mit groß- fußball in Deutschland zu zeichnen. artigen Bildern die waghalsigen Expeditio- Seit Jahrzehnten schon bereisen das Ehe- nen hautnah miterleben zu lassen. Das ist DIE CROODS (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 paar Robert und Juliette und deren Freunde teilweise so intensiv gelungen, dass man ab + Atmos, Barco Aura 11.1) Daniel und Peter als Streichquartett ”The und zu freiwillig den Atem anhält! Automa- OT: The Croods Fugue” die ganze Welt und haben großen tisch stellt sich dem Betrachter auch die Verleih: Fox Erfolg. Als jedoch beim Cellisten Peter Frage, wie es den Filmemachern gelungen Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Parkinson diagnostiziert wird, beginnt ein ist, derart nah am Geschehen zu sein. Das Regie: Christopher Sanders, Kirk De Micco Zersetzungsprozess. Während sich Peter “Making of” zur Doku dürfte darauf span- auf die Suche nach einem Ersatz für sich nende Antworten geben. Für JÄGER DES Kinostart: 21.03.2013 selbst begibt, bricht Robert aus seinem AUGENBLICKS sollte man möglichst bisherigen Leben aus, weil er nicht immer schwindelfrei sein. Zur Not kann man sich Etwas neues auszuprobieren ist das nur zweite Geige spielen will, und der Per- aber auch an der Lehne des Kinostuhls Schlimmste, was man tun kann. So zumin- fektionist Daniel beginnt eine Affäre mit festhalten. dest denkt man bei den Croods, einer Fa- Alexandra, der Tochter von Robert und milie von Höhlenbewohnern, die in der Juliette. ”The Fugue” gerät im wahrsten Dienstag, 12. März 2013 Steinzeit lebt. Einzig Teenage-Töchterchen Sinne des Wortes aus den Fugen... Passend Eep ist die vielen Verbote ihres patriarchi- zur anspruchsvollen Musik, die das Quar- schen Vaters leid. So entschließt sie sich tett durch das Leben begleitet, verpackt

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Regisseur Yaron Zilberman seinen Spielfilm Hand: produziert hat ihn der NDR. Zum milie mit voller Härte bestrafen möchte. in ein exquisites Interieur. Hier wird nichts Einsatz kamen Kameras, die sich auf dem Immerhin liefert Oplev mit DEAD MAN dem Zufall überlassen. Und Zilberman neuesten technischen Stand befinden und DOWN einen handwerklich solide insze- kann sich gleichzeitig auf ein ausgezeichne- wackelfreie Helikopteraufnahmen sowie nierten Krimi ab, bei dem ab und an auch tes Ensemble verlassen. Der Gedanke, dass extreme Slow-Motion-Aufnahmen ermögli- mal die Kamera zum Star wird (beispiels- keiner der Darsteller tatsächlich ein Instru- chen. Bei all der teuren Technik darf man weise in einer Einstellung, in der sich die ment spielen kann, kommt erst gar nicht sich als Kinozuschauer dann aber wundern, Kamera drehend von oben nach unten auf. Die Investition in gleich drei Instru- warum das Naturpanorama nur im ka- durch ein Treppenhaus bewegt). Mit seiner menten-Coaches pro Schauspieler macht schierten Breitwandformat und nicht bei Länge von 110 Minuten zieht sich der Film sich offensichtlich bezahlt. Somit über- voll geöffneter CinemaScope-Breite ser- allerdings etwas hin, bietet dafür aber zeugt das Ensemble nicht nur als Charak- viert wird. Was den von Axel Prahl ein- reichlich Zeit, um den Body Count nach terdarsteller, sondern auch als Vollblut- gesprochenen Kommentar angeht, so stellt oben zu jagen. Etwas skurril übrigens der musiker. SAITEN DES LEBENS – ein man sich ernsthaft die Frage, ob man sich Auftritt von Frankreichs Schauspiel-Ikone Film über das Leben und gleichzeitig ein hier in einem Programm für Schulkinder als Beatrices schwerhöri- Lehrstück in Sachen Musik. Ein Fest für befindet. Hier wird alles vermenschlicht, ge und französisch sprechende Mutter. Die Auge und Ohr. Unbedingt ansehen! verniedlicht und süffisant kommentiert. Dame wirkt in dem ganzen Tohuwabohu Wäre etwas mehr Ernsthaftigkeit zuviel etwas fehl am Platz. Donnerstag, 14. März 2013 verlangt? Kritische Betrachtungen zum Naturdoku und Krimi Thema Nordsee beispielsweise in Verbin- Dienstag, 19. März 2013 Die letzten beiden Pressevorführungen in dung mit Umweltproblemen bleiben hier Zickenterror und Sauftour dieser Woche. Das ist ganz gut so, denn am übrigens komplett außen vor. Schließlich Knisternde Erotik und deutsche Bierkultur Wochenende gibt’s bei den ”Fantasy Film- soll die Illusion vom paradiesischen Idyll wurden in den heutigen Pressevorführungen fest Nights” noch viel zu sehen. nicht verdorben werden. Zumindest nicht thematisiert. für den Preis einer Eintrittskarte. DIE NORDSEE – UNSER MEER (1:1.85, PASSION (1:1.85, DD 5.1) DD 5.1) DEAD MAN DOWN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: Passion Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) OT: Dead Man Down Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland 2012 Regie: Thoralf Grospitz, Jens Westphalen, Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Regie: Brian De Palma Jan Haft, Florian Graner, Robert Morgen- Regie: Niels Arden Oplev Darsteller: Rachel McAdams, Noomi stern, Alexander Haßkerl, Kay Darsteller: Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Rapace, Karoline Herfurth Ziesenhenne, Felix Pustal, Ernst Sasse, Terrence Howard, Dominic Cooper, Isabel- Kinostart: 02.05.2013 Hans-Peter Kuttler, Thomas Behrend, le Huppert, Armand Assante, F. Murray Karliczek Abraham Die Werbekampagne für ein neues Sprecher: Axel Prahl Kinostart: 04.04.2013 Smartphone entwickelt sich für Isabelle Kinostart: 18.04.2013 und ihre Chefin Christine zu einer Macht- Um seine getötete Familie zu rächen, spielt probe. Christine outet sich als echte Mal ist es da, dann wieder nicht. Das Meer Victor ein gefährliches Spiel: unerkannt hat “Bitch”, indem sie Isabelles geniale Ideen an Deutschlands Nordküste ist schon ein er sich als rechte Hand eben jenes Gang- als ihre eigenen verkauft. Wie keine andere witziges Naturschauspiel. Die Gezeiten sterbosses eingeschlichen, der für den Tod versteht sich Christine darauf, die Men- sorgen hier für einen ständigen Wandel. verantwortlich zeichnet. Er wartet nur schen in ihrer Umgebung zu manipulieren Gleichzeitig ist die Nordsee Heimat unzäh- noch auf den richtigen Moment, um zuzu- und für sich einzuspannen. Doch die nach liger Vogelarten und Meeresbewohner. Die schlagen. Da setzt ihn plötzlich seine at- außen hin zerbrechlich wirkende Isabelle Insel Helgoland bietet Basstölpeln ideale traktive Nachbarin Beatrice unter Druck. weiß sich zu wehren. Der Zickenkrieg es- Brutplätze, die Nachbarinsel Düne erfreut Mit einem Video, das Victor bei einem kaliert und führt schließlich zu einem sich an Kegelrobben. Aber auch unter Was- Mord zeigt, will sie ihn zwingen, für sie Mord... Alle paar Jahre meldet er sich wie- ser gibt es hier wahre Schätze, von denen einen Mord zu begehen. Das Opfer: der der zurück auf der Kinoleinwand: der mitt- der Helgolandhummer nur einer ist. In der nach kurzer Haft entlassene Autofahrer, lerweile 72-jährige Brian De Palma, auf nach zweijähriger Arbeit entstandenen Do- der dafür verantwortlich ist, dass Beatrices dessen Konto Filme wie SCARFACE, kumentation geht es danach flugs weiter Gesicht entstellt wurde... Niels Arden BODY DOUBLE oder DRESSED TO nach Dänemark und dann schließlich nach Oplev, der mit der Erstverfilmung von KILL gehen. Mit PASSION hat er ein Norwegen. Hier bietet der Film die wohl Stieg Larssons VERBLENDUNG großen Sujet gefunden, das ihn wieder zu seinen beeindruckendsten Landschaftsbilder: die Erfolg hatte, hat sich für diesen Thriller Wurzeln zurückführt. Denn das Remake berühmten Fjorde. Auf der Rundreise geht mit Action-Elementen wieder Noomi eines französischen Thrillers lässt ihn ein es danach weiter an die schottische Küste, Rapace an Bord geholt. Sie spielt die seit weiteres Mal auf den Spuren des Film Noir von dort schließlich nach Holland und wie- einem Autounfall im Gesicht entstellte wandeln – angereichert mit jeder Menge der zurück nach Deutschland. Unterwegs Beatrice. Allerdings überzeugt sie in dieser Erotik selbstverständlich. Da knistert es gibt es interessante Begegnungen sowohl Rolle nicht so sehr wie sei dies als Lisbet schon ziemlich zwischen Rachel McAdams über als auch unter Wasser, von denen jene Salander tat. Ihre Rachegedanken kann sie und Noomi Rapace. Und genau dieser mit einem Grönlandwal die wohl spektaku- nur ansatzweise auf die Leinwand trans- Aspekt dürfte von diesem Film in Erinne- lärste sein dürfte. Dass sich der Film leider portieren. Ihrem Filmpartner Colin Farrell rung bleiben – wenn überhaupt. Denn De in keiner Weise von ähnlich thematisierter gelingt dies weitaus besser. Ihm nimmt man Palma zelebriert in seinem neuen Ouevre Fernsehkost unterscheidet liegt auf der es durchaus ab, dass er den Tod seiner Fa- wieder die Überinszenierung, zu deren

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Gunsten er gerne auf Spannung oder Plau- Da hilft dann nur noch ein Bier – aber bitte Sogar ihr großer Freund Gerard Depardieu sibilität verzichtet. Wie immer ist alles gebraut nach deutschem Reinheitsgebot! ließ es sich nicht nehmen, sich für eine recht stylish in Szene gesetzt, doch über- Nebenrolle (wen wundert’s: als wahrsagen- beansprucht er leider jenes Element zu oft, Mittwoch, 20. März 2013 der Schnapstrinker) besetzen zu lassen und in dem die Protagonistin plötzlich aus ih- We are not Dead auch Yolande Moreau absolviert einen kur- rem Alptraum aufschreckt. Hier stellt sich Heute gab es zur Abwechslung nur einen zen Gastauftritt. DER TAG WIRD KOM- schnell der Gewöhnungseffekt ein und einzigen Film zu begutachten. Ich werde es MEN ist Kino der etwas anderen Art. führt zu Langeweile. Letztere wird auch überleben. durch die Filmmusik von Pino Donaggio Donnerstag, 21. März 2013 getriggert, die unter Verwendung von De- DER TAG WIRD KOMMEN (1:2.35, DD Kein Film zum Muttertag bussy einen einlullenden Charakter besitzt. 5.1) Während des ersten Films heute musste Etwas nervtötend wirkt sich das prominent OT: Le Grand Soir nicht nur ich, sondern auch alle anderen inszenierte Product Placement aus. All das Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Kollegen, massiv gegen Schlaf ankämpfen. hat der Regisseur schon weitaus besser Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 Ob es beim zweiten Film besser war, wird beherrscht. Schade, dass er sich ausgerech- Regie: Benoît Delépine, Gustave de erst am 25. März enthüllt. net mit diesem Film wieder zurückmeldet. Kervern Darsteller: Benoît Poelvoorde, Albert UNTERWEGS MIT MUM (1:2.35, DD BEERLAND (1:1.85, 5.1) Dupontel, Brigitte Fontaine 5.1) Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) OT: The Guilt Trip Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Benoit und Jean-Pierre sind zwei Brüder, Verleih: Paramount Regie: Matthew Sweetwood wie sie unterschiedlichster nicht sein könn- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Kinostart: 25.04.2013 ten. Während Benoit zum ältesten Punk Regie: Anne Fletcher mit Hund mutiert ist und ziellos bettelnd Darsteller: Rogen, Barbra Streisand, Als der gebürtige Amerikaner Matthew umherirrt, arbeitet Jean-Pierre als Verkäu- Colin Hanks zum ersten Mal gemeinsam mit seinen El- fer in einem Bettengeschäft, lebt in Schei- Kinostart: 18.04.2013 tern das Oktoberfest in München besucht, dung und muss sich um sein Kind küm- ist er schockiert: nach 40 Minuten auf der mern. Jean-Pierres Erfolgsquote als Ver- Vermutlich geht kein erwachsener Mann Wies’n hat er noch immer kein Bier abbe- käufer ist auf dem Tiefpunkt, verliert die freiwillig mit seiner Mutter auf einen kommen! Dabei dachte er eigentlich, dass Nerven und wird prompt gekündigt. Erst Road-Trip. Genau das ist es aber, was es sich um ein Bierfest handelt und keinen als er sich seinem Bruder anschließt und Andy Brewster aus einem Schuldgefühl Rummelplatz. Sein traumatisches Erlebnis mit ihm als Punk umherzieht, gewinnt er heraus mit seiner Mutter macht. Denn die nutzt er dazu, einen Film daraus zu ent- wieder Boden unter den Füßen und erlebt eröffnet ihm in einer stillen Minute, dass wickeln und der Bierkultur der Deutschen zum ersten Mal, was Freiheit ist... Benoît sein verstorbener Vater nicht die große auf den Zahn zu fühlen. Sofern es über- Delépine und Gustave de Kervern gelten Liebe ihres Lebens war, sondern ein ganz haupt so etwas gibt wie eine Bierkultur. als Meister des skurrilen und doch stets anderer Kerl, der sie jedoch nicht heiraten Seine Recherchen führen ihn zunächst in hintergründigen Humors. Ihre Filme strot- wollte. Heimlich recherchiert der gutmütige historische (Bier)Zeiten, die von einem zen vor anarchischem Humor, der aber im- Andy im Internet und macht den verflosse- Künstler in Miniatur-Panoramen festgehal- mer nur Mittel zum Zweck ist, um das nen Lover in San Francisco ausfindig. Und ten werden. Historisch auch die Auffüh- eigentliche Thema zu verpacken. So ge- da sich Andy sowieso gerade auf Promoti- rung der “Bierkriege” im bayerischen schehen in LOUISE HIRES A on-Tour befindet, um ein von ihm erfunde- Dorfen, wo jährlich Tausende von Deut- CONTRACT KILLER und so geschehen nes Putzmittel an den Mann zubringen, schen gebannt dem historisch übermittelten auch in ihrem neuesten Film, DER TAG und San Francisco auf der Strecke liegt, Kampf für billiges Bier auf der Freilicht- WIRD KOMMEN. Aus dem Original über- will er seine Mum damit überraschen. Doch bühne auf dem Marktplatz beiwohnen. Was setzt lautet der Filmtitel eigentlich “Der diese Reise hätte er besser nie angetreten... aber wäre die Bierkultur ohne den Stamm- große Abend”, aber wir Deutschen sind Wenn Andy mit seiner Mutter im Hotel tisch? Matthew findet einen typischen unzutreffende Übersetzungen ja längst eincheckt und ihm der Rezeptionist mit Vertreter in und lauscht den gewohnt. Das Aufbegehren gegen das Esta- einem Augenzwinkern andeutet, dass er Stammtischgesprächen, bei denen mit zu- blishment, das Beenden des Konsumkriegs Andys Mutter für dessen Geliebte hält, nehmendem Bierkonsum auch zunehmend – das sind die Themen, die sich hinter der dann ist das genau die Art von Witz, die die Hemmungen fallen. So reist Matthew in skurrilen Fassade verbergen. Seelenlos prä- man von einem solchen Film erwarten wür- seinem Dokumentarfilm durch ganz sentiert sich das riesige Einkaufszentrum, de. Dass Andy dann auch noch das Zimmer Deutschland, um Antworten darauf zu in dessen Shops und auf dessen Parkplät- mit Mama teilen muss, ist eigentlich auch finden, warum es ausgerechnet in Deutsch- zen der Konsumterror tobt während die von Anfang an klar. Und dass sie mit ihrem land diesen Bierkult gibt, der in seinem Mehrheit der Konsumenten schlichtweg Sohnemann während der Fahrt gemeinsam Land vollkommen unbekannt ist. Als Zu- vergisst zu leben. “We are not Dead” obszöne Hörbücher verschlingt, vermutet schauer ist man anfangs noch recht neugie- schreiben die beiden alten Punks am Ende man auch schon recht früh. Wie überhaupt rig, welche Facetten der deutschen Bier- des Films an den Straßenrand, zusammen- fast alles in diesem Film, der ganz nach kultur er ans Tageslicht bringt. Doch gesetzt aus riesigen Buchstaben, die sie bewährtem Schema abläuft und sich nicht schnell merkt man, dass seine Dokumenta- von den gigantischen Firmenschildern abge- bemüht, in irgend einer Art und Weise ori- tion recht konzeptionslos zusammen- schraubt haben. Ein Satz, der zum Nach- ginell zu sein. Seth Rogan und Barbra gebastelt wurde – sie führt leider zu kei- denken anregt. Wie immer bei Delépine und Streisand mögen zwar ein recht gutes Mut- nen tiefschürfenden Erkenntnissen und Kervern sind die Rollen überwiegend mit ter-Sohn-Gespann abgeben, doch ihre Ge- beginnt ab der Hälfte langweilig zu werden. Freunden der beiden Regisseure besetzt. schichte wirkt wie eine Schlaftablette. Bin-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nen der ersten halben Stunde verliert man ge Entführung von Storm Shadow, die in Byrne, Eddie Marsan komplett das Interesse an dem Film und schwindelerregender Höhe stattfindet. Al- Kinostart: 02.05.2013 ärgert sich über eine Szene, in der Frau les andere ist viel Lärm um nichts. Streisand in einem Restaurant vor Publi- Eine flüchtige Begegnung mit einer geheim- kum ein riesiges Stück Fleisch innerhalb Freitag, 22. März 2013 nisvollen Frau, die er in der Nähe eines einer Stunde verschlingen soll, um nicht Mich laust der Affe Tatorts trifft, lässt den Kriminaldetektiv bezahlen zu müssen. Widerlich! Ein Film Dass ich das noch erleben darf: nach Ende Bernie nicht mehr los. Anstatt sich um den zum Muttertag? Ganz sicher nicht. der Vorführungen heute durfte ich Sonne neuen Mordfall zu kümmern, heftet er sich genießen! an die Fersen von Anna, die ihn fasziniert. G.I. JOE 3D - DIE ABRECHNUNG Doch Anna trägt ein dunkles Geheimnis in (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) SCHIMPANSEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) sich, das in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang OT: G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation OT: Chimpanzee mit dem Mord steht... Barnaby Verleih: Paramount Verleih: Walt Disney Southcombe (Sohn der Hauptdarstellerin Land/Jahr: USA, Kanada 2012 Land/Jahr: Kanada, USA 2012 Charlotte Rampling) und sein Kameramann Regie: Jon M. Chu Regie: Alastair Fothergill, Mark Linfield Ben Smithard haben den nach einem Buch Darsteller: , , von Elsa Lewin inszenierten Psychothriller Kinostart: 09.05.2013 in ein kaltes Licht getaucht. Schöne Farben Kinostart: 28.03.2013 sucht man hier fast vergebens, knallharter Der in der Reihe “” produ- Beton dominiert die Außenaufnahmen. Die G.I. Joes sehen sich einer großen Ge- zierte Dokumentarfilm führt uns nach Afri- Damit wird perfekt in Bilder umgesetzt, fahr ausgesetzt: jemand macht sich daran, ka, direkt in den tropischen Regenwald. wie es im Inneren der Protagonisten aus- die Eliteeinheit kampferprobter Soldaten Dort begegnen wir Oscar, einem kleinen sieht. Leider bietet der Film wenig Überra- radikal zu dezimieren. Als sich die wenigen Schimpansen, dessen Leben wir von seiner schendes. Die Handlungsabfolge ist leicht noch übrig gebliebenen G.I. Joes unter Füh- Geburt an begleiten werden. In seinen er- vorhersagbar, was den Film um seine Span- rung von im Untergrund daran sten Monaten ist Oscar noch ganz auf sei- nung bringt. Erfreulich ist jedoch die Be- machen, die Sache aufzuklären, machen sie ne Mutter fixiert, die ihn ständig mit Nah- setzung, die mit Charlotte Rampling und eine schockierende Entdeckung: der ameri- rung versorgen muss. Gemeinsam mit ihr Gabriel Byrne zwei britische Urgesteine kanische Präsident, ihr oberster Befehlsha- hat er einen festen Platz innerhalb der aufweist. Ganz entgegen den üblichen Film ber, wurde durch einen Doppelgänger er- Schimpansenfamilie. Doch ein schweres Noir Klischees sind die Liebenden in die- setzt. Und der sorgt dafür, dass der alte Schicksal steht dem Kleinen bevor. Als eine sem Film keine jungen Menschen, sondern Rivale der G.I.s wiederbelebt wird: der konkurrierende Schimpansenherde in das befinden sich fast schon im Rentenalter. Cobra Commander. Die Schalcht kann be- Jagdrevier der Schimpansenfamilie einfällt, Ein Film Noir also für die reifere Generati- ginnen... Kaum hat der Film angefangen, endet dies mit dem Tod der Mutter und der on. explodiert es auch schon wieder an allen Vertreibung der Familie. Oscar ist jetzt Enden und Ecken! Wenn die G.I. Joes ans ganz allein. Ein Überlebenskampf beginnt Mittwoch, 27. März 2013 Werk gehen, dann kann der Gegner noch so für ihn... Eindrucksvolle Bilder prägen den Porträt einer Legende sehr in der Überzahl sein – er hat einfach neuen Film von Alastair Fothergill und Die erste von nur zwei Pressevorführungen keine Chance gegen soviel Gewitztheit und Mark Linfield, der überraschenderweise an in der Karwoche war einer echten Musik- Elan wie sie dieser Elitetruppe anhaftet. sehr unterschiedlichen Gebieten Afrikas legende gewidmet. Als Zuschauer des ganzen Spektakels fängt gedreht wurde (und nicht etwa an nur ei- man an, erst einmal zu sortieren: das ist ein nem Platz, so wie im Film vereinfacht dar- B.B. KING: THE LIFE OF RILEY Guter, das ein Böser, noch ein Guter, noch gestellt). Detailliert wird das Leben der (1:1.85, 5.1) ein Böser...und der? Verdammt! Zu wel- Schimpansen in der Gemeinschaft geschil- OT: B.B. King: The Life Of Riley chem Lager gehört der denn gleich? Der dert, die Nahrungssuche, das Entlausen, Verleih: Arsenal Film gibt dem Zuschauer keine Chance. Ist sogar die Jagd auf kleinere Affen, die echte Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2012 man nicht bereits seit Jahren schon beses- Teamarbeit voraussetzen. Wie so oft je- Regie: Jon Brewer sener “G.I. Joe”-Fan, dann wird sich einem doch ist auch bei diesem Film die Kom- Darsteller: B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Carlos die konfuse Konstellation vermutlich nie mentierung aus dem Off sehr grenzwertig. Santana erschließen. Letztendlich ist es ja auch Da wird wieder einmal alles vermensch- Kinostart: 09.05.2013 vollkommen egal. Lasst die Bilder sprechen licht, weil ja Tiere alles genauso empfinden und lauscht den Klängen – das könnte das und machen wie Menschen. Ein Kein anderer Name ist so mit dem Begriff richtige Rezept zum Konsum dieses Films Trugschluss, der sich natürlich bestens der Blues-Musik verbunden wie der von sein. Überladen mit Kampfhandlungen verkaufen lässt. Ein sachlicher Kommentar BB King. Für viele Musiker gilt er als der jedweder Art und ausstaffiert mit digitalen bringt vermutlich nicht den angestrebten Vater des Blues. In seinem Dokumentarfilm visuellen Effekten, bietet der Film eigent- Umsatz. Disney eben. lässt Jon Brewer das bewegte Leben des lich auch gar keinen Raum für eine großarti- BB King von dessen Geburt bis in die Ge- ge Handlung. Und mittendrin dann Bruce I, ANNA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) genwart Revue passieren. Zwei Jahre lang Willis in einer kleinen Nebenrolle. Warum OT: I, Anna begleitete der Regisseur Master King, der das denn? Vermutlich weil Bruce immer Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) mit bürgerlichem Namen Riley B. King dabei sein muss, wenn auf dem Plakat “Ac- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Deutschland, heisst, mit seiner Kamera und konnte sich tion” steht. In den ganzen 110 Minuten Frankreich 2011 so aus einem Fundus von mehr als 250 gibt es nur eine einzige Sequenz, die man Regie: Barnaby Southcombe Stunden Filmmaterial bedienen. Doch nicht als gelungen bezeichnen kann: die waghalsi- Darsteller: Charlotte Rampling, Gabriel nur BB King selbst kommt hier zu Wort,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog auch viele seiner Weggefährten. Ob Bono, Buscemi als noch die gute alte Ma- echtem “Messy” aussieht, dürfte wohl ein Eric Clapton. Mick Jagger oder sogar gie repräsentieren, die sie von ihrem Vor- Fake sein. Die Therapeutin hingegen, die – alle haben sie gerne mit bild Rance Holloway (brillant: ) ihm Lebenshilfe geben soll, scheint echt zu BB King zusammen Musik gemacht. Bis es gelernt haben, ist alias Steve sein. Obgleich natürlich auch sie weiß, dass soweit war musste King allerdings einen Gray ein Vertreter der neuen Generation sie gefilmt wird. Ein grundsätzliches Di- harten Weg zurücklegen, wuchs er doch als von Illusionisten. Letzterer hat jedoch mit lemma bei jedem Dokumentarfilm. Was Schwarzer just in einer Zeit auf, in der die Magie eigentlich schon gar nichts mehr zu jedoch im vorliegenden Fall stört, das ist USA von Rassendiskriminierung dominiert tun, wohl eher mit Sensationslust und die Kameraführung. Mal wackelt es, mal ist wurde. Der Dokumentarfilm porträtiert Stunt Acts. In Scardinos Film gibt es ein das Bild ruhig, mal gibt es den Protagoni- einen Menschen, der sich immer selbst treu paar witzige Momente und jede Menge sten von unten nach oben zu sehen, mal geblieben ist und zum Vorbild für viele sarkastischen Humor, der durchaus direkt in die Kamera sprechend, mal lie- seiner Zeitgenossen wurde. Bei seiner Län- gesellschaftskritisch verstanden werden gend usw. Unterlegt werden diese Bilder ge von zwei Stunden würde man sich aller- kann, doch hinterlässt der Film keinen blei- immer wieder durch melancholische Musik, dings wünschen, dass die Musiknummern benden Eindruck. Hier springt die Magie die den jämmerlichen Seelenzustand des nicht immer nur sehr kurz angespielt wer- im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes nicht so Gescheiterten untermauern sollen. Trotz- den, nur um dann vom nächsten Interview recht über auf das Publikum. Wobei es eine dem hat man kein Mitleid mit ihm. Die abgelöst zu werden. Ein ununterbrochener Wonne ist zuzuschauen, wie Burt und An- einfallslose Gestaltung lässt den Film trotz Konzertmitschnitt hätte diesem Film ganz ton bei einem Auftritt das ganze Publikum seiner nur 72 Minuten Spielzeit schier sicher besser zu Gesicht gestanden. So aber verschwinden lassen. endlos lange erscheinen. Heimvideos werden speziell die Fans von BB Kings (sorry, aber mehr ist das hier nicht) sollten Musik sicherlich enttäuscht werden. Dienstag, 02. April 2013 im Kino keinen Zutritt haben. Ein Liebesuchender und eine Feministin Donnerstag, 28. März 2013 Dokumentationen wohin das Auge schaut... VERLIEBTE FEINDE (1:1.85, 5.1) Magische Momente Verleih: Rendezvous Eine Komödie sollte den Abschluss der LOVE ALIEN (1:1.85, 5.1) Land/Jahr: Schweiz 2012 ziemlich kargen Filmwoche bilden. Verleih: Film Kino Text Regie: Werner Schweizer Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Darsteller: Fabian Krüger, Mona Petri, DER UNGLAUBLICHE BURT Regie: Wolfram Huke Thomas Mathys WONDERSTONE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Kinostart: 16.05.2013 Kinostart: 02.05.2013 OT: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Verleih: Warner Ein Jahr vor seinem 30. Geburtstag fragt Sie lernen sich während dem Studium ken- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 sich der Filmstudent Wolfram Huke, war- nen und lieben: Iris Meyer und Peter von Regie: Don Scardino um er eigentlich noch nie eine Beziehung Roten. Er ist streng katholisch aufgewach- Darsteller: Steve Carell, Steve Buscemi, hatte. Zu einer Frau wohlgemerkt. Er be- sen, sie Protestantin mit höchst modernen Olivia Wilde, Jim Carrey, James ginnt damit, seine verzweifelte Partnersu- Ansichten. Die aber passen ganz und gar Gandolfini, Alan Arkin, Jay Mohr, Michael che zum Gegenstand eines Dokumentar- nicht in die konservative Schweiz, in der Bully Herbig films zu machen. Datingplattformen im Frauen kein Walrecht haben. Gegen den Kinostart: 04.04.2013 Internet, Therapiesitzungen bei einer Willen der Familie heiratet Peter seine Iris. Lebensberaterin, Styling- und Outfit-Bera- Und mehr noch: als Peter eine Karriere als Als Schüler wurde der kleine Burt von tung durch zwei fesche Mädels – seine Politiker in seinem Land beginnt, unter- seinen Schulkameraden immer nur gehänselt Handkamera filmt alles mit. Auch den Be- stützt er die Ziele seiner Frau: Frauen- und niemand wollte etwas mit ihm zu tun such bei seiner Bekanntschaft in Magde- stimmrecht sowie Gleichstellung von Mann haben. Doch dann bekam er zum Geburts- burg, die rein platonisch ist, sowie seinen und Frau. Aber die beiden haben große tag einen Zauberkasten geschenkt. Jetzt Abstecher zu einer Internetbekanntschaft Probleme in ihrer Beziehung. Aufgrund sollte sich alles für ihn ändern. In der Tat im Ostblock protokolliert Huke. Wird er es seiner katholischen Erziehung kann Peter brachte es ihm die Freundschaft mit Anton schaffen, noch vor seinem 30. Geburtstag die sexuellen Wünsche seiner Frau nicht ein, der ebenso von magischen Tricks fas- eine Partnerin zu finden? - Einsam sitzt er erfüllen. Iris nimmt sich eine Auszeit von ziniert war wie Burt. Zehn Jahre später am geöffneten Fenster und schaut trübsin- ihrer Ehe und reist nach Amerika, wo sei sind die beiden ein Team und haben ihre nig hinaus. Mit dieser letzten Einstellung ihr Buch “Frauen im Laufgitter” schreibt. eigene Show in Las Vegas. Bis Steve Gray in seinem Film macht Autor, Regisseur und Beide lassen sich auf amouröse Abenteuer auftaucht, der sich selber “Brain Rapist” Protoganist in Personalunion, Wolfram ein und pflegen einen intensiven Brief- nennt und mit ebenso ekeligen wie gefährli- Huke, klar: er wird seine Sehnsucht nach wechsel... Für sein Porträt des Schweizer chen Tricks von sich Reden macht. Burt einer richtigen Freundin, einer Lebenspart- Paares Iris und Peter von Roten wählte und Anton sehen sich mit schwindenden nerin, wohl nie stillen können. Warum Regisseur Werner Schweizer die Form des Zuschauerzahlen konfrontiert und schließ- auch? In den vorherigen 70 Minuten seines Dokudramas, das eigentlich für das Fernse- lich beginnt auch noch ihre Freundschaft Dokumentarfilms demonstriert der äußer- hen entwickelt wurde und Spielszenen mit zu zerbröckeln... Don Scardinos Komödie lich an Seth Rogan erinnernde Dreißigjähri- dokumentarischem Material vermischt. entführt in die Welt der Illusionisten und ge vorzüglich, warum seine Bemühungen Letzteres sind in diesem Fall Interviews Magier, die alles dafür tun, um das Publi- eigentlich von Anfang an zum Scheitern mit noch lebenden Zeitzeugen (u.a. kom- kum zu verblüffen. Es gibt Anspielungen verurteilt sind. Wobei man natürlich nie men die Tochter der von Rotens sowie auf Siegfried und Roy und Meister David sagen kann, was denn nun gestellt und was Cousins und Cousinen, Studienkollegen Copperfield hat sogar einen Gastauftritt. echt ist in seinem mit Digicam gefilmten und Angestellte zu Wort) und alte Fotogra- Während Steve Carell als Burt und Steve Video. Seine Junggesellenbude, die nach fien, die das echte Paar zeigen. So interes-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog sant die erzählte Geschichte auch ist, das fortgesetzt. mit umgekehrten Vorzeichen. “Schwule und gewählte Präsentationsformat rückt den Lesben in der Polizei” ist der Kontext sei- Film leider sehr stark in die Nähe einer TV- PARADIES: HOFFNUNG (1:1.85, DD nes Films, der allerdings einige Klischees Produktion. Und genau das möchte man 5.1) bedient und dadurch wenig überraschend eigentlich nicht im Kino sehen. Immerhin Verleih: Neue Visionen oder gar originell daherkommt. Das Drama sind die Spielszenen mit Mona Petri als Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland, Frank- läuft hier nach bewährtem Muster ab und Iris und Fabian Krüger als Peter hervorra- reich 2013 bietet kaum interessante Aspekte für den gend besetzt und man fragt sich unmittel- Regie: Ulrich Seidl Zuschauer. Keine Kinokost, schon eher bar, warum nicht das ganze Projekt als Darsteller: Melanie Lenz, Verena Lehbauer, etwas für das Spätprogramm im Fernsehen. Spielfilm inszeniert wurde. Die Liebe der Joseph Lorenz beiden Hauptfiguren füreinander sowie ihr Kinostart: 16.05.2013 Freitag, 05. April 2013 gegenseitiger Respekt für das, was sie tun, Eine Mutter, die nicht loslässt hat Vorbildcharakter und in den vergange- Weil sie zu dick ist, wird Teenager Melanie Als Höhepunkt einer sehr frustrierenden nen 70 Jahren nichts an Aktualität einge- von ihrer Mutter in ein Diät-Camp ge- Kinowoche gab es heute den Gewinner- büßt. steckt. Dort muss sie sich gemeinsam mit Film der 63. Berlinale. Es gibt also noch anderen Jugendlichen einem harten Drill Hoffnung! Mittwoch, 03. April 2013 unterziehen mit dem Ziel, ihre Und wenn sie nicht eingeschlafen Essgewohnheiten zu ändern. Da verliebt sie MUTTER & SOHN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) sind... sich in den 40 Jahre älteren Arzt des OT: Pozitia Copilului ...dann sitzen sie vielleicht heute noch im Camps. Der aber reagiert abweisend auf Verleih: X Verleih Kino. Melanies Annäherungsversuche... Den letz- Land/Jahr: Rumänien 2013 ten Teil seiner “Paradies”-Trilogie siedelt Regie: Calin Peter Netzer DAS MÄRCHEN VON DER PRINZES- der Österreicher Ulrich Seidl in einem Diät- Darsteller: Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan SIN, DIE UNBEDINGT IN EINEM MÄR- Camp an. Und das ist ausgesprochen depri- Dumitrache, Natasa Raab CHEN VORKOMMEN WOLLTE (1:2.35, mierend: kahle Wände, seelenlose Räume, Kinostart: 23.05.2013 5.1) desillusioniertes Personal. Wie fast immer Verleih: Summiteer (Central) bei Seidl wirkt alles improvisiert und auch Cornelia ist eine überbehütende, alles kon- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 oft verstörend. Wie beispielsweise jene trollierende Mutter, deren einziger Sohn Regie: Steffen Zacke Szene, in der der Arzt des Diät-Camps die sich schon lange aus dem Staub gemacht Darsteller: Jasmin Barbara Mairhofer, Oli- bewusstlose Melanie in einer Tanzbar auf- hat, um mit seiner Freundin zusammenzu- ver Karbus, Verena Buratti sammelt, mit ihr in den Wald fährt, sie auf leben. Cornelia kann es nicht überwinden, Kinostart: 23.05.2013 den Boden legt und anfängt, sie zu be- dass er sich nicht mehr bei ihr meldet. Als schnüffeln. So skurril diese Szene ist, so der Sohn einen Unfall verursacht, bei dem Prinzessin Clara steht ganz im Schatten zäh wirken viele andere hingegen. Da wer- ein Junge stirbt, setzt Cornelia alle Hebel ihrer Schwester, einer arroganten Vorzeige- den die Turnübungen der Camp-Teilnehmer in Bewegung, um eine Anklage zu verhin- Prinzessin. Eigentlich ist Clara mit sich in aller Ausführlichkeit geschildert, ihre dern. Dafür ist ihr jedes Mittel recht, sieht ganz zufrieden, aber ihre strengen Eltern heimlichen Partys bei Nacht nehmen kein sie darin doch auch eine Chance, ihren ge- dulden ihr Anderssein nicht. Da hat Clara Ende und die Annäherungsversuche Mela- liebten Sohn wieder an sich zu binden... eine Idee: mit Hilfe eines Märchenbuches nies drehen sich im Kreise. Seidls Film ist Mit dickem Pelzmantel bekleidet, die Haa- will sie sich zu einer Prinzessin mausern, ein recht unbequemer Film und mit Ab- re blond gefärbt und sich selbst für etwas die in Märchen genannt wird. Und so be- stand der uninteressanteste in der “Para- Besseres haltend – Cornelia muss sich müht sie zusammen mit ihrem treuen dies”-Trilogie. wahrlich nicht wundern, dass ihr erwachse- Freund, dem Hofnarren Michel, alle gängi- ner Sohn Barbu nichts mehr mit ihr zu gen Märchen – vom Froschkönig bis zum FREIER FALL (1:1.85, 5.1) haben möchte. Die alles Bestimmende hat Rotkäppchen. Doch der Erfolg bleibt aus... Verleih: Salzgeber sich schon viel zu sehr in sein Leben einge- Wenn alle deutschen Märchenverfilmungen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 mischt. In der Rolle der Mutter dominiert derart zäh inszeniert werden wie Steffen Regie: Stephan Lacant Luminita Gheorghiu jede Szene. Es ist un- Zackes Film, dann muss man sich wirklich Darsteller: Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt, glaublich, wie schnell sie die Antipathie nicht wundern, dass Kinder liebend gerne Katharina Schüttler sämtlicher Zuschauer auf sich zieht! Ein nach Hollywood schauen! Da hat man sich Kinostart: 23.05.2013 großartige Leistung. Regisseur Calin Peter zwar viel Mühe gemacht mit Kostümen Netzer gelingt es, mit seinem Drama von und Drehorten, aber das alles wird durch Sie sitzen im selben Fortbildungskurs und Anfang bis Ende zu fesseln. Er zeigt auch die einfallslose Inszenierung zunichte ge- joggen gemeinsam. Marc und Kay sind sehr deutlich, auf welche Weise man gewis- macht. Spätestens nach einer halben Stunde Polizisten. Vollkommen fassungslos rea- se Dinge in Rumänien regelt. Hier funktio- wird die Zielgruppe nach dem Smartphone giert Marc, als sich ihm Kay nähert und niert alles mit Beziehungen. Eine Hand greifen. Die knapp über 80 Minuten dau- ihn plötzlich küsst! Nach dem ersten wäscht die andere. Und es gibt viele Hän- ernde Schlaftablette fühlt sich sehr viel Schock beginnt Marc Gefallen daran zu de, die aufgehalten werden, um den Lohn länger an. finden. Doch es gibt ein großes Problem: für eine Gefälligkeit zu erhalten. Cornelia Marc ist gerade erst mit Freundin Bettina weiß genau, an welchen Hebeln sie anset- Donnerstag, 04. April 2013 in das gemeinsame Haus eingezogen und zen muss. So wie sie auch genau weiß, wie Diätcamp und Polizeischule wird demnächst Vater... In Stephan Lacants sie ihren Sohn durch die gemeinsame Putz- Die bislang qualitativ schlechte Filmwoche Drama geht es einmal mehr um den be- frau ausspionieren kann. wurde heute mit zwei weiteren Filmen rühmten Seitensprung. Dieses Mal jedoch

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 08. April 2013 Potenzial ist durchaus zu erkennen. Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt Bildgewaltig es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film erst ab Ein Sci-Fi-Film eröffnete heute die neue Dienstag, 09. April 2013 01.05.2013 auf Presse-Woche Ein Film, der Dich im Regen stehen lässt www.wolframhannemann.de Zuerst gab es heute wieder einmal Rätsel- OBLIVION (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + haftes von Terrence Malick, bevor ich dann Atmos) mit einer Komödie in den Feierabend ge- Mittwoch, 10. April 2013 OT: Oblivion schickt wurde Justizthriller Verleih: Universal Heute gab es zwar nur eine einzige Presse- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 TO THE WONDER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) vorführung, doch die hat mich in Atem Regie: Joseph Kosinski OT: To The Wonder gehalten. Darsteller: , Morgan Freeman, Verleih: Studiocanal Olga Kurylenko Land/Jahr: USA 2012 THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL Kinostart: 11.04.2013 Regie: Terrence Malick COURT (1:2.35, 5.1) Darsteller: , Olga Kurylenko, Verleih: Bukera 2077. Nach einer Alien-Invasion ist die Rachel McAdams, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Erde ist fast restlos zerstört, die überle- Kinostart: 30.05.2013 Regie: Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile benden Menschen haben den größten Pla- neten des Jupiter besiedelt. Doch man ist In Frankreich erleben der Amerikaner Neil Darsteller: Luis Moreno-Ocampo auf die noch vorhandenen Rohstoffe auf und die Französin Marina ihre große Liebe. Kinostart: 02.05.2013 der Erde angewiesen. Um den vollautomati- Sie genießen unbeschwerte Tage zusammen schen Abbau gegen die außerirdischen Fein- mit Marinas kleiner Tochter u.a. am Mont Über einen Zeitraum von mehreren Jahren de zu schützen, schiebt Jack Harper als St. Michel. Neil überedet Marina, mit nach begleiteten die Filmemacher Marcus Vetter Techniker im Außendienst Dienst auf dem Amerika zu kommen. In jedoch und Michele Gentile Luis Moreno- verlassenen Planeten. Victoria ist der einzi- findet sich Marina nicht zurecht. Die Ent- Ocampo, seines Zeichens Chefankläger am ge Mensch an seiner Seite. Sie überwacht fremdung des Paares beginnt. Nach einer Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag. die gefährlichen Einsätze aus der Komman- schwierigen Zeit reist Marina mit ihrer Der Film zeigt den Anwalt und viele seiner dozentrale in sicherer Höhe. Doch Jacks Tochter wieder nach Europa zurück und Mitstreiter bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit und gesamtes Weltbild kommt ins Schwanken, Neil geht ein Verhältnis mit seiner Jugend- den damit verbundenen Problemen. So kann als eine Raumkapsel landet, die Menschen liebe ein. Doch weder Neil noch Marina der Internationale Gerichtshof nur für Län- an Bord hat... Mit OBLIVION hat Regis- können einander vergessen... Wie bereits der tätig werden, die die entsprechende seur Joseph Kosinski (TRON LEGACY) mit THE TREE OF LIFE (von dem Bilder Resolution unterzeichnet haben. Und das seine eigene Graphic Novel verfilmt und in den neuen Film übernommen wurden) sind gerade einmal 166. Den Hilferuf aus liefert damit ein ganzes Sammelsurium von entzieht sich Ausnahmeregisseur Terrence Palästina muss Moreno-Ocampa beispiels- Filmzitaten ab. Aber nicht etwa, um den Malick üblichen Sehgewohnheiten. Sein weise ablehnen, da Palästina zur Zeit der Vorbildern wie 2001: ODYSSEE IM neuer Film wirkt wie ein Tagtraum. Es gibt Entstehung des Films noch kein Staat war. WELTRAUM, MOON, PLANET DER zwar Schauspieler, jedoch kaum Dialoge. Moreno-Ocampa nimmt seinen Job sehr AFFEN, FLUCHT INS 23. JAHRHUN- Dafür hört man Satzfetzen aus dem Off, ernst und hält sich penibel an die Gesetze. DERT usw. zu huldigen, sondern vermut- die Malick über die Bilder legt und von Umso aufwändiger dafür aber der Prozess lich nur mangels eigener Ideen. Was für die seinen drei Hauptdarstellern in ihrer jewei- gegen Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, dem der Zielgruppe der 14- bis 16-jährigen noch ligen Landessprache sprechen lässt. All das Vorwurf gemacht wird, dass er sich durch akzeptabel ist, weil diese die Vorbilder ist sehr spirituell angehaucht und man die Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten im nicht kennen, wirkt auf Kenner der Film- wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als eine Kongo an einem Verbrechen gegen die geschichte wie ein billiger Abklatsch. Gebrauchsanleitung für dieses optisch an- Menschlichkeit schuldig gemacht hat. An- Trotzdem kann man Kosinskis Film nicht spruchsvolle Werk an die Hand zu bekom- gelina Jolie und Benjamin Ferencz (Chefan- komplett verdammen, denn er liefert im- men. Einmal mehr beweist Malick, dass er kläger Nürnberger Prozesse) unterstützen merhin wirklich grandiose Bilder (Kamera: schon komplett abgehoben hat und nicht diesen Prozess, der sich über den gesamten Claudio Miranda, unlängst für LIFE OF PI mehr erdverbunden ist. TO THE Film erstreckt, ständig unterbrochen von mit dem Oscar honoriert). Aufgenommen WONDER ist ein sperriges Werk, das sich neuen Krisenherden auf der Welt. Ganz wurden diese zwar mit 4K-Digitaltechnik, alles andere als einfach erschließt und da- anders als es bei vielen Dokumentarfilmen die in die Kinos kommenden DCPs haben mit nur einer Minderheit zugänglich sein der Fall ist, präsentieren Marcus Vetter aber trotzdem nur eine Auflösung von 2K. dürfte. (DAS HERZ VON JENIN, CINEMA Dieser Umstand ist wohl den visuellen JENIN) und sein Co-Regisseur Michele Effekten geschuldet, die offensichtlich THE BIG WEDDING (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Gentile ihre Dokumentation tatsächlich noch nicht komplett in 4K gerendert wur- OT: The Big Wedding kinogerecht: im CinemaScope-Format. Das den. Aber auch in der geringeren 2K-Auflö- Verleih: Concorde leinwandfüllende Bild in Verbindung mit sung beeindruckt der Film visuell. Natür- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 der Spannung verheissenden Filmmusik lich gibt es dazu auch den passenden, Regie: Justin Zackham lässt den Film nach außen hin wie einen tiefbasslastigen 7.1 Surround Sound (in Darsteller: Diane Keaton, Amanda Thriller erscheinen, die Dokumentation ausgewählten Kinos sogar im neuen Dolby Seyfried, Robert De Niro, Susan Sarandon, entledigt sich damit der nüchternen Lange- Atmos Soundsystem!). Mit den oben auf- Williams, Katherine Heigl weile, die so mancher Dokumentation inne geführten Einschränkungen ist OBLIVION Kinostart: 30.05.2013 ist. Und die Regisseure scheuen sich auch freilich nicht der große Wurf, aber das nicht, Bilder unvorstellbarer Grausamkeit

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog zu zeigen. Die aber sind kein Selbstzweck, in der Bevölkerung, dass mit Mubaraks Kinostart: 23.05.2013 sondern machen deutlich, worum es am Sturz die Wirtschaft des Landes extrem Gericht in Den Haag tagtäglich geht. THE leidet, hier demonstriert anhand der aus- Der Deutsch-Türke Murat Kurnaz weiß gar INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT bleibenden Touristen, was für Mahmouds nicht wie ihm geschieht: eingesperrt in ist ein faszinierender Dokumentarfilm im Familie den Ruin bedeutet. NACH DER einen Käfig und umgeben von schwer be- Gewand eines Justizthrillers. REVOLUTION ist ein politischer Film, bei waffneten Militärs harrt er voller Angst dem die eingeflochtene Liebesbeziehung seinem Schicksal entgegen. Noch weiß er Donnerstag, 11. April 2013 zwischen Mahmoud und Reem eigentlich nicht, dass sein Martyrium ganze fünf Jah- Ägyptischer Frühling und neun fast schon stört und bei dem man sich de- re dauern wird. Und das, obgleich er un- Triptychons tailliertere Hintergrundinformationen ge- schuldig ist. Das aber will ihm dort in die- Ein Spielfilm mit politischen Ambitionen wünscht hätte . sem Gefängnis im Niemandsland keiner und ein Künstlerporträt hielten mich heute glauben. Gail Holford, ein Amerikaner in davon ab, auf der Straße herumzulungern. MAX BECKMANN (1:1.85, Stereo) weißem Hemd und mit Krawatte, verhört Verleih: Piffl ihn. Wo psychologische Methoden nicht NACH DER REVOLUTION (1:1.85, DD Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 mehr weiterhelfen, setzen Schläge und an- 5.1) Regie: Michael Trabitzsch dere physische Bestrafungen ein. Holford OT: Baad El Mawkeaa Kinostart: 06.06.2013 will ein Geständnis aus dem jungen Mann Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) holen – koste es was es wolle... Der Fall Land/Jahr: Ägypten, Frankreich 2012 Weltberühmt machten ihn vor allem seine des über fünf Jahre unschuldig inhaftierten Regie: Yousry Nasrallah neun Triptychons, die er im Laufe seines Murat Kurnaz sorgte nach seiner Rückkehr Darsteller: Menna Shalabi, Nahed El Sebaï, Lebens geschaffen hat und die ihn zu einem nach Deutschland vor ein paar Jahren für Bassem Samra der größten Malern des 20. Jahrhunderts großes Aufsehen. Erstmals wurden der Kinostart: 30.05.2013 machten: Max Beckmann. In seinem breiten Masse die Augen geöffnet, auf wel- Künstlerporträt schildert Regisseur Micha- che Art und Weise US-Militärs in ihrem Kairo, 02. Februar 2011. Aufgehetzt von el Trabitzsch dessen Werdegang – vom Geheimgefängnis in Guantanamo wüten. Mubaraks Schergen ist Mahmoud einer von deutschen Sanitäter im Ersten Weltkrieg bis Die Mittel des Terrors, den die Amerikaner vielen Reitern, die auf dem Tahir-Platz die zu seinem plötzlichen Tod am 27. Dezem- um jeden Preis bekämpfen wollen, werden jungen Revolutionäre angreifen. Doch er ber 1950 im Central Park in New York dort ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken gegen stürzt und wird übel verprügelt. Er verliert City, genau einen Tag nach Vollendung sei- die Gefangenen angewendet. Regisseur und seinen Job als Touristenführer, man ver- nes letzten Triptychons. Museums- Drehbuchautor Stefan Schaller schildert in spottet ihn, seine Kinder werden in der kuratoren aus aller Welt erzählen über seinem Diplomfilm nicht etwa die politi- Schule gehänselt. Zufällig lernt er Reem Beckmann und versuchen sich an Interpre- schen Beweggründe, warum dies so ist, kennen, eine moderne Ägypterin, die in der tationen seiner Bilder. Aus dem Off wird noch interessieren ihn die Umstände, wes- Werbebranche arbeitet und die die Revolu- aus Beckmanns Tagebüchern sowie Briefen halb Kurnaz nicht schon wesentlich früher tion und insbesondere die Rechte der Frau- zitiert, während dokumentarisches Bildma- von den deutschen Behörden aus en unterstützt. Das Leben beider wird sich terial zu sehen ist. So entsteht ein allum- Guantanamo befreit wurde. Ihm geht es von Grund auf ändern... Mühsam erklimmt fassendes Porträt eines Künstlers, der am alleine um den Überlebenswillen des un- Mahmoud die riesigen Stufen der Pyrami- Anfang seiner Kariere ganz genau wusste, schuldig Inhaftierten, der sich über fünf de. Immer weiter klettert er hinauf. Doch wohin er wollte: ganz nach oben. Beson- Jahre lang brutalsten Verhör- und Folter- die Kamera zeigt uns die wahre Dimension ders ausführlich werden einige der Tripty- methoden ausgesetzt sah und trotzdem der Pyramide und macht uns klar, dass chons behandelt, vorgestellt von Kunstken- nach dieser grauenvollen Zeit wieder ins Mahmoud erst am Anfang steht. Mit die- nern und detailliert von der Kamera einge- normale Leben zurückgefunden hat. sem symbolträchtigen Bild endet Yousry fangen. Ein Schwachpunkt der Dokumenta- Schallers Film zeugt von großem handwerk- Nasrallah Film über den “Ägyptischen tion ist der musikalische Klangteppich, der lichen Talent – sei es die Kameraarbeit von Frühling”. Denn für Mahmoud und viele sich ständig zu wiederholen scheint. Für Armin Franzen, die hervorragend einge- andere Ägypter ist es noch ein langer und kunstinteressierte Zuschauer trotzdem setzte Filmmusik von Enik oder das subtile schwieriger Weg, bis die Demokratie auch empfehlenswert. Sounddesign. Hier ist alles hervorragend in ihren Köpfen angekommen ist. Nasrallah aufeinander abgestimmt und unterstützt die lässt in seinem Film viel offen, versucht Freitag, 12. April 2013 Dramaturgie des Films bestens. Sehr ein- erst gar nicht zu erklären, was genau pas- Folterthriller drucksvoll das Set Design. Obgleich zum siert ist, welche Gruppierungen es in sei- Mit der Verfilmung einer wahren Geschich- Großteil in Babelsberg gedreht, wirkt der nem Land gibt. Der Film ist damit zwar für te endete die Pressewoche heute Vormittag. Film so, als wäre er tatsächlich an den Ori- Außenstehende nicht immer konsequent ginalschauplätzen in Guantanamo entstan- nachzuvollziehen, reisst jedoch die Proble- 5 JAHRE LEBEN (1:2.35, 5.1) den. Nicht zuletzt tragen auch die beiden me seines Landes an. Da ist zum Einen die Verleih: Hauptdarsteller (Sascha Gersak als Murat, unterschiedliche Stellung von Mann und Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Ben Miles als sein Kontrahent) mit ihrem Frau in der ägyptischen Gesellschaft, die Regie: Stefan Schaller sehr überzeugenden Spiel dazu bei, dem nach wie vor tief verwurzelt zu sein Darsteller: Sascha Gersak, Ben Miles, Film seinen sehr authentischen Anstrich zu scheint. Zum Anderen gibt es die Meinung Timur Isik geben.

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013

NO ONE LIVES (1:2.35, DD 5.1) eröffnen sie ihm, dass David gar nicht THE SEASONING HOUSE (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: No Onle Lives ihr leiblicher Sohn ist. David beginnt OT: The Seasoning House Land/Jahr: USA 2012 damit, nach seine wahren Eltern zu Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2012 Regie: Ryuhei Kitamura forschen. Deren Schicksal ist eng ver- Regie: Paul Hyett Darsteller: Luke Evans, Adelaide Cle- woben mit einer 1931 in Spanien ent- Darsteller: Rosie Day, Sean Pertwee, mens, Derek Magyar deckten Krankheit, die Kinder vollkom- Kevin Howarth Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights men schmerzunempfindlich mach- Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights 2013 ten... Mit seinem auf mehreren Zeit- 2013 ebenen erzählten Film liefert Juan Ein junges Paar, das sich mit seinem Carlos Medina handwerklich vorzügli- Während des Balkankriegs wird ein gesamten Hab und Gut auf der Durch- ches Kino ab. Der Horror, den er schil- taubstummes Mädchen entführt und in reise befindet, gerät in die Hände ei- dert, dient ihm nur als Mittel zum ein Bordell verschleppt, in dem Frauen ner brutalen Diebesbande. Erst als Zweck. Tatsächlich ist der Film eine zwangsprostituiert werden. Dort muss sie im Inneren des Anhängers eine Parabel für die Folgen des Faschis- sie den Frauen Drogen spritzen, um geheime Kammer entdecken, in der mus und was ein Krieg aus Menschen sie gefügig zu machen. Als eines Ta- sich eine geknebelte junge Frau befin- machen kann. In gewisser Weise, ges jener Kommandant auftaucht, der det, wird ihnen klar, dass es sich bei speziell den Aufbau betreffend, erin- ihre Mutter töten ließ, sinnt das Mäd- dem Paar um Entführer handeln nert der Film an den grandiosen DIE chen auf Rache... Einmal mehr muss muss. Allerdings kommt diese Er- FRAU DIE SINGT, ohne freilich dessen der Balkankrieg als Hintergrund für kenntnis bereits zu spät: das Gemet- Qualitäten je zu erreichen. einen echten Exploitation-Film herhal- zel hat begonnen... Mit seinem neue- ten. Hier sind schon die Figuren derart sten Horrorfilm sorgt Regisseur krass überzeichnet, dass man dieses Ryuhei Kitamura (THE MIDNIGHT MEAT CITADEL (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Werk nicht weiter ernst nehmen kann. TRAIN, AZUMI) sicherlich unfreiwillig OT: Citadel Hier geht es eigentlich nur darum, dafür, dass dieser in den Untiefen der Land/Jahr: Irland, Großbritannien Gewalt gegen Frauen zu zelibrieren. Videotheken verschwinden und hierzu- 2012 Spannung? Fehlanzeige. lande wohl kaum eine Auswertung im Regie: Ciaran Foy Kino erfahren wird. Schuld daran ist Darsteller: Aneurin Barnard, Wunmi THE BAY (1:1.85, DD 5.1) wie so oft das dümmliche Drehbuch, Mosaku, James Cosmo OT: The Bay das sich weniger um Plausibilität Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights Land/Jahr: USA 2012 schert denn um blutverschmierte und 2013 Regie: Barry Levinson geschredderte Körper. Angesichts Darsteller: Kristen Connolly, Jane hirnloser Aktionen der in Bedrängnis Seit er hilflos mit ansehen musste, McNeill, Christopher Denham geratenen Protagonisten mag sich wie seine schwangere Freundin von Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights keine Spannung aufbauen und man ein paar Hoodies gekleideten Kids 2013 dankt dem Regisseur schon inständig abgestochen wurde, leidet dafür, dass sein Werk nur knappe 90 unter Platzangst. Als ihm ein Priester Eine junge Reporterin berichtet von Minuten dauert. Fortsetzung vorpro- eröffnet, dass sich die Bande auch Ereignissen, die sich 2009 in einer grammiert. Tommys kleine Tochter holen wird, idyllischen Bucht in den USA während muss er über sich hinauswachsen. der Feierlichkeiten zum 4. Juli ereig- PAINLESS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Gemeinsam mit dem Priester will er neten. Damals starben Hunderte von OT: Insensibles der Bande den Garaus machen. Doch Menschen aufgrund eines Parasiten- Land/Jahr: Spanien, Frankreich, Portu- es handelt sich nicht um Kids, son- befalls, der wiederum auf ins Wasser gal 2012 dern um Dämonen... Spätestens seit geleiteten, verseuchten Hühnerkot Regie: Juan Carlos Medina ATTACK THE BLOCK hat sich ganz still zurückzuführen ist... Der erste Ausflug Darsteller: Irene Montalà, Derek de und leise ein neues Horrorfilm- von RAIN MAN Regisseur Barry Lint, Juan Diego Subgenre etabliert: der Hochhaus- Levinson ins Horror-Genre macht neu- Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights Schocker. Die irisch-schottische Ko- gierig. Welche Akzente mag ein solch 2013 produktion CITADEL von Ciaran Foy ist renommierter Filmemacher in diesem der neueste Beitrag in dieser Reihe. Genre setzen? Levinson entwickelt Die Diagnose ist eindeutig: Souverän inszeniert, in kargen Farben seinen Horror-Thriller vor dem Hinter- Lymphknotenkrebs. Das Einzige, was und mit einem ansprechenden Sound- grund einer Umweltkatastrophe, die den Chirurgen David Martel jetzt noch design ausgestattet, vermag er durch- durch die Behörden vertuscht werden retten könnte, wäre eine aus zu unterhalten. Die angenehme soll. Er wählt dafür das seit BLAIR Knochenmarkspende seiner Eltern. Länge von unter 90 Minuten fällt eben- WITCH PROJECT etablierte “Fake Die aber hat er schon sit vielen Jahren so positiv auf wie auch die gute und Documentary”- oder “Found Footage”- nicht mehr gesehen. Als er sie auf- überzeugende Besetzung. Ein netter Format, das Videomaterial unter- sucht und um Hilfe bitte, ist er über kleiner Film für zwischendurch. schiedlichster Art und Qualität zu ei- deren Ablehnung verwirrt. Erst jetzt nem großen Ganzen kombiniert. Und

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013

er scheut sich nicht, seinen “gefälsch- als verdient, dient als Nährboden für unterwegs vom Schlaf übermannt wer- ten” Bildern einen Hauch von Ekel den Spannungsaufbau. Mia den. überzuziehen. Es gelingt ihm dabei Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman und sogar (mit Hilfe einer dynamischen Matthew Goode überzeugen als un- JOHN DIES AT THE END (1:1.85, 5.1) Tonspur), das Publikum mehr als nur durchschaubare Figuren in diesem OT: John Dies At The End einmal zu erschrecken. Hartgesottene Spiel um Eifersucht, Lust, Jäger und Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Kinogänger wird das kaum schocken, Opfer. Fazit: ein Geheimtipp! Regie: Don Coscarelli zart Besaitete aber durchaus. Insge- Darsteller: Chase Williamson, Rob samt stellt THE BAY nichts Besonde- AMERICAN MARY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Mayes, Paul Giamatti res dar, sondern ist nur einer unter OT: American Mary Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights inzwischen vielen fiktiven Dokumen- Land/Jahr: USA, Kanada 2012 2013 tarfilmen. Regie: Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska In einem chinesischen Restaurant STOKER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Darsteller: Katharine Isabelle, erzählt ein junger Mann einem Journa- OT: Stoker Cupo, Tristan Risk listen die absonderliche Geschichte Verleih: Fox Kinostart: Fantasy Filmfest Nights über eine neue Wunderdroge, die ihm Land/Jahr: USA 2013 2013 u.a. Zeitreisen ermöglichen... Mit Regie: Park Chan-wook JOHN DIES AT THE END scheint Regis- Darsteller: Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Mary, eine sehr begabte Medizin- seur Don Coscarelli an seinen großen Kidman, David Alford, Matthew Goode studentin, nimmt aus Geldnot heraus Erfolg BUBBA HO-TEP anknüpfen zu Kinostart: 09.05.2013 einen Job in einem Stripclub an, in wollen. Auch hier tun sich zwei zusam- dessen Hinterzimmer sie Notoperatio- men, um gegen die Mächte der - Kaum ist ihr über alles geliebter Vater nen an lichtscheuen Individuen durch- sternis anzukämpfen. Sogar Kompo- nach einem tragischen Autounfall un- führt. Als sich herumspricht, dass das nist Brian Tyler lässt Italo-- ter der Erde, taucht dessen Bruder smarte Girl für gutes Geld illegale Klänge vom Stapel, die er bereits bei Charlie wie aus dem Nichts bei India Operationen durchführt, kann sie sich BUBBA HO-TEP so erfolgreich einsetz- und ihrer Mutter Evelyn auf. Der ge- bal vor Aufträgen nicht mehr retten. Sie te. Allerdings erreicht Coscarellis Film heimnisvolle Fremde stellt nicht nur avanciert zur Ikone der Underground leider nicht die zum Schenkel- ihrer kaltherzigen Mutter nach, son- Surgeries. Und genau das bekommt klatschen animierende Qualität eines dern hat auch ein Auge auf India ge- auch ihr Professor bald hautnah zu BUBBA HO-TEP. Immerhin gelingt es worfen. Da verschwindet plötzlich die spüren, nachdem er Mary vergewaltigt. ihm, einige nette Beiträge zu Zeit- Haushälterin wie vom Erdboden – nur Die Messer sind gewetzt, Herr Profes- reisen beizusteuern, die es auf diese eines von vielen merkwürdigen Ereig- sor! - Vergesst Piercings – jetzt sind Weise noch nicht gab. Letztendlich nissen, die jetzt ihren Lauf nehmen... Body Modifications angesagt! Mit einer jedoch versinkt sein Film in bizarren Mit dem Rachethriller OLDBOY prägte ziemlich blutigen Satire betritt das Bildern und Situationen, die an Terry Regisseur Chan-wook Park das ko- Regiegespann Jen und Sylvia Soska Gilliams FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS reanische Kino ganz gewaltig (und das Filmparkett. Die Zwillingsschwe- VEGAS erinnern. Mit Drogenkonsum das im durchaus wörtlichen Sinn). stern, die auch selber im Film mitwir- lässt sich eben alles irgendwie erklä- Jetzt hat er seinen ersten Spielfilm in ken, haben damit einen recht skurrilen ren. Oder auch nicht. Hollywood fertiggestellt und präsen- Horrorfilm geschaffen, der – gemes- tiert mit STOKER einen prominent be- sen am Applaus des Publikums im Fazit: von Jahr zu Jahr ist festzustel- setzten Thriller, der den Betrachter Anschluss an die Vorführung – mögli- len, dass die “Fantasy Filmfest ebenso fasziniert wie verstört. Hier cherweise zum Kultfilm der BodMod- Nights”, der kleine Bruder des wird nichts dem Zufall überlassen. Szene aufsteigen könnte. Richtige “Fantasy Filmfests”, immer mehr Jede Einstellung, jede noch so kurze Filmfans seinen allerdings vorge- zum Spülgang des Hauptfestivals Sequenz hat ihre Bedeutung - auch warnt: die Inszenierung ist derart zäh, werden. Leider. In diesem Jahr konn- wenn sich diese nicht unmittelbar er- dass sich die 103 Minuten wie drei te nur STOKER wirklich punkten. Alle schließt. Sein Film setzt sich zusam- Stunden anfühlen. Zudem scheinen anderen gezeigten Filme erwiesen men wie ein Puzzle. Erst am Schluss die Regie-Neulinge erhebliche Proble- sich als bloße Lückenfüller, wobei gewährt er dem geneigten Publikum me mit der Tonspur des Films zu ha- PAINLESS noch durchaus Potenzial einen Blick auf das große Ganze. In ben. Die nämlich klang so, als wäre hatte. Fast scheint es so, als ob der teilweise absolut betörenden Bildern, sie noch nicht vollendet. Es fehlen oft Veranstalter inzwischen fest am die sich auf der breiten CinemaScope- Geräusche und die Dialoge weisen Gängelband der heimischen DVD- Bildwand frei entfalten können, erzählt extrem unterschiedliche Qualitäten und Blu--Branche hängt, die die er eine morbide Geschichte, die mit auf. Sorry Mädels, aber so etwas lie- “Nights” als willkommene Werbe- Überraschungen nicht geizt und da- fert man nicht gegen Geld ab! Was plattform für anstehende Neu- durch ihren Fortgang nicht vorhersa- den Splatterfaktor angeht, so werden veröffentlichungen nutzen. Das aber gen lässt. Ein ausgeklügeltes Sound- die eingefleischten Fans sicherlich ist ganz sicher keines Festivals wür- design, das diese Bezeichnung mehr ordentlich bedient – sofern sie nicht dig. Ein Umdenken wäre sehr wün- schenswert.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Strawberry Shortcake 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052692 Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. Animation Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment Idiots and Angels 14.06.2013 Idiots and Angels Die Abenteuer des starken Wanja 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052701 Dir. Zeichentrick/Satire 2008 76min. Dir. Elisabeth Schwarz Emily Erdbeer - Im zauberhaften Universum Film 21.06.2013 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1966-1967 120min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052691 Studio Enterprises 17.05.2013 Land von Oz 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052942 Strawberry Shortcake Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. Little Cars 1 - Das große Rennen Die Abenteuer von Figaro Pho - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Little Cars Germany 14.06.2013 Bildergalerie Die komplette Serie (2 Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006 40min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052704 The Adventures Of Figaro Pho Black Hill Pictures 12.04.2013 Dir. Luke Jurevicius Emily Erdbeer - Lasst uns tanzen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052835 Zeichentrick 2012 300min. Strawberry Shortcake Universal Music Family Little Cars 2 - Die großen Aben- Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. Entertainment(Karussell) 26.04.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment teuer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052989 Germany 14.06.2013 The Little Cars 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052698 Bildergalerie Alles Trick 5 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006 46min. Trickfilm 1966-1987 98min. Emily Erdbeer - Spaß auf dem Black Hill Pictures 12.04.2013 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.04.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052836 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052694 Bauernhof Strawberry Shortcake Little Cars 3 - Die neuen Abenteu- Beyblade Metal Master - Box 1.1 Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. er Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Folge 1-26) (6 Discs) The Little Cars Germany 14.06.2013 Metaru Faito Beibureedo Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052699 Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2006 46min. Black Hill Pictures 12.04.2013 Trickfilm/Action 2009 600min. Emily Erdbeer - Träume vom Er- Edel Germany(Panini) 03.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052837 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052780 wachsenwerden Strawberry Shortcake Miffy & Freunde - Die komplette Caillou 30 - Caillou, der Super- Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. Staffel (3 Discs) held, und weitere Geschichten Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Miffy And Germany 14.06.2013 Caillou Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 390min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052705 Dir. Jean Pilotte justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 19.04.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 48min. Der fantastische Mr. Fox Universum Film(Universum Kids) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052582 Fantastic Mr. Fox 05.07.2013 Dir. Wes Anderson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052886 Molly, die Milchkuh Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 84min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 45min. Das Dschungelbuch, DVD 8 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment da music(Best Entertainment) 05.04.2013 Germany 14.06.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2011 55min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052943 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052956 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Naruto Shippuden - Die komplet- 07.06.2013 Der fantastische Mr. Fox (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052603 te Staffel 10 (4 Discs) Fantastic Mr. Fox Naruto: Shippûden Dir. Wes Anderson Emily Erdbeer - Auf nach Holly- Dir. Hayato Date Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 87min. wood Storyboard, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Mini-Clips Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zeichentrick/Fantasy 586min. Strawberry Shortcake Germany 14.06.2013 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.05.2013 Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052978 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052816 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 14.06.2013 Go, Diego! Go! - Tanz bei den Nick Favorites - Hier spielt die 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052703 Taumelkäfern Musik Emily Erdbeer - Emily im Mär- Go, Diego! Go! Favorites - Dance To The Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen chenland Music Bonusepisode Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 143min. Strawberry Shortcake Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 96min. Paramount Home Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 02.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052745 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052746 Germany 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052702 Gullivers Reisen Professor Balthazar - Staffel 1.1 Gulliver’s Travels Dir. Boris Kolar Emily Erdbeer - Emilys Erdbeer Dir. Dave Fleischer Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 60min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1939 80min. Jam Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.04.2013 Edel Germany(aberele-media) 26.04.2013 Strawberry Shortcake 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052607 Zeichentrick 1981-2010 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052778 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hoppity kommt zurück Professor Balthazar - Staffel 1.2 Germany 14.06.2013 Dir. Boris Kolar Hoppity Goes To Town 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052700 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1967 48min. Dir. Dave Fleischer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.04.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1941 76min. Emily Erdbeer - Emilys große Rei- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052608 se Universum Film(Universum Kids) 21.06.2013

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Ringelgasse 19 - Als Pia ganz al- (500) Days Of Summer Benguigui, Cassandra Harrouche - Dir. Eric lein war... und andere Geschich- Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Toledano, Olivier Nakache Geoffrey Arend, Matthew Gray Gubler, Trailer, Making of ten Chloe Moretz, Clark Gregg, Rachel , Komödie 2005 96min. Dir. Tony Loeser, Andreas Strozyk Minka Kelly - Dir. Marc Webb 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Trickfilm 42min. Entfallene Szenen tba BestellNr.: 20052929 Edel:Kids 26.04.2013 Komödie/Drama 2009 91min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052782 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Aaron und der Wolf Germany 03.05.2013 Time Of The Wolf Ringelgasse 19 - Als Willi ein 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052749 Burt Reynolds, Marthe Keller, Devin Held war... und andere Geschich- Drewitz, Priestley, John Neville, ten (500) Days of Summer (Blu-ray) Jamie Kerr, Lemke, Shauna (500) Days Of Summer MacDonald - Dir. Rod Pridy Dir. Tony Loeser, Andreas Strozyk Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel, Drama 2002 87min. Trickfilm 42min. Geoffrey Arend, Matthew Gray Gubler, FilmConfect Home Entertainment Edel:Kids 26.04.2013 Chloe Moretz, Clark Gregg, Rachel Boston, 26.04.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052781 Minka Kelly - Dir. Marc Webb 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052870 Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideos, Interviews SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Tin- Komödie/Drama 2009 95min. The ABCs of Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) tenfisch süß-sauer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The ABCs Of Death Spongebob Squarepants Germany 03.05.2013 Dallas Malloy, Erik Aude, Iván González, Bonusepisode 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052790 Peter Pedrero, Kyra Zagorsky, Darenzia, Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 83min. Lee Hardcastle, Fraser Corbett, Sarah Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 127 Hours Bonrepaux, Lucy Clements, Kim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052747 127 Hours Richardson - Dir. Angela Bettis, Hélène James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Der SpongeBob Schwammkopf Cattet, Adam Wingard, Ernesto Díaz Clémence Poésy, Kate Burton, Lizzy Espinoza, Bruno Forzani, Jason Eisener, Film (Blu-ray) Caplan, Treat Williams - Dir. Danny Boyle Xavier Gens, Adrián García Bogliano, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Drama/Abenteuer 2010 89min. Noboru Iguchi, Jorge Michel Grau, Thomas Dir. Stephen Hillenburg Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Cappelen Malling, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Making of, Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Teasertrailer Germany 03.05.2013 Banjong Pisanthanakun, Simon Rumley, Zeichentrick/Komödie 2004 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052748 Marcel Sarmiento, Jon Schnepp, Srdjan Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Spasojevic, Timo Tjahjanto, Andrew 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052805 127 Hours (Blu-ray) Traucki, Nacho Vigalondo, Jake West, Ti 127 Hours Der standhafte Zinnsoldat West, Ben Wheatley, Mikael Wulff, Yudai James Franco, Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, Yamaguchi, Lee Hardcastle Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 45min. Clémence Poésy, Kate Burton, Lizzy Horror/Episodenfilm 2012 129min. da music(Best Entertainment) 22.03.2013 Caplan, Treat Williams - Dir. Danny Boyle Capelight Pictures 21.06.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052725 Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, u.a. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052895 Drama/Abenteuer 2010 93min. Unser Sandmännchen und seine The ABCs of Death (k.J.) Freunde - Klassiker 7 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany 03.05.2013 The ABCs Of Death Dir. Gerhard Behrendt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052789 Dallas Malloy, Erik Aude, Iván González, Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 40min. Peter Pedrero, Kyra Zagorsky, Darenzia, Music Entertainment & New Business 13 Semester Lee Hardcastle, Fraser Corbett, Sarah Division(rbb) 12.04.2013 Max Riemelt, Alexander Fehling, Robert Bonrepaux, Lucy Clements, Kim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052884 Gwisdek, Claudia Eisinger, Amit Shah, Die- Richardson - Dir. Angela Bettis, Hélène Cattet, Adam Wingard, Ernesto Díaz Unser Sandmännchen und seine ter Mann, Raúl Semmler, Tobias van Dieken, Daniel Zillmann, Roberto Cappelluti, Michael Espinoza, Bruno Forzani, Jason Eisener, Freunde - Klassiker 8 Herl, Moritz Pliquet, Cyril Sjöström, Alex Xavier Gens, Adrián García Bogliano, Dir. Gerhard Behrendt Holike, Benjamin Kramme, James Meuser, Noboru Iguchi, Jorge Michel Grau, Thomas Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1958 40min. Maria Vogt, Ole Micha Spörkel, Johannes Cappelen Malling, Yoshihiro Nishimura, Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Suhm, Alina Rank, Uschi Morlang, Tobias Banjong Pisanthanakun, Simon Rumley, Division(rbb) 12.04.2013 Jundt, Cédric Monnier - Dir. Frieder Wittich Marcel Sarmiento, Jon Schnepp, Srdjan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052885 Komödie 2009 98min. Spasojevic, Timo Tjahjanto, Andrew Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Traucki, Nacho Vigalondo, Jake West, Ti Germany 14.06.2013 West, Ben Wheatley, Mikael Wulff, Yudai 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052946 Yamaguchi, Lee Hardcastle Dokumentarfilm Horror/Episodenfilm 2012 124min. 1984 Capelight Pictures 21.06.2013 1984 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052872 Searching for Sugar Man (OmU) John Hurt, Suzanna Hamilton, Richard (Blu-ray) Burton, Cyril Cusack, Gregor Fisher, James Der Admiral - Krieg im Pazifik Searching For Sugar Man Walker - Dir. Michael Radford Rengô Kantai Shirei Chôkan: Yamamoto Rodriguez - Dir. Drama/Science Fiction 1984 105min. Isoroku Making of, Live Performance, Trailer, Interview Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kôji Yakusho, , Masatô Ibu, Porträt/Biographie/Musik 2012 86min. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 , , Mieko Harada, Rapid Eye Movies HE 10.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052947 Nobuko Miyamoto, Takeo Nakahara, Toshirô 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052709 Yanagiba, Mitsugoro Bando, Ikuji Nakamura, 2 ungleiche Freunde (Blu-ray) Eisaku Yoshida, , Toru Je Préfère Qu’on Reste Amis Masuoka, Rena Tanaka, Yoshihiko Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Paul Rouve, Tilly Hakamada, Asaka Seto, Hiroshi Tamaki, Film Mandelbrot, Lionel Abelanski, Annie Tetsuo Yamashita - Dir. Izuru Narushima Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Yves Jacques, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 135min. Élisabeth Vitali, Xavier de Guillebon, Valérie (500) Days of Summer Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm)

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21.05.2013 Los Banditos Films(Lausbuben Films) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052764 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052642 23.04.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052637 Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein Der Admiral - Krieg im Pazifik Johanna Wokalek, Iris Berben, Richy Müller (Blu-ray) All Things Fall Apart - Wenn alles - Dir. Sherry Hormann Rengô Kantai Shirei Chôkan: Yamamoto zerfällt... (Blu-ray) Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Drama 2012 84min. Isoroku All Things Fall Apart STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kôji Yakusho, Hiroshi Abe, Masatô Ibu, 50 Cent, Mario van Peebles, , Germany 04.07.2013 Akira Emoto, Kippei Shiina, Mieko Harada, Lynn Whitfield, Cedric Sanders, Steve 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052996 Nobuko Miyamoto, Takeo Nakahara, Toshirô Eastin, Chanel Farrel, Kimberly Harsch, Yanagiba, Mitsugoro Bando, Ikuji Nakamura, Mike P. - Dir. Mario van Peebles Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein Eisaku Yoshida, Teruyuki Kagawa, Toru Drama/Sport 2011 114min. Masuoka, Rena Tanaka, Yoshihiko Los Banditos Films(Lausbuben Films) (Blu-ray) Hakamada, Asaka Seto, Hiroshi Tamaki, 23.04.2013 Johanna Wokalek, Iris Berben, Richy Müller Tetsuo Yamashita - Dir. Izuru Narushima 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052661 - Dir. Sherry Hormann Trailer Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 140min. Alles, was wir geben mussten Komödie/Drama 2012 87min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Never Let Me Go Germany 04.07.2013 21.05.2013 , Keira Knightley, Andrew 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053003 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052664 Garfield, Charlotte Rampling, Sally Hawkins, Nathalie Richard, Andrea Another Earth Afterparty - Feiern bis der Tod Riseborough, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. Mark Another Earth kommt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Romanek Brit Marling, William Mapother, Jordan Afterparty Drama/Science Fiction 2010 99min. Baker, Flint Beverage, Robin Lord Taylor, Lucho Fernández, Úrsula Corberó, Ana Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Joseph A. Bove, Diane Ciesla, Matthew- Caldas, Alicia Sanz, Andrea Dueso, David Germany 03.05.2013 Lee Erlbach - Dir. Mike Cahill Seijo, Rocío León, Eva Ugarte, Fernando 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052750 Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer Lueches, Juan Blanco - Dir. Miguel Larraya Drama 2011 89min. Thriller/Horror 2013 80min. Alles, was wir geben mussten Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Splendid Film 28.06.2013 (Blu-ray) Germany 03.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052931 Never Let Me Go 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052751 Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Andrew Afterparty - Feiern bis der Tod Garfield, Charlotte Rampling, Sally Another Earth (Blu-ray) kommt (k.J.) Hawkins, Nathalie Richard, Andrea Another Earth Afterparty Riseborough, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. Mark Brit Marling, William Mapother, Jordan Lucho Fernández, Úrsula Corberó, Ana Romanek Baker, Flint Beverage, Robin Lord Taylor, Caldas, Alicia Sanz, Andrea Dueso, David Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Plakate, Grafiken, Trailer Joseph A. Bove, Diane Ciesla, Matthew- Seijo, Rocío León, Eva Ugarte, Fernando Drama/Science Fiction 2010 103min. Lee Erlbach - Dir. Mike Cahill Lueches, Juan Blanco - Dir. Miguel Larraya Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Musikvideo, Entfallene Thriller/Horror 2013 76min. Germany 03.05.2013 Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer Drama 2011 93min. Splendid Film 28.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052791 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052916 Die Alpenklinik Germany 03.05.2013 Der Agent - Zwischen Gut und Erol Sander, Anica Dobra, Claudine Wilde, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052792 Böse Maximilian Schell, Benjamin Felix Meyer, Brigitte Kren, Burkhard Heyl, Ottokar Antonias Welt (Blu-ray) Joy Division Lehrner, Boris Pietsch, Martin Halm, Monica Antonia’s Line Ed Stoppard, Tom Schilling, Michelle Gayle, Finotti, Bernd Birkhahn, Sarah Camp, Clau- Willeke van Ammelrooy, Els Dottermans, Edward Fox, Bernard Hill, Bernadette Heer- dia Maria Haas - Dir. Udo Witte Jan Decleir, Marina de Graaf, Mil Seghers, wagen, Nadja Auermann, Suzanne von Melodram 2006 89min. Jan Steen, Veerle van Overloop, Elsie de Borsody - Dir. Reg Traviss MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Brauw, Thyrza Ravesteijn, Dora van der Originaltrailer, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie Groen - Dir. Marleen Gorris Drama 2005 100min. 05.04.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20052948 Trailer 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Drama/Komödie 1995 93min. tba BestellNr.: 20052915 Am Himmel der Tag Alamode Film 31.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053005 Der Agent - Zwischen Gut und Aylin Tezel, Henrike von Kuick, Tómas Böse (Blu-ray) Lemarquis, Godehard Giese, Marion Arbitrage Mitterhammer, Lutz Blochberger - Dir. Pola Joy Division Arbitrage Beck Ed Stoppard, Tom Schilling, Michelle Gayle, Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Drama 2012 86min. Edward Fox, Bernard Hill, Bernadette Heer- Brit Marling, Nate Parker, Monica Raymund, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs wagen, Nadja Auermann, Suzanne von William Friedkin, Laetitia Casta, Josh Pais, GmbH & Co. KG(Kinostar) 24.05.2013 Borsody - Dir. Reg Traviss Bruce Altman, Stuart Margolin, Austin Lysy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052713 Originaltrailer, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie - Dir. Nicholas Jarecki Drama 2005 105min. Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Das Amt - Die Folgen 46-58 (2 Thriller/Drama 2012 102min. tba BestellNr.: 20052930 Discs) Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Jochen Busse, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrike 07.06.2013 All Things Fall Apart - Wenn alles Bliefert, Claudia Scarpatetti, Günter Bothur, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052604 zerfällt... Jan Henrik Stahlberg, Leonard Mader, Gerd All Things Fall Apart Lohmeyer, Karen Friesicke, Lutz Arbitrage (Blu-ray) 50 Cent, Mario van Peebles, Ray Liotta, Herkenrath, Hans-Martin Stier, Frank Witter, Arbitrage Lynn Whitfield, Cedric Sanders, Steve Hans Joachim Heist - Dir. Micha Terjung- Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth, Eastin, Chanel Farrel, Kimberly Harsch, Schmidt Brit Marling, Nate Parker, Monica Raymund, Mike P. - Dir. Mario van Peebles Komödie 1997-2002 425min. William Friedkin, Laetitia Casta, Josh Pais, Drama/Sport 2011 110min. Spirit Media 26.04.2013 Bruce Altman, Stuart Margolin, Austin Lysy

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- Dir. Nicholas Jarecki Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) The Bay - Nach Angst kommt Pa- Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer 07.06.2013 nik (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 2012 107min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052673 Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) The Bay 07.06.2013 The Babe - Ein amerikanischer Kristen Connolly, Jane McNeill, Christopher 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052627 Denham, Michael Beasley, Kether Donohue, Traum Anthony Reynolds, Andy Stahl, Lauren Die Armee der Finsternis The Babe Cohn - Dir. Barry Levinson , Kelly McGillis, Trini Trailer (Director’s Cut) Alvarado, Bruce Boxleitner, Peter Donat, Horror/Science Fiction 2012 85min. Army Of Darkness James Cromwell, J.C. Quinn, Joseph Koch Media 26.07.2013 Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Ragno, Bernard Kates, Michael McGrady, tba BestellNr.: 20052891 Gilbert, Ian Abercrombie, Michael Reid - Dir. Andy Voils, Dylan Day, Stephen Caffrey - Sam Raimi Dir. Arthur Hiller The Beach Bildergalerie, Trailer Featurette, B-Roll, TV-Clips / TV-Spots, Original Kinotrailer, The Beach Horror/Komödie 1992 92min. Teaser, Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie Leonardo DiCaprio, Tilda Swinton, Virginie Koch Media 26.04.2013 Drama 1992 110min. Ledoyen, Guillaume Canet, Paterson Jo- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052822 KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 14.05.2013 seph, Robert Carlyle, Peter Youngblood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052815 Die Armee der Finsternis Hills, Jerry Swindall, Lars Arentz-Hansen, Staffan Kihlbom, Magnus Lindgren - Dir. (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Danny Boyle Army Of Darkness Bag Of Bones Audiokommentar, Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Artwork Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Pierce Brosnan, Caitlin Carmichael, Melissa Abenteuer/Drama 2000 115min. Gilbert, Ian Abercrombie, Michael Reid - Dir. George, Jason Priestley, Anika Noni Rose, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sam Raimi William Schallert, Annabeth Gish, Matt Germany 03.05.2013 Bildergalerie, Trailer Frewer, Deborah Allen, Shane Anderson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052752 Horror/Komödie 1992 96min. Joel Freckelton, Gary Levert - Dir. Mick Koch Media 26.04.2013 Garris Benny & Joon 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052854 Drama/Horror 2011 156min. Benny & Joon Home Entertainment (SPHE) Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson, August Strindberg - Ein Leben 20.06.2013 Aidan Quinn, Julianne Moore, Oliver Platt, zwischen Genie und Wahn, Teil 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052684 CCH Pounder - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik Komödie 1993 94min. 1-6 (2 Discs) Banditenjäger August Strindberg: Ett Liv Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Crooked River Thommy Berggren - Dir. Kjell Grede, Johan Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 James Ellison, Russell Hayden - Dir. Tho- Bergenstrahle 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052950 Booklet mas H. Carr Drama/Biographie 1985 383min. Western 1950 85min. Benny & Joon (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing MIG Film 13.06.2013 Benny & Joon AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 10.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052833 Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052738 Aidan Quinn, Julianne Moore, Oliver Platt, Clive Barker-Box (2 Discs, Uncut) CCH Pounder - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik Außenseiter (k.J.) Komödie 1993 98min. Gojko Mitic Book of Blood / Dread Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kurzkrimi, Trailer Sophie Ward, Jonas Armstrong, Paul Blair, Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Kriminalfilm 1985 83min. Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Evans, Hanne 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052974 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.04.2013 Steen - Dir. John S. Harrison, Anthony 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052695 DiBlasi Bergerac - Jim Bergerac ermit- Making of, Trailer telt: Staffel 5 (3 Discs) The Awakening Horror 2008-2009 189min. Bergerac The Awakening Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 John Nettles, Terence Alexander, Sean Hall, Dominic West, Imelda 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052601 Arnold, Mela White, David Kershaw, Nancy Staunton, Lucy Cohu, John Shrapnel, Diana Mansfield, John Telfer, Louise Jameson - Kent, Richard Durden, Alfie Field, Tilly Clive Barker-Box (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Dir. Robert Tronson Vosburgh, Ian Hanmore, Cal Macaninch, (k.J.) Kriminalfilm 1981-1991 495min. Isaac Hempstead Wright, Anastasia Hille, Book of Blood / Dread justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Andrew Havill, Joseph Mawle, Shaun Sophie Ward, Jonas Armstrong, Paul Blair, 19.04.2013 Dooley, Nicolas Amer, Steven Cree, Sidney Jackson Rathbone, Shaun Evans, Hanne 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052651 Johnston - Dir. Nick Murphy Steen - Dir. John S. Harrison, Anthony Interviews DiBlasi Die Bestimmer - Kinder haften für Thriller/Mystery 2011 102min. Making of, Trailer Universum Film(Wild Bunch Germany) Horror 2008-2009 189min. ihre Eltern 07.06.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Parental Guidance 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052650 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052622 Billy Crystal, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei, Tom Everett Scott, Bailee Madison, Joshua The Awakening (Blu-ray) The Bay - Nach Angst kommt Pa- Rush, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf, Jennifer The Awakening nik Foley, Gedde Watanabe - Dir. Andy Fickman Rebecca Hall, Dominic West, Imelda Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Audiokommentar, Trailer The Bay Staunton, Lucy Cohu, John Shrapnel, Diana Komödie 2012 101min. Kristen Connolly, Jane McNeill, Christopher Kent, Richard Durden, Alfie Field, Tilly Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Denham, Michael Beasley, Kether Donohue, Vosburgh, Ian Hanmore, Cal Macaninch, Germany 12.07.2013 Anthony Reynolds, Andy Stahl, Lauren Isaac Hempstead Wright, Anastasia Hille, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052933 Cohn - Dir. Barry Levinson Andrew Havill, Joseph Mawle, Shaun Trailer Die Bestimmer - Kinder haften für Dooley, Nicolas Amer, Steven Cree, Sidney Horror/Science Fiction 2012 82min. Johnston - Dir. Nick Murphy Koch Media 26.07.2013 ihre Eltern (Blu-ray) Interviews tba BestellNr.: 20052857 Parental Guidance Thriller/Mystery 2011 107min. Billy Crystal, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei,

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Tom Everett Scott, Bailee Madison, Joshua Everaldo Pontes, Irandhir Santos, Hector Die Brut des Adlers Rush, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf, Jennifer Bordoni, Cristina Lago, Pablo Uranga - Dir. A Breed Apart Foley, Gedde Watanabe - Dir. Andy Fickman José Joffily Rutger Hauer, Powers Boothe, Kathleen Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Audiokommentar, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2009 106min. Turner, Donald Pleasence, Jane Bentzen, Komödie 2012 105min. MIG Film 13.06.2013 Andrew Fenwick, John Dennis Johnston, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052638 Brion James - Dir. Philippe Mora Germany 12.07.2013 Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052937 Die Borgias - Sex. Macht. Mord. Abenteuer 1984 95min. Koch Media 12.04.2013 Die Bienenhüterin Amen - Season 2 (4 Discs) The Borgias 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052829 The Secret Life Of Bees , François Arnaud, Holliday , Hilarie Burton, Queen Grainger, Lotte Verbeek, David Oakes, Der Bulle Latifah, Paul Bettany, Jennifer Hudson, Colm Feore, Joanne Whalley, Peter Sullivan, Le Pacha Alicia Keys, Sophie Okonedo, Tristan Sean Harris, Vernon Dobtcheff, Bosco , Dany Carrel, Félix Marten, Wilds, Nate Parker, Shondrella Avery - Dir. Hogan, Ronan Vibert, Ruta Gedmintas, André Pousse, Jean Gaven - Dir. Georges Gina Prince-Bythewood Luke Pasqualino, Michel Muller, Steven Lautner Kommentare, Entfallene Szenen Kriminalfilm 1967 82min. Drama 2008 106min. Berkoff, Mark Noble, Julian Bleach, Augu- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment stus Prew, Jalaal Hartley, Cesare Taurasi, Classic Selection) 16.05.2013 Germany 03.05.2013 Jemima West, Tom Austen, Edward de 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052770 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052753 Souza, Noah Silver, Jesse Bostick, Melia Kreiling, Robert Cavanah, John Arthur, Ri- Bleak House (3 Discs) chard Durden, Alex Lanipekun, Giacomo Der Bulle (Blu-ray) Le Pacha Bleak House Gonnella - Dir. Neil Jordan, John Maybury, Jean Gabin, Dany Carrel, Félix Marten, Gillian Anderson, Carey Mulligan, Denis Jon Amiel, , Kari Skogland André Pousse, Jean Gaven - Dir. Georges Lawson, Anna Maxwell Martin, Tom Historienfilm/Drama 2012 498min. Lautner Georgeson, Charles Dance, Patrick Kenne- Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Kriminalfilm 1967 85min. dy, Timothy West - Dir. Justin Chadwick, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052995 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Susanna White Audiokommentare, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Born Bad (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Classic Selection) 16.05.2013 Drama 2005 467min. Born Bad 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052801 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.05.2013 Michael Welch, Meredith Monroe, David 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052811 Chokachi, Bonnie Dennison, Gerald Webb, Cabin of the Dead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Donnabella Mortel, Jared Cohn, Parker Wither Bloodbath of Bathory Coppins - Dir. Jared Cohn Patrik Almkvist, Lisa Henni, Amanda Ren- Bathory Thriller/Horror 2011 87min. berg, Patrick Saxe, Fredrik Dolk, Johannes , Hans Matheson, Karel Roden, Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Brost - Dir. Sonny Laguna, Tommy Wiklund Vincent Regan, Deana Horvathová, Franco 01.04.2013 Horror 2012 99min. Nero, Byrne, Boleslav Polívka, Tim 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052920 Intergroove Media(Mammut H.E.) Preece, Jirí Mádl, Lucie Vondrácková, 17.05.2013 Marek Vasut, Michaela Drotárová, Mira Brazil tba BestellNr.: 20052659 Nosek (Miklós Zrínyi), Monika Hilmerová, Brazil Andrej Hryc, René Stúr, Marek Majesky, , Robert De Niro, Katherine Cabin of the Dead (k.J.) Beata Greneche - Dir. Juraj Jakubisko Helmond, Kim Greist, Michael Palin, Sir Ian Wither Historienfilm/Drama 2008 130min. Holm - Dir. Patrik Almkvist, Lisa Henni, Amanda Ren- Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Science Fiction 1984 136min. berg, Patrick Saxe, Fredrik Dolk, Johannes 17.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Brost - Dir. Sonny Laguna, Tommy Wiklund 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052875 Germany 14.06.2013 Horror 2012 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052952 Intergroove Media(Mammut H.E.) Bloodbath of Bathory (Blu-ray) 17.05.2013 Bathory Brazil (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20052635 Anna Friel, Hans Matheson, Karel Roden, Brazil Vincent Regan, Deana Horvathová, Franco Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Katherine Call the Midwife - Staffel 1 Nero, Antony Byrne, Boleslav Polívka, Tim Helmond, Kim Greist, Michael Palin, Sir Ian Call The Midwife Preece, Jirí Mádl, Lucie Vondrácková, Holm - Dir. Terry Gilliam Jessica Raine, Vanessa Redgrave Marek Vasut, Michaela Drotárová, Mira Science Fiction 1984 142min. Drama 2012 min. Nosek (Miklós Zrínyi), Monika Hilmerová, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Germany(Universal) Andrej Hryc, René Stúr, Marek Majesky, Germany 14.06.2013 06.06.2013 Beata Greneche - Dir. Juraj Jakubisko 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052975 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052970 Historienfilm/Drama 2008 135min. Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) - Die komplette Capote 17.05.2013 fünfte Season (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Capote , Catherine Keener, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052898 Breaking Bad Clifton Collins Jr., Chris Cooper, Bruce Komödie/Drama min. Greenwood, Bob Balaban, Amy Ryan, Mark Dany Boon Doppel-DVD (2 Discs) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Pellegrino, Allie Mickelson, Marshall Bell, Mein bester Freund / Trautes Heim, Glück 20.06.2013 Araby Lockhart, C. Ernst Harth, Michelle allein 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052690 Dany Boon Harrison, Adam Kimmel, Bess Meyer, Ro- Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Breaking Bad - Die komplette bert Huculak, R.D. Reid, Robert McLaughlin, Komödie 2006 189min. Harry Nelken, Kjartan Hewitt, John Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 26.04.2013 fünfte Season (4 Discs) MacLaren, Jeremy Dangerfield, Kwesi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052685 Breaking Bad Ameyaw, Jim Shepard, John B. Destry - Komödie/Drama min. Dir. Bennett Miller Border Psycho Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama 2005 110min. Olhos Azuis 20.06.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment David Rasche, Frank Grillo, Erica Gimpel, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052682 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052953 Cold Sweat (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Cooper Sudor Frío Drama 2009 112min. Captain USA vs. Nazifighters Facundo Espinosa, Camila Velasco, Marina Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (k.J.) Glezer, Omar Gioiosa, Rolf García, Omar Germany 14.06.2013 Captain Battle: Legacy War Musa, Noelia Vergini, Diego Cremonesi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052976 Cuyle Carvin, Andrew J. McGuinness, Mar- Daniel De La Vega, Victoria Witemburg - lene Mc’Cohen, Jenny Allford, Sean Dir. Adrián García Bogliano CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Fletcher, Todd James Jackson, Pete Punito, Thriller/Horror 2010 80min. Season 12.2 (3 Discs) Julian Starks, Abby Wathen - Dir. David Sunfilm Entertainment(LFG) 06.06.2013 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Palmieri 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052667 Ted Danson, Marg Helgenberger, George Trailer Eads, Jorja Fox, Eric Szmanda, Robert Action/Abenteuer 2013 87min. Cold Sweat (k.J.) David Hall, Wallace Langham, David Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.06.2013 Sudor Frío Berman, Paul Guilfoyle 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052863 Facundo Espinosa, Camila Velasco, Marina Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 min. Glezer, Omar Gioiosa, Rolf García, Omar Universum Film(Universum TV SI) The Player (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Musa, Noelia Vergini, Diego Cremonesi, 07.06.2013 Il Cartaio Daniel De La Vega, Victoria Witemburg - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052912 Stefania Rocca, Liam Cunningham, Silvio Dir. Adrián García Bogliano Muccino, Adalberto-Maria Merli, Claudio Thriller/Horror 2010 77min. CSI: Miami - Season 10.2 (3 Discs) Santamaria, Fiore Argento, Vera Gemma - Sunfilm Entertainment(LFG) 06.06.2013 CSI: Miami Dir. Dario Argento 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052645 David Caruso, Emily Procter, Jonathan Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Making of Togo, Rex Linn, Eva La Rue, Omar Benson Thriller/Horror 2004 103min. The Collection - The Collector 2 Miller, Adam Rodriguez, Christian Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Clemenson - Dir. Sam Hill, Gina Lamar, Don 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052621 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Collection Tardino, Marco Black, Larry Detwiler, Chained (Limited Edition, Josh Stewart, Emma Fitzpatrick, Christo- James Wilcox, Sylvain White, Bill Gierhart, Matt Earl Beesley, Adam Rodriguez, Allison Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) pher McDonald, Lee Tergesen, Andre Royo, Shannon , Brandon Molale, Erin Way, Liddi-Brown Chained Johanna Braddy, William Peltz, Daniel Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 min. Vincent D’Onofrio, Eamon Farren, Julia Sharman, Navi Rawat, Robert Pralgo - Dir. Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Ormond, Gina Philips, Jake Weber, Conor Marcus Dunstan 07.06.2013 Leslie, Evan Bird - Dir. Jennifer Chambers Alternative Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052913 Lynch Thriller/Horror 2012 81min. Audiokommentar, Trailer Planet Media Home Entertainment CSI: NY - Season 8.2 (3 Discs) Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. 16.05.2013 CSI: NY Capelight Pictures 24.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052589 , Sela Ward, Carmine D. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052852 Giovinazzo, Anna Belknap, Robert Joy, A.J. Die Chaotentruppe - Abfahrt total! The Collection - The Collector 2 Buckley, Hill Harper, Eddie Cahill - Dir. Fred Toye, Alex Zakrzewski, Nathan Hope, Skipp D.C. Cab (k.J.) Sudduth, Anthony Hemingway, Scott White, Adam Baldwin, Charlie Barnett, Mr. T, Irene The Collection Duane Clark, Jeff T. Thomas, Marshall Cara, Anne DeSalvo, Max Gail - Dir. Joel Josh Stewart, Emma Fitzpatrick, Christo- Adams, David von Ancken, Vikki Williams, Schumacher pher McDonald, Lee Tergesen, Andre Royo, Wendecover Shannon Kane, Brandon Molale, Erin Way, Eric Laneuville, Oz Scott, Jerry Levine, Komödie 1983 99min. Johanna Braddy, William Peltz, Daniel Allison Liddi-Brown, Christine Moore, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.05.2013 Sharman, Navi Rawat, Robert Pralgo - Dir. Deran Sarafian 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052882 Marcus Dunstan Kriminalfilm/Drama 2013 min. Alternative Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Charlie Chan - Die Falle Thriller/Horror 2012 78min. 07.06.2013 The Trap Planet Media Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052914 Sidney Toler - Dir. Howard Bretherton 16.05.2013 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052567 Daktari - Die komplette zweite Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1946 68min. Staffel (6 Discs) Donau Film(Chandler Film) 17.05.2013 College Animals 1-3 (3 Discs) Daktari 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052739 National Lampoon’s Dorm Daze 1 & 2 / Marshall Thompson, Cheryl Miller, Hari Fraternity House Rhodes, Hedley Mattingly, Yale Summers, Die chinesiche Mauer Chris Owen, James DeBello, Boti Ann Bliss, Erin Moran, Ross Hagen, Don Marshall, Hermann Schomberg, Petra Fahrnländer, Marieh Delfino, Marie Noelle Marquis, Joan Anderson, Jan Clayton, Robert DoQui, Claus Hofer, Wolfgang Spier, Gerhart Tatyana Ali, Tony Denman, Danielle Fishel, George Mitchell, Davis Roberts, King Lippert, Vera Tschechowa, Gerd Baltus, Jennifer Lyons, Patrick Cavanaugh, Justin Donovan - Dir. Paul Landres, John Florea, Claudia Sorbas, Charles Brauer, Berta Isfeld, Joel Paul Reisig, Brittany Risner, Andrew Marton, Dick Moder, Otto Lang Drews, Ernst Jacobi Johnny Lechner, Jason Sutton, Dylan Drama/Abenteuer 1965-1968 min. Drama/Komödie 1965 90min. Harris, Dustin Schuiling, Jor’don Hodges - Warner Home Video Germany 06.09.2013 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 17.05.2013 Dir. David Hillenbrand, Scott Hillenbrand, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052809 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052779 Antonijs Prizevoits Behind the Scenes, trailer Dalziel & Pascoe - Mord in Komödie 2003-2008 270min. Code: unbekannt Yorkshire (2 Discs) Code Inconnu Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Dalziel And Pascoe Juliette Binoche, Thierry Neuvic, Luminita 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052625 Warren Clarke, Colin Buchanan, Reginald Gheorghiu, Ona Lu Yenke, Maimouna Hele- Hill ne Diarra, Josef Bierbichler, Alexandre Crazy (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2003 360min. Hamidi - Dir. Michael Haneke Crazy Heart justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Drama 2000 112min. Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James 26.04.2013 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.06.2013 Keane, Anna Felix, Paul Herman, Tom 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052711 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052823 Bower, Ryan Bingham, Beth Grant, Rick Dial, Robert Duvall, Colin Farrell - Dir. Scott Damiano Damiani Collection (3

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Discs) (k.J.) Collapse of the Living Dead / Days of the Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Thriller 2008 85min. Hexe der Liebe / Töte Amigo / Der Tag der Dead 3 / War of the Living Dead / Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Eule Apocalypse of the Living Dead 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052596 Dir. Damiano Damiani Horror 2006-2010 361min. MIG Film 16.05.2013 Western/Thriller 1966-1968 312min. Dein Wille geschehe - Staffel 1 (2 Koch Media 26.04.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20052678 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052834 Discs) Days of the Living Dead Ainsi Soient-Ils Dance Crew Collection (2 Discs, Uncut Versi- Jean-Luc Bideau, David Baiot, Samuel Five Hours South on) (k.J.) Jouy, Julien Bouanich, Clément Manuel, Clément Roussier (Raphaël Chanseaulme), Kate Nauta, Jordan Bridges, Brooklyn Collapse of the Living Dead / Days of the Thierry Gimenez, Michel Duchaussoy, Sudano, Louise Linton, Jeannine Kaspar, Dead 3 / War of the Living Dead / Céline Cuignet, Gauthier Baillot, Franck Andres Londono, Alessio Vitale, Carlo Apocalypse of the Living Dead Beckmann, Frans Boyer, David Chenaud, Antonazzo, Djassi DaCosta Johnson, Horror 2006-2010 347min. Guy Denize, Jacques Develay, Nicolas Filippo Valle, Riccardo Acerbi, Alessandra MIG Film 16.05.2013 Beaucaire, Jeanne Bournaud, François- Traversari, Raffaela Perra, Francesco tba BestellNr.: 20052674 Cippone, Giulia Grandinetti, Andrea Regis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, Ferrante, Etienne Jean Marie - Dir. Mark Dead Man Walking Xavier Gallais, Guillaume Denaiffe, Sarah- Jane Sauvegrain, Enrico Di Giovanni, Gaby Bacci Dead Man Walking Fragnaud, Christiane Millet, Christophe Drama/Musikfilm 2011 92min. Susan Sarandon, , Robert Grégoire, Arnaud Carbonnier, Daniel MIG Film 13.06.2013 Prosky, Raymond J. Barry, R. Lee Ermey, Delabesse, Jean-Yves Gautier, Maximilien 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052784 Celia Weston, Lois Smith, Scott Wilson, Muller, Maxime Tshibangu, Lou Sirchis, Roberta Maxwell - Dir. Tim Robbins Xavier Boiffier, Bertrand Constant, Fran- Dance Crew (Blu-ray) Drama 1995 117min. çois Lalande, Anthony Bastié, Carlo Brandt, Five Hours South Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Yannick Choirat, Emmanuel Courcol, Kate Nauta, Jordan Bridges, Brooklyn Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Nathalie Eno, Cécile Rebboah, Serpentine Sudano, Louise Linton, Jeannine Kaspar, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052954 Andres Londono, Alessio Vitale, Carlo Teyssier - Dir. Rodolphe Tissot, Elizabeth Antonazzo, Djassi DaCosta Johnson, Dead Man Walking (Blu-ray) Marre, Olivier Pont Drama 381min. Filippo Valle, Riccardo Acerbi, Alessandra Dead Man Walking Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Traversari, Raffaela Perra, Francesco Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robert 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052599 Cippone, Giulia Grandinetti, Andrea Prosky, Raymond J. Barry, R. Lee Ermey, Ferrante, Etienne Jean Marie - Dir. Mark Celia Weston, Lois Smith, Scott Wilson, Dein Wille geschehe - Staffel 1 (2 Bacci Roberta Maxwell - Dir. Tim Robbins Drama/Musikfilm 2011 95min. Drama 1995 120min. Discs) (Blu-ray) MIG Film 13.06.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ainsi Soient-Ils 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052807 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Jean-Luc Bideau, David Baiot, Samuel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052977 Jouy, Julien Bouanich, Clément Manuel, The Darjeeling Limited Clément Roussier (Raphaël Chanseaulme), The Darjeeling Limited Dead Mine Thierry Gimenez, Michel Duchaussoy, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, Adrien Dead Mine Céline Cuignet, Gauthier Baillot, Franck Brody, Anjelica Huston, Camilla Rutherford, Miki Mizuno, Sam Hazeldine, Ario Bayu, Les Beckmann, Frans Boyer, David Chenaud, Amara Karan, Wallace Wolodarsky, Irrfan Loveday, Carmen Soo, Joe Taslim, Mike Guy Denize, Jacques Develay, Nicolas Khan, Bill Murray, Barbet Schroeder - Dir. Lewis, James Taenaka - Dir. Steven Sheil Beaucaire, Jeanne Bournaud, François- Wes Anderson Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll Regis Marchasson, Nathalie Roussel, Kurzfilm, Featurette Abenteuer/Horror 2012 88min. Xavier Gallais, Guillaume Denaiffe, Sarah- Komödie/Drama 2007 100min. WVG Medien(E1 ) Jane Sauvegrain, Enrico Di Giovanni, Gaby Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 28.06.2013 Fragnaud, Christiane Millet, Christophe Germany 03.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052990 Grégoire, Arnaud Carbonnier, Daniel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052754 Delabesse, Jean-Yves Gautier, Maximilien Dead Mine (Blu-ray) Muller, Maxime Tshibangu, Lou Sirchis, Dawn of the Undead Dead Mine Xavier Boiffier, Bertrand Constant, Fran- The Burrowers Miki Mizuno, Sam Hazeldine, Ario Bayu, Les çois Lalande, Anthony Bastié, Carlo Brandt, Karl Geary, Jocelin Donahue, Clancy Loveday, Carmen Soo, Joe Taslim, Mike Yannick Choirat, Emmanuel Courcol, Brown, David Busse, Alexandra Edmo, Lewis, James Taenaka - Dir. Steven Sheil Nathalie Eno, Cécile Rebboah, Serpentine Brighid Fleming, Christopher Hagen, Doug Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll Teyssier - Dir. Rodolphe Tissot, Elizabeth Hutchison - Dir. J.T. Petty Abenteuer/Horror 2012 91min. Marre, Olivier Pont Horror/Western 2008 93min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Drama 381min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.05.2013 28.06.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052874 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052994 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052620 Dawn of the Undead (Blu-ray) Death Riders (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dem Teufel auf den Kopf geschis- The Burrowers Poker Run sen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Karl Geary, Jocelin Donahue, Clancy Robert Thorne, Jasmine Waltz, Bertie The Devil Dared Me To Brown, David Busse, Alexandra Edmo, Higgins, Lucas Wilcox, Jay Wisell, Cathy Chris Stapp, Matt Heath, Bonnie Soper, Brighid Fleming, Christopher Hagen, Doug Deobler - Dir. Julian Higgins Andrew Beattie, Phillip Brough, Ria Hutchison - Dir. J.T. Petty Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller 2008 85min. Vandervis - Dir. Chris Stapp Horror/Western 2008 97min. Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Action/Komödie 2007 78min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052611 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052897 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052901 Death Riders (k.J.) Days of the Living Dead Poker Run Dem Teufel auf den Kopf geschis- Collection (2 Discs, Uncut Versi- Robert Thorne, Jasmine Waltz, Bertie sen (k.J.) on) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Higgins, Lucas Wilcox, Jay Wisell, Cathy The Devil Dared Me To Deobler - Dir. Julian Higgins Chris Stapp, Matt Heath, Bonnie Soper,

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Andrew Beattie, Phillip Brough, Ria Doctor Who Mockridge, Roswitha Wolf - Dir. Bernd Vandervis - Dir. Chris Stapp Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), David Schroeder Action/Komödie 2007 78min. Tennant (2005-2010: The Doctor), Matt Humor 1987 140min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.05.2013 Smith (ab 2010: The Doctor), Billie Piper, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 17.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052881 Freema Agyeman, Catherine Tate, Karen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052883 Gillan, Arthur Darvill, John Barrowman, Der deutsche Freund Elisabeth Sladen, Camille Coduri, Noel Dreizehn Celeste Cid, Max Riemelt, Benjamin Sadler, Clarke, Shaun Dingwall - Dir. Keith Boak, Thirteen Julieta Vetrano, Juan Francisco Rey, Noemi Euros Lyn, Joe Ahearne, Brian Grant, Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed, Vanessa Frenkel, Jean Pierre Noher, Katja Alemann, James Hawes Anne Hudgens, Holly Hunter, Brady Corbet, Carlos Kaspar, Daniel Fanego, Hartmut Audiokommentar, Videotagebücher, Entfallene Szenen Ulysses Estrada, Sarah Blakely-Cartwright, Becker, Adriana Aizemberg, Fernan Miras - Science Fiction/Abenteuer min. Jenicka Carey Small, Sarah Clarke, Jasmine Dir. Prof. Jeanine Meerapfel polyband Medien GmbH 28.06.2013 Salim, Tessa Ludwick, Kip Pardue, Cece Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052917 Tsou, Jeremy Sisto, Jamison Yang, Frank Drama 2012 99min. Merino, Cynthia Ettinger, Charles good!movies(Neue Visionen) 03.05.2013 Ein Dollar zwischen den Zähnen Duckworth, Deborah Kara Unger, D.W. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052940 (Uncut) Moffett, Steven Kozlowski, Javá Benson, Un Dollaro Tra I Denti Maurice „Mo“ McRae, Brandy Rainey, Diaz - Don’t Clean This Blood Tony Anthony, Frank Wolff, Jolanda Modio, Yasmine Delawari - Dir. Catherine Diaz: Don’t Clean Up This Blood Gia Sandri, Raf Baldassarre, Aldo Berti, Hardwicke , Jennifer Ulrich, Elio Enrico Capoleoni - Dir. Vance Lewis Drama 2003 96min. Germano, Davide Iacopini, Ralph Audiokommentar, Interview Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Amoussou, Fabrizio Rongione, Renato Western 1966 83min. Germany 14.06.2013 Scarpa, Mattia Sbragia, Antonio Gerardi, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052955 Paolo Calabresi, Francesco Acquaroli, AG(Colosseo Film) 31.05.2013 Alessandro Roja, Eva Cambiale, Rolando 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052736 Driven (Blu-ray) Ravello, Monica Barladeanu, Sarah Driven Marecek, Mircea Caraman, Pietro Ragusa - Doogie Howser - Staffel zwei (4 Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, Kip Dir. Daniele Vicari Discs) Pardue, Stacy Edwards, Til Schweiger, Drama/Thriller 2012 127min. Doogie Howser, M.D. Gina Gershon, Estella Warren, Cristián de Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie 1990 600min. la Fuente, Brent Briscoe, Robert Sean 20.06.2013 Mammut Home Entertainment 13.06.2013 Leonard, Verona Pooth, Jasmin Wagner - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052967 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052827 Dir. Renny Harlin Action 2001 min. Diaz - Don’t Clean Up This Blood Drachenläufer (Blu-ray) Warner Home Video Germany 21.06.2013 (Blu-ray) Kite Runner 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052845 Diaz: Don’t Clean Up This Blood Khalid Abdalla, Atossa Leoni, Shaun Toub, Claudio Santamaria, Jennifer Ulrich, Elio Sayed Jafar Masihullah Gharibzada, Das Dschungelbuch (Blu-ray) Germano, Davide Iacopini, Ralph Zekeria Ebrahimi, Ahmad Khan The Jungle Book Amoussou, Fabrizio Rongione, Renato Mahmoodzad, Homayoun Ershadi, Elham Jason Scott Lee, Cary Elwes, Sam Neill, Scarpa, Mattia Sbragia, Antonio Gerardi, Ehsas, Bahram Ehsas, Nabi Tanha, Tamim Lena Headey, , Jason Flemyng, Paolo Calabresi, Francesco Acquaroli, Nawabi, Mohamad Nabi Attai - Dir. Marc Stefan Kalipha, Ron Donachie - Dir. Stephen Alessandro Roja, Eva Cambiale, Rolando Forster Sommers Ravello, Monica Barladeanu, Sarah Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Interaktives Quiz, Trailer Marecek, Mircea Caraman, Pietro Ragusa - Drama 2007 128min. Abenteuer 1994 105min. Dir. Daniele Vicari Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052991 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052614 Drama/Thriller 2012 132min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Reborn - Die Legende Dungeons and Warriors 20.06.2013 lebt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052972 Dracula: Reborn The Pagan Queen / Pakt der Bestien / Stuart Rigby, Keith Reay, Corey Landis, Journey to Promethea The Dinosaur Project Victoria Summer, Dani Lennon, Christianna Abenteuer 291min. The Dinosaur Project Carmine, Krash Miller, Ian Pfister - Dir. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Natasha Loring, Richard Dillane, Matt Kane, Patrick McManus 19.04.2013 Peter Brooke, Steven Jennings - Dir. Sid Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052576 Bennett Horror 2012 93min. Making of, Trailer Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Dynamit Jack - Der Schrecken Abenteuer/Fantasy 2012 80min. 23.05.2013 von Planet Media Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052892 18.06.2013 Dynamite Jack tba BestellNr.: 20052643 Dracula Reborn - Die Legende Fernandel - Dir. Jean Bastia Wendecover mit Kinoplakatmotiv The Dinosaur Project (Blu-ray) lebt (k.J.) Western 1961 100min. Dracula: Reborn Donau Film 24.05.2013 The Dinosaur Project Stuart Rigby, Keith Reay, Corey Landis, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052735 Natasha Loring, Richard Dillane, Matt Kane, Victoria Summer, Dani Lennon, Christianna Peter Brooke, Steven Jennings - Dir. Sid Carmine, Krash Miller, Ian Pfister - Dir. End of Time - Der Tod liegt in der Bennett Making of, Trailer Patrick McManus Luft (k.J.) Abenteuer/Fantasy 2012 83min. Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer Germ Horror 2012 89min. Planet Media Home Entertainment Marguerite Mitchell, Michael Flores, Mark Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 18.06.2013 Chiappone, Beth Pratt, Zoe Miller, Bernard 23.05.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20052665 Setaro Clark - Dir. John Craddock 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052864 Trailer Doctor Who - Die komplette Staf- Horror/Science Fiction 2011 81min. Dreifacher Rittberger Edel Germany(Starmovie) 24.05.2013 fel 4 (6 Discs) Tana Schanzara, Marie Grazia Kinsky-

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052865 11.07.2013 Flight (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20052993 Flight Entscheidung am Yellow Rock Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Kelly Yellow Rock Die fantastische Welt von Oz Reilly, John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, Michael Biehn, James Russo, Lenore (Blu-ray) Melissa Leo, Brian Geraghty, Tamara Tunie, Andriel, , Zahn McClarnon, Oz: The Great And Powerful Nadine Velazquez, James Badge Dale, Eddie Spears, Peter Sherayko, Jennifer James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Garcelle Bauvais, Carter Cabassa, Adam C. Blanc, Christopher Backus, Paul Sloan, Michelle Williams, Joey King, Tony Cox, Edwards, Conor O’Neill - Dir. Robert Clay Wilcox, Brian Gleason - Dir. Nick Abigail Spencer, Martin Klebba, Bill Cobbs, Zemeckis Vallelonga Bruce Campbell - Dir. Sam Raimi Drama 2012 139min. Trailer Fantasy 2013 130min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Western 2011 86min. (Germany) Germany 20.06.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052590 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052646 11.07.2013 Entscheidung am Yellow Rock tba BestellNr.: 20052992 Der Fluch von Siniestro The Curse Of The Werewolf (Blu-ray) Die Farben Grau (k.J.) Clifford Evans, Oliver Reed, Yvonne Yellow Rock This Ain’t 50 Shades Of Grey - The Parody Romain - Dir. Terence Fisher Michael Biehn, James Russo, Lenore Allie Haze, Julia Ann, Ryan Driller, Alexis Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer, Radiospots, Booklet Andriel, Michael Spears, Zahn McClarnon, Ford, Jaslene Jade, Johnny Castle, Megan Horror 1960 93min. Eddie Spears, Peter Sherayko, Jennifer Foxx, Logan Pierce, Kyle Stone - Dir. Jim Koch Media 12.04.2013 Blanc, Christopher Backus, Paul Sloan, Powers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052830 Clay Wilcox, Brian Gleason - Dir. Nick Trailer Vallelonga Erotik/Drama 2012 108min. Fluchtpunkt San Francisco Trailer Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Vanishing Point Western 2011 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052595 Barry Newman, Cleavon Little, Dean Jag- Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 ger, Victoria Medlin, Paul Koslo, Robert 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052668 Fargo Donner, Tim Scott, Gilda Texter, Anthony Fargo James - Dir. Richard C. Sarafian Entscheidung per Degen Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Action/Drama 1971 94min. Le Bossu William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Harve Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Daniel Auteuil, , Vincent Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin Germany 14.06.2013 Perez, Marie Gillain, Yann Collette, Jean- Rudrüd, Steve Reevis, Steve Park, José 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052958 François Stévenin, Didier Pain, Claire Feliciano - Dir. Joel Coen Nebout, Philippe Noiret - Dir. Philippe de Thriller/Komödie 1995 94min. Fluchtpunkt San Francisco (Blu- Broca Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ray) Komödie/Abenteuer 1997 120min. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Vanishing Point Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052957 Barry Newman, Cleavon Little, Dean Jag- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052777 ger, Victoria Medlin, Paul Koslo, Robert Fargo (Blu-ray) The Falls - Liebe kann nicht Sün- Donner, Tim Scott, Gilda Texter, Anthony Fargo James - Dir. Richard C. Sarafian de sein (OmU) Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Action/Drama 1971 99min. The Falls William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Harve Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Nick Ferrucci, Benjamin Farmer, Harold Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin Germany 14.06.2013 Phillips, Brian Allard, Justin Koleszar, Rudrüd, Steve Reevis, Steve Park, José 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052980 Kacey Manny, Audrey Walker - Dir. Jon Feliciano - Dir. Joel Coen Garcia Thriller/Komödie 1995 97min. Forever Lulu (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Forever Lulu Drama/Komödie 2012 89min. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Melanie Griffith, Patrick Swayze, Penelope PRO-FUN MEDIA 26.04.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052979 Ann Miller, Steven Bauer, Joseph Gordon- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052860 Levitt, Richard Schiff, Annie Corley, Lee Fight Night (Blu-ray) Die fantastische Welt von Oz Garlington, Michael J. Pollard, Ryan Rigged Bollman, - Dir. John Kaye Oz: The Great And Powerful Chad Ortis, Rebecca Neuenswander, Kurt Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Hanover, David Alan Graf, Larry Peterson, Drama/Tragikomödie 2000 100min. Michelle Williams, Joey King, Tony Cox, Ari Bavel, Jeffrey Fellin, Mark Ridgway - 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Abigail Spencer, Martin Klebba, Bill Cobbs, Dir. Jonathan Dillon tba BestellNr.: 20052928 Bruce Campbell - Dir. Sam Raimi Action/Drama 2008 85min. Fantasy 2013 125min. Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Frankenberg - Die komplette Se- The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052617 rie (6 Discs) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Volkert Kraeft, Adele Landauer, Fiona 11.07.2013 Flight Molloy, Julian Hennek, Michael Mendl, Birgit tba BestellNr.: 20052988 Flight Daniel, Natascha Bub - Dir. Franz Peter Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Kelly Die fantastische Welt von Oz Wirth Reilly, John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, Drama/Familie 1994-1995 1350min. (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu- Melissa Leo, Brian Geraghty, Tamara Tunie, MORE Music and Media(More Brands and ray) Nadine Velazquez, James Badge Dale, Gar- Products) 28.03.2013 Oz: The Great And Powerful celle Bauvais, Carter Cabassa, Adam C. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052652 James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Edwards, Conor O’Neill - Dir. Robert Michelle Williams, Joey King, Tony Cox, Zemeckis Funny Money / Le Bonheur de Abigail Spencer, Martin Klebba, Bill Cobbs, Drama 2012 133min. Pierre STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bruce Campbell - Dir. Sam Raimi Funny Money / Le Bonheur de Pierre Germany 20.06.2013 Fantasy 2013 130min. Chevy Chase, Pierre Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052569 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Komödie 198min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions)

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17.05.2013 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Die große Kinderfilm-Geschenk- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052879 AG(Filmjuwelen) 03.05.2013 Box (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052734 Funny Money / Le Bonheur de Der weiße Löwe / Benny- Allein im Wald / Geheimring 99 (k.J.) Die Königin der Erdmännchen Pierre (Blu-ray) Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema, The Big Combo Funny Money / Le Bonheur de Pierre (Blu- Claudine André, Fanny Mehl - Dir. Michael Cornel Wilde, Richard Conte, Brian Donlevy, ray) Swan, Alain Tixier, Chris Barker, Mike Slee Chevy Chase, Pierre Richard Jean Wallace, Robert Middleton, Lee Van Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer Komödie 198min. Cleef - Dir. Joseph H. Lewis Kinderfilm 2008-2011 256min. Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Wendecover mit Kinoplakatmotiv Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Kriminalfilm 1954 85min. 17.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052602 Donau Film(Chandler Film) 21.06.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052900 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052997 Die große Kinderfilm-Geschenk- Game Time The Ghostmaker - Fürchte das Box (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Duel Leben nach dem Tod Der weiße Löwe / Benny- Allein im Wald / Phil Haus, Jason Hurt, Harris, Die Königin der Erdmännchen Box Of Shadows Noelle Mihalinec, Gloria Phillip Jones, Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema, Aaron Dean Eisenberg, J. Walter Holland, Brandon M. Hines, Andre Douglas, María Claudine André, Fanny Mehl - Dir. Michael Liz Fenning, Jared Grey, Domiziano DiDomenico - Dir. Diego Hallivis Swan, Alain Tixier, Chris Barker, Mike Slee Drama/Sport 2011 91min. Arcangeli, Jeffrey Damnit, Hans Uder, Ford Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer MIG Film 11.07.2013 Austin - Dir. Mauro Borrelli Kinderfilm 2008-2011 256min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052639 Horror/Mystery 2011 91min. Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Los Banditos Films(Los Banditos) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052623 Gedemütigt in Ketten - Nackt und 21.05.2013 hilflos (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052641 Die große Kinderfilm-Geschenk- Layover The Ghostmaker - Fürchte das Box (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Lauren Holly, Kaylee DeFer, Joe Lando, Der weiße Löwe / Benny- Allein im Wald / Christopher Wolfe, Anya Monzikova, Philip Leben nach dem Tod (Blu-ray 3D) Die Königin der Erdmännchen Battley, Carl Gilliard, Cain Manoli, Abraham (Blu-ray) Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema, Martinez, Massi Furlan, Rayne Bidder, Lau- Box Of Shadows Claudine André, Fanny Mehl - Dir. Michael ren Reeder - Dir. R.D. Braunstein Aaron Dean Eisenberg, J. Walter Holland, Swan, Alain Tixier, Chris Barker, Mike Slee Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Liz Fenning, Jared Grey, Domiziano Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer Thriller 2012 90min. Arcangeli, Jeffrey Damnit, Hans Uder, Ford Kinderfilm 2008-2011 256min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.05.2013 Austin - Dir. Mauro Borrelli Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052800 Horror/Mystery 2011 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052624 Los Banditos Films(Los Banditos) Gedemütigt in Ketten - Nackt und 21.05.2013 Der große Treck (OmU + Blu-ray) hilflos (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052663 The Big Trail Layover John Wayne, Marguerite Churchill, El Lauren Holly, Kaylee DeFer, Joe Lando, The Ghostmaker - Fürchte das Brendel, Tully Marshall, Tyrone Power sen. Christopher Wolfe, Anya Monzikova, Philip Leben nach dem Tod (Blu-ray) - Dir. Raoul Walsh Alternative Fassung mit deutschsprachigen Schauspielern, Battley, Carl Gilliard, Cain Manoli, Abraham Box Of Shadows Trailer, 35mm-Fassung in 1.37:1 (ca. 108 Minuten), Martinez, Massi Furlan, Rayne Bidder, Lau- Aaron Dean Eisenberg, J. Walter Holland, Audiokommentar, Featurettes ren Reeder - Dir. R.D. Braunstein Liz Fenning, Jared Grey, Domiziano Western 1930 122min. Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Arcangeli, Jeffrey Damnit, Hans Uder, Ford Koch Media 26.04.2013 Thriller 2012 86min. Austin - Dir. Mauro Borrelli 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052826 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 17.05.2013 Horror/Mystery 2011 94min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052769 Los Banditos Films(Los Banditos) Das grüne Zimmer La Chambre Verte Das Geheimnis der Geister von 21.05.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052662 François Truffaut, Nathalie Baye, Jean Craggyford Dasté, Jean-Pierre Moulin - Dir. François The Great Rescue Die goldene Göttin vom Rio Beni Truffaut Emma Fielding - Dir. Yann Samuell Les Aventuriers De La Jungle Bildergalerie, Booklet Drama 1978 91min. Trailer Pierre Brice, René Deltgen, Harald Juhnke, Fantasy 2011 90min. Koch Media 26.04.2013 Emma Penella, Hans von Borsody, Gillian Universum Film 21.06.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052718 Hill - Dir. Eugenio Martin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052609 Booklet Abenteuer 1964 91min. Gullivers Reisen (Special Edition, Das Geheimnis der Geister von AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 2 Discs) Craggyford (Blu-ray) AG(Filmjuwelen) 31.05.2013 Gulliver’s Travels The Great Ghost Rescue 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052741 Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Tom Emma Fielding - Dir. Yann Samuell Sturridge, , Kate Maherly, Trailer Der große Gatsby (Blu-ray) Warwick Davis, Omar Sharif, Ian Campell Fantasy 2011 94min. The Great Gatsby Dunn, Geraldine Chaplin, Edward Fox, Sir Universum Film 21.06.2013 Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Karen Black, , Peter O’Toole - Dir. Charles 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052630 Bruce Dern, Scott Wilson, , Sturridge Lois Chiles, Howard Da Silva, Roberts Fantasy 1995 180min. Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Blossom, , Elliott Sullivan, Koch Media 10.05.2013 Witwe Arthur Hughes, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Beth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052862 Araña Negra Porter, Paul Tamarin, John Devlin, Patsy O. W. Fischer, Karin Dor, Werner Peters, Kensit - Dir. Jack Clayton Ein gutes Jahr Doris Kirchner, Eddi Arent - Dir. Franz Jo- Drama 1973 141min. A Good Year sef Gottlieb Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, Albert Booklet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052786 Finney, Abbie Cornish, Tom Hollander, Kriminalfilm 1963 96min. Freddie Highmore, Isabelle Candelier - Dir.

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Ridley Scott Harry & Sally (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment 16.05.2013 Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Promos, Musikvideos, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052771 Kinotrailer When Harry Met Sally Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Bruno Kirby, Drama/Komödie 2006 112min. Hotel 13 - Staffel 1, Teil 3, Folge Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fisher, Lisa Jane Persky, Steven Ford, Germany 03.05.2013 Michelle Nicastro, Gretchen Palmer, Robert 81-120 (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052755 Alan Beuth, David Burdick, Joe Viviani, Patrick Baehr, Marcel Glauche, Carola Harley Koz, Franc Luz, Tracy Reiner, Kyle Schnell, Gerrit Klein, Julia Schäfle, Hanna Halo 4 - Forward Unto Dawn T. Heffner - Dir. Scholz, Peter Nottmeier, Ilka Teichmüller, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Komödie 1989 96min. Jörg Moukaddam, Antje Mairich - Dir. Dennis Tom Green, Anna Popplewell, Enisha Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Bots Brewster, Ayelet July Zurer, Masam Hol- Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Abenteuer/Jugend 2012 480min. den, Mike Dopud, Iain Belcher, Osric Chau, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052981 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Kat De Lieva, Daniel Cudmore, Chris 03.05.2013 Shields, Max Carver, Ty Olsson - Dir. Heißes Gold aus Calador 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052610 Stewart Hendler One More Train To Rob Science Fiction/Action 2012 90min. Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer The Hour - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Western 1971 104min. polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2013 The Hour KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 14.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052675 Ben Whishaw, Romola Garai, Dominic 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052814 West, Anna Chancellor, Oona Chaplin, Lisa Greenwood, Joshua McGuire, Julian Rhind- Halo 4 - Forward Unto Dawn (Blu- Himizu - Dein Schicksal ist vorbe- ray) Tutt, Paul Chahidi, Anton Lesser, Hannah stimmt (OmU) Tointon, Peter Sullivan, Tom Burke, Robert Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Himizu Demeger, Adetomiwa Edun, Peter Capaldi, Tom Green, Anna Popplewell, Enisha Megumi Kagurazaka, Kurosawa, Vincent Riotta, Morgan Watkins, Tim Pigott- Brewster, Ayelet July Zurer, Masam Hol- , Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Tetsu Smith, Juliet Stevenson, Burn Gorman, Ken den, Mike Dopud, Iain Belcher, Osric Chau, Watanabe, Makiko Watanabe, Ken Bones, Robert Whitelock, John Bowe, Kat De Lieva, Daniel Cudmore, Chris Mitsuishi, Fumi Nikaidô, Shôta Sometani - Vanessa Kirby, Jamie Parker, Lizzie Shields, Max Carver, Ty Olsson - Dir. Dir. Shion Sono Brocheré, Joe Cole, Andrew Scott, Stewart Hendler Making of Nicholas Woodeson, Kate Fahy, Ben Lloyd- Science Fiction/Action 2012 94min. Drama 2011 129min. Hughes, Hetty Baynes, Sam Palladio - Dir. polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2013 Splendid Film 28.06.2013 Coky Giedroyc, Jamie Payne, Harry 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052679 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052918 Bradbeer, Sandra Goldbacher, Catherine Halo 4 - Forward Unto Dawn Morshead Himizu - Dein Schicksal ist vorbe- Making of, Behind the Scenes (Limited Steelbook Edition) (Blu- stimmt (OmU) (Blu-ray) Drama 2011 360min. ray) Himizu polyband Medien GmbH 28.06.2013 Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Megumi Kagurazaka, Asuka Kurosawa, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052810 Tom Green, Anna Popplewell, Enisha Denden, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Tetsu Brewster, Ayelet July Zurer, Masam Hol- Watanabe, Makiko Watanabe, Ken House at the End of the Street den, Mike Dopud, Iain Belcher, Osric Chau, Mitsuishi, Fumi Nikaidô, Shôta Sometani - House At The End Of The Street Kat De Lieva, Daniel Cudmore, Chris Dir. Shion Sono Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Shields, Max Carver, Ty Olsson - Dir. Making of Thieriot, Gil Bellows, Eva Link, Nolan Stewart Hendler Drama 2011 135min. Gerard Funk, Allie MacDonald, Jordan Science Fiction/Action 2012 94min. Splendid Film 28.06.2013 Hayes - Dir. Mark Tonderai polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052932 Thriller 2012 97min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052729 Universum Film(SquareOne) 28.06.2013 Alfred Hitchcock zeigt - Teil 1 (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052820 Hardcastle and McCormick - Die Discs) komplette Staffel 3 (6 Discs) The Alfred Hitchcock Hour House at the End of the Street Hardcastle And Mccormick Alfred Hitchcock - Dir. László Benedek, (Blu-ray) Brian Keith, Daniel Hugh Kelly - Dir. Bruce John Brahm House At The End Of The Street Kessler, Tony Mordente, Kim Manners, Bildergalerie, Booklet Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thriller 1962-1965 460min. Charlie Picerni Sr., Sigmund Neufeld Jr., Thieriot, Gil Bellows, Eva Link, Nolan Koch Media 26.04.2013 Peter Kiwitt, Michael Switzer, Sidney Gerard Funk, Allie MacDonald, Jordan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052831 Hayers, Bob Bravler, Steve Beers, James Hayes - Dir. Mark Tonderai Thriller 2012 101min. L. Conway, Jimmy Giritlian, Daniel Hugh Homicide - Life on the Street, Kelly, Les Sheldon Universum Film(SquareOne) 28.06.2013 Episodenguide Staffel 4 (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052850 Kriminalfilm/Action 1985-1986 990min. Homicide: Life On The Street Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Ned Beatty, Richard Belzer, Daniel Baldwin, House of Lies - Die erste Season 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052600 Melissa Leo, Clark Johnson, Jon Polito, (2 Discs) Andre Braugher, Kyle Secor, Yaphet Kotto, House Of Lies Harry & Sally Isabella Hofmann, Reed Diamond, Max Don Cheadle, Kristen Bell, Ben Schwartz, When Harry Met Sally Perlich, Michelle Forbes, Jon Seda, Callie Josh Lawson, Dawn Olivieri, Donis Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Bruno Kirby, Carrie Thorne, Peter Gerety, Lewis, Leonard Jr., , Griffin Dunne, Fisher, Lisa Jane Persky, Steven Ford, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Michele - Dir. Greg Germann, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Michelle Nicastro, Gretchen Palmer, Robert Richard Schiff - Dir. Stephen Hopkins Alan Beuth, David Burdick, Joe Viviani, Kriminalfilm 1993-1999 540min. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes Harley Koz, Franc Luz, Tracy Reiner, Kyle Black Hill Pictures 10.05.2013 Komödie/Satire 2012 334min. T. Heffner - Dir. Rob Reiner 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052763 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Komödie 1989 92min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052986 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hot in Cleveland - Staffel 2 (3 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Discs) Ihr Name war Maria (2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052959 Hot In Cleveland Alissa Jung, Paz Vega, Andreas Komödie 2011 525min. Pietschmann, Antonia Liskova, Luca

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Marinelli, Attili, , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052566 Johannes Brandrup, Robert Stadlober, Janky Promoters (Blu-ray) Nikolai Kinski, Andrea Giordana, Thomas The Inbetweeners (3 Discs) Janky Promoters Trabacchi, Sergio Múñiz, Teresa Acerbis, The Inbetweeners Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Young Jeezy, Glenn Yassine Ben Gamra, Abdelkader Ben Saïd, Christine Scott Bennett, Wendy Bell, Chri- Plummer, Darris Love, Juanita Jennings, Marco Rulli, Toni Laudadio, Afef Chelbi, stopher Jackson, Austin Abrams, Brian Aloma Wright, Tamala Jones - Dir. Marcus Remo Girone, Alice Bellagamba, Saber Patrick Clarke, Lindsey Marie Nelson, Raboy Araki, Hichem Rostom, Mariano Rigillo, Susan Gallagher, Joey Johnson, Elena Ly- Trailer Bahram Aloui, Marco Foschi - Dir. Giacomo ons, Michael Aaron Carico, Marie Komödie 2009 85min. Campiotti Avgeropoulos, Joshua Torres - Dir. Ben Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 Drama/Biographie 2012 180min. Palmer, Gordon Anderson, Taika Waititi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052669 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 26.04.2013 Komödie 2008-2010 428min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052564 Universum Film(SquareOne) 07.06.2013 Java Heat - Insel der Entschei- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052911 dung (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Imaginaerum by Nightwish Java Heat (Steelbook) Jack Reacher Kellan Lutz, Mickey Rourke, Rahayu Imaginaerum By Nightwish Jack Reacher Saraswati, Ario Bayu, Solaiman Verdi, Marianne Farley, Francis X. McCarthy, Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard Agung Udijana, Rio Dewanto, Uli Auliani - Quinn Lord, Ilkka Villi, Joanna Noyes, Jenkins, David Oyelowo, Werner Herzog, Dir. Connor Allyn Stéphane Demers, Ron Lea, Tuomas Jai Courtney, Joseph Sikora, Michael Action/Thriller 2012 108min. Holopainen, Hélène Robitaille, Anette Olzon, Raymond-James, Alexia Fast, Robert Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Jukka Nevalainen - Dir. Stobe Harju Duvall, Nicole Forester, Alexander Rhodes - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052626 Making of,Bildergalerie, Musikvideo, Trailer Dir. Christopher McQuarrie Fantasy 2012 82min. Thriller/Action 2012 126min. Jesus Christ Superstar (Blu-ray) Capelight Pictures 31.05.2013 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.05.2013 Jesus Christ Superstar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052821 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052631 Glenn Carter, Jerome Pradon, Renee Castle, Fred Johanson - Dir. Nick Morris Imaginaerum by Nightwish Jack Reacher (Blu-ray) Musikfilm 1999 112min. (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Jack Reacher Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Imaginaerum By Nightwish Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Richard 27.06.2013 Marianne Farley, Francis X. McCarthy, Jenkins, David Oyelowo, Werner Herzog, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052923 Quinn Lord, Ilkka Villi, Joanna Noyes, Jai Courtney, Joseph Sikora, Michael Stéphane Demers, Ron Lea, Tuomas Raymond-James, Alexia Fast, Robert Jesus Christ Superstar (Blu-ray) Holopainen, Hélène Robitaille, Anette Olzon, Duvall, Nicole Forester, Alexander Rhodes - Jesus Christ Superstar Jukka Nevalainen - Dir. Stobe Harju Dir. Christopher McQuarrie Ted Neely, Carl Anderson, Yvonne Elliman, Making of,Bildergalerie, Musikvideo, Trailer Thriller/Action 2012 131min. Robert Bingham, Kurt Yaghjian, Berry Fantasy 2012 86min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.05.2013 Dennen, Josh Mostel - Dir. Norman Jewison Capelight Pictures 31.05.2013 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052655 Musikfilm 1972 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052851 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jagd auf den Schatz der Riesen 27.06.2013 In aller Freundschaft - Die 15. Jack And The Beanstalk 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052925 Staffel, Teil 1, 24 Folgen , Mia Sara, , Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- Vanessa Redgrave, Daryl Hannah, Der junge James Dean - Joshua hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, Jonathan Hyde, Dave Nicholls, Lord Ri- Tree 1951 (OmU) Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje chard Attenborough, James Corden, Jim Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait Of James Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Carter, Gareth Wilmot, Bill Barretta, Alex Dean Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Jutta Kam- Graham (Jack), JJ Feild (Jack), Richard James Preston, Dan Glenn, Dalilah Rain, mann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu Bazman, Uta Huw, Julia McKenzie, Anton Lesser, Honor Erin Daniels, Rafael Morais, Edgar Morais, Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael Trischan - Blackman - Dir. Brian Henson Clare Grant, Edward Singletary, Elizabeth Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Mathias Luther, Frank Making of Hirsch-Tauber - Dir. Matthew Mishory Abenteuer 2001 174min. Gotthardy, Bettina Braun, Hans Werner, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Koch Media 12.04.2013 Käthe Niemeyer, Peter Wekwerth, Matthias Drama/Biographie 2012 93min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052824 Zirzow PRO-FUN MEDIA 03.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052861 Drama 2012 990min. Janky Promoters STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Janky Promoters Germany 16.05.2013 Juno Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Young Jeezy, Glenn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052565 Juno Plummer, Darris Love, Juanita Jennings, Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner, In aller Freundschaft - Die 15. Aloma Wright, Tamala Jones - Dir. Marcus Olivia Thirlby, Jason Bateman, Allison Raboy Staffel, Teil 2, 18 Folgen Janney, Daniel Clark, Valerie Tian - Dir. Trailer Jason Reitman Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- Komödie 2009 82min. Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Musikvideo, hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 Featurettes Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052647 Komödie/Drama 2007 92min. Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Jutta Kam- Janky Promoters (Blu-ray 3D) Germany 03.05.2013 mann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu Bazman, Uta (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052756 Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael Trischan - Janky Promoters Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Mathias Luther, Frank Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Young Jeezy, Glenn Juno (Blu-ray) Gotthardy, Bettina Braun, Hans Werner, Plummer, Darris Love, Juanita Jennings, Juno Käthe Niemeyer, Peter Wekwerth, Matthias Aloma Wright, Tamala Jones - Dir. Marcus Ellen Page, Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner, Zirzow Raboy Olivia Thirlby, Jason Bateman, Allison Highlights aus der Staffel Trailer Janney, Daniel Clark, Valerie Tian - Dir. Drama 2012 770min. Komödie 2009 85min. Jason Reitman STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes, Germany 16.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052670 u.a.

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Komödie/Drama 2007 96min. Mario Casas, Antonio de la Torre, Joaquín You May Not Kiss The Bride Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Núñez, Lucía Guerrero, Inma Cuesta, Julian Dave Annable, Katharine McPhee, Rob Germany 03.05.2013 Villagran, José Manuel Poga, Estefanía de Schneider, Mena Suvari, Kathy Bates, Ken 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052793 los Santos, Diana Lázaro, Carlos Olalla - Davitian, Tia Carrere, , Vinnie Dir. Alberto Rodriguez Jones, Stephen Tobolowsky, Howard Curd Jürgens - Meines Vaters Trailer Bishop - Dir. Rob Hedden Pferde Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 95min. Trailer Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 Komödie/Lovestory 2010 100min. Meines Vaters Pferde - Lena Und Nicole / 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052648 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 Seine Dritte Frau 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052649 Curd Jürgens, Eva Bartok, Martin Benrath, Kings of the City (Blu-ray) Reinhold Schünzel, Anneliese Kaplan - Dir. Grupo 7 Küssen verboten! - Honeymoon Gerhard Lamprecht Bildergalerie Mario Casas (Ángel), Antonio de la Torre, mit Hindernissen (Blu-ray) Drama 1953 190min. Joaquín Núñez, Lucía Guerrero, Inma You May Not Kiss The Bride Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Cuesta, Julian Villagran, José Manuel Poga, Dave Annable, Katharine McPhee, Rob 19.04.2013 Estefanía de los Santos, Diana Lázaro, Schneider, Mena Suvari, Kathy Bates, Ken 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052580 Carlos Olalla - Dir. Alberto Rodriguez Davitian, Tia Carrere, Kevin Dunn, Vinnie Trailer Jones, Stephen Tobolowsky, Howard Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 99min. Kairo 678 (OmU) Bishop - Dir. Rob Hedden Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 678 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052671 Nelly Karim, Boshra, Nahed El Sebaï, Omar Komödie/Lovestory 2010 104min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2013 El Saeed, Bassem El Samra, Ahmed El Eine kleine Geschichte über Sex Feshawy, Maged El Kedwany - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052672 Mohamed Diab (Blu-ray) Drama 2010 100min. Investigating Sex Lady Hamilton - Zwischen good!movies(Arsenal) 12.04.2013 Dermot Mulroney, , Neve Schmach und Liebe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052710 Campbell, Robin Tunney, Nick Nolte, Les Amours De Lady Hamilton Tuesday Weld, Julie Delpy, , Michèle Mercier, Richard Johnson, Sir John Karl der Große - Der komplette Emily Bruni, Terrence Howard, Kathleen Mills, Harald Leipnitz, Roberto Undari, Mirko Historien-Dreiteiler Robertson, Til Schweiger - Dir. Alan Ellis, Lorenzo Terzon, Howard Ross, Rudolph Charlemagne, Le Prince A Cheval Gabriella Giorgelli, Gisela Uhlen, Venantino Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Venantini, Mario Pisu, Boy Gobert, Gigi Christian Brendel, Anny Duperey, Xavier Komödie/Drama 2001 102min. Ballista, Dieter Borsche, Nadja Tiller, Lajos Deluc, Vanni Corbellini, Frank Finlay, Remo Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Básti - Dir. Christian-Jaque Girone, Sergio Fantoni, Lino Capolicchio, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052615 Simona Cavallari, Paolo Bonacelli, Isabelle Booklet Drama/Erotik 1969 98min. Pasco, Sophie Duez, Gilles Gaston- Die Köchin und der Präsident AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dreyfus, Peter Sattmann, Helmut Griem, (Blu-ray) AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.06.2013 Corinne Touzet, Pierre Cosso, Pierre Anais, Les Saveurs Du Palais 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052737 Cris Campion, Arno Chevrier, François Catherine Frot, Jean D’Ormesson, Hippolyte D’Aubigny, André Oumansky, Marc De Girardot, Arthur Dupont, Jean-Marc Roulot, Der lange Ritt nach Westen Jonge, Valentine Varela, Nils Tavernier, Arly Jover, Brice Fournier, Joe Sheridan, The Long Ride Home Carole Richert, Dominic Gould - Dir. Clive Philippe Uchan, Laurent Poitreneaux - Dir. Randy Travis, , Vaughn Taylor, Donner Booklet Christian Vincent Steve Nave, Jerry Doyle, Ernest Borgnine, Historienfilm 1992-1993 276min. Making of, Trailer Garry Marshall, , Paul Tinder, Drama 2012 95min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Alec Medlock, Jeff McGrail - Dir. Robert Alamode Film 10.05.2013 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 10.05.2013 Marcarelli 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052585 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052707 Western 2003 85min. MIG Film 13.06.2013 The Killing Fields (Blu-ray) Kolportage 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052640 Hans Caninenberg, Eva-Katherina Schultz, The Killing Fields Götz George - Dir. Hans Lietzau Haing S. Ngor, John Malkovich, Sam Lars und die Frauen Komödie 1957 62min. Waterston, Julian Sands, Craig T. Nelson, Lars And The Real Girl Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.05.2013 Bill Paterson, Spalding Gray, Athol Fugard, Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schnei- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052869 Graham Kennedy, Katharine Krapum Chey - der, Kelli Garner, Lauren Ash, Patricia Clarkson, R.D. Reid, Nancy Beatty, Doug Dir. Roland Joffé König der Ganoven Audiokommentar, Making of, Wendecover Lennox, Joe Bostick, Liz Gordon, Nicky Kriegsfilm 1984 142min. Er Più: Storia D’Amore E Di Coltello Guadagni - Dir. Craig Gillespie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Adriano Celentano, Claudia Mori, Vittorio Drama/Komödie 2007 103min. Germany(Arthaus) 16.05.2013 Caprioli, Romolo Valli, Gianni Macchia, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052586 , Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Ninetto Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Davoli, Gino Santercole, Gino Pernice, Ani- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052960 King Kong Vs. Godzilla ta Durante, Alessandra Cardini, Ernesto Kingu Kongu Tai Gojira Colli, Benito Stefanelli, Mimmo Poli, Enzo Lars und die Frauen (Blu-ray) Michael Keith, James Yagi, Tadao Maggio, Pasquale Pontier, Adler Gray, Lars And The Real Girl Takashima, Mie Hama, Yu Fujuki, Kenji Sa- Palmira Zaccardi, Fabio Garriba, Savino Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schnei- hara - Dir. Inoshiro Honda, Thomas Blasi, Roberto Alessandri, Guerra - der, Kelli Garner, Lauren Ash, Patricia Montgomery Dir. Clarkson, R.D. Reid, Nancy Beatty, Doug Booklet, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Featurette Trailer Lennox, Joe Bostick, Liz Gordon, Nicky Komödie 1971 101min. Fantasy 1962 90min. Guadagni - Dir. Craig Gillespie Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Drama/Komödie 2007 107min. 19.04.2013 12.04.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052581 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052574 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052982 Kings of the City Küssen verboten! - Honeymoon Grupo 7 mit Hindernissen Last Hitman - 24 Stunden in der

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Hölle Jee-woon shan The Liability Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making Action/Eastern 1977-1987 515min. of, Wendecover Intergroove Media(Maritime Pictures) Tim Roth, Jack O’Connell, Talulah Riley, Action 2012 103min. 26.04.2013 Kierston Wareing, Peter Mullan, Christopher Splendid Film 31.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052578 Hatherall, Jack McBride, Jenny Pike, Clive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052724 Shaw, Simon Manley - Dir. Craig Viveiros Trailer The Last Stand (Limited Uncut Legacy (Collector’s 2-Disc Editi- Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 83min. Hero Pack) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) on) (Blu-ray) Koch Media 26.07.2013 Legacy The Last Stand tba BestellNr.: 20052856 Idris Elba, Eamonn Walker, Monique Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Gabriela Curnen, William Hope, Richard Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie Last Hitman - 24 Stunden in der Brake, Clarke Peters, Julian Wadham, Ge- Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Hölle (Blu-ray) rald Kyd, Mem Ferda - Dir. Thomas Ikimi Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis The Liability Making Of, Deleted Scenes, Trailer, Dialoglisten Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Tim Roth, Jack O’Connell, Talulah Riley, Thriller/Drama 2010 96min. Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Kierston Wareing, Peter Mullan, Christopher Intergroove Media(Agony Pictures) Jee-woon 26.04.2013 Hatherall, Jack McBride, Jenny Pike, Clive Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making Shaw, Simon Manley - Dir. Craig Viveiros of, Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052591 Trailer Action 2012 108min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 86min. Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Les Misérables Koch Media 26.07.2013 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052732 Les Misérables tba BestellNr.: 20052890 , Russell Crowe, Anne The Last Stand (Limited Uncut Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron The Last Stand Hero Pack) (k.J.) Cohen, , Eddie The Last Stand Redmayne, Samantha Barks (Éponine), The Last Stand Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Aaron Tveit, Daniel Huttlestone, Tony Rohr, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie Richard Dixon, Andy Beckwith, Colm Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Wikinson, Paul Thornley, Stephen Tate, Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis , , Nicola Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Sloane, Julia Worsley, Ashley Artus, David Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Cann, Isabelle Allen, Killian Donnelly, Fra Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Jee-woon Fee, Patrick Godfrey, Hugh Skinner, Hadley Wendecover Jee-woon Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making Fraser, Gabriel Vick, John Warnaby - Dir. Action 2012 min. of, Wendecover Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Action 2012 103min. Musical/Drama 2012 152min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052721 Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052723 27.06.2013 The Last Stand (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052969 The Last Stand The Last Stand (Uncut Version) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Les Misérables (Blu-ray) Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie The Last Stand Les Misérables Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Eddie Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Redmayne, Samantha Barks (Éponine), Jee-woon Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Aaron Tveit, Daniel Huttlestone, Tony Rohr, Wendecover Richard Dixon, Andy Beckwith, Colm Action 2012 min. Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Wikinson, Paul Thornley, Stephen Tate, Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Jee-woon Michael Jibson, Bertie Carvel, Nicola 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052730 Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making of, Wendecover Sloane, Julia Worsley, Ashley Artus, David Action 2012 108min. The Last Stand (Limited Uncut Cann, Isabelle Allen, Killian Donnelly, Fra Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Fee, Patrick Godfrey, Hugh Skinner, Hadley Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052731 Fraser, Gabriel Vick, John Warnaby - Dir. The Last Stand Tom Hooper Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, The Last Stand (Uncut Version) Audiokommentar, Featurettes Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie (k.J.) Musical/Drama 2012 158min. Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, The Last Stand Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, 27.06.2013 Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052973 Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Jee-woon Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Leverage - Staffel IV (5 Discs) Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making Leverage of, Wendecover Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim Timothy Hutton Action 2012 108min. Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Jee-woon Interview, B-Roll, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Making Kriminalfilm 2011 730min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052733 of, Wendecover Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 10.05.2013 Action 2012 103min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052762 The Last Stand (Limited Uncut Splendid Film 31.05.2013 Edition, Steelbook) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052722 Jet Li 3Dition (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Discs) The Last Stand (Blu-ray) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Hwang Jang Lee Superstar Box Long Men Fei Jia / Tau Ming Chong / The Johnny Knoxville, Rodrigo Santoro, Jaimie (2 Discs) (k.J.) Sorcerer And The White Snake Alexander, Luis Guzmán, Eduardo Noriega, Die acht tödlichen Schläge / Im Auge des Jet Li Peter Stormare, Zach Gilford, Genesis Taifun / Kung Fu Man / Magnificent Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Harry Dean Warriors / Ninja Terminator / Spezial- Eastern/Action 2007-2011 330min. Stanton, John Patrick Amedori - Dir. Kim kommando Feuervogel / Ying zhao tie bu KSM GmbH 13.05.2013

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35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052846 Little Miss Sunshine (Blu-ray) Mad Max 3 - Jenseits der Donner- Little Miss Sunshine Jet Li Edition (3 Discs) kuppel (Blu-ray) Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Long Men Fei Jia / Tau Ming Chong / The , Abigail Breslin, Alan Arkin, Beth Mel Gibson, Tina Turner, Bruce Spence, Sorcerer And The White Snake Grant, Justin Shilton, Grant Hayes - Dir. Angry Anderson, Frank Thring, Helen Jet Li Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris Buday, Angelo Rossito, Edwin Hodgeman, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Kommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Alternative Eastern/Action 2007-2011 330min. Enden, Making of, Soundtrack, Webisodes, Bildergalerie, u.a. Robert Grubb - Dir. Dr. George Miller, KSM GmbH 13.05.2013 Komödie/Drama 2005 103min. George Ogilvie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052812 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action 1985 min. Germany 03.05.2013 Warner Home Video Germany 07.06.2013 Jet Li Edition (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052794 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052842 Long Men Fei Jia / Tau Ming Chong / The Sorcerer And The White Snake The Loneliest Planet Der Mann der Friseuse (Blu-ray) Jet Li The Loneliest Planet Le Mari De La Coiffeuse Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Gael García Bernal, Hani Furstenberg, Jean Rochefort, Anna Galiena, Roland Eastern/Action 2007-2011 330min. Bidzina Gujabidze - Dir. Julia Loktev Bertin, Maurice Chevit, Philippe Clévenot, KSM GmbH 13.05.2013 Drama/Thriller 2011 114min. Jacques Mathou - Dir. Patrice Leconte 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052847 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Kurzfilm, Interview Drama 1990 81min. GmbH & Co. KG(Camino) 24.05.2013 Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 31.05.2013 Eine Liebe in Marseille 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052717 Fanny 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053006 Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Charles Lore Der Mann mit der Todeskralle Boyer, Horst Buchholz, Baccaloni, Lionel Saskia Rosendahl, Kai Malina, Nele Trebs, Jeffries, Georgette Anys - Dir. Joshua Ursina Lardi, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Mika (40th Anniversary) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Logan Seidel, André Frid, Eva-Maria Hagen, Nick Enter The Dragon Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Holaschke, Sven Pippig, Katrin Pollitt, Philip Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Ahna Drama 1960 129min. Wiegratz, Hendrik Arnst, Claudia Geisler - Capri, Shih Kien, Bob Wall, Angela Mao Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Dir. Cate Shortland Ying - Dir. Robert Clouse 01.04.2013 Making of, Booklet, Trailer Action 1973 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052905 Drama 2012 105min. Warner Home Video Germany 21.06.2013 good!movies(Piffl) 31.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052844 Eine Liebe in Marseille (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20052935 Fanny Der Marathon Mann (Blu-ray) Leslie Caron, Maurice Chevalier, Charles Love Story (Blu-ray) Marathon Man Boyer, Horst Buchholz, Baccaloni, Lionel Love Story , Sir , Roy Jeffries, Georgette Anys - Dir. Joshua Ali MacGraw, Ryan O’Neal, , Scheider, Marthe Keller, William Devane, Logan Ray Milland, Katherine Balfour, Russell Richard Bright - Dir. John Schlesinger Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Nype, Sydney Walker, Robert Modica, Wal- Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Drama 1960 135min. ker Daniels, Tommy Lee Jones, John Thriller 1976 125min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Merensky, Andrew Duncan - Dir. Arthur Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 01.04.2013 Hiller 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052787 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052921 Trailer, Featurette, Audiokommentar Drama 1970 100min. Margreth Thursday (2 Discs) Life Happens - Das Leben eben! Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Thursday’s Child Life Happens 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053000 Clare Walker, Gilian Bailey, Simon Gipps- Krysten Ritter, Kate Bosworth, Rachel Kent, David Tully, Carolin Harris - Dir. Doro- Bilson, Geoff Stults, Justin Kirk, Fallon Mad Max (Blu-ray) (k.J.) thea Brooking Goodson, Andrea Savage, Kristen Mad Max (Blu-ray) Drama 1972 168min. Johnston - Dir. Kat Coiro Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel, Hugh Keays- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.05.2013 Komödie 2011 97min. Byrne, Steve Bisley, Roger Ward, Vincent 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052868 Universum Film(SquareOne) 21.06.2013 Gil, Tim Burns - Dir. Dr. George Miller 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052887 Action/Science Fiction 1978 min. Mask Maker (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Warner Home Video Germany 07.06.2013 Maskerade Life Happens - Das Leben eben! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052840 Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Terry Kiser, (Blu-ray) Anabella Casanova, Michael Berryman, Life Happens Mad Max 1-3 Trilogie (3 Discs) Treat Williams, Jason , Ross Britz, Krysten Ritter, Kate Bosworth, Rachel (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mariah Bonner, Lara Grice, Liann Pattison, Bilson, Geoff Stults, Justin Kirk, Fallon Mad Max / Mad Max - Jenseits der John Edward Lee, Ritchie Montgomery - Goodson, Andrea Savage, Kristen Donnerkuppel / Mad Max II - Der Voll- Dir. Griff Furst Johnston - Dir. Kat Coiro strecker Thriller/Horror 2010 94min. Komödie 2011 101min. Mel Gibson - Dir. Dr. George Miller Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.05.2013 Universum Film(SquareOne) 21.06.2013 Action/Science Fiction 1978-1985 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052660 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052902 Warner Home Video Germany 07.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052843 Mask Maker (k.J.) Little Miss Sunshine Maskerade Little Miss Sunshine Mad Max 2 - Der Vollstrecker Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Terry Kiser, Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anabella Casanova, Michael Berryman, Paul Dano, Abigail Breslin, Alan Arkin, Beth Treat Williams, Jason London, Ross Britz, Mad Max II - The Road Warrior Grant, Justin Shilton, Grant Hayes - Dir. Mariah Bonner, Lara Grice, Liann Pattison, Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Vernon Wells, Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris John Edward Lee, Ritchie Montgomery - Emil Minty, Mike Preston, Kjell Nilsson, Vir- Kommentar, Alternative Enden Dir. Griff Furst ginia Hey - Dir. Dr. George Miller Komödie/Drama 2005 98min. Thriller/Horror 2010 89min. Action/Science Fiction 1982 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.05.2013 Warner Home Video Germany 07.06.2013 Germany 03.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052636 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052757 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052841

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Maskenball bei Scotland Yard Misfits Crane - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Bill Ramsey, France Anglade, Stelvio Rosi, Komödie/Drama 2012 368min. Making of Horror/Fantasy 2008 86min. Trude Herr, , Rudolf Carl, polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2013 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Raoul Retzer, Elisabeth Stiepl, Fritz Heller, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052680 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052612 Herbert Fux, Rex Gildo, Hannelore Auer, Misfits - Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Peppino Di Capri, Alice Kessler, Ellen Monsterbox: Wyvern - - Kessler, Carlo Pisacane, Franco Nero, The Misfits Peters-Sisters - Dir. Domenico Paolella Komödie/Drama 2012 368min. Swamp Devil (3 Discs) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1963 86min. polyband Medien GmbH 31.05.2013 Sea Beast - Das Ungeheuer aus der Tiefe / MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052676 Swamp Devil / Wyvern - Die Rückkehr der 05.04.2013 Drachen 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052944 Mission: Impossible I-IV (4 Discs) Nick Chinlund, Erin Karpluk, Barry Corbin, (Blu-ray) Corin Nemec, Miriam McDonald, Daniel Mavericks - Lebe deinen Traum Mission: Impossible / Mission: Impossible Wisler, Bruce Dern, Cindy Sampson, Chasing Mavericks - Protokoll / Mission: Impossible Nicolas Wright - Dir. Steven R. Monroe, Paul Gerard Butler, Jonny Weston, Elisabeth 2 / Mission: Impossible III Ziller, Shue, Abigail Spencer, Leven Rambin, Tom Cruise Horror 2008-2009 270min. Devin Crittenden, Taylor Handley, Greg Thriller/Action 1996-2011 491min. Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.06.2013 Long, Peter Mel, Zach Wormhoudt, Cooper Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052919 Timberline - Dir. Curtis Hanson, Michael 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053001 Apted Moulin Rouge (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Mississippi Burning Moulin Rouge Drama/Sport 2012 112min. Mississippi Burning Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Senator Home Entertainment 21.06.2013 Gene Hackman, , Frances Leguizamo, , Richard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052605 McDormand, Brad Dourif, R. Lee Ermey, Roxburgh, Garry McDonald, Jacek Koman, Gailard Sartain, Stephen Topolowsky, Mi- Matthew Whittet, Kerry Walker, Caroline Mavericks - Lebe deinen Traum chael Rooker, , Badja O’Connor, David Wenham, Christine Anu, (Blu-ray) Djola, Kevin Dunn, , Tom Natalie Mendoza, Lara Mulcahy, Kylie Chasing Mavericks Mason - Dir. Sir Alan Parker Minogue, Deobia Oparei, Linal Haft - Dir. Gerard Butler, Jonny Weston, Elisabeth Thriller 1988 122min. Baz Luhrmann Audiokommentare, Picture-in-Picture, Featurettes, Making of, Shue, Abigail Spencer, Leven Rambin, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Live Extra, Devin Crittenden, Taylor Handley, Greg Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Hintergrundinfos, u.a. Long, Peter Mel, Zach Wormhoudt, Cooper 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052961 Drama/Musical 2001 126min. Timberline - Dir. Curtis Hanson, Michael Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Apted Mit Django kam der Tod (2 Discs) Germany 03.05.2013 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes L’ Uomo, L’Orgoglio, La Vendetta 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052795 Drama/Sport 2012 116min. Franco Nero, Tina Aumont, Klaus Kinski, Senator Home Entertainment 21.06.2013 Lee Burton, Franco Ressel, Karl Muttertag 3 - Mother’s Day Evil 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052628 Schönböck, Marcella Valeri - Dir. Luigi (k.J.) Bazzoni Mein bester Freund (Blu-ray) Mother’s Day Evil 2 Filmfassungen, Interview Jennifer Bryer, Jane Buckle, Joel Jackson, Mon Meilleur Ami Western 1967 96min. Jennison Bromwyn, Alun Nixon, Wayne Daniel Auteuil, Dany Boon, Julie Gayet, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Russell, Sydney Wade, Richard Wood, Julie Durand, Jacques Mathou, Marie Pillet, AG(Colosseo Film) 31.05.2013 Christine Howe - Dir. Steven Nesbit Elizabeth Bourgine, Henri Garcin, Jacques 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052743 Trailer Spiesser - Dir. Patrice Leconte Thriller/Horror 2010 95min. Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Monkey King - Ein Krieger zwi- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.05.2013 Komödie 2006 94min. schen den Welten 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052775 Alamode Film 31.05.2013 Monkey King 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053004 , Russell Wong, Bai Ling, My First Mister Meine Schwester Eddie Marsan, Kabir Bedi, Henry O, Ric My First Mister Young, James Faulkner - Dir. Peter Albert Brooks, LeeLee Sobieski, Desmond Christiane Hörbiger, Maresa Hörbiger, Au- MacDonald Harrington, Carol Kane, Mary Kay Place, gust Zirner, Simon Schwarz, Cornelius Making of Michael McKean, John Goodman - Dir. Chri- Obonya, August Schmölzer, Edita Malovcic, Abenteuer 2001 150min. stine Lahti Stella Butz, Stephan Paryla, Peter Raffalt - Koch Media 12.04.2013 Drama/Komödie 2001 105min. Dir. Sascha Bigler 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052825 FilmConfect Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm 2012 min. 19.04.2013 MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Monster Village 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052871 05.04.2013 Ogre 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052949 John Schneider, Ryan Kennedy, Katharine My Name Is Khan Isabelle, Brendan Fletcher, Chelan Meine Schwester und ihr erstes My Name Is Khan Simmons, Andrew Wheeler, Kyle Labine, Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Katie A. Keane, Mal Kimberley Warnat, John Shaw, Chilton Kenton Duty, Benny Nieves, Christopher B. À Ma Soeur! Crane - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Duncan, Jimmy Shergill, Sonya Jehan, Anais Reboux, Roxane Mesquida, Libero Making of Parvin Dabbas, Arjun Mathur, Sugandha Horror/Fantasy 2008 86min. de Rienzo, Arsinée Khanjian, Romain Garg, Zarina Wahab - Dir. Karan Johar Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Goupil, Laura Betti - Dir. Catherine Breillat Drama 2010 155min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052597 Trailer, Wendecover Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 2001 82min. Germany 14.06.2013 Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 19.04.2013 Monster Village (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052962 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052583 Ogre John Schneider, Ryan Kennedy, Katharine Das Narrenschiff Misfits - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) (Blu- Isabelle, Brendan Fletcher, Chelan Ship Of Fools Simmons, Andrew Wheeler, Kyle Labine, ray) Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoret, Oskar Wer- Kimberley Warnat, John Shaw, Chilton

LASER HOTLINE Seite 30 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ner, Lee Marvin, José Ferrer, Heinz Bachchan, Juhi Chawla, Sunil Shetty, A.K. Polgardy - Dir. Joseph M. Monks Rühmann, George Segal - Dir. Stanley Hangal, - Dir. Amol Trailer Kramer Palekar Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Intro, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Making of, Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.06.2013 Drama 1964 139min. Drama 2005 140min. tba BestellNr.: 20052866 Winkler Film 24.05.2013 Rapid Eye Movies HE 17.05.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052688 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052853 Der Prinz aus Zamunda (Blu-ray) Coming To America No Exit - Verloren zwischen Alb- Pan Am - Die komplette Season , Arsenio Hall, James Earl traum und Wirklichkeit (Blu-ray) (4 Discs) Jones, John Amos, Madge Sinclair, Shari (k.J.) Pan Am Headley, Steve White - Dir. John Landis , Kelli Garner, Michael Trailer Breathing Room Komödie 1988 117min. Mosley, Margot Robbie, Karine Vanasse, Ailsa Marshall, Michael McLafferty, David Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Mike Vogel, Jeremy Davidson, Mario Moise Higlen, Brad Culver - Dir. John Suits 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052788 Entfallene Szenen, Alternative Enden, Castings Fontaine, Kal Parekh, David Harbour - Dir. Thriller/Horror 2008 87min. Andrew Bernstein, John Fortenberry, Tho- of the Undead (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 mas Schlamme 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052613 Drama 561min. (k.J.) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Zonbideo Noch ‘ne Oper 20.06.2013 Saki Nakajima, Miyuki Torii, Maimi Yajima - Heinz Erhardt, Rudolf Schock, Margit 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052683 Dir. Kenji Murakami Schramm, Chris Howland, Hans-Joachim Horror/Komödie 2011 80min. Kulenkampff, Helga Feddersen, Ralf Wolter, Panzerzug Inferno Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.06.2013 Helga Feddersen, Harald Juhnke, Heidi Posledniy Bronepoezd 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052681 Kabel, Karl Dall, Loriot, Heinz Rühmann, Ekaterina Rednikowa, Andrei Panin, Andrei Gert Fröbe, Walter Giller, Inge Meysel, Li- Sokolow, Marina Aleksandrowa, Iwan Rage of the Undead (k.J.) selotte Pulver, Freddy Quinn, Ilja Richter, Kokorin, Denis Nikiforow, Igor Sigow - Dir. Zonbideo Cornelia Froboess, Grit Boettcher, Gitte Zinovi Roizman Saki Nakajima, Miyuki Torii, Maimi Yajima - Haenning, Paul Kuhn, Evelyn Künneke - Dir. Wendecover Dir. Kenji Murakami Claus Peter Witt Action/Kriegsfilm 2006 115min. Horror/Komödie 2011 77min. Booklet Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 28.06.2013 Komödie 1979 63min. 17.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052677 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.05.2013 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052880 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052712 Rain Man Peppermint Frieden Rain Man Notruf - Staffel 5 (3 Peter Fonda, Saskia Tyroller, Gesine Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, DVDs) Strempel, Hans-Peter Korff, Cleo Jerry Molen, Jack Murdock, Michael D. Ro- Emergency! Kretschmer, Konstantin Wecker, Hans berts, Ralph Seymour, Lucinda Jenney, Randolph Mantooth, Kevin Tighe - Dir. Brenner, Gérard Samaan, Sigi Zimmer- Bonnie Hunt, Barry Levinson, Kim Robillard George Fenady, Christian J. Nyby II schied, Elisabeth Neumann-Viertel - Dir. - Dir. Barry Levinson Action/Abenteuer 1972-1979 560min. Marianne Rosenbaum Drama 1988 128min. Koch Media 26.04.2013 Drama 1982 112min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052832 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 01.04.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052963 Overland Stage Riders 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052908 Overland Stage Raiders Rain Man (Blu-ray) John Wayne, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, Rosamunde Pilcher Collection Rain Man Louise Brooks, Anthony Marsh, John XIV - Glück im Herzen (3 Discs) Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Archer, Gordon Hart, Roy James, Olin Ungezügelt ins Glück / Das Geheimnis Jerry Molen, Jack Murdock, Michael D. Ro- Francis, Fern Emmett, Henry Otho, George der weißen Taube / Die falsche Nonne / In berts, Ralph Seymour, Lucinda Jenney, Sherwood - Dir. George Sherman der Mitte eines Lebens / Eine Frage der Bonnie Hunt, Barry Levinson, Kim Robillard Western 1938 55min. Ehre / Schlangen im Paradies - Dir. Barry Levinson Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Drama 2011-2013 531min. Drama 1988 133min. 17.05.2013 Universum Film(ZDF Video) 14.06.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052878 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052888 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052983 Overland Stage Riders (Blu-ray) Polizeiruf 110 - Box 11 (4 Discs) Overland Stage Raiders Kriminalfilm 1983-1984 661min. Das Rasthaus der grausamen John Wayne, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, ICESTORM Entertainment 15.04.2013 Puppen Louise Brooks, Anthony Marsh, John 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052693 Essy Persson, Helga Anders, Erik Schu- Archer, Gordon Hart, Roy James, Olin mann, Margot Trooger, Karin Field - Dir. Francis, Fern Emmett, Henry Otho, George Post Mortem - Beweise sind un- Rolf Olsen Sherwood - Dir. George Sherman sterblich (6 Discs) Thriller 1967 min. Western 1938 58min. Hannes Jaenicke MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Making of, Vorwort zu jeder Folge 05.04.2013 17.05.2013 Kriminalfilm 2006-2007 765min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052945 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052899 Turbine Media Group 05.04.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052568 Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, Paheli - Die Schöne und der Staffel 2, Teil 1 (3 Discs) Geist (Blu-ray) Pray for Dawn - Bunker der Rawhide Paheli Schmerzen (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Trailer Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji, Anupam The Bunker Drama 600min. Kher, Dilip Prabhavalkar, Neena Kulkarni, Saskia Gonzalez, Terry West, Ron Explosive Media 17.05.2013 Padma Rani, Mohan Bhandari, Aditi Sheppard, Michael Gaglio, T.J. Glenn, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052686 Govitrikar, Rajpal Yadav, Amitabh Teresa Vicario, Robert Morales, Ed

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Rawhide - Tausend Meilen Staub, The Horror Picture Show Zimmerschitt - Dir. Jochen Taubert Featurette Staffel 2, Teil 2 (3 Discs) (OmU) (Blu-ray) Komödie/Horror 2012 51min. Rawhide The Rocky Horror Picture Show Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Bildergalerie, Trailer Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry 17.05.2013 Drama 600min. Bostwick, Peter Hinwood, Richard O’Brien, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052873 Explosive Media 17.05.2013 Pat Quinn, Jonathan Adams, Nell Campbell, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052687 Meat Loaf, Charles Gray, Jeremy Newson, Die Rückkehr der Gabelstapler Hilary Labow - Dir. Jim Sharman (Blu-ray) Red Tails (Limited Steelbook Edi- US- und UK-Version des Films, Alternativer Filmanfang und tion) (Blu-ray) Abspann, Sing-Along, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Behind Gabelstapler-Klaus kehrt zurüCk - Jetzt the Scenes, Outtakes, Musikvideo, Featurettes, Trailer, Live muss der Chef fahren Red Tails Extras, u.a. Thomas Kercmar, Andre Graffe, Christoph Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., Nate Musical/Komödie 1975 94min. Krappe, Erwin Feldkamp, Mario Parker, David Oyelowo, Andre Royo, Tri- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zimmerschitt - Dir. Jochen Taubert stan Wilds, Lijah Kelley, Ne-Yo, Kevin Germany 03.05.2013 Featurette Phillips, Method Man, , Lee 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052796 Komödie/Horror 2012 54min. Tergesen, Leslie Odom Jr., Marcus Paulk, Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Michael B. Jordan, Daniela Ruah - Dir. William Shakespeares Romeo & 17.05.2013 Anthony Hemingway Julia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052896 Dokumentation, Making of, Interviews, Trailer ’s Romeo & Juliet Action/Kriegsfilm 2012 129min. Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Brian Ruf der Wildgänse Capelight Pictures 17.05.2013 Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Pete Ewald Balser, Heidemarie Hatheyer, Brigitte 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052708 Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, Diane Venora, Horney, Marisa Mell, Horst Janson, Ger- Remains of the Walking Dead Harold Perrineau jr., Paul Rudd, Jesse traud Jesserer, Hans Neubert - Dir. Hans Bradford, Dash Mihok, Miriam Margolyes, Heinrich (Collector’s 2-Disc Edition) (Blu- Vondie Curtis-Hall, Christina Pickles, M. Trailer ray) (k.J.) Emmet Walsh - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Drama 1961 91min. Remains Audiokommentare, Bildergalerie AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Grant Bowler, Lance Reddick, Evalena Drama 1996 115min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.04.2013 Marie, Miko Hughes, Tawny Cypress, Greg Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052584 Nutcher, Cristina Santiago, Bobby Rice, Germany 03.05.2013 Anthony Marks, Jessica Alexandra Green, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052759 Safari Kevin Shea, Terence Schappert - Dir. Colin Safari Theys William Shakespeares Romeo & Kad Merad, Lionel Abelanski, Valérie Audiokommentar; Bloopers, TV Spot, Trailer, Featurette Julia (Blu-ray) Benguigui, Frédérique Bel, Guy Lecluyse, Horror 2011 176min. William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet David Saracino, Nicolas Marié, Greg Ger- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 26.04.2013 Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Brian main - Dir. Olivier Baroux 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052592 Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Pete Trailer, Teaser, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Komödie/Abenteuer 2009 98min. Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, Diane Venora, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Rin-Tin-Tin Box (2 Discs) Harold Perrineau jr., Paul Rudd, Jesse 01.04.2013 Fangs Of The Wild / The Return Of Rin Bradford, Dash Mihok, Miriam Margolyes, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052910 Tin Tin Vondie Curtis-Hall, Christina Pickles, M. Donald Woods, Robert Blake, Steve Pendle- Emmet Walsh - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Safari (Blu-ray) ton, Claudia Drake, Earle Hodgins - Dir. Max Picture-in-Picture, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergale- Nosseck rie, Interviews Safari Drama 260min. Drama 1996 120min. Kad Merad, Lionel Abelanski, Valérie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Benguigui, Frédérique Bel, Guy Lecluyse, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052773 Germany 03.05.2013 David Saracino, Nicolas Marié, Greg Ger- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052727 main - Dir. Olivier Baroux Road to Perdition Trailer, Teaser, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Komödie/Abenteuer 2009 102min. Road To Perdition Der rote Rausch Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) , Paul Newman, Jude Law, Klaus Kinski, Brigitte Grothum, Sieghardt 01.04.2013 Jennifer Jason Leigh, , Daniel Rupp, Marina Petrowa, Dieter Borsche - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052924 Craig, Tyler Hoechlin, Liam Aiken, Dylan Dir. Wolfgang Schleif Baker, Ciarán Hinds, Kevin Chamberlin - Dir. Booklet Kriminalfilm 1962 84min. Salvador Sam Mendes Kommentar, 11 unveröffentlichte Szenen, Making of (HBO AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Salvador Special) AG(Filmjuwelen) 31.05.2013 James Woods, James Belushi, Michael Drama/Thriller 2002 112min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052742 Murphy, John Savage, Elpidia Carrillo, Tony Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Plana - Dir. Oliver Stone Germany 03.05.2013 Collection (2 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052758 Discs) (k.J.) Kriegsfilm/Drama 1985 117min. Koch Media 12.04.2013 China O’Brien / Fast Getaway / Fight to 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052828 Road to Perdition (Blu-ray) Win / Magic Crystal / Night / Sci- Road To Perdition Fighter Saw Killing Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Cynthia Rothrock The Clinic Jennifer Jason Leigh, Stanley Tucci, Daniel Action 1989-2004 693min. Tabrett Bethell, Freya Stafford, Andy Craig, Tyler Hoechlin, Liam Aiken, Dylan Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Whitfield, Clare Bowen, Sophie Lowe, Bo- Baker, Ciarán Hinds, Kevin Chamberlin - Dir. 26.04.2013 ris Brkic, Marshall Napier, Adrienne Picke- Sam Mendes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052579 Audiokommentar, Intro, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, ring - Dir. James Rabbitts Making of Trailer Drama/Thriller 2002 117min. Die Rückkehr der Gabelstapler Thriller/Horror 2010 89min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Gabelstapler-Klaus kehrt zurück - Jetzt Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Germany 03.05.2013 muss der Chef fahren 26.04.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052806 Thomas Kercmar, Andre Graffe, Christoph 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052572 Krappe, Erwin Feldkamp, Mario

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Saw Killing (Blu-ray) Arnold Vosloo, Stefanie von Pfetten, Steve The Clinic Secret of the Girl School (Blu- Bacic, JR Bourne, Randal Edwards, Leah Tabrett Bethell, Freya Stafford, Andy ray) Gibson, Sonya Salomaa, Perry Long, Mi- Whitfield, Clare Bowen, Sophie Lowe, Bo- Cracks chael Antonakos - Dir. Terry Ingram ris Brkic, Marshall Napier, Adrienne Picke- Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008 87min. ring - Dir. James Rabbitts Imogen Poots, Ellie Nunn, Adele McCann, Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Thriller/Horror 2010 93min. Zoe Carroll, Clemmie Dugdale - Dir. Jordan 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052598 Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Scott 26.04.2013 Trailer, Bildergalerie Der Sieg des Odysseus (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052593 Drama/Thriller 2009 103min. Odysseus & The Isle Of Mists Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Arnold Vosloo, Stefanie von Pfetten, Steve Der schmale Grat 01.04.2013 Bacic, JR Bourne, Randal Edwards, Leah The Thin Red Line 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052922 Gibson, Sonya Salomaa, Perry Long, Mi- Sean Penn, Adrien Brody, James Caviezel, chael Antonakos - Dir. Terry Ingram Ben Chaplin, George Clooney, John Sex-Up Your Life Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008 87min. Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Koteas, My Awkward Sexual Adventure Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Jared Leto, Dash Mihok, Nick Nolte, John Jonas Chernick, Emily Hampshire, Sarah 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052618 Travolta, John C. Reilly, Larry Romano, Manninen, Vik Sahay, Melissa Elias, John Savage, Arie Verveen, David Harrod, Jessica Burleson, Sarah Constible, Tamara Silent : Gerichtsmedizi- Thomas Jane, Polyn Leona, Miranda Otto - Gorski - Dir. Sean Garrity ner Dr. Leo Dalton - Season 9 (4 Dir. Terrence Malick Komödie/Lovestory 2012 103min. Discs) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.06.2013 Interaktive Menüs, Szenenauswahl, Untertitel (mehrsprachig), Silent Witness Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052633 Kriegsfilm 1998 164min. Amanda Burton, William Gaminara, Clare Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sex-Up Your Life (Blu-ray) Higgins, John McGlynn, Mick Ford, Ruth McCabe - Dir. Bill Anderson, Mike Barker Germany 03.05.2013 My Awkward Sexual Adventure Kriminalfilm 360min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052760 Jonas Chernick, Emily Hampshire, Sarah justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Manninen, Vik Sahay, Melissa Elias, 19.04.2013 Der schmale Grat (Blu-ray) Jessica Burleson, Sarah Constible, Tamara 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052570 The Thin Red Line Gorski - Dir. Sean Garrity Sean Penn, Adrien Brody, James Caviezel, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 108min. Siyama - Krieger aus einer ande- Ben Chaplin, George Clooney, John EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.06.2013 Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Elias Koteas, tba BestellNr.: 20052657 ren Zeit (Blu-ray) Jared Leto, Dash Mihok, Nick Nolte, John Siyama Travolta, John C. Reilly, Larry Romano, Sexykiller (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Than Thanakorn, Thitima Maliwan, Nattanun John Savage, Arie Verveen, David Harrod, Sexykiller, Morirás Por Ella Jantarawetch, Bawriboon Chanreuang, Thomas Jane, Polyn Leona, Miranda Otto - Macarena Gómez, Alejo Sauras (Álex), Sompob Benjathikul, Viriya Juramakorn, Dir. Terrence Malick César Camino, de Andres Lopez, Montri Ketkaew, Hassapon Kongsib - Dir. Trailer, Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Fernando Ramallo (Ángel), Nadia Casado, Preecha Songsakul u.a. Fantasy/Action 2008 101min. Kriegsfilm 1998 170min. Ramón Langa, Juan Díaz (Jesús), Carolina Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Bona - Dir. Miguel Martí 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052619 Germany 03.05.2013 Making of, Trailer Horror/Komödie 2008 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052797 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.04.2013 Smaragden - Geschichten The Second Death - Die Sünder 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052616 Joachim Fuchsberger, Liselotte Pulver, Carl Wery, Albrecht Schoenhals, Trude werden brennen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sideways Hesterberg, Richard Häußler - Dir. Kurt La Segunda Muerte Sideways Wilhelm Agustina Lecouna, Germán de Silva, Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Virgi- Drama 1956 70min. Guillermo Arengo, Tomás Lizzio, Mauricio nia Madsen, Sandra Oh, Marylouise Burke, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 10.05.2013 Dayub - Dir. Santiago Fernández Calvete Jessica Hecht, Missy Doty, M. C. Gainey, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052720 Horror/Mystery 2012 97min. , Shake Tukhmanyan, Duke Donau Film 24.05.2013 Moosekian, Robert Covarrubias, Patrick Snake Megadeath - Rückkehr der 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052728 Gallagher, , Joe Marinelli - Killerschlange Dir. Alexander Payne The Second Death - Die Sünder Lockjaw: Rise Of The Kulev Serpent Komödie/Drama 2004 122min. DMX, Wes Brown, Louis Herthum, Lauren werden brennen (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fain, Lisa Arnold, Tony Senzamici, David La Segunda Muerte Germany 14.06.2013 Pullman, Sheldon Robins - Dir. Amir Valinia Agustina Lecouna, Germán de Silva, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052964 Bildergalerie Guillermo Arengo, Tomás Lizzio, Mauricio Horror/Abenteuer 2008 77min. Dayub - Dir. Santiago Fernández Calvete Sideways (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 26.04.2013 Horror/Mystery 2012 93min. Sideways 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052573 Donau Film 24.05.2013 Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Virgi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052714 nia Madsen, Sandra Oh, Marylouise Burke, Soko Edition - Soko Vol. Jessica Hecht, Missy Doty, M. C. Gainey, 3 (5 Discs) Secret of the Girl School Alysia Reiner, Shake Tukhmanyan, Duke Kriminalfilm 1075min. Cracks Moosekian, Robert Covarrubias, Patrick Edel Germany(Aviator) 26.04.2013 Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, Gallagher, Stephanie Faracy, Joe Marinelli - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052768 Imogen Poots, Ellie Nunn, Adele McCann, Dir. Alexander Payne Zoe Carroll, Clemmie Dugdale - Dir. Jordan Komödie/Drama 2004 127min. Somewhere in Time - Ein tödli- Scott Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment cher Traum Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany 14.06.2013 Somewhere In Time Drama/Thriller 2009 100min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052984 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) , Jane Seymour - Dir. 01.04.2013 Der Sieg des Odysseus Jeannot Szwarc Booklet 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052907 Odysseus & The Isle Of Mists

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Drama 1980 99min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Strietmann AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Action 2013 94min. Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Stefotos, Biographien AG(Filmjuwelen) 24.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 2011 101min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052689 Germany 28.06.2013 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 26.04.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052855 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052939 Ein Sommer in Amalfi Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Carlos Leal, Steffen Stirb langsam - Ein guter Tag Der talentierte Mr. Ripley (Blu- Groth, Armando Dotto, Marie Nasemann, zum Sterben (Extended Cut) (Blu- ray) Carlo Degen, Beniamino Brogi, Annelinde ray) The Talented Mr. Ripley Gerstl, Daniele Legler - Dir. Jorgo Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Papavassiliou Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch, Cate Blanchett, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Komödie/Lovestory 2013 90min. Rasha Bukvic, Cole Hauser, Julia Snigir, Jack Davenport, James Rebhorn, Sergio Edel Germany(Aviator) 26.04.2013 Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Nikolett Barabas, Rubini, Philip Baker Hall, Celia Weston, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052767 Attila Árpa, Scott Michael Campbell, Rosario Fiorello, Stefania Rocca, Ivano Catherine Kresge, Mike Dopud, Megalyn Marescotti, Anna Longhi, Alessandro Sommer mit Kehilan Echikunwoke, Anne Vyalitsyna, Pasha D. Fabrizi, Lisa Eichhorn - Dir. Anthony Til Siste Hinder Lychnikoff, Amaury Nolasco, Sergej Minghella Marianne Meløy, Elise Strømberg Mærlie, Onopko, Zolee Ganxsta, Norbert Növényi, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Musikvideos, Trailer, Julie Nordhuus, Marthe Vonheim, Hanne Wendecover Iván Kamarás - Dir. John H. Moore Thriller 1999 139min. Øberg - Dir. Anders Øvergaard 2 Filmversionen, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Storyboards STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama/Jugend 2011 79min. Action 2013 102min. Germany() 16.05.2013 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052587 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052817 Germany 28.06.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052889 Tales from the Crypt - Die kom- - Stardate Collection: plette erste Staffel (k.J.) Die 10 Originalen Filme mit Straße der bösen Jungs (OmU) Tales From The Crypt Special Features (Remastered, 12 Bad Boys Street , Lea Thompson, Whoopi Goldberg, Florence d’Azémar, Yann de Monterno, Demi Moore, Tim Curry, Tom Hanks, Michael Discs) Kevin Miranda, Todd Verow, Yann De J. Fox, Brooke Shields - Dir. , Star Trek 01-10 Monterno - Dir. Todd Verow Robert Zemeckis, Richard Donner, Stephen , Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Hopkins, Russell Mulcahy Kelley, James Doohan, George Takei, Wal- Drama 2012 80min. Horror 1989-1996 152min. ter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Sir Patrick PRO-FUN MEDIA(Queer Films) 26.04.2013 Intergroove Media(TB Horror Productions) Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052859 19.04.2013 LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052571 Gates McFadden Striptease Only For Ladies Featurettes Balls To The Wall Thank You for Smoking Science Fiction 1979-2002 1086min. Jenna Dewan, Christopher McDonald, Mimi Thank You for Smoking Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 Rogers, Colleen Camp, Melissa Molinaro, Aaron Eckhart, William H. Macy, Katie 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052987 Jennifer Elise Cox, Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Holmes, Maria Bello, Cameron Bright, Adam Adair-Rios, Krizia Bajos, Joe Hursley, Star Trek (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Brody, Sam Elliott, David Koechner, Rob Dustin Ybarra, Gabriel Tigerman - Dir. Lowe, J.K. Simmons, Robert Duvall, Kim Star Trek Penelope Spheeris Dickens - Dir. Jason Reitman Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Komödie 2011 89min. Satire 2005 88min. Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Karl Urban, John Cho, Winona Ryder, Anton 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052774 Germany 14.06.2013 Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052965 Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Striptease Only For Ladies (Blu- Audiokommentar, BD-Live Features Science Fiction 2009 126min. ray) Thirteen Days (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 09.05.2013 Balls To The Wall Thirteen Days 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052804 Jenna Dewan, Christopher McDonald, Mimi Kevin Costner, Bruce Greenwood, Steven Rogers, Colleen Camp, Melissa Molinaro, Culp, Lucinda Jenney, Dylan Baker, Michael Der Start Jennifer Elise Cox, Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Fairman, Henry Strozier, , Kevin Le Départ Adair-Rios, Krizia Bajos, Joe Hursley, Conway, Tim Kelleher, , Bill Jean-Pierre Léaud, Catherine-Isabelle Dustin Ybarra, Gabriel Tigerman - Dir. Smitrovich, Dakin Matthews, Madison Duport, Paul Roland, Jacqueline Bir, Penelope Spheeris Mason, Christopher Lawford, Ed Lauter, Georges Aubrey - Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski Komödie 2011 93min. Elya Baskin, Boris Lee Krutonog, Peter Drama 1967 100min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.05.2013 White, James Karen, Tim Jerome, Olek FilmConfect Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052803 Krupa, Oleg Vidov, Stephanie Romanov - 19.04.2013 Dir. Roger Donaldson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052719 Eine Stunde Aufenthalt Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Making of, Videobiografien, Agnes Kraus, Werner Senftleben - Dir. Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Wendecover Drama 2000 146min. Hubert Hoelzke Stirb langsam - Ein guter Tag STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie 1975 min. zum Sterben Germany 16.05.2013 ICESTORM Entertainment 15.04.2013 A Good Day To Die Hard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052588 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052697 Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch, Rasha Bukvic, Cole Hauser, Julia Snigir, Tage, die bleiben To Save a Life Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Nikolett Barabas, To Save A Life Götz Schubert, Max Riemelt, Mathilde Bund- Attila Árpa, Scott Michael Campbell, Randy Wayne, Deja Kreutzberg, Joshua schuh, Lena Stolze, Michael Kranz, Lucie Catherine Kresge, Mike Dopud, Megalyn Weigel, Steven Crowder, D. David Morin, Hollmann, Karl Alexander Seidel, Tessa Echikunwoke, Anne Vyalitsyna, Pasha D. Sean Michael, Thomas Lewis, Robert Mittelstaedt, Andreas Schmidt, Franziska Lychnikoff, Amaury Nolasco, Sergej Bailey Jr. - Dir. Brian Baugh Weisz, Max Herbrechter, Heinrich Schaf- Onopko, Zolee Ganxsta, Norbert Növényi, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideos, Bilder- meister, Daniel Friedrich, Barbara Salesch, Iván Kamarás - Dir. John H. Moore galerie Lisa Feller, Manu Delago - Dir. Pia Drama/Jugend 2009 115min.

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Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.05.2013 MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Tim Bergmann, Felicitas Woll, Arnd 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052772 05.04.2013 Klawitter, Julian Weigend, Ursula Karven, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052951 Horst-Günter Marx, Juergen Maurer, Julia To Save a Life (Blu-ray) Bremermann, Anke Sevenich, Julika To Save A Life Treasure Island Jenkins, Julius Römer, Sina Fredrich, Mi- Randy Wayne, Deja Kreutzberg, Joshua Treasure Island chael Schenk, Doris Golpashin, Dörte Weigel, Steven Crowder, D. David Morin, Eddie Izzard, Elijah Wood - Dir. Steve Lyssewski, Anne Diemer, Horst Krebs, Sean Michael, Thomas Lewis, Robert Barron Anastasia Conze, Nele Neuhaus - Dir. Tho- Bailey Jr. - Dir. Brian Baugh Abenteuer 2012 180min. mas Roth Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideos, Bilder- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 90min. galerie Home Edition) 10.05.2013 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Drama/Jugend 2009 120min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052936 13.05.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.05.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052941 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052802 - Die komplette fünfte Tod im Studio Staffel (5 Discs) Under the Balde (k.J.) When A Killer Calls Gert Günther Hoffmann, Günter Gräwert, True Blood Rebekah Kochan, Robert Buckley, Mark Dieter Hufschmidt, Axel Buchholz, Manfred Anna Paquin, , Sam Irvingsen, Sarah Hall, Derek Osedach, Sexauer - Dir. Dr. Eberhard Itzenplitz Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Carissa Bodner - Dir. Peter Mervis Kriminalfilm 1972 85min. Chris Bauer, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Horror 2006 90min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 03.05.2013 Carrie Preston, Alexander Skarsgård, Todd Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052653 Lowe, Deborah Ann Woll, William Sanderson, Kristin Bauer, Marshall Allman, 17.05.2013 Das Todesauge von Ceylon Kevin Alejandro, Jessica Tuck, Denis 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052876 O’Hare, Dale Raoul, Joe Manganiello, Mich- Lex Barker - Dir. Gerd Oswald, Giovanni Valdez (Blu-ray) Roccardi elle Forbes, Adina Porter, Alfre Woodard, Booklet Lauren Bowles, Fiona Shaw, Michael Valdez Is Coming Abenteuer/Kriminalfilm 1963 85min. McMillian, Lindsay Pulsipher, John , Susan Clark, Jon Cypher, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Billingsley, Brit Morgan, Mehcad Brooks, Barton Heyman, Richard Jordan, Frank AG(Filmjuwelen) 24.05.2013 Mariana Klaveno, Janina Gavankar, Tara Silvera, Hector Elizondo, Phil Brown, Ralph 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052740 Buck, Anna Camp, Adam Leadbeater, J. Brown - Dir. Ed Sherin Smith-Cameron, Lois Smith, Ashley Jones, Bildergalerie, Trailer Western 1970 86min. Todesfalle Ostfront Evan Rachel Wood, Aisha Hinds, Peter Explosive Media 10.05.2013 Tertium Non Datur Macdissi (Luis Patiño) - Dir. Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052799 Alexander Lykow, Igor Skylar, Andrej Lehmann, Scott Winant Mezhulis, Vitaliy Linetskiy, Wladimir Drama/Mystery min. Boys 2: The New Brood Kapustin, Alexey Anischenko, Alexej Warner Home Video Germany 28.06.2013 Longin - Dir. Sergej Sotnichenko 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052808 (OmU) Trailer Vampire Boys 2: The New Brood Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 112min. True Blood - Die komplette fünfte Jon Euler, Rob Hoflund, Will Branske, Zasu, Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Staffel (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Brett R. Miller, Chase Klein, Kenneth Favell, 26.04.2013 Ronnie Kerr, Quinn Jaxon - Dir. Steven True Blood 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052575 Vasquez Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Sam Horror 2013 75min. Trammell, Ryan Kwanten, Rutina Wesley, Todesfalle Ostfront (Blu-ray) PRO-FUN MEDIA(Queer Films) 26.04.2013 Chris Bauer, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Tertium Non Datur 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052858 Carrie Preston, Alexander Skarsgård, Todd Alexander Lykow, Igor Skylar, Andrej Lowe, Deborah Ann Woll, William Mezhulis, Vitaliy Linetskiy, Wladimir Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 271- Sanderson, Kristin Bauer, Marshall Allman, Kapustin, Alexey Anischenko, Alexej Kevin Alejandro, Jessica Tuck, Denis 300 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) Longin - Dir. Sergej Sotnichenko O’Hare, Dale Raoul, Joe Manganiello, Mich- Alexandra Neldel, Mathis Künzler, Tim Trailer Sander, Laura Osswald, Volker Herold, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 112min. elle Forbes, Adina Porter, Alfre Woodard, Ulrike Mai, Oliver Bokern, Karim Köster, Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) Lauren Bowles, Fiona Shaw, Michael Bianca Hein, Gabrielle Scharnitzky, Matthi- 26.04.2013 McMillian, Lindsay Pulsipher, John as Gall, Nina Gnädig, Alexander Sternberg, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052594 Billingsley, Brit Morgan, Mehcad Brooks, Mariana Klaveno, Janina Gavankar, Tara Hubertus Regout, Stefanie Höner, Matthias Tony 10 Buck, Anna Camp, Adam Leadbeater, J. Dietrich, Lara-Isabelle Rentinck, Wilhelm Manske, Olivia Pascal, Susanne Szell, Tony Tien Smith-Cameron, Lois Smith, Ashley Jones, Clayton Nemrow, Shai Hoffmann, Susanne Faas Wijn, Rifka Lodeizen, Jeroen Evan Rachel Wood, Aisha Hinds, Peter Berckhemer, Bärbel Schleker, Matthias Rott, Spitzenberger, Annet Malherbe, Carlo Macdissi (Luis Patiño) - Dir. Michael Julia Malik, Thorsten Feller, Igor Jeftic, Boszhard, Anna Drijver, Loek Peters, Lehmann, Scott Winant Alexandra Seefisch, Anja Thiemann, Daniel Femke Stasse, Giorgio Sanches, Fairuuz Drama/Mystery min. Roesner, Dirk Schoedon, Björn Harras, Sjak-Shie, Saphira Roemer, Jamaru Warner Home Video Germany 28.06.2013 Mirjam Heimann, Yvonne Hornack, Roberto Verhoeven, Refaja Wattimury, Miguel 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052839 Guerra, Maike Jüttendonk - Dir. Hans-Hen- Leijnse Alonso, Bouke Jagt - Dir. Mischa ning Borgelt, Joris Hermans, Marcus Kamp Twilight of a Demon (k.J.) Ulbricht, Peter Zimmermann, Ralph Bridle, Kinderfilm/Drama 2011 90min. Demon Kiss Andreas Morell, Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Sally Mullins, Julie Simone, Sebastian Landgraeber, Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 24.05.2013 Gonzales, Jessica T. Perez, Kali Hawk, Zschiechow, Cornelia Dohrn, Markus 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052716 Jennifer Kamstock, Jamie Macek, Sally Dalton - Dir. Dennis Devine, Sally Mullins Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried Bonengel Das Traumhotel: Myanmar Horror/Erotik 2008 86min. Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Spirit Media 26.04.2013 Christian Kohlund, Christine Neubauer, Sky Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052765 Du Mont, Esther Schweins, Hardy Krüger 01.04.2013 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052904 jr., Sven Martinek, Marion Mitterhammer - Jules Verne Edition 2 (2 Discs) Dir. Otto W. Retzer Mysterious Planet / Die Teufel der Meere / Komödie/Drama 2012 88min. Eine unbeliebte Frau

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Die Reise zum prähistorischen Planeten / Horror 2004 69min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052934 Die Reise zum Mond / 20.000 Meilen unter Intergroove Media(Maritim Pictures) dem Meer 17.05.2013 Wall Street 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer (Animation) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052877 Wall Street Abenteuer 624min. Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Martin KSM GmbH 14.05.2013 Ein Vogel auf dem Drahtseil Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Terence Stamp, Sean 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052813 Bird On A Wire Young - Dir. Oliver Stone Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn, David Carradine, Internationale Filmtrailer, Dokumentation, Kommentar Viel Lärm um nichts Stephen Tobolowsky, Bill Duke, Joan Drama 1987 121min. Much Ado About Nothing Severance, Harry Caesar - Dir. John Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Richard Briers, Kate Beckinsale, Sir Badham Germany 03.05.2013 Kenneth Branagh, Michael Keaton, Robert Action/Komödie 1989 106min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052761 Sean Leonard, Keanu Reeves, Emma Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Thompson, Denzel Washington - Dir. Sir 04.04.2013 Wall Street (Blu-ray) Kenneth Branagh 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052838 Wall Street Komödie/Lovestory 1993 106min. Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Martin Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Vorzimmer zur Hölle 3 - Plötzlich Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Terence Stamp, Sean Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Boss Young - Dir. Oliver Stone 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052968 Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Featurette, Making of Henriette Richter-Röhl, Andreas Drama 1987 126min. Viel Lärm um nichts (Blu-ray) Pietschmann, Ivonne Schönherr, Eleonore Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Weisgerber, Gila von Weitershausen, Si- Much Ado About Nothing Germany 03.05.2013 mon Böer, Leslie-Vanessa Lill, Nils Busch- Richard Briers, Kate Beckinsale, Sir 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052798 mann, Alexander Metelmann, Theresa Und- Kenneth Branagh, Michael Keaton, Robert erberg, Elzemarieke de Vos, Andreas Sean Leonard, Keanu Reeves, Emma War of the Dead - Band of Guenther, Dirk Martens - Dir. Michael Thompson, Denzel Washington - Dir. Sir Zombies Keusch Kenneth Branagh War Of The Dead Komödie/Lovestory 2013 90min. Komödie/Lovestory 1993 110min. Andrew Tiernan, Mikko Leppilampi, Samuel Edel Germany(Aviator) 10.05.2013 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Vauramo, Jouko Ahola, Andreas Wilson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052766 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.06.2013 Antti Reini, Magdalena Górska, Mark 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052985 Walkabout (2 Discs) Wingett, Andrius Paulavicius - Dir. Marko Mäkilaakso Walkabout Die vier Gesetzlosen Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jenny Agutter, Luc Roeg, David Gumpilil, Rage At Dawn Horror/Action 2011 86min. John Meillon, Peter Carver, Scott, Forrest Tucker, Mala KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.05.2013 Illingsworth, Barry Donnelly, Noeline Powers, J. Carroll Naish, Edgar Buchanan, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052819 Brown, Lucien John - Dir. Nicolas Roeg Myron Healey, Ray Teal, Denver Pyle - Dir. Dokumentation, Interview, Featurette War of the Dead - Band of Tim Whelan Drama 1971 96min. Western 1955 84min. Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 07.06.2013 Zombies (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052998 War Of The Dead 01.04.2013 Andrew Tiernan, Mikko Leppilampi, Samuel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052909 The Walking Dead - Die komplet- Vauramo, Jouko Ahola, Andreas Wilson, te erste Staffel (Special Uncut Antti Reini, Magdalena Górska, Mark Vince’s American Hangover - Die Wingett, Andrius Paulavicius - Dir. Marko wilde Partynacht Version, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mäkilaakso The Walking Dead Mancation Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Sarah Horror/Action 2011 90min. Joey Fatone, Matt Kawczynski, Danica Wayne Callies, Steven Yeun, Laurie Hol- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.05.2013 McKellar, Mike Starr, Jake Matthews, den, Jeffrey DeMunn, Chandler Riggs, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052849 Stephen Medvidick, Derek Lindeman, Brian Norman Reedus, IronE Singleton, Melissa Hagan - Dir. Frank Vain Was bleibt (Limited Edition, + Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Suzanne McBride, Emma Bell - Dir. Frank Trailer, Bildergalerie Darabont, Michelle Maxwell MacLaren, Buch) Komödie 2012 96min. Gwyneth Horder-Payton, Johan Renck, Lars Eidinger, Corinna Harfouch, Sebastian KSM GmbH 14.05.2013 Ernest R. Dickerson, Guy Ferland Zimmler, Ernst Stötzner, Picco von Groote, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052818 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews u. a. Egon Merten, Birge Schade, Eva Meckbach, Horror/Drama 2010 294min. Tom Zulbeck - Dir. Hans-Christian Schmid Vince’s American Hangover - Die WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Making of, Audiokommentar, Audiodeskription für Seh- wilde Partynacht (Blu-ray) 31.05.2013 behinderte, Postkarten-Set, Trailer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052938 Drama 2012 85min. Mancation Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Joey Fatone, Matt Kawczynski, Danica The Walking Dead - Die komplet- 05.04.2013 McKellar, Mike Starr, Jake Matthews, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052999 Stephen Medvidick, Derek Lindeman, Brian te erste Staffel (Special Uncut Hagan - Dir. Frank Vain Version, 2 Discs) (k.J.) Was machen Frauen morgens um Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, The Walking Dead Trailer, Bildergalerie Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Sarah halb vier? Komödie 2012 100min. Wayne Callies, Steven Yeun, Laurie Holden, Brigitte Hobmeier, Peter Lerchbaumer, KSM GmbH 14.05.2013 Jeffrey DeMunn, Chandler Riggs, Norman Muriel Baumeister, Emma Preisendanz, Tho- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052848 Reedus, IronE Singleton, Melissa Suzanne mas Unger, Kathrin von Steinburg, Johanna Bittenbinder, Gerd Lohmeyer, Sebastian Violent Slaughter - The House of McBride, Emma Bell - Dir. Frank Darabont, Michelle Maxwell MacLaren, Gwyneth Edtbauer, Peter Mitterrutzner, Oliver Schef- Pain (k.J.) Horder-Payton, Johan Renck, Ernest R. fel, David Zimmerschied, Felix Hellmann, Dr. Moreau’s House Of Pain Dickerson, Guy Ferland Alexander Liegl, Ercan Karacayli, Martin John Patrick Jordan, Jessica Lancaster, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews u. a. Walch, Daniel Montoya, Ontana Mirza, Ka- Debra Mayer, Peter D. Badalamenti, Lorielle Horror/Drama 2010 282min. tharina Schwägerl, Samir Fuchs - Dir. Mat- New, Laura Ushijima - Dir. Charles Band WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) thias Kiefersauer Trailer 31.05.2013 Komödie/Drama 2012 88min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 36 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs chard Temtchine 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20053002 GmbH & Co. KG(Movienet) 24.05.2013 Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052715 Komödie/Lovestory 2009 96min. Zero Dark Thirty Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Zero Dark Thirty Weil ich schöner bin 01.04.2013 Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Mariangel Böhnke, Mira Aring, Angeles 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052906 Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle Aparicio, Lavinia Wilson, Andrea Sanchez Chandler, Edgar Ramirez, Taylor Kinney, del Solar, Anton Buchenhorst, Mario Gol- Willkommen in der Bretagne Scott Adkins, Mark Duplass, Chris Pratt, den, Stefan Kolosko, Inka Löwendorf, Bowling Harold Perrineau jr. (Jack), Frank Grillo, Orlando Rodriguez, Tom Lass, Valerie Catherine Frot, Mathilde Seigner, Firmine James Gandolfini, Stephen Dillane, Fares Koch, Anne Osterloh, Michaela Steiger, Ina Richard, Laurence Arne, François Fares, Reda Kateb - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Gercke, Till Zink, Katja Weilandt - Dir. Bureloup, Mathias Mlekuz, Geneviève Thriller/Action 2012 151min. Frieder Schlaich Mnich, Frédéric Noaille, Julien Crampon Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Jugend 2011 80min. (Gaël), Gilles Bataille, Eric Naggar - Dir. 06.06.2013 Filmgalerie 451 24.05.2013 Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052966 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052783 Trailer Komödie/Drama 2011 87min. Zero Dark Thirty (Blu-ray) Alamode Film 05.07.2013 White Collar Hooligan 2 Zero Dark Thirty 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052744 White Collar Hooligan 2: England Away Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Nick Nevern, Simon Phillips, Vas Willkommen in der Bretagne Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle Blackwood, Rita Ramnani, Tony Denham, Chandler, Edgar Ramirez, Taylor Kinney, Neil Large, Peter Barrett, John Duggan, Tom (Blu-ray) Scott Adkins, Mark Duplass, Chris Pratt, Benedict Knight, Pablo Olewski - Dir. Paul Bowling Harold Perrineau jr. (Jack), Frank Grillo, Tanter Catherine Frot, Mathilde Seigner, Firmine James Gandolfini, Stephen Dillane, Fares Trailer Richard, Laurence Arne, François Fares, Reda Kateb - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 96min. Bureloup, Mathias Mlekuz, Geneviève Featurettes Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Mnich, Frédéric Noaille, Julien Crampon Thriller/Action 2012 157min. 21.05.2013 (Gaël), Gilles Bataille, Eric Naggar - Dir. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052644 Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar 06.06.2013 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052971 White Collar Hooligan 2 (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2011 91min. White Collar Hooligan 2: England Away Alamode Film 05.07.2013 Zombie and Horror Collection (2 Nick Nevern, Simon Phillips, Vas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052785 Discs) Blackwood, Rita Ramnani, Tony Denham, Wolfblood - Verwandlung bei The City of the Dead / The Hills Have Eyes Neil Large, Peter Barrett, John Duggan, Tom - Hügel der blutigen Augen Benedict Knight, Pablo Olewski - Dir. Paul Vollmond: Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Horror 288min. Tanter ray) da music(Laser media) 22.03.2013 Trailer Wolfblood 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052726 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 100min. Aimee Kelly, Bobby Lockwood, Kedar Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Williams-Stirling, Louisa Connolly-Burnham, Zombie Cheerleading Camp (k.J.) 21.05.2013 Shorelle Hepkin, Rachel Teate, Gabrielle Zombie Cheerleading Camp 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052666 Green, Jonathan Raggett, Niek Versteeg, Jamie Anne Brown, Chris White, Nicole Whole Lotta Sole - Raubfischen Nahom Kassa, Angela Lonsdale, Marcus Lewis, Jason Greene, Brandy Blackmon, Garvey, Bill Fellows, Mark Fleischmann - Daniel Check, Terry Chandeline Nicole in Belfast Dir. William Sinclair, Declan O’Dwyer, Westfall, Micah Shane Ballinger, Jaqueline Whole Lotta Sole Andrew Gunn Martini, Elyse Rodriguez - Dir. Jon Fabris Brendan Fraser, Colm Meaney, David Fantasy 338min. Trailer O’Hara, Sophie Okonedo, Martin McCann, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Horror/Komödie 2007 80min. Emma Hamilton, Michael Legge, Jonathan 23.04.2013 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.05.2013 Harden, Jamie Kierans - Dir. Terry George 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052629 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052776 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 89min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.06.2013 Wolfblood - Verwandlung bei Zombie Invasion War (Blu-ray 3D) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052634 Vollmond: Staffel 1 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Rise Of The Zombies Whole Lotta Sole - Raubfischen Wolfblood Aimee Kelly, Bobby Lockwood, Kedar Mariel Hemingway, LeVar Burton, Danny in Belfast (Blu-ray) Williams-Stirling, Louisa Connolly-Burnham, Trejo, Ethan Suplee, Heather Hemmens, Whole Lotta Sole Shorelle Hepkin, Rachel Teate, Gabrielle Chad Lindberg, Stewart French, Andy Brendan Fraser, Colm Meaney, David Green, Jonathan Raggett, Niek Versteeg, Clemence, Lilan Bowden - Dir. Nick Lyon O’Hara, Sophie Okonedo, Martin McCann, Nahom Kassa, Angela Lonsdale, Marcus Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Horror 2012 89min. Emma Hamilton, Michael Legge, Jonathan Garvey, Bill Fellows, Mark Fleischmann - Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Harden, Jamie Kierans - Dir. Terry George Dir. William Sinclair, Declan O’Dwyer, 20.06.2013 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012 93min. Andrew Gunn tba BestellNr.: 20052894 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 13.06.2013 Fantasy 325min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052658 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Zombie Invasion War (Blu-ray) 23.04.2013 Wie bekomme ich schwierige 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052606 (k.J.) Frauen ins Bett? Rise Of The Zombies How To Seduce Difficult Women Zeit der Zärtlichkeit (Blu-ray) Mariel Hemingway, LeVar Burton, Danny Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Stephanie Terms Of Endearment Trejo, Ethan Suplee, Heather Hemmens, Szostak, Rachel Roberts, Brian Avers, Shirley MacLaine, , Debra Chad Lindberg, Stewart French, Andy Gregg Bello, Diana Gettinger, Dave Konig, Winger, Danny DeVito, Jeff Daniels, John Clemence, Lilan Bowden - Dir. Nick Lyon Natascia Diaz, Paul Lazar, Jeff Skowron, Lithgow - Dir. James L. Brooks Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Horror 2012 89min. David Lee Russek, Ann Hu, Lin Tucci, Ni- Trailer, Audiokommentar Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) cole Roderick, Adam LeFèvre, Pratima Komödie/Melodram 1983 132min. 20.06.2013 Anaé, Opal Alladin, Alexa Havins - Dir. Ri- Paramount Home Entertainment 02.05.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20052893

LASER HOTLINE Seite 37 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Pari E Dispari Zombie Invasion War (k.J.) 01.04.2013 Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Luigi Catenacci, Rise Of The Zombies 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052903 Kim McKay, Marisa Laurito, Woody Mariel Hemingway, LeVar Burton, Danny Woodbury - Dir. Sergio Corbucci Trejo, Ethan Suplee, Heather Hemmens, Zwei Dreschflegel schlagen alles Bildergalerie,Trailer, Booklet Chad Lindberg, Stewart French, Andy kurz und klein Action 1978 115min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Clemence, Lilan Bowden - Dir. Nick Lyon Lao Tou Quan Tou Da Man Tou tba BestellNr.: 20052926 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Yuen Siu Tien, Fang Jing - Dir. Kwan Ching- Horror 2012 85min. Liang Die Zwillinge Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Bildergalerie, Trailer 20.06.2013 Action/Eastern 1979 75min. Rolf Ludwig, Rolf Hoppe - Dir. Hubert tba BestellNr.: 20052867 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Hoelzke 26.04.2013 Trailer Komödie 1972 85min. Zum Teufel mit den Kohlen 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052577 Brewster’s Millions ICESTORM Entertainment 15.04.2013 , John Candy, Lonette McKee, Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052696 Stephen Collins, , Pat Hingle - ray) Dir. Walter Hill Pari E Dispari Komödie 1985 97min. Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Luigi Catenacci, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Special Interest Kim McKay, Marisa Laurito, Woody 14.03.2013 Woodbury - Dir. Sergio Corbucci 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052654 Bildergalerie,Trailer, Booklet Searching for Sugar Man (OmU) Action 1978 115min. Searching For Sugar Man Zum Töten geboren (k.J.) 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 16.05.2013 Rodriguez - Dir. Malik Bendjelloul Born Bad tba BestellNr.: 20052927 Michael Welch, Meredith Monroe, David Making of, Live Performance, Trailer, Interview Porträt/Biographie/Musik 2012 83min. Chokachi, Bonnie Dennison, Gerald Webb, Zwei sind nicht zu bremsen Rapid Eye Movies HE 10.05.2013 Donnabella Mortel, Jared Cohn, Parker (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20052706 Coppins - Dir. Jared Cohn Thriller/Horror 2011 84min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 38 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Babar The Classic Series Series, Animated Animation XIII: The Complete Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, Boxed Series - Alternate Art (Blu-ray + Sets, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Preschool, Television 280min. The Amazing Adventures Of The DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 25.06.2013 Living Corpse min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116276 04.06.2013 Lee Perkins, Maria Olsen 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116039 A guilt-ridden Corpse takes on a heavy burden when he Beavis and Butthead Do America agrees to help a Fallen Angel keep the other undead in their Our intrepid adolescent heroes wake up to find their beloved graves and the powers of evil from corrupting our world. Appleseed XIII: The Complete television stolen, and embark on an epic journey across Based On Comic Book, Horror, Action 2012 America to recover , and, who knows, maybe even score. On 90min. Series - Limited Edition (Blu-ray the way they encounter a murderous smuggler of a deadly + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) virus and his treacherous wife, an FBI agent with a / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 predilection for cavity searches, a couple of rather familiar 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116177 min. looking ex-Motley Crue roadies, Mr. Van Dreesen singing Funimation 04.06.2013 „Lesbian Seagull“, a little old lady and of course Mr. Anderson and his trailer. Can the Great Cornholio save the The Amazing Adventures Of The 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116040 day? Uh-huh. Huh-huh. Living Corpse (Blu-ray) Comedy, Adventure min. Lee Perkins, Maria Olsen Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Atlan- Paramount 21.05.2013 A guilt-ridden Corpse takes on a heavy burden when he tis: Milo’s Return - 2 Movie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115930 agrees to help a Fallen Angel keep the other undead in their graves and the powers of evil from corrupting our world. Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Horror, Based On Comic Book, Action 2012 (Blu-ray) Ben 10: Omniverse - Heroes Rise Ben 10 Omniverse is the latest television series in the global 90min. , James Garner, Michael J. juggernaut Ben 10 franchise and the latest original series Starz / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 Fox, Leonard Nimoy, David Ogden Stiers, from Studios. It’s time to take the action 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116203 home with the new DVD release, Ben 10 Omniverse Volume 2. Claudia Christian, Florence Stanley, Don This DVD includes 10 all-new action packed episodes from Novello, Jacqueline Obradors, Cree Sum- series’ first season on two discs along with the Alien Reveals The Angry Beavers: The mer - Dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise and Alien Database bonus features. With an all-new look at Complete Series The creators of The Lion King and Beauty And The Beast take kids’ favorite alien-changing star, including an all-new you under the sea into an amazing world of excitement and Omnitrix new aliens, a new partner and underground world Nick Bakay, Richard Steven Horvitz exploration. Discover Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Atlantis: filled with intergalactic life, it’s Ben like you’ve never seen Take a walk on the mild side with bachelor brothers Dagget Milo’s Return - together for the first time on Blu-ray, complete him - a little older but not always a little wiser. Complete your and Norbert, as they strike out on their own in the classic with digitally restored high definition picture and sound. Set Ben 10 DVD collection with the Ben 10 Omniverse Volume 2 Nickelodeon show The Angry Beavers. These boys like to your course for adventure as Milo Thatch and his fearless DVD. party hard and play all day, that is, until sleep deprivation crew dive into the mysteries of the sea. The group’s Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, Car- drives them mad! Meet up with friends Stump (an actual tree underwater expedition brings them -to-face with gigantic toon Network, Children’s, Fantasy, Science stump), Barry Bear (he has a fear of clowns), Treeflower (the sea monsters, spectacular spirits and the mythical land of love of Norbert’s life), and more. You’re gonna laugh Atlantis while they discover the power of friendship and Fiction, Television min. (definitely), cry (maybe), and have a good ol’ time when you teamwork. Loaded with thrills and stunning visual effects, this Warner Bros. 09.07.2013 see how these normally good-natured siblings put the „antics“ sensational 2-Movie Collection invites you on an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116280 in „angry“! unforgettable voyage you’ll want to experience over and over Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, again! Family, Nickelodeon, Television 1320min. Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Disney, The Berenstain Bears: Home Run Shout Factory 30.07.2013 Double Features, Family, Movies, Myths & Cubs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116503 Legends, Science Fiction 96min. Brother and Sister are good players and both sign up Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 to try out for the Bear Country Cardinals. The problem is - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116359 there’s only one position left on the team. Worried about the Another: The Complete humiliating possibility of losing to his talented kid sister, Brother backs out of the competition. Sister has some Collection Auto-B-Good: Playing It Fair encouraging words for Brother, which inspires him to stick Mei Misaki was cute, athletic and one of the most popular with it. The two cubs practice for the big tryout together. girls in her school. Why should a little thing like death change EJ has discovered a monster lurking outside the City of Auto, Baseball, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Family, that? , twenty-three years after Mei’s mysterious demise, but cannot convince his friends - except for Izzi, who a new transfer student discovers that not only is his school’s believes in her friend no matter what. Children will learn Sports, Adventure, Animated Animals student body one corpse short of a full roster, but that some about trustworthiness, helpfulness, enthusiasm and initiative 55min. secrets never leave high school. And what’s more, all of this Auto-B-Good is a five time Emmy Award-Winning CGI Phase 4 Films 11.06.2013 may somehow be tied to his own family past. What is the animated series. This Dove Family approved series will secret and how does it all connect? And even if Kouichi does captivate, entertain, and teach great character lessons to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115944 figure it out, will that knowledge help save him? As the school children ages five to nine. bells toll a deadly dirge and students begin to die, things that Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Best Of Warner Bros.: 50 Cartoon were never properly buried come back to haunt the high Children’s / Educational, Family, Television school of the damned in Another! 2003 50min. Collection - Animation, , Foreign, Horror, Interna- E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 Episodes Include: 1. 2. Duck Dodgers In tional TV, Japanese, Mystery, Television The 24 1/2th Century 3. One Froggy Evening 4. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116261 5. There They Go-Go-Go 6. Rabbit’s Kin 7. 8. A 300min. Ham In A Role 9. Speedy Gonzales 10. Crockett-Doodle-Doo Section23 Films 30.07.2013 11. What’s Opera, Doc? 12. The Great Piggy Bank Robbery 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116415 Auto-B-Good: Taking The High 13. 14. Gift Wrapped 15. Goo Goo Goliath 16. Road Turbo Show Biz Bugs 17. Kitty Kornered 18. 19. The Hypo-Chondri-Cat 20. Broom-Stick Bunny 21. Knighty Knight Another: The Complete It’s race time! Join Johnny while he races against the best in Bugs 22. Baby Bottleneck 23. From A to Z-Z-Z-Z 24. A Bear as the City of Auto celebrates the opening of the For Punishment 25. Ducking The Devil 26. Rabbit Hood 27. Collection (Blu-ray) new Morales Highway. Will the other cars cheat to win or The Scarlet Pumpernickel 28. Birds Ananymous 29. Often An Mei Misaki was cute, athletic and one of the most popular will Johnny prove victorious? Children will learn about Orphan 30. Daffy 31. Operation: Rabbit 32. 8 Ball girls in her school. Why should a little thing like death change goodness, dignity, integrity and courtesy. Bunny 33. It’s Hummer Time 34. Mouse Wreckers 35. The that? Now, twenty-three years after Mei’s mysterious demise, Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Honey-Mousers 36. A Corny Concerto 37. A Pest In The a new transfer student discovers that not only is his school’s Children’s / Educational, Family, Television House 38. The Bashful Buzzard 39. 40. Water, student body one corpse short of a full roster, but that some WAter Every Hare 41. RAbbit Fire 42. Birth Of A Notion 43. secrets never leave high school. And what’s more, all of this 2003 50min. Dough Ray Me-Ow 44. I Lo may somehow be tied to his own family past. What is the E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 Animated Animals, Classics, Collections, secret and how does it all connect? And even if Kouichi does 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116262 figure it out, will that knowledge help save him? As the school Comedy, Family min. bells toll a deadly dirge and students begin to die, things that Warner Bros. 25.06.2013 were never properly buried come back to haunt the high Babar: 3 DVD Adventure Pack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115920 school of the damned in Another! Experience the animated adventures of Babar in this 3 DVD Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Horror, set, which includes the King of the Elephant’s spectacular film International TV, Japanese, Mystery, Televi- debut in Babar: The Movie, along with the Classic Babar Bink & Gollie... And More Stories collections Best Friends Forever and School Days. In all About Friendship sion 300min. these tales, Babar and his friends in Celesteville learn Section23 Films 30.07.2013 important family values, proving that despite life’s challenges, Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Family, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116427 great things are always possible. Long live happiness! Friendships min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Scholastic 14.05.2013 Daytime Emmy-winning PBS Kids’ series is available on DVD. Kuzco is turned into a llama by his devious advisor, Yzma, Experience the wonder and joy of discovery in 20 fun-filled and her hunky henchman, Kronk, who want to rid the kingdom 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116484 episodes with George and friends as they explore his world of this beast of burden. Now the ruler who once had it all must and invent clever solutions to memorable mis-adventures! form an unlikely alliance with a pleasant peasant named Birdy The Mighty: Decode - The Curious George Series, Animated Animals, Pacha. Together, Kuzco and Pacha must overcome their Animation, Children’s, Family, Television differences as they embark on a hilarious, „groovy“ adventure Complete Series (Repackage) that will have you howling with laughter. Birdy is a jaw-dropping, pinup sensation with a secret. Under min. Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Disney, Double cover of darkness, this dream girl becomes a bad guy’s worst Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Features, Family, Jungle, Movies min. nightmare. Birdy dons her crime-fighting costume and hits the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116264 street as a lethal, interstellar federation agent charged with Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 nailing the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. Her latest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116360 case involves a gang of extraterrestrial terrorists and a Digimon Adventure: Volume stolen space weapon that could nuke every living thing on Earth. Birdy’s got the moves to stop them dead in their tracks, Three Finding Nemo but there’s one big problem: she’s got a nasty habit of going Explore the Digital World with Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Willem Dafoe, , Allison berserk, and somebody always gets hurt. Yeah, Birdy may be Joe, T.K., Kari and their Digimon in Digimon Adventure: dreamy, but she’s also the only thing more dangerous than the Volume 3. This 3-DVD set includes the final 15 episodes of Janney, Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, bad guys. the first season. The Digidestined learn that four Dark Brad Garrett, , Alexander Action, Anime, Foreign, girl power, Interna- Masters, evil and elite Digimon, have moved the DigiWorld to Gould, Austin Pendleton Spiral Mountain and are planning to overtake it. The kids tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, resolve to defeat the Dark Masters and restore peace, but Comedy, Disney, Family, Academy Award Superheroes 650min. they are tested by hardships at every turn. Stranded in the Winners, Animated Animals, Animated Fea- Funimation 04.06.2013 ocean, chased by evil Digimon, and forced to cross forsaken ture Films 2003 100min. deserts, they become separated when they need each other 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116041 most. Will they all be reunited in time to fight their final battles Disney / Buena Vista 07.05.2013 and bring the DigiWorld back to normal? And will they ever 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116065 M-66 be able to return to the Real World? Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, When two malfunctioning combat androids are accidentally Fish ‘N Chips: The Movie Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- unleashed on a „Terminate at All Costs“ mission against the John Leguizamo, Mario Cantone unsuspecting granddaughter of their creator, an entire city national TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, becomes the and not even the military may be Fish and Chips, the animated series tells the stories of two able to stop them! The girl’s only hope: Sybil, a freelance Television min. antagonistic characters, young impressionable „Fish“ and his journalist who’s out to get the scoop of her life, if she can New Video DVD 14.05.2013 mischievous, lifelong enemy „Chips“ as they tear across both somehow keep both herself and her subject alive long enough 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116483 land and sea in these exciting adventures that are sure to to file a report. But first, she has to remember to put her have both children and adults laughing. clothes on! Co-directed by legendary master Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, (, Appleseed) and Digimon Tamers Family, High Seas 2012 84min. visionary director Hiroyuki Kitakubo (Jo Jo’s Bizzarre In a separate universe from the first two seasons of Digimon Visual Entertainment 23.07.2013 Adventure, Goldenboy,), it’s a tour de force of violence and Adventure, Digimon Tamers follows the lives of Takato, Henry mayhem on an epic scale as two damsels in distress and two and Rika, three normal kids who are mega fans of the Digimon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116506 deranged battle robots face off, girl vs. mecha style, in the all- card game. One by one the Digimon drawings on their cards time anime classic: Black Magic M-66! start coming to life in different ways and the kids soon realize The Garfield Show: Pizza Dreams Action, Animation, Anime, Movies, Science there is a Digital World plagued by evil that needs their help. Fiction, Thrillers min. The three tamers and their Digimon quest through the Digital Join Garfield in this Pizza-fabulous collection of food World meeting new tamers on a similar journey to defeat the favorites! Nothing is more special than a pizza feast for Section23 Films 09.07.2013 evil Digimon Gods. But once they all begin to battle one Garfield, but his appetite will be put to the test as he goes on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116410 Digimon God, D-Reaper, an even greater evil, reveals itself a diet. Can it be true? Is this really happening to everyone’s as the biggest threat the Digital World has ever seen. For the favorite food-loving feline? Don’t miss a single moment in this first time ever Digimon Tamers (the entire third season) is jam-packed delicious collection of episodes! Chrome Shelled Regios: The available in an 8-disc official collector’s set, complete with all Animated Animals, Comedy, Family 2012 Complete Series (Repackage) 51 episodes! 72min. The world of tomorrow is an arid wasteland a forsaken place Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 25.06.2013 where nomadic communities take shelter within mobile domed Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115874 cities. Massive, mutant Contaminoid monsters swarm the national TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, planet’s desolate surface, and the lack of resources fuels Television 1092min. constant conflict between cities. In this bleak future, The Animated mysterious young Layfon struggles to escape his violent past. New Video DVD 11.06.2013 Unfortunately, his former life might be impossible to hide after 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116482 Series: Menace - he’s forced to enroll at the military academy - his special Season 1, Part 2 powers are clearly stronger than those of his comrades. As he joins his fellow student soldiers in the desperate battle Doc McStuffins: Time For Your Warner Bros. Animation is bringing the Green Lantern to against the Contaminoid scourge, Layfon must fight to keep the television in an all-new CG animated action series from origins of his enhanced abilities a secret - because the truth Checkup world-renowned producer, artist and animator Bruce Timm could tear his team apart. Get ready to start your day in a wonderful way! Doc (: The Animated Series, Justice League, Teen Titans, Anime, Apocalyptic Future, Fantasy, Inter- McStuffins: Time For Your Checkup is all about helping to Batman Beyond, DC Universe Original Animated Movies). keep toys - and little ones - happy and healthy. Join Doc and Based upon the DC Comics super hero, the 26-episode Green national TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, her trusty team of lovable toys as every new checkup leads to Lantern: The Animated Series will debut in 2011. As Earth’s Action, Adventure 2009 600min. miles of smiles. Laugh along when Doc cures Gus the Gator’s Green Lantern, Hall Jordan is used to being in dangerous Funimation 18.06.2013 „Stuffedfulliosis.“ Blast off with Star Blazer Zero as Doc situations- but he’s never faced anything like this! Set at the shows him how to play it safe from launch through landing. farthest reaches of deep space, Green Lantern: The Animated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116043 Whether it’s eating right, getting enough rest or getting an Series finds Hal on Frontier, where he must annual physical check-up, this delightful and nurturing pro- face down an invasion from the Red Lantern Corps. Powered The Cleveland Show: The gram combines music, humor and surprises in five fun-filled by pure rage. The evil Red Lanterns have sworn to destroy adventures that inspire friendship, hugs and stay-healthy the Green Lantern Corps and everything they stand for. Complete Season Three habits every day! Dispatched with his friend and former drill sargeant- the gruff, hulking alien Kilowog - on the experimental spacecraft The This is a manufactured disc that was created using Disney, Family, Fantasy, Preschool 120min. Interceptor, Hal is soon joined by an all-new group of heroes a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Disney / Buena Vista 07.05.2013 on a mission to protect Guardian Space - and the Green Cleveland Brown is back in the third season of the hit Family Lantern Corps itself! Guy spinoff The Cleveland Show. In this season, the „happy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115864 mustached face“ meets new challenges including the arrival of Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, a new neighbor, suffering a concussion by falling off the The Emperor’s New Groove / Cartoon Network, Family, Fantasy, toilet, and contemplating sending Rallo to juvenille detention. Superheroes min. Featuring all 22 uncensored episodes and an amazing roster Kronk’s New Groove: 2 Movie of great stars including Fergie, Ric Flair, Darren Criss and Warner Bros. 25.06.2013 Rashida Jones, Season 3 keeps the laughs coming episode Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115921 after episode. (Blu-ray) Comedy, Fox 2011 min. John Goodman, John Fielder, David Spade, Heavy Traffic: Special Edition 20th Century Fox MOD 26.02.2013 Eartha Kitt, Patrick Warburton, Wendie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116115 (Blu-ray) Malick, Tom Jones, Bob Bergen - Dir. Mark Heavy images, crazy violence, insanity verging on Dindal insecurity...and brilliance“ (Films & Filming)! Heavy Traffic, Curious George: The Complete If you liked Aladdin, you’ll love Disney’s The Emperor’s New the second feature from writer/director (Fritz Sixth Season Groove, where outrageous comedy rules! Audiences and The Cat), combines a quick-edit pace, a frenetic story line critics alike raved about this hilarious animated adventure. and an array of eye-popping animation and live-action styles. Kids everywhere love to learn with Curious George, the little „Ebert & Roeper And The Movies“ gave it „Two Thumbs Up.“ „Powerful, and valid“ ( Times), this monkey with an insatiable curiosity about how things work. Faster than you can say „Boom, baby,“ arrogant Emperor „remarkable blend“ of filmic styles is a „hypnotic, life-giving And now, for the first time ever, the entire sixth season of this experience“ (The Hollywood Reporter)! Michael, a young

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA artist who lives with his neurotic mother and two-timing adventurous and outgoing boy who enjoys running around the Disney / Buena Vista 11.06.2013 father, escapes the absurd and often ugly side of life on New forest and playing with his various friends, including Baloo, a York’s tough streets by satirizing its rich yet wacky sloth bear who also serves as an enthusiastic teacher to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116361 characters in wildly entertaining cartoons. From the gruff Mowgli. Not all is well in the jungle though, Shere Khan is a homeless and wisecracking prostitutes to gun-toting cruel and cunning tiger who violates many Laws of the Jungle Little Bite In The Big City gangsters and corrupt cops, Michael’s world becomes an and sworn enemy of Mowgli and his family. The Jungle Book: outlandish kaleidoscope of shocking images and horrifying Adventures of Mowgli is an adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies events that are either a testament of his wild imagination...or a original collection of stories. 77min. reminder of the strangeness of reality. Adventure, Animated Animals, Jungle 1989 Millennium Entertainment 18.06.2013 Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Coming-Of- min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116286 Age, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Movies 1973 Shout Factory 18.06.2013 77min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116015 Shout Factory 16.07.2013 Littlest Petshop: Sweetest Pets 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116513 When Blythe Baxter moved into the city with her father, she The Jungle Book: Adventures Of never expected to move into the apartment above the Littlest Pet Shop. But an even bigger surprise awaited her. Blythe Horizon In The Middle Of Mowgli - The Complete can talk to the pets... and they can talk back! Join Blythe as Collection she embarks on wild adventures with her newest friends: Nowhere: Season Two Pepper, the hilarious skunk; Sunil, the magical mongoose; You think your childhood was crazy? Try being raised by Penny, the adorable panda; Russell, the highly organized Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Mikawa Conflict wolves! It might sound crazy, but that’s exactly the life that provides, Tori and his comrades attempt to rescue Horizon hedgehog; Zoe, the Spaniel; and, of course, Minka, the Mowgli lives! Alexander (Mowgli’s wolf stepfather) adopted artistic monkey! from the Testament Union. But even as the Floating City him after he became lost in the forest at a young age. Mowgli Musashi speeds towards its next destination, the Floating is an adventurous and outgoing boy who enjoys running Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy 2012 Island England, Tres España is preparing its own armada for around the forest and playing with his various friends, 110min. war against the British Islanders. Now, as the quest of including Baloo, a sloth bear who also serves as an Shout Factory 04.06.2013 Horizon’s emotions builds to its climax, Tori’s new battle is enthusiastic teacher to Mowgli. Not all is well in the jungle about to begin in the land ruled by the Fairy Queen! The though, Shere Khan is a cruel and cunning tiger who violates 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115993 reenactment of the history described in the mysterious Testa- many Laws of the Jungle and sworn enemy of Mowgli and his ment continues as the secret of the Armor of Deadly Sins is family. The Jungle Book: Adventures of Mowgli is an The Magic School Bus: Planes unleashed in the spectacular second season of Horizon in the adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s original collection of stories. Middle of Nowhere II! Adventure, Animated Animals, Jungle 1989 And Robots (2 Pack) Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, min. Explore with Miss Frizzle everything from the smallest to Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Shout Factory 07.05.2013 the largest galaxy in episodes of the Emmy Award-winning Science Fiction, Television 325min. television series The Magic School Bus! For 25 years and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116000 counting, generations of kids have enjoyed the magical ride. Section23 Films 02.07.2013 Where will the Magic Bus take you? (This set includes 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116408 Taking Flight and Human Body). Lagrange: Set One 2 Packs, Animation, Book-To-Film, Horizon In The Middle Of Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, International TV, Japanese, Television min. Fantasy, Robots / Androids, Teachers, Nowhere: Season Two (Blu-ray) Viz Entertainment 11.06.2013 Taking advantage of the opportunity that the Mikawa Conflict Transportation 180min. provides, Tori and his comrades attempt to rescue Horizon 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116282 New Video DVD 14.05.2013 from the Testament Union. But even as the Floating City 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116481 Musashi speeds towards its next destination, the Floating Lagrange: Set One (Blu-ray) Island England, Tres España is preparing its own armada for war against the British Islanders. Now, as the quest of Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, The Magic School Bus: Sea And Horizon’s emotions builds to its climax, Tori’s new battle is Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- about to begin in the land ruled by the Fairy Queen! The Stars (2 Pack) reenactment of the history described in the mysterious Testa- sion min. Explore with Miss Frizzle everything from the smallest cell to ment continues as the secret of the Armor of Deadly Sins is Viz Entertainment 11.06.2013 the largest galaxy in episodes of the Emmy Award-winning unleashed in the spectacular second season of Horizon in the 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116339 television series The Magic School Bus! For 25 years and Middle of Nowhere II! counting, generations of kids have enjoyed the magical ride. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Where will the Magic Bus take you? (This set includes Takes Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, LEGO Legends Of Chima: The Po- a Dive and Super Star Power) Adventure, Animation, Book-To-Film, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television wer Of The Chi Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, 325min. Welcome to Chima - a magical world of untamed nature, Magic, Science, Teachers, Television Section23 Films 02.07.2013 beauty and wonder ruled by animal tribes. A world where CHI - the power of nature itself is carefully guarded by the Lions 180min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116423 but equally shared amongst the tribes so all animals can live and thrive peacefully. A world where Laval the Lion and Scholastic 14.05.2013 Cragger the Crocodile are the best of friends. But when an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116480 Howl’s Moving Castle (Blu-ray + unfortunate series of events make young Cragger king of the DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Crocodiles, he throws everything out of balance as he tries to take control of all the CHI. Alliances amongst the tribes are Martha & Friends: Summer Fun Billy Crystal, Blythe Danner, Lauren Bacall, formed and suddenly former friends are worst enemies. Summer is finally here and Martha can’t wait to have fun! Join Jean Simmons, Emily Mortimer, Christian Action, Animated Animals, Animation, Martha and her friends as they head out to the beach to enjoy summer and a great fireworks show. And just before summer Bale, Josh Hutcherson Children’s, Computer Animation, Family, ends, Martha gets ready for back to school with a great Back In ’s latest animated masterpiece, journey Television 2013 44min. to School block party. Don’t miss the fun! beyond imagination and enter a „breathtaking fantasy world“ (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times) filled with adventure, Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 Animation, Children’s, Children’s / humor and heart. Sophie, a quiet girl working in a hat shop, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116281 Educational, Family 2012 min. finds her life thrown into turmoil when she is literally swept Gaiam Americas 02.07.2013 off her feet by a handsome but mysterious named Howl. The vain and vengeful Witch of the Waste, jealous of their Lilo & Stitch: 2 Movie Collection 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116462 friendship, puts a spell on Sophie. In a life-changing (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) adventure, Sophie climbs aboard Howl’s magnificent flying Marvel Knights: Wolverine - castle and enters a magical world on a quest to break the Enjoy two heartwarming and hilarious comedies about spell. Featuring the voice talents of Jean Simmons, Christian bringing friends and family together even when they seem Origin Bale, Lauren Bacall, Blythe Danner, and Billy Crystal, worlds apart. Presented for the first time on Blu-ray with perfect picture and sound, Lilo & Stitch and Lilo & Stitch 2: The previously untold story of the origin of Marvel’s most Miyazaki’s artistry comes to life on DVD with inventive enigmatic star - Wolverine! Since he was introduced in 1975, characters, unique storytelling and richly detailed animation. Stitch Has A Glitch are hours of fantastic fun in one incredible collection! Lilo is a lonely little girl, and Stitch is a his history has been shrouded in mystery with only bits and Anime, Art House, Action, Disney, Fantasy, mischievous little creature from outer space. When Stitch pieces revealed over time, but this series is the first to reveal Foreign, Japanese 2004 119min. crash-lands in Hawaii, Lilo adopts him as her pet, but he soon Wolverine’s early days and background. Disney / Buena Vista 21.05.2013 turns her world upside-down. The laughter continues as Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Stitch helps Lilo prepare for the big island hula contest in the Comic Book, Science Fiction, Superheroes 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116082 hysterical sequel. Discover that ‘ohana means family, and celebrate the unbreakable bonds of friendship like never 2013 70min. The Jungle Book: Adventures Of before with these two unforgettable movies on Disney Blu- Shout Factory 09.07.2013 ray! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116486 Mowgli - The Beginning Adventure, Aliens, Animated Feature Films, You think your parents are strict? Try being raised by wolves! Animation, Blu-ray, Disney, Double Fea- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest It might sound crazy, but that’s exactly the life that Mowgli tures, Family, Movies, Science Fiction 2002 lives! Alexander (Mowgli’s wolf stepfather) adopted him after For The Crystal Mickey he became lost in the forest at a young age. Mowgli is an 85min. Grab your hat, buckle your seat belt, and get ready to embark

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA on a thrilling Quest For The Crystal Mickey! There’s no time 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116412 Section23 Films 23.07.2013 to lose after greedy Plunderin’ Pete snatches the legendary Crystal Mickey statue from the Clubhouse. Without this 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116414 sparkly statue’s magic, the Clubhouse will disappear forever! TV: Collection One (Blu- Can the world’s most extraordinary hero, Mickey, get the Phi-Brain: Puzzle Of God - magical statue back in time? Only with your help - and the ray) right Mouseketools - can Mickey journey across the Sandy Giant Robots, sociopaths, madmen waving : these aren’t Season Two Collection One (Blu- Desert, brave the Rushing River and make his way through just the problems the Mobile Police have to deal with every the Hidden Jungle. But watch out for Pete’s trickiest traps! day, these ARE the Mobile Police! But in a world where giant ray) Packed with over two hours of laughter and surprises - robots called Labors are frequently used for criminal After finally overcoming the POG, Kaito Daimon believes that including four additional episodes - this exciting, high-stakes purposes, the boys and girls in blue have to face things that he’ll be spending his free time solving puzzles of the non- adventure is your ticket to nonstop fun! are even bigger and scarier! So when police cadet Noa Izumi lethal variety. Unfortunately, there’s a new group in town: the Animated Animals, Disney, Family, comes in to take a aptitude test and instead initiates a Orpheus Order, and they’ve got other plans. Plans that high speed chase after a stolen Police Labor, it’s clear that involve the imminent demise of Kaito and maybe a friend or two Preschool 126min. she’s got exactly the right combination of guts, brains and just of his along the way as well! If Kaito could remember just Disney / Buena Vista 21.05.2013 plain crazy that the Second Special Vehicles Division what it was he did to earn the undying enmity of Freecell, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115863 desperately needs. But fitting into the frequently insane Order’s premier card-carrying member, he’d be happy to lifestyle of SV2 won’t be easy. She’ll have rivals for the pilot apologize. But until he does, Kaito and his friends are going to seat of the mech that’s stolen Noa’s heart, and her patrol find themselves confronted with puzzle after puzzle, each Monsters, Inc. duties will include herding whales, exorcising hauntings and more convoluted and deadly than the last. The adventure fighting rogue military units on top of the usual terrorists. On continues in Phi-Brain: Puzzle of God: Season Two Collection John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Jennifer Tilly, the other hand, she gets to carry the biggest handgun EVER. One! Steve Buscemi, The wheels of justice keep turning (or, in this case, running Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Experience the film that captured the hearts of critics and fans on giant metal legs,) as SV2 hits the street in Patlabor TV: around the world in a breathtaking new way. Monsters, Inc. is Collection 1! Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- „visually dazzling, action-packed and hilarious,“ raves The Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- sion 325min. Boston Herald. Experience it like never before in this Section23 Films 23.07.2013 Collector’s Edition! Lovable Sulley (John Goodman) and his tional TV, Japanese, Robots / Androids, wisecracking Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) are Science Fiction, Television, War 300min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116426 the top scare team at Monster, Inc., the scream-processing Section23 Films 16.07.2013 factory in Monstropolis. When a little girl named Boo wanders Queen’s : The into their world, it’s the monsters who are scared silly, and 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116425 it’s up to Sulley and Mike to keep her out of sight and get her Complete Collection back home. Open the door to a phenomenal world of Phantom: Requiem For The Power corrupts, and it when it appears that the once noble excitement and imagination that will have you screaming for Queen Claudette’s ways have turned to oppression and more. Loaded with sensational bonus features, including the Phantom - The Complete Series heretical persecution, it’s up to a new generation of warriors theatrical short Partysaurus Rex, Monsters, Inc. is hours of to step up to the plate armor to bear arms and bare their naked fantastic family fun. Miyu Irino A young man with no memories fights to salvage his humanity fury in open rebellion! The odds may seem unfairly stacked in Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, when he’s forced into a life of murder by a dangerous crime favor of the Amazonian ranks of the queen, doubly supported Family, Fantasy, Monsters 2001 92min. syndicate called Inferno. The organization gives him a new by her power of writ and assassins. But the incredible wits Disney / Buena Vista 07.05.2013 name, Zwei, and molds him into a perfect killing machine, a and assets of the dazzling array of daring damsels willing to meticulous instrument of death created to obey his masters’ risk their gorgeous skins and put their lithesome bodies on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116066 every deadly command. Zwei’s not the only puppet controlled line against her, might just expose a few unexpected by Inferno; Ein is a girl as beautiful as she is brutal, as lethal weaknesses in the queen’s support! It’s the wildest fantasy My Neighbor Totoro (Blu-ray + as she is lost. While mafia violence escalates around them, ever as an unprecedented force of fabulous female fighters - the two assassins grow closer, and Zwei begins the struggle from elven alchemist to half-demon berserker, from undead DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) to reclaim his past and save Ein from a blood-soaked future. pirate captain to dragon maid... all come together with the goal of stripping the queen from her throne in Queen’s Blade: Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning Thrillers, Action, Anime, Crime, Drama, Rebellion! Visionary and Academy Award-winning director Hayao Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Action, Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Miyazaki (2002, Best Animated Feature, Spirited Away) has Mystery 2009 650min. created a heartwarming, music-filled and wonderful world in International TV, Japanese, Television My Neighbor Totoro, a delightfully animated family adventure. Funimation 04.06.2013 300min. And now - exclusively in this 2-Disc Special Edition DVD - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116042 Section23 Films 09.07.2013 never-before-seen bonus features reveal even more of Totoro’s fantastic world! Follow the adventures of Satsuki and 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116411 her four-year-old sister Mei when they move into a new home Phantom: Requiem For The in the countryside. To their delight, they discover that their Phantom - The Complete Series Queen’s Blade Rebellion: The new neighbor is a mysterious forest spirit called Totoro - who can be seen only through the eyes of a child. Totoro (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Complete Collection (Blu-ray) introduces them to extraordinary characters - including a cat Power corrupts, and it when it appears that the once noble that doubles as a bus! - and takes them on an incredible Miyu Irino A young man with no memories fights to salvage his humanity Queen Claudette’s ways have turned to oppression and journey. Bring home My Neighbor Totoro from Studio Ghibli heretical persecution, it’s up to a new generation of warriors and Disney for your family’s DVD library and experience the when he’s forced into a life of murder by a dangerous crime syndicate called Inferno. The organization gives him a new to step up to the plate armor to bear arms and bare their naked timeless classic film calls „one of the very few fury in open rebellion! The odds may seem unfairly stacked in that come along that are magical for all ages.“ name, Zwei, and molds him into a perfect killing machine, a meticulous instrument of death created to obey his masters’ favor of the Amazonian ranks of the queen, doubly supported Anime, Art House, Adventure, Disney, every deadly command. Zwei’s not the only puppet controlled by her power of writ and assassins. But the incredible wits Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 1988 by Inferno; Ein is a girl as beautiful as she is brutal, as lethal and assets of the dazzling array of daring damsels willing to 88min. as she is lost. While mafia violence escalates around them, risk their gorgeous skins and put their lithesome bodies on the two assassins grow closer, and Zwei begins the struggle line against her, might just expose a few unexpected Disney / Buena Vista 21.05.2013 to reclaim his past and save Ein from a blood-soaked future. weaknesses in the queen’s support! It’s the wildest fantasy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116083 ever as an unprecedented force of fabulous female fighters - Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- from elven alchemist to half-demon berserker, from undead nal TV, Japanese, Mystery, Anime, Action pirate captain to dragon maid... all come together with the goal PatLabor TV: Collection One 2009 650min. of stripping the queen from her throne in Queen’s Blade: Giant Robots, sociopaths, madmen waving guns: these aren’t Funimation 04.06.2013 Rebellion! Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, just the problems the Mobile Police have to deal with every 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116052 day, these ARE the Mobile Police! But in a world where giant Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- robots called Labors are frequently used for criminal sion 300min. purposes, the boys and girls in blue have to face things that Phi-Brain: Puzzle Of God - are even bigger and scarier! So when police cadet Noa Izumi Section23 Films 09.07.2013 comes in to take a pilot aptitude test and instead initiates a Season Two Collection One 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116424 high speed chase after a stolen Police Labor, it’s clear that After finally overcoming the POG, Kaito Daimon believes that she’s got exactly the right combination of guts, brains and just he’ll be spending his free time solving puzzles of the non- plain crazy that the Second Special Vehicles Division lethal variety. Unfortunately, there’s a new group in town: the The Rabbi’s Cat desperately needs. But fitting into the frequently insane Orpheus Order, and they’ve got other plans. Plans that Mathieu Amalric, Francois Damiens, Hafsia lifestyle of SV2 won’t be easy. She’ll have rivals for the pilot involve the imminent demise of Kaito and maybe a friend or two seat of the mech that’s stolen Noa’s heart, and her patrol of his along the way as well! If Kaito could remember just Herzi - Dir. Joann Sfar duties will include herding whales, exorcising hauntings and what it was he did to earn the undying enmity of Freecell, the Based on the bestselling graphic novel by Joann Sfar, award- fighting rogue military units on top of the usual terrorists. On Order’s premier card-carrying member, he’d be happy to winning filmmaker (Gainsbourg) and one of France’s most the other hand, she gets to carry the biggest handgun EVER. apologize. But until he does, Kaito and his friends are going to celebrated comic artists, The Rabbi’s Cat tells the story of a The wheels of justice keep turning (or, in this case, running find themselves confronted with puzzle after puzzle, each sharp-tongued feline philosopher brimming with scathing on giant metal legs,) as SV2 hits the street in Patlabor TV: more convoluted and deadly than the last. The adventure humor. Algeria in the 1930s is an intersection of Jewish, Arab Collection 1! continues in Phi-Brain: Puzzle of God: Season Two Collection and French culture. A cat belonging to a widowed rabbi and Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, One! his beautiful daughter eats the family parrot and miraculously gains the ability to speak. Along with the power of speech Japanese, Robots / Androids, Science Adventure, Animation, Anime, Foreign, In- comes unparalleled sardonic wit, and the cat spares no group Fiction, Television, War 300min. ternational TV, Japanese, Television or individual as it skewers faith, tradition and authority in a Section23 Films 16.07.2013 325min. provocative exploration of God, death, lust and the search for truth. Rich with the colors, textures, flavors and music of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Mediterranean Africa, the film embarks on a cross-continent Banjo could end up dead or naked or both or neither! fierce generals launch a co-op campaign of annihilation and comedic adventure through colonial Algiers and under vast Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, build an army of armies to obliterate their common foe. As the Saharan skies in search of a lost Ethiopian city. Stop Motion Animation, 2012 front line grows crowded with gun-toting, mechanized samurai Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, and mystical ninja, some will say that war is hell - Sengoku 23min. Family, Foreign, French, Movies 2011 Basara proves it can also be kick ass. Warner Bros. 09.07.2013 Based On Video Game, Comedy, Foreign, 100min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116237 International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, New Video DVD 07.05.2013 Action 2009 325min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116422 The Rose Of Versailles: Part One Funimation 11.06.2013 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116053 The Rabbi’s Cat (Blu-ray + DVD - Limited Edition General Jarjayes - so desperate for a son to preserve the Combo) (Blu-ray) family name and noble standing - names his newborn daughter Slugterra: Volume Two Mathieu Amalric, Francois Damiens, Hafsia „Oscar“ and chooses to raise her as a boy. Fourteen years Slugterra is an epic sci-fi comedy adventure set deep , Oscar is a masterful duelist, marksman, and the newly underground, where the ammo’s alive and only the quick Herzi - Dir. Joann Sfar appointed Commander of the French Royal Guards. Her first Based on the bestselling graphic novel by Joann Sfar, award- survive! Follow our hero Eli Shane, his gang, and his best task: to protect Marie , who is engaged to the slug buddy Burpy as they adventure in a luminous high-tech winning filmmaker (Gainsbourg) and one of France’s most French prince and future king, Louis-Auguste. But even celebrated comic artists, The Rabbi’s Cat tells the story of a world beneath our feet. Every cavern holds a new adventure, though the planned marriage should provide both countries new battle and magical little slugs to be discovered! sharp-tongued feline philosopher brimming with scathing with some much needed peace and prosperity, the French humor. Algeria in the 1930s is an intersection of Jewish, Arab court is a dangerous place - and Marie’s youthful naïveté Adventure, Comedy, Family, Magic, Science and French culture. A cat belonging to a widowed rabbi and makes her an easy target for those who wish to see the Fiction 2012 110min. his beautiful daughter eats the family parrot and miraculously monarchy overthrown. Oscar soon finds herself both Shout Factory 18.06.2013 gains the ability to speak. Along with the power of speech defending Marie’s reputation from those that seek to discredit comes unparalleled sardonic wit, and the cat spares no group her and protecting her life from those that wish to kill her. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115998 or individual as it skewers faith, tradition and authority in a This DVD set contains the first 20 episodes of the provocative exploration of God, death, lust and the search for groundbreaking anime series! The Smurfs: Smurf To The truth. Rich with the colors, textures, flavors and music of Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese Mediterranean Africa, the film embarks on a cross-continent Rescue comedic adventure through colonial Algiers and under vast 480min. Saharan skies in search of a lost Ethiopian city. Bayview Entertainment 07.05.2013 The Smurfs Series, Children’s, Family, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115986 Fantasy, Television min. Blu-ray, Family, Foreign, French, Movies Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 2011 100min. Ruin Explorers: The Complete 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116296 New Video DVD 07.05.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116432 Collection Sound Of The Sky: The Complete Ancient curses, enchanted artifacts and plain old fashioned dungeon diving: that’s what Fam and Ihrie do for a living - Series Regular Show: The Complete whenever these lovely young ladies can get someone to pay In a lonely corner of the world, on the edge of No Man’s Land, First & Second Seasons them for it, that is. As two highly trained magic users with sits Clocktower Fortress. It is home to the 1121st Platoon of slightly faulty spelling abilities (Fam can’t do anything the Helvetian Army, and their newest member is a 15-year-old Mordecai - a sarcastic blue jay, and Rigby - a somewhat destructive and Ihrie keeps turning into a mouse,) they’re off volunteer named Kanata Sorami, who enlisted to learn how to responsible raccoon, are best friends. They even work on a quest for the „Ultimate Power.“ All they have to do is find play the bugle. When she was a child, Kanata was saved by a together at a park owned by Pops, a big lollipop-headed guy. three artifacts: the Proof Of Royalty, the Sword of Sargus and beautiful soldier and found inspiration in the clear, golden Which seems normal enough. They’ve got a cranky gumball the Mirror of Truth. So how hard can it be? Unfortunately, sound of her trumpet. From that day forward, Kanata decided machine for a boss and they work alongside a Zen-like yeti Sorceress Rasha and her muscle-headed partner Migel are music would be her life. As the other platoon members train named Skips. Yep. Everything is as regular as can be. on the same quest, as are the mysterious Prince Lyle, the her how to be a bugler and a soldier, Kanata’s enduring Cartoon Network, Comedy, Adventure, anything for a buck merchant Galuff with his dog Gil, and the optimism will inspire them to look for happiness and beauty, sinister magician Rugudurol! And to make this epic odyssey even in a world haunted by war. Animated Animals 440min. even more odd and complex, it’s not really clear as to exactly Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 which ones are the bad guys! Hold onto your talismans and Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116014 amulets, because the road to high adventure is about to have a nal TV, Japanese 355min. multi-mage pileup, and the fate of all humanity may just be in Bayview Entertainment 07.05.2013 the hands of two underpaid young women trying to make a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115987 Regular Show: The Complete living as Ruin Explorers! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Comedy, First & Second Seasons (Blu-ray) Special A: The Complete Mordecai - a sarcastic blue jay, and Rigby - a somewhat Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, responsible raccoon, are best friends. They even work Science Fiction 100min. Collection together at a park owned by Pops, a big lollipop-headed guy. Section23 Films 02.07.2013 Until she was six, Hikari was always the best at everything Which seems normal enough. They’ve got a cranky gumball 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116409 she did. Right up until the moment she challenged Kei to a machine for a boss and they work alongside a Zen-like yeti wrestling match and HE won. Ever since then, Hikari’s entire named Skips. Yep. Everything is as regular as can be. life has revolved around beating Kei at something, Anything! Cartoon Network, Comedy, Adventure, Scooby-Doo Mystery Unfortunately, a decade later, he’s still the top student and Animated Animals 440min. Incorporated: Season 2 Part 2 - athlete at their very exclusive high school and she’s still Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 SECOND best at everything. But what Hikari’s never noticed Spooky Stampede is that he’s actually in love with her! And that’s only the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116002 beginning of the ridiculously convoluted web of relationships Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred and Velma are back in that ties the elite group of students who go by the name of the all-new adventures and leave no stone of Crystal Cove Special A together! Get ready for spring flings, split : DC Comic’s unturned as they continue their thrilling and terrifying tour of personalities and social (dys)functions galore as boy meets Special the „Most Hauntedest Place on Earth!“ In these final episodes girl turns into boy beats girl in Special A: The Complete of Season 2, the Mystery Inc. crew race against time, creepy Collection! , Nathan Fillion, Abraham creatures and other interested parties to solve long buried secrets of their home town. Can the gang also solve their Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- Benrubi greatest mystery yet and save Earth from destruction? Zoinks! national TV, Japanese, Television 650min. Robot Chicken and DC Comics collide - who will survive Jump into The Mystery Machine for one wild ride after Section23 Films 16.07.2013 with their super-dignities intact? Nobody! In Robot Chicken’s another with Scooby and the rest of Mystery Inc. in this hands, , Batman, and even Mr. double-disc set! You’ll be on the edge of your seat as they get 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116413 Banjo could end up dead or naked or both or neither! help from classic Hanna-Barbera adventurers Dr. Benton Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, Quest, Roger „Race“ Bannon from Johnny Quest, Dynomutt, Superjail: Season Three Dog Wonder, the Blue Falcon and more! Stop Motion Animation, Adult Swim 2012 This summer, The Warden is back and the death toll at 23min. Animated Animals, Family, Mystery min. Superjail continues to rise at a ridiculous rate in the all-new Warner Bros. 09.07.2013 Warner Bros. 18.06.2013 Adult Swim DVD release, Superjail! Season 3! Available July 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115884 23, the DVD includes all 10 episodes from the animated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116220 comedy’s third season, complete with fist fights, baffling love triangles and psychedelic animation that will melt your face Robot Chicken: DC Comic’s Sengoku Basara: The Complete off. Series creators and executive producers Christy Karacas (Cartoon Sushi, Robotomy) and Stephen Warbrick (Beavis Special (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) and Butthead, Daria) have also created a collection of bonus (Blu-ray) features for the DVD, which include animatics, rough cuts and (Blu-ray) an Introstring featurette. Sengoku Basara drops you directly into the burning Alex Borstein, Nathan Fillion, Abraham battlefields of feudal , where rival warlords hack and Adult Swim, Animation, Cartoon Network, Benrubi slash their way to total domination. Each conqueror wields a Comedy, Prison, Television 2012 230min. Robot Chicken and DC Comics collide - who will survive special attack that boosts their powers of devastation, and Warner Bros. 23.07.2013 with their super-dignities intact? Nobody! In Robot Chicken’s each commands a horde of relentless warriors. But when a hands, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and even Mr. supreme evil - the Demon Lord - threatens the land, these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116455

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Stoltz, Danny Aiello, James Spader, Paul 3 Mega Monster Movies (Blu-ray) : No Mice Allowed Mazursky, Peter Horton Yoshiko Tanaka, Deborah Gibson, Sarah Watch Tom & Jerry and their feline friends get into mischief Over the next 2 days, 10 people will find out what they have Lynch, Erin Sullivan, Lorenzo Lamas, and hi-jinks in this fun collection including 22 cartoons that in common... besides murder.. Take one wrong turn in life and are great for the entire family to enjoy. who knows where you’ll end up? For Becky (), Masanobu Takashima it’s waking up next to her murdered ex-husband. For Teddy Three movies packed with mega-sized monsters and their Animated Animals, Comedy, Family 154min. (Paul Mazursky), it’s the tail-end of a failed film career. For equally destructive enemies. Featuring a classic installment Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 Allan (Greg Cruthwell), it’s being kidnapped by a crazy, in the Godzilla franchise. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116167 toupee-wearing Italian hit-man (Danny Aiello). For Lee Drama, Godzilla, Monsters, Action, Thril- (James Spader) and Helga (Charlize Theron), it’s letting that hit-man get away alive. And for Wes (Eric Stoltz) and Alvin lers, Triple Feature 278min. A Turtle’s Tale 2: Sammy’s (Jeff Daniels), two undercover cops cruising the valley for Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Escape From Paradise crime, it’s just another day... where everything goes wrong. 2 07.05.2013 Days In The Valley... you’ll live longer... anywhere else. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115917 When Sammy & Ray find themselves trapped in The Tank, an Thrillers, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama underwater restaurant/aquarium, they must hatch a plan to 1996 104min. escape and reunite with their grandkids Ricky & Ella. But 3: The Dale Earnhardt Story - they’ll have to get past Big D and his dopey thugs first. With Paramount 21.05.2013 the help of some unlikely friends, Sammy & Ray find that when 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115925 Collectors Edition 2 Disc Set you work together anything is possible! Barry Pepper, Elisabeth Mitchell, J.K. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated 2+2 Simmons Animals, Animation, Children’s, Family, Golden Globe and Emmy nominee Barry Pepper stars as the Movies 2012 92min. Adrian Suar, Julieta Diaz greatest NASCAR driver of all time in the ESPN original Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.07.2013 When the fun of double dating begins to grow old Richard and movie 3. Growing up in of his father, Ralph, Dale Bettina share a dirty little secret with their friends Diego and Earnhardt is driven to prove that his dreams of professional 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116465 Emilia. They live a double life as swingers and would love to racing can be reality. But when his own son, Dale, Jr. wants share this practice with them. In this hilarious erotic comedy to follow in his footsteps, Dale reacts in the same way as his A Turtle’s Tale 2: Sammy’s two couples explore their sexual boundaries while juggling stubborn father - until a moving realization helps both him and their everyday lives with kids and soccer practice. his son fulfill their destinies n the track. From his humble Escape From Paradise 3D (Blu- Sexy Comedies, Spanish, Comedy, Foreign beginnings to the triumph and tragedy of his career, this true- 105min. life story provides a thrilling look at the man who is called ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) „The Intimidator“ by rivals and friends alike. Packed with PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Strand Releasing 04.06.2013 hours of exclusive bonus footage and interviews from the is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116188 ESPN archives, this 2-disc special edition DVD is the A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all ultimate account of racing’s legendary hero. standard Blu-ray players. When Sammy & Ray find 20 Movie Family Collection NASCAR, Sports, Auto Racing, Biography, themselves trapped in The Tank, an underwater restaurant/ Biopics, Drama, ESPN, TV Movies 2004 min. aquarium, they must hatch a plan to escape and reunite with Vincent Price, , Alfre ESPN (TM) 12.11.2012 their grandkids Ricky & Ella. But they’ll have to get past Big Woodard, Shirley Temple, Bronson Pinchot, D and his dopey thugs first. With the help of some unlikely 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116078 friends, Sammy & Ray find that when you work together Emma Roberts, Jason James Richter, Toni anything is possible! Collette, Jennifer Beals, Ellen Barkin, Anne Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Archer, Yasmine Bleeth, , Jack 300 (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Black, , Gabriel Byrne, Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Children’s, Family, Movies 2012 92min. Zac Efron, Bill Cobbs, Dean Winters, Taran Wenham, Dominic West, Rodrigo Santoro - Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.07.2013 Noah Smith, Mark Rendall, Joe Piscopo Dir. Zack Snyder 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116472 The epic graphic novel by Frank Miller (Sin City) assaults Adventure, Collections, Comedy, Family the screen with the blood, thunder and awe of its ferocious 1749min. visual style faithfully recreated in an intense blend of live- Echo Bridge Home Entertainment action and CGI animation. Retelling the ancient Battle of Thermopylae, it depicts the titanic clash in which King 07.05.2013 Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the Film 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115892 death against Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his massive Persian army. Experience history at swordpoint. And moviemaking with a cutting edge. 11 Flowers 200 Cigarettes Action, Ancient Greece / , Based On One of China’s foremost directors, Wang Xiaoshuai (Beijing Christina Ricci, Janeane Garofalo, Jay Comic Book, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Historical / Bicycle) has created a moving coming-of-age tale set in the Mohr, Guillermo Diaz, Angela Featherstone, final days of China’s Cultural Revolution. 11-year-old Wang Period Piece, History & Events, Movies, lives with his family in a remote village in Guizhou province. Courtney Love, Kate Hudson, Martha War 2006 116min. Life is tough, but they make the most of what little they have. Plimpton, Gaby Hoffmann, Ben Affleck, Paul Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 When Wang is selected to lead his school in their daily Rudd, Casey Affleck, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116318 gymnastics, he is told he must wear a clean, new shirt, which It’s 11:59 on New Years Eve. Do you know where your date forces his family to make a great sacrifice. Soon after, Wang is?. Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Dave Chappelle, Kate has an encounter with a wounded, desperate man on the run. Hudson, Courtney Love, Jay Mohr, Martha Plimpton, Christi- 4 Film Favorites: John Wayne In no time their fates are intertwined. ne Ricci and Paul Rudd highlight a cast of today’s hottest Chinese, Drama, Foreign 2011 115min. acting talents in this hip comedy about the quest for Mr. Or John Wayne, John Carradine, Jeffrey First Run Features 11.06.2013 Mrs. Right...or at least for Mr. or Mrs. Right Now. It’s New Hunter, Vera Miles, Ward Bond, Natalie Years Eve 1981, and a wild assortment of comic characters Wood, Richard Boone, Lauren Bacall, Ron 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116171 are looking for romance in NYC’s rollicking East Village. Can a poser, a hunk, a teeny bopper, a gabby cabbie, a cute klutz, Howard, Harry Morgan, Bill McKinney, 12 Movie Murder At Midnight and a bevy of too-cool-to-cope artists find love before the , Sheree North - Dir. John stroke of ? The surprising-and delightful-answers Ford, Don Siegel Dennis Hopper, Jason Flemyng, Angie will be revealed in the clear light of the morning after. Classics, Collections, Drama, Movies, Na- Everhart, Virginia Madsen, Shannen Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Holidays 1999 tional Film Registry, Western min. Doherty, Rachael Leigh Cook, Catherine 101min. Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 Hicks, Marg Helgenberger, Teri Polo, Barba- Paramount 21.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116448 ra Bain, Barbara Eden, Jere Burns, Stepha- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115926 nie Zimbalist, , James Coburn, , James Brolin, Shawn 3 Mega Monster Movies 5 Film Horse Lovers Collection , Ellen Barkin, Jenny Hatosy, Mark Pellegrino, Devon Sawa, Joe Yoshiko Tanaka, Deborah Gibson, Sarah Agutter, Miranda Cosgrove, Richard Harris, Penny Lynch, Erin Sullivan, Lorenzo Lamas, Gabriel Byrne, Fred Ward, Zac Efron, Bill Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Masanobu Takashima Collections, Drama, Horror 1113min. Three movies packed with mega-sized monsters and their Cobbs, Nigel Hawthorne Echo Bridge Home Entertainment equally destructive enemies. Featuring a classic installment Adventure, Collections, Drama, Family, 07.05.2013 in the Godzilla franchise. Horses 475min. Thrillers, Triple Feature, Action, Drama, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115891 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Godzilla, Monsters 278min. 07.05.2013 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115888 2 Days In The Valley 07.05.2013 Charlize Theron, Glenne Headly, Teri 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115886 Hatcher, Marsha Mason, Jeff Daniels, Eric 8 Movie Midnight Horror

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Collection: It Will Leave You In moral fiber, then proceeds to spread the cash around on deaf ears. They break into a radio station, hoping to get generously. His victims follow his trail, but when the men their demo played on the air. But when the deejay (Joe Stitches! finally do meet, they must join forces to defend themselves Mantegna) and station manager (Michael McKean) refuse to against a murderous desperado. Before the battle is over, play their song, the boys have no choice but to take the entire Elijah Wood, Helen Mirren, Neil Patrick Cacopoulos has once again absconded with the cash. And the radio station hostage. Harris, Christina Ricci, Carol Kane, Molly chase is on, leading them, ultimately, to a crooked Mississippi Music, Comedy, Crime, Heavy Metal 1994 Ringwald, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Salma gaming house, a blazing gun battle, and lots of money for 92min. Hayek, Sally Field, Katie Holmes, Jordana everyone. Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Classics Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Brewster, Jessica Walter, Eleanor Parker, 1968 122min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116161 Barry Watson, Josh Hartnett, Joshua Paramount 21.05.2013 Jackson, Walter Brennan, Jesse Eisenberg, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115928 Airheads (Blu-ray) Sid Haig, Michael Berryman, Howard Adam Sandler, Brendan Fraser, Steve Hesseman Buscemi, , Michael McKean, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Adventureland / Waiting / Natio- Judd Nelson, Chris Farley, Michael Ri- Collections, Comedy, Horror 707min. nal Lampoon’s: Van Wilder chards Echo Bridge Home Entertainment (Triple Feature) The amps are on, but nobody’s home.. In this hilarious spoof 07.05.2013 Tim Matheson, Teck Holmes, Anna Faris, of the music industry, three intelligence challenged rock ‘n’ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115889 rollers (Brendan Fraser, Steve Buscemi, Adam Sandler) Tara Reid, Kristen Stewart, Ryan Reynolds, decide to take drastic action after their music continually falls Justin Long, Kal Penn, Jesse Eisenberg, Bill on deaf ears. They break into a radio station, hoping to get 9 Miles Down Hader their demo played on the air. But when the deejay (Joe Kate Nauta, Adrian Paul Films Include Adventureland When James Brennan (Jesse Mantegna) and station manager (Michael McKean) refuse to Eisenberg) has to cancel his dream summer vacation and play their song, the boys have no choice but to take the entire A security expert is sent to investigate the disappearance of a radio station hostage. research team drilling deeper into the Sahara desert’s surface make some money for grad school, the only job he can get is at than anyone has attempted before. Adventureland, a tacky amusement park where the games are Comedy, Crime, Heavy Metal, Music 1994 rigged and the rides make you hurl. But it’s where he meets 92min. Mystery, Desert, Drama, Horror 2009 Em (Kristen Stewart), his roller coaster ride to nowhere turns 86min. into the best summer ever. From the Director of Superbad - Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.06.2013 Adventureland is a crazy ride set to a killer soundtrack and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116166 filled with an all-star cast including Ryan Reynolds, Kristen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116020 Wiig and Bill Hader. Waiting Always remember the cardinal rule of eating out: Never mess with people who handle your Alias Mr. Twilight Abandon food! Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder), Anna Farris (Scary Trudy Marshall, Lloyd Corrigan, Michael Movie franchise) and Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True Katie Holmes, Benjamin Bratt, Zooey Underdog Story) star in this hilarious comedy about the band Duane - Dir. John Sturges Deschanel, Gabrielle Union, Melanie of mischievous waiters, waitresses and cooks just waiting to This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using show guests how extraordinary the service at ShenaniganZ a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Lynskey, Fred Ward, Gabriel Mann, Charlie restaurant can be. Van Wilder You’ll never think of bulldogs, Alias Mr. Twilight is about an old rogue, suspected of being a Hunnam, Will McCormack pastries, protein shakes or tutors in the same way crook, who nearly loses rights to his orphaned Watch Who You Leave Behind.. From the Oscar-winning again...National Lampoon’s Van Wilder stars R granddaughter. writer of Traffic comes this spellbinding psychological thriller On The Job, Romance, Triple Feature, Work Crime, Drama, Movies 1946 69min. with ingenious plot twists that will keep you guessing until its SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 electrifying conclusion. Katie Holmes (Wonder Boys) stars as Sucks, College Life, Comedy, Drama a beautiful and success-driven college student haunted by the 295min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116290 mysterious disappearance of a former boyfriend, a brilliant 04.06.2013 young composer named Embry (Charlie Hunnam), Benjamin American Idiots Bratt (Pinero) plays Wade Handler, a detective struggling to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115923 put back the pieces of his troubled career. When someone James Duval, Peter Dobson, Scott Krinsky tied to Embry’s past starts leaving clues, Embry’s ex- Adventureland / Waiting / Natio- After losing the girl of his dreams to another man, Wyatt and girlfriend and Wade are drawn into a harrowing mystery-and his posse pack their suitcases and head out on a crazy plunged into an inescapable web of desire, deceit and murder. nal Lampoon’s: Van Wilder screwball road trip to Las Vegas to win her back. With less With pulse-pounding suspense and riveting performances. than 24 hours to break up her wedding, they must make it Abandon delivers the thrills you’ve been looking for. (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) before it’s too late without falling apart at the seams, and Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 2002 98min. Tim Matheson, Teck Holmes, Anna Faris, living up to their names... American Idiots! Paramount 21.05.2013 Tara Reid, Kristen Stewart, Ryan Reynolds, Comedy, Movies, Road Trips, Romance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115927 Justin Long, Kal Penn, Jesse Eisenberg, Bill 2012 92min. Hader Lionsgate 18.06.2013 Absolute Deception (DVD + Films Include Adventureland When James Brennan (Jesse 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116243 Eisenberg) has to cancel his dream summer vacation and UltraViolet) make some money for grad school, the only job he can get is at Amor Bravio (Fierce Love) Cuba Gooding Jr., Emmanuelle Vaugier Adventureland, a tacky amusement park where the games are rigged and the rides make you hurl. But it’s where he meets Cristian de la Fuente, Cesar Evora, Leticia When FBI Agent John Nelson’s (Cuba Gooding Jr.) key Em (Kristen Stewart), his roller coaster ride to nowhere turns informant, Miles, is abducted and shot, all that’s left is a into the best summer ever. From the Director of Superbad - Calderon, Rene Strickler, Silvia Navarro severed finger. In order to find a new lead, Nelson travels to Adventureland is a crazy ride set to a killer soundtrack and A love story about resentment and revenge, Camila, a to inform widowed magazine reporter Rebecca filled with an all-star cast including Ryan Reynolds, Kristen veterinarian, loses her fiancé and takes refuge working on Scott (Emmanuelle Vaugier) that her long dead husband, Wiig and Bill Hader. Waiting Always remember the cardinal her uncle’s cattle farm. There she meets Daniel, an idealistic Miles, had only recently been murdered to see if she had rule of eating out: Never mess with people who handle your Chilean man who is unjustly accused of something he didn’t heard from him in recent years. Perplexed, Scott joins Agent food! Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder), Anna Farris (Scary do and he believes that Camila’s family is responsible for his Nelson in the wealthy enclave of Australia’s Gold Coast to Movie franchise) and Justin Long (Dodgeball: A True misfortune. Daniel travels to Mexico and will stop at nothing find out what really happened. The two soon discover Miles Underdog Story) star in this hilarious comedy about the band until his name is cleared. When he meets Camilla it all may have been part of an elaborate „Ponzi scheme“ to bilk of mischievous waiters, waitresses and cooks just waiting to changes. To find true love they’ll each be forced to face their investors, and a vengeful billionaire, out of millions of dollars. show guests how extraordinary the service at ShenaniganZ fears and their past. Featuring crossover heartthrob Cristian As more layers of Miles’ secret life are exposed, can the two restaurant can be. Van Wilder You’ll never think of bulldogs, de la Fuente and novela stars Silvia Navarro, Cesar Evora, stay ahead of the mysterious attackers who will stop at pastries, protein shakes or tutors in the same way Rene Strickler, Leticia Calderon. nothing to halt their investigation? Oscar-winner Cuba again...National Lampoon’s Van Wilder stars R Drama, Foreign, International TV, Romance, Gooding Jr. (1996, Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Jerry Maguire) stars in the sexy psychological thriller that will College Life, Comedy, Drama, On The Job, Spanish, Television 2012 925min. keep you guessing until the final twists and turns. Romance, Triple Feature, Work Sucks Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.07.2013 Action, FBI, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 295min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116505 min. Lionsgate 04.06.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115957 Anatomy Of A Murder 11.06.2013 James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116362 Airheads This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Adam Sandler, Brendan Fraser, Steve riveting courtroom drama of rape and premeditated murder is Ace High Buscemi, Joe Mantegna, Michael McKean, brought to life with an all-star cast in the suspenseful and , Terence Hill, Kevin McCarthy, Judd Nelson, Chris Farley, Michael Ri- highly-acclaimed Anatomy Of A Murder. Nominated for seven including Best Picture (1959), the film pits a Bud Spencer, Brock Peters, Livio Lorenzon, chards humble small-town lawyer (James Stewart) against a hard- Steffen Zacharias The amps are on, but nobody’s home.. In this hilarious spoof headed big city prosecutor (George C. Scott). Emotions flare Western action adventure in the best Italian tradition, Ace of the music industry, three intelligence challenged rock ‘n’ as a jealous army lieutenant (Ben Gazzara) pleads innocent High was shot in Mexico, Spain and Rome. Cacopoulos (Eli rollers (Brendan Fraser, Steve Buscemi, Adam Sandler) to murdering the rapist of his seductive, beautiful wife (Lee Wallace) takes $300,000 from two hombres of questionable decide to take drastic action after their music continually falls Remick). Produced and directed by the renowned Otto

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Preminger, the film features a brilliant score by Duke Backroads And Lilies UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Ellington. Packed with drama, passion and intrigue, Anatomy Of A Murder is a cinematic masterpiece that will keep you on All Alza Bennett wants is to get home to her estranged family Aaron Eckhart, Ramon Rodriguez Y Su..., the edge of your seat! for the Easter holiday, but an auto mishap leaves the high strung executive short of her destination and standing on the Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, National Film doorstep of a grizzled, reclusive farmer named Lincoln, whose Michael Pena Registry, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers goal in life is to be left alone. They are forced to encounter It’s not war. It’s survival.. Marine staff sergeant (Aaron / Legal Issues 1959 160min. each other as the two worlds of the princess and hermit Eckhart) and his platoon take on an enemy unlike any they’ve collide at each and every turn. A humorous retelling of „The ever encountered when hostile alien invaders attack the SPHE MOD 05.03.2013 Story of The Prodigal Son“, told through the eyes of a young planet in this epic sci-fi . 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116172 woman looking to make amends while she searches for the Military, Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, road back home. Science Fiction, Thrillers 2011 116min. Drama, Family, Movies 2012 98min. Angels & Demons (Blu-ray + Sony Pictures Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 07.05.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116247 Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116202 , Tom Hanks, Stellan Batman (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Skarsgard, Nikolaj Lie Kaas Battledogs Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim In Ron Howard’s thrilling follow-up to The Da Vinci Code, Ernie Hudson, Bill Duke, Wes Studi, Dennis Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Jack Palance, Billy expert symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) follows Haysbert, Ariana Richards, Kate Vernon, ancient clues on a heart-racing hunt through Rome to find the Dee Williams, , Pat Hingle, four Cardinals kidnapped by the deadly secret society, the Craig Sheffer Illuminati. With the Cardinals’ lives on the line, and the Tracey Walter, William Hootkins, Jerry Hall - All of Manhattan is quarantined when the „Lupine virus“ Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor) desperate for help, Langdon Dir. Tim Burton spreads like wildfire, turning innocent civilians into ravenous embarks on a nonstop, action-packed race through sealed After a young boy witnesses his parents’ murder on the wolf-men. Nothing short of a nuclear blast can stop the crypts, dangerous catacombs, and the most secretive vault on streets of Gotham City, he grows up to become the Batman, a monstrous virus. Earth! mysterious figure in the eyes of Gotham’s citizens, who takes Science Fiction, Action, Killer Animals, Kil- Drama, Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Thril- crime-fighting into his own hands. He first emerges out of the shadows when the Joker appears a horribly disfigured ler Viruses 2013 90min. lers 138min. individual who is out for revenge on his former employer and Asylum Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment generally likes to have a good time, but the identity of the ‘bat’ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116228 07.05.2013 is unknown. Perhaps millionaire Bruce Wayne and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116199 photographer Vicki Vale have a good chance of finding out? Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Battledogs (Blu-ray) Movies, Superheroes 1989 126min. Ernie Hudson, Bill Duke, Wes Studi, Dennis April Fool’s Day Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Haysbert, Ariana Richards, Kate Vernon, Taylor Cole, Jennifer Siebel, Joseph 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116319 Craig Sheffer McKelheer, Josh Henderson, Samuel Child, All of Manhattan is quarantined when the „Lupine virus“ Joe Egender Batman Begins (Steelbook) (Blu- spreads like wildfire, turning innocent civilians into ravenous She Has A Killer Party Planned.. Each April Fool’s Day, wolf-men. Nothing short of a nuclear blast can stop the fabulously wealthy young Desiree Cartier hosts the most ray) monstrous virus. Killer Animals, Killer Viruses, Action, killers coming-out parties at her to-die-for Southern mansion, Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, Liam and this social event is never complete without one of her Science Fiction 2013 90min. Neeson, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Mi- patented pranks. But when this year’s joke turns deadly, Asylum Home Entertainment 25.06.2013 Desiree, her brother, Blaine, and five of their friends all chael Caine, Rade Serbedzija, Katie become the targets of a twisted killer who begins hunting them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116241 down one by one in this chilling tale of seduction, betrayal Holmes, Tom Wilkinson, Linus Roache, Mark and revenge. Boone Jr., Cillian Murphy, - Horror 2008 91min. Dir. Christopher Nolan Beautiful Creatures (Blu-ray + Paramount 21.05.2013 In Batman Begins, acclaimed director Christopher Nolan DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) explores the origins of the legendary Dark Knight. In the wake 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115929 of his parents’ murder, disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, Kyle Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means Gallner, , Viola Davis, Emmy As Luck Would Have It to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the Rossum, Margo Martindale, Pruitt Taylor fearful. With the help of his trusted butler Alfred (Michael Salma Hayek, Blanca Portillo - Dir. Alex De Caine), detective Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and his ally Vince, Thomas Mann, Alden Ehrenreich La Iglesia Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), Wayne returns to Gotham City When newcomer Lena Duchannes arrives in the small town of and unleashes his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who Gatlin she quickly captures the attention of Ethan Wate, who Roberto (famed Spanish comic Jose Mota) once had a only wants to escape what he views as a boring and dead end promising career in advertising. Now out of work because of uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city. town. He quickly gets more than he bargained for, as Lena the economic downturn, he struggles to keep his family afloat possesses strange powers that have long kept her at a and their dire situation a secret from his adoring wife Luisa Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, distance from others in her life. Lena and Ethan are drawn (Salma Hayek). After yet another dead end interview, Movies, Revenge, Superheroes, together, but their budding romance is threatened by the Roberto’s chances for a promising future seem slim - until a Justice 2005 140min. dangers posed by Lena’s being a Caster and her family’s freak accident places him at the center of a wild media storm. Dark powers, for upon her sixteenth birthday Lena must Realizing his opportunity, Roberto hires a brazen agent to Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 undergo the Claiming, a process that will decide her fate help him leverage his newfound fame into fortune, but Luisa 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116320 forever: Light or Dark. begins to worry about what lengths Roberto will go to for his family’s security. Equal parts skewering social satire and Drama, Fantasy, Romance 2013 124min. deeply felt drama, cult director Alex de la Iglesia’s darkly Batman Returns (Steelbook) (Blu- Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 comic As Luck Would Have It is a wild riff on the modern 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116132 world. 06252013 ray) Drama, Movies, Spanish 2011 98min. Michael Keaton, Christopher Walken, MPI 25.06.2013 Vincent Schiavelli, Danny DeVito, Cristi Beautiful Creatures (DVD + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116477 Conaway, Michael Murphy, Michael Gough, UltraViolet) Pat Hingle, Andrew Bryniarski, Michelle Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, Kyle Axe Giant: The Wrath Of Paul Pfeiffer, Anna Katarina, Jan Hooks - Dir. Gallner, Eileen Atkins, Viola Davis, Emmy Bunyan Tim Burton Rossum, Margo Martindale, Pruitt Taylor Gotham City faces two monstrous criminal menaces: the Vince, Thomas Mann, Alden Ehrenreich Joe Estevez, Dan Haggerty, Thomas bizarre, sinister Penguin (Danny DeVito) and the slinky, When newcomer Lena Duchannes arrives in the small town of Downey - Dir. Gary Jones mysterious (Michelle Pfeiffer). Can Batman (Mi- Gatlin she quickly captures the attention of Ethan Wate, who Tall Tales, campfire stories, the things that make dreams and chael Keaton) battle two formidable foes at once? Especially only wants to escape what he views as a boring and dead end nightmares become a reality for some. Such is the tale of Axe when one wants to be mayor and the other is romantically town. He quickly gets more than he bargained for, as Lena Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan. While at a first-time attracted to Gotham’s hero? Like the 1989 groundbreaking possesses strange powers that have long kept her at a offenders boot camp, some kids discover that the legend of original, Batman Returns is directed by the wizardly Tim distance from others in her life. Lena and Ethan are drawn Paul Bunyan is not only real but that he is incurring his wrath Burton. And like the first blockbuster, it’s a dazzling together, but their budding romance is threatened by the on whoever he comes into contact with after having been adventure that leaves you breathless. dangers posed by Lena’s being a Caster and her family’s banished from town over 100 years ago and was thought dead. Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Dark powers, for upon her sixteenth birthday Lena must Fairy Tales, Horror, Movies, Troubled Youth Movies, Superheroes 1992 126min. undergo the Claiming, a process that will decide her fate min. Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 forever: Light or Dark. Romance, Drama, Fantasy 2013 124min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 18.06.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116321 Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116402 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116096 Battle: Los Angeles (Blu-ray +

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Beauty And The Least will find themselves entwined in a dangerous web of betrayal Knew, She Found A Way To Make A Difference.. A pampered and seduction that L.A. Weekly calls „a treasure map of life in London collides with the stark realities of poverty and Mischa Barton, Melora Hardin double crosses and hairpin turns.“ hunger in the world’s most dangerous hot spots in Beyond Likeable looser Ben Banks is a serial underachieving stoner Crime, Thrillers 1999 92min. Borders, a sweeping romantic adventure starring Academy in his twelfth year of community college. But when he finds Award winner Angelina Jolie (Lara Croft Tomb Raider). While love he learns that growing up isn’t so bad. Starring Mischa Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 attending a fundraising gala, Sarah Jordan (Jolie), a naive, Barton (The Sixth Sense, T.V.’s The O.C., Notting Hill), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116205 married American socialite living in England, witnesses a Melora Hardin (The Hot Chick, T.V.’s The Office, 17 Again, fiery plea delivered by an intruder-a renegade humanitarian, Thank You for Smoking) and David Sullivan (Argo, Dr. Nick Callahan (Clive Owen, The Bourne Identity). His Skateland). Best Of Family TV plea, made on behalf of impoverished African children under Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 min. Lucille Ball, Vivian Vance, Donna Douglas, his care, turns Sarah’s life upside down. Attracted to Nick and his cause, she impulsively abandons her sheltered life in Green Apple Entertainment 04.06.2013 Gale Gordon, Irene Ryan, Edgar Buchanan, England to work along side him in his effort to aid the helpless 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116406 Buddy Ebsen, , Max Baer Jr., and anguished victims. As Sarah’s work takes her to these Carl Switzer volatile areas, where few people have traveled and even Becoming Redwood 90 episodes from four TV classics packed with loveable fewer have survived, she discovers the harsh realities she entertainment and laugh-a-minute storylines. Starring Buddy encounters-and her growing attraction to the charismatic, Ryan Grantham, Derek Hamilton, Chad Ebsen, Edgar Buchanan, Lucille Ball and more. Shows unpredictable doctor-ignite in her a passion for sa Willett Include: Drama 2003 Ltbx 126min. A precocious 11-year-old with an overactive imagination has Classics, Collections, Comedy, Family Paramount 21.05.2013 his life turned upside down when he leaves his hippy father to 2352min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115931 move in with his straight-laced mother. Now, he must figure out how to fit in with his colorful new family, all while beating Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jack Nicklaus at the 1978 championship! Chock full of laughs 07.05.2013 The Big Bad and set to a fantastic soundtrack, Becoming Redwood is 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115982 Frankie Ducane is obsessed with seeking revenge against crowd pleasing hole-in-one. the deranged killer who destroyed her family. The search for Comedy, Drama 99min. the depraved man who tore Frankie’s life apart has left her Screen Media Films 28.05.2013 Best Of The Best: Without exhausted, but she will not give up until he suffers for his Warning (Blu-ray) actions. Her journey turns into a non-stop grotesque battle for 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115876 , where only one person will come out of this alive. Ernie Hudson, Paul Gleason, Jessica Mystery, Revenge, Werewolves, Zombies, Bedazzled Collins, Tobin Bell, Phillip Rhee, Art La Fleur, Drama, Horror 2011 78min. Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Harold Thure Riefenstein Phase 4 Films 04.06.2013 An explosion of action, Best of the Best: Without Warning is Ramis, Peter Tolan, Larry Gelbart, Harold another thrill-packed installment in the pulse-pounding series. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115943 Ramis, Trevor Albert, Harold Ramis When a girl fleeing Russian mobsters plants a stolen The Devil’s never been so hot or hilarious! Brendan Fraser is computer disc on Tommy Lee (Phillip Rhee), the martial arts Black Beauty a hapless, love-starved computer technician who falls prey to expert finds himself unwittingly thrust into his most harrowing sinfully sexy Elizabeth Hurley when he agrees to sell her his adventure ever. The tiny piece of high-tech software holds the Mark Lester, Maria Rohm, Ursula Glas, Wal- soul in exchange for seven wishes. But the sly Princess of secrets to a counterfeiting scam and now Tommy is the target ter Slezak, Patrick Mower, Peter Lee Darkness has more than a few tricks up her... sleeve. And of a blood-thirsty mob that will stop at nothing to get it back. before you can say Fire and Brimstone, Elliot’s life becomes a With a first-rate cast featuring Ernie Hudson, Tobin Bell and Lawrence, John Nettleton hysterical hell on earth. Paul Gleason, prepare yourself for death-defying chases and A Timeless Tale Of Love And Courage. Based on the all-time amazing hand-to-hand combat as Tommy kicks into high gear favorite novel by Anna Sewell Black Beauty is a lyrical tale of Comedy 2000 93min. the friendship and understanding between a young boy and his Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 in a desperate struggle for justice and survival. Crime, Martial Arts, Action, Adventure, colt. Joe Evans (Mark Lester) and Black Beauty are parted 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116178 and, before their reunion, Beauty passes from owner to owner Thrillers 1998 90min. as a racehorse, circus performer, military steed in India, and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment workhorse for a coal merchant. Black Beauty is a passionate Bedazzled (Blu-ray) 07.05.2013 argument for the humane treatment of animals, as well as Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Harold outstanding family entertainment. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115903 Drama, Family, Friendships, Horses 1971 Ramis, Peter Tolan, Larry Gelbart, Harold 106min. Ramis, Trevor Albert, Harold Ramis Best Of Warner Bros.: 20 Film The Devil’s never been so hot or hilarious! Brendan Fraser is Paramount 21.05.2013 a hapless, love-starved computer technician who falls prey to Collection - Comedy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115932 sinfully sexy Elizabeth Hurley when he agrees to sell her his soul in exchange for seven wishes. But the sly Princess of Heather Graham, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Darkness has more than a few tricks up her... sleeve. And Kitty Carlisle, Jeffrey Tambor, Zach Black Knight before you can say Fire and Brimstone, Elliot’s life becomes a Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Martin Lawrence, Tom Wilkinson hysterical hell on earth. Justin Bartha, Groucho Marx, Allan Jones Martin Lawrence is back...way back...in this outrageous fish- Comedy 2000 93min. Mystery, National Film Registry, AFI Top out-of-water comedy that’s „armored with plenty of laughs!“ Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 (Hollywood Report Card) A fast-talking maintenance worker 100, Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116204 (Lawrence) is in for a royally rude awakening when an Comedy min. unfortunate moat mishap at the Medieval World theme park Warner Bros. 02.07.2013 transports him back in time to 14th century England. Now, Best Laid Plans armed with only his modern-day street smarts, he must deal 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115919 with damsels in distress, an evil king - and really bad Reese Witherspoon, Alessandro Nivola, plumbing. The life has never been more hilarious! Betty & Coretta Action, Comedy, Medieval Times 2001 Welcome to Tropico, a gray little town smack dab in the middle 95min. Ruby Dee, Angela Bassett, Mary J. Blige, of nowhere where nothing ever happens until a botched Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 robbery leaves Nick (Alessandro Nivola) 48 hours to pay up Malik Yoba or die. Desperate, Nick and his girlfriend Lissa (Reese Two extraordinary women - Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116180 Witherspoon) undertake drastic measures to get their hands Luther King, Jr., and Dr. Betty Shabazz, wife of Malcolm X - on some fast cash. Enter Nick’s old college chum Bryce (Josh come to life in Betty & Coretta on Lifetime. Coretta Scott King Black Knight (Blu-ray) Brolin), a seemingly easy mark who holds the ticket to the is played by Golden Globe Award winner and Academy Award couple’s salvation. But before long, all three young people nominee Angela Bassett, and nine-time Grammy-winning Martin Lawrence, Tom Wilkinson will find themselves entwined in a dangerous web of betrayal recording artist Mary J. Blige is executive producer and stars Martin Lawrence is back...way back...in this outrageous fish- and seduction that L.A. Weekly calls „a treasure map of as Dr. Betty Shabazz. After their husbands’ tragic out-of-water comedy that’s „armored with plenty of laughs!“ double crosses and hairpin turns.“ assassinations, they developed a unique friendship spanning (Hollywood Report Card) A fast-talking maintenance worker Thrillers, Crime 1999 92min. three decades as they carried on the Civil Rights movement (Lawrence) is in for a royally rude awakening when an Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 while supporting their families as single mothers. Through unfortunate moat mishap at the Medieval World theme park their strength and dignity, they became role models for millions transports him back in time to 14th century England. Now, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116179 of women. armed with only his modern-day street smarts, he must deal TV Movies, , Biography, with damsels in distress, an evil king - and really bad Best Laid Plans (Blu-ray) Biopics, Drama, girl power 2013 120min. plumbing. The knight life has never been more hilarious! Comedy, Medieval Times, Action 2001 Reese Witherspoon, Alessandro Nivola, A&E 11.06.2013 95min. Josh Brolin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116118 Welcome to Tropico, a gray little town smack dab in the middle Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 of nowhere where nothing ever happens until a botched 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116206 robbery leaves Nick (Alessandro Nivola) 48 hours to pay up Beyond Borders or die. Desperate, Nick and his girlfriend Lissa (Reese Angelina Jolie, Clive Owen, Teri Polo, Noah The Black Orchid Witherspoon) undertake drastic measures to get their hands Emmerich, Linus Roache, Yorick Van on some fast cash. Enter Nick’s old college chum Bryce (Josh Anthony Quinn, Sophia Loren, Ina Balin, Brolin), a seemingly easy mark who holds the ticket to the Wageningen couple’s salvation. But before long, all three young people In A Place She Didn’t Belong, Among People She Never Mark Richman

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Anthony Quinn and Sophia Loren star as longtime widower book. „We walk by faith, not by sight,“ quotes Eli. Under the 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116391 Frank and recently widowed Rose, lonely hearts who taut direction of the Hughes Brothers (Menace II Society), discover something special in The Black Orchid, a sensitive those words hit home with unexpected meaning and power. comedy romance directed by Martin Ritt (Norma Rae, Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- The Bridge On The River Kwai Murphy’s Romance). What they discover is each other-and a love that restores joy in their lives. Yet before they can say „I ray, Movies, Thrillers, Western 2010 (Blu-ray) do,“ Frank’s daughter says „No you don’t!“ With all the heart 118min. , Jack Hawkins, William Hol- and courage they possess, Frank and Rose work to win over Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 his daughter and to rescue Rose’s son from a path that has den, Ann Sears, Sessue Hayakawa, James him headed for reform school. Love may be better the second 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116322 Donald, Geoffrey Horne time around...but for Frank and Rose it’s a lot more When British P.O.W.s build a vital railway bridge in enemy- complicated! Bounty Hunters 2: Hardball (Blu- occupied Burma, Allied commandos are assigned to destroy it Romance, Classics, Comedy 1959 94min. in David Lean’s epic World War II adventure The Bridge On ray) The River Kwai Spectacularly produced, The Bridge On The Paramount 21.05.2013 River Kwai captured the imagination of the public and won 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115933 Lisa Howard, Michael Dudlkoff, Tony Curtis seven 1957 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best A crime thriller packing unstoppable action, Bounty Hunters 2: Actor (Alec Guinness), and Best Director. Even its theme Hardball is the explosive follow-up to the intensely song, an old WWI whistling tune, the „Colonel Bogey March,“ Black Pond entertaining Bounty Hunters. After Jersey Bellini (Michael became a massive wordwide hit. The Bridge On The River Chris Langham Dudikoff - American Ninja) leaves his beautiful partner B.B. Kwai continues today as one of the most memorable cinematic (Lisa Howard - TVs Earth: Final Conflict) alone to break up a experiences of all time. Combining the quietly surreal with the beautifully mundane, dangerous jewel heist-in-progress, she decides that they’ve this hilarious and heartbreaking thriller tells the story of an worked their last case together. But when the thieves seek British, Classics, Drama, Jungle, Academy ordinary family that is labeled as murderers by the tabloid their revenge with a deadly plot, the two bounty hunters Award Winners, Action, Adventure, AFI Top press after a dinner guest dies in their home, and a scheming realize that they can’t go it alone. Also starring Tony Curtis 100, National Film Registry, Special psychotherapist leaks the story to the press. (The Defiant Ones), watch as Jersey and B.B. do what they British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Movies, do best: double-team the criminals in a heart-stopping big to Editions, War, World War II 1957 min. Thrillers 2012 83min. bring them to justice.. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment E1 Entertainment 25.06.2013 Bounty Hunters, Drama, Action, Thieves, 05.05.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116275 Thrillers 1997 97min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116011 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Blood Of The Samurai 07.05.2013 The Briefcase 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115901 Bryan Yamasaki, Michael Ng, Shawn Nashawn Kearse, Vincent Pastore, Daniel Forsythe - Dir. Aaron Yamasato Stewart Sherman, David Vadim For average guys like Trent and Rob, nothing extraordinary Braveheart (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 2012 76min. happens in their lives. When the pair find a load of stolen Mel Gibson, Catherine McCormack, Patrick Osiris Entertainment 07.05.2013 samurai swords, they think they have found a cure for boredom. At first, they play with the swords, fighting like kids. McGoohan, Sophie Marceau - Dir. Mel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116168 However, a dark force suddenly overtakes them, and Gibson transforms them into expert samurai fighters - Rob even Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Bringing Out The Dead begins writing death threats in Japanese! 100, Blu-ray, Drama, Epics, Historical / Action, Adventure, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, , John Goodman, Ving Period Piece, Medieval Times, Movies 1995 Fantasy, Movies, Samurai 2001 75min. Rhames, Patricia Arquette, Tom Sizemore 117min. E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 From acclaimed director Martin Scorsese (Casino, Taxi Paramount 07.05.2013 Driver) comes one of his most compelling and unforgettable 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116248 movies. Nicolas Cage stars as Frank Pierce, a paramedic on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116323 the brink of madness from too many years of saving and losing lives. One fateful night, Frank meets Mary Burke (Patricia Blood Runs Cold Breaking Bad: The Complete Arquette), the daughter of a man Frank tried to save. In the dead of winter, Winona, a successful musician, looking Together, Frank and Mary confront the ghosts of the past, and to relax and find creative inspiration, returns to her hometown Fifth Season discover that redemption can be found among the living. to stay in a cabin rented by her manager. When she arrives, On The Job, Drama 1999 121min. she coincidentally runs into her old boyfriend and some Bryan Cranston, Dean Norris, Anna Gunn, friends. Continuing their reunion at the cabin, the Aaron Paul, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte Paramount 21.05.2013 houseguests quickly discover that they are not alone. Blood Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Bryan Cranston 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115934 Runs Cold is a frostbitten slasher that turns the snow red and Aaron Paul return in their Emmy winning roles of meth with gore. This snowy massacre will keep you chilled to the cooks Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the fifth explosive end. season of Breaking Bad. With Gus Fring dead, Walt’s Broken Bridges Horror, Movies, Slasher, Thrillers 2011 transformation from a well-meaning family man to a ruthless Kelly Preston, Toby Keith, Burt Reynolds, drug kingpin is nearly complete. Forming a partnership with 80min. Jesse and Mike (Jonathan Banks), Walt proceeds to make a Willie Nelson, Lindsey Haun Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.07.2013 killing until the fruits of his murderous schemes are Sometimes You Have to Go Back to Move Forward.. When a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116460 threatened by a new development in the investigation led by down and out country music singer (Toby Keith) is forced to Hank (Dean Norris). Executive produced by face his past after the death of his brother, he returns home to and Mark Johnson. find his high school sweetheart (Kelly Preston) and a 16- Bloodsucking Vampire Freaks year-old daughter (Lindsay Haun) he’s never met. Broken AMC, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Bridges takes you back to small town America where Enter the secret and sexy world of real in this Illness & Disease, Television, Thrillers 2012 important things matter like family, country and duty, and expose of the bloodsucker underground that exists in America 375min. shows that sometimes by going back, you really can move today. Go deep into hidden chambers and private after hours forward. Burt Reynolds co-stars as the gruff patriarch of clubs where lesbian vamps prey on each other and engage in Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Preston’s small town family, while Tess Harper plays her blood-parties with a chosen few outsiders. Also features 04.06.2013 nurturing mother. Willie Nelson and Anna Maria Horsford interviews with actual vampires and experts in the field, who 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116364 round out this truly diverse ensemble cast Broken Bridges shed light on this dark, erotic world. also features a soundtrack full of memorable songs and marks Vampires, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror Toby Keith’s debut in a feature film lead role. 160min. Breaking Bad: The Complete Music, Country Music, Drama 2006 104min. Music Video Distribution 23.04.2013 Fifth Season (Blu-ray) Paramount 21.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115950 Bryan Cranston, Dean Norris, Anna Gunn, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115935 Aaron Paul, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte The Book Of Eli (Steelbook) (Blu- Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Bryan Cranston Brubaker (Blu-ray) and Aaron Paul return in their Emmy winning roles of meth ray) cooks Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in the fifth explosive Robert Redford, David Keith, Yaphet Kotto, Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Michael season of Breaking Bad. With Gus Fring dead, Walt’s Jane Alexander, Murray Hamilton, Tim Gambon, Jennifer Beals, Ray Stevenson, transformation from a well-meaning family man to a ruthless McIntire drug kingpin is nearly complete. Forming a partnership with Robert Redford stars in this potent drama based on the real , Mila Kunis - Dir. Albert Jesse and Mike (Jonathan Banks), Walt proceeds to make a life story of Tom Murton, the prison superintendent who Hughes, Allen Hughes killing until the fruits of his murderous schemes are rocked Arkansas politics when he exposed scandalous Eli walks alone in post-apocalyptic America. He heads west threatened by a new development in the investigation led by abuses and murders in a state prison. Posing as a new along the Highway of Death on a mission he doesn’t fully Hank (Dean Norris). Executive produced by Vince Gilligan prisoner, Brubaker (Redford) discovers vast corruption in a understand but knows he must complete. In his backpack is and Mark Johnson. state penitentiary before revealing himself to be the new the last copy of a book that could become the wellspring of a AMC, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dea- warden. His personal crusade to bring reform puts him in revived society. Or in the wrong hands, the hammer of a lers, Illness & Disease, Television, Thrillers grave danger, especially when he insists on exposing a despot. Denzel Washington is Eli, who keeps his blade sharp series of secret murders that took place years earlier. and his survival instincts sharper as his quest thrusts him 2012 375min. Powerful and disturbing, Brubaker won acclaim for its gritty into a savage wasteland...and into explosive conflict with a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment realism and Oscar-nominated screenplay. resourceful (Gary Oldman) set on possessing the 04.06.2013 Drama, Prison 1980 130min.

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20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 convict, is hired to abduct a runaway from a crack house in the city’s notorious ‘Charlie Zone’, and return her safely to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115898 her family. But nothing goes quite as planned and nothing is Clash Of The Titans (Steelbook) quite what it seems. What follows is a harrowing ride through (Blu-ray) Burn Notice: Season Six the underside of a postcard Canadian city, as two lost people attempt to face the darkness - in their world and themselves - , Ralph Fiennes, Mads Bruce Campbell, Gabrielle Anwar, Jeffrey and somehow find redemption. Mikkelsen, Sam Worthington, Alexa Donovan, Sharon Gless Thrillers, Drama, Action 2011 103min. Davalos, Gemma Arterton - Dir. Louis There’s trouble in paradise for former CIA operative Michael Starz / Anchor Bay 04.06.2013 Westen and his cohorts, and the streets of Miami are hotter- Leterrier and deadlier-than ever before in the action-packed, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116164 In Clash of the Titans, the ultimate struggle for power pits men adrenaline-charged sixth season of Burn Notice! In hot against kings and kings against gods. But the war between pursuit of his old nemesis, Michael must take down Anson Chasing Papi the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god Fullerton and find a way to free Fiona from prison, where she but raised as a man, Perseus (Sam Worthington) is helpless is being targeted by a murderous foe. Michael goes full force Eduardo Verastegui, Jaci Velasquez, to save his family from Hades (Ralph Fiennes), vengeful god to save Fiona as he takes on cold-blooded assassins, Roselyn Sanchez, Sofia Vergara, Lisa of the underworld. With nothing to lose, Perseus volunteers to diabolical drug cartels, uneasy alliances, and explosive lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize danger at every turn, until an unthinkable tragedy leaves him Vidal, Freddy Rodriguez, D.L. Hughley power from Zeus (Liam Neeson) and unleash hell on earth. reeling and rocks his team to the very core. Three women. Three cities. Three times the trouble.. Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Handsome advertising executive Tomas „Papi“ Fuentes is Action, Adventure, Comedy, Spies & Secret truly, deeply in love... with three gorgeous women in three Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Giant Mon- Agents, Television, USA Network 2012 different cities. There’s prim-and-proper Patricia in New sters!, Movies, Myths & Legends 2010 774min. York, lovely Lorena in and spicy Cici in Miami. But 106min. when all three arrive in L.A. to surprise Papi at home, the 20th Century Fox 11.06.2013 situation doesn’t just heat up, it explodes! Filled with beautiful Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116433 bodies, hip Latin rhythms and plenty of passion, Chasing Papi 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116325 will leave you cheering! Carrier Romance, Comedy 2003 80min. Cleaver Family Reunion Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Shortly after Thomas delivers a mysterious package, he Trae Ireland begins to fall ill. But this is not any ordinary illness. He soon 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116181 In this African-American comedy, a delightfully dysfunctional descends into the depths of a sickness that turns him into an family settles their differences after a series of hilarious insatiable killer. Worse is that the strange virus that has Chasing Papi (Blu-ray) misadventures surrounding the annual, summer reunion. turned him into a monster is contagious, and has begun to African Americans, Comedy, Dysfunctional spread. Eduardo Verastegui, Jaci Velasquez, Families 2013 90min. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Roselyn Sanchez, Sofia Vergara, Lisa Asylum Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 91min. Vidal, Freddy Rodriguez, D.L. Hughley E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 Three women. Three cities. Three times the trouble.. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116227 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116249 Handsome advertising executive Tomas „Papi“ Fuentes is truly, deeply in love... with three gorgeous women in three Cleaver Family Reunion (Blu-ray) different cities. There’s prim-and-proper Patricia in New Cars 3 York, lovely Lorena in Chicago and spicy Cici in Miami. But Trae Ireland A used car salesman must sell a Mercury Topaz within the when all three arrive in L.A. to surprise Papi at home, the In this African-American comedy, a delightfully dysfunctional hour- or the devil gets his soul! To achieve his goal and save situation doesn’t just heat up, it explodes! Filled with beautiful family settles their differences after a series of hilarious himself, he’ll do whatever it takes. Evil if it means pointing a bodies, hip Latin rhythms and plenty of passion, Chasing Papi misadventures surrounding the annual, summer reunion. gun at his customers’ heads! will leave you cheering! Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, African Comedy, Devils And Demons, Horror, Comedy, Romance 2003 80min. Americans 2013 90min. Movies 2009 min. Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Asylum Home Entertainment 04.06.2013 Troma Team Video 09.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116207 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116240 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116365 Children Of A Lesser God Cohen & Tate (Blu-ray) Catch-22 William Hurt, Marlee Matlin, Piper Laurie, , Adam Baldwin, Harley Cross , Jon Voight, Anthony Perkins, Philip Bosco - Dir. Eric Red Alan Arkin, , Art Garfunkel, One of the most critically-acclaimed films of the 80s, Children Cinematic version of the O’Henry story Ransom Of Red Of A Lesser God garnered four Academy Award nominations Chief. Cohen and Tate are two Mafia hit men who don’t Paula Prentiss, Orson Welles, Martin Bal- and a Best Actress Oscar for Marlee Matlin. Based on the hit exactly hit it off. Cohen is an old pro, a cold-blooded killer sam, Buck Henry, Richard Benjamin, Jack Broadway play, it’s the uplifting love story of John Leeds who is all business. Tate is a young hothead who kills for fun. (William Hurt), an idealistic special education teacher, and a Together they kidnap a nine-year-old Travis Knight, an Gilford headstrong deaf girl named Sarah (Marlee Matlin). At first, superbly directed this cinematic adaptation of eyewitness to a recent mob rub out. Now, they’ve got 24 Leeds sees Sarah as a teaching challenge. But soon their hours to deliver him to for interrogation and Joseph Heller’s scathing black comedy about a small group of teacher/student relationship blossoms into a love so flyers in the Mediterranean in 1944. There are winners and elimination. Realizing their mutual hatred is his only hope, passionate it shatters the barrier of silence that keeps them Travis plays this lethal odd couple against each other. But losers, opportunists and survivors. Separately and together apart. they are nervous, frightened, often profane and sometimes when their volatile words explode into a fiery gun battle, he’s pathetic. Almost all are a little crazy. Catch-22 is an anti-war Teachers, Academy Award Winners, Drama caught in the cross fire. satire of epic proportions. 1986 118min. Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Crime, Kid- War, Classics, Comedy, Dark Comedy 1970 Paramount 21.05.2013 napping, Movies, Thrillers 1988 86min. 121min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115937 Shout Factory 09.07.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116510 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115936 Chinatown (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Jack Nicholson, , Burt Combat!: Season Three Charlie Zone Young, , Perry Lopez, Bill Mickey Rooney, Rip Torn, Telly Savalas, Sal Mpho Koaho, Amanda Crew Young - Dir. Roman Polanski Mineo, Gary Lockwood, Seymour Cassel, Charlie Zone is a twisting dramatic thriller set against the In a legendary performance, three-time Academy Award Roddy McDowall, Robert Duvall, Theodore drug-ravaged streets of one of Canada’s roughest winner Jack Nicholson stars as private eye Jake Gittes. neighborhoods. Avery Paul, a disgraced boxer and ex- Hired by a mysterious woman to investigate Hollis Mulwray, Bikel, Anthony Eisley, Vic Morrow, Neville convict, is hired to abduct a runaway from a crack house in the chief engineer of the Los Angeles Department Of Water Brand, Rick Jason - Dir. Richard Donner, the city’s notorious ‘Charlie Zone’, and return her safely to and Power, Gittes’ sleuthing brings him into contact with her family. But nothing goes quite as planned and nothing is Mulwray’s wife (Academy Award winner Faye Dunaway), a One of the television’s most popular series, Combat offers a quite what it seems. What follows is a harrowing ride through stunning socialite with secrets of her own. As a determined gritty, unflinching look at American soldiers battling in Europe the underside of a postcard Canadian city, as two lost people Gittes delves deeper he soon realizes that even the City of during World War II, confronting imposing odds and attempt to face the darkness - in their world and themselves - Angels has a dark side. Director Roman Polanski’s China- demonstrating remarkable levels of ingenuity and courage. Vic and somehow find redemption. town has evolved from an atmospheric film noir mystery into a Morrow and Rick Jason head a stellar cast in the longest- Thrillers, Action, Drama 2011 103min. modern-day classic, with Robert Towne’s Academy Award- running war series in history, featuring an incomparable list of Starz / Anchor Bay 04.06.2013 winning script unforgettably and brilliantly capturing a lost guest stars from Hollywood’s Golden Age as well as top era of deceit, corruption and treachery. directorial talent including Richard Donner and Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116159 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Altman. This collection includes all 32 episodes from the third Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, season of this groundbreaking, classic TV series! Charlie Zone (Blu-ray) Movies, Mystery, National Film Registry, Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Milita- Mpho Koaho, Amanda Crew Thrillers 1974 130min. ry, Television, War, World War II 1964 Charlie Zone is a twisting dramatic thriller set against the Paramount 07.05.2013 1530min. drug-ravaged streets of one of Canada’s roughest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116324 Image Ent. 04.06.2013 neighborhoods. Avery Paul, a disgraced boxer and ex- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116368

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division of the Agency, Annie takes on missions that become personal and finds herself on dangerous forays into Come Back, Little Sheba The Confession inhospitable territory, while a series of explosive revelations , Burt Lancaster, , Adrian Paul, Sherry Stringfield, Bill Oberst force her to question her role and what (and who) matters most. From the producers of The Bourne Trilogy and co- Richard Jaeckal Jr., Katie Leclerc starring Christopher Gorham (Ugly Betty), Kari Matchett Based on William Inge’s classic play, Come Back, Little Raised by an Amish family, Katie Lapp (Katie Leclerc, TV’s (Leverage), and Peter Gallagher (The O.C.), watch all 16 Sheba is the stirring tale of a life-weary couple who rescue Switched at Birth) always felt the call of another life. Now, action-packed episodes back to back and uninterrupted of the hope from the ruins of the past. Shirley Booth stars in an her quest to find her birth-mother, Laura Mayfield-Bennett pulse-racing series that „will keep you at the edge of your Academy Award winning performance as Lola, slovenly (Sherry Stringfield, TV’s ER), has drawn her into world of the seat“ (Jeanne Jakle, San Antonio Express News). Internatio- housewife to Doc Delaney (Burt Lancaster), a recovering „Englishers.“ Along the way, two very different men try to help nal shooting locations this season include Moscow, Paris, alcoholic. The Delaney’s life is dull and unchanging, but her overcome a devious scheme to steal her rightful Barcelona, Morocco and Puerto Rico. takes a dramatic turn when the couple take in a charming inheritance. Business-minded but kind-hearted Justin Wirth boarder, Marie (Terry Moore). Marie becomes the daughter (Michael Rupnow) reaches out to discover Katie’s hidden Action, Crime, Drama, Independent Women, the Delaneys never had. But when Marie takes up with a secrets, while her childhood companion Daniel Fisher Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Television, boorish boyfriend, Doc descends into a jealous tailspin and (Cameron Deane Stewart) sacrifices his own happiness for Thrillers, USA Network 2012 min. must once again face the temptations of the bottle. An her future. Katie’s heart is divided between two worlds as unforgettable film shimmering with life-truths and dramatic love reveals the truth in the moving saga based on the hit Universal Studios 28.05.2013 intensity that also nabbed an Oscar nomination for Best Film novel from New York Times bestselling author Beverly Lewis. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116442 Editing. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Drama, Tearjerkers, Academy Award Winners, Movies, Mystery, TV Movies 2013 88min. Daniel Craig 007 Collection (Blu- Drama 1952 95min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ray) Paramount 21.05.2013 11.06.2013 Daniel Craig, , Eva Green, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115938 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116363 , Mads Mikkelsen Come Out And Play Collections, James Bond, Action, Adventure The Contender min. Vinessa Shaw Gary Oldman, Joan Allen, Jeff Bridges, Beth (Vinessa Shaw) and Francis (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) MGM / UA 04.06.2013 decide to take a vacation before the birth of their child. Christian Slater, , Philip Baker 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115900 Francis insists on venturing to a more serene island; Beth Hall, Sam Elliott, William Petersen hesitantly agrees. Soon they discover the island is Sometimes you can assassinate a leader without firing a shot.. mysteriously abandoned, populated only by children. Beth and Power comes at a stunning price, in this electrifying thriller Crawlspace Francis are left to uncover the mystery of the disappearances, that features riveting performances by an all-star cast. The John Brumpton, Nicholas Bell as a day in paradise quickly turns into a struggle for survival. vice president is dead, and as the president (Jeff Bridges) Deep in the heart of the unforgiving Australian desert lies Mystery, Horror 2012 86min. makes his choice for a replacement, a secret contest of wills Pine Gap, a top-secret government facility operated by the New Video DVD 18.06.2013 is being waged by a formidable rival (Gary Oldman). When military. When the base comes under attack Senator Laine Hanson (Joan Allen) is nominated as the first from unknown forces, an elite team is sent in to extract the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116148 woman in history to hold the office, hidden agendas explode military scientists. But their mission quickly becomes into a battle for power. Critics rave that The Contender is „the compromised when they find a crowd of disturbed patients Come Out And Play (Blu-ray + most important American film in years...a remarkably powerful from the medical sector overrunning the facility and encounter and provocative thriller,“ (Jeff Craig, Sixty Second Preview). a beautiful and mysterious young woman with no . As DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Politics, Thrillers, Drama 2000 127min. the squad delves deeper it becomes clear that there is Paramount 21.05.2013 something far more sinister - and far more dangerous - going Vinessa Shaw on at Pine Gap. A taut thriller that recalls the best classic Beth (Vinessa Shaw) and Francis (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115939 sci-fi action films, Crawlspace is the feature debut of award- decide to take a vacation before the birth of their child. winning special effects supervisor Justin Dix. Francis insists on venturing to a more serene island; Beth hesitantly agrees. Soon they discover the island is Copper Canyon Action, Military, Movies, Science Fiction, mysteriously abandoned, populated only by children. Beth and Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr, Mona Freeman, Special Forces, Thrillers 2012 87min. Francis are left to uncover the mystery of the disappearances, MPI 25.06.2013 as a day in paradise quickly turns into a struggle for survival. Harry Carey, Macdonald Carey Oscar winner Ray Milland and the gorgeous Hedy Lamarr 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116478 Horror, Mystery 2012 86min. make a dazzling screen team in this thrilling wild west New Video DVD 18.06.2013 adventure set in the early days following the Civil War. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116163 Milland plays Johnny Carter, a vaudeville sharpshooter Creature From The Black Lagoon trying to outrun his past as a hero in the Confederate Army. (Blu-ray) But when some ex-Confederate miners need protection from Committed (Blu-ray) the Unionists and corrupt lawmen who run Copper Canyon, Richard Carlson, Julie Adams, Richard Heather Graham, Casey Affleck, Luke Johnny straps on his six guns to fight for justice...and win the Denning, Antonio Moreno - Dir. Jack Arnold heart of a local beauty (Lamarr). Loaded with rip-roaring Perfectly blending Universal’s classic monster heritage with Wilson, Patricia Velasquez, Goran Visnjic, action and excitement, Copper Canyon is a gun-blazing the science-fiction explosion of the 1950s, Creature from the Alfonso Arau western that hits the bulls-eye. Black Lagoon tells the mythical story of a dangerous half- She’ll get what she wants...no matter what it takes!. Heather Western, Classics 1950 83min. human, half-fish creature lurking in the depths of the . Graham leads a hilarious cast in an outrageously high- Paramount 21.05.2013 After discovering a unique prehistoric claw fossil on an spirited comedy about the crazy things people will do for love. expedition deep in the jungle, archeologists investigate its When Joline (Graham) discovers that her husband has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115940 origins which lead them directly to a mysterious creature. Led abruptly left her in an effort to „find himself,“ she drops by marine life specialist David Reed (Richard Carlson), the everything and drives out of New York City in search of her The Country Girl men try to capture the monster who has become obsessed with stray spouse. Then, after finally tracking him down in the David’s assistant, Kay (Julia Adams). Originally released in west Texas desert, Joline demonstrates that she’ll do anything , Grace Kelly, William Holden 3D, this thrilling adventure inspired sequels, TV series and to win him back! Also featuring Casey Affleck and Goran Three stellar performers at the peak of their screen careers more that continue to strengthen the monster’s legacy to this Visnjic - all roads lead to love, laughter and loyalty in this join forces in this riveting film adaptation of writer Clifford day. critically acclaimed comedy treat! Odets’ acclaimed play. Bing Crosby (White Christmas) is Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Horror, Mon- Comedy, Drama, Rocky Relationships 2000 Frank Elgin, an alcoholic, guilt-ridden former musical star desperate to make a comeback. William Holden (Sunset sters, Movies, Myths & Legends, Science 98min. Boulevard) is the hotshot Broadway director in need of a Fiction 1954 80min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment „name“ star for his new stage production. And Grace Kelly Universal Studios 04.06.2013 07.05.2013 (Rear Window) is The Country Girl-Frank’s long-suffering wife, who’s both weary of her husband’s weaknesses and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116303 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115904 wary of Holden’s motives. Nominated for seven Academy Awards including Best Picture of the Year, writer/director CSI: NY - The Complete Ninth The Company We Keep George Seaton’s acclaimed drama earned Kelly an Oscar for her performance as well as one for Seaton’s spellbinding Season Stephen Bishop, Shelli Boone - Dir. Roy screenplay. Gary Sinise, Robert Joy, Hill Harper, A.J. Campanella II Music, Academy Award Winners, Drama Buckley, Eddie Cahill, Anna Belknap, An African-American romantic comedy that avoids stereotypes 1954 104min. while focusing on an ensemble cast of characters facing the Carmine Giovinazzo challenges of a declining music industry. Our story revolves Paramount 21.05.2013 CSI: NY, the third incarnation of the CSI: Crime Scene around Teri Stewart, the 28 year-old President of Eclectic 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115960 Investigation franchise and the spin-off of CSI: Miami, is a Records, a boutique music label struggling to survive. We crime drama about forensic investigators who use high-tech follow her as she juggles a constantly demanding professional science to follow the evidence and solve crimes in The Big life with the emotional ups and downs of her personal Covert Affairs: Season Three Apple. relationships. Piper Perabo, Kari Matchett, Christopher CBS, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, African Americans, Comedy, Movies, Gorham Murder Mysteries, Serial Killers, Television Romance 2012 90min. Everything changes for savvy CIA operative Annie Walker 2012 737min. E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 (Piper Perabo, Looper) in season three of the hit series 25.06.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116250 Covert Affairs. Reassigned to a new and even more covert

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91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116401 Screen Media Films 21.05.2013 their family, a brother and sister (Barlow Jacobs, The Master, and Clare Bowen, Nashville) reunite on the western frontier. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115948 The two siblings become reacquainted, torn between a desire Dance Academy: Season One - to reconcile with the only family they have left and their The Dark Knight (Steelbook) (Blu- clashing convictions. Tension and suspicion continue to mount Volume One as they begin to uncover each other’s unforgivable secrets. Ever since she was a little girl, Tara Webster dreamed of ray) War, Western, American Civil War 2012 becoming a dancer. In Season 1 Volume 1, country girl Tara leaves her home, family and friends to audition for the Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Christian 93min. prestigious National Academy of Dance in the big city. When Bale, Michael Caine, Aaron Eckhart, Heath New Video DVD 11.06.2013 she’s given a spot she’s sure her life will be spectacular, but Ledger, Maggie Gyllenhaal - Dir. Christo- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116153 what she doesn’t realize is that there’s a whole lot more to surviving the Academy than just dancing. Tara soon meets the pher Nolan other first years: carefree Kat, gorgeous Ethan, rebellious The follow-up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites The Dead Reborn Christian, loveable Sammy and overachiever Abigail. Together director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who they manage the pressures of exams, crushes and dancing, all reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in his continuing Jeff Peterson, Patrick Flood, Kim Ryan - the while knowing that at the end of the year not everyone war on crime. With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Dir. Victoria Sloan, Dave Parker makes the cut. Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman set out to destroy organized From biochemical virus outbreaks to bizarre occult rituals, Dancing, Drama, Family, Friendships, crime in Gotham for good. The triumvirate proves effective. the dead have risen to walk the Earth once more. In these But soon the three find themselves prey to a rising criminal three chilling tales of the living dead, no one is safe: Can you Romance 2010 min. mastermind known as The Joker, who thrusts Gotham into withstand the heart-pumping horror of The Dead Reborn? New Video DVD 14.05.2013 anarchy and forces Batman closer to crossing the fine line between hero and vigilante. Heath Ledger stars as archvillain Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Zombies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116149 The Joker, and Aaron Eckhart plays Dent. Maggie Gyllenhaal 2013 90min. joins the cast as Rachel Dawes. Returning From Batman Full Moon 07.05.2013 Dance Academy: Season One - Begins are Gary Oldman as Gordon, Michael Caine as Alfred and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116439 Volume Two Academy Award Winners, Action, In Season 1 Volume 2, Tara returns from the holidays excited Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Dead Souls to have been awarded a first year scholarship, but the rest of the year is full of challenges no one could have seen coming. Movies, Superheroes 2008 153min. Jesse James, Magda Apanowicz, Bill The group continues to put all their effort into dancing, but Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Moseley along the way some battle eating disorders, struggle with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116326 On his 18th birthday, a young man learns he was adopted their parents, overcome physical injury and even deal with big when he inherits a farm in ... which has been abandoned breakups. With the end-of-year Nutcracker performance for years since his natural family died at the hands of his approaching, can the Academy group pull it together? And Dark Passions Of A Sexual Serial father, the local preacher. When he moves in, sinister forces does Tara really have what it takes to stand center stage? For trapped in the home begin to resurface and bring to light the first time on DVD, see 13 episodes from Season 1 and Killer frightening details and revelations about his past. take a special behind-the-scenes look at the making of the hit Matthew Shepard Drama, Horror 2012 min. drama series about chasing dreams with your very own Elle-Anne is a beautiful and passionate young woman who Shout Factory 14.05.2013 backstage pass. indulges her passion for sex by working as a high class Dancing, Drama, Family, Friendships, prostitute. Her life is thrown into disarray following a series 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116016 Romance 2011 min. of increasingly disturbing nightmares. She visits a psychotherapist in an effort to try and understand. This leads Dead Souls (Blu-ray) New Video DVD 14.05.2013 her on a dark and twisting journey towards a shocking truth 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116150 she is totally unprepared to have revealed. Jesse James, Magda Apanowicz, Bill Serial Killers, Crime, Horror 65min. Moseley Dance Academy: Season Two - Music Video Distribution 23.04.2013 On his 18th birthday, a young man learns he was adopted 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115951 when he inherits a farm in Maine... which has been abandoned Volume One for years since his natural family died at the hands of his It was a rocky first year, but ultimately Tara Webster got father, the local preacher. When he moves in, sinister forces everything she wanted: a place in the top dance school in the Dark Power trapped in the home begin to resurface and bring to light country, friends she’ll know forever and she fell in love - frightening details and revelations about his past. twice! She even danced the role of her dreams. So Second Sean Patrick Flanery, , Drama, Horror 2012 min. Year should be a piece of cake. Right? In Season 2: Volume 1 Chris Carmack - Dir. John Milton Branton Shout Factory 14.05.2013 Tara reunites with her friends and discovers the exciting When the mayor of a crime-ridden city and his opponent are news that they can all compete in a prestigious ballet both assassinated while seeking election, two FBI agents, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116051 competition, Prix de Fonteyn, to determine the best dancer in John Archer (Sean Patrick Flanery, Boondock Saints, the world. Teacher Miss Raine spells it out for them: „Make Powder) and Mila Driver (Kristanna Loken, Terminator 3: A Deeper Love no mistakes. Second Year counts. And you are all in Rise of the Machines, BloodRayne), reluctantly join forces to competition.“ Everyone must work harder than they’ve ever investigate the murder - only to discover that City Hall holds Rayan Lawrence, Layne worked before on the dance floor and in life. For the first time more secrets than the identity of . Gina and Kevin are the perfect match. The two are deeply in on DVD, see 13 episodes from Season 2 of the hit drama Assassins & Hitmen, Crime, FBI, Movies, love with each other and on the same page with many things series about chasing dreams. Politics, Thrillers 2013 min. including their opposition to marriage. Afraid that marriage Dancing, Drama, Family, Friendships, will ruin her relationship as it has done to her parents’ Green Apple Entertainment 25.06.2013 Romance min. marriage, Gina has vowed never to marry. After being 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116407 pressured into marriage with the mother of his two sons, New Video DVD 14.05.2013 Kevin has vowed never to marry again. But when Gina’s co- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116151 worker, Lenny, invites her to his church, as he routinely does Dead Again each Friday, odd occurrences happen that will lead her to a Andy Garcia, Emma Thompson, Hanna powerful message. Questions are answered that she has Dance Academy: Season Two - secretly had in her heart but ignored. Now seeing her Schygulla, Kenneth Branagh, relationship with Kevin in a new light, she has a decision to Volume Two How Many Times Can You Die For Love?. Oscar nominee make. Does she walk away from all that she and Kevin have Tara Webster soared to great heights during her first year at Kenneth Branagh (Henry V) and Oscar winner Emma built or does she ignore the new love that she has found in the Academy, but by her second year she’s learned that being Thompson (Howard’s End) give dazzling dual-role another? on top - in dance, in life, in love - only makes for a long fall performances in this supernatural-tingled romantic murder Romance, Drama 2007 93min. back down. In Season 2 Volume 2 the stakes are higher, the mystery. Mike Church (Branagh) is a L.A. gumshoe with a lows are lower, and the competitions are exhilarating. Tara knack for tossing off wisecracks and tracking down missing Team Marketing 21.05.2013 and the entire crew must manage tragedy, relationships and persons. But Church doesn’t have a clue when he’s hired to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115871 the ultimate final showdown performance. Above all else, it’s help a beautiful amnesia victim (Thompson) tormented by their friendship that held them together this long. Will it carry blood-curdling nightmares. Then an eccentric antiques dealer them through into their third year? and hypnotist (Derek Jacobi) leads Church to a startling The Delicate Delinquent Dancing, Drama, Family, Friendships, discovery: The source of the nightmares may lie in a past-life Jerry Lewis, Martha Hyer, Darren McGavin, connection to Margaret Strauss, a world-famous pianist Romance min. allegedly murdered by her composer husband...in 1948. In the Horace McMahon, Robert Ivers New Video DVD 14.05.2013 classic tradition of Spellbound and Rebecca, Dead Again Imagine if you had to call the cops to restore law and order - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116152 „brings an entertaining genre back to life“ (Tom Jacobs, Los and Jerry Lewis shows up? In his first film without former Angeles Daily News). Co-starring Andy Garcia. longtime partner , Lewis plays Sidney Pythias, a Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Drama 1991 bumbling janitor caught up in the middle of a gang rumble. Dark Frontier Mistaken for a member of the switchblade set, Sidney is 107min. encouraged to undergo a 180-degress transformation - from Aden Young, Hanna Mangan Lawrence Paramount 21.05.2013 street hoodlum to full-fledged policeman! Darren McGavin (A When dangerous mercenaries arrive on a family farm looking Christmas Story) is the reluctant law enforcement officer who for shelter, a father must do whatever it takes to protect his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115961 must mold Lewis into a respectable man-in-blue at the Police family. During his stay, the villainous leader sets in motion a Academy. But with all the chaos, disorder and trouble Sidney plan that threatens to tear the family apart with greed and Dead Man’s Burden manages to unleash during his training and development, just passion. Vividly gritty, Dark Frontier is a harsh tale of who will the police call for help?! survival and greed on the frontier. David Call, Barlow Jacobs Comedy 1957 100min. Western, Drama 92min. Reeling from a Civil War that divided both their country and

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Paramount 21.05.2013 but rather proud of him, little knowingthat he’s a crooked cop. Kathleen Freeman, Susan Oliver, Everett A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115962 for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by Sloane the syndicate) and it doesn’t take long for the detective’s Poor Jerome Littlefield (Jerry Lewis). He wants to be a doctor The Departed (Steelbook) (Blu- father to realize his son is on the take, which leads to - but that’s not exactly the perfect career choice when you’re numerous complications. Kidnap Syndiacte Colella is a hard hopelessly squeamish. So he settles for the job of orderly at ray) working but struggling mechanic who raises his son Fabrizio the Whitestone Sanitarium, a career move that’s guaranteed to after his wife passed away. Fabrizio is friends with Antonio, keep the patients - and viewers - in stitches! The fun begins Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo son of the extremely rich but incredibly repugnant with Sammy Davis, Jr.’s rendition of the film’s title song and DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Alec Baldwin, Martin businessman Filippini. When criminals kidnap Antonio in front continues as the bumbling Jerome, a one-man disaster area, Sheen, Ray Winstone, Vera Farmiga - Dir. of school, the brave Fabrizio tries to prevent this and the triggers chaos every time he tries to lend a helping hand. nervous kidnappers pull him into the car as well. They From causing the patients more trauma to a high-speed Martin Scorsese demand a huge ransom for theboys, but the pigheaded Filippini ambulance chase, Lewis and his healthy does of comic Rookie cop Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) grew up in refuses to give in to crimin mishaps are the perfect prescription for all that ails you. crime. That makes him the perfect mole, the man on the inside Comedy 1964 89min. of the mob run by boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson). It’s Collections, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Italian, his job to win Costello’s trust and help his detective handlers Action, Thrillers 292min. Paramount 21.04.2013 (Mark Wahlberg and Martin Sheen) bring Costello down. Kino Video 25.06.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115963 Meanwhile, SIU officer Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) has everyone’s trust. No one suspects he’s Costello’s mole. How 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116239 these covert lives cross, double-cross and collide is at the Doctor Who: Inferno - Special ferocious core of the widely acclaimed The Departed. Martin Diablo Edition Scorsese directs, guiding a cast for the ages in a visceral tale of crime and consequences. This is a searing, can’t-look- Sergio Boris, Juan Palomino Jon Pertwee, Caroline John - Dir. Barry away filmmaking: like staring into the eyes of a con - or a cop Marcos, a depressed former boxer who’s fallen from glory, Letts, Douglas Camfield - with a gun. thinks his life is about to take a turn for the better - until his A top secret drilling project headed by Professor Stahlman is Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Cops, cousin Huguito, the black sheep of the family, shows up at his attempting to penetrate the earth’s crust, and the Doctor and Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, door. Whenever Huguito appears, trouble soon follows as Liz Shaw are on hand to observe. Tensions and professional Marcos is about to learn in this hyperviolent black comedy jealousies plague the project, but things really heat up when a Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, inspired by genre cinema. mysterious green substance is found leaking from the drill Thrillers 2006 151min. Sports, Action, Argentinian, Boxing, head. Just when UNIT needs the Doctor most, a time Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Comedy, Foreign 2011 98min. experiment throws him into a parallel universe where 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116327 Breaking Glass Pictures 04.06.2013 everyone he knows has changed for the worse. BBC, British, Fantasy, Foreign, International 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116190 TV, Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel The Devil-Ship Pirates 1970 166min. Andrew Keir, Christopher Lee, John The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season BBC Home Video 11.06.2013 Cairney - Dir. Don Sharp 3 (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116450 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. In Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore, Morey the 16th century, the pirate ship „Diablo“ joins forces with the Amsterdam, Rose Marie Doctor Who: Series Seven - Part Spanish Armada until it becomes evident that the Armada will Pratfall-prone Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke) and his plucky not win. Fleeing the battle, the pirate ship sails into an wife Laura (Mary Tyler Moore), along with the wisecracking Two isolated port where the villagers conclude that the Armada Sally (Rose Marie) and Buddy (Morey Amsterdam), captured David Tennant has won and the ship is part of the Spanish invasion forces. America’s hearts in this TV favorite that irresistibly combined Brutal pirates take full advantage of this situation until a band wit and slapstick. The third season, which earned the series’ Time Travel, BBC, British, Fantasy, Foreign, of villagers rise up and destroy the evil pirates and their highest ratings, opened with the landmark „That’s My Boy??“ International TV, Science Fiction 225min. Devil-Ship. about Rob’s fear that he’s brought the wrong baby home from BBC Home Video 28.05.2013 Action, Adventure, Movies, Pirates, Thril- the hospital, getting the longest studio audience laughs in the show’s history. Also among the season’s 31 original full- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116136 lers 1964 86min. length episode included in this box set are the hilarious SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 „October Eve“ with Laura mortified when a nude portrait of her Doctor Who: Series Seven - Part 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116291 surfaces in a New York gallery and „Big Max Calvada“ in which a gangster muscles Rob, Buddy and Sally into writing a Two (Blu-ray) comedy routine for his nephew. David Tennant Fernando Di Leo: The Italian Image Ent., Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, British, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Television 1963 811min. Crime Collection - Volume Two Science Fiction, BBC, Time Travel 225min. Image Ent. 11.06.2013 Delia Boccardo, Richard Conte, Pier Paolo BBC Home Video 28.05.2013 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116392 Capponi, Luc Merenda, Nieves Navarro 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116162 Films Include Shoot First, Die Later Luc Merenda gives the performance of his career as a highly regarded police Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry / Race detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for Doctor Who: The Doctors departmentalfavors. His father, a simple man, also works for With The Devil (Double Feature) the department but at a lower level; he isn’t jealous of his son, Revisited - 1-4 but rather proud of him, little knowingthat he’s a crooked cop. (Blu-ray) Tom Baker, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father Loretta Swit, Lara Parker, Susan George, for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by William Hartnell the syndicate) and it doesn’t take long for the detective’s Peter Fonda, Warren Oates, Vic Morrow, 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, the longest father to realize his son is on the take, which leads to Adam Roarke running science fiction show in history! To celebrate, the BBC numerous complications. Kidnap Syndiacte Colella is a hard Films Include Dirty Mary Crazy Larry Larry (Peter Fonda) is is releasing a curated selection of the best of each of this working but struggling mechanic who raises his son Fabrizio a former NASCAR racer looking to score some quick cash. storied program’s eleven Doctors. This initial release after his wife passed away. Fabrizio is friends with Antonio, Mary (Susan George) is a sexy groupie aching to take a fast showcases Doctor Who’s first four doctors, including William son of the extremely rich but incredibly repugnant ride. Together with mechanic Deke (Adam Roarke), they pull Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, and Tom Baker, businessman Filippini. When criminals kidnap Antonio in front off a cold-blooded supermarket heist and hit the highway in spanning from 1963-1981, a period of almost twenty years! of school, the brave Fabrizio tries to prevent this and the Dirty Mary Crazy Larry. Now there is a maniacal lawman (Vic The Doctors Revisited includes a profile of each Doctor and nervous kidnappers pull him into the car as well. They Morrow) on their trail, an entire police force in pursuit and one classic story for each, including: The Aztecs, Tomb of the demand a huge ransom for theboys, but the pigheaded Filippini hundreds of miles of roadblocks between their ’69 Charger Cyberman, Spearhead from Space, and Pyramids of Mars. refuses to give in to crimin and freedom. Buckle up for the action classic that blows the BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Thrillers, Action, Collections, Crime, Drama, doors off all other car chase films as it speeds toward one of Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, the most jaw-dropping finales in movie history. Directed by Foreign, Italian 292min. John Hough (The Legend Of Hell House, The Incubus). Race Television, Time Travel min. Kino Video 25.06.2013 With The Devil For old friends Roger (Peter Fonda) and Warner Bros. 11.06.2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116226 Frank (Warren Oates) and their wives (Lara Parker, Loretta 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116451 Swit), it was supposed to be „the best damn vacation they ever had.“ But their RV road trip takes a deadly detour at a Fernando Di Leo: The Italian secluded campsite when they accidentally witness a satanic Doctor Who: The Mind Of Evil sacrifice in Race With The Devil. Now horror hits the Crime Collection - Volume Two highway as the couples are pursued by sat Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney - Dir. Mi- (Blu-ray) Crime, Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Hor- chael Ferguson A machine that drains evil from criminals’ minds is the secret Delia Boccardo, Richard Conte, Pier Paolo ror, Action, Thrillers 1975 181min. weapon in a plan to destroy the Doctor and doom world peace. Capponi, Luc Merenda, Nieves Navarro Shout Factory 04.06.2013 Includes a bonus clip of the only surviving color footage of Films Include Shoot First, Die Later Luc Merenda gives the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116009 this historic 6-part adventure. performance of his career as a highly regarded police BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Inter- detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for The Disorderly Orderly national TV, Science Fiction, Television, departmentalfavors. His father, a simple man, also works for Time Travel 150min. the department but at a lower level; he isn’t jealous of his son, Jerry Lewis, Karen Sharp, Glenda Farrell,

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BBC Home Video 11.06.2013 Their growing friendship quietly develops into a deep and He’s taking justice into his own hands.. The only thing good- powerful romance that ultimately tests the boundaries of true hearted motorcycle cop John Wintergreen (Blake) wants is to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116449 love. become a detective...to wear a big Stetson, smoke fancy Romance, Drama 1991 111min. cigars and be paid to think. So when he stumbles upon a dead Don’t Let The Riverbeast Get You! body, he takes on the case-and proves his stuff! But as soon Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 as he’s promoted, the corruption he must tolerate makes the A vicious monster has arisen from its watery lair! It’s the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116182 Stetson not fit so well and the cigars not taste so good. Riverbeast, and he’s threatening a peaceful Forced to confront his own disillusionment, Wintergreen town. Local tutor Neil Stuart has seen the beast before, but heads out on his bike, the Electra Glide, where he makes nobody believed his story, making him the town laughingstock. Dying Young (Blu-ray) another shocking discovery that could cost him his life! Neil sets out to not only prove that the Riverbeast exists, but also, with the help of his beautiful pupil, scrappy tutor Julia Roberts, Campbell Scott, Colleen Cops, Drama, Action 1973 113min. buddies, and a former professional athlete to vanquish the Dewhurst, David Selby Shout Factory 04.06.2013 aquatic menace! Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott star in this moving love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116008 Comedy, Horror, Monsters 2012 99min. story about the power of inspiration. With little money, a poor Brain Damage Films 21.05.2013 education and no luck when it comes to love, Hilary O’Neil (Roberts) answers a want ad and finds her whole world Eurotrip: Unrated 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115979 suddenly changed. Hired as the caretaker to a seriously ill young man (Scott), she unexpectedly discovers they have Michelle Trachtenberg, Jacob Pitts, Scott much in common, even though he is wealthy and intelligent. Mechlowicz, Travis Wester Dragon Lord (Blu-ray) Their growing friendship quietly develops into a deep and Europe will never be the same after Scotty Thomas and his Jackie Chan, Chieng Mount Ha, Sidney Yim, powerful romance that ultimately tests the boundaries of true buddies take off for the excess! They’re hooking up with hot Mars, Jackie Chan, Barry Wong, Jackie love. strangers and jamming all the extreme insanity they can into Drama, Romance 1991 111min. the wildest trip of their lives! No swimsuit, no problem. Let it Chan all hang out ‘cause you’re diving into the totally wild International action superstar Jackie Chan (The Karate Kid) Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 pleasures of Eurotrip UNRATED! rules in Dragon Lord), the action-packed adventure filled with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116208 Road Trips, Comedy 2004 min. death-defying stunts and knockout fight scenes. Lifelong best friends Dragon (Chan) and Cowboy, become rivals over a Paramount 01.01.2013 beautiful girl and then regain their friendship when they Earthquake (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116048 uncover a plot to smuggle precious Chinese antiques out of Charlton Heston, George Kennedy, Ava the country. But foiling the illegal operation won’t be easy as Dragon and Cowboy kick the action into high gear in a Gardner, Gortner, Genevieve Bujold, Eve Of Destruction thrilling rooftop battle with spear-wielding bad guys and an Victoria Principal, Lorne Greene, Richard Steven Weber, Treat Williams, Christina unbelievable, show-stopping fight finale - a Jackie Chan Roundtree, Lloyd Nolan, Barry Sullivan Cox, Aleks Paunovic - Dir. Robert classic that’s not to be missed! All-New Digitally Remastered Picture And 5.1 Surround Chinese, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Martial Sound, Plus Sensurround!. Earthquake, the ultimate disaster Lieberman Arts, Action 1982 94min. movie, is now available for the first time on DVD from Univer- Scientists drill a hole in the universe to harvest a limitless sal with an all-new digitally remastered picture and 5.1 pool of „dark energy,“ but the experiment goes horribly wrong Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Surround Sound! Charlton Heston leads an all-star cast in an and wipes an entire city off the map. Now, the effort to save 07.05.2013 epic film about ordinary citizens who must come together in the world, becomes the ultimate threat that could destroy it. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115902 the face of an unstoppable natural disaster! When the most Action, Drama, Mini-Series, Science, catastrophic earthquake of all time rips through Southern Science Fiction, Television 2012 min. California, it levels Los Angeles and sends shockwaves Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.07.2013 Driving By Braille through the lives of all who live there. Now strangers must become saviors as the city struggles to get to its feet before 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116490 Steven Bauer, Tammin Sursok, Ryan Eggold the next terrifying aftershock hits! Also starring Ava Gardner, A young woman relives childhood trauma when she senses George Kennedy, Lorne Green, Geneviève Bujold, Richard her boyfriend is about to propose. Now, they must sort Roundtree, and Victoria Principal. Earthquake combines Eve Of Destruction (Blu-ray) through the fear holding them apart - Before her past destroys outstanding performances with Academy Award®-winning their future. Starring Steven Bauer (Primal Fear, Raising Steven Weber, Treat Williams, Christina sound and groundbreaking special effects. Cox, Aleks Paunovic - Dir. Robert Cain, Scarface), Tammin Sursok (ABC’s Pretty Little Liars, Disasters, Drama, Action, Thrillers 1974 Aquamarine), Ryan Eggold (Trophy Kids, CBS’ 90210) and Lieberman Finola Hughes (Like Crazy, ABC’s General Hospital). 123min. Scientists drill a hole in the universe to harvest a limitless Drama, Movies 2011 min. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 pool of „dark energy,“ but the experiment goes horribly wrong Green Apple Entertainment 07.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116121 and wipes an entire city off the map. Now, the effort to save 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116298 the world, becomes the ultimate threat that could destroy it. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Mini-Series, Easy Come, Easy Go Science, Science Fiction, Television 2012 Drop Zone Elvis Presley, Dodie Marshall, Pat Priest, min. , Yancy Butler, Gary Busey, Pat Harrington Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.07.2013 Michael Jeeter The year was 1967. It’s Packers vs. Chiefs in the first Super 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116511 Jailbreak. . . At 38,000 feet! U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip’s Bowl. Twiggy is a supermodel sensation. America’s prisoner parachutes out of a 747 and floats safely into the 100,000,000th telephone is installed. And Elvis dives for night with his daring, deadly cohorts. Nessip does his best to dollars in Easy Come, Easy Go. On his last day in the Navy, Everybody Loves Raymond: The stop the bold escape. What does he get in return? Suspended. frogman Elvis discovers a sunken treasure ship. On his first But being off the force doesn’t mean Nessip is out of the day as a civilian, Elvis starts his new job - self-employed Complete Ninth Season action. When it comes to stopping killer, he’s taking the treasure hunter! Fans will dig these treasures, too: rockin’ (Repackage) plunge. tunes, romance with a go-go dancer, underwater action and Skydiving, Terrorism, Thrillers, Action 1994 The King twisted like a human pretzel at a groovy ’60s yoga , Ray Romano, Doris Roberts, fest! Brad Garrett, Madylin Sweeten, Patricia 101min. Musical, Adventure, Comedy, High Seas Heaton, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan Paramount 21.05.2013 1967 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115964 Sweeten Paramount 21.05.2013 Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115965 successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and The Dungeon Of Harrow / Death parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton (The Girl), Peter Boyle (While You Were Sleeping), By Invitation (Double Feature) Ecstasy Doris Roberts (Remington Steele), and Brad Garrett (Til Russ Harvey, Helen Hogan - Dir. Pat Kristin Kreuk, Billy Boyd, Adam Sinclair Death) round out the stellar cast. Boyette, Ken Friedman Based on Irvine Welsh’s controversial book, „Ecstasy: Three CBS, Comedy, Family, girl power, Television Tales of Chemical Romance“, Ecstasy is a twisted tale that 2004 480min. Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Horror, explores the euphoric highs and the devastating lows of a Movies, Thrillers 168min. chemical romance. Lloyd (Adam Sinclair) is on top of the HBO Home Video 16.04.2013 CAV 07.05.2013 world - beautiful girls, great club sounds, and a never ending 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116452 supply of the love drug, sustained by a smuggling sideline for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116476 the local drug boss Solo (Carlo Rota). But when he meets Heather (Kristin Kreuk) he is forced to question if the love he Evil Clergyman Dying Young feels is real or just another chemical high. As cracks start to David Warner, Jeffrey Combs, David Gale appear in his world he realises he wants out. If he can just Julia Roberts, Campbell Scott, Colleen pull off one last trip for Solo, he’ll be free Horror min. Dewhurst, David Selby Romance, Drama 2011 100min. Full Moon 14.03.2013 Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott star in this moving love New Video DVD 21.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115885 story about the power of inspiration. With little money, a poor education and no luck when it comes to love, Hilary O’Neil 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116154 (Roberts) answers a want ad and finds her whole world Evolution suddenly changed. Hired as the caretaker to a seriously ill Electra Glide In Blue (Blu-ray) David Duchovny, Julianne Moore, Seann young man (Scott), she unexpectedly discovers they have much in common, even though he is wealthy and intelligent. Robert Blake, Billy Green Bush William Scott, Orlando Jones, Ted Levine

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The makers of Ghostbusters and Road Trip gives you a untamed American frontier unfolds in this rousing adventure Kino Video 11.06.2013 hilarious look at life on Earth and joins forces with the drama starring Fred MacMurray, Charlton Heston, Donna biggest stars in the universe. David Duchovny (The X-Files), Reed and Barbara Hale. In 1803, Meriwether Lewis 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116191 Orlando Jones (The Replacements), Seann William Scott (MacMurray) and William Clark (Heston), with President (American Pie) and Academy Award®-nominee Julianne Thomas Jefferson’s blessing, embarked on the government- Fear Not (Blu-ray) Moore (Hannibal) make a discovery of alien lifeforms that sponsored Lewis & Clark Expedition - an attempt to discover could change the world. But, when the aliens try to take over a water route connecting St Louis, with the Pacific Jason Petal, a student filmmaker, stumbles on a 70’s era 8mm the planet, our four stellar heroes rocket into action to save Ocean. Their trek takes them through the magnificent danger- camera containing the footage of a grisly murder, and in order us. The laughter hits you at the speed of light in the comedy filled territory of the Pacific Northwest, with guidance from to film his own feature he convinces friends to break into the about heavenly bodies, mutual attraction and close the Native American maiden Sacajawea (Reed). It’s an abandoned historic home where the tragedy occurred. encounters. adventurous journey into country that, at the time, had yet to Planning to scare them at every turn, he quickly realizes too Science Fiction, Aliens, Comedy 2001 be seen by anyone except native tribes. With panoramic late that the thing their cameras will record are their own vistas around every bend and treacherous conditions awaiting deaths. 102min. at every turn, this account of Lewis & Clark’s thrilling quest, Crime, Film About Film, Horror 2012 88min. Paramount 21.05.2013 directed by Rudolph Mate (D.O.A., When ), Kino Video 11.06.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115966 mixes rugged action and tender romance with spectacular scenery. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116214 Western, Historical / Period Piece 1955 Extinction 107min. Female Teacher: Hunting A virus, designed as a tool in gene technology, goes out of control and infects 90% of the population leading to Paramount 21.05.2013 Yuki Kazamatsuri uncontrollable mutations. These zombie-like humans seem 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115968 A moonlight skinny-dipping session between two carefree intent on bringing an end to the few remaining uninfected high schoolers leads to a young boy being accused of a humans on the planet. The few survivors must band together violent assault on his female classmate. After throwing a to survive against the horde and find a cure before time runs Fat Man And Little Boy teacher to the ground, he stomps out of the school gates and out. spends his summer break roaming a beachside town. Falling John Cusack, John C. McGinley, Laura down a rabbit hole into a dark, oppressive world of sex and Zombies, Horror, Killer Viruses 115min. Dern, Bonnie Bedelia, Natasha Richardson, violence, he is taken in by a bar-owner and his libidinous Phase 4 Films 18.06.2013 Dwight Schultz mistress. Meanwhile, the teacher he assaulted hunkers down 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115945 In the remote desert of New Mexico, „The Manhattan Project“ in a rented villa in the same coastal resort, awaiting a secret is materializing-the World War II effort to build the atomic tryst with her married lover. What will happen when the bomb. Oscar-winner Paul Newman (Hud, Nobody’s Fool) student and teacher meet again? A moody and dramatic film, Eye For An Eye stars as General Leslie Groves, the military man in charge of with shocking scenes of sex and violence, Female Teacher Ed Harris, Sally Field, Kiefer Sutherland, a massive project that will produce two weapons: „Fat Man“ Hunting is deftly directed by one of the most promising of the and „Little Boy.“ Dwight Schultz (The Temp, Star Trek: First final wave of Nikkatsu erotic film helmers, Junichi Suzuki. Joe Mantegna, Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa, Contact) is J. Robert Oppenheimer, the brilliant scientist Pink Film, Teachers, Troubled Youth, Michael Levy, John Schlesinger attempting to bring the startling mission to fruition. And Bonnie Erotica, Foreign, Japanese 1982 66min. What do you do when justice fails?. Two-time Academy Bedelia, John Cusack, Laura Dern and Natasha Richardson Award® winner Sally Field, Kiefer Sutherland and Ed Harris co-star in this „stunning...profoundly moving“ film (Michael Impulse Pictures 07.05.2013 star in this riveting thriller about the search of justice in an Medved, Sneak Previews) that re-creates one of history’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116092 unjust world. Karen McCann’s (Sally Field) orderly life is most compelling chapters...one that resulted in the mushroom- shattered when a stranger breaks into her home and murders shaped specter that changed the world forever. her 17-year-old daughter. But shock and grief turn into rage War, World War II, Biography, Biopics, Dra- Fetish and disbelief when the killer (Sutherland) is released on a ma 1989 126min. Arno Frisch legal technicality. When he commits another murder - and is In her American big screen debut, Korean actress Song Hye- set free once again - Karen is determined to make him pay for Paramount 21.05.2013 kyo - usually known for her bubbly romantic roles - turns his crimes. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115969 heads in this independent suburban about a Korean Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1996 immigrant whose obsession with her Caucasian neighbors 101min. Fatal Attraction slowly drifts into insanity. Paramount 21.05.2013 Mystery, Thrillers 2008 90min. , Anne Archer, Michael Douglas Music Video Distribution 26.03.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115967 Stylish and sexy, Fatal Attraction took audiences to terrifying new heights with its thrilling story of a casual encounter gone 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115953 Face To Face terribly awry. This box-office smash was nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director W.C. Fields Comedy Favorites Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson - Dir. Ingmar (Adrian Lyne - Indecent Proposal, Flashdance). Michael Bergman Douglas plays Dan Gallagher, a New York attorney who has Collection a tryst with seductive Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) while his Art House, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, wife (Anne Archer) is away. Dan later shrugs off the affair as W.C. Fields, Mary Brian, Peggy Hopkins Movies, Swedish 1976 min. a mistake and considers it over. But Alex won’t be ignored. Joyce, Kathleen Howard, Rudy Vallee Olive Films 30.08.2011 Not now, not tomorrow, not ever... even if it means destroying W.C. Fields is a true comedy legend and remains one of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116508 Dan’s family to keep him. most recognizable and beloved actors of all time. From his Revenge, Stalkers, Thrillers, AFI Top 100, early days on stage in vaudeville and Broadway through his Drama, Love Gone Bad 1987 min. live appearances on radio, he created an iconic persona that Face/Off (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) has never been matched. The comic genius of W.C. Fields is Paramount 01.01.2013 best captured forever in his body of films that highlight his John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Gina 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116049 notoriously sarcastic quick wit and slapstick routines. The Gershon, Alessandro Nivola, Joan Allen - W.C. Fields Comedy Favorites Collection features 10 of his Dir. John Woo best films that continue to leave audiences of all ages Fatal Attraction (Blu-ray) laughing out loud. Films Include: Watch The Bullets Fly! John Travolta stars as FBI agent Sean Archer doing the unthinkable to stop the elusive terrorist Glenn Close, Anne Archer, Michael Douglas Collections, Comedy min. Castor Troy (Nicholas Cage). Watch the bullets fly and the Stylish and sexy, Fatal Attraction took audiences to terrifying Universal Studios 04.06.2013 action explode as master action director John Woo (Broken new heights with its thrilling story of a casual encounter gone 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116233 ) detonates the screen and redefines the action genre terribly awry. This box-office smash was nominated for six like never before! Academy Awards®, including Best Picture and Best Director Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Movies, (Adrian Lyne - Indecent Proposal, Flashdance). Michael Filly Brown Douglas plays Dan Gallagher, a New York attorney who has Science Fiction, Terrorism, Thrillers 1997 a tryst with seductive Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) while his Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips 138min. wife (Anne Archer) is away. Dan later shrugs off the affair as - Dir. Youssef Delara Paramount 07.05.2013 a mistake and considers it over. But Alex won’t be ignored. Filly Brown is the inspiring portrait of a young woman striving Not now, not tomorrow, not ever... even if it means destroying to find her voice - without compromising herself or the fate of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116328 Dan’s family to keep him. her family. Majo Tonorio, aka, „Filly Brown“, played by Gina Drama, Love Gone Bad, AFI Top 100, Rodriguez, is a young aspiring hip-hop artist from Los Fangoria Presents: Entity Angeles. With her mother, Jenni Rivera, in prison and her Revenge, Stalkers, Thrillers 1987 min. father, Lou Diamond Philips, struggling to provide for his Dervla Kirwan, Charlotte Riley Paramount 01.01.2013 daughters, Filly knows that a record contract just may be the Fangoria Presents Series, Drama, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116058 answer to her family’s financial problems. So when a record producer offers her a shot at stardom, she has to choose Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 87min. between selling out her dreams - or saving her family. Millennium Entertainment 11.06.2013 Fear Not Directed by Youssef Delara and Michael Olmos, Filly Brown 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116285 Jason Petal, a student filmmaker, stumbles on a 70’s era 8mm is propelled by an exceptional cast. Fueled by a fierce hip- camera containing the footage of a grisly murder, and in order hop score, Filly Brown heralds the arrival of Gina Rodriguez to film his own feature he convinces friends to break into the in the electrifying title role. The Far Horizons abandoned historic home where the tragedy occurred. Drama, Family, Movies, Music 2012 99min. Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray, Donna Planning to scare them at every turn, he quickly realizes too Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.07.2013 late that the thing their cameras will record are their own Reed, Barbara Hale, William Demarest, deaths. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116499 Eduardo Noriega, Alan Reed Crime, Film About Film, Horror 2012 88min. An ambitious, historic attempt to explore and document an

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Filly Brown (Blu-ray) Vietnam War. Brad Johnson (Always) is pilot Jake Grafton, a Forrest Gump is the movie triumph that became a phenomenon. disillusioned young renegade looking for . Willem Tom Hanks gives an astonishing performance as Forrest, an Edward James Olmos, Lou Diamond Phillips Dafoe (Spiderman) is Cole, the cynical, hell-bent bombardier everyman whose simple innocence comes to embody a - Dir. Youssef Delara Grafton recruits to fly an unauthorized mission behind enemy generation. The winner of six Academy Awards®, including Filly Brown is the inspiring portrait of a young woman striving lines. The target: a missile depot in Hanoi. The plane: the A-6 Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis) and Best Actor to find her voice - without compromising herself or the fate of Intruder, a low-altitude bomber with no defensive weapons. (Tom Hanks). her family. Majo Tonorio, aka, „Filly Brown“, played by Gina The risk: court-martial at the hands of Commander National Film Registry, Romance, Rodriguez, is a young aspiring hip-hop artist from Los Campareli... if they live to return. Tearjerkers, Academy Award Winners, AFI Action, Aerial Action, Air Force, Cult Film / Angeles. With her mother, Jenni Rivera, in prison and her Top 100, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period father, Lou Diamond Philips, struggling to provide for his TV, Military 1991 114min. Piece 1994 min. daughters, Filly knows that a record contract just may be the Paramount 21.05.2013 answer to her family’s financial problems. So when a record Paramount 01.01.2013 producer offers her a shot at stardom, she has to choose 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115972 between selling out her dreams - or saving her family. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116046 Directed by Youssef Delara and Michael Olmos, Filly Brown is propelled by an exceptional cast. Fueled by a fierce hip- The Fog: Collector’s Edition Forrest Gump: Sapphire Series hop score, Filly Brown heralds the arrival of Gina Rodriguez Jamie Lee Curtis, Hal Holbrook, Adrienne in the electrifying title role. Barbeau, John Houseman, Janet Leigh - (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment, Drama, Dir. John Carpenter Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, Family, Movies, Music 2012 99min. When the fog rolls in... the terror begins! This moody and Sally Field, Robin Wright Penn Vivendi Visual Entertainment 30.07.2013 „crisply chilling“ () horror classic from master of Experience Forrest Gump in stunning high definition for the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116514 terror John Carpenter (The Thing) and co-writer Debra Hill first time, accompanied by over two hours of dynamic new (Escape from L.A.) stars Adrienne Barbeau (Swamp Thing), bonus features. Tom Hanks gives an astonishing performance Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween), Oscar® winner John as Forrest, an everyman whose simple innocence comes to The First Churchills (Repackage) Houseman (Rollerball) and Oscar® nominee Janet Leigh embody a generation. Alongside his mamma (Sally Field), his (Psycho). Get lost in the fog... „it will frighten the daylights“ best friend Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) and his favorite girl John Neville, Susan Hampshire - Dir. David (The Hollywood Reporter) out of you! The sleepy seaside Jenny (Robin Wright), Forrest has a ringside seat for the Giles village of Antonio Bay is about to learn the true meaning of the most memorable events of the second half of the 20th century. At a time when most marriages were motivated by money and word „vengeance.“ For this seemingly perfect town masks a Winner of six Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best position, Sarah Jennings and John Churchill married for love. guilty secret... a past steeped in greed and murder. Exactly Director (Robert Zemeckis), and Best Actor (Tom Hanks), Their union lasted through long lives spent at the epicenter of 100 years ago, a ship was horribly wrecked under mysterious Forrest Gump remains one of the great movie triumphs of all political power in 17th- and 18th-century England. He was a circumstances in a thick, eerie fog. Now, shrouded in time. military genius who never lost a battle; she was the intimate darkness, the long dead mariners have returned from their Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, friend of a queen. Based on Sir ’s water grave to exact a bloody revenge. Can this waking biography of his ancestors, the first Duke and Duchess of nightmare be stopped, or will the fog keep rolling in... to kill Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Marlborough, this addictive BBC drama follows the couple and kill again? National Film Registry, Romance, from their budding romance in the bawdy court of King Classics, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Revenge Tearjerkers 1994 min. Charles II through five tumultuous decades and five Stuart monarchs. 1979 89min. Paramount 01.01.2013 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Shout Factory 30.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116054 Period Piece, International TV, Television 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116501 1969 553min. Fortress (Blu-ray) Acorn Media 04.06.2013 The Fog: Collector’s Edition (Blu- Christopher Lambert, Kurtwood Smith, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116379 ray) Loryn Locklin, Lincoln Kilpatrick In the year 2017, one corporation is building a fortress for the Jamie Lee Curtis, Hal Holbrook, Adrienne ultimate takeover...your mind.. After losing their first baby, Five Card Stud Barbeau, John Houseman, Janet Leigh - John and Karen Brennick dare to have another. Caught trying Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Roddy Dir. John Carpenter to cross the boarder, the ex-war hero and his pregnant wife When the fog rolls in... the terror begins! This moody and are sentenced to a sadistic futuristic prison buried 33 stories McDowall, Katherine Justice, Inger Stevens beneath the Earth. computers control inmates’ bodies and A stranger is caught cheating in a game of five-card stud in a „crisply chilling“ (Newsweek) horror classic from master of terror John Carpenter (The Thing) and co-writer Debra Hill minds, and newborn infants are being used to create a new Rincon, Colorado saloon in 1880. Van Morgan (Dean Martin) breed of human robots. No one has ever gotten out alive. But unsuccessfully tries to save the gambler’s life as the other (Escape from L.A.) stars Adrienne Barbeau (Swamp Thing), Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween), Oscar® winner John not even the most overwhelming technology can extinguish five players lynch the cheat. Meanwhile, a gold rush has one man’s passionate love for his wife and child. brought a group of outsiders to Rincon, like gun-toting Houseman (Rollerball) and Oscar® nominee Janet Leigh preacher Jonathan Rudd (Robert Mitchum) and Lily Langford (Psycho). Get lost in the fog... „it will frighten the daylights“ Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction 1992 95min. (Inger Stevens), with her collection of beautiful lady (The Hollywood Reporter) out of you! The sleepy seaside Echo Bridge Home Entertainment „barbers.“ When two townspeople are murdered, Van village of Antonio Bay is about to learn the true meaning of the 07.05.2013 remembers that both victims were playing in the fatal card word „vengeance.“ For this seemingly perfect town masks a game. Tension mounts as the killer stalks the other players guilty secret... a past steeped in greed and murder. Exactly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115913 until, at last, two of the principals confront each other and, 100 years ago, a ship was horribly wrecked under mysterious with a showdown gunfight, the case of the five-card stud game circumstances in a thick, eerie fog. Now, shrouded in Four Brothers murders is closed. darkness, the long dead mariners have returned from their water grave to exact a bloody revenge. Can this waking Mark Wahlberg, Josh Charles, Tyrese Western, Classics, Drama, Gambling 1968 nightmare be stopped, or will the fog keep rolling in... to kill 102min. and kill again? Gibson, Terrence Howard, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Paramount 21.05.2013 Shout Factory, Classics, Ghosts, Horror, Garrett Hedlund, Andre Benjamin - Dir. John 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115970 Movies, Revenge 1979 89min. Singleton Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin and Garrett Shout Factory 30.07.2013 Hedlund co-star in this gripping tale of brotherly love, Flashback 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116516 betrayal and revenge from acclaimed filmmaker John Single- ton. After their adoptive mother is gunned down during a Dennis Hopper, Kiefer Sutherland, Carol grocery store holdup, the estranged brothers reunite to seek Kane, Paul Dooley The Henry Fonda Film Collection revenge and take matters into their own hands. Defying police At last the Feds have caught him! Infamous 60’s radical Huey Henry Fonda, Nancy Kelly, , orders, the four begin turning their old neighborhood Walker (Dennis Hopper) is heading for jail. So how come it’s upside down searching for the mastermind behind the brutal Huey’s yuptight FBI escort (Kiefer Sutherland) who ends up , Nunnally Johnson, Lamar killing. Along the way, they discover they are bound by ties behind bars? And why do they soon team up as uneasy riders Trotti, Darryl F. Zanuck, Lamar Trotti, Henry thicker than blood in this emotionally powerful, action-packed on the lam? With Dennis Hopper as Huey, you couldn’t ask for King, John Stahl drama. a better match of actor and role. He helped usher in the Age of Known for his natural and sincere portrayals on the silver Action, Drama, Movies, Revenge 2005 min. Aquarius with Easy Rider. Now he takes a look back with screen, Academy Award Winner Henry Fonda was equally Paramount 01.01.2013 Flashback, a comic collision course between the tie-dyed adept at dramatic, romantic and comedic roles, often playing 60’s and the pin-striped 80’s. strong, thoughtful men of integrity. With a career spanning 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116389 Comedy 1989 107min. nearly half a century and more than 80 films, he developed a Paramount 21.05.2013 worldwide fan following as one of Hollywood’s most beloved Four Brothers (Blu-ray) actors...and left a legacy of truly memorable motion picture 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115971 performances. Mark Wahlberg, Josh Charles, Tyrese Romance, War, Western, Classics, Gibson, Terrence Howard, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Flight Of The Intruder Collections, Drama min. Garrett Hedlund, Andre Benjamin - Dir. John Willem Dafoe, Danny Glover, Brad Johnson, 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Singleton Rosanna Arquette, Tom Sizemore 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115882 Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Benjamin and Garrett From the producer of The Hunt For Red October and the Hedlund co-star in this gripping tale of brotherly love, director of Red Dawn comes this explosive wartime adventure betrayal and revenge from acclaimed filmmaker John Single- with spectacular aerial action. Danny Glover (Lethal Forrest Gump ton. After their adoptive mother is gunned down during a Weapon) plays Commander Frank Camparelli, the battle- Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, grocery store holdup, the estranged brothers reunite to seek hardened squadron leader of an aircraft carrier during the revenge and take matters into their own hands. Defying police Sally Field, Robin Wright Penn orders, the four begin turning their old Detroit neighborhood

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA upside down searching for the mastermind behind the brutal Arthur Hiller, John Ryan, Stuart Margolin - killed someone simply with a ‘death-stare’. With their mother killing. Along the way, they discover they are bound by ties absent combined with their new tenant, things don’t go exactly thicker than blood in this emotionally powerful, action-packed Dir. Richard T. Heffron as planned. drama. Shout Factory, In The Future..., Movies, Drama, Foreign, French 2012 84min. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Revenge Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Kino Video 04.06.2013 2005 min. Technology, Thrillers 1976 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116192 Paramount 01.01.2013 Shout Factory 26.03.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116396 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116317 The Gift Cate Blanchett, Keanu Reeves, Greg The Four Feathers Gallipoli Kinnear, , Kim Dickens, Katie Kate Hudson, Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley, Bernard Lee, Bill Kerr, Mel Gibson Holmes, Giovanni Ribisi Djimon Hounsou, Michael Sheen Mel Gibson delivers an electrifying performance in director The only witness to the crime was not even there.. Oscar®- Heath Ledger stars as Harry Feversham, a British soldier Peter Weir’s compelling story of friendship and adventure nominee and Golden Globe Winner Cate Blanchett leads an with a golden future - until he inexplicably resigns from his between two Australian soldiers in 1915. They cross incredible all-star cast including Academy Award®-winner regiment. Harry is branded a coward, disowned by his family, continents and great oceans, climb the pyramids and walk Hilary Swank (Boys Don’t Cry), Keanu Reeves (The Matrix), his beautiful fiancée (Kate Hudson) and his best friend (Wes through the ancient sands of Egypt to join their regiment at the Katie Holmes (Wonder Boys), Giovanni Ribisi (Saving Bentley). Heartbroken and abandoned, Harry receives news fateful battle of Gallipoli. The echoes of history blend with the Private Ryan), and Oscar®-nominated Greg Kinnear (As that his regiment has been brutally attacked by Sudanese friends’ compelling destiny as they become part of a legendary Good As It Gets) in this stylishly filmed mystery that’s as rebels. Suddenly Harry’s course becomes clear and he sets confrontation between Australia and the German eerie as a backwoods swamp with a dark secret beneath its out on an unforgettable journey of redemption - to regain his allied Turks - a battle that is to Australians what the Alamo is even darker surface. Widow and mother of three, Annie honor, recapture his love, and save the lives of his comrades. to Americans. Wilson (Blanchett), makes her living by foretelling others’ War, Drama, Epics, Friendships 2002 War, Action, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Dra- futures...though her own has become cloudier than even she ma, Military, Mountain Climbing 1981 111min. can see. Threatened by client’s violently jealous husband 130min. (Reeves) and plagues by visions of a missing town-girl Paramount 21.05.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 (Holmes), Annie is unwittingly pulled into a thicket of lies and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115973 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115975 deception in which her extraordinary gift could be used against her...and get her killed. Written by Billy Bob Thornton (Sling Blade) and Tom Epperson (A Family Thing), and Frankie & Johnny The Ghastly Love Of Johnny X directed , Michelle Pfeiffer, , Reggie Bannister, Creed Bratton, Will Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2000 Hector Elizondo Keenan min. Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer light up the screen in this Banished to Earth for intergalactic juvenile delinquency, Paramount 01.01.2013 captivating romantic comedy. Johnny (Pacino) is head-over- Johnny X and his gang of Ghastly Ones set off in search of a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116235 heels crazy for Frankie. But after a series of hurtful piece of alien technology that could change the fate of the relationships, the last thing Frankie’s looking for is a new universe forever - the so-called „resurrection suit.“ Soon, the man until he comes looking for her. Pacino is an outgoing ex- extraterrestrial no-goodniks are embroiled in a wacky scheme Girls, Girls, Girls con who’s hired as the new short-order cook. He’s head- involving a femme fatale named Bliss, a shifty concert over-heels crazy for Frankie. But to Frankie, they’re as promoter with schemes of his own, and a recently deceased Elvis Presley, Stella Stevens different as scrambled and hard-boiled. What can he mean musician who won’t let a little decomposition stop him from The year was 1962. Teens twist at the Peppermint Lounge. when he says, „We were a couple before we ever met“? rocking. John Glenn orbits the Earth. Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 Directed by Gary Marshall (Pretty Woman), Frankie and Musical, Romance, Science Fiction, points in a single game. And Elvis digs the possibilities of Johnny is a „delightfully unique love story with a delightfully Comedy, Fantasy 2012 106min. Girls! Girls! Girls! This time he’s a charter boat skipper who unique sense of fun“ (David Sheehan, KNBC-TV, Los helps tourists land the big ones. Of course, plenty of beautiful Angeles). Strand Releasing 18.06.2013 girls want to land Elvis. But there’s something Elvis likes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116189 almost as much as romance - a boat! He yearns for a sleek Romance, Comedy 1991 117min. sailboat with a $10,000 price tag. Let’s see, that makes him Paramount 21.05.2013 about $9,999 short. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115974 Ghett’a Life Classics, Comedy 1962 98min. Winston Bell Paramount 21.05.2013 Fresh (Blu-ray) Ghetto teenager Derrick longs to be a professional boxer and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116140 represent Jamaica at the Olympics, but the gym that will make Samuel L. Jackson, Giancarlo Esposito, him a contender is in the opposing ‘garrison’ community, which Sean Nelson means he has to risk his life in order to follow his dream. Gladiator (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Get ready for Fresh - the intense, action-packed hit that Ghett’a Life explores the hypocrisy of Jamaican politics, as Russell Crowe, Richard Harris, Oliver wowed critics and riveted audiences everywhere! power crazy ‘dons’, manipulate MPs and kill anyone who Disenchanted by the harsh realities of life in the city, a smart, refuses to obey them. Reed, Djimon Hounsou, , streetwise kid nicknamed Fresh strives to create a better Mystery, Sports, Thrillers, Boxing, Crime, Derek Jacobi, Connie Nielsen - Dir. Ridley future for himself and his family. Fighting back in the only way Foreign, Jamaican 103min. Scott he knows how, fresh defies the odds by staying one move Music Video Distribution 19.02.2013 Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and ahead of the local criminals in a dangerous game of survival! Best Actor, Gladiator is a dazzling combination of vivid action With an extraordinary performance by Samuel L. Jackson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115952 and extraordinary storytelling. Discover the unparalleled (Unbreakable, Pulp Fiction) and directed by Boaz Yakin power of Gladiator, masterfully directed by Ridley Scott (Remember the Titans), this is electrifying, edge-of-your-seat Ghostbusters (Blu-ray + (Alien, Blade Runner), and featuring a riveting performance entertainment! from Russell Crowe, hailed by Newsweek as „a genuine Drama, Thrillers, Art House 1994 114min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) larger-than-life hero!“ Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Sigourney Academy Award Winners, Action, Ancient 07.05.2013 Weaver, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, Drama, Epics, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115910 Hudson, Annie Potts Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Revenge, Suit up for classic comedy! When kooky, spooky college profs War 2000 155min. Full Frontal (Blu-ray) Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) and Paramount 07.05.2013 Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) lose their university jobs, they Julia Roberts, Catherine Keener, David decide to go freelance, de-haunting houses in a new ghost 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116329 Duchovny, Mary McCormack, Nicky Katt, removal service. As soon as they open their doors, their first order of business becomes saving beautiful cellist Dana Glory (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Blair Underwood, Barrett (Sigourney Weaver) and nerdy Louis Tully (Rick Everybody needs a release.. Julia Roberts (Eat Pray Love), Moranis), who’ve inadvertently opened the gates of hell..... ray) David Duchovny (TV’sCalifornication) and Blair Underwood right in their own apartment building! Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, (TV’sThe Event) star in another acclaimed triumph from Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Ghosts, Academy Award-winning director (Traffic, Matthew Broderick, Cary Elwes , 2001). It’s a chaotic day for seven strangers from Hollywood Action, Science Fiction 1984 105min. The heart-stopping story of the first black regiment to fight for who end up at the birthday party of a mutual friend. Before the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the North in the Civil War, Glory stars Matthew Broderick, night is over, relationships are tested, hearts are broken and 07.05.2013 Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes and Morgan Freeman. passions are renewed! Also starring David Hyde Pierce Broderick and Elwes are the idealistic young Bostonians who (TV’s ), Catherine Keener (The 40 Year Old Virgin). 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116196 lead the regiment; Freeman is the inspirational sergeant who Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Art House, unites the troops; and Denzel Washington, in an Oscar® - Romance 2002 101min. The Giants winning performance (1989, Best Supporting Actor), is the runaway slave who embodies the indomitable spirit of the 54th Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Marthe Keller, Paul Bartel Regiment of Massachusetts. 07.05.2013 In the tradition of the classic Stand By Me, teenage brothers War, Drama, Epics, Military, Academy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115906 Seth and Zak are spending the summer in their deceased grandfather’s house,waiting in vain for their mother, who is Award Winners, Action, American Civil War perpetually „busy“ and nowhere to be found. Running low on 1989 122min. Futureworld (Blu-ray) cash, they decide to rent out the house to a rather unnerving Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Blythe Danner, Yul Brynner, Peter Fonda, local drug dealer named „Beef“, who was rumored to have 07.05.2013

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116198 From Nicholas Pileggi’s true-life bestseller Wiseguy, security prisoner-of-war camp, designed to hold even the GoodFellas explores the criminal life like no other movie. craftiest . In doing so, however, the Nazis Directed and co-written by Martin Scorsese, it was judged unwittingly assembled the finest escape team in military God Don’t Make The Laws 1990’s Best Picture by the New York, Los Angeles and Natio- history. nal Society of Film Critics and named to the American Film Action, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Ella Rae Peck Institute’s Top-100 American Film List. Electrifying A tragic accident and a deal with the devil leave a small town performances abound, and from a standout cast that includes M.I.A. / P.O.W., Military, Movies, Prison, War literally frozen in time. But when a mysterious visitor appears Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Lorraine Bracco and Paul 1963 168min. decades later, they soon discover that time waits for no one. Sorvino. walked off with the Best Supporting Actor MGM / UA 07.05.2013 Drama, Movies, Mystery 2011 min. Academy Award. It „bristles with passion, wit and style“ and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116312 Green Apple Entertainment 16.07.2013 endures as „an American classic“ (Peter Travers, Rolling 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116404 Stone). Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Green Lantern (Steelbook) (Blu- Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, Classics, ray) The Golden Child Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Ryan Reynolds, Angela Bassett, Tim Eddie Murphy, Charles Dance, Victor Wong, Movies, National Film Registry 1990 145min. Robbins, Mark Strong, Peter Sarsgaard, Charlotte Lew, Randall Tex Cobb Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 As ‘The Chosen One’ Murphy’s on a madcap mission to save Blake Lively - Dir. Martin Campbell The Golden Child, a youth with mystical powers who’s been 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116330 In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, an elite force of abducted by an evil cult. He battles a band of super-nasties, protectors for peace and justice has existed for centuries. scrambles through a booby-trapped chamber of horrors and Goya In Bordeaux They are the Green Lantern Corps. When a new enemy called traverses Tibet to obtain a sacred dagger. But it’s Murphy’s Parallax threatens to destroy the Universe, their fate and the with that turns out to be his sharpest weapon in the 24-karat Maribel Verdu, Eulalia Ramon, Francisco fate of Earth lie in the hands of the Corps’ newest recruit, the comedy adventure. Rabal, Jose Coronado first human ever selected: Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds). Comedy 1986 93min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Bringing the popular superhero to the big screen for the first Paramount 21.05.2013 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. time, Green Lantern also stars Blake Lively (Gossip Girl), From internationally acclaimed filmmaker Carlos Saura (Tan- Peter Sarsgaard (Orphan), Mark Strong (), 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115976 go, Blood Wedding, Carmen) comes Goya In Bordeaux, a Academy Award® nominee Angela Bassett and Academy visually sumptuous, emotionally powerful film about the turbu- Award® winner Tim Robbins. A Good Day To Die Hard lent life of brilliant painter Francisco de Goya. In Bordeaux, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, France, in the early 1800s, Goya suffers from strange visions Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Superheroes Bruce Willis, Cole Hauser, Mary Elizabeth and nightmares. While his young daughter cares for him, Goya 2011 114min. Winstead, Sebastian Koch, Rasha Bukvic - reflects on his tumultuous career: a time when a passionate Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Dir. John Moore love affair with the beautiful Duchess of Alba and the evil crusade of Napoleon’s French army inspire Goya’s most 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116332 Bruce Willis is back in action - mind-blowing, heart-stopping, shocking, brilliant paintings - works that change the art world rip-roaring action - as John McClane, the heroic New York forever. Starring Francisco Rabal (Tie Me Up! Tie Me cop with a knack for being in the wrong place at the right time. Down!, Belle De Jour), Jose Coronado (The Disappearance Greystoke: The Legend Of Tarzan John’s latest predicament takes him all the way to to Of Garcia Lorea) and Maribel Verdu (Belle Epoque, Lovers), track down his estranged son, Jack (Jai Courtney), who has Goya In Bordeaux has been hailed as „Superb and Stunning!“ (Blu-ray) been imprisoned in Moscow. But the mission takes a deadly - Kevin Thomas, The Los Angeles Times turn as father and son must join forces to thwart a nuclear Andie MacDowell, Christopher Lambert, Ian weapons heist that could trigger World War III! Spanish, War, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Holm, Action, Cops, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Foreign 1999 105min. An infant raised to manhood among savage apes, living by his SPHE MOD 05.03.2013 wits and the law of the jungle, returns to society to claim his 98min. inheritance of humanity and privilege. This collision of „wild“ 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116174 and civilized worlds is the extraordinary saga of Tarzan, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116266 chronicled in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ popular book series. Gran Torino (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Hugh Hudson (Chariots of Fire, I Dreamed of Africa) directed his lavish adaptation highlighting the character’s dual nature A Good Day To Die Hard (Blu-ray - Dir. Clint Eastwood as a master of the African jungle and as John Clayton, Korean War vet and retired autoworker Walt Kowalski seventh Earl of Greystoke, heir to one of Scotland’s great + DVD + Digital Copy + doesn’t much like how his life or his neighborhood has turned estates. Christopher Lambert (the title role), Andie UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) out. He especially doesn’t like the people next door, Hmong MacDowell (her movie debut) and Sir Ralph Richardson (one immigrants from Southeast Asia. But events force Walt to of his final performances) star in a „ravishing, magical epic“ Bruce Willis, Cole Hauser, Mary Elizabeth defend those neighbors against a local gang that feeds on (Guy Flatley, Cosmopolitan) Winstead, Sebastian Koch, Rasha Bukvic - violence and fear. For the first time since Million , Drama, Jungle, Adventure 1984 min. Clint Eastwood works on both sides of the camera, winning Dir. John Moore the National Board of Review Award as Best Actor for his Warner Bros. MOD 09.04.2013 Bruce Willis is back in action - mind-blowing, heart-stopping, bone-deep playing of Kowalski, burnished with experience, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116056 rip-roaring action - as John McClane, the heroic New York grace and gravitas into a „prime vintage Eastwood cop with a knack for being in the wrong place at the right time. performance“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). John’s latest predicament takes him all the way to Russia to The Grifters (Blu-ray) track down his estranged son, Jack (Jai Courtney), who has Warner Bros., Cars & Motorcycles, Drama, been imprisoned in Moscow. But the mission takes a deadly Movies 2008 116min. John Cusack, Anjelica Huston, Annette turn as father and son must join forces to thwart a nuclear Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Bening weapons heist that could trigger World War III! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116331 Academy Award®-winning actress, Anjelica Huston (Best Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Movies, Thril- Supporting Actress, Prizzi’s Honor), John Cusak (Martian lers 2013 98min. Child) and Annette Bening (American Beauty) star in this Grease 2 acclaimed hit, directed by Stephen Grears (The Queen), 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 where seduction and betrayal could lead to murder! When 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116309 Michelle Pfeiffer, Maxwell Caulfield, Dody small-time cheat Roy Dillon (Cusak) winds up in the hospital Goodman, Eve Arden, Didi Conn, Adrian following an unsuccessful scam, it sets up a confrontation Zmed, Connie Stevens, Lorna Luft, Sid between his estranged mother Lilly (Huston) and sexy The Good Wifey girlfriend Myra (Bening). Both Lilly and Myra are ruthless Michael Raynar is in love with his young wife and expecting Caesar, Tab Hunter confidence artists playing the con game in a league far above his first child. His story should end with „happily ever after“ Return to rockin’ Rydell High for a whole new term! It’s 1961, Roy...and always looking for their next victim! The question but it doesn’t. Instead he runs into Kimmy Sardell. Despite his two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and soon becomes who’s conning who as Roy finds himself caught better judgment, they have a one-night stand that places him there’s a new crop of seniors - and new members of the in a complicated web of passion and mistrust! on a path of devastating consequences. When Michael’s coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Art House, Thrillers pregnant wife disappears, the police put him through hell. Two Michael Carrington (Maxwell Caulfield) is the new kid in 1990 110min. years later he is still grieving his loss when he runs again school, but he’s been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an old into Kimmy. Since that night spent together, he lost a wife and motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment child and Kimmy has a beautiful playful daughter, Eden. When leader of the T-Birds (Adrian Zmed), and win the heart of Pink 07.05.2013 Michael begins to notice things about Eden that remind him of Lady Stephanie Zinone (Michelle Pfeiffer)? He’s surely going 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115909 his wife, he doesn’t have to dig deep to discover a deranged to try! side of the woman he now loves. Eden’s life hangs by a Musical, Romance, Comedy 1982 min. thread, a thread Kimmy is ready and willing to cut. Paramount 01.01.2013 Guilty Pleasures: 1980s Collection Thrillers, Drama 90min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116045 James Spader, Tommy Lee Jones, Sarah Team Marketing 21.05.2013 Jessica Parker, Tim Robbins, Linda Blair, C. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115869 The Great Escape (Blu-ray) Thomas Howell, Kim Richards, Donna James Garner, Steve McQueen, Richard Wilkes - Dir. Steve Miner, Tom DeSimone, GoodFellas (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Attenborough, James Coburn, Charles Alan Metter, Fritz Kiersch, James Frawley, Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, Bronson, , Donald Pleasence Harley Cokliss Frank Vincent, Lorraine Bracco, Paul - Dir. John Sturges Action, Adventure, Collections, Comedy, Sorvino - Dir. Martin Scorsese In 1943, the Germans opened Stalag Luft North, a maximum Cult Film / TV, Drama, Movies 770min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Image Ent. 11.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116265 Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116373 Three generations of comedy legends star in this tale of nightclub owner Sugar Ray (Richard Pryor) and his son Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters Quick (Eddie Murphy), who fight to keep a vicious mobster Half A Sixpence (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + and a corrupt police force from putting them out of business. Tommy Steele, , Julia Foster, Written and directed by Eddie Murphy with an all-star UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) supporting cast including Redd Foxx, Della Reese, Arsenio Penelope Horner, Grover Dale Hall, Jasmine Guy, and Danny Aiello, Harlem Nights is an Multi-talented Steele brings his London and New York stage Famke Janssen, Jeremy Renner, Gemma action-packed comedy treasure! smash to the screen in this big, cheerful tune-filled production Arterton, Ingrid Bolsh Berdal, Derek Mears, Action, Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period based on H.G. Wells’ charming novel Kipps. Cyril Ritchard Robin Atkin Downes - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Piece 1989 min. co-stars as a thespian who introduces Arthur to the joys of Get ready for a twisted take on the classic tale as Hansel Edwardian London’s music halls. And a huge cast of high- (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have turned Paramount 01.01.2013 stepping, high-spirited singers and dancers have the time of pro, coping with the trauma of their childhood captivity by 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116044 their lives. Enjoy, because Half A Sixpence gets you a million slaying witches for hire. But when the seemingly unstoppable dollars worth of fun! bounty hunters meet their match in an enemy so evil, it’ll take Music, Musical, Comedy 1968 145min. all their training, weapons and courage to survive. Revenge The Haunting Paramount 21.05.2013 is sweeter than candy. Liam Neeson, Lili Taylor, Owen Wilson 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115977 Action, Blu-ray, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Hor- Funhouse of Shrieks and Screams!“ - Joel Siegel, Good ror, Movies, Revenge, Witches & Warlocks Morning America’. In this edge-of-your seat supernatural 2013 87min. thriller featuring Hollywood’s hottest stars, a study in fear The Hangover (Steelbook) (Blu- escalates into a heart-stopping nightmare for a professor and Paramount Pictures 11.06.2013 three subjects trapped in a mysterious mansion. For over a ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116307 century, the dark and forbidding Hill House has sat alone and Heather Graham, Jeffrey Tambor, Bradley abandoned...or so it seemed. Intrigued by the mansion’s Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, storied past, Dr. Marrow (Liam Neeson) lures his three Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters subjects - Theo (Catherine Zeta-Jones), Nell (Lili Taylor) Ed Helms - Dir. Todd Phillips and Luke (Owen Wilson) - to the site for a seemingly They planned a Vegas bachelor party that they would never 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + harmless experiment. But, from the moment of their arrival, forget. Now they really need to remember what exactly went Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Nell seems mysteriously drawn to the house...and the down! Whose baby is in the closet of their Caesars Palace attraction is frighteningly mutual. When night descends, the suite? How did a tiger get in the bathroom? Why is one of ray) study goes horrifyingly awry as the subjects discover the them missing a tooth? And most of all, where is the groom?! haunting secrets that live within the walls of Hill House. What the guys did while partying can’t compare to what they Famke Janssen, Jeremy Renner, Gemma Don’t miss the state-of-the-art special effects as Hill House must do sober in an outrageous caper that has them piecing Arterton, Ingrid Bolsh Berdal, Derek Mears, unleashes its supernatural wrath in this latest thriller from the together all their bad decisions from the night before - one Robin Atkin Downes - Dir. Tommy Wirkola director of Speed and . hazy clue at a time. Director Todd Phillips (Old School) and PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Ghosts, Horror 1999 113min. an all-aces comedy cast bring it big time with unpredictable is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Paramount 21.05.2013 situations that somehow all fit together. Tie one on with The A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Hangover. standard Blu-ray players. Get ready for a twisted take on the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116021 Warner Bros., Comedy, Movies, Mystery, classic tale as Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Road Trips 2009 100min. Arterton) have turned pro, coping with the trauma of their He Said, She Said childhood captivity by slaying witches for hire. But when the Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 seemingly unstoppable bounty hunters meet their match in an Elizabeth Perkins, , Sharon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116334 enemy so evil, it’ll take all their training, weapons and Stone courage to survive. Revenge is sweeter than candy. Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth Perkins are competing journalists The Hangover: Part II (Steelbook) Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fairy Tales, who find love and success as battling co-hosts of their own Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Revenge, Witches talk show. But the friction that makes the show a hit threatens (Blu-ray) to cancel the romance, as the lovers discover each has a & Warlocks 2013 87min. completely different concept of commitment. This breezy Paul Giamatti, Jeffrey Tambor, Bradley Paramount Pictures 11.06.2013 comedy-of-the-sexes looks at love from both points of view. In Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116308 the first part of the film, the relationship is seen through „his“ Ed Helms, Ken Jeong - Dir. Todd Phillips eyes, while the second half of the film is visualized from „her“ Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), Alan (Zach perspective. Both viewpoints are wildly different and totally Galifianakis) and Doug (Justin Bartha) travel to exotic Hardball hilarious, combining for a completely winning romantic Thailand for Stu’s wedding. What could go wrong? Director Keanu Reeves, D.B. Sweeney, Diane Lane, comedy. Also starring Sharon Stone as his good friend (he Todd Phillips’ explosively funny follow-up to his award- says) and longtime love (she says). winning smash hit demonstrates that though what happens in John Hawkes, Mike McGlone, Graham Romance, Comedy 1991 115min. Vegas may stay in Vegas, what happens in Bangkok can Beckel Paramount 21.05.2013 hardly be imagined! Keanu Reeves, Diane Lane and D.B. Sweeney score in this 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116022 Warner Bros., Buddy Pictures, Comedy, uplifting story of triumph over adversity that „hits an emotional Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, Movies, home run.“ Conor O’Neill (Reeves) is a down-on-his-luck gambler in debt to dangerous loan sharks. Desperate for Heat (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Mystery 2011 102min. cash, Conor reluctantly takes a job coaching a youth baseball Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 team. The „team“ turns out to be a ragtag group of tough- Val Kilmer, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Diane talking kids from Chicago’s inner city. Secretly, Conor plans Venora, Jon Voight, Natalie Portman, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116333 to desert the team after he wins a big . But the stakes are higher than Conor imagined: The kids need someone to Ashley Judd, Tom Sizemore, Wes Studi, Hansel & Gretel Get Baked believe in. As Conor wrestles with his past, the kids start to Amy Brenneman - Dir. Michael Mann teach him some lessons that will forever change his future - When Al Pacino and Robert De Niro square off, Heat sizzles. Yancy Butler, Lara Flynn Boyle that responsibility and trust must be earned and hope can Written and directed by Michael Mann, Heat includes Stoner siblings Hansel and Gretel battle an evil witch (Lara appear in the most unlikely places. dazzling set pieces and a bank heist that USA Today’s Mike Flynn Boyle) who uses a magical blend of marijuana to lure in Sports, Baseball, Drama 2001 106min. Clark calls „the greatest action scene of recent times.“ It also teenage bait. Will this be the last high of their lives? Paramount 21.05.2013 offers „the most impressive collection of actors in one movie Stoners, Comedy, Fairy Tales, Horror 2012 this year“ (Newsweek). Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115978 and Ashley Judd are among the memorable supporting players 87min. in this tale of a brilliant L.A. cop (Pacino) following the trail New Video DVD 25.06.2013 from a deadly armed robbery to a crew headed by an equally 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116146 Hardflip brilliant master thief (De Niro). Rosanna Arquette, John Schneider, Randy Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Drama, Hansel And Gretel: Witch Hunters Wayne Movies, Thieves 1995 171min. Caleb is a young skater who’s ill mother and absent father, Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Famke Janssen, Jeremy Renner, Gemma leave him reaching for the only hope he has - becoming a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116335 Arterton, Ingrid Bolsh Berdal, Derek Mears, sponsored skater. After discovering a stack of old letters, he Robin Atkin Downes - Dir. Tommy Wirkola set out to find the father he never knew and inadvertently begins a journey he never could have expected. Caleb’s story Heaven (Blu-ray) Get ready for a twisted take on the classic tale as Hansel explores what happens when we let go of our anger and pain (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have turned and forgive those who have hurt us the most, just as God Cate Blanchett, Giovanni Ribisi, Stefania pro, coping with the trauma of their childhood captivity by forgives us. slaying witches for hire. But when the seemingly unstoppable Rocca, Mattia Sbragia, Alberto Di Stasio, bounty hunters meet their match in an enemy so evil, it’ll take Action, Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Remo Girone, Stefano Santospago all their training, weapons and courage to survive. Revenge Skateboarding 2012 108min. The star power of Cate Blanchett (Robin Hood) and Giovanni is sweeter than candy. E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 Ribisi (Avatar) propels this luminous and intensely haunting Action, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Horror, motion picture from the acclaimed director of Run Lola Run. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116251 Philippa (Blanchett), a British teacher living in Turin, , Movies, Revenge, Witches & Warlocks has watched helplessly as her husband and friends have 2013 87min. Harlem Nights fallen victim to drug overdoses. To compound her , Paramount Pictures 11.06.2013 the police - who are complicit in the actions of Turin’s biggest

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA drug dealer - have completely ignored Philippa’s repeated medical attention, he escapes and goes to Kelly and Kelly’s Globe winner Richard Gere leads a stellar cast in The Hoax, offers of information. So, with the unexpected help of a girlfriend, Peggy Gardner (Bette Davis), for help. Peggy the thrilling and unbelievably true story of the man who almost sympathetic police officer (Ribisi), Philippa feels she has contacts newspaper columnist Frank Gephardt, who is pulled off the biggest literary con of the 20th century. When nothing to lose by taking divine justice into her own hands. A anxious to expose the conditions at the state industrial the charismatic Clifford Irving (Gere) convinces a major probing exploration of the modern world and its moral choices, school. The authorities find Jimmy at Gephardt’s office, but publishing house that Howard Hughes, the bigger-than-life you’ll be mesmerized by Philippa’s transformation from before they can apprehend him Kelly admits his involvement in billionaire recluse, has asked Irving to pen his authorized grieving widow to wanted fugitive. the bootlegging operation and the boy is set free. He autobiography, Irving must concoct an elaborate scheme to Crime, Drama, Romance, Thrillers 2002 discovers Shorty has died, victimized by a corrupt system. prove his fake manuscript is real. Inspired by Irving’s tell-all Classics, Drama 1932 72min. book and directed by Academy Award nominee Lasse Hall- 97min. strom (The Cider House Rules, 2000), this tensely comedic Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kino Video 18.06.2013 story is a wild ride down the slippery slope of a lie run 07.05.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116217 amuck. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115911 Comedy, Drama 2006 116min. The Jim Henson Collection Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Hell Is For Heroes Share the world of beloved Family entertainment icon Jim 07.05.2013 Henson in this „best of“ collection. Laugh, sing and learn with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115908 Steve McQueen, Bobby Darin, Fess Parker, your children in these classic episodes from Jim Henson Harry Guardino, Mike Kellin, James Coburn, favorites Fraggle Rock, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss, Mother Goose Stories, Animal Show with Stinky and Jake, Home Sweet Home Bob Newhart, Nick Adams The Hoobs and Construction Site. A must-have collection for Young stars Steve McQueen, Bobby Darin, Fess Parker, any Jim Henson fan! Meghan Heffern, Adam MacDonald Harry Guardino, James Coburn, Nick Adams and Bob A young married couple experiences the ultimate nightmare Newhart (in his film debut) play a hopelessly outnumbered Collections, Comedy, Family, Music, when they return home to find an unexpected guest. Trapped army squad in this taut, explosive war film directed by Don Puppets 132min. by a deranged, methodical killer in their own home, the couple Siegel (Dirty Harry, Escape From Alcatraz). It’s autumn 1944, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.06.2013 must do whatever it takes to survive his twisted game. and Nazi forces along the Siegfried Line have the numbers, Incredibly unnerving, Home Sweet Home is a dark and panic- the fortifications and the firepower to break through. And a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115853 filled tale not for the faint of heart. handful of GIs have little more than a dogged determination Thrillers, Horror 80min. and the ingenuity to fool the Germans into thinking they Los Heroes Del Norte: Seguno represent a great Allied Task Force. But can they make the Screen Media Films 14.05.2013 ruse last until reinforcements finally arrive? Temp 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115949 War, Classics, Drama 1962 89min. Los Heroes del Norte is a situation comedy that follows the Paramount 21.05.2013 daily lives of a musical band. Now into it’s second season, Home Sweet Home the series has become a hit among the Mexican Banda fans, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116023 who follow the band during it’s concerts through the state of Christopher Dempsey, Alexandra Boylan Mexico. You will laugh and cry with the hilarious collection of Gwen Stevens (Alexandra Boylan) is at a crossroads in her Hellraiser: Deader (Blu-ray) episodes! life and needs a safe, quiet place to get her head together. But Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, when she arrives at the house of her deceased parents in the Kari Wuhrer, Doug Bradley, Paul Rhys, Music, Romance min. remote New Mexico desert, she realizes that her peaceful Simon Kunz refuge has become home to a pair of psychotic squatters with Amy Klein (Kari Wuhrer, Eight Legged Freaks) is a tough-as- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 28.05.2013 plans of their own. Now, miles from civilization and possible nails reporter working for an underground newspaper. But 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115875 rescue, Gwen finds herself trapped, tormented and waging a when Amy’s job leads her to a mysterious cult and the evil desperate fight to escape the brutal intruders who have moved Pinhead, any moment could be her last. The thrilling villain in... and who now want her life. you love to hear delivers another hellish nightmare you’ll The Hireling Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Movies, never forget. With „a dead-on performance by Kari Wuhrer Sarah Miles, Robert Shaw, Peter Egan Thrillers 2012 78min. and a great visual eye by director Rick Bota,“ Deader is a This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Image Ent. 04.06.2013 must-have for any horror fan (Beyond Hollywood). a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Devils And Demons, Hellraiser, Horror, Hor- Lady Franklin (Academy Award nominee Sarah Miles, 1970, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116369 ror Series, Mystery, Thrillers 2005 88min. Best Actress, Ryan’s Daughter) suffers a nervous breakdown after the death of her husband. Struggling with her medication Honest Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and without many friends, she takes a liking to her new 07.05.2013 chauffeur, Ledbetter (Academy Award nominee Robert Shaw, Sean Pertwee, Amanda Redman, Danny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115912 1966, Best Supporting Actor, A Man for All Seasons). The two Webb, Matthew McNulty - Dir. Brian Kelly, develop an unusual relationship, with Lady Franklin finding her way out of depression and Ledbetter growing continually Julian Holmes Hell’s House: Remastered Edition fonder of her. But as Lady Franklin becomes involved with a It’s business as usual when Mack Carter (Danny Webb, The young politician (Peter Egan, Chariots of Fire), Ledbetter is Bill) - felonious breadwinner for a dysfunctional family of Bette Davis, Junior Durkin, Paul Gangelin, torn between his professional obligation and romantic lowlifes - gets charged with robbery. But when Mack is Howard Higgin, Howard Higgin yearnings. sentenced to four years in jail, his wife, Lindsay (a When orphaned Jimmy Mason is taken in by his Aunt Emma British, Drama, Foreign 1973 108min. deliciously brazen Amanda Redman, New Tricks), resolves to and Uncle Henry, he meets their boarder Matt Kelly, who clean up her life. She’s determined to drag her conniving impresses the young man with his boastful swagger and SPHE MOD 05.03.2013 children back to the straight and narrow as well. Going legit alleged political connections, although in reality he’s a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116173 isn’t so simple, though. Lindsay finds herself dealing with bootlegger. The boy’s life is disrupted when, as one of Kelly’s impending poverty, thankless retail jobs, a pair of hired hands, he refuses to identify his boss during a police troublemaking twin sons, two cunning daughters, and a father- raid and is sentenced to three years of hard labor in reform Alfred Hitchcock: The Essentials in-law who may be faking his Alzheimer’s. On top of that, she school, where he befriends a sickly boy named Shorty, who Collection (Blu-ray) struggles to fend off men from her past who hope to take eventually is sent to solitary confinement. When Jimmy advantage of her compromised position - including the realizes his new pal is seriously ill and desperately needs Cary Grant, Janet Leigh, Grace Kelly, detective (Sean Pertwee, Cold Feet) investigating her son medical attention, he escapes and goes to Kelly and Kelly’s Anthony Perkins, Kim Novak, Eva Marie (Matthew McNulty, The Syndicate). Can the Carters go from girlfriend, Peggy Gardner (Bette Davis), for help. Peggy corrupt to squeaky clean without coming apart at the seams? contacts newspaper columnist Frank Gephardt, who is Saint, Tippi Hedren, James Stewart, Rod British, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional anxious to expose the conditions at the state industrial Taylor Families, Foreign, Television 2007 281min. school. The authorities find Jimmy at Gephardt’s office, but Universally recognized as the Master of Suspense, the before they can apprehend him Kelly admits his involvement in legendary Alfred Hitchcock directed some of cinema’s most Acorn Media 25.06.2013 the bootlegging operation and the boy is set free. He thrilling and unforgettable classics. Alfred Hitchcock: The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116383 discovers Shorty has died, victimized by a corrupt system. Essentials Collection features five iconic films from the Classics, Drama 1932 72min. acclaimed director’s illustrious career including Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho and The Birds The Horde Kino Video 18.06.2013 each digitally restored from high resolution film elements. In the 14th century, half of Eurasia is occupied by the Golden 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116195 Starring Hollywood favorites such as James Stewart, Cary Horde. Europe waits in trepidation for its attack, anticipating Grant, Grace Kelly, Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Tippi the death of the Christian civilization. When the Great Khan Hedren, Eva Marie Saint, Kim Novak and Rod Taylor, this is killed by his brother, Janibeg, their mother, Taidula, must Hell’s House: Remastered Edition essential collection captures the most memorable moments in pass judgment - persecute the conspirator or bless his reign. (Blu-ray) the career of a true cinematic master. Action, Adventure, Drama, Foreign, History Boxed Sets, Horror, Murder Mysteries, Bette Davis, Junior Durkin, Paul Gangelin, & Events, Movies, Russian 2012 127min. Mystery, Thrillers 610min. Howard Higgin, Howard Higgin E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 When orphaned Jimmy Mason is taken in by his Aunt Emma Universal Studios 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116252 and Uncle Henry, he meets their boarder Matt Kelly, who 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116124 impresses the young man with his boastful swagger and alleged political connections, although in reality he’s a Horrid Henry: The Movie bootlegger. The boy’s life is disrupted when, as one of Kelly’s The Hoax (Blu-ray) Richard E. Grant, Anjelica Huston, hired hands, he refuses to identify his boss during a police Stanley Tucci, Richard Gere, Marcia Gay raid and is sentenced to three years of hard labor in reform Parminder Nagra school, where he befriends a sickly boy named Shorty, who Harden, Julie Delpy, Hope Davis, Alfred When Henry fails yet again to hand in his homework, he eventually is sent to solitary confinement. When Jimmy Molina inadvertently sets off an unexpected and curious chain of realizes his new pal is seriously ill and desperately needs Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.. Golden events. He forms an unlikely alliance with Moody Margaret,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the infuriating girl next door, outwits corrupt School seems to be a bizarre link between her would-be attacker and who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt Inspectors, topples an evil Headmaster, wins a talent contest, this supposedly safe haven. And when, after nights of being down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy and stands up to his ultimate nemesis. With each antic crazier tormented by savage shrieks and unearthly cries, Karen Patterson is forced to extreme measures to clear his name. than the last, Henry finds himself inexplicably trying to save ventures into the forest to find answers, she makes a From the director of Horrible Bosses and the producer of Ted, the very school which he has always professed to hate. terrifying discovery. Now she must fight not only for her life... critics are calling Identity Thief „smart, funny and surprisingly Adventure, Comedy, Family 2011 93min. but for her very soul! touching“ - Rafer Guzman, Newsday. Phase 4 Films 04.06.2013 Werewolves, Horror 1981 91min. Comedy, Crime, Movies 2013 111min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115942 Shout Factory 18.06.2013 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115999 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116416 The House Of Seven Corpses (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The Howling: Collector’s Edition Identity Thief (Blu-ray + DVD + John Ireland, John Carradine, Faith (Blu-ray) Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- Domergue - Dir. Paul Harrison Dennis Dugan, Slim Pickens, Kevin ray) „Eight graves! Seven bodies!“ screamed the ads, „One killer... McCarthy, Dee Wallace, Belinda Balaski, Jon Favreau, Amanda Peet, Jason Bat- and he’s already dead!“ Hollywood legends John Ireland (Red John Carradine, Patrick MacNee, Christo- River, Satan’s Cheerleaders), John Carradine (The Grapes eman, Melissa McCarthy - Dir. Seth Gordon Of Wrath, Vampire Hookers) and Howard Hughes’ paramour pher Stone Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses) and Melissa McCarthy Faith Domergue (Cult Of The Cobra, This Island Earth) star From the director of and Piranha comes the ultimate (Bridesmaids) lead an all-star cast in this hilarious this much-loved ’70s shocker about a film crew shooting an masterpiece of primal terror. Filled with edge-of-your-seat blockbuster hit. Unlimited funds have allowed Diana occult drama in a sinister manor - actually the former Utah suspense, „Genuine thrills [and] amazing special effects“ (McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Orlando. There’s Governor’s Mansion - with its own grisly history of family (Us), this riveting werewolf tale sinks its teeth into your only one glitch: she’s financing her shopping sprees with an bloodshed. From its notoriously gruesome opening to the deepest fears and never lets go. Severely shaken after a ID stolen from Sandy Patterson (Bateman), an accounts rep creepy zombie-attack climax, revisit the old-school favorite near-fatal encounter with a serial killer, TV newscaster who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt that Bloody Disgusting hails as „a classic Saturday afternoon Karen White (Dee Wallace, E.T.) takes some much-needed down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy ‘Creature Feature’ scare“ as you’ve never seen it before, time off. Hoping to conquer her inner demons, she heads for Patterson is forced to extreme measures to clear his name. now transferred in HD from original vault materials and „the Colony,“ a secluded retreat where her new neighbors are From the director of Horrible Bosses and the producer of Ted, featuring an exclusive archive interview with the legendary just a tad too eager to make her feel at home. Also, there critics are calling Identity Thief „smart, funny and surprisingly horror icon Carradine and a revealing new audio commentary. seems to be a bizarre link between her would-be attacker and touching“ - Rafer Guzman, Newsday. this supposedly safe haven. And when, after nights of being Universal Studios, Comedy, Crime, Movies Severin, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & tormented by savage shrieks and unearthly cries, Karen Paranormal, Zombies 1973 91min. ventures into the forest to find answers, she makes a 2013 111min. Severin 11.06.2013 terrifying discovery. Now she must fight not only for her life... Universal Studios 04.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116431 but for her very soul! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116428 Horror, Werewolves 1981 91min. Shout Factory 18.06.2013 I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead House On Straw Hill (Blu-ray + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116010 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Malcolm McDowell, Charlotte Rampling, Clive Owen, Ken Stott, Sylvia Syms, Jamie Udo Kier, Linda Hayden, Fiona Richmond - The Hunted Foreman Dir. James Kenelm Clarke William Friedkin, Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Directed by Mike Hodges (Croupier), I’ll Sleep When I’m Banned in Britain for thirty years, The House on Straw Hill is Del Dead is a psychological crime-drama that features an all-star a shockingly violent and erotic tale of seduction, brutality and cast including Clive Owen (), Charlotte Rampling revenge. Cult movie icon Udo Kier (Mark of the Devil, The Some men must be found.. Haunted by the nightmares of killing he experiencesd in Kosovo in the past, Aaron Hallam, has (Swimming Pool), and Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Theatre Bizarre) stars as a successful novelist suffering from Orange) and asks the question: what is the price of writer’s block, who rents a country cottage in the hope of turned into a top special-forces assassin... gone renegade. And when game hunters in the Pacific Northwest are being vengeance? Ex-gangster Will Graham (Owen) thought he had finding inspiration. But the arrival of a sensual secretary, gained back his soul by leaving the hard-boiled life of the played by Linda Hayden (Blood on Satan’s Claw, Taste the targeting and viciously slain, the FBI realizes that the indiscriminate murders are the work of no ordinary thrill criminal underworld behind him and taking on the life of a ) sets in motion of chain of events that drifter. When he learns his younger brother is found dead of a culminate in an unrestrained explosion of sex and savagery. killer. They turn to the one man who can track Hallam down and bring him in - skilled former warfare instructor L.T. gruesome suicide, Will comes back to town and discovers that Severin, British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Bonham. Bonham is grimly familiar with the killer’s deadly his death was motivated by a shocking event involving a local Thrillers 1976 84min. techniques - he personally trained Hallam, his most skilled car dealer with a violent habit. To get vengeance against the Severin 11.06.2013 student. Now the seasoned teacher must engage his talented man responsible, Will must deal with the unfinished business pupil in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, with a playing field of his old life which includes a feud with the local crime boss 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116430 that moves from Oregon’s rural wilderness to the concrete and lingering feelings for an old . jungle of the city. Watch this and discover why some men must Mystery, Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, How The West Was Won: The be found. Gangs 2004 103min. Thrillers, Action 2003 94min. Complete First Season Paramount 21.05.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116025 Fionnula Flanagan, James Arness, Bruce 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116024 Boxleitner Now available on DVD, How the West Was Won: The In Dreams Complete First Season is a family saga focusing on the lives Ice Road Terror , Annette Bening, Robert of the Macahan family in the Old West. The leader of the Dylan Neal, Ty Olsson, Brea Grant - Dir. family, Zeb Macahan (James Arness) is accustomed to the Downey Jr., Aidan Quinn, Paul Guilfoyle harsh realities of life on the frontier. His sister-in-law, Kate Terry Ingram Spine-Chilling!. Claire Cooper’s peaceful family life takes a (Eva Marie Saint), alone since the death of her husband is A remote arctic diamond mine unknowingly uncovers a deadly chilling turn when a mysterious serial killer invades her struggling to maintain a home for her daughters and sons. creature buried deep beneath the ice: Predator X - the biggest seemingly idyllic New England town. . .and haunts her dreams Luke (Bruce Boxleitner), Kate’s eldest son, is pursued by the dinosaur to ever roam the arctic. Emerging from hibernation, with dark clues to his next deadly moves. With frightening law for desertion from the Union Army. Their stories are the beast rampages through the mine, killing everyone in accuracy, Claire predicts his every turn, but still no one played out against a realistic recreation of the American West sight. When a pair of ice road truckers show up delivering believes her. Unable to convince the police, her doctor or in that lusty, hard-hitting period when laws were frequently supplies, the only thing they find are the bloodied remains of even her husband of her mind-link with the madman, Claire broken and progress was charted by individual suffering and the miners. They quickly race back to the dangerous ice road, must confront the killer alone. . .and on his terms. . .before survival. but the deadly creature tags along for the ride. When it another terrifying dream becomes a reality! strikes again, the are destroyed, and our heroes find Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 1998 99min. Western, Adventure, Family 1978 min. themselves stranded in the middle of the frozen wilderness. Warner Bros. 09.07.2013 They seek refuge at a secluded truck stop where they make a Paramount 21.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116141 final stand against the prehistoric beast - just so long the ice 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116026 beneath them doesn’t melt first. Dinosaurs, Movies, Science Fiction, Thril- In Old Arizona (Blu-ray) The Howling: Collector’s Edition lers 2011 90min. Warner Baxter, Edmund Lowe, Dorothy Dennis Dugan, Slim Pickens, Kevin Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.07.2013 Burgess - Dir. Raoul Walsh, Irving McCarthy, Dee Wallace, Belinda Balaski, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116492 John Carradine, Patrick MacNee, Christo- Cummings pher Stone Cisco Kid is a tough but charming bandit who always manages Identity Thief to stay one step ahead of the law. That is until a determined From the director of Gremlins and Piranha comes the ultimate sheriff enlists Kid’s girlfriend in a clever scheme to disarm masterpiece of primal terror. Filled with edge-of-your-seat Jon Favreau, Amanda Peet, Jason Bat- him. But with one more trick up his sleeve, The Kid may just suspense, „Genuine thrills [and] amazing special effects“ eman, Melissa McCarthy - Dir. Seth Gordon have the last laugh. Warner Baxter’s unforgettable (Us), this riveting werewolf tale sinks its teeth into your Jason Bateman (Horrible Bosses) and Melissa McCarthy performance as the legendary Cisco Kid earned him the 1929 deepest fears and never lets go. Severely shaken after a (Bridesmaids) lead an all-star cast in this hilarious Oscar for Best Actor. near-fatal encounter with a serial killer, TV newscaster blockbuster hit. Unlimited funds have allowed Diana Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Karen White (Dee Wallace, E.T.) takes some much-needed (McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Orlando. There’s time off. Hoping to conquer her inner demons, she heads for only one glitch: she’s financing her shopping sprees with an Classics, Movies, Romance, Western 1928 „the Colony,“ a secluded retreat where her new neighbors are ID stolen from Sandy Patterson (Bateman), an accounts rep 99min. just a tad too eager to make her feel at home. Also, there

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20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 Shout Factory 30.07.2013 strains play out in the life of Jack Taylor, a man seeking to reinvent himself in a community with a long memory and an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116311 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116517 uneasy attitude towards change. Includes three feature-length mysteries: The Guards, The Pikemen, and The Magdalen In Old Arizona (Repackage) The Inflicted Martyrs. Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television Warner Baxter, Edmund Lowe, Dorothy Doug Bradley, Bill Moseley 2010 273min. Burgess - Dir. Raoul Walsh, Irving Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Horror 2012 86min. Acorn Media 25.06.2013 Cummings Osiris Entertainment 21.05.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116384 Cisco Kid is a tough but charming bandit who always manages 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116222 to stay one step ahead of the law. That is until a determined sheriff enlists Kid’s girlfriend in a clever scheme to disarm Jersey Girl (Blu-ray) him. But with one more trick up his sleeve, The Kid may just Iniquity have the last laugh. Warner Baxter’s unforgettable Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, , performance as the legendary Cisco Kid earned him the 1929 Brian Jesiolowski Crowned „King of ’s Judicial System“ Attorney Jennifer Lopez, S. Epatha Merkerson, Oscar for Best Actor. Jennifer Schwalbach Smith, Raquel Castro, Academy Award Winners, Classics, David Marshall’s fearless approach and unwavering confidence has the young bachelor flying high, attracting the George Carlin, Stephen Root, Mike Starr Movies, Romance, Western 1928 99min. most sought after women in the city. He will soon find himself Hollywood favorites Ben Affleck (The Town) and Liv Tyler 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 entangled in a steamy love affair with a married woman. The (The Strangers) shine in this heartwarming all-star comedy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116268 outcome becomes devastating, with so much at stake, David about a guy who thinks he’s lost it all, only to discover he’s and The married women agree never to share their secret got everything he needs. Ollie (Affleck) is a smooth and affair, but will they be forced to? If so How far will they be successful big-city publicist who has the life he’s always In The Dark willing to go to bury this life altering mistake? wanted - until things take an unexpected turn and he finds Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2012 Shannon Elizabeth, Elisabeth Rohm, Sam himself and unemployed single father back living with his dad 99min. in the suburbs. but just when he thinks his life has hit rock Page bottom, a sexy, no-nonsense video store clerk (Tyler) enters Ali, an aspiring artist, is left to rebuild her life after a tragic Team Marketing 07.05.2013 his life and shows Ollie that sometimes you have to forget who accident that kills her husband and child and leaves her blind. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115868 you thought you were and acknowledge what really makes you She employs Jeff, a young nurse, to help her with this happy. Also starring Jennifer Lopez (The Back Up Plan) and daunting transition. But when she discovers that he is an Jason Biggs (My Best Friend’s Girl) - director Kevin Smith obsessive stalker, she must use the rest of her senses to fight Into The Woods (Zack and Miri Make a Porno) has delivered another for her life. Laila Odom, Sean Riggs critically-acclaimed hit. Nurses & Doctors, Stalkers, Thrillers, Ac- Six friends take the deadliest challenges of their life where a Comedy, Drama, Romance 2004 110min. tion, Horror 88min. hunter of human lives lurk in the bushes and trees on a Echo Bridge Home Entertainment mountain top far in the woods of Los Angeles. His playground Phase 4 Films 18.06.2013 of death becomes their final resting place as they go through 07.05.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115946 his lair. Many have come in, but few have made it out when 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115905 they go Into The Woods... Inception (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2011 75min. Jimmy Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.07.2013 Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Berenger, Michael Based on the novel by best-selling, faith-based author Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116507 Whitlow, Jimmy is a story about an over-looked mentally Caine, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe, Ellen challenged boy who views the world through his own unique Page, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy, Dileep lens. Through the course of life-changing events during one Rao - Dir. Christopher Nolan The Invisible Man (Blu-ray) Fall season, Jimmy’s family and those around him come to fully Acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan directs an internatio- Henry Travers, , Gloria Stuart, realize his impact on their community. nal cast in this sci-fi actioner that travels around the globe WM. Harrigan, Digges, Forrester Drama, Family, Movies, Religion/Spirituality and into the world of dreams. Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) 2012 95min. is the best there is at extraction: stealing valuable secrets Harvey - Dir. James Whale inside the subconscious during the mind’s vulnerable dream The signature adaptation of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 state. His skill has made him a coveted player in industrial stars Claude Rains as a mysterious scientist who discovers a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116253 espionage but also has made him a fugitive and cost him serum that makes him invisible. Covered by bandages and dearly. Now he may get a second chance if he can do the dark glasses, the scientist arrives at a small English village impossible: inception, planting an idea rather than stealing and attempts to hide his amazing discovery. He soon Johnny Depp: Double Feature one. If they succeed, Cobb and his team could pull off the discovers, however, that the same drug which renders him , Johnny Depp, Julie Christie, perfect crime. But no planning or expertise can prepare them invisible is slowly driving him insane and capable of for a dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. committing unspeakable acts of terror. Directed by James Juliette Binoche, Kate Winslet, Judi Dench - An enemy only Cobb could have seen coming. Whale, the horror classic features groundbreaking special Dir. Marc Forster, Lasse Hallstrom effects by John P. Fulton that inspired many of the techniques Academy Award Winners, Action, Blu-ray, that are still used today. Double Features, Drama, Family, Historical / Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers Universal Studios, Classics, Drama, Horror, Period Piece, Movies, Romance 223min. 2010 148min. Movies, National Film Registry, Science Lionsgate 25.06.2013 Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Fiction, Thrillers 1933 71min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116485 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116336 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116304 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Al Gore Iron Doors Michael Caine, Luis Guzman, Kristin Davis, A Global Warning. Former Vice President Al Gore presents an eye-opening and compelling view of the future of our planet Rungano Nyoni Josh Hutcherson, Vanessa Hudgens - Dir. - and our civilization in the must-see documentary of the year. Locked in a vault, a young investment banker faces a slow Brad Peyton This is a wake-up call that cuts through myths and death from starvation. Who kidnapped him and why? How can In this follow-up to the hit Journey To The Center Of The misconceptions to deliver the message that global warming is he escape the concrete walls and massive iron door that Earth, 17 year old Sean (Josh Hutcherson, reprising his role a real and present danger. An Inconvenient Truth brings home confine him? His journey of self discovery has only just began from the first film) receives a coded distress signal from a Gore’s persuasive argument that we must act now to save the and his fight for survival will teach him values he previously mysterious island - a place of bizarre and dangerous life earth. Each and every one of us can make changes in the way thought impossible. forms, deadly volcanoes and astonishing secrets! Unable to in which we live our lives and become part of the solution. Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Fantasy, Foreign, stop him, Sean’s stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) joins the Academy Award Winners, Documentary, German, Kidnapping 2010 80min. quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they Environmental, Science 2006 96min. Music Video Distribution 19.02.2013 set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and Paramount 21.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115856 escape before seismic shockwaves force the island under the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116027 sea and bury its treasures forever. Jack Taylor: Set One Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction 2012 The Incredible Melting Man (Blu- Iain Glen - Dir. Stuart Orme 94min. ray) Self-destructive, pigheaded, and overfond of the bottle, Jack Taylor (Iain Glen, , ) is a Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Myron Healey, Burr DeBenning - Dir. William forty-something ex-cop trying to earn a living as a private 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116337 Sachs detective in his native Galway. Taylor has burned a lot of An astronaut contracts a disease that causes his flesh to melt. bridges, but he still has a knack for uncovering ugly truths. In In order to stop the rapid deterioration of his flesh is to feed his new trade, Taylor finds evil at every turn: the serial Journey To The Center Of The on the flesh of other human beings. murders of young female factory workers, a vicious vigilante Earth (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Shout Factory, Cannibalism, Horror, Illness group executing summary justice, and a sadistic nun dubbed „Lucifer“ by her former charges. Set against the rugged Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita & Disease, Movies, Science Fiction, Space backdrop of western Ireland, this crime noir series depicts a Briem - Dir. Eric Brevig 1977 86min. country in transition, caught between the certainties of the past and the anxieties of a post-bubble future. Those same Brendan Fraser stars in this action packed adventure based

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA on the Jules Verne classic that is sure to deliver fun for the be anything! Get an inside look into the real and Thrillers, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Science whole family! On a hunch to find the center of the Earth, find out how this regular California girl with big dreams Trevor Anderson (Fraser), his nephew and their tour guide became one of the biggest stars in the world. This „undeniably Fiction 1995 179min. make a breakthrough discovery that launches them on a irresistible“ (Elizabeth Weitzman, NY Daily News) film is Paramount Pictures 18.06.2013 thrilling journey into the unknown. On a scramble to find their your chance to experience Katy Perry’s teenage dream come 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116061 way back, the group travels through a never before seen true! world, encountering creatures and objects never imagined. Documentary, Family, girl power, Pop Music Whether in 3-D with glasses or in 2-D, get close to the ’s action, engage your sense of wonder and take your own 2012 93min. journey to the center of the Earth. Please Note: 3-D version Paramount 19.03.2013 Gary Sinise, , Ruby Dee, Molly only available with initial shipment. Once depleted 2-D 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116085 Ringwald, Jamey Sheridan, Rob Lowe, version only will be available. Miguel Ferrer Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Family, Originally aired as a television mini-series, this all-star Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction 2008 The Kentucky Fried Movie: filmization of Stephen King’s gripping epic of good versus evil Special Edition (Blu-ray) chronicles the episodic adventures of a disparate group of 92min. people who struggle to reestablish civilization after a man- New Line Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Donald Sutherland, Bill Bixby, Tony Dow - made catastrophe wipes out most of the world’s population. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116338 Dir. John Landis The world abruptly ends when a deadly virus accidentally Famous comedy writers David and Jerry Zucker and Jim escapes from a government sponsored biological warfare Abrahams got their start at the University of Wisconsin when laboratory. Soon people are dropping like flies from the Jumpin’ Jack they formed a theatrical group known as The Kentucky Fried plague, but a few survive and find themselves strangely Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Lovitz, Jim Belushi Theater. The Kentucky Fried Movie is based on the KFT’s compelled to head into the West. Good-hearted people follow gag-filled theatrical skits. Including well-known stars such as the voice of an ancient black woman and head for Boulder, She didn’t know jack about being a spy.. A computer operator Colorado. Bad people follow the enigmatic Walkin’ Dude to (Whoopi Goldberg) at a bank is plunged into an exciting Bill Bixby, Donald Sutherland, Tony Dow, George Lazenby and Henry Gibson, the film has over 25 different segments of Las Vegas. It is only a matter of time before the two sides are world of international intrigue, danger and romance when her forced into a climactic battle over the final fate of humanity. terminal gets an S.O.S. from „Jumpin’ ,“ a British varying lengths. Since its 1977 theatrical release, the film has spy stranded in Eastern Europe. She is soon matching wits built a sizable cult audience. Adventure, Disasters, Drama, Fantasy, with the deadliest members of the espionage community from Anthologies, Blu-ray, Comedy, Cult Film / Horror, Killer Viruses 1994 359min. the CIA to the KGB. Jon Lovitz and Jim Belushi co-star in this TV, Movies 1977 83min. Paramount Pictures 18.06.2013 suspenseful, fast-paced and murderously funny comedy. Shout Factory 02.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116062 Romance, Thrillers, Comedy 1986 105min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116470 Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116183 Knife Fight Killer Mountain Rob Lowe, , Jamie Chung - Dir. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Blu-ray) Paul Campbell, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Aaron Bill Guttentag Douglas - Dir. Sheldon Wilson If a political candidate is personally flawed but stands to make Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Lovitz, Jim Belushi a positive difference in millions of lives, would you help them She didn’t know jack about being a spy.. A computer operator Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction, Thril- win an election? That question looms over the life of Paul (Whoopi Goldberg) at a bank is plunged into an exciting lers, TV Movies 2011 87min. Turner (Rob Lowe), a savvy strategist sharply maneuvering world of international intrigue, danger and romance when her Millennium Entertainment 25.06.2013 politicians out of and into public office. With the help terminal gets an S.O.S. from „Jumpin’ Jack Flash,“ a British of a bright young assistant (Jamie Chung, The Hangover Part spy stranded in Eastern Europe. She is soon matching wits 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116287 II), a shrewd reporter (Julie Bowen, ), and a with the deadliest members of the espionage community from seedy operative (Richard Schiff, ), Turner the CIA to the KGB. Jon Lovitz and Jim Belushi co-star in this The Killing: The Complete Se- spins every news cycle on behalf of his clients, which include suspenseful, fast-paced and murderously funny comedy. a philandering Kentucky governor (Eric McCormack, Will & Comedy, Romance, Thrillers 1986 105min. cond Season Grace), a blackmailed California senator, and an idealistic doctor turned gubernatorial candidate (Carrie-Anne Moss, Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Michelle Forbes, Annie Corley, Jamie Anne The Matrix Series). When the ugly side of Turner’s work 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116209 Allman, Mireille Enos, Kristin Lehman, Billy begins to haunt him, he learns that even in the bloodiest of Campbell, Joel Kinnaman, Eric Ladin, battles, sometimes you have to fight clean. A smart and crackling look at what happens behind closed doors in Ameri- The Karate Kid (Blu-ray + Brandon Jay McLaren, Brent Sexton can politics, KNIFE FIGHT is a searing political insider story UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using for the new century. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Drama, Movies, Politics 2012 95min. Pat Morita, Ralph Macchio, Elisabeth Shue TV’s most addictive crime series returns for another season There is more to karate than fighting. This is the lesson that of slow-burn suspense and gripping drama. In season two, MPI 11.06.2013 Daniel (Macchio), a San Fernando Valley teenager, is about homicide detectives Sarah Linden (Emmy nominee Mireille 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116269 to learn from a most unexpected teach: Mr. Miyagi (Morita) an Enos) and Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) resume their elderly handyman who also happens to be a master of the investigation into murder of a Seattle teenager, only to martial arts. So when he rescues Daniel from the Cobra Kai, a discover it may be part of a larger, more explosive Knightriders (Blu-ray) vicious gang of karate school bullies, Miyagi instills in his conspiracy. As the caseunfolds, it triggers shocking Ed Harris, Tom Savini, Gary Lahti, Amy young friend the importance of honor and confidence as well revelations and stunning twists that will keep you guessing as skills in self-defense, vital lessons that will be called into until the riveting season conclusion...when the killer of Rosie Ingersoll - Dir. George A. Romero play when a hopelessly outclassed Daniel faces Johnny, the Larsen will finally be revealed. Knightriders is the story of a troupe of motorcyclists who are sadistic leader of the Cobra Kai, in a no-holds barred karate AMC, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, members of a traveling Renaissance Faire. They move from tournament for the championship of the Valley. town to town, staging jousting tournaments with the Mystery 2012 min. combatants in suits of armor, wielding lances, battle-axes, Drama, Family, Martial Arts, Action, Sports 20th Century Fox MOD 02.04.2013 maces and broadswords. The spectacle of this magnificent 1984 127min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116114 pageant soon garners national attention, much to the dismay of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the current king of this Camelot. A conflict arises as they try 07.05.2013 to maintain their fairy tale existence in a world fraught with Stephen King’s Golden Years corruption. Can they hold on to their Camelot state of mind? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116200 This is a finely crafted film written and directed by George A. Ed Lauter, , Felicity Romero, who brought us Night Of The Living Dead and Huffman, Bill Raymond, , , and continues in his tradition of visual mastery Katy Perry: The Movie - Part Of R.D. Call here with Knightriders. Newsweek said of Romero’s talents, Me This made-for-TV mini-series from the notorious horror writer „Romero’s combination of wit and horror is the best since centers upon a hapless old janitor who begins undergoing Hitchcock.“ Katy Perry incredible physical changes after he is accidentally covered Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cars & Katy Perry is living proof that if you just be yourself, you can with experimental chemicals following a laboratory mishap. be anything! Get an inside look into the real Katy Perry and Motorcycles, Cult Film / TV, Movies 1981 Now the government will stop at nothing to get him back. 145min. find out how this regular California girl with big dreams Thrillers, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction became one of the biggest stars in the world. This „undeniably Shout Factory 30.07.2013 1991 236min. irresistible“ (Elizabeth Weitzman, NY Daily News) film is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116518 your chance to experience Katy Perry’s teenage dream come Paramount Pictures 18.06.2013 true! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116060 Documentary, Family, girl power, Pop Music Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Blu-ray) 2012 93min. Stephen King’s The Langoliers Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, Noah Taylor, Paramount 19.03.2013 Daniel Craig, Iain Glen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116067 Dean Stockwell, Bronson Pinchot, Patricia Lara Croft, the world’s most famous video-game heroine, burst Wettig, Mark Lindsay Chapman onto the big screen in „the most stylish and entertaining Ten passengers on a red-eye flight from L.A. to Boston action-adventure movie in years!“ Exploring lost empires, Katy Perry: The Movie - Part Of discover that they are not the only people on the plane, but finding priceless treasures, punishing villains in mortal Me (Blu-ray) after making an emergency landing in Bangor, Maine, they combat.. It’s all in a day’s work for adventurer Lara Croft discover that they are the only people on the planet. This film (Angelina Jolie). But a secret from her father’s (Jon Voight) Katy Perry was based off the Stephen King short story „Four Past past is about to lead Lara to her greatest challenge: the Katy Perry is living proof that if you just be yourself, you can Midnight“. Triangle Of Light, a legendary artifact with the power to alter

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA space and time. Lara must find the Triangle before it falls into James Gandolfini, Robert Redford, Mark Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 the clutches of the Illuminati, a secret society bent on world domination. To stop the Illuminati, Lara will have to survive a Ruffalo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116340 cross-continental chase filled with unimaginable danger. But Thrillers, Action, Drama, Military 2001 for the Tomb Raider, danger is the name of the game. With 131min. The Last Stand (Blu-ray + Digital eye-popping action and electrifying thrills, Tomb Raider „will Paramount 21.05.2013 have you screaming, laughing and cheering from beginning to Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116028 end!“ Forest Whitaker, Peter Stormare, Jaimie Independent Women, Jungle, Killer Alexander, Genesis Rodriguez, Arnold Beauties, Action, Adventure, Based On Last Of The Summer Wine: Schwarzenegger, Luis Guzman, Johnny Video Game 2001 min. Vintage 1999 Knoxville, Eduardo Noriega, Rodrigo Paramount 01.01.2013 Michael Aldridge, Bill Owen, Peter Sallis, Santoro, Zach Gilford 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116057 Brian Wilde - Dir. Alan Bell After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled Join everyone’s favorite trio for another season of hilarious operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Lash LaRue Collector’s Set adventures! Hoping to keep his comrades as young and Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los spritely as ever, Foggy sets up a training course to get Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes Noel Neill, Anne Gwynne, Peggy Stewart, Compo and Clegg in shape, but, as usual, safety isn’t his first place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that Lyle Talbot, Jack Holt, Lash LaRue, Dan concern. When the trio gets a grill from Auntie Wainwrights, peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez White they have a barbecue like never before. Foggy, ever the (Eduardo Noriega), the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin inspired inventor, comes up with the idea to create bicycle in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular Country, Revenge, Romance, We- safety underwear and, later in the season, a three man escape from an FBI prisoner convoy. With the help of a fierce stern, Action, Collections 725min. windsurfing sailboard. Finally, in the Christmas special, the band of lawless mercenaries led by the icy Burrell (Peter trio plan to host a visitor from outer space... or maybe just a Stormare), Cortez begins racing towards the US-Mexico Echo Bridge Home Entertainment border at 250 mph in a specially-outfitted Corvette ZR1 with a 21.05.2013 neighboring town. Last Of The Summer Wine Series, British, hostage in tow. Cortez’ path: straight through Summerton 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115984 Junction, where the whole of the U.S. law enforcement, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Televisi- including Agent John Bannister (Forest Whitaker) will have on min. their final opportunity to intercept him before the violent The Last Airbender 3D (Blu-ray fugitive slips across the border forever. At first reluctant to BBC Home Video 09.07.2013 become involved, and then counted out because of the 3D) (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116283 perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately Cliff Curtis, Aasif Mandvi, Shaun Toub, rallies his te Jackson Rathbone, Dev Patel, Noah Ringer, The Last Ride Cops, Crime, Action, Thrillers 2013 107min. Lionsgate 21.05.2013 Nicola Peltz - Dir. M. Night Shyamalan Jesse James, Henry Thomas, Fred Dalton PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115956 compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Thomas Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Based on the controversial life story of singer-songwriter, Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an Hank Williams, The Last Ride tells the powerful tale of The Last Stand (DVD + Digital extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he country music’s original bad boy. The man, the myth and the Copy + UltraViolet) journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures music come together when Williams travels from Alabama to a and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who series of New Years shows in West Virginia and Ohio. This Forest Whitaker, Peter Stormare, Jaimie can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, remarkable journey leads straight into the heart and soul of Alexander, Genesis Rodriguez, Arnold Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last the legendary performer...as he takes one last shot at Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! redemption. Featuring all-new versions of Hank Williams’ Schwarzenegger, Luis Guzman, Johnny greatest songs, this emotional tale of hope and truth is one Knoxville, Eduardo Noriega, Rodrigo Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, you’ll never forget. Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Family, Fantasy, Martial Santoro, Zach Gilford Music, Biography, Biopics, Country Music, After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled Arts, Movies 2010 min. Drama 2012 104min. operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Paramount 01.01.2013 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116316 Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116095 place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez The Last Airbender The Last Ride (Blu-ray) (Eduardo Noriega), the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular Cliff Curtis, Aasif Mandvi, Shaun Toub, Jesse James, Henry Thomas, Fred Dalton escape from an FBI prisoner convoy. With the help of a fierce Jackson Rathbone, Dev Patel, Noah Ringer, Thomas band of lawless mercenaries led by the icy Burrell (Peter Nicola Peltz - Dir. M. Night Shyamalan Based on the controversial life story of singer-songwriter, Stormare), Cortez begins racing towards the US-Mexico Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Hank Williams, The Last Ride tells the powerful tale of border at 250 mph in a specially-outfitted Corvette ZR1 with a Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an country music’s original bad boy. The man, the myth and the hostage in tow. Cortez’ path: straight through Summerton extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he music come together when Williams travels from Alabama to a Junction, where the whole of the U.S. law enforcement, journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures series of New Years shows in West Virginia and Ohio. This including Agent John Bannister (Forest Whitaker) will have and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who remarkable journey leads straight into the heart and soul of their final opportunity to intercept him before the violent can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, the legendary performer...as he takes one last shot at fugitive slips across the border forever. At first reluctant to Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last redemption. Featuring all-new versions of Hank Williams’ become involved, and then counted out because of the Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! greatest songs, this emotional tale of hope and truth is one perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, you’ll never forget. rallies his te Thrillers, Action, Cops, Crime 2013 107min. Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Movies 2010 Country Music, Drama, Biography, Biopics, Lionsgate 21.05.2013 min. Music 2012 104min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115922 Paramount 01.01.2013 20th Century Fox 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116279 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116131 Last Train From Gun Hill The Last Airbender (Blu-ray) (Steelbook) Anthony Quinn, Kirk Douglas, Carolyn (Blu-ray) Jones, Earl Holliman Cliff Curtis, Aasif Mandvi, Shaun Toub, Screen giants Kirk Douglas and Anthony Quinn star in this Jackson Rathbone, Dev Patel, Noah Ringer, Tom Cruise, Tony Goldwyn, Billy Connolly, taut Western thriller directed by acclaimed filmmaker John Nicola Peltz - Dir. M. Night Shyamalan Timothy Spall, Masato Harada, Shun Sturges (Gunfight At The O.K. Corral, The Great Escape). Experience the thrilling live-action adventure based on the hit Sugata, , Aoi Minato, U.S. Marshal Matt Morgan (Douglas) vows to bring the young Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Join Aang, an killer of his wife to justice-a task complicated by the fact that extraordinary boy with incredible „bending“ powers, as he , Shichinosuke Nakamura, the suspect’s father is cattle baron Craig Belden (Quinn), journeys through an exotic land filled with magical creatures Seizo Fukumoto, Ken Watanabe, Shin Morgan’s longtime friend. Nonetheless, Morgan is determined and powerful friends. As the Avatar, he is the only one who to nab his man and depart on the 9:00 train. Suspense mounts Koyamada - Dir. as he finds himself trapped alone in town-with Belden and his can end the age-old conflict between the four nations, Air, Tom Cruise plays Civil War hero Capt. Nathan Algren, who Water, Earth and Fire. An inspirational journey, The Last henchmen looking to hunt him down and kill him. Carolyn comes to Japan to fight the Samurai and ends up pledging Jones and Earl Holliman co-star in this masterful screen Airbender is exciting entertainment for the entire family! himself to their cause. Ken Watanabe (Academy Award Action, Adventure, Based On TV Show, drama. nominee) plays Katsumoto, a Samurai leader facing a Western, Classics 1959 94min. Blu-ray, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, vanishing way of life, whose destiny becomes intertwined Paramount 21.05.2013 Movies 2010 min. with that of the American captain. Edward Zwick (winner of the National Board of Review’s Best Director Award) directs 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116029 Paramount 01.01.2013 this sweeping and emotional epic tale of the birth of modern 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116315 Japan. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Feudal Japan, Law & Order: The First Year The Last Castle Historical / Period Piece, Movies, War 2003 (Repackage) 154min. William H. Macy, Philip Seymour Hoffman,

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John Spencer, , Steven Hill, , Christine Baranski, Gil Lord Of Darkness The Lords Of Discipline Bellows, Michael Moriarty, Dann Florek, David Hayman, William Houston David Keith, G.D. Spradlin, Barbara Christopher Noth Based on the true life of Sawney Bean and his family of Babcock, Michael Biehn, Robert Prosky Law & Order is one of the most successful and critically cannibalistic serial killers, whose existence is legendary. A The Lords of Discipline is a riveting and supenseful tale of acclaimed series in the history of television. For over a journalist, intrigued by this legend, starts writing damaging human triumph. David Keith (The Great Santini, An Officer decade this Primetime Emmy Award-winning series has articles about the family and blaming the authorities for their and A Gentleman) stars as Will McClean, a fine, disciplined presented the investigation and prosecution of cases ripped incompetence. He gets more than he bargained for when his cadet whose uncompromising integrity leads him to defy and straight from the headlines. With a celebrated cast that girlfriend suddenly goes missing. As the clues lead him to the reject the rules of conduct that have shaped him. The year is includes Michael Moriarty (Along Came a Spider), George family’s lair, he comes face to face with Sawney and his 1964. Carolina Military Institute has admitted, for the first Dzundza (Basic Instinct), Chris Noth (), cannibalistic family. time, a young black man into its freshman class. Will is asked Richard Brooks (The Crow: ), Dann Florek Cannibalism, Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, to protect him from The Ten - a secret society of cadets (Law & Order: SVU) and Steven Hill (The Firm), and Thrillers 90min. dedicated to eliminating from the school those it deems „unfit.“ featuring such notable guest stars as John Spencer (The Steeped in myth and legend, The Ten’s power extends to West Wing), Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City), William H. Lionsgate 25.06.2013 every corner of Will’s life, and he is ultimately forced to risk Macy (Fargo), Gil Belows (Ally McBeal), Phillip Seymour 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116418 his career, the love of his closet friends...and his own life. Hoffman (Red Dragon) and Christine Baranski (Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas), Law & Order: The First Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1983 Year is a must-have. The Lord Of The Rings: The 102min. Crime, Detectives, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Fellowship Of The Ring Paramount 21.05.2013 Issues, Mystery, NBC 1990 1040min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116030 Universal Studios 04.06.2013 (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115873 Sean Bean, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Chri- Lore stopher Lee, , Sean Astin, Viggo Left to fend for themselves after their SS officer father and Legacy: The Complete Series Mortensen, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, mother are interred by the victorious Allies at the end of Billy Boyd, Andy Serkis, Dominic World War II, five German children undertake a harrowing Brett Cullen, Steve Williams, Sharon Leal journey that exposes them to the reality and consequences of A widower raises his children and runs a prestigious Kentuk- Monaghan, Orlando Bloom - Dir. Peter their parents’ actions. Led by the eldest sibling, 14-year-old ky horse farm while trying to uphold his family’s legacy in 18 Jackson Lore, they set out across a devastated country to reach their riveting episodes. With the help of a courageous fellowship of friends and allies, grandmother in the north. After meeting the charismatic Tho- Drama, Horses 798min. Frodo embarks on a perilous mission to destroy the legendary mas, a mysterious young refugee, Lore soon finds her world One Ring. Hunting Frodo are servants of the Dark Lord, shattered by feelings of both hatred and desire as she must Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Sauron, the Ring’s evil creator. If Sauron reclaims the Ring, learn to trust the one person she has always been taught to 07.05.2013 Middle-earth is doomed. Winner of four Academy Awards®, hate. Lush cinematography and en evocative, haunting mood 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115890 this epic tale of good versus evil, friendship and sacrifice will infuse this unconventional take on the Holocaust legacy with transport you to a world beyond imagination. unforgettable impact. Action, Adventure, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Thrillers, War, World War II, Drama, The Legend Of Bagger Vance Book-To-Film, Epics, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, German, Historical / Period Piece, Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Matt Damon - Movies 2001 178min. Holocaust 2012 108min. Dir. Robert Redford New Line Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Music Box Films 28.05.2013 Drama, Golf, Historical / Period Piece, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116341 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115866 Movies, Sports, War 2000 min. Paramount 01.01.2013 The Lord Of The Rings: The Re- Lore (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116278 turn Of The King (Steelbook) (Blu- Left to fend for themselves after their SS officer father and mother are interred by the victorious Allies at the end of Lionhead ray) World War II, five German children undertake a harrowing journey that exposes them to the reality and consequences of Michael Madsen, Trevor Lissauer Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo their parents’ actions. Led by the eldest sibling, 14-year-old Frank desperately wants to marry his girlfriend, against the Mortensen, Sean Bean, Ian Holm, Sean Lore, they set out across a devastated country to reach their wishes of her father. When he buys a ring from a con artist, Astin, Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchett, Bernard grandmother in the north. After meeting the charismatic Tho- criminal investigators, the mob and even the pizza boy get mas, a mysterious young refugee, Lore soon finds her world involved. Hill, Hugo Weaving, David Wenham, Billy shattered by feelings of both hatred and desire as she must Comedy, Con-Artists, Crime, Drama, Movies Boyd, Miranda Otto, Karl Urban, Andy learn to trust the one person she has always been taught to Serkis, Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom - hate. Lush cinematography and en evocative, haunting mood 2012 min. infuse this unconventional take on the Holocaust legacy with Green Apple Entertainment 09.07.2013 Dir. Peter Jackson unforgettable impact. The final battle for Middle-earth begins. Frodo and Sam, led 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116403 by Gollum, continue their dangerous mission toward the fires Drama, Foreign, German, Historical / Period of Mount Doom in order to destroy the One Ring. Aragorn Piece, Holocaust, Thrillers, War, World War Little Caesar (Blu-ray) struggles to fulfill his legacy as he leads his outnumbered II 2012 108min. followers against the growing power of the Dark Lord Sauron, Edward G. Robinson, Mervyn LeRoy so that the Ring-bearer may complete his quest. Music Box Films 28.05.2013 Little Caesar is the tale of pugnacious Caesar Enrico Academy Award Winners, Action, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115879 Bandello, a hoodlum with a Chicago-sized chip on his shoulder, few attachments, fewer friends and no sense of Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Epics, underworld diplomacy. And Robinson - a genteel art collector Family, Fantasy, Movies 2003 200min. The Lost who disdained guns (in the movie, his eyelids were taped to New Line Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 Armand Assante, Dina Meyer, Lacey keep them from blinking when he fired a pistol) - was forever associated with the screen’s archetypal gangster. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116342 Chabert - Dir. Bryan Goeres This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Classics, Drama, Film Noir 1930 78min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Kevin is an American psychiatrist, who has become a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116003 Towers (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) successful best seller writer. During the promotion of his latest book he is visited by and old patient’s sister. She asks Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Brad Dourif, him to go back to Barcelona to reopen the case of her sister George Lopez: The Complete Sean Astin, Viggo Mortensen, Liv Tyler, who has been confined in a mental institution in an almost catatonic state since Kevin diagnosed her three years ago. Third Season Cate Blanchett, Bernard Hill, Hugo His return to the city where he used to work and live will George Lopez, Constance Marie, Masiela Weaving, David Wenham, Billy Boyd, bring back the shadows of a past his own mind had Lusha, Belita Moreno, Valente Rodriguez, Miranda Otto, Karl Urban, Andy Serkis, suppressed. Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies min. Luis Armand Garcia Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom - Dir. In Season Three of George Lopez, George’s life hasn’t Peter Jackson SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 become any less complicated in the years since he became the The Fellowship has broken, but the quest to destroy the One 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116294 first assembly line worker to be promoted to plant manager at Ring continues. Frodo and Sam must entrust their lives to a Los Angeles airplane parts factory. Yet his true battle is Gollum if they are to find their way to Mordor. As Saruman’s managing his tough and acerbic but loving mother, Benny army approaches, the surviving members of the Fellowhip, Love Sick Love (Belita Moreno) while raising two kids alongside his wife, along with people and creatures from Middle-earth, prepare Charlotte Rae, Katia Winter, Matthew Angie (Constance Marie). Other unexpected surprises for battle. The War of the Ring has begun. Nominated for six including a long lost sister, a trip to „the happiest place on Academy Awards including Best Picture. Settle, M. Emmet Walsh, Jim Gaffigan Earth,“ and a guest appearance by , make this A sexy, desperate serial-dater (Katia Winter) propels the Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Epics, saying „love hurts“ to a whole new level when she takes her season a must watch. Family, Fantasy, Movies 2002 235min. ABC, Comedy, Family 2003 min. womanizing „boyfriend“ (Matthew Settle) on a sadistic New Line Home Entertainment 07.05.2013 journey through perfect coupledom at her family’s isolated Warner Bros. 16.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116343 country home . 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116139 Thrillers, Love Gone Bad 2012 84min.

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Monarch Home Video 21.05.2013 , Frank Faylen, Dwayne 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116091 Hickman, Bob Denver, Tuesday Weld, Flori- McHale’s Navy: 20 Timeless da Friebus Episodes Love, Concord Based on the novels created by Max Shulman, this television classic starred Dwayne Hickman as Dobie, a middle-class Ernest Borgnine, , Joe Flynn, Alex Rodriguez, Jorge Diaz 17-year-old whose main goal in life was to find the girl of his Gavin MacLeod Fun-loving, popular goofball Gerry (Jorge Diaz) is a typical dreams, Bob Denver (Gilligan’s Island) as Dobie’s beatnik From 1962 to 1966, McHale’s Navy was ABC’s must-see high school student - he plays and video games friend Maynard G. Krebs, whose passion was to avoid work comedy series. With an amazing cast, including Academy and is all about the ladies. But being the class clown can be a at any cost popularized the idea of the proto-hippie, and Award-winner Ernest Borgnine (Lt. Commander McHale), real bummer when no one takes you seriously on the important Frank Faylen and Friebus, as Dobie’s parents, who comic genius Tim Conway (Ensign Parker), and the one-of-a- stuff. One day Gerry meets Melinda (Angelina Leon), a were never too far away to worry about Dobie’s future. kind comic talent of Joe Flynn (Captain Binghamton) this straight-laced fellow student who begins to show him that life Classics, Comedy, Senior Interest, Televisi- series remains on par with M*A*S*H as a truly funny military is about more than just fun and games. Set in the San Francis- . co suburb of Concord, this charming romantic comedy shows on 1959 3600min. that reaching one’s full potential takes a little bit of humor and Shout Factory 02.07.2013 ABC, Classics, Comedy, Navy 440min. a whole lot of sincerity. 207,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116475 Shout Factory 04.06.2013 Comedy, High School, Movies, Romance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115995 2012 90min. Marketa Lazarova: The Criterion FilmWorks 18.06.2013 Collection Mental 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116405 , Anthony LaPaglia, Toni Josef Kemr In its home country, Frantisek Vlácil’s Marketa Lazarová has Collette - Dir. P.J. Hogan been hailed as the greatest Czech film ever made; for many Toni Collette reunites with the director of Muriel’s Wedding Helen Baxendale, Jason Connery U.S. viewers, it will be a revelation. Based on a novel by in this wild and inspiring comedy about being true to yourself. Vladislav Vancura, this stirring and poetic depiction of a feud Shaz (Collette) is a larger-than-life free spirit who is hired The first major film production for quarter of a century, Mac- by a local politician (Anthony LaPaglia) to watch his five beth is authentically set in eleventh century Scotland. This between two rival medieval clans is a fierce, epic, and meticulously designed evocation of the clashes between peculiar daughters. With her unconventional attitude, Shaz epic, award winning production conjures a world of grim gleefully sets to work transforming the girls into proudly battlefields, desolate moors, forbidding castles and haunted Christianity and paganism, humankind and nature, love and violence. Vlácil’s approach was to re-create the textures and unique individuals. But when a mysterious shark hunter (Liev caverns. Peopled by witches and warriors, assassins, Kings Schreiber) throws a twist in her plans, it’s up to the girls to and an infamous Queen, Macbeth moves at a breathtaking mentalities of a long-ago way of life, rather than to make a conventional historical drama, and the result is dazzling. With change their destiny and find their own happy ending. pace through tales of war, murder, intrigue and revenge. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 116min. Shakespeare, Classics, Drama, Historical / its inventive widescreen cinematography, editing, and sound design, Marketa Lazarová is an experimental action film. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Period Piece 124min. Romance, Criterion Collection, Czech, Dra- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116417 Kultur 28.05.2013 ma, Foreign 1967 159min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115845 Criterion 18.06.2013 Mental (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116089 MADtv: The Complete Third UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Season Marketa Lazarova: The Criterion Liev Schreiber, Anthony LaPaglia, Toni Collette - Dir. P.J. Hogan Alex Borstein, Debra Wilson, Nicole Collection (Blu-ray) Toni Collette reunites with the director of Muriel’s Wedding Sullivan, Will Sasso, Aries Spears Josef Kemr in this wild and inspiring comedy about being true to yourself. MADtv was a late night sketch-comedy show based on the In its home country, Frantisek Vlácil’s Marketa Lazarová has Shaz (Collette) is a larger-than-life free spirit who is hired humor of the popular MAD magazine. Material includes been hailed as the greatest Czech film ever made; for many by a local politician (Anthony LaPaglia) to watch his five celebrity impersonations, music video, commercial, movie, and U.S. viewers, it will be a revelation. Based on a novel by peculiar daughters. With her unconventional attitude, Shaz TV show parodies, recurring characters, musical guests, and Vladislav Vancura, this stirring and poetic depiction of a feud gleefully sets to work transforming the girls into proudly the occasional mock cartoons. The show competed against the between two rival medieval clans is a fierce, epic, and unique individuals. But when a mysterious shark hunter (Liev long-running SNL, but was aimed at a younger audience. meticulously designed evocation of the clashes between Schreiber) throws a twist in her plans, it’s up to the girls to Lasting an impressive 14 seasons, the show’s revolving-door Christianity and paganism, humankind and nature, love and change their destiny and find their own happy ending. cast of talented actors and numerous Emmy Award violence. Vlácil’s approach was to re-create the textures and Universal Studios, Comedy, Drama, Movies nominations made it truly a success story. mentalities of a long-ago way of life, rather than to make a 2012 116min. Comedy, Fox, Sketch Comedy 1997 min. conventional historical drama, and the result is dazzling. With Universal Studios 04.06.2013 Shout Factory 25.06.2013 its inventive widescreen cinematography, editing, and sound 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116429 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116017 design, Marketa Lazarová is an experimental action film. Romance, Criterion Collection, Czech, Dra- ma, Foreign 1967 159min. Major Crimes: The Complete First Midway (Blu-ray) Criterion 18.06.2013 Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, Robert Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116128 Wagner, Robert Mitchum, Hal Holbrook, Mary McDonnell, G.W. Bailey, Tony Denison Toshiro Mifune, Cliff Robertson, Robert The detectives in the Los Angeles Police Department’s Major Masterminds Crimes division are still reeling from the departure of Brenda Webber, Christina Kokubo, James Coburn, Leigh Johnson and the realization that Captain Raydor is now Tray Chaney, Tila Tequila, Nick Hogan Glenn Ford, Ed Nelson, Edward Albert, in charge. Unlike their previous chief, Raydor is determined When a businessman’s plot to steal from criminals goes south, James Shigeta to lead the department with a more team-oriented approach, he learns that he stole from the wrong guy - And when a A war’s defining battle. A nation’s defining moment.. The battle sharing the credit with the people with whom she works. dangerous drug cartel shows up all hell breaks loose! Star- of Midway sounded its furious thunder in June 1942, just six Raydor’s hardest job, however, will be gaining the full trust ring Tila „Tequila“ Nguyen (MTV’s A Shot at Love With Tila months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Midway interweaves and confidence of her detectives, who aren’t quick to forget Tequila, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry), Tray Chaney the dramatic personal stories of the men who fought the her long history of internal investigations targeting them and (HBO’s The Wire) and VH1’s Nick Hogan. courageous battle that was to be the Pacific turning point for their previous boss. Especially troublesome is Provenza, who Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 2012 min. the United States. The all-star cast and breakthrough war has a difficult time taking orders from someone he doesn’t footage convey the Battle of Midway with powerful reality and think knows as much as he does. Green Apple Entertainment 28.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116300 epic sweep. Crime, Drama, Mystery 2012 430min. Drama, Epics, Military, War, World War II Warner Bros. 04.06.2013 1976 132min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115849 The Matrix: 10th Anniversary Edi- Universal Studios 04.06.2013 tion (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116122 The Man Who Shook The Hand Of , Keanu Reeves, Joe Vincente Fernandez Pantoliano - Dir. Andy Wachowski, Larry Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Ernest Borgnine, Barry Corbin, Tony Plana, Wachowski Season 3 Perception: Our day-in, day-out world is real. Reality: That , Larry Manetti, Dale Dickey, world is a hoax, an elaborate deception spun by all-powerful As the battle rages on, the Power Rangers are forced to go on Nathalie Kelley machines of artificial intelligence that control us. Keanu a quest to seek out the fabled master ninja, Ninjor. Ninjor Comedy, Drama, Movies, Western 2012 Reeves and Laurence Fishbourne lead the fight to free teaches them the art of Ninja, giving them new powers and humankind in the see-and-see-again cyberthriller written and abilities, as well as joining the team himself. Assisted by their 99min. directed by the Wachowski brothers - and the winner of four new Ninjazords, the superheroes are ready to do battle with 30.04.2013 Academy Awards. Lord Zedd and Rita . . . but the forces of evil are also reinforced as Rita’s brother Rito Revolto and her father 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116271 Action, AFI Top 100, Apocalyptic Future, Master Vile arrive on the Moon! Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Movies, National Film Action, Children’s, Cult Film / TV, Family, The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis: Registry, Science Fiction 1999 138min. Martial Arts, Robots / Androids, Science The Complete Series Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Fiction, Television 1995 660min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116344 Shout Factory 02.07.2013

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116461 74min. fate. Lauded with numerous international movie awards including Best International Film at the Fant-Asia Film Festi- Universal Studios 04.06.2013 val, The Nameless will put you on the edge of your seat as the Misfits: Season Three 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116305 mystery deepens all the way through its pulse-pounding Iwan Rheon, Robert Sheehan, Lauren conclusion. Foreign, Horror, Mystery, Spanish, Thrillers Socha, Atonia Thomas - Dir. Howard Mutantz, Nazis And Zombies: The 1999 100min. Overman Desecration Collection Echo Bridge Home Entertainment BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Chris Seaver - Dir. Chris Seaver 07.05.2013 Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, Collections, Horror, Monsters, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115916 Superheroes, Television 276min. Zombies 2009 250min. BBC Home Video 11.06.2013 Troma Team Video 09.05.2013 Narc 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116453 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116366 Ray Liotta, Jason Patric, Chi McBride, The Monk Busta Rhymes My Super Ex-Girlfriend Jason Patric and Ray Liotta star in this sizzling action-drama , Deborah Franciose - Dir. Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, that Elvis Mitchell of says „...has the Dominik Moll Wanda Sykes, Rainn Wilson, Eddie Izzard velocity of a hot slug from the barrel of a gun.“ Patric stars as The Monk follows the rise and fall of Ambrosio (Vincent Nick Tellis, a suspended narcotics officer recruited to He Wanted A Break...Now She Wants To Break Him.. Super- investigate the murder of Michael Calvess, a rookie cop killed Cassel, Black Swan, A Dangerous Method), a Capuchin stars Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson deliver unstoppable fun Monk in 17th century Madrid. Abandoned as a baby on the under mysterious circumstances. Tellis is teamed with in this hilarious hit comedy directed by Ivan Reitman (Stripes, Calvess’s partner, Henry Oak (Liotta), a hot-tempered steps of a monastery and raised in strict Capuchin fashion, Meatballs). Matt Saunders (Wilson) thinks he’s found the Ambrosio has become the most famous preacher in the country. renegade who’ll stop at nothing to avenge his friend’s death. perfect girlfriend in Jenny Johnson (Thurman), who just As Tellis and Oak follow a shadowy trail through the steamy Large crowds from near and far come to hear his mesmerizing happens to be smart, sexy...and a superhero. But when Jenny sermons and he has earned the admiration of all. Convinced of drug underworld, the lines start to blur-between right and turns out to be a needy, neurotic mess, Matt wants to call it wrong, good and evil, and justice and revenge. Costarring his virtue and righteousness, Brother Ambrosio thinks he is quits. Jenny is crushed by the news and will stop at nothing immune to temptation until obscure events start terrorizing the music superstar Busta Rhymes, Narc is „...an ambitious to exact sweet revenge. It’s an outrageous super-comedy that picture that recognizes no limits.“ (David Denby, The New monastery. Could they be connected to the unexpected arrival proves breaking up can be hard to do - and downright of Valerio (Déborah François, Unmade Beds, The Child), a Yorker). dangerous! Revenge, Action, Cops, Cops On The Edge, masked apprentice monk, or to Ambrosio’s confused attraction Romance, Superheroes, Comedy 2006 to a woman who openly admires him? Adapted from Matthew Crime, Drama 2002 105min. 96min. Gregory Lewis’s cult classic Gothic novel, The Monk Paramount 21.05.2013 explores seduction, secrets and dark deceits as Ambrosio Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116032 gradually falls into depravity and sin. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116184 New Video DVD, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2011 100min. My Super Ex-Girlfriend (Blu-ray) Naughty! Naughty! Naughty! New Video DVD 04.06.2013 Al Cliver, Eva Garden, Glory Annen, Annie Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116479 Belle, Olivia Pascal, Astrid Boner - Dir. Wanda Sykes, Rainn Wilson, Eddie Izzard He Wanted A Break...Now She Wants To Break Him.. Super- Emmanuelle Arsan, John Lamond, Hubert Mosquita Y Mari stars Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson deliver unstoppable fun Frank Joaquin Garrido in this hilarious hit comedy directed by Ivan Reitman (Stripes, Action, Adventure, Collections, Comedy, This exquisitely crafted coming of age tale follows a pair of Meatballs). Matt Saunders (Wilson) thinks he’s found the Drama, Erotica, Movies 274min. Latina teens who fall gradually in love against the backdrop of perfect girlfriend in Jenny Johnson (Thurman), who just East L.A. When straight A student Yolanda - aka Mosquita happens to be smart, sexy...and a superhero. But when Jenny Severin 07.05.2013 (Fenessa Pineda) decides to help struggling tough girl Mari turns out to be a needy, neurotic mess, Matt wants to call it 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116398 (Venecia Troncoso) with her homework, an intense attraction quits. Jenny is crushed by the news and will stop at nothing to evolves between the two. As their friendship grows, a exact sweet revenge. It’s an outrageous super-comedy that yearning to explore their strange yet beautiful connection proves breaking up can be hard to do - and downright New Tricks: Season Nine surfaces. Lost in their private world of unspoken affection, dangerous! Alun Armstrong, Dennis Waterman, James Comedy, Romance, Superheroes 2006 lingering gazes, and heart-felt confessions of uncertain Bolam, Amanda Redman, Denis Lawson - futures, Yolanda’s grades begin to slip while Mari’s focus 96min. Dir. Julian Simpson, Robin Sheppard, drifts away from her duties at a new job. Mounting pressures Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 at home collide with their new-found desires thus driving Matthew Evans Yolanda and Mari’s relationship to the edge, forcing them to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116210 For eight years, the old dogs of the Unsolved Crime and Open choose between their obligations to others and staying true to Case Squad have been a close-knit team. Led by Detective each other. A genuinely unique and tender story about young Mystery Science Theater 3000: Superintendent Sandra Pullman (Amanda Redman, Sexy love, Mosquita y Mari heralds the arrival of an exceptionally Beast), their beautiful, younger boss, they have solved cold talented young filmmaker, Aurora Guerrero. XXVII cases with classic policing skills and easy camaraderie. This Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Kevin Murphy, Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, season, the gang copes with a new member after Jack Halford Movies, Spanish 2012 85min. (James Bolam, The Beiderbecke Affair) retires. Bill Corbett British, Cops, Drama, Foreign, Mystery, Wolfe Video 04.06.2013 There may be no finer - and certainly no funnier - meditation 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116246 on monsters than this collection of episodes from the cult Television 2012 590min. comedy series Mystery Science Theater 3000. As food for Acorn Media 25.06.2013 thought, we are served subterranean slime people, giant 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116385 Mother’s Boys (Blu-ray) praying mantis’, Soviet spies and-perhaps the most terrifying Jamie Lee Curtis, Peter Gallagher, Vanessa of all-enormous teenagers from the disturbing menu of America’s twisted psyche. Battling these Goliaths for us with New World Redgrave, Joss Ackland, Luke Edwards their slingshots of sass and silliness are Joel, Mike and their Mommy’s coming for you.. In the spine-tingling tradition of After Korea’s biggest crime syndicate boss dies, a power robot henchmen Tom Servo and Crow. The monsters are struggle between their next in line top 2 lieutenants begins. A Fatal Attraction, Mother’s Boys is a stylish, provocative gruesome and the movies even more so, but the riffs are suspense thriller guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your top undercover cop infiltrates this deadly mob and becomes risible and retaliatory, proving definitively that revenge is 2nd in command. He must decide his duty as a cop or new role seat! After Jude Madigan abruptly deserts her family, her actually a dish best served funny. husband, Robert and their young children slowly build a as mob boss. happy new life with another woman. But when Jude Boxed Sets, Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Cops, Foreign, Korean, Movies, Thrillers unexpectedly returns three years later, her dangerous Film / TV, Science Fiction, Television 134min. obsession to reclaim her former life threatens to destroy 360min. everything that dares stand in her way! Packed with heart- Well Go USA 09.07.2013 stopping excitement and compelling intrigue, this riveting, Shout Factory 23.07.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116440 seductive cliff-hanger entertains from beginning to end! 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116498 Drama, Stalkers, Thrillers 1994 96min. New World (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Nameless (Blu-ray) 07.05.2013 bo) (Blu-ray) Tristan Ulloa, Karra Elejalde, Emma After Korea’s biggest crime syndicate boss dies, a power 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115914 Vilarasau, Jordi Dauder, Pep Tosar struggle between their next in line top 2 lieutenants begins. A More spine tingling thrills from the director of Darkness. An top undercover cop infiltrates this deadly mob and becomes The Mummy (Blu-ray) intense thriller in the riveting style of Seven and from the 2nd in command. He must decide his duty as a cop or new role director of Darkness. Five years after her daughter was as mob boss. Boris Karloff, Edward van Sloan, Zita Jo- brutally murdered, Claudia remains mired in despair and can’t Well Go USA, Cops, Foreign, Korean, hann, David Manners, Arthur Byron, move on with her life. Then she receives a phone call from a young woman claiming to be Angela, asking for help and Movies, Thrillers 134min. Bramwell Fletcher - Dir. Karl Freund stating that a nameless „they“ only wanted Claudia to think Well Go USA 09.07.2013 Universal Studios, Classics, Drama, she was dead. With skeptical authorities unwilling to help, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116446 Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Mummies 1932 it’s up to Claudia to investigate the shadowy subculture of danger and secrecy that holds the answer to Angela’s true

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The Newton Boys Ninja Masters two are together again, en route to the wedding of Oscar’s son to Felix’s daughter. They’ve got the map, the rental car, a Ethan Hawke, Skeet Ulrich, Matthew Kane Kosugi tankful of Simon’s comedy zingers, and they’re getting 1,000 McConaughey, Dwight Yoakam, Julianna A martial arts instructor is recruited as a bodyguard for an smiles to the gallon. extremely powerful couple. On her first day of duty, her Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1998 97min. Margulies employers are kidnapped. As she searches for the couple, she The Started Out Dirt Poor - And Ended Up Filthy Rich!. It is led into the deadly world of underground fighting by cryptic Paramount 21.05.2013 seems the only way The Newton Boys can make good is by messages from the kidnappers, who put her in the ring. There, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116033 goin’ bad! Faster than you can say „nitroglycerine,“ they’ve her martial arts skills are tested, and she gets a few steps knocked over more than 80 banks from Texas to Canada. Now closer to freeing her clients. The next opponent that enters their sights are set on a multimillion-dollar Federal Reserve the ring will have her facing the ultimate challenge - with The Odd Couple (Blu-ray) train robbery, but the Feds are about to turn up the heat. . . hopes of getting out of the ring alive! , - Dir. Gene Action, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama 1998 Ninjas, Action, Kidnapping, Martial Arts Saks 122min. 87min. has a special genius for finding the great hilarity Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Lionsgate 11.06.2013 in ordinary people doing everyday things. Like two divorced 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116185 men who decide to share a New York apartment. That’s the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116119 premise of The Odd Couple, though there’s nothing odd in the casting of two Oscar-winning talents like Jack Lemmon and The Newton Boys (Blu-ray) The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Walter Matthau. The two veteran funnymen work together Ethan Hawke, Skeet Ulrich, Matthew with the precision timing of a vaudeville team, but always with Agency: The Complete First bright spontaneity. Lemmon plays fussy Felix, fastidious to a McConaughey, Dwight Yoakam, Julianna fault. He proves that cleanliness is next to insanity. Mattau is Margulies Season (Repackage) Oscar, who wreaks havoc on a tidy room with the speed and The Started Out Dirt Poor - And Ended Up Filthy Rich!. It Lucian Msamati, Jill Scott, Anika Noni Rose, thoroughness of a tornado. An enduring and endearing seems the only way The Newton Boys can make good is by Desmond Dube picture, with the intelligence one usually misses in comedies. goin’ bad! Faster than you can say „nitroglycerine,“ they’ve Based on the best-selling novels by Alexander McCall Smith, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Buddy Pictures, knocked over more than 80 banks from Texas to Canada. Now The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency chronicles the Classics, Comedy, Movies, Odd Couples their sights are set on a multimillion-dollar Federal Reserve adventures of Precious Ramotswe (Jill Scott), the cheerful, 1967 105min. train robbery, but the Feds are about to turn up the heat. . . eminently sensible proprietor of Botswana’s first and only Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Action 1998 female-owned detective agency. Aided by her highly-efficient Paramount 04.06.2013 122min. yet rather peculiar secretary Grace Makutsi (Anika Noni 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116345 Rose), Mma Ramotswe investigates a variety of cases, Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 helping townspeople solve mysteries in their lives, and beings 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116211 a special relationship with a highly respectable garage owner Of Human Bondage: Remastered (Lucian Msamati) along the way. Edition Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Family, Nick Of Time Bette Davis, HBO, Independent Women, Mystery 2009 Johnny Depp, Christopher Walken, Charles Philip Carey (Leslie Howard) is a sensitive butunsuccessful 480min. Dutton, Roma Maffia, Marsha Mason, Gloria artist living in Paris who abandons his fanciful ambitions HBO Home Video 09.04.2013 andenrolls in a London medical school. Despite a slight Reuben, Peter Strauss physical deformity he overcomes his awkwardness and falls Ninety Minutes. Six Bullets. No Choice. The is ticking 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116143 in love with a low-class, money-hungry waitress, Mildred for Johnny Depp in Nick Of Time, a twist-filled, race-against- Rogers (Bette Davis). Philip is obsessed with the time thriller directed by John Badham. And indeed it is a race, Nobody’s Fool callouswoman, but when he discovers Mildred has been filmed in „real time“ so that onscreen events unfold minute by dating other men, he finally realizes the relationship is over nail-biting minute as they would in real life. No sooner does Paul Newman, , Melanie and finds a new love. Although Mildred runs off with another accountant arrive at L.A.’s Union Station with his six-year- Griffith medical student, Philip takes her back when she returns with old daughter than he’s plunged into a nightmare. Two shadowy Worn To Perfection.. In his 40th year of moviemaking, Paul news that she is pregnant. Mildred continues to treat him strangers separate Watson from his little girl, slap a gun into Newman added another milestone portrayal to his career in badly, and Philip’s devotion to her threatens his career and his hand and present a devil’s bargain: kill a top government „Nobody’s Fool“, a luminous slice-of-life story set in a blue- his chance for future happiness. official before she leaves a nearby political rally...or never collar upstate New York town and laced throughout with Romance, Drama 1934 83min. again see his beloved child. The clock starts now. humor and heart. Newman, earning an Oscar nomination plus Kino Video 18.06.2013 Thrillers, Action, Cult Film / TV, Hostage Best Actor honors from the National Society of Film Critics, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116194 Crisis 1995 88min. plays Sully, a likable working stiff who’s made a of Paramount 21.05.2013 bad decisions. But he unexpectedly has a chance to make right on some of them when his estranged son - and grandson Of Human Bondage: Remastered 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116034 - drop into his life. Melanie Griffith and Jessica Tandy, in one of her final roles, are among the talented costars of this Edition (Blu-ray) Nicky Deuce engaging film honored on numerous 1994 Ten Best Lists. Bette Davis, Leslie Howard Comedy, Drama 1994 110min. Philip Carey (Leslie Howard) is a sensitive butunsuccessful James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Tony Paramount 21.05.2013 artist living in Paris who abandons his fanciful ambitions Sirico, Vincent Curatola 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116035 andenrolls in a London medical school. Despite a slight Nicky Deuce is based on a the book „Nicky Deuce: Welcome physical deformity he overcomes his awkwardness and falls To The Family“ by Steven Schirripa and Charles Fleming. in love with a low-class, money-hungry waitress, Mildred Nicholas Borelli II (Noah Munck) is an over-protected Norbit (Blu-ray) Rogers (Bette Davis). Philip is obsessed with the suburban teen who has the adventure of a lifetime when his callouswoman, but when he discovers Mildred has been plans to attend math camp go awry. He is forced to spend the Eddie Murphy, Thandie Newton, Cuba dating other men, he finally realizes the relationship is over summer in Brooklyn, NY with family he never knew he had - Gooding Jr., Marlon Wayans, Eddie Griffin and finds a new love. Although Mildred runs off with another his Italian grandmother Tutti (Rita Moreno) and Uncle Frankie It’s Eddie Murphy „as you love to see him!“ in this gut- medical student, Philip takes her back when she returns with (Steven Schirripa). A fish out of water at first, Nicholas leans bustingly funny movie that displays his comedic genius in news that she is pregnant. Mildred continues to treat him on the local kids to help him fit in and winds up mistakenly multiple roles! Murphy stars as mild-mannered Norbit, who badly, and Philip’s devotion to her threatens his career and into his new persona, Nicky Deuce. When confronted with gets a second chance at love with his childhood sweetheart, his chance for future happiness. some questionable dealings, Nicky uncovers family secrets Kate (Thandie Newton, The Pursuit of Happyness). But Romance, Drama 1934 83min. and learns that the mean streets of Brooklyn aren’t always there’s one huge obstacle: jealous, mean-tempered Rasputia what they seem. (Murphy), who wants Norbit all to her sizeable self. Can Kino Video 18.06.2013 Vivendi Visual Entertainment, Comedy, Norbit win the heart of Kate...before Rasputia puts the hurt on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116216 him? Will an all-star cast including Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Jerry Family, Movies, Nickelodeon 2012 67min. Maguire), Marlon Wayans (White Chicks) and Eddie Griffin Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.07.2013 (Date Movie), Norbit „will make you laugh ‘til you cheer!“ Oliver’s Story 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116457 Comedy, Marriage Woes, Romance 2007 Candice Bergen, Ray Milland min. The Tender Sequel to Love Story. The love story continues, Ryan O’Neal returns as Oliver Barrett IV in Oliver’s Story, Ninja III: The Domination (Blu-ray Paramount 01.01.2013 based on Eric Segal’s follow up to Love Story. Candice + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116242 Bergen brings an elegant charm to the role of Marcie Bonwit, a recently divorced career woman. The two are a perfect Lucinda Dickey, Sho Kosugi match - equally rich and beautiful, equally independent and A female aerobic instructor is possessed by an evil spirit of a The Odd Couple II yet vulnerable from their respective losses, and equally shy fallen ninja when coming to his aid. The spirit seeks revenge Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon, , about commitment to another person. Through his relationship on those who killed him and uses the female instructor’s body with Marcie, Oliver begins to affirm life and the possibility of to carry out his mission. The only way the spirit will leave the Jonathan Silverman, Bernard Hughes, Chri- another love. aerobic instructor’s body is through combat with another stine Baranski Drama 1978 90min. ninja. Some arguments stand the test of time.. The times may have Paramount 21.05.2013 1984 92min. changed, but thankfully not the traits that make ex-roomies Felix (Lemmon) and Oscar (Matthau) the all-time perfect 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116036 Shout Factory 11.06.2013 mismatch. Oscar is still an uncompromising slob who thinks a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115996 brown sock and a black sock is close enough. Felix is still a fussbudget who can’t pass a spice rack without arranging it One Hour Photo (Blu-ray) alphabetically. After years of going their separate ways, the Robin Williams, Connie Nielsen, ,

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Michael Vartan, Eriq La Salle 07.05.2013 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Robin Williams delivers his „finest hour“ (USA Today) in „one 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115887 21.05.2013 of the eeriest, most absorbing, effective thrillers in years“ (NBC-TV). Sy „the photo guy“ Parrish (Williams) has 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116236 lovingly, painstakingly developed photographs for the Yorkin Orphan Black: Season One family since their son was a baby. But as Yorkins’ lives Parker (DVD + UltraViolet) become fuller, Sy’s only seems lonelier, until he eventually Tatiana Maslany convinces himself that he is a part of their family. When Action, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Nick Nolte, Jennifer Lopez, Patti LuPone, „Uncle Sy’s picture perfect fantasy“ collides with an ugly national TV, Science Fiction, Television Emma Booth, Jason Statham, Bobby dose of reality, what happens next „has the spine-tingling elements of the best psychological thrillers!“ (New York 2013 450min. Cannavale, Michael Chiklis, Wendell Pierce Observer) BBC Home Video 16.07.2013 Parker (Jason Statham) is a professional thief who lives by a personal code of ethics: Don’t steal from people who can’t Drama, Revenge, Stalkers, Thrillers 2002 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116454 afford it and don’t hurt people who don’t deserve it. But on his 96min. latest heist, his crew double crosses him, steals his stash, 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Orphan Black: Season One (Blu- and leaves him for dead. Determined to make sure they regret 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116130 it, Parker tracks them to Palm Beach, playground of the rich ray) and famous, where the crew is planning their biggest heist Tatiana Maslany ever. Donning the disguise of a rich Texan, Parker takes on One Last Game an unlikely partner, Leslie (Jennifer Lopez), a savvy insider, Action, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, who’s short on cash, but big on looks, smarts and ambition. Ken Duken , Dan Van Husen Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, Together, they devise a plan to hijack the score, take Gellert is addicted. Sitting at the poker table, he must face his everyone down and get away clean. Also starring Michael past. All he wanted was to pay back his debt. He really needs Television 2013 450min. Chiklis. this last chance. He didn’t want all this to happen. He just BBC Home Video 16.07.2013 Thrillers, Action, Crime 2013 118min. wanted one last game. One Last Game is a symbolic tale. Like 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116468 All That Jazz, the movie follows Elizabeth Kuebler Ross’s Sony Pictures Home Entertainment five stages of grief. 21.05.2013 Mystery, Poker, Thrillers, Drama 83min. The Other Guys (Blu-ray + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116218 Music Video Distribution 26.03.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115955 Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Samuel L. Party Of Five: The Complete Jackson, Will Ferrell, Michael Keaton, Steve Fourth Season Open Gate Coogan, Ray Stevenson, Rob Riggle, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Neve Campbell, Agnes Bruckner, Tyler Hoechlin, Henry Damon Wayans Jr. Lacey Chabert, Matthew Fox, Jeremy Lon- Dittman Misfit NYPD detectives Gamble and Hoitz (Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg) are sentenced to life behind the desk. They don, Scott Wolf Rodeo, Drama 2011 114min. hate each other and the monotony of their meaningless jobs, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Osiris Entertainment 14.05.2013 as they’re forced to live in the shadow of the two biggest and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116221 most badass cops on the force (Samuel L. Jackson and This popular drama following the lives of the Salinger family Dwayne Johnson). But when those guys go down for the returns for an extraordinary fourth season. Charlie (Matthew count, opportunity knocks for Gamble and Hoitz. Stumbling Fox) copes with treatment for his cancer and deals with other The Oranges onto what could be one of the biggest crimes in years, can obstacles in the process. Bailey (Scott Wolf) tries to run the The Other Guys step up their game to solve the case without family restaurant and make his relationship with Sarah Hugh Laurie, Catherine Keener, Leighton killing each other and destroying NYC in the process? From (Jennifer Love Hewitt) work. Julia (Neve Campbell) and Meester the director of Step Brothers and Talladega Nights: The Griffin (Jeremy London) suffer marital pressures from Fresh-squeezed laughs and sexy fun sweeten this critically- of Ricky Bobby. financial struggles to the romantic interests of others. Claudia acclaimed comedy with an all-star cast, including Leighton Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Ac- (Lacey Chabert) suffers emotionally and finds herself needing Meester, Hugh Laurie, Oliver Platt and Catherine Keener. psychological help. Rejoin the Salinger family as they deal What does it take to be truly happy? Two suburban families tion 2010 107min. with love, pain and family in this amazing fourth season! are about to find out when the Ostroffs’ rebellious daughter Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Drama, Fox 1997 1078min. Nina (Meester) returns home and starts an adulterous affair 07.05.2013 SPHE MOD 05.03.2013 with long-time family friend David Walling (Laurie.) The outrageous scandal reaches a hilarious new heights during 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116201 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116175 the holidays and makes these neighbors tear apart more than just wrapping paper. Love is a wrecking ball Paper Moon Penny Pinchers headed straight for The Oranges...and it may just change all of their lives forever. Madeline Kahn, John Hillerman Ji-woong (Song Joong-ki, A Werewolf Boy) can’t get a job, Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 91min. Ryan O’Neal teams up with his daughter Tatum in this very survives on an allowance from his mom and is content to bright, very warm and very funny period film for which Tatum cruise through life on his looks and ability to talk a good 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 won an Oscar in her first film role. Ryan O’Neal plays the game. But his freewheeling ways screech to a halt when his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115883 smooth-talking con man Moses Pray, driving through family cuts him off and his landlord finally evicts him. That depression-era Kansas with a carload of deluxe bibles, a gold same day, salvation arrives in the form of Hong-sil, a tooth behind a convincing smile, and a list of newly widowed mysterious girl with an unusual proposal: „Want to make some The Oranges (Blu-ray + DVD + prospects for his line. Addie (Tatum O’Neal) is a cigarette- money? Then do everything I say.“ Hong-sil (Han Ye-seul, Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) smoking, nine-year-old orphan who hooks up with Moses and Spy Myung-wol TV) is a modern-day Scrooge who’s manages to show the master con man a trick or two. Madeline dedicated her life to the accumulation of cash, whether that Hugh Laurie, Catherine Keener, Leighton Kahn gives a funny, neurotic performance as Trixie Delight, means selling empty glass bottles for profit or steering clear who goes along for the ride until Addie determines that Trixie of anything that costs money - from boyfriends to getting sick! Meester Hong-sil’s extreme savings plan is progressing at full speed, Fresh-squeezed laughs and sexy fun sweeten this critically- might come between Addie and Moses - which, obviously, cannot happen. until she discovers one of her schemes will require a bank acclaimed comedy with an all-star cast, including Leighton account that is under someone else’s name. So, in exchange Meester, Hugh Laurie, Oliver Platt and Catherine Keener. Academy Award Winners, Comedy, Drama, for Ji-woong’s assistance, she takes him on as her roommate What does it take to be truly happy? Two suburban families Historical / Period Piece 1973 102min. and „apprentice,“ and an unusual penny-pinching partnership are about to find out when the Ostroffs’ rebellious daughter is forged. Nina (Meester) returns home and starts an adulterous affair Paramount 21.05.2013 with long-time family friend David Walling (Laurie.) The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116038 Comedy, Foreign, Korean, Romance 2011 outrageous scandal reaches a hilarious new heights during 115min. the holidays and makes these New Jersey neighbors tear Parker (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Bayview Entertainment 21.05.2013 apart more than just wrapping paper. Love is a wrecking ball 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115992 headed straight for The Oranges...and it may just change all (Blu-ray) of their lives forever. Romance, Comedy, Drama 2011 91min. Nick Nolte, Jennifer Lopez, Patti LuPone, Perfect Understanding Emma Booth, Jason Statham, Bobby 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Laurence Olivier, Gloria Swanson, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115899 Cannavale, Michael Chiklis, Wendell Pierce Parker (Jason Statham) is a professional thief who lives by a Halliday personal code of ethics: Don’t steal from people who can’t A comedy of manners in which two people marry on the Original Family Classics: Volume afford it and don’t hurt people who don’t deserve it. But on his condition that each will retain his or her individual freedom. latest heist, his crew double crosses him, steals his stash, But when each subsequently flaunts their extra-marital Two and leaves him for dead. Determined to make sure they regret escapades in the face of the other, it precipitates an amusing Ron Howard, Clint Howard, James it, Parker tracks them to Palm Beach, playground of the rich battle of the sexes. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1933 Whitmore, Beverly Garland, Margaret and famous, where the crew is planning their biggest heist ever. Donning the disguise of a rich Texan, Parker takes on 107min. Hamilton, Walter Brennan, Jack Elam, Paul an unlikely partner, Leslie (Jennifer Lopez), a savvy insider, E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 Kelly, Merle Haggard who’s short on cash, but big on looks, smarts and ambition. Together, they devise a plan to hijack the score, take 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116257 TV Movies, Adventure, Collections, Family, everyone down and get away clean. Also starring Michael Friendships 333min. Chiklis. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Crime, Action, Thrillers 2013 118min. Perfect Understanding (Blu-ray)

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Laurence Olivier, Gloria Swanson, John Of Human Bondage co-star Howard. Sherwood initially Movies, Adventure 2011 89min. wanted Bogart for a smaller role. „I thought Sherwood was Halliday right,“ Bogart said. „I couldn’t picture myself playing a Starz / Anchor Bay 11.06.2013 A comedy of manners in which two people marry on the gangster. So what happened? I made a hit as the gangster.“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116165 condition that each will retain his or her individual freedom. So right was he that Howard refused to make the film without But when each subsequently flaunts their extra-marital him...and helped launch Bogey’s brilliant movie career. escapades in the face of the other, it precipitates an amusing The Politician’s Wife battle of the sexes. Drama, Film Noir, Music, Thrillers 1936 E1 Entertainment, Comedy, Drama, Movies, 82min. (Repackage) Romance 1933 min. Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 Juliet Stevenson, Minnie Driver, Trevor Eve E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116004 - Dir. Graham Theakston 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116302 British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Politics The Phantom Father 1995 187min. Perry Mason: Season 9 - Volume American professor Robert Traum (masterfully portrayed by Acorn Media 04.06.2013 Peter Greenaway and actor Marcel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116380 1 Iures) embarks on an adventurous and amusing journey Barbara Hale, Raymond Burr, Ray Collins, through Bucovina to find Sami the projectionist, the only person alive that can tell him anything about his Romanian A Portrait Of James Dean: Joshua Richard Anderson, William Hopper, William Jewish descent. His symbolic journey is filled with danger, Talman, Wesley Lau, Dan Tobin the unknown and the surreal. Tree, 1951 Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending Adventure, Comedy, Drama 2011 93min. James Preston seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Music Video Distribution 09.04.2013 Set primarily in the early 1950s and focusing on James Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that Dean’s experiences as an up-and-coming actor in Los by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115954 Angeles, Writer/Director Matthew Mishory’s debut feature revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, film is a series of revealing and sometimes dreamlike he often tricks or traps people into unwittingly admitting their Phantom Of The Opera (Blu-ray) vignettes that blend biographical and fictionalized elements to guilt. present pivotal moments in a remarkable life. Shot in gorgeous CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Claude Rains, Nelson Eddy, Susanna 35mm black and white punctuated by bursts of color, the film Foster, , Edgar Barrier, Jane stars James Preston (TV’s The Gates) in the title role, with Legal Issues, On The Job 1965 776min. Dan Glenn (TV’s Pushing Daisies), debutante Dalilah Rain, Paramount Pictures 11.06.2013 Farrar, J. Edward Bromberg, Fritz Feld, Leo Edward Singletary, Jr. (Palo Alto), Robert Gant (TV’s Queer 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116059 Carillo - Dir. Arthur Lubin as Folk) and Erin Daniels (The L Word, A Single Man) Universal Studios, Book-To-Film, Classics, rounding out the cast in an intimate portrait of James Dean as Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Horror, he is on the cusp of achieving notoriety as both a great actor Katy Perry: The Movie - Part Of and an American icon. The film’s „present tense“ is 1951, as Movies, Music, Thrillers 1943 93min. Dean is driving to the desert of Joshua Tree, California, a few Me 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Universal Studios 04.06.2013 hours journey from his Santa Monica apartment. Along for the DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) ride is The Roommate, a struggling actor Dean has sought out 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116306 as much for his cultural refinement (which Dean intends to (Blu-ray) siphon for his own career) as for his friendship a Katy Perry - Dir. Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz The Phantom Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Historical / PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Billy Zane, Treat Williams, Kristy Swanson, Period Piece, Movies 2012 93min. is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Wolfe Video 04.06.2013 A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all James Remar, Patrick McGoohan standard Blu-ray players. Katy Perry is living proof that if you Slam Evil!. Billy Zane stars as The Phantom in this thrill-a- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116245 just be yourself, you can be anything! Get an inside look into minute actioner based on one of the most successful comic the real Katy Perry and find out how this regular California series of all time! The story begins as an expedition lands on The Power Of Few girl with big dreams became one of the biggest stars in the the island of Bengalla, seeking the legendary skulls of world. This „undeniably irresistible“ (Elizabeth Weitzman, NY Touganda. Believed to harness an energy force of Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, Jesse Daily News) film is your chance to experience Katy Perry’s incalculable power, the skulls could spell disaster for Bradford, Anthony Anderson, Moon teenage dream come true! mankind. And that’s exactly what ruthless tycoon Xander Drax has in mind. . . Unless one man can save it. Now evil has met Bloodgood, Nicky Whelan Paramount, Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, its match and great movie adventure has a new name - The The Power Of Few revolves around an enigmatic smuggling Family, girl power, Music, Pop Music, Phantom! ring’s efforts to steal a priceless artifact and unfolds through Special Interest 2012 93min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Cult Film / the unique perspective of five characters. The film shows how the choices of a single person can affect the outcome of things Paramount 19.03.2013 TV 1996 100min. in a world where everything is interconnected. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116444 Paramount 21.05.2013 Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116068 95min. Peter Gunn: Season Two Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.07.2013 Lola Albright, Hope Emerson, Craig The Philadelphia Experiment 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116466 Stevens, Herschel Bernardi Malcolm McDowell, Gina Holden, Nicholas Craig Stevens plays Gunn, Pete to his friends, a handsome, Lea The Power Of Few (Blu-ray) suave detective tough enough to take on the hardest of hard In 1943, a secret government project attempted to create a cases, but a soft touch when it comes to the ladies. His cloaking device that would make warships invisible. But Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, Jesse girlfriend, the gorgeous singer Edie Hart (Lola Albright) is the during the first test, the USS Eldridge successfully Bradford, Anthony Anderson, Moon featured singer at ‘Mother’s’, a smoke-filled jazz club used by vanished...and could not be found again. 70 years later, the Bloodgood, Nicky Whelan Gunn as his unofficial office. Other regulars at the club Navy destroyer momentarily reappears on a include a colorful cast of musicians, pool hustlers, artists and The Power Of Few revolves around an enigmatic smuggling runway allowing the sole surviving crewman to escape and a ring’s efforts to steal a priceless artifact and unfolds through a sculptor. His standard fee is $1,000.00, and his reputation local lawman to board. What is behind a sinister reactivation keeps the customers lined up for his services, sometimes the unique perspective of five characters. The film shows how of the project? Where will the massive ship materialize next? the choices of a single person can affect the outcome of things referred by Mother (Hope Emerson), or his police buddy Lt. And what will become of two men trapped in a time/space Jacoby (Herschel Bernardi). A man with expensive tastes, in a world where everything is interconnected. catastrophe? Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Peter Gunn drives a stylish two-tone Plymouth Fury Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, TV Convertible, equipped with a mobile phone 2013 95min. Movies, Adventure 2011 89min. Action, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.07.2013 Starz / Anchor Bay 11.06.2013 1958 960min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116473 Shout Factory 25.06.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116160 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116018 The Philadelphia Experiment Power Rangers Super Samurai: The Petrified Forest (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) The Secret Of The Red Ranger - Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Humphrey Malcolm McDowell, Gina Holden, Nicholas Volume 4 Serrator’s secret plan to shatter the world is finally revealed! Bogart, Dick Foran, Eddie Acuff, Charlie Lea The Power Rangers are in for the fight of their lives when Grapewin, Joseph Sawyer In 1943, a secret government project attempted to create a Master Xandred returns to Earth to face the team in an epic A rundown diner bakes in the Arizona heat. Inside, fugitive cloaking device that would make warships invisible. But Bullzooka battle. After barely escaping, the Super Samurai killer Duke Mantee sweats out a manhunt, holding during the first test, the USS Eldridge successfully must call upon the Shogun ancestors and their most powerful disillusioned writer Alan Squier, young Gabby Maple and a vanished...and could not be found again. 70 years later, the mega modes to fight their way through bugspraying Pestilox, handful of others hostage. As trapped as his captives, Mantee Navy destroyer momentarily reappears on a Pennsylvania giant Spitfangs and twin Papyrux in order to face their admits: „It looks like I’ll spend the rest of my life dead.“ The runway allowing the sole surviving crewman to escape and a ultimate showdown with Serrator! And after the smoke clears, Petrified Forest, Robert E. Sherwood’s 1935 Broadway local lawman to board. What is behind a sinister reactivation a battle with new Nighlok monster Fiera will reveal the Red success about survival of the fittest in the modern world, hit of the project? Where will the massive ship materialize next? Ranger’s long-lost secret and change the team forever! the screen a year later with Leslie Howard (Squier) and And what will become of two men trapped in a time/space Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, Humphrey Bogart (Mantee) magnificently recreating their catastrophe? stage roles and Bette Davis (Gabby) ably reteaming with her Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, TV Science Fiction 92min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Lionsgate 11.06.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116120 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116138 Prophecy Talia Shire, Richard Dysart, Robert Power Rangers: Seasons 4-7 Elvis Presley: King Creole Foxworth, Victoria Racimo, Armand Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa have been defeated once again - Elvis Presley, Walter Matthau, Carolyn Assante but the Command Center is in ruins, and King Mondo is on his A contemporary story of stark terror.. Robert Foxworth and way to conquer Earth! It’s now time to see what the Power Jones The year was 1958. Everybody’s datin’ at the drive-in. Talia Shire (Rocky, ®) star as a doctor and his Rangers are really made of! Picking up right where Mighty wife, who, at the request of a concerned friend, travel to Morphin Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers America launches its first satellite. The novel Lolita stirs up controversy. And Elvis Presley gives Bourbon Street a new Maine to research the impact of the lumber industry on the left off, Power Rangers: Seasons 4-7 continues the saga of local environment. They begin to investigate a succession of the heroic - teenagers with attitude - through four more beat in King Creole. He plays a troubled youth whose singing sets the French Quarter rockin’. With a sweet girl to love him mysterious and terrifying events: ecological freaks of nature unforgettable seasons: Power Rangers ZEO, Power Rangers (including fish that grow many times their normal size), and a Turbo, Power Rangers In Space and Power Rangers Lost and nightclubers cheering, it looks like Elvis will shake off his past and head for the top. But will a mobster (Walter series of bizarre and grisly human deaths. Veteran suspense Galaxy. For the first time on DVD, you can now have all 183 director manages to present Prophecy as episodes of these four epic seasons on 21 action-packed Matthau) and his man-trap moll (Carolyn Jones) snare him in a life of crime? a „monster movie“ as well as a suspenseful tale about the DVDs in one deluxe collection! Power Rangers: Seasons 4-7 deadly forces which result from the pollution of the also contains an exclusive disc of rarely seen archival Music, Musical, Classics 1958 115min. environment. material and brand-new retrospective featurettes including Paramount 21.05.2013 interviews with members of the cast, creative team, fans and Science Fiction, Horror 1979 102min. much, much more! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116142 Paramount 21.05.2013 Action, Adventure, Children’s, Cult Film / 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116069 TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Science Elvis Presley: Paradise, Hawaiian Fiction, Television min. Style PSI Factor: Chronicles Of The Shout Factory 30.07.2013 Suzanna Leigh, Elvis Presley Paranormal - Season Three & 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116502 The year was 1966. A little known series called Star Trek® beams up. Valley of the Dolls is the hot book. Half of all TV’s Season Four Prank sold are color sets. And in Paradise, Hawaiian Style, Elvis Dan Aykroyd, Barclay Hope takes to the skies over the island paradise of Kauai. He’s a Hosted by Dan Aykroyd, the third and fourth seasons of Harmless prank or violent revenge? Three high school partner in a Helicopter charter service. Romance, naturally, Chronicles of the Paranormal: PSI Factor follow a fearless students, sick of living in fear of bullies, plan the ultimate is in the air for the King... but his business may be grounded. team of investigators as they explore bizarre, top-secret payback. But when their prank goes way too far, they come to A threatened suspension of his pilot’s license means he may cases in 44 episodes. realize that getting even can have deadly consequences. have to kiss his assets goodbye. Drama, Science Fiction 2024min. Packed with unpredictable twists and turns, this cutting-edge Music, Musical, Comedy 1966 90min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment thriller pulls no punches and delivers a shocking conclusion Paramount 21.05.2013 you’ll never forget. Just remember... no matter how sweet 07.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116134 revenge might taste, there’s always a price to pay. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115983 Crime, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 82min. Elvis Presley: Roustabout The Public Enemy (Blu-ray) Image Ent. 18.06.2013 Elvis Presley, Barbara Stanwyck 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116378 The year was 1964. The miniskirt is in. If you can’t Watusi, Joan Blondell, Jean Harlow, James Cagney, you can’t dance. Cassius Clay (soon to be Muhammad Ali) Edward Woods claims the heavyweight crown. And Elvis is a karate-chopping The Public Enemy showcases James Cagney’s powerful 1931 The Preacher & The Gun biker who’s hired as a carnival Roustabout. At first he just breakthrough performance as streetwise tough guy Tom Dennis Cole provides muscle and a diversion for the beatiful carny girls. Powers - but only because production chief Darryl F. Zanuck Rev. Stephen Bancroft and his wife have moved to the town of Then he picks up a guitar and gets the midway rockin’. Looks made a late casting change. When shooting began, Cagney Turquoise with promises of economic growth. As the town like this talented tough guy may be what the good-hearted had a secondary role but Zanuck soon spotted Cagney’s banker sees that his venture is falling apart he sees only one owner (Barbara Stanwyck) needs to save her traveling show screen dominance and gave him the star part. From that way to salvage his investment... To control all the businesses from bankruptcy. moment, an indelible genre classic and an enduring star in order to line his pocket. Stephen begins to start an uprising Music, Musical, Classics 1964 101min. career were both born. Bristling with ’20s style, dialogue and against the Banker’s plans, but the banker quickly puts a stop Paramount 21.05.2013 desperation under the masterful directorial eye of William A. to it by forcing Stephen and his wife to leave town. Stephen’s Wellman, this is a virtual time capsule of the Prohibition era: plan to build a resistance is working even without him in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116097 taut, gritty, hard-hitting - even at breakfast when grapefruit is town, so the banker sends his murderous hired hands to find served. Stephen and his wife to bring them back and make an example Prince Of The City Drama, Action 1931 82min. out them. After Stephen’s wife is captured and brought back to Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 town, he returns to square off with the banker in a show down Michael Madsen not soon to be forgotten. After inheriting wealth and power, Prince Amara, the adopted 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116005 Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Western son of a Malaysian billionaire, is framed for murder by his jealous full-blooded brother and exiled from his country. With Quick To Duck 2011 90min. the help of an entrepreneurial gangster and a killer Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.07.2013 bodyguard, Prince must take back what belongs to him. Steve Guttenberg 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116467 Thrillers, Action, Crime 2012 84min. Loose morals and cocaine lullabies are a way of life for the hard-living doctor/owner of a group home for wayward teens. Brain Damage Films 18.06.2013 With issues and tissues for miles and a bookie on his ass, he Elvis Presley: Fun In Acapulco 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115980 keeps the doors open and the patients revolving. Ursula Andress, Elvis Presley, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Movies The year was 1963. The hot line links the White House and The Producers: Collector’s Editi- 2012 86min. the Kremlin. The first major pop art exhibition stirs up a major on (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 . The Whisky-A-Go-Go opens. And in Fun In Acapulco, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116258 Elvis heads south of the border, where he’s fired as a boat ray) hand, hired as a lifegaurd and singer, admired by local beauties (including Ursula Andress) and inspired to jump off a , Kenneth Mars, Andreas Quincy, M.E.: Season 6 136 foot cliff. Put another way: he overcomes a fear of heights Voutsinas, Dick Shawn, , Jack Klugman, Robert Ito, John S. Ragin, in spectacular fashion. Spectacular, too, are the scenic vistas Estelle Winwood, Lee Meredith, Christo- and Latin beat tunes. Dive in! Garry Walberg, Joseph Roman Music, Musical, Comedy 1963 90min. pher Hewett, Bill Hickey, David Patch, Dr. Quincy (Jack Klugman) is a medical examiner with a quick Paramount 21.05.2013 Renee Taylor - Dir. wit and an eye for the important little details! Assisted by his From the endlessly funny mind of filmmaker Mel Brooks comes lab assistant, Sam Fujiyama (Robert Ito), Dr. Quincy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116137 this triple-Oscar-winning explosion of pure comic lunacy often challenges uses his skills to challenge the LAPD with about low-rent Broadway producer Max Bialystock (Zero new findings and missed details. While shows like CSI: Crime Elvis Presley: G.I. Blues Mostel) and his high-strung accountant Leo Bloom (Gene Scene Investigation or NCIS are proof that forensic science Wilder). They discover that, with the help of a few gullible and investigation makes for entertaining television, it was Elvis Presley, Juliet Prowse investors, they can make more money on a flop than on a hit. Quincy, M.E. which started the trend nearly 40 years ago! The year was 1960. A payola scandal shocks the music So armed with the worst show ever written - Springtime For Detectives, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, world. Movie fans are introduced to glorious Smell-O-Vision. Hitler - and an equally horrific cast, this double-dealing duo The 50-star flag is adopted. And in G.I. Blues, Elvis adopts an is banking on disaster. But when their sure-to-offend musical Murder Mysteries, NBC, On The Job, Televi- on-screen persona he knows well in real life - a singin’ G.I. in becomes a surprise smash hit, they find themselves in the sion 1981 774min. West Germany, Eager to open a stateside nightclub after his middle of a Broadway blitzkrieg! Shout Factory 09.07.2013 hitch in khakis, he takes part in a wager to raise the dough he Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, needs. The bet: he can melt the iceberg heart of a willowy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116489 dancer (Juliet Prowse). But all bets may be off when real love Classics, Comedy, Movies, National Film intervenes... Registry 1968 88min. The Rambler Music, Musical, War, World War II, Action, Shout Factory 02.07.2013 , Lindsay Pulsipher, Dermot Classics, Military 1960 103min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116471

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 70 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Mulroney Fear comes full circle as Academy Award® nominee Naomi 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116267 If David Lynch and David Cronenberg teamed up with Werner Watts reprises her role as investigative reporter Rachel Herzog early in their careers and made a movie together“ Keller in The Ring Two, the stunning follow-up to the original says TwitchFilm, „it would have been Calvin Lee Reeder’s thrilling hit that started it all. In order to escape their haunting Safe Haven (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- The Rambler.“ Dermot Mulroney of The Grey and Zodiac memories, Rachel and her son start a new life in a small gital Copy) (Blu-ray) stars as an ex-con just released from prison, kicked out of his Oregon town. But resolve turns to dread when evidence at a trailer home, and gone on a cross-country journey to his long- horrifying local crime scene reveals a mysterious unmarked Josh Duhamel, Cobie Smulders, David Ly- lost brother’s pony ranch. But along the way, he’ll encounter a videotape. Rachel realizes the vengeful Samara is back, and more determined than ever to continue her relentless cycle of ons, Julianne Hough - Dir. Lasse Hallstrom depraved American underbelly of dusty towns, bizarre Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough star in this spellbinding strangers, sudden violence, and a device that can record terror. In a desperate, life-or-death battle, Rachel must confront Samara to save herself and her son. romantic drama based on the novel by best-selling author dreams onto VHS. Lindsay Pulsipher (Justified, True Blood) Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook). When a mysterious, and Natasha Lyonne (American Pie) co-star in this surreal Thrillers, Ghosts, Horror 2005 FF 109min. beautiful woman named Katie (Hough), moves to Southport, Sundance sensation about shadowy pasts, questionable Paramount 21.05.2013 North Carolina, she sparks the interest of the locals, futures, and the deadpan traveling man known only as The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116071 especially Alex (Duhamel), a handsome widower. Although Rambler. she is attracted to Alex, Katie is reluctant to trust him - that Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Horror 2012 is, until a new friend (Cobie Smulders) convinces her to give 99min. Road Trip: Beer Pong Alex a chance. But before long, a dark secret from Katie’s past threatens her happiness in this thrilling romance directed Starz / Anchor Bay 25.06.2013 Julianna Guill, Danny Pudi, Preston Jones, by Lasse Hallström (Dear John). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116224 Daniel Newman, Michael Trotter, Nestor Book-To-Film, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Aaron Absera Thrillers 2013 116min. The Rambler (Blu-ray) Three college roommates are on the ride oftheir lives when they drop everything to join a bus full of sexy, scantily clad 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Natasha Lyonne, Lindsay Pulsipher, Dermot models tocompete in the ultimate sport competition: the Natio- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116310 Mulroney nal Beer Pong Tournament. Along the way, they’ll be stalled by If David Lynch and David Cronenberg teamed up with Werner some of the most unusual ever - including Safety Last!: The Criterion Herzog early in their careers and made a movie together“ a hitchhiking, gun toting beauty, a grandmother-mother- says TwitchFilm, „it would have been Calvin Lee Reeder’s daughter stripper squad, and the lovely ladies of Chastity Collection The Rambler.“ Dermot Mulroney of The Grey and Zodiac Until Marriage. With all these detours will they reach the stars as an ex-con just released from prison, kicked out of his competition and win the ultimate title? Getting Your Pong On Harold Lloyd trailer home, and gone on a cross-country journey to his long- has never been this fun! The comic genius of silent star Harold Lloyd is eternal. lost brother’s pony ranch. But along the way, he’ll encounter a Road Trips, College Life, Comedy 95min. Chaplin was the sweet innocent, Keaton the stoic outsider, depraved American underbelly of dusty towns, bizarre Paramount 21.05.2013 but Lloyd-the modern guy striving for success-is us. And with strangers, sudden violence, and a device that can record its torrent of perfectly executed gags and astonishing stunts, dreams onto VHS. Lindsay Pulsipher (Justified, True Blood) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116072 Safety Last! is the perfect introduction to him. Lloyd plays a and Natasha Lyonne (American Pie) co-star in this surreal small-town bumpkin trying to make it in the big city, who finds Sundance sensation about shadowy pasts, questionable Rolling employment as a lowly department-store clerk. He comes up futures, and the deadpan traveling man known only as The with a wild publicity stunt to draw attention to the store, Rambler. Robert Ambrose resulting in an incredible feat of derring-do on his part that Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Horror 2012 What starts as a too good to be true film school submission gets him started on the climb to success. Laugh-out-loud funny turns into a reality check. With free reign of his high school and jaw-dropping in equal measure, Safety Last! is a movie 99min. campus and a set of master keys, Drake has one night to experience par excellence, anchored by a genuine legend. Starz / Anchor Bay 25.06.2013 attempt greatness behind the camera. His cast consists of his Romance, Silent Film, Thrillers, Comedy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116238 best friend Tim, Ellen, a quiet bookworm, Carly, a gossiping Criterion Collection 1923 84min. cheerleader, Michaela, an intellectual loaner, Sean, a basketball star, and Sully, a super-senior-drug-dealing Criterion 18.06.2013 loudmouth. Drake drags his players through the scenes of his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116088 „masterpiece,“ while off camera they veer from the script and Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Loren delve into the stereotypes, relationships, and sexual identities Lester, Jayma Mays, Laura Johnson, Brian that have been used to label one another. Each of them, Safety Last!: The Criterion Cox, Jack Scalia, Robert Pine, Max Kasch, involved in the film for their own reasons, divulge a reality Collection (Blu-ray) never intended for the camera where unlikely interactions Carl Gilliard occur and secrets become harder to hide. Harold Lloyd Fear takes flight at 30,000 feet in this non-stop action thriller! Comedy, Drama, High School 2012 97min. The comic genius of silent star Harold Lloyd is eternal. An overnight flight to Miami quickly becomes a battle for Chaplin was the sweet innocent, Keaton the stoic outsider, survival when Lisa (Rachel McAdams) realizes her seatmate Ariztical Entertainment 14.05.2013 but Lloyd-the modern guy striving for success-is us. And with plans to use her as part of a chilling assassination plot. As 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115941 its torrent of perfectly executed gags and astonishing stunts, the miles tick by, she’s in a race against time to warn the Safety Last! is the perfect introduction to him. Lloyd plays a potential victims before it’s too late. Get ready for the non- small-town bumpkin trying to make it in the big city, who finds stop, adrenaline-pumping thrill-ride that Peter Travers of Rustlers’ Rhapsody employment as a lowly department-store clerk. He comes up Rolling Stone claims „will pin you to your seat.“ Tom Berenger, Andy Griffith, Marilu Henner, with a wild publicity stunt to draw attention to the store, Terrorism, Thrillers, Crime 2005 85min. Fernando Rey, G.W. Bailey resulting in an incredible feat of derring-do on his part that Paramount 21.05.2013 gets him started on the climb to success. Laugh-out-loud funny Tumblin’ tumbleweeds! The Wild West goes wacko when the and jaw-dropping in equal measure, Safety Last! is a movie 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116070 Greatest Fast-Drawin’, Fancy-Dressin’, Silver-Spurred, experience par excellence, anchored by a genuine legend. Geetar Playin’, Singing Cowboy movie matinee idol Rex O’Herlihan (Tom Berenger) hits the saddle in Rustlers’ Comedy, Criterion Collection, Romance, Ring Of Fire Rhapsody, a cockeyed, affectionate send-up of the ’40s B- Silent Film, Thrillers 1923 84min. Lauren Lee Smith, Michael Vartan movie Western. Classic Western stereotypes and clichés get Criterion 18.06.2013 When an oil rig causes a volcanic eruption in a small town, turned on their ear when our fearless hero, fully dressed in 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116127 it’s just the first in a trigger effect called the Ring of Fire that white and atop his dancing horse Wildflower, rides into the stretches across the globe. If these cataclysmic series of tackiest town west of the Pecos to do good deeds and defy eruptions cannot be stopped, the earth will be swallowed desperados. Written and directed by Hugh Wilson, who was Samurai Cop: Special Edition responsible for the hilarious Police Academy, Rustlers’ whole, leading to an extinction level event. Matt Hannon - Dir. Amir Shervan Action, Apocalyptic Future, Drama 2012 Rhapsody stars Andy Griffith and Marilu Henner. Comedy 1985 88min. When Japanese organized crime imbeds itself within LA, the min. Paramount 21.05.2013 police turn to one man to take down the deadly Yakuza - Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.06.2013 Maniac Cop himself, Robert Z’Dar as Japanese authority and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116073 martial artist Joe Marshall, aka ‘The Samurai’. With his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115852 fearless swagger and rock hard jaw, The Samurai tears a two-fisted hole through the mob and doesn’t stop until the job Ring Of Fire (Blu-ray) Safe Haven is done. Josh Duhamel, Cobie Smulders, David Ly- Action, Cops, Movies, Samurai, Thrillers Lauren Lee Smith, Michael Vartan When an oil rig causes a volcanic eruption in a small town, ons, Julianne Hough - Dir. Lasse Hallstrom 1989 96min. it’s just the first in a trigger effect called the Ring of Fire that Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough star in this spellbinding E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 stretches across the globe. If these cataclysmic series of romantic drama based on the novel by best-selling author 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116259 eruptions cannot be stopped, the earth will be swallowed Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook). When a mysterious, whole, leading to an extinction level event. beautiful woman named Katie (Hough), moves to Southport, North Carolina, she sparks the interest of the locals, Saturday Night Fever Drama, Action, Apocalyptic Future 2012 especially Alex (Duhamel), a handsome widower. Although min. she is attracted to Alex, Katie is reluctant to trust him - that John Travolta, Donna Pescow, Karen Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.06.2013 is, until a new friend (Cobie Smulders) convinces her to give Gorney Alex a chance. But before long, a dark secret from Katie’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115861 past threatens her happiness in this thrilling romance directed Music, National Film Registry, Classics, by Lasse Hallström (Dear John). Dancing, Disco, Drama 1977 min. The Ring Two Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 2013 Paramount 01.01.2013 Sissy Spacek, Elizabeth Perkins, Naomi 116min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115893 Watts, Simon Baker, David Dorfman 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013

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Saturday Night Fever (Blu-ray) Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?. Alec a terrible secret that could bring down an entire Japanese Baldwin stars with Penelope Ann Miller as the legendary company. Cat must take the law into her own hands and enact John Travolta, Donna Pescow, Karen crime-fighting superhero in „The wittiest action-adventure her own special kind of revenge! She Cat, directed by Shingo Gorney since Indiana Jones!“ Donning his sweeping black cape and Yamashiro, is not only one of the more intricately plotted disguise, The Shadow takes on his most dangerous nemesis features in the Nikkatsu Erotic Films Collection, but it’s also Classics, Dancing, Disco, Drama, Music, yet“ the last descendant of the great Genghis Khan whose one of the longest and sexiest entries. Expert direction, the National Film Registry 1977 min. weapon of choice is an atomic bomb. With the fate of humanity amazingly „ample“ assets of lead actress Ai Saotome, steamy Paramount 01.01.2013 hanging in the balance, they square off for a spectacular shower scenes and an action-packed gun fight finale make 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115918 battle in a dazzling mixture of mind-blowing special effects, this film a must see for all Japanese erotic film fans!.“ humor and a dose of the macaber that will hold you Pink Film, Revenge, Action, Erotica, spellbound! Foreign, Japanese 1983 86min. Cult Film / TV, Action, Based On Comic Save The Date (Blu-ray) Impulse Pictures 07.05.2013 Book 1994 128min. Mark Webber, Martin Starr, Lizzy Caplan, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116093 Geoffrey Arend, Alison Brie Universal Studios 04.06.2013 After an ill-timed and very public marriage proposal, fiercely 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116123 independent Sarah (Lizzy Caplan, Hot Tub Time Machine, 127 Sherlock Holmes (Steelbook) Hours) breaks up with her overeager boyfriend Kevin (Blu-ray) (Geoffrey Arend, (500) Days of Summer, Devil). Sarah turns Shane (Blu-ray) to her sister Beth (Alison Brie, Community, Mad Men) for Van Heflin, Alan Ladd, Jack Palance, Edgar Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Mark Strong, support, but Beth is too busy obsessing over the details of her Eddie Marsan, Rachel McAdams - Dir. Guy own wedding to Kevin’s band mate, Andrew (Martin Starr, Buchanan, Ben Johnson, Brandon DeWilde Adventureland, Freaks and Geeks). When Sarah suddenly - Dir. George Stevens Ritchie finds herself caught up in an intense rebound romance with Acclaimed director George Stevens’ legendary rendition of The did his job, Dr. Watson declared the condemned the adorable Jonathan (Mark Webber, Scott Pilgrim vs. the the quintessential Western myth earned six Academy Award man dead....and yet Lord Blackwood has emerged from the World), she is forced to examine her own fears of commitment nominations, and made Shane one of the classics of the Ameri- tomb to assert his deadly will over 1890 London. Is he in and vulnerability and decide if she’s better off staying safely can cinema. The story brings Alan Ladd, a drifter and retired league with the forces of hell itself? Is the whole Empire in single or risking everything on love. By turns funny, sad, and gunfighter, to the assistance of a homestead family terrorized peril? It’s a mystery macabre - and only Sherlock Holmes can sweet, Save The Date is a heartfelt and sincere comedy about by a wealthy cattleman and his hired gun (Jack Palance). In master it. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law put memorable the familial and romantic bonds that hold us together. fighting the last decisive battle, Shane sees the end of his imprints on Holmes and Watson in this bold new reimagining own way of life. Mysterious, moody and atmospheric, the film that makes the legendary sleuth a daring man of action as well MPI, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 as a peerless man of intellect. Baffling clues, astonishing 97min. is enhanced by the intense performances of its splendid cast. AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Movies, Holmesian deductions, nimble repartee, catch-your-breath MPI 11.06.2013 scenes of one slam thing after another - director Guy Ritchie National Film Registry, Western 1952 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116313 helms the excitement reintroducing the great detective to the Paramount 04.06.2013 world. Meet the new Sherlock Holmes! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116346 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, School Of Hard Knocks Detectives, Movies, Mystery, Sherlock From the writer of State Property comes the tale of two Shanghai Noon / Shanghai Holmes, Thrillers 2009 128min. friends that go separate ways after witnessing a crime in their Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 youth. One moves to the south, the other to the mean streets Knights (Double Feature) (Blu- Philly. After reuniting as young adults „Lit“ makes plans for 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116348 his college bound friend „Boo“ and introduces him to a world ray) of big money, fast living, and unlimited sex. Boo has a big heart and a hard head, when his character gets tested in life Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of and love, it’s unknown if he has what it takes to survive. Soon East meets West in two wildly hilarious comedies starring Shadows (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) he’ll get a life’s lesson learned from the School of Hard legendary action star Jackie Chan and Owen Knocks. Wilson. Experience Shanghai Noon and Shanghai Knights for Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law, Paul the first time on Blu-ray, featuring new digital restoration with Crime, Drama 2013 86min. enhanced picture and sound. Chinese Imperial Guard Chon Anderson, , Stephen Fry, Ge- Team Marketing 07.05.2013 Wang is in for a real kick when he travels to the rough and raldine James, Eddie Marsan, Rachel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115867 tumble Old West to rescue the beautiful kidnapped princess McAdams, Kelly Reilly, Noomi Rapace - Dir. Pei Pei (Lucy Liu). Teamed with laid-back cowboy outlaw Roy O’Bannon, the two mismatched partners face jail, brawls and Guy Ritchie Scum: Remastered Edition the vilest villains this side of the Great Wall. Then jump in the Robert Downey Jr. reprises his role as the world’s most saddle for the wild and woolly sequel as the two unlikely famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, and Jude Law returns as Ray Winstone, Mick Ford, Julian Firth heroes make their way to London on a daring quest for honor his friend and colleague, Dr. Watson, in Sherlock Holmes: A Scum refers to the label slapped upon reform-school inmate and revenge. These two uproarious comic adventures are Game of Shadows. Holmes has always been the smartest man Carlin (Ray Winstone, Sexy Beast, Hugo). When he isn’t even better on Blu-ray! in the room - until now. Criminal mastermind at large Profes- being beaten up by the other inmates, Carlin is being beaten sor James Moriarty (Jared Harris) is and not only Holmes’ down by the system. He rebels against this treatment and Cult Film / TV, Double Features, Martial intellectual equal, but he has a capacity for evil that may give „wins“ by becoming more vicious than any of his oppressors. Arts, Action 2000 min. him a deadly advantage. Now, as a rash of murder and Harrowing, claustrophobic, and deeply tragic, Scum was Disney / Buena Vista 07.05.2013 mayhem breaks out across the globe, only Holmes and Watson originally banned by the BBC for graphicbrutality (and, quite can stop the cunning Moriarty from completing his ominous likely, criticism of the justice system), leading director Alan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116084 plan and altering the course of history. Clarke to remake this chilling and groundbreaking thriller for Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, all to see. Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Thrillers 2011 Action, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign 1979 129min. 98min. (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Kino Video 04.06.2013 Morgan Freeman, Tim Robbins, James 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116349 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116193 Whitmore, Clancy Brown, Bob Gunton, William Sadler, Gil Bellows - Dir. Frank Scum: Remastered Edition (Blu- Darabont She’s So Lovely (Blu-ray) Few movies capture the triumph of the human spirit as John Travolta, Sean Penn, Robin Wright ray) memorably as Frank Darabont’s film The Shawshank Redemption from the same Stephen King story collection that Penn, Debi Mazar, Harry Dean Stanton Ray Winstone, Mick Ford, Julian Firth gave us Stand By Me. Morgan Freeman plays Red, a lifer who One outrageous woman...caught between two men!. John Scum refers to the label slapped upon reform-school inmate knows how to cope with the bleak hopelessness of Travolta (The General’s Daughter, Face/Off) joins Sean Penn Carlin (Ray Winstone, Sexy Beast, Hugo). When he isn’t Shawshank State Prison. Tim Robbins plays new inmate Andy, (Up At The Villa, Sweet And Lowdown) and Robin Wright being beaten up by the other inmates, Carlin is being beaten a quiet banker convicted of murders he didn’t commit - and Penn (Message In A Bottle, Hurlyburly) in this funny, hip and down by the system. He rebels against this treatment and whose indomitable will earn Red’s respect and friendship. emotionally supercharged movie about a woman whose „wins“ by becoming more vicious than any of his oppressors. Andy’s resourfulness brings hope and change to the entire passion for two totally opposite men sets up an outrageously Harrowing, claustrophobic, and deeply tragic, Scum was prison. He’s full of surprises. And the best comes last, explosive love triangle! Maureen (Robin Wright Penn) and originally banned by the BBC for graphicbrutality (and, quite leading to one of the most satisfying finales in film history. first husband Eddie (Sean Penn) lived through some very wild likely, criticism of the justice system), leading director Alan times until an unforeseen crisis finally drove them apart. So Clarke to remake this chilling and groundbreaking thriller for AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, when he walks back into her life after ten years, Maureen all to see. Friendships, Movies, Prison, Stephen King must choose between her love for husband two British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Action 1979 1994 142min. (Travolta) and the electricity she shares with Eddie! With a superb cast delivering top performances - She’s So Lovely is 98min. Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 a motion picture knockout filled with vivid humor and riveting Kino Video 04.06.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116347 intensity! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116215 Comedy, Drama, Romance 1997 96min. She Cat Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The Shadow (Blu-ray) Koichi Iwaki, Ai Saotome, Hiroshi Nawa 07.05.2013 Tim Curry, Ian McKellen, Penelope Ann Dr. „Cat“ Kagami was hoping to leave her torrid past behind, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115907 but a failed assassination attempt has now put her square in Miller, John Lone, Alec Baldwin, Jonathan the crosshairs of a team of brutal killers. Now no one is safe, Winters, Peter Boyle including her lesbian co-worker and a mysterious woman with Shifter

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Catherine Blythe, Bill MacDonald, Paul Sean Patrick Flanery, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Headless Horseman. Christina Ricci is Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful and mysterious girl with secret ties to the Nolan Patricia Clarkson, Betty Buckley, Dylan supernatural terror. From unassuming teenager to savior of the universe, Alex Baker, Larry Gilliard Jr., Christopher Brown had no idea that he would inherit the awesome Paramount, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Myths challenge of saving his ex secret agent parents and protecting Durang & Legends, Witches & Warlocks 1999 min. the planet from evil powers bent on controlling the world’s This version contains both widescreen and pan & scan and Paramount 01.01.2013 plutonium supply. With the assistance of the 360-year-old replaces the other widescreen only version!!! Sometimes, the sorcerer Jenco, Alex uses his new found magical most powerful magic of all is the kind that comes straight from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116395 shapeshifting power to rescue his parents, become master and the heart. Sarah Michelle Gellar (TV’s Buffy The Vampire protector of both the mystical glass harmonica and the life Slayer) „brings her bewitching charms to a tale of love“ stone. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) in this seductive story of „Hex“ appeal. Beautiful restaurant owner Amanda Shelton is falling Denis Leary, , Jay Mohr, Phil Family, Fantasy, Movies 95min. head over heels for handsome, hard-driving executive Tom Full Moon 07.05.2013 Bartlett. Unfortunately, Tom is too busy to recognize that she’s Hartman, Kirsten Dunst, Tommy Lee Jones, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116438 truly the girl of his dreams...until Amanda puts him under her Kevin Dunn, Gregory Smith tantalizing spell! Big action. Big fun. Big Movie! Small Soldiers is one huge Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 1999 adventure. Meet the Elite - toy action figures with Side Effects an attitude. They’ve escaped from their boxes along with the 94min. Gorgonites, kindhearted but unusual-looking creatures. Now Jude Law, Channing Tatum, Rooney Mara, Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 teenager Alan Abernathy gets enlisted to help the Gorgonites Marin Ireland 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116186 and rescue the girl of his dreams before the whole town is From Academy Award-winning director Steven Soderbergh turned upside down. Small Soldiers is a spectacular (Traffic) comes this suspenseful and provocative tale of adventure for the whole family! intrigue starring Channing Tatum, Academy Award nominees Simply Irresistible (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Action, Comedy 1998 Rooney Mara and Jude Law, and Academy Award winner Catherine Zeta-Jones. After her husband (Tatum) is released Sean Patrick Flanery, Sarah Michelle Gellar, 110min. from prison, Emily (Mara) begins suffering from terrifying Patricia Clarkson, Betty Buckley, Dylan Paramount 21.05.2013 anxiety and turns to psychiatrist Dr. Banks (Law) for help. Baker, Larry Gilliard Jr., Christopher 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116074 But when Banks prescribes an experimental drug for her, the side effects have chilling and deadly consequences. Full of Durang unexpected twists, Side Effects is the sexy psychological This version contains both widescreen and pan & scan and Smart Cookies thriller that critics are calling „wildly unpredictable!“ (Marlow replaces the other widescreen only version!!! Sometimes, the Stern, Newsweek) most powerful magic of all is the kind that comes straight from Patricia Richardson, Jessalyn Gilsig, Bailee Thrillers, Crime, Doctors & Medicine, Drama the heart. Sarah Michelle Gellar (TV’s Buffy The Vampire Madison - Dir. Robert Iscove Slayer) „brings her bewitching charms to a tale of love“ Busy realtor Julie Sterling is encouraged by her boss to do 2013 106min. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) in this seductive story of „Hex“ some community service and volunteer as a troop leader for Universal Studios 21.05.2013 appeal. Beautiful restaurant owner Amanda Shelton is falling the Girl Scouts. Being so focused on her career, Julie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116064 head over heels for handsome, hard-driving executive Tom couldn’t be more ill-fitted for the job, but her priorities start to Bartlett. Unfortunately, Tom is too busy to recognize that she’s change as she forges a friendship with a misfit youth group truly the girl of his dreams...until Amanda puts him under her desperately in need of some self-confidence. Her scouts Side Effects (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- tantalizing spell! teach her to enjoy what’s important in life, and Julie instills in Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance 1999 the girls a sense of pride, self-esteem and friendship. As a gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 94min. new and improved Julie Sterling emerges, she takes on the Jude Law, Channing Tatum, Rooney Mara, challenge to win her troop top honors... a trip to The Rose Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Bowl parade to ride on the Girl Scout centennial float. Marin Ireland 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116212 From Academy Award-winning director Steven Soderbergh Family, Friendships, girl power, Movies, TV (Traffic) comes this suspenseful and provocative tale of Movies 2012 87min. intrigue starring Channing Tatum, Academy Award nominees Sistas Vivendi Visual Entertainment 02.07.2013 Rooney Mara and Jude Law, and Academy Award winner With news of their grandmother’s passing, a group of sisters 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116459 Catherine Zeta-Jones. After her husband (Tatum) is released come together to pick a song to honor their grandmother’s from prison, Emily (Mara) begins suffering from terrifying legacy at her memorial service. While cleaning out her attic, anxiety and turns to psychiatrist Dr. Banks (Law) for help. they find old memories celebrating her life and contributions to The Sorcerer And The White But when Banks prescribes an experimental drug for her, the their family and the community. In the process, they are side effects have chilling and deadly consequences. Full of reminded of many songs that trace the history of Black women, Snake unexpected twists, Side Effects is the sexy psychological spanning from the days of Jim Crow, the Girl Groups of the Jet Li thriller that critics are calling „wildly unpredictable!“ (Marlow 60’s, female empowerment of the 90’s and the challenges of Stern, Newsweek) today’s youth. With hits including „Oh... Happy Day,“ Vampires, Action, Chinese, Fantasy, Thrillers, Crime, Doctors & Medicine, Drama „Precious Lord,“ „Stormy Weather,“ „R.E.S.P.E.C.T.,“ „Say a Foreign 2011 96min. 2013 106min. Little Prayer,“ „Tyrone,“ „I Have Nothing,“ „Single Ladies,“ Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.04.2013 and „A Woman’s Worth,“ Sistas tells the evolutionary story of Universal Studios 21.05.2013 African-American women through popular music. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115947 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116081 African Americans, Dancing, Family, girl power, Musical, Performing Arts, Play-To- The Sorcerer And The White Silver Linings Playbook Film, Special Interest 2012 87min. Snake (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Chris Tucker, Julia Stiles, Jennifer Image Ent. 04.06.2013 Copy) (Blu-ray) Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116370 Based on best-selling book by Matthew Quick, Silver Linings Jet Li Playbook is the riotous and poignant story of how a man Vampires, Chinese, Fantasy, Foreign, Ac- (Bradley Cooper) who has lost everything... his house, his Sleepy Hollow tion 2011 96min. job, his wife - reconnects with himself and creates his own Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Miranda silver linings from the bonds he forms with his family and Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.04.2013 friends. Richardson, Casper Van Dien, Jeffrey 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115958 Romance, Comedy, Drama 2012 117min. Jones, Michael Gambon - Dir. Tim Burton Master storyteller Tim Burton (Batman, Edward Starz / Anchor Bay 30.04.2013 Scissorhands) weaves an eerie, enchanting version of this The Sorcerer And The White 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115872 classic tale of horror. Johnny Depp is Ichabod Crane, an Snake (Blu-ray) eccentric investigator determined to stop the murderous Headless Horseman. Christina Ricci is Katrina Van Tassel, Jet Li Silver Linings Playbook (Blu-ray the beautiful and mysterious girl with secret ties to the Vampires, Chinese, Fantasy, Foreign, Ac- + DVD + Digital Copy + supernatural terror. tion 2011 96min. Horror, Movies, Mystery, Myths & Legends, Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.04.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Witches & Warlocks 1999 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116001 Chris Tucker, Julia Stiles, Jennifer Paramount 01.01.2013 Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116388 Based on best-selling book by Matthew Quick, Silver Linings Special Inspector Playbook is the riotous and poignant story of how a man Rita Hayworth, Charles Quigley (Bradley Cooper) who has lost everything... his house, his Sleepy Hollow (Blu-ray) job, his wife - reconnects with himself and creates his own This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using silver linings from the bonds he forms with his family and Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Christopher a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. friends. Walken, Christopher Lee, Miranda Charles Quigley tries to nab a ring of fur smugglers who stop truckers, kill them, and then reroute the furs across the Comedy, Drama, Romance 2012 117min. Richardson, Casper Van Dien, Jeffrey border. Rita Hayworth plays the sister of one of the murdered Starz / Anchor Bay 30.04.2013 Jones, Michael Gambon - Dir. Tim Burton truckers, and teams up with Quigley to smash the crooked 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115880 Master storyteller Tim Burton (Batman, Edward scheme. Scissorhands) weaves an eerie, enchanting version of this Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance 1938 classic tale of horror. Johnny Depp is Ichabod Crane, an 65min. Simply Irresistible eccentric investigator determined to stop the murderous

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SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 figures he’s bound for stardom; what he gets is a tough lesson Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, in what it means to be a class act...and the realization that his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116293 ex-partner wasn’t just a „stooge“ - he was a star. Featuring Television, USA Network 2012 min. the song favorite „Who’s Your Little Whozis?“ and a classic Universal Studios 28.05.2013 Springhill: Series One production number complete with rising curtains, falling 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116443 sandbags and a flying comic-on-a-rope, The Stooge is a movie Gilly Coman - Dir. Jon Woods, Simon treasure. Massey, Michael Kerrigan Classics, Comedy 1951 99min. Summoned Liz and Jack Freeman have been happily married for almost Paramount 21.05.2013 Cuba Gooding Jr., Bailey Chase, Ashley two decades, tending to their home and raising five boisterous children. But their lives are thrown into turmoil 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116075 Scott - Dir. Peter Sullivan with the unwelcome arrival of Eva Morrigan a vengeful woman Recently divorced artist Laura lives a quiet life in Marin who harbors the family’s darkest secrets. Eva is hell-bent on Stop-Loss County, spending time preparing for an upcoming show. One getting even with Liz, which drives the once-cheerful clan day, she sees a news story about a man named Nathan who’s into chaos. Channing Tatum, Abbie Cornish, Ryan Phil- been found dead, suspected of having jumped off the roof of his San Francisco apartment building. Something about this British, Drama, Foreign, , lippe, Ciaran Hinds, Timothy Olyphant, bothers her, and we follow her to a local retirement home, Supernatural & Paranormal, Television 1996 Victor Rasuk, Rob Brown, Alex Frost where she tells her friend Frank what’s happened. It turns out 624min. Ryan Phillippe leads an all-star cast in Stop-Loss, the that Laura, Frank and Nathan all served on the jury for one of inspirational film about family, friends, loyalty and San Francisco’s most high-profile cases - the trial of Acorn Media 18.06.2013 camaraderie. After completing his tour of duty, Brandon King infamous serial killer Evan Barber, known as the Midnight 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116382 (Phillippe) faces an unexpected new challenge that will put Murderer. The jury ultimately found Evan guilty, and he was him at odds with former soldiers and test the bonds with old executed soon afterward. While the authorities are quick to friends. Featuring rising stars Channing Tatum, Abbie dismiss Nathan’s death as a suicide, Laura is suspicious. Stalked At 17 Cornish and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Stop-Loss is the must- When Frank also turns up dead, the coincidence is too great Linda Purl, Jamie Luner, Amy Pietz, Brian own DVD that critics are hailing as „a generation-defining to ignore. She starts looking into Nathan’s last days, and Krause, Chuck Hittinger film“. (Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer) learns that he’d been working on a book about his War, War In The Middle East, Drama, Milita- experiences, and re-examining some of the evidence from the When 17 year old Angela (Taylor Spreitler) fell for Chad case. Meanwhile, Laura starts to get the feeling that someone, (Chuck Hittinger), he promised to love her forever. When she ry 2008 111min. or something, is following her. Could she be next? got pregnant with his child, he promised to take care of them Paramount 21.05.2013 both. When she realized he was deceptive and abusive, he Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 94min. promised to change. When she wanted to leave, he made one 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116076 Lionsgate 18.06.2013 final promise: to hunt her down and kill her if she ever took 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116244 his child away. If he can’t have them, no one can... Storming Juno Stalkers, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Love Kevin Jake Walker Super Buddies (Blu-ray + DVD + Gone Bad 2012 90min. Just after midnight on June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops MTI Home Video 21.05.2013 cross the English Channel to launch the largest seaborne Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116113 invasion in history. Their mission: to break through the Watch the fur fly as a new breed of superhero is born in coastal defenses of Hitler’s „Fortress Europe“ and establish a Disney’s fun-filled epic adventure. An ordinary day at western front. Based on actual events, journals and Fernfield Farms turns extraordinary when Budderball, The Star Chamber eyewitness accounts, Storming Juno follows the stories of Mudbud, B-Dawg, Buddha and Rosebud discover mysterious three young soldiers, who against incredible odds, secured a rings that grant them each a unique superpower. Before you Michael Douglas, Hal Holbrook, Yaphet beachhead on D-Day and helped to change the course of the can say, „Buddies, assemble,“ the pups unleash their amazing Kotto, Sharon Gless war. abilities and race to the rescue when a shape-shifting bully They Meet. They Judge. They Execute.. In this electrifying Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- from outer space threatens the planet. But can they succeed in drama, Steve Hardin (Michael Douglas), a young judge, must kicking major tail without revealing their new secret grapple with his conscience as vicious criminals in his court ry, Movies, TV Movies, War, World War II identities? A must-own movie event packed with laughter, are going free as a result of slick lawyers finding obscure 2010 89min. action and incredible new characters, Super Buddies proves loopholes in the law. Hardin feels utterly powerless until he E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 when you use your wits and work together, you don’t need discovers The Star Chamber a small group of powerful men 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116260 superpowers to be a superhero! bent on their own kind of vigilante justice. Meeting behind Superheroes, Comedy, Disney, Family, closed doors in the utmost secrecy, they decree their own Fantasy, Adventure 2013 min. punishment for the guilty who have slipped through the system Sucker Punch (Steelbook) (Blu- without paying for their crimes. Co-starring Hal Holbrook, Disney / Buena Vista 27.08.2013 The Star Chamber is a powerful drama and spellbinding ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115878 entertainment - a thriller as urgent and relevant as today’s headlines. Scott Glenn, Carla Gugino, Jena Malone, Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 1983 108min. Emily Browning, Abbie Cornish, Vanessa Super Buddies (DVD + Digital Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Hudgens, Oscar Isaac, Jon Hamm, Jamie Copy) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116187 Chung - Dir. Zack Snyder Watch the fur fly as a new breed of superhero is born in Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder Disney’s fun-filled epic adventure. An ordinary day at (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the Fernfield Farms turns extraordinary when Budderball, The Star Chamber (Blu-ray) vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides Mudbud, B-Dawg, Buddha and Rosebud discover mysterious Michael Douglas, Hal Holbrook, Yaphet the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Locked away rings that grant them each a unique superpower. Before you against her will, Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her can say, „Buddies, assemble,“ the pups unleash their amazing Kotto, Sharon Gless will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges abilities and race to the rescue when a shape-shifting bully The Meet. They Judge. They Execute.. In this electrifying four fellow captives - outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), from outer space threatens the planet. But can they succeed in drama, Steve Hardin (Michael Douglas), a young judge, must street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), fiercely loyal Amber kicking major tail without revealing their new secret grapple with his conscience as vicious criminals in his court (Jamie Chung) and reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish) - to identities? A must-own movie event packed with laughter, are going free as a result of slick lawyers finding obscure band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands action and incredible new characters, Super Buddies proves loopholes in the law. Hardin feels utterly powerless until he of their captors. when you use your wits and work together, you don’t need discovers The Star Chamber a small group of powerful men Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, superpowers to be a superhero! bent on their own kind of vigilante justice. Meeting behind closed doors in the utmost secrecy, they decree their own Movies 2011 110min. Superheroes, Adventure, Comedy, Disney, punishment for the guilty who have slipped through the system Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Family, Fantasy 2013 min. without paying for their crimes. Co-starring Hal Holbrook, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116350 Disney / Buena Vista 27.08.2013 The Star Chamber is a powerful drama and spellbinding entertainment - a thriller as urgent and relevant as today’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115865 headlines. Suits: Season Two (DVD + Drama, Mystery, Thrillers 1983 108min. UltraViolet) Supporting Characters Starz / Anchor Bay 28.05.2013 Gabriel Macht, Gina Torres, Rick Hoffman, Alex Karpovsky, Arielle Kebbel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116213 A smart, sexy comedy about life and love in the big city, Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty, Meghan starring Alex Karpovsky (Girls) as a New York film editor Markle torn between his long-term girlfriend and a beautiful young The Stooge Hotshot attorney Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht, Love and starlet. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Polly Bergen, Other Drugs) and legal prodigy Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams, Comedy 2013 89min. Luck) - who actually doesn’t have a law degree - return as Marion Marshall, Eddie Mayehoff the dynamic duo in season two of the hit series Suits. Harvey New Video DVD 18.06.2013 One Sings, One Clowns...Together They’re Showbiz Magic. and Mike continue to hide their secret as they deal with the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116156 One of the greatest comedy teams reached new entertainment ominous return of founding partner Daniel Hardman (David heights in this beloved film that mixes Martin and Lewis’ Costabile, Breaking Bad), juggle demanding caseloads, and trademark hilarity with a heart-tugging story of friendship. tackle dramatic developments in their personal lives. Co- Suspect Zero Dean Martin stars as Bill Miller, a struggling, 1930s starring Gina Torres (Gossip Girl), Meghan Markle (Horrible Aaron Eckhart, , Julian Reyes, vaudeville singer whose small act could use a big-time boost. Bosses), and Rick Hoffman (Samantha Who?), watch all 16 Help arrives in the form of fall-down-funny comic Ted Rogers episodes back to back and uninterrupted of the series critics Nicole DeHuff, William Mapother, Kevin (Jerry Lewis). Teamed together, Miller and Rogers climb to call „among the most enjoyable shows on TV“ (David Chamberlin, Brady Coleman, Frank Collison, the top of the showbiz , but as their success grows, so Wiegand, San Francisco Chronicle). does Miller’s ego. When Miller suddenly fires Rogers, he Aaron Donahue, Buddy Joe Hooker

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When tortured FBI agent Thomas Mackelway (Aaron Eckhart) challenges the veteran big leaguer to hold onto his values and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is called in to investigate a series of strange murders, the dreams as he undertakes the toughest contest of his life. 07.05.2013 trail leads to the enigmatic Benjamin O’Ryan (Academy Award Sports, Baseball, Drama 1991 91min. winner Ben Kingsley in a spellbinding performance). Trained 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116197 in a secret government program (enabling elite agents to Paramount 21.05.2013 telepathically get into the minds of killers), O’Ryan himself is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116099 hunting down what he has labeled the ultimate serial killer Teaching Mrs. Tingle (Blu-ray) and manifestation of evil - Suspect Zero. Mackelway, now Tales From The Darkside: The Helen Mirren, Vivica A. Fox, Molly Ring- reunited with his former partner (Carrie-Anne Moss), must wald, Katie Holmes, Jeffrey Tambor, Marisa determine if O’Ryan’s ability to identify with the murderers Movie has turned him into the very same type of monster he is trying Coughlan, Liz Stauber, Barry Watson to bring to justice. Could O’Ryan be Suspect Zero? Deborah Harry, Julianne Moore, Steve Written and directed by Kevin Williamson (Scream series, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2004 99min. Buscemi, Christian Slater, James Remar, TV’s Vampire Diaries), Teaching Mrs. Tingle is a cool, cutting-edge comedy starring Hollywood’s hottest young Paramount 21.05.2013 Rae Dawn Chong, William Hickey, David talent. Leigh Ann Watson (Katie Holmes, Mad Money) is the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116098 Johansen brightest girl at Grandsboro High...but her dreams of a much- From Stephen King (), Michael McDowell needed college scholarship are sabotaged when her history (Beetlejuice), George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead) teacher, the dreaded Mrs. Tingle (Helen Mirren, Red), The Sweeter Side Of Life and Arthur Conan Doyle (creator of Sherlock Holmes), comes falsely accuses her of cheating. Desperate to prove her James Best, Kathryn Morris, Alastair Tales From The Darkside: The Movie, an all-star horror innocence, Leigh Ann conspires with her friends Luke (Barry anthology packed with fun and fright. The Wraparound Story Watson, TV’s 7th Heaven) and Jo Lynn on a scheme that will Mackenzie - Dir. Michael Damian concerns a little boy who spins all the tales... to distract a teach Mrs. Tingle a lesson of her own. Before they know it, Desiree Harper’s (Kathryn Morris) perfect life as the wife of modern-day witch who wants to pop him in the oven! In Lot however, their plan spins hilariously out of control. Also a high-powered Manhattan doctor comes to a sudden end 249, a malevolent mummy gives new meaning to „final exams“ featuring Vivica A. Fox and Molly Ringwald - you’re sure to when her husband says he wants a divorce. To make matters when he awakens to wreak revenge on unsuspecting student delight in all the fun and thrills of this hip movie treat! worse, he invokes their ironclad pre-nup, leaving her bodies. A furry black kitty is really , and a penniless. Desiree soon finds herself abandoned by her rich Comedy, High School, Horror 1999 95min. Lover’s Vow brings a stone gargoyle to murderous life. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment friends and moves back to New Jersey to help her father run Anthologies, Horror 1990 93min. his struggling bakery. Though Desiree wants nothing more 07.05.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 than to return to her high-class life, spending time with her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115915 father causes her to see things differently. She rediscovers 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116100 her love of baking and puts her business degree to work to save her father’s shop. When Desiree’s success at the The Telephone Book (Blu-ray + bakery leads to an unexpected opportunity, will she choose to The Taste Of Money recapture what she’s lost, or what she’s recently husband In a mansion on the outskirts of Seoul lives one of the richest DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) unexpectedly dumps her for his acupuncturist. Faced with families in South Korea. Patriarch Yoon is the president of a Jill Clayburgh, Sarah Kennedy, Roger C. found? multinational conglomerate, but his wife Madame Baek really Comedy, Family, Movies, Television, TV holds all of the power. Her personal secretary Young-Jak, a Carmel, Ultra Violet, Norman Rose Movies 2013 81min. handsome young man newly introduced to the world of wealth A major, though forgotten, work from New York’s underground and influence, deals with the family’s immoral - and frequently film scene of the late 60s and early 70s, Nelson Lyon’s The Vivendi Visual Entertainment 16.07.2013 illegal - activities while he awaits his own opportunity to Telephone Book tells the story of a sex-obsessed hippie who 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116493 make it rich. When Madame Baek catches her husband having falls in love with the world’s greatest obscene phone caller an affair and exacts her revenge by seducing Young-Jak, a and embarks on a quest to find him. Her journey introduces to torrid series of intra-familial deceptions ensues in this sexy her to an avant-garde stag filmmaker, a manipulative Tai Chi Hero and controversial erotic thriller from South Korean master Im psychiatrist, a bored lesbian housewife, and more. Sang-soo. Photographed in high-contrast black-and-white, and Tony Leung Ka Fai, Daniel Wu - Dir. punctuated with a remarkable, surreal animated sequence, Stephen Fung Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Foreign, The Telephone Book is one of the greatest cult films you’ve Chinese steampunk martial arts blockbuster about the early Korean, Movies 2012 106min. probably never heard of. years of Tai chi master Yang Luchan, the man who founded in MPI 11.06.2013 CAV, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, the 19th century what has now become the most popular Tai Chi style in the world. The second instalment of the „Tai Chi“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116270 Romance 1971 87min. trilogy continues the journey of Yang Luchan, a gifted child CAV 07.05.2013 with a fleshy growth on his forehead who helped save a A Taste Of Romance 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116509 village from a frightening army of steampunk soldiers bearing strange machines with the knowledge of Tai Chi that they Bailee Madison, Teri Polo, James Patrick entrusted him with. Stuart The Ten Commandments Action, Adventure, Chinese, Foreign, Uptight French chef Sara Westbrook (Teri Polo) gets fired up Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Movies 2012 100min. when her upscale café, Chez Varenne, is suddenly overshadowed by a new restaurant moving in next door run by Yvonne De Carlo, Edward G. Robinson - Well Go USA 23.07.2013 a group of rowdy firemen. Led by handsome former fire fighter Dir. Cecil B. DeMille 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116441 Gill Callahan (James Patrick Stuart) and his friend Danny Throughout film history, Hollywood has produced a number of (Rockmond Dunbar), The Five Alarm Grill is soon a big sweeping epics and generation-defining movies. However, success while Sara and Patsy (Romy Rosemont), her pastry one film - Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments - has Tai Chi Hero (Blu-ray + DVD Com- chef, struggle to bring in customers. Sara suddenly softens stood the test of time. Universally recognized among critics bo) (Blu-ray) when she meets Gill’s ten-year-old daughter Hannah (Bailee as a cinematic masterpiece, this unforgettable motion picture Madison) who she can’t help but take under her wing when has also been recognized by The American Film Institute as Tony Leung Ka Fai, Daniel Wu - Dir. she learns Hannah is growing up without a mom. Ignoring the one of the „Top Ten“ epics of all time. From its Academy Stephen Fung obvious tension between her dad and Sara, Hannah is soon Award-winning director and revolutionary Oscar-winning Chinese steampunk martial arts blockbuster about the early playing matchmaker. As Gill and Sara slowly begin to stir up special effects to its memorable music score and all-star cast, years of Tai chi master Yang Luchan, the man who founded in romance, their relationship is tested once again when a local The Ten Commandments presents the story of Moses in all of the 19th century what has now become the most popular Tai food critic gets in the mix. Can the couple resist the its stunning glory. Starring Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Chi style in the world. The second instalment of the „Tai Chi“ temptation to compete with each other, or will the heat of Anne Baxter and a „who’s who“ of legendary screen talent, trilogy continues the journey of Yang Luchan, a gifted child competition drive them apart? the film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including with a fleshy growth on his forehead who helped save a Romance, TV Movies, Family 2011 87min. Best Picture of 1956. Now fully restored to a stunning new village from a frightening army of steampunk soldiers bearing Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.06.2013 visual experience, The Ten Commandments looks better than strange machines with the knowledge of Tai Chi that they ever and remains one of the most revered films of all time. entrusted him with. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115851 Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Classics, Dra- Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Chinese, ma, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, History Foreign, Movies 2012 100min. Taxi Driver (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) & Events, Movies, National Film Registry, Well Go USA 23.07.2013 (Blu-ray) Religion/Spirituality 1956 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116447 Robert De Niro, Shepherd, Leonard Paramount 01.01.2013 Harris, , Harvey Keitel, Albert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116387 Talent For The Game Brooks, Peter Boyle Edward James Olmos, Lorraine Bracco Winner of the prestigious Golden Palm at the Cannes Film The Ten Commandments (Blu-ray) One more season. One more road trip. One more chance for Festival (1976) and nominated for 4 Academy Awards Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, lightning to strike.. Major League baseball scout Virgil Sweet including Best Picture (1976), Taxi Driver stars Robert De lives for the coming of spring - the scent of fresh cut grass, Niro in Martin Scorsese’s classic film about a psychotic New Yvonne De Carlo, Edward G. Robinson - the sight of blistering fast balls burrowing into a catcher’s York cabby driven to violence by loneliness and desperation. Dir. Cecil B. DeMille mitt, the sound of the umpire’s „Play Ball.“ But this spring Co-starring Jodie Foster, Albert Brooks, Harvey Keitel, Peter Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Blu-ray, Virgil’s career is threatened when the team’s new owner Boyle, Cybill Shepherd, the film is presented on Blu-ray for decides to eliminate the scouting program... and Virgil along the first time following an extensive 4K restoration and Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period with it. His only hope lies in finding a gifted prospect to save remastering under the guidance of cinematographer Michael Piece, History & Events, Movies, National the struggling franchise. Edward James Olmos (Academy Chapman and director Martin Scorsese. Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality 1956 min. Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, AFI Award® nominee for Stand and Deliver) plays Virgil Sweet, Paramount 01.01.2013 whose career balances on a young pitching phenom (Jeff Top 100, National Film Registry, Thrillers, Corbett). Academy Award® nominee Lorraine Bracco (The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116394 Sopranos, Goodfellas) stars as Virgil’s girlfriend, who Vigilante Justice 1976 114min.

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visionary scientist invents a revolutionary machine that propels him 800,000 years into the future. There he discovers That Was Then... This Is Now that humans have evolved into two groups- the hunters and Trading Places Kim Delaney, Barbara Babcock, Craig the hunted. Now he must fight to save himself, and all of Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee mankind, in a final desperate battle. This spectacular thrill Sheffer, Emilio Estevez ride of a movie stars Guy Pearce, Orlando Jones, and Curtis, , , Emilio Estevez and Craig Sheffer light up the screen in this Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons in a remarkable film Malcolm Campbell exciting drama about the delicate balance of teenage featuring „dazzling effects that will wow you.“ What happens when you combine the comic genius of Eddie friendship. That Was Then... This Is Now tells the story of Science Fiction, Time Travel 2002 96min. Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) with Dan Aykroyd two boys raised as brothers who take on the challenges of (Ghostbusters, Christmas With The Kranks) and director growing up and the challenges of the street with equal Paramount 21.05.2013 John Landis (Animal House, Coming To America)? You get a determination. They’re an inseparable, unstoppable team that’ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116102 timeless comedy classic laced with sidesplitting, satiric about to face the first barrier they can’t knock down... the humor. Murphy stars as a small time con artist who gets a pressure of manhood. That Was Then...This Is Now is based chance to switch lives with Aykroyd’s big time stock market on the best-selling novel by S.E. Hinton, author of Tex, The Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil: maven. But their reversal of fortunes is just a cruel joke Outsiders and . The Complete Second Season perpetrated by two bored mega rich brothers (Don Ameche Drama 1985 101min. and Ralph Bellamy) as part of an idle bet. And when the truth Paramount 21.05.2013 Jason Mewes, Alex House, Chris Leavins, comes out... the consequences are sheer comedy gold! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116101 Maggie Castle On The Job, Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1983 A stoner metal-head named Todd Smith, his crushee Jenny, his min. best friend Curtis and the geeky Hannah search their high Paramount 01.01.2013 Things To Come: The Criterion school for a mayhem causing Satanic spell-book, while being opposed by Atticus, the evil guidance counselor. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116047 Collection Todd & The Book Of Pure Evil Series, Ralph Richardson, Raymod Massey, Ann Adventure, Comedy, High School, Horror, Trading Places: Special Todd, Margaretta Scott, Pearl Argyle, Sir Science Fiction, Television 2012 346min. Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) Cedric Hardwicke, Edward Chapman, Mau- E1 Entertainment 25.06.2013 Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Jamie Lee rice Braddell 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116277 A landmark collaboration between writer H. G. Wells (Island Curtis, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche, of Lost Souls), producer Alexander Korda (The Thief of Malcolm Campbell Bagdad), and designer and director William Cameron Menzies Top Secret! What happens when you combine the comic genius of Eddie (Gone with the Wind), Things to Come is a science fiction film Lucy Gutteridge, Val Kilmer, Warren Clarke, Murphy (Norbit, Dreamgirls) with Dan Aykroyd like no other, a prescient political work that predicts a (Ghostbusters, Christmas With The Kranks) and director century of turmoil and progress. Skipping through time, Things Jeremy Kemp John Landis (Animal House, Coming To America)? You get a to Come bears witness to world war, dictatorship, disease, If you were sitting around wondering if the guys who brought timeless comedy classic laced with sidesplitting, satiric the rise of television, and finally, . Conceived, written, you Airplane! and The Naked Gun are crazy, the answer is humor. Murphy stars as a small time con artist who gets a and overseen by Wells himself as an adaptation of his own „Yes.“ And Top Secret! proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt! chance to switch lives with Aykroyd’s big time stock market work, this mega-budgeted production, the most ambitious ever „Top Secret!“ pits American rock star Nick Rivers (Val maven. But their reversal of fortunes is just a cruel joke from Korda’s London Films, is a triumph of imagination and Kilmer) against the dreaded East German High Command. It’s perpetrated by two bored mega rich brothers (Don Ameche technical audacity. a race against time as Nick teams up with Hillary Flammond and Ralph Bellamy) as part of an idle bet. And when the truth Science Fiction, Apocalyptic Future, (Lucy Gutteridge) to find her father before he can create the comes out... the consequences are sheer comedy gold! ultimate super weapon - the Polaris Mine. Along the way, „Top Classics, Criterion Collection 1936 97min. Secret!“ manages to do for war epics and Elvis films what Buddy Pictures, Comedy, On The Job 1983 Criterion 18.06.2013 „Airplane!“ did to disaster movies. min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116087 Comedy 1984 90min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Paramount 21.05.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116055 Things To Come: The Criterion 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116103 Collection (Blu-ray) True Colors Ralph Richardson, Raymod Massey, Ann Tower Block John Cusack, James Spader, Richard Todd, Margaretta Scott, Pearl Argyle, Sir Ralph Brown, , Sheridan Widmark, Imogen Stubbs, Patinkin Cedric Hardwicke, Edward Chapman, Mau- Smith They’re the best of friends. Soon, they’ll be the worst of Several months after witnessing a murder, residents of Tower enemies. John Cusack (America’s , Say rice Braddell Block 31 find themselves being picked off by a sniper, pitting Anything), James Spader (Sex, Lies and Videotape, Pretty In A landmark collaboration between writer H. G. Wells (Island those lucky enough to be alive into a battle for survival. Pink) star in this dramatic, absorbing story of two friends who of Lost Souls), producer Alexander Korda (The Thief of move from law school to Washington’s corridors of power. Bagdad), and designer and director William Cameron Menzies British, Foreign, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Cusack plays Peter, a lower-class go-getter who climbs to (Gone with the Wind), Things to Come is a science fiction film 87min. the position of congressman by betraying everyone who ever like no other, a prescient political work that predicts a Shout Factory 02.07.2013 trusted him, including idealistic blue-blooded pal Tim century of turmoil and progress. Skipping through time, Things (Spader). Tim, of course, would never cross a friend. Unless to Come bears witness to world war, dictatorship, disease, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116458 it was to avenge his own betrayal... the rise of television, and finally, utopia. Conceived, written, Revenge, Drama, Friendships 1991 110min. and overseen by Wells himself as an adaptation of his own Tower Block (Blu-ray) work, this mega-budgeted production, the most ambitious ever Paramount 21.05.2013 from Korda’s London Films, is a triumph of imagination and Ralph Brown, Russell Tovey, Sheridan 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116104 technical audacity. Smith Classics, Criterion Collection, Apocalyptic Several months after witnessing a murder, residents of Tower True Grit (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Future, Science Fiction 1936 97min. Block 31 find themselves being picked off by a sniper, pitting Strother Martin, John Wayne, Robert Duvall, Criterion 18.06.2013 those lucky enough to be alive into a battle for survival. Shout Factory, British, Foreign, Movies, Glen Campbell, Jeremy Slate, Kim Darby - 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116126 Thrillers 2012 87min. Dir. Henry Hathaway Shout Factory 02.07.2013 John Wayne earned the 1969 „Best Actor“ Academy Award® Thrill Hunter for this larger-than-life performance as the drunken, uncouth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116469 and totally fearless one-eyes U.S. Marshall, Rooster Buck Jones, Edward Le Saint, Dorothy Cogburn. The cantankerous Rooster is hired by a headstrong Revier - Dir. George B. Seitz The Town (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) young girl (Kim Darby) to find the man who murdered her This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using father and fled with the family savings. When Cogburn’s a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Pete Postlethwaite, Ben Affleck, Chris employer insists on accompanying the old gunfighter, sparks Thrill Hunter with Buck Jones, is about a man who lies Cooper, Titus Welliver, Jeremy Renner, fly. And the situation goes from troubled to disastrous when an excessively and is overheard by members of a movie company, inexperienced Texas Ranger (Glen Campbell) joins the party. who then hire him to put his money where his blabbing mouth Rebecca Hall, Blake Lively, Jon Hamm - Dir. Laughter and tears punctuate the wild action in this is. In the process he wrecks countless cars and cracks up a Ben Affleck extraordinary Western which also features performances by plane while performing stuntwork. He loses his job but comes As he plans a job that could result in his gang’s biggest score Robert Duvall, Jeremy Slate and Strother Martin. through in the end and manages to win over Dorothy Revier. ever, a longtime thief plans a way out of the life and the town Paramount, Drama, Movies, Western 2010 Comedy, Movies, Western 1933 60min. while dodging the FBI agent looking to bring him and his bank- robbing crew down. In addition to heading an electrifing cast, 127min. SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 Ben Affleck also directed and co-wrote this suspenseful, Paramount 07.05.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116292 critically acclaimed crime thriller that unfolds - and often - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116352 explodesacross gritty Boston locations. Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Black Lively, Titus Welliver, Pete The Time Machine Postlethwaite and Chris Cooper also star. The Tuxedo Guy Pearce, Jeremy Irons, Samantha Warner Bros., Caper, Crime, Drama, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jackie Chan, Peter Mumba, Orlando Jones, Mark Addy Movies, Thieves, Thrillers 2010 125min. Stormare, Debi Mazar, Jason Isaacs The Time Machine explodes with pulse-pounding action in a Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 Suit up for action!. International action-comedy star Jackie visually stunning film the critics are calling „a thrilling, heart- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116351 Chan is tailor-made for The Tuxedo, a roller coaster ride full stopping adventure.“ Desperate to alter the course of time, a of laughs, kinetic kicks and signature stunts. Jimmy Tong

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(Chan) is an ordinary cabbie-turned-chauffeur who slips into R Squared Films, Inc. 12.03.2013 Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, John Hurt, a 2 billion-dollar, super-spy suit and inadvertently becomes a dashing secret agent. Fit for trouble, this deluxe tux 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115894 Stephen Rea, Rupert Graves, John unwittingly thrusts Chan and his dazzling partner Jennifer Standing, Sinead Cusack, Stephen Fry, Ben Love Hewitt into a dangerous world of international The Untouchables Miles, Roger Allam, Natasha Wightman, espionage. Slip into The Tuxedo for non-stop fun and action. Eddie Marsan - Dir. James McTeigue Music, Action, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Andy Garcia, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, In Martial Arts 2002 99min. Smith, Kevin Costner, Robert De Niro - Dir. The Future..., Movies, Politics, Revenge, Paramount 21.05.2013 Brian De Palma Science Fiction, Thrillers, Totalitarian 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116105 The critics and public agree. Brian DePalma’s The Untouchables is a must see masterpiece - a glorious, fierce, Governments 2005 132min. larger-than-life depiction of the mob warlord who ruled Prohi- Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 : Season 2 bition-era Chicago...and the law enforcer who vowed to bring him down. This classic confrontation between good and evil 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116353 Burgess Meredith, Art Carney, William stars Kevin Costner as federal agent Eliot Ness, Robert Shatner, , Don Rickles, DeNiro as gangland kingpin Al Capone and Sean Connery as Venom Sydney Pollack, Rod Serling, Dick York, Bill Malone, the cop who teaches Ness how to beat the mob: shoot fast and shoot first. Jessica Morris, Roberto Sanchez/Gloria Mumy - Dir. Don Medord, Douglas Heyes, Academy Award Winners, Action, Biopics, Matancer Richard L. Bare Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Helen and her 12-year-old daughter, Lilly, are driving to the All 29 episodes of the second season of Rod Serling’s Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 1987 min. desert for some time away from Hollywood. After squashing a classic, groundbreaking series! rattlesnake under her wheels, another Rattler manages to Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Paramount 01.01.2013 slither into Helen’s car and her. Distracted by the painful Science Fiction, Supernatural & 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116390 bite, Helen crashes her car into a ditch. Stranded in the desert with no phone and water, Helen and Lilly go on a Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 1961 desperate search for a doctor and safety. Yet, wherever they 749min. The Untouchables (Blu-ray) go, the Rattler follows quickly behind. With Helen’s body Image Ent. 04.06.2013 Andy Garcia, Sean Connery, Charles Martin growing weaker and slower, it makes it easier for the clever snake to attack. But why is the snake following them, hunting 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116371 Smith, Kevin Costner, Robert De Niro - Dir. them and ready to kill? And why is the Rattler not the only Brian De Palma enemy who is after the two? Twisted The critics and public agree. Brian DePalma’s The Horror, Killer Animals, Movies, Thrillers Untouchables is a must see masterpiece - a glorious, fierce, Andy Garcia, Ashley Judd, Samuel L. larger-than-life depiction of the mob warlord who ruled Prohi- 2012 92min. Jackson, Camryn Manheim, David bition-era Chicago...and the law enforcer who vowed to bring MTI Home Video 18.06.2013 him down. This classic confrontation between good and evil 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116437 Strathairn, Russell Wong, Mark Pellegrino stars Kevin Costner as federal agent Eliot Ness, Robert Simmering with nail-biting suspense, Twisted is a DeNiro as gangland kingpin Al Capone and Sean Connery as provocative, pulse-pounding psychological thriller that will Malone, the cop who teaches Ness how to beat the mob: shoot The Verdict (Blu-ray) keep you guessing to the very end. fast and shoot first. Paul Newman, James Mason, Charlotte Thrillers 2004 96min. Academy Award Winners, Action, Biopics, Rampling, Jack Warden, , Ri- Paramount 21.05.2013 Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period chard D. Zanuck, David Brown, Sidney 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116106 Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 1987 Lumet, Richard D. Zanuck, David Brown, min. Ultimate Gangsters Collection: Barry Reed Paramount 01.01.2013 Nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Picture, Classics (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116397 Best director and Best Actor, The Verdict is „stirring, entertaining cinema“ (US)! This Blu-ray - release is packed Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Humphrey with compelling special features including on-camera Bogart, Edward G. Robinson, Dick Foran, Upside Down interviews with Oscar winner Paul Newman and legendary Eddie Acuff, Charlie Grapewin, Joseph Kirsten Dunst, Timothy Spall, Jim Sturgess - director Sidney Lumet and is the perfect way to experience „one of the finest courtroom movies ever made“ (New York)! Sawyer Dir. Juan Solanas Frank Galvin (Newman) is a boozy washed-up attorney with a Classics, Collections, Drama, Film Noir, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, losing streak a mile long. so when he’s handed a lucrative Gangs 358min. Science Fiction 2012 100min. out-of-court settlement, everyone expects him to take the money and run. But Frank is tired of running. In a desperate Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 Millennium Entertainment 25.06.2013 bid to reclaim his self-respect, he recklessly brings the case 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116006 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116288 to court - only to discover that if finding the whole truth is a little like trial and error, then finding real justice is a lot like trial by fire. Ultimate Gangsters Collection: Upside Down 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1982 Contemporary (Blu-ray) Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) 129min. Matt Damon, Martin Sheen, Mark Wahlberg, Kirsten Dunst, Timothy Spall, Jim Sturgess - 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Blake Lively, Rebecca Hall, Peter Onorati, Dir. Juan Solanas 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115897 Frank Sivero, Vera Farmiga, Lorraine PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Bracco, Robert De Niro, Ben Affleck, Alec A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Vexed: Series 2 Baldwin, Ray Liotta, Jack Nicholson, standard Blu-ray players. Toby Stephens, Miranda Raison - Dir. Ian Leonardo DiCaprio, Chris Cooper, Ray Millennium Entertainment, Blu-ray 3D, Dra- Fitzgibbon Winstone, Pete Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, ma, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Science London cop Jack Armstrong (Toby Stephens, Jane Eyre, Die Joe Pesci, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Titus Fiction 2012 100min. Another Day) has been assigned a new partner, and he’s not happy about it. Worried that „George“ will cramp his Welliver Millennium Entertainment 25.06.2013 freewheeling style and tell him how to do his job, Jack is Caper, Collections, Cops, Cops On The 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116357 shocked to meet bright, beautiful DI Georgina Dixon (Miranda Edge, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Raison, MI-5) instead. The two detectives couldn’t be more different. He’s a slacker; she’s a fast-tracker. He’s cocky, Academy Award Winners, Thieves, Thril- Upside Down 3D (Blu-ray 3D + she’s cool. He’s slovenly, sexist, and set in his ways. She’s lers min. Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) smart, self-reliant, and serious about her career. In spite of Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 themselves, they learn to work together, solving a murder at a Kirsten Dunst, Timothy Spall, Jim Sturgess - 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116133 car dealership and the gruesome death of a headmaster at an Dir. Juan Solanas exclusive school, among other cases. Stephens and Raison PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which „fairly crackle“ (The Independent, U.K.) chemistry in this Underground Lizard People is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. British buddy cop drama with a twist. Based on actual eye witness accounts. A group of passionate A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all British, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, filmmakers, led by director, Jason Watts, venture deep into standard Blu-ray players. Mystery, Television 2012 365min. the mysterious underground Banning Tunnels to unearth the Millennium Entertainment, Blu-ray 3D, Dra- Acorn Media 04.06.2013 truth regarding a series of disappearances. After a series of ma, Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Science run-ins with some of the tunnel’s inhabitants, including the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116381 childlike Roy and the mysterious Chip, the group soon finds Fiction 2012 100min. the answer to the mystery, a forgotten civilization of half Millennium Entertainment 25.06.2013 Violet And Daisy human, half lizards. The young film crew soon become victims 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116356 of vicious attacks from the creatures and learn that they are James Gandolfini, Danny Trejo, Alexis lost in the maze of tunnels. They must flee and fight for their Bledel, Tatiana Maslany - Dir. Geoffrey lives to avoid making the Banning Tunnels their graves. V For Vendetta (Steelbook) (Blu- Fletcher Thrillers, Horror 2011 70min. ray) Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Movies 2011

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA min. tell the tale of how the west was truly won. They were hard- Comedy 2005 101min. working people, determined and driven by the promise of rich New Video DVD 30.07.2013 fertile land and the freedom and prosperity that it would bring. Paramount 21.05.2013 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116420 But to get there they would have to make the hardest trip of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116108 their lives and to succeed they would need strong, knowledgeable people to led the way. The Virginian: The Eighth And Western, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama : The Complete Se- Final Season min. cond Season John McIntire, James Drury, Doug McClure, Shout Factory 11.06.2013 Courteney Cox, Steven Weber, Lisa Jeanette Nolan 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115997 Kudrow, Alan Cumming, Lily Tomlin, Victor Owen Wister’s 1902 western novel The Virginian was one of Garber, , Dan Bucatinsky, the first great novels of the American West. Set in the semi- mythical town of Medicine Bow, Wyoming in the 1890s, it War: 10 Movie Collection Rashida Jones chronicled the lives and relationships of the people who came John Wayne, Cary Grant, Janet Leigh, Jay Fiona Wallice is a therapist with little patience for her west and settled the wild land. The Virginian was the first 90 patients. Tired of hearing about people’s problems for fifty minute television western, airing in prime time on NBC from C. Flippen, Jack Oakie, Frederic March long minutes, she devises a new treatment, the three-minute 1962-1971. The Eighth and Final Season of The Virginian was Romance, War, Action, Aerial Action, video chat. And still, the sessions end up being largely about followed up by a season of The Men From Shiloh. The stellar Collections, Drama, Military min. her. If she’s your therapist, you’ve got problems. Emmy Award cast from the Eighth Season includes James Drury, Doug winner co-created, produces and stars in this McClure, John McIntire, Jeanette Nolan and Sara Lane. Universal Studios 04.06.2013 outrageous therapeutic send-up. Originally produced as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116234 webisodes, Web Therapy features an A-list guest cast who, Action, Drama, NBC, Television, Western along with Kudrow, improvise their performances with 1962 1800min. hilarious results. Shout Factory 16.07.2013 The Warriors: Ultimate Director’s Web Therapy Series, Showtime, Television 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116495 Cut 2012 350min. Can You Dig It?. Director Walter Hill claims his turf with The E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 Virtuosity Warriors Ultimate Director’s Cut! It’s the stunning, must-see 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116273 version of the classic film, loaded with special features that Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, Louise pack extra punch. The Warriors are ready to fight their way Fletcher, Kelly Lynch, William Forsythe, back to Coney Island, but standing in their path are some of Whispers In The Dark the baddest, out-for-blood gangs in New York City. It’ll take every bit of street smarts and every weapon they can find to Annabella Sciorra, Jamey Sheridan, Justice Needs A New Program.. He’s a composite of some 200 make it back alive! Anthony LaPaglia, Deborah Unger Mako, Jill personalities, each and every one a notorious killer. He’s Sid 6.7, a virtual reality creation designed to put L.A. police Thrillers, Action, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Clayburgh, John Leguizamo, Alan Alda officers to the test. But Sid isn’t playing games anymore. He’s Gangs 1979 min. Deception. Betrayal. Seduction. Murder. Her Life Depends escaped the bounds of cyberspace. And if you think he’s Paramount 01.01.2013 On Every Word.. Manhattan psychiatrist Ann Hecker unconquerable in the world of bits and bytes, wait till you see (Annabella Sciorra, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, Jungle what Sid has in store for a world of flesh and blood. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116079 Fever) is haunted by secret fantasies - recurring erotic dreams inspired by the bondage-and-sex confessions of a Science Fiction, Action, Cops 1995 105min. lustful patient (Deborah Unger). Seeking help, Ann Paramount 21.05.2013 The Warriors: Ultimate Director’s approaches her university mentor, Dr. Leo Green (Alan Alda). 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116107 Cut (Blu-ray) But real treatment comes when Ann meets Doug McDowell (Jamey Sheridan), a ruggedly handsome pilot whose This is a Blu-Ray DVD made for Blue-laser Format players affections spark a love affair beyond Ann’s wildest fantasies. Viva Zapata! (Blu-ray) which produce higher quality picture and sound.. Director Then one of Ann’s patients turns up dead with clues pointing Walter Hill claims his turf with The Warriors: Ultimate to Doug as the murderer. Can Ann trust this man she hardly Anthony Quinn, Jean Peters, Marlon Director’s Cut! It’s the stunning, must-see version of the knows? Is he after her love...or her life? With unrelenting, Brando classic film, loaded with special features that pack extra pulse-pounding suspense, Whispers In The Dark is an edge- The life and times of the legendary Mexican revolutionary punch. The Warriors are ready to fight their way back to of-your-seat thriller that will keep you guessing until its Emiliano Zapata are brought to the screen in Darryl F. Coney Island, but standing in their path are some of the shocking, fever-pitched end. Co-starring Anthony Lapaglia Zanuck’s powerful production of ’s screenplay. baddest, out-for-blood gangs in New York City. It’ll take (One Good Cop) and Jill Clayburgh. , fresh from his success in A Streetcar Named every bit of street smarts and every weapon they can find to Thrillers 1992 101min. Desire, gives a stunning portrayal of the outlaw turned make it back alive! revolutionary leader. The film also boasts Anthony Quinn’s Thrillers, Cult Film / TV, Exploitation, Gangs, Paramount 21.05.2013 1952 Best Supporting Actor Oscar-Winning performance as Action 1979 min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116109 Zapata’s brother. Viva Zapata! is one of the classic political movies and another fine example of Brando’s genius as a film Paramount 01.01.2013 actor. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116086 White Heat (Blu-ray) Drama, Biography, Biopics, War, Western Virginia Mayo, James Cagney, Fred Clark 1952 113min. Watchmen (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) As a psychotic thug devoted to his hard-boiled ma, James Cagney - older, scarier and just as electrifying - gives a 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 , Carla Gugino, Jackie Earle performance to match his work in The Public Enemy as White 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115896 Haley, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Goode, Heat’s cold-blooded Cody Jarrett. Bracingly directed by Raoul Walsh, this fast-paced thriller tracing Jarrett’s violent Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Malin Akerman - Dir. life in and out of jail is also a harrowing character study. Viva Zapata! (Repackage) Zack Snyder Jarrett is a psychological time bomb ruled by impulse. he Anthony Quinn, Jean Peters, Marlon Someone’s killing our super heroes. The year is 1985 and murders a wounded accomplice and revels in the act. He super heroes have banded together to respond to the murder neglects his sultry wife (Virginia Mayo) and adores his doting Brando of one of their own. They soon uncover a sinister plot that mother. It is among the most vivid screen performances of The life and times of the legendary Mexican revolutionary puts all of humanity in grave danger. The super heroes fight to Cagney’s career, and the excitement it generates will put you Emiliano Zapata are brought to the screen in Darryl F. stop the impending doom only to find themselves a target for on top of the world! Zanuck’s powerful production of John Steinbeck’s screenplay. annihilation. But, if our super heroes are gone, who will save Marlon Brando, fresh from his success in A Streetcar Named Classics, Drama, Film Noir, National Film us? Registry, Thrillers 1949 113min. Desire, gives a stunning portrayal of the outlaw turned Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, revolutionary leader. The film also boasts Anthony Quinn’s Warner Bros. 21.05.2013 Drama, End Of The World, Epics, Fantasy, 1952 Best Supporting Actor Oscar-Winning performance as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116007 Zapata’s brother. Viva Zapata! is one of the classic political Movies, Science Fiction, Superheroes, movies and another fine example of Brando’s genius as a film Thrillers 2009 162min. actor. Wild Strawberries: The Criterion War, Western, Biography, Biopics, Drama Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 1952 113min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116354 Collection (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 07.05.2013 Victor Sjostrom The Weather Man The film that catapulted Ingmar Bergman to the forefront of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115881 world cinema is the director’s richest, most humane movie. Nicolas Cage, Hope Davis, Michael Caine, Traveling to receive an honorary degree, professor Isak Borg Wagon Train: The Final Season Gil Bellows, Michael Rispoli (masterfully played by the veteran Swedish director Victor In Life, Accuracy Counts.. Chicago weatherman David Spritz Sjostrom) is forced to face his past, come to terms with his John McIntire, Frank McGrath, Denny Miller (Nicolas Cage) is living the life most of us dream of: he’s a faults, and accept his approaching death. Through flashbacks Inspired by the classic western film Wagonmaster, directed celebrity, makes a six figure salary working two hours a day, and fantasies, dreams and nightmares, Wild Strawberries by John Ford (The Searchers, Stagecoach), Wagon Train and is on the short list for the meteorologist job on a national captures a startling voyage of self-discovery and renewed debuted on Wednesday, September 18, 1957 on the NBC morning show. But his professional successes are over- belief in mankind. Television Network. Following the stories of a wagon train as shadowed by his personal failures. He’s divorced from his Special Editions, Swedish, Classics, it leaves Missouri on it’s way to California, each episode wife, his kids are slipping away from him and even his Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Art focuses on a personal story of courage and perseverance of Pulitzer Prize winning father (Michael Caine) won’t take him not just the main cast, but of the westward-bound emigrants as seriously. Part American Beauty, part About Schmidt, The House 1957 91min. they made the perilous journey from the banks of the Missis- Weather Man takes a closer look at living a meaningful life in Criterion 11.06.2013 sippi to the Pacific shores. In the face of great odds, their a fast-food world. uplifting, heart-warming, and at times heart-breaking stories 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116125

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Rules), his eccentric editor (Robert Downey, Jr.), the married Plotnick, Steve Little - Dir. Quentin Dupieux The Wild West chancellor of his university (Frances McDormand, Fargo) From electronicsician-turned-director/writer/editor/ who is pregnant with his child and his sultry student boarder cinematographer/composer Quentin Dupieux (Rubber, Steak) Given Hollywood’s fascination with the Old West, you’d be (Katie Holmes, Dawson’s Creek). Directed by Curtis Hanson Wrong is a willfully surreal comedy, which made its world forgiven for thinking there’s been no stone left unturned in (L.A. Confidential), this darkly comedic odyssey of self- premiere at the 2012 , about a man’s depicting some of the era’s most colourful characters; many of discovery was hailed by Roger Ebert as „one of the best frantic search for his kidnapped dog and the strange the truths have been distorted by myth - until now. Wild West movies of the year.“ characters he encounters along the way. Dolph Springer is the docudrama series that re-evaluates three of most Teachers, Comedy, Drama 2000 112min. wakes up one morning to realize he has lost the love of his famous figures of the time - Colonel Custer’s last stand at Paramount 21.05.2013 life, his dog, Paul. During his quest to get Paul (and his life) Little Bighorn, Billy the Kid and the role that Wyatt Earp back, Dolph radically changes the lives of others. In his played in the gunfight at the OK Corral. Wild West presents 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116110 journey to find Paul, Dolph may lose something even more the facts, uncovering secrets and twists, proving once and for vital - his mind. all, fact can be a lot interesting than fiction. Comedy, Detectives, Drama, Movies 2012 Western, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, The Wood 93min. International TV min. Taye Diggs, Omar Epps, Richard T. Jones, Image Ent. 11.06.2013 BBC Home Video 18.06.2013 Sean Nelson From boyhood to manhood, you can always count on your best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116377 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116145 friends.. Lots of guys have second thoughts about marriage. Three hours before his wedding, Roland (Taye Diggs) is Wilfred: The Complete Second having third, fourth and fifth thoughts. Good thing he’s got Wrong (Blu-ray) best buddies Slim (Richard T. Jones) and Mike (Omar Epps) William Fichtner, Alexis Dziena, Jack Season around to help sort those feelings out - and to remember their coming-of-age days in the „The Wood“ (Inglewood, Plotnick, Steve Little - Dir. Quentin Dupieux Elijah Wood, Jason Gann, Fiona Gubelmann California). From the big dance to first love, the rites of From electronicsician-turned-director/writer/editor/ Elijah Wood and Jason Gann return for another fearlessly passage that are part of everyone’s growing up are winningly cinematographer/composer Quentin Dupieux (Rubber, Steak) funny season of Wilfred... the story of a dog and his man. chronicled in this unforgettable tale of laughs and friendship Wrong is a willfully surreal comedy, which made its world Following the first season’s cliff-hanger finale, Season Two that’s set to the most memorable musical grooves of the ’80s. premiere at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, about a man’s finds Ryan making a fresh start with a real job and a new frantic search for his kidnapped dog and the strange girlfriend. But with Wilfred’s help, Ryan discovers he still Romance, Comedy, Drama 1999 104min. characters he encounters along the way. Dolph Springer has a lot to learn about life, including „squishy“ viral videos Paramount 21.05.2013 wakes up one morning to realize he has lost the love of his and the ongoing cuteness war between dogs and babies. Get 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116111 life, his dog, Paul. During his quest to get Paul (and his life) your paws on Season Two - with a shocking season-ending back, Dolph radically changes the lives of others. In his revelation that will change everything. journey to find Paul, Dolph may lose something even more Comedy, FX, Television 2012 286min. Workaholics: Season Three vital - his mind. 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson, Anders Image Ent., Comedy, Detectives, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116434 Holm Movies 2012 93min. TelAmeriCorp’s chief slackers Adam, Anders, and Blake clock Image Ent. 11.06.2013 in for another with Workaholics: Season 3 on Blu-ray 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116393 Wilfred: The Complete Second and DVD containing the latest 20 episodes from Comedy Season (Blu-ray) Central’s hit series. This time; the boys get a surprise visit from home, help a coworker spy on a cheating spouse, and The Yakuza And The Mermaid Elijah Wood, Jason Gann, Fiona Gubelmann welcome their newest roommates, and Jesus, into their A writer having trouble finishing a crime story meets a Elijah Wood and Jason Gann return for another fearlessly bachelor pad. mysterious woman who literally brings his characters to life. funny season of Wilfred... the story of a dog and his man. Work Sucks, Comedy, Comedy Central, Unfortunately, the gangster in his story just wants to be left Following the first season’s cliff-hanger finale, Season Two Substance Abuse 2013 440min. alone, even if it means killing the writer. Meanwhile the writer finds Ryan making a fresh start with a real job and a new and the mysterious woman embark on their own twisting girlfriend. But with Wilfred’s help, Ryan discovers he still Comedy Central 18.06.2013 romantic narrative. has a lot to learn about life, including „squishy“ viral videos 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116063 and the ongoing cuteness war between dogs and babies. Get Romance, Fantasy 2012 100min. your paws on Season Two - with a shocking season-ending R Squared Films, Inc. 12.03.2013 revelation that will change everything. Workaholics: Season Three (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115895 20th Century Fox, Comedy, FX, Television ray) 2012 286min. Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson, Anders Zulu 20th Century Fox 18.06.2013 Holm Wilson Dunster, John Matshikiza 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116445 TelAmeriCorp’s chief slackers Adam, Anders, and Blake clock This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using in for another shift with Workaholics: Season 3 on Blu-ray a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Will and DVD containing the latest 20 episodes from Comedy This rollicking comedy is among the all-time box office hits in Central’s hit series. This time; the boys get a surprise visit South Africa. As lads in the veldt, young Rhino (Ryan Bob Hoskins, Alice Krige, Damian Lewis - from home, help a coworker spy on a cheating spouse, and Mandelstam) and his native pal Zulu (Bobo Seritsani) play Dir. Ellen Perry welcome their newest roommates, and Jesus, into their innocently until a racist Afrikaaner teenager, Rowena (Marie Eleven-year-old Will Brennan is Liverpool FC’s biggest fan. bachelor pad. Van Deventer), captures Rhino’s pubescent interest. Years At his boys’ school in England, Will’s love and knowledge of Comedy, Comedy Central, Substance later, Zulu (John Matshikiza), a petty criminal guest of the The Beautiful Game even outshines his football-obsessed Abuse, Work Sucks 2013 440min. U.S. penal system, gets deported to his South African mates. But life is turned upside down when his long-absent homeland. Meanwhile, Rhino (Leon Schuster), who has father, Gareth, reappears with tickets to the 2005 Champions Comedy Central 18.06.2013 adopted Tienkie (Michelle Bowes), a child fathered by a League Final in Istanbul. But before the two can start anew, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116080 Zulu, struggles to protect his animal preserve from Gareth dies suddenly, impossibly - this time leaving Will his now ex-wife Rowena (Terri Treas) and her equally forever. Searching for a sliver of meaning in a world that bigoted lover, Die Hard (Wilson Dunster). Zulu’s theft of a seems to have abandoned him, Will runs away to Turkey to Wrath Of The Titans (Steelbook) winning lottery ticket sets in motion a chain of events that honor his father’s memory and to be with his beloved Liver- (Blu-ray) includes Rhino and Zulu disguising themselves as the pool FC. En route, and needing help, Will befriends Alek, a opposite race en route to the chase of a lifetime. former Bosnian football star who abandoned the game after a Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Bill Nighy, Comedy, Drama, Movies 1993 100min. tragic event during his country’s civil war. Despite his initial Danny Huston, Rosamund Pike, Sam Wort- SPHE MOD 07.05.2013 reluctance, Alek finds himself inspired by Will’s heroic journey and agrees to take him to Istanbul. And thus this hington, Edgar Ramirez, Toby Kebbell - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116289 unlikely pair of underdogs takes to the road, battling fate and Jonathan Liebesman fortune in a desperate bid to prove to themselves that it’s A decade after defeating the monstrous Kraken, Perseus You Can Count On Me never too late to dream. attempts to retire to a quiet life as a fisherman and sole parent Drama, Movies, Soccer, Sports 2011 to his young son. However, a great war has erupted between Laura Linney, Matthew Broderick, Mark 102min. the gods, weakened by humanity’s lack of devotion, and the Ruffalo, Jon Tenney, Rory Culkin long-imprisoned Titans, who are led by the ferocious Kronos. Winner of the Best Picture and Best Screenplay awards at the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 23.07.2013 Betrayed by Hades, Zeus is captured and brought to the 2000 Sundance Film Festival, You Can Count On Me has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116497 Underworld, and Perseus must once again become a hero in been hailed as „the best American movie this year.“ Laura order to find Zeus and end the Titans’ struggle to rule the Linney, in her Oscar®-nominated role, and Mark Ruffalo star Earth. as grown-up siblings who couldn’t be more different. While Wonder Boys Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, conservative Sammy (Linney) stayed in her quiet hometown, Michael Douglas, Rip Torn, Frances Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Fantasy, rebellious Terry (Ruffalo) was on the road, drifting in and out of trouble. When Terry suddenly comes to visit, his presence McDormand, Katie Holmes, Robert Downey Fighting, Giant Monsters!, Movies, Myths & has a profound influence on Sammy’s world. As Terry forms a Jr., Tobey Maguire, Alan Tudyk Legends, Revenge 2012 99min. special friendship with Sammy’s precocious eight-year-old An unfinished novel, a stolen car, a murdered pet and a failing Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 son, Rudy (Rory Culkin), Sammy rediscovers her passion for marriage are just a few of the crises piling up like a logjam in life, entertaining a marriage proposal from her boyfriend (Jon this often hilarious story of bright promise gone awry. During 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116355 Tenney) while having a fling with her boss (Matthew a single hectic weekend, college professor Grady Tripp Broderick). But when Terry’s behavior becomes disruptive, (Michael Douglas) scrambles to gather together a life that has Wrong Sammy must finally confront the choices of the past... and suddenly reeled out of control. Along for the ride are his make new ones to renew her family’s future. gifted but troubled student (Tobey Maguire, Cider House William Fichtner, Alexis Dziena, Jack Art House, Drama, girl power 2000 110min.

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Paramount 21.05.2013 Cheesy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116112 Eugene Onegin (Blu-ray) Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Kristine Opolais Interest 70min. Zero Dark Dirty In his first year as Musical Director of Valencia’s Palau de Passion River 07.05.2013 les Arts exciting, fast-rising young conductor Omer Meir Corey Feldman, Mark Metcalf, Daniel Wellber scores a triumph with Tchaikovsky’s most beloved 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116399 Baldwin, Larry Thomas opera Eugene Onegin. In Trelinski’s timeless production he A rock ‘n’roll musician travels to Afghanistan to win the leads a superb, first-class young cast headed by Artur hearts and minds of its people - But the Taliban has other Ruzinski as Onegin and Kristi-ne Opolais as Tatyana. plans. Starring Corey Feldman (The Lost Boys, Stand By Me, Mariusz Trelinski, Polish filmmaker and theater director, has The Goonies, Gremlins), Daniel Baldwin (Vampires), Alexan- created a series of dream-like, surrealist tableaux of great der Loy (Charlie Wilson’s War), Frank Stallone (Rocky I, II suggestive beauty. The clear lines of the production Special Interest & III), Larry Thomas (Seinfeld’s „Soup Nazi“), Mark Metcalf (premiered at Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki) are finely echoed by (Animal House) and ’80s pro wrestler Khosrow Vaziri the slender musical design of Omer Meir Wellber - „A miracle 2013 Men’s NCAA Championship (WWF’s „The Iron Sheik“). The film’s soundtrack, composed of poetry“ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung). The „brilliant by Paul D. Taylor, includes five original songs produced by young music director“ (The Sunday Times), who follows Lorin Game Frank Stallone and a never-before-released song by Corey Maazel as musical head of Valencia’s Palau de les Arts Reina Atlanta will host the 2013 Men’s Final Four providing an Feldman. Sofia, transforms the orchestra into one of the opera’s unmatched experience for all college basketball fans. Comedy, Movies, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, protagonists, on an equal footing with „an ideally well- Featuring four of America’s most talented college basketball Romance 2013 min. balanced vocal cast“ (Die Welt). Also forming part of the teams, the 2013 Final Four promises to be full of excitement musical „dream team“ are tenor Dmitri Korchak (Lensky), and incredible Final Four moments to be remembered for years Green Apple Entertainment 14.05.2013 mezzo Lena Belkina (Olga) and bass Günther Groissböck (G to come. From the opening tip-off to the final buzzer, you are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116299 Classical Music, Music, Opera 150min. sure to be on the edge of your seat anticipating the crowning Kultur 28.05.2013 of the 2013 Men’s National Champion. Zombies & The Undead Box Set 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115859 Basketball, NCAA, Special Interest, Sports 2013 min. Kimberly Pullis, Wendy Speake, David Team Marketing 28.05.2013 Douglas, Matthew McGrory, Brett Just Like Being There 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116456 Beardslee, Eric Clawson, Jamie Donahue, We have all seen them posted on walls, lamp posts, and in Doc, Rick Irwin, Benjamin P Morris, Matt glass cases promoting a local venue where a band is playing. Gig posters, they are meant to catch your eye so you will read , Jeff, Larry and Ron Box Stephens about when and where you can see one of your favorite bands Films Include Prison of the Dead Kristof tricks his high play. How did this get started and who makes these things? Set school friends into getting back together for a reunion under They have become very collectible and some sell for in the the pretense of a funeral. The group spends the night in an thousands of dollars!! This film tells the story of how this Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White, abandoned prison. During a Ouija Board séance, they unearth community of artists has created a means of expression thru Larry The Cable Guy, Michael Drumm 3 dead executioners who initiate a killing spree. The Dead this medium now known as the Gig Poster. Boxed Sets, Comedy, Special Interest, Hate the Living When young filmmakers break into an Documentary, Music 2012 83min. abandoned hospital to make their horror epic, they find a real Stand-Up 2004 254min. dead body & decide to use it in their movie. They accidentally Virgil Films And Entertainment 04.06.2013 Image Ent. 04.06.2013 bring it back to life, opening a portal to a dead world that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116219 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116367 releases dozens of other zombies. The Dead Want Women Set in The Roaring Twenties, the world’s biggest female silent movie star loses her studio contract & goes on a killing spree Jeanette MacDonald In Perfor- Brooklyn Castle before taking her own life. Her mansion stands empty for mance: Princess Of Opera & decades, but when 2 realtors buy the house, they discover it’s Chess, Documentary, Special Interest 2012 haunted. Operetta - The Voice Of Firestone 101min. Zombies, Boxed Sets, Horror 237min. Jeanette MacDonald Millennium Entertainment 04.06.2013 Full Moon 14.03.2013 Actress and soprano Jeanette MacDonald captivated world- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116284 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115981 wide audiences and won millions of loyal devotees through her appearances on stage, screen, opera, concert, radio, recordings, and television. Among her many record-breaking Call Of The Wildman: Season films are such American classics as The Merry Widow and One Love Me Tonight (with Maurice Chevalier); Naughty Marietta, Rose Marie, Maytime, Sweethearts, The Girl of The Golden Dive deep into the backwoods of wild Kentucky with Music West (all with Nelson Eddy); San Francisco(with Clark legendary woodsman Ernie Brown Jr. - aka „Turtleman“ - as Gable); Smilin’ Through (with Gene Raymond); and many he takes on some of the most outlandish and outrageous many more. Though primarily remembered for her nuisance calls these woods have to offer - including Justin Bieber: Always Believing interpretations of the masterpieces of operetta, Jeanette raccoons, skunks, snakes, venomous spiders and possums. Ernie dives into Kentucky’s murkiest ponds in search of feisty From the meteoric rise of singing sensation Justin Bieber to MacDonald also sang in Grand Opera prompting Chicago’s noted music critic, Claudia Cassidy, to dub her the „Princess snapping turtles capable of biting through bone. He has the his phenomenal worldwide success, this brand-new profile uncanny ability to catch monster snapping turtles with his provides an entertaining look at the talent and influence of the of Opera.“ The Voice of Firestone telecast of November 13, 1950 marked the occasion of Miss MacDonald’s television bare hands and return them into the wild unscathed. Each teenage heartthrob. Featuring interviews with some of the week, Turtleman receives calls from dozens of businesses biggest stars in the music industry today. debut, and her only appearance on the Firestone series. Telecast „live“, the program contains all the excitement and and home owners stuck with unwanted and potentially deadly Documentary, Pop Music, Special Interest, immediacy of a live performance, adding a new dimension to pests. No job is too tough or dangerous for Turtleman, and his Teen Idol, Teen Pop 2013 70min. our appreciation of the artistry of Jeanette MacDonald. years of bonding with wild animals allow him to use his animal E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 Documentary, Music, Opera, Performing instincts to save them. Animated Animals, Reality, Television 2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116272 Arts 30min. 220min. Kultur 28.05.2013 Gaiam Americas 02.07.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115848 Eugene Onegin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116474 Kristine Opolais In his first year as Musical Director of Valencia’s Palau de Anna Moffo In Opera And Song: les Arts exciting, fast-rising young conductor Omer Meir The Cardboard Bernini Wellber scores a triumph with Tchaikovsky’s most beloved The Voice Of Firestone The Cardboard Bernini examines the life and work of artist opera Eugene Onegin. In Trelinski’s timeless production he Anna Moffo James Grashow as he spends five years building a giant leads a superb, first-class young cast headed by Artur American soprano Anna Moffo acheived instant stardom with a cardboard fountain, with the intention of putting it outside to Ruzinski as Onegin and Kristi-ne Opolais as Tatyana. performance of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly for Italian dissolve. Propelled by a crucial event documented in the film, Mariusz Trelinski, Polish filmmaker and theater director, has television. Her performance earned her phenomenal acclaim, Grashow is driven to experience the process of creation and created a series of dream-like, surrealist tableaux of great and with good reason. It was not long before Miss Moffo loss by making an extraordinary artwork that will be suggestive beauty. The clear lines of the production established herself as a leading force in the operatic world. destroyed in the end. This film follows Jimmy’s journey, as he (premiered at Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki) are finely echoed by Miss Moffo’s spontaneous and deeply-felt dramatic instincts, questions life’s fragility and the artistic process. the slender musical design of Omer Meir Wellber - „A miracle supported by her striking physical beauty, brought a rare Documentary 2012 76min. of poetry“ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung). The „brilliant dimension of realism to her portrayals of the great operatic Microcinema DVD 23.04.2013 young music director“ (The Sunday Times), who follows Lorin heroines. On The Voice of Firestone program of January 13, Maazel as musical head of Valencia’s Palau de les Arts Reina 1963, Miss Moffo is joined by the great baritone Robert 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116231 Sofia, transforms the orchestra into one of the opera’s Merrill, with whom she appeared often on the operatic and protagonists, on an equal footing with „an ideally well- concert stage. Charge balanced vocal cast“ (Die Welt). Also forming part of the Documentary, Music, Opera 30min. musical „dream team“ are tenor Dmitri Korchak (Lensky), Ewan McGregor mezzo Lena Belkina (Olga) and bass Günther Groissböck (G Kultur 28.05.2013 Charge captures a pivotal moment in motor sport history: the Classical Music, Music, Opera 150min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115847 dawn of the zero-emissions racing era. It came on June 12th Kultur 28.05.2013 2009, the day of the world’s first zero-emissions motorcycle grand prix. The race took place on the Isle of Man TT course, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115846 Nova Rex: Ain’t Easy Being the most demanding and deadly circuit on the planet. The film

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 80 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA begins in early 2009 amid the hectic preparations for the race 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116230 Gator Boys: Season One and concludes over a year later at the 2010 TT Zero. The second race sees a huge leap in performance - proof that Gator Boys follows the death-defying exploits of Paul Bedard racing really does improve the breed and that maniacs on ESPN Films 30 For 30: Survive & and Jimmy Riffle, two extraordinary alligator trappers who motorcycles can be a force for global good. We follow the risk injury and death to hand-capture nuisance alligators that fortunes of several teams in the run-up to the 2009 race and Advance have invaded the backyards, pools, garages and bedrooms in on their return in 2010, from swaggering US hotshots In 1983, the NC State Wolfpack, coached by Jim Valvano, Florida. MotoCzysz to shoestring Anglo-Indian contenders Team Agni stayed alive in the postseason by winning nine do-or-die Animals & Nature, Reality, Television 2012 and local heroes ManTTx Racing. Charge is the dramatic and games in a row - seven of which they were losing in the final 220min. highly entertaining inside story of an unlikely group of minute - beating the likes of Michael Jordan and three-time pioneers - obsessed visionaries, ambitious businessmen, National Player of the Year Ralph Sampson. The unlikely Gaiam Americas 09.07.2013 new-tech eccentrics, government ministers and hardcore squad made it to the national championship game against No. 1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116487 racers - from as far afield as India, the USA, Germany and Houston, aka Phi Slama Jama, a team featuring future NBA Britain. It’s a human story as well as a technological one: the Top 50 all-time players Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler. Sports, Action, Documentary, Racing 2011 NC State was one of the biggest underdogs ever in the final Ghost Hunters: Season 8 - Part 2 90min. game, one that went down as possibly the best college Jason Hawes basketball game in history-ending with one of the most well- Jason Hawes and the TAPS team are back on the paranormal Docurama 28.05.2013 known plays of all time. Told through the eyes of senior hunt with 14 all-new episodes from their hit eighth season. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116147 captain Dereck Whittenburg, the film takes a poignant look at Featured investigations include an eerie library with some Jim Valvano and his remarkable impact. tragic deaths in its history, a South Carolina jail considered Sports, Basketball, Documentary, ESPN, one of the most haunted locations in the country and where Chocolate Sundaes Comedy NCAA 100min. America’s first female serial killer was executed (reportedly Show wearing her wedding dress), the spookiest castle ever, and ESPN (TM) 14.05.2013 one of the Ghost Hunters’ favorite haunts: The Mark Twain Tommy Davidson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115844 House, where ghostly activity has increased since their last Chocolate Sundaes, the leader in live comedy entertainment, visit. Get ready for some bone-chilling thrills and shocking is here with the most compelling combination of stand-up and surprises! skit comedy ever seen. Hosted by the great Tommy Davidson, Fearless Planet: Great Barrier Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Myths & this special features a cast of characters and hilarious skits Reef that will have you laughing until it hurts. Legends, Reality, Supernatural & The Great Barrier Reef abounds with life. But it is under Paranormal, Television 2012 616min. Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2012 attack from above and below the water. A team of marine 60min. biologists and geologists investigate the clues of how the reef Image Ent. 11.06.2013 E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 was born, what makes it thrive and how it may disappear 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116375 within our lifetime. Biologists take us below the water to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116263 discover the foundations of the reef, the submerged fresh water rivers that feed it and cycle of life that keeps it alive. Girls Gone Wild: Sex Goddesses The Coronation Of Queen But modern influences now threaten the Great Barrier Reef, 2 and many believe it won’t last another century. Watch this Elizabeth II episode and find out. We’ve packed our latest title with the sexiest girls and the hottest scenes. When it comes to sex, they know what they The coronation of Elizabeth II was an enormous logistical Discovery Channel, Documentary, High want and how to get it. Naughty 19-year-old Amanda shows operation, and an event of huge cultural significance. As a Seas 220min. off her tight little body and favorite gymnastics moves on royal event, it is something which today’s public might Discovery Channel 04.06.2013 board the Girls Gone Wild Bus. Keira gives us everything reasonably struggle to appreciate. More importantly, the she’s got when she completely strips down behind closed coronation was an opportune moment for the royal family to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115850 doors. Ashley and Jamie double the pleasure when they get establish the new meaning of the modern monarchy - to both raw and wild together in a hotel room, while Brittany and reinforce the idea of continuity and tradition, whilst Fearless Planet: Great Barrier Lindsay try all the positions you can think of as they get hot establishing the new reign of the young queen and her and heavy. You won’t want to miss all the action when sexy modernizing consort. But the sheer scale of the event, Reef (Blu-ray) wild child Malena goes solo and delivers the goods. These combined with jockeying, senior figures from Churchill to queens of the bedroom are guaranteed to satisfy. They’re Mountbatten, who felt they should be pivotal, threatened to The Great Barrier Reef abounds with life. But it is under attack from above and below the water. A team of marine uninhibited, with no rules, and no holding back. See just how turn the whole event into a disaster. Now, using hitherto crazy these girls get in Girls Gone Wild: Sex Goddesses 2! unseen archives and with the co-operation of the Palace, we biologists and geologists investigate the clues of how the reef open up the diaries and papers of those at the heart of the was born, what makes it thrive and how it may disappear Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. planning and delivery of the event, to reveal the behind the within our lifetime. Biologists take us below the water to GGW Brands, LLC. 04.06.2013 scenes story of the Coronation. We will show that, behind the discover the foundations of the reef, the submerged fresh 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116435 pageantry and spectacle, there is a lesser known story of water rivers that feed it and cycle of life that keeps it alive. bubbling tensions, diplomatic incidents, political wrangling But modern influences now threaten the Great Barrier Reef, and squabbles over the most minute of details, set against the and many believe it won’t last another century. Watch this Girls Gone Wild: Sweet & Petite episode and find out. wider These pint-sized party girls pack a big punch in the bedroom! BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- Discovery Channel, Documentary, High They’re sure to bring all of your hottest, wildest fantasies to national TV, Royalty 50min. Seas 220min. life. It doesn’t get much better than these sweet, sexy girls Discovery Channel 04.06.2013 going all out to get off. First, we hit the club and meet 18- BBC Home Video 21.05.2013 year-old Emily. She makes us melt when she bares it all for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116135 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115877 the camera. We caught up with Heather, 20, who has a dynamite body and an anything-goes attitude that she isn’t Ferlinghetti: A Rebirth Of Wonder afraid to show off. Jenny and Adrianna could set off smoke Disneynature: Wings Of Life (Blu- alarms with their bedroom hijinks. See red hot redhead Ashley ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Dennis Hopper, Amiri Baraka, Bob Dylan, storm her way onto the Girls Gone Wild Bus and strip for us, Dave Eggers, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence while Katie displays all of her sexy assets during a hotel From Disneynature, the studio that brought you Earth, room confessional. These compact cuties will leave you Oceans, African Cats and Chimpanzee, comes Wings Of Life - Ferlinghetti, Michael McClure, Gary Snyder begging for more as you watch Girls Gone Wild: Sweet & a stunning adventure full of intrigue, drama and mesmerizing This incisive and entertaining portrait of American poet Petite! beauty. Narrated by Meryl Streep, this intimate and Lawrence Ferlinghetti explores his vital role as catalyst for unprecedented look at butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, bats numerous literary careers and for the Beat movement itself. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. and flowers is a celebration of life, as a third of the world’s Interviews with Ferlinghetti and others reveal a rich mélange GGW Brands, LLC. 04.06.2013 food supply depends on these incredible and increasingly of characters and events that unfolded in postwar America, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116436 threatened - creatures. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Louie including the publication of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl, William S. Schwartzberg, Wings Of Life utilizes riveting high-speed, Burroughs’ Naked Lunch, and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. In closer-than-close filmmaking techniques to showcase in 1953 Ferlinghetti opened City Lights Bookstore, which The Great Commanders spectacular detail these unsung heroes of our planet. quickly evolved into an iconic institution symbolizing social The Great Commanders is a masterly portrait of six men - 80min. change and literary freedom. Six decades later, it is still Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Horatio Nelson, Napole- Disney / Buena Vista 16.04.2013 going. on Bonaparte, Ulysses S. Grant and Georgi Zhukov - whose Documentary 2010 79min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115858 military genius changed the course of world history. First Run Features 11.06.2013 War, Documentary, Educational, Military 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116170 2013 270min. El Cerrito Microcinema DVD 23.04.2013 Throughout the Fifties, Caracas becomes the city where the imaginings of modern architecture seem to be possible. Finding Bigfoot: Season Two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116232 Armando Planchart, a prosperous businessman, and his wife Finding Bigfoot’s investigative team continues their pursuit of Anala, decide to build their new house. For that purpose, they sasquatches in North America’s most notorious bigfoot hot History Classics: After People contact renowned Italian architect Gio Ponti. Initially, he spots. The renowned bigfooters use cutting-edge technology rejects the job, but after a trip to Venezuela, Ponti falls in and radical new techniques in their quest to find Bigfoot. This collection presents three of History’s finest programs on love with the country forever. The Villa Planchart would the fate of humans and our planet, offering an intelligent and Documentary, Monsters, Myths & Legends, provocative look at some of the grim realities we face. become his masterpiece. Special Interest, Television 2012 194min. Venezuelan, Documentary, Foreign 2006 Combining visual effects and insights from experts, Life After Gaiam Americas 09.07.2013 People imagines what would happen to manmade structures, 57min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116488 plants, animals and insects if the entire human population Microcinema DVD 23.04.2013 went extinct. This thought- provoking adventure visits the ghostly villages surrounding , abandoned after the

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1986 nuclear meltdown; abandoned towns on remote islands For 25 years, Academy Award-nominated director Jerry off Maine’s coast; deep into New York City’s subway tunnels; Aronson accumulated mroe than 120 hours of film on Allen and even into the wilderness to find clues about the IMAX: Legends Of Flight / Magic Ginsberg, resulting in this comprehensive portrait of one of world we may leave behind. After takes a look at Of Flight / Fighter Pilot (Aerial America’s greatest poets, author of Howl and other what past acts of destruction like Hiroshima and Hurricane groundbreaking poems. The DVD includes exclusive and Katrina have taught us about what could befall humankind in Thrill Rides Triple Feature) revealing interviews with his friends, family and the wake of an apocalypse. In Mega Drought, we’ll explore contemporaries as well as never-before-seen materials made one of the key consequences of global warming - intense and Aerial Action, Documentary, IMAX, Special public through the close friendship forged between subject prolonged droughts that could ravage the western United Interest, Triple Feature 129min. and filmmaker. The film acts as a contextual overview of the States and lead to catastrophic water shortages. And Mega Image Ent. 11.06.2013 last 60 years of American culture, from the Beat era through Freeze shows us how abrupt climate change could cr 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116372 the uncertainty of current times. Apocalyptic Future, Disasters, Biography, Documentary 84min. Documentary, History Channel, Mystery, Docurama 14.05.2013 Science Fiction 282min. Sara ’s Taste: 10 Short 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116157 A&E 11.06.2013 Yoga Sequences 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116117 Sara Ivanhoe London: The Modern Babylon Life moves quickly - some days, all you have time for is just a Taste. Sara Ivanhoe’s Taste is a new DVD for beginners and Documentary 125min. Honor Flight all levels that consists of 10 short yoga sequences as well as Docurama 11.06.2013 Honor Flight is a heartwarming documentary about four living three extended programs. The 10 short yoga sequences are 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116155 World War II veterans and a Midwest community coming special ordered for those times when all you want is a quick together to give them the trip of a lifetime. Volunteers race taste: wake, cleanse, work, burn, shed, firm, tail, core, sleep, against the clock to fly thousands of WWII veterans to Wa- and chill; the three extended programs are: slim, strength, and The Loving Story shington, DC to see the memorial constructed for them in rest. Sara Elizabeth Ivanhoe began teaching yoga in 1995 2004, nearly 60 years after their epic struggle. shortly after graduating with honors from New York Jane Alexander War, World War II, Documentary, Military University. She has completed teacher trainings with Erich On June 2, 1958, a white man named Richard Loving and his Schiffmann, Yoga Works and John Friend in the Ansura style. part-black, part-Cherokee fiancee Mildred Jeter traveled from 2012 82min. Sara is the instructor for the Yoga for Dummies series, the Caroline County, VA, to Washington, D.C. to be married. At Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.06.2013 Crunch Yoga series as well as the collaboration with Russell the time, interracial marriage was illegal in 21 states, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116019 Simmons Yoga Live, altogether selling over 4.4 million units including Virginia. Back home two weeks later, the worldwide. She had an extended run on Fit TV with All Star newlyweds were arrested, tried and convicted of the felony Workouts and on Exercise TV with Yoga on the Edge. Sara crime of „miscegenation.“ Two young ACLU lawyers took on How To Survive A Plague (Blu- was a regular on Vh1’s Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab and has the Lovings’ case, fully aware of the challenges posed. The been featured on all the major news channels. She is U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the Lovings ray) highlighted in the acclaimed documentary Titans of Y on June 12, 1967. This precedent-setting decision resulted in Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary and Yoga, Fitness, Health 91min. 16 states being ordered to overturn their bans on interracial featured on over 15 top-ten lists, How To Survive A Plague is marriage. the story of the brave young men and women who successfully Bayview Entertainment 14.05.2013 Documentary, Drama 2011 74min. reversed the tide of an epidemic, demanded the attention of a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115988 Docurama 28.05.2013 fearful nation, and stopped AIDS from becoming sentence. This improbable group of activists bucked 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116158 oppression and infiltrated government agencies and the Journey Of The Universe pharmaceutical industry, helping to identify promising new This is an epic documentary exploring the human connection Mad Hot Ballroom medication and treatments and move them through trials and to Earth and the cosmos, from producer/directors Patsy into drugstores in record time. In the process, they saved Northcutt and David Kennard (director of Carl Sagan’s Anyone Can Make It If They Learn How To Shake It.. Mad Hot their own lives and ended the darkest days of a veritable Cosmos and The Hero’s Journey: The World of Joseph Ballroom is the award-winning film that follows New York plague, while virtually emptying AIDS wards in American Campbell). Winner of the 2012 Northern California Emmy City fourth and fifth graders as they journey into the world of hospitals. Theirs is a classic tale of activism that has since Award for best documentary, the film premiered on PBS competitive ballroom dance. Told from their candid and inspired movements for change in everything from breast stations nationwide in 2011. hilarious perspectives, they learn that dance is not just about cancer research to Occupy Wall Street. a few step - its about life. „Expect to grin the entire time Journey Of The Universe Series, you’re watching“ (Leah Rozen, People Magazine) as typical AIDS, Blu-ray, Documentary, History & Educational, Space, Special Interest 2011 urban kids meringue, tango, rumba and literally transform Events, Special Interest 2012 109min. 57min. themselves into „ladies and gentlemen“ as they prepare for the MPI 11.06.2013 E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 highly anticipated, final citywide competition. Art House, Ballroom, Dancing, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116314 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116254 Documentary, Family 2005 105min. I Want My Name Back Paramount 21.05.2013 Journey Of The Universe: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116031 - Dir. Roger Paradiso Conversations If you know your old-school rap history, then you know that the legendary Sugarhill Gang introduced Hip Hop to the world This is an expansive, multidisciplinary project that re- The Majestic Wild with the Top 40 Hit „Rapper’s Delight.“ But the story you imagines the universe story and the human role in the haven’t heard is the shocking truth about how greed and flourishing of the Earth community. The series invites viewers Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special betrayal led to the band’s fall into obscurity. From chart- to become fellow travelers on an immense journey - from the Interest 2009 220min. topping superstars to broke outcasts, band members Master beginnings of the universe, to the origins of life, to our current Gaiam Americas 02.07.2013 Gee and Wonder Mike were left with almost nothing... not emergence as a planetary presence. This DVD set, consisting even their names. In their own words, this is the true and of twenty half-hour episodes, is designed to accompany the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116463 tragic story of the former original members of The Sugarhill Journey of the Universe . Gang. Journey Of The Universe Series, Mindfulness Meditations For African Americans, Documentary, Hip-Hop, Educational, Space, Special Interest 2011 Music, Special Interest 2011 94min. 600min. Anxiety: Seven Practices To Image Ent. 11.06.2013 E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 Reduce Stress 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116376 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116255 Ira Israel Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety with Ira Israel is a unique wellness DVD designed to help raise consciousness I Was Left Behind Journey Of The Universe: The and cultivate peace of mind. Ira Israel is a Psychotherapist, Augie Tulba Complete Collection Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Yoga Therapist, and Registered Yoga Teacher 500. He has Master Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 116min. The Journey of the Universe complete collection contains of Arts degrees in Psychology, Buddhism and Hinduism, and Mountain Apple Company 09.04.2013 both Journey of The Universe the epic documentary from Philosophy. His previous DVD releases include the best- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116297 producer /directors Patsy Northcutt and David Kennard selling Yoga for Depression and Anxiety and Mindfulness for (director of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and The Hero’s Journey Urban Depression. and the Journey of the Universe: Conversations set, re- Health, Meditation/Relaxation 88min. IMAX: Arabia / Greece / Mummies imagining the universe story and the human role in the flourishing of the Earth community through conversations with Bayview Entertainment 14.05.2013 (Exotic History Triple Feature) award winning scientists. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115991 Christopher Lee - Dir. Greg MacGillivray, Journey Of The Universe Series, Keith Melton Educational, Space, Special Interest 2011 Moonshiners: Season One Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece / Rome, 657min. Think the days of bootleggers, backwoods stills and „white Documentary, History & Events, IMAX, E1 Entertainment 04.06.2013 lightning“ are over? Not a chance! It’s a multi-million dollar 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116256 industry. But perhaps more importantly to the moonshiners, it’s Special Interest, Triple Feature 2010 a tradition dating back hundreds of years, passed down to 124min. them from their forefathers. It’s part of their history and Image Ent. 11.06.2013 The Life And Times Of Allen culture. While this practice is surprisingly alive and well, it’s not always legal. Discovery Channel’s all-new series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116374 Ginsberg Moonshiners tells the story of those who brew their shine -

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) April 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA often in the woods near their homes using camouflaged Preppers - Season Two and Bernie Mac (Life) meet in this riotously comedy summit equipment - and the local authorities who try to keep them directed by Spike Lee. Inspired by the highest-grossing honest. Viewers will witness practices rarely, if ever, seen National Geographic Channel’s highest-rated series and pop comedy tour in history, The Original Kings Of Comedy on television including the sacred rite of passage for a culture phenomenon returns for a 2nd season of 17 episodes. captures four of today’s hottest stand-ups live and moonshiner - firing up the still for the first time. They will also Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary uncensored, and in engaging backstage footage and meet legends, including notorious moonshiner Marvin „Pop- Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we interviews. Emcee Steve Harvey and his fellow funnymen take corn“ Sutton. know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, rib-tickling aim at sports personalities, church services, bill Crime, Discovery Channel, Drama, Reality preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure collectors, hip-hop and much more. For comedy fans and they are prepared for any of life’s uncertainties. And with our anyone who could use two hours of non-stop laughs, The 2011 352min. expert’s assessment, they will find out their chances of Original Kings Of Comedy is a royal treat. Discovery Channel 18.06.2013 survival if their worst fears become a reality. Comedy, Documentary 2000 115min. End Of The World, National Geographic, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115855 Paramount 21.05.2013 Reality 745min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116037 Mountain Men: Season One National Geographic 18.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115959 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live your life Prince William & Catherine: A off the grid? Have you wished you could shed the complications of modern society and live in the wilderness, National Geographic: Inside Royal Love Story using only the things nature has provided? Meet Eustace Michael Cole Conway, Tom Oar and Marty Meierotto of the new History Combat Rescue William and Kate’s real-life fairytale romance... depicted series Mountain Men, three men who have devoted their lives The elite Combat Rescue members of the U.S. Air Force, to survival in its simplest form. But how simple is it really? through intimate stories and tell-all interviews... is Pararescuemen, or PJs, have one mission: rescue American exclusively documented in A Royal Love Story. From the rugged Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina to or Allied forces in extreme danger. Whether their targets are the seven-month-long winters on the Yaak River in Montana to shot down or isolated behind enemy lines, surrounded, Documentary, Romance, Royalty 67min. the frigid northern range of Alaska, the country is full of some engaged, wounded, or captured by the enemy, PJs will do Echo Bridge Home Entertainment very unforgiving terrain. Watch as these men face off against whatever necessary to bring those in peril home. For the first 28.05.2013 mudslides, falling trees, ravaging weather and even hungry time ever, camera crews embed on a deployment to Afghani- animals to make sure they obtain the food and supplies they’ll stan with this elite rescue team, as they fly day and night, in 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115985 need to make it through the brutal winter months ahead. any weather, to save those in danger on the battlefield. Wilderness, Adventure, History Channel, Air Force, Documentary, Military, National The Queen Of The People Reality 2012 360min. Geographic 270min. In 1944, Caracas hosts the 7th Amateur Baseball World A&E 04.06.2013 National Geographic 18.06.2013 Series. The organizers decide that the beauty queen of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116116 event has to be elected via a popular vote. The title is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116012 disputed by Yolanda Leal, a school teacher from a humble neighbourhood, and Oly Clemnte, a young woman from Cara- Mumia: Long Distance National Geographic: Tigers Of cas’ high society. The beauty pageant soon turns into a passionate contest. The country was entering a transition to Revolutionary The Snow / Search For The democracy and the newly formed political organizations Ruby Dee, Dick Gregory, Angela Davis, understood the event as a means to promote their ideas. The Afghan Girl (Double Feature) first universal election in Venezuela was held in order to Amy Goodman, Alice Walker, Peter Coyote, National Geographic commemorates 125 years of exploration choose a beauty queen. Giancarlo Esposito by reintroducing timeless classics featuring „great Venezuelan, Documentary, Foreign, Politics Before he was convicted of murdering a policeman in 1981 and explorations“ from its archives. Films Include Search For The sentenced to die, Mumia Abu-Jamal was a gifted journalist Afghan Girl Search for the Afghan Girl follows the expedition 2006 65min. and brilliant writer. Now after more than 30 years in prison, to find the mysterious green-eyed Afghan refugee girl who Microcinema DVD 23.04.2013 Mumia is not only still alive but continuing to report, provoke captivated the world in perhaps the most famous National 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116229 and inspire. Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary is an Geographic magazine cover. Journey to the Afghan-Pakistan inspiring portrait of a man whom many consider America’s border with the photographer who took this world-famous most famous political prisoner - a man whose existence tests picture as he attempts to track down his anonymous subject. Queen Victoria’s Children our beliefs about freedom of expression. Through prison Follow clues and rumors through the twisting byways of a This three-part series explores the reign of Queen Victoria interviews, archival footage, and dramatic readings, and aided teeming refugee camp on a mission to solve this 17 year old through her husband Albert, the Prince Consort, and the lives by a potent chorus of voices including Cornel West, Alice mystery. Tigers Of The Snow In Tigers of the Snow, National of her children. By telling the stories of the personal Walker, Angela Davis and others, this riveting film explores Geographic ventures into the dense forests of coastal Siberia relationships between Victoria, her husband and their nine Mumia’s life before, during and after Death Row - revealing, to track the biggest cat on earth, the elusive Siberian Tiger. children, it looks for a fresh understanding of our longest in the words of Angela Davis, „the most eloquent and most Join a team of Russian and American scientists who are reigning Queen and the nature of the British monarchy. powerful opponent of the death penalty in the world...the 21st risking their lives to save this highly endangered and highly Century Frederick Douglass.“ dangerous creature. Some 300 Siberian tigers survive in the BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- Documentary, Politics, Prison 2012 120min. wild, concentrated in a shrinking habitat and under siege from national TV, Royalty 180min. First Run Features 11.06.2013 poachers. BBC Home Video 21.05.2013 Animals & Nature, Documentary, Double 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116169 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116144 Features, National Geographic, Special Interest, Television 144min. Bob Ross: The Happy Painter National Geographic: Alpha Dogs National Geographic 16.07.2013 National Geographic goes inside the training of the special Bob Ross elite force of K-9s dedicated to serving the country. The Alpha 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116496 You’ve seen him before - he’s the quiet soft-spoken guy with Dogs have jumped out of helicopters to capture Osama Bin the fuzzy afro hair painting mountains and trees with big Laden and have tracked Saddam Hussein. They’re in police NFL Ravens: Road To brushes in a matter of seconds. Bob Ross is public departments, the Secret Service and every branch of the television’s most beloved personality and here is the behind- military. Super Bowl XLVII the-story look at his journey to becoming America’s pop- Animals & Nature, Documentary, Military, Road to XLVII chronicles the improbable playoff run of the culture icon. This docu-story reveals the personal life of Bob National Geographic, Special Interest, Tele- 2012 Super Bowl Champions the Baltimore Ravens by Ross through the loving accounts of close friends and family, presenting the original television broadcasts of each of their childhood photographs, rare archive footage ? what you know: vision 2013 352min. post season games. his unwavering to wildlife for example, and what National Geographic 30.07.2013 you don’t know: Bob Ross’ straight hair, his fascination with Sports, Football, NFL 2013 min. fast cars, and so much more. You’ll see rare film clips of Bob 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116504 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.06.2013 Ross with mentor William Alexander, and the very first rough- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115843 cut Joy of Painting episode. And you’ll learn how one little TV National Geographic: Cesar commercial to advertise local painting classes slowly turned this gentle-mannered fellow from simple beginnings into a Millan - Leader Of The Pack NFL Baltimore Ravens: Road To viral phenomenon that continues to allow millions around the world to realize their dream of becoming an artist. Enjoy Cesar Millan Super Bowl XLVII (Blu-ray) fascinating interviews and insights from some famous Bob National Geographic follows the „Dog Whisperer“ veteran as Road to XLVII chronicles the improbable playoff run of the Ross enthusiasts too, such as talk show pi he rehabilitates rescued dogs with behavior issues and 2012 Super Bowl Champions the Baltimore Ravens by Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special allows candidates to compete to adopt them. In this new presenting the original television broadcasts of each of their series, Cesar will decide, out of three candidates, who is the post season games. Interest 100min. best pack leader to adopt a dog after testing them in a series Bayview Entertainment 04.06.2013 of challenges over two days. The goal is to make the right Sports, Football, NFL 2013 min. match and place these difficult dogs in the most compatible Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.06.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116301 home. Cesar’s mission: save abandoned dogs from 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115860 incarceration and euthanasia and raise awareness of the The Scroll desperate situation these dogs live in around the world. National Geographic 540min. The Original Kings Of Comedy T.D. Jakes The Scroll is a powerful documentary film that is trans- National Geographic 25.06.2013 Bernie Mac, Cedric The Entertainer, D.L. formative, educational, and inspiring. It takes some of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116013 Hughley, Steve Harvey biggest leaders in the African American Community and talks The house is rockin’ and the laughs are rollin’ as comedians about faith, family, and finances. The Scroll is the perfect film Steve Harvey (The Steve Harvey Show), D.L. Hughley (The for anyone who has ever been written off, cast down, or gone National Geographic: Doomsday Hughleys), Cedric The Entertainer (The Steve Harvey Show) through trying times.

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Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 80min. Jenni Rawlings Art & Architecture, Documentary, History & Team Marketing 21.05.2013 Featuring five routines of varying lengths, this challenging Events, Special Interest 2012 259min. yoga practice will open and strengthen your body, increase 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115870 your stamina, and calm your mind. Included on this DVD are Image Ent. 18.06.2013 two one-hour routines, two 45-minute routines, one 30 minutes 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116386 Shark Week 2013: Fins Of Fury pose guide covering seven common difficult poses. Each sequence is clearly led with a focus on performing the poses Shark Week is an annual series of investigations into the with control stability. This is a powerful flowing practice, so Vivan Las Antipodas characteristics and habits of the dangerous and often be prepared to get sweaty! Please note: this advanced What would be the shortest route between Entre Ríos in misunderstood marine predator. It is also cable television’s practice is designed for experienced yoga practitioners and Argentina and the Chinese metropolis Shanghai? Simply a longest-running programming event since 1988! for anyone interested in taking their current practice to the straight line through the center of the earth, since the two Animals & Nature, Discovery Channel, next level. Jenni Rawlings has been a dedicated student of places are antipodes: they are located diametrically opposite Documentary, High Seas, Killer Animals, yoga since 1997, has completed multiple yoga teacher to each other on the earth’s surface. During his visits to four trainings, and is a certified Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga such antipodal pairs, the award-winning documentary Sharks, Special Interest, Television 2013 Instructor. filmmaker Victor Kossakovsky captured images that turn our 215min. Yoga, Fitness, Health 180min. view of the world upside down. A beautiful, peaceful sunset in Discovery Channel 16.07.2013 Entre Ríos is contrasted with the bustling streets in rainy Bayview Entertainment 14.05.2013 Shanghai. People who live in a wasteland are connected to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116494 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115989 people dwelling next to a volcano. Landscapes whose splendor touches the soul are juxtaposed with the clamor of a Shark Week 2013: Fins Of Fury vast city. These antipodes seem mythically connected, Tosh.0: Cardigans Plus Casual somehow united by their oppositeness. Kossakovsky’s movie (Blu-ray) Jackets is a feast for the senses, a fascinating kaleidoscope of our Shark Week is an annual series of investigations into the planet. Vivan Las Antipodas - Long Live The Antipodes! characteristics and habits of the dangerous and often Daniel Tosh Documentary, Special Interest 108min. misunderstood marine predator. It is also cable television’s Cardigans Plus Casual Jackets combine for 15 hilarious Docurama 11.06.2013 longest-running programming event since 1988! episodes. It’s two Tosh wardrobes for the price of one - well it’s pretty close. This double set includes web redemptions 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116419 Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Discovery with Tron Guy, the backyard wrestler, the N64 kid and David Channel, Documentary, High Seas, Killer After The Dentist gets back at his dad. Plus, Old Lee reads Animals, Sharks, Special Interest, Televisi- Miley Cyrus tweets, Daniel gets to the bottom of an epic Warbirds Of WWII: The Complete Beard Man Fight, the grossest thing you’ve ever seen on Series on 2013 215min. television and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, which includes Discovery Channel 16.07.2013 Tosh.0 entering the Winter Olympics. Domination of the air during WWII was a critical element to ultimate victory. From the deadly dogfights during the Battle of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116512 Comedy, Comedy Central, Television Britain to the harrowing daylight raids over fortress Europe to 330min. the daring high altitude bombing runs over Japan, this is the Shoah: 4 Disc Special Edition - Comedy Central 11.06.2013 story of the men and machines that faced off every day in a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116400 deadly struggle for freedom. With insightful comments from the The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) veterans who were there, this 3-DVD set is a fascinating look Over a decade in the making, Claude Lanzmann’s nine-hour- back at the unbelievable bravery and heroics of the airmen plus opus is a monumental investigation of the unthinkable: the UFC 158: St. Pierre Vs. Diaz and their flying machines that, for this brief period in history, murder of more than six million Jews by the Nazis. Using no battled for final victory. These Documentaries feature: B-17 archival footage, Lanzmann instead focuses on first-person Georges St. Pierre, Carlos Condit, Nick Diaz Flying Fortress, P-51 , Defender’s of the Reich and testimonies (of survivors and former Nazis, as well as other The top welterweights in the world converge on the Bell many more! witnesses), employing a circular, free-associative method in Centre in Montreal on Saturday, March 16th, and it will be an War, World War II, Aerial Action, assembling them. The intellectual yet emotionally unforgettable night of fights. In the UFC 158 main event, Documentary 600min. overwhelming Shoah is not a film about excavating the past welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre faces his fiercest but an intensive portrait of the ways in which the past is rival, Nick Diaz, in an anticipated showdown. Plus, another Shout Factory 04.06.2013 always present, and it is inarguably one of the most important rivalry is born when „The Natural Born Killer“ Carlos Condit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115994 cinematic works of all time. faces 170-pound knockout artist Johny „Bigg Rigg“ War, World War II, Criterion Collection, Hendricks. Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts Ron White: A Little Documentary, Holocaust 1985 550min. 2013 300min. Criterion 25.06.2013 Unprofessional Starz / Anchor Bay 18.06.2013 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116129 Ron White 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116223 Comedy min. Shoah: 6 Disc Special Edition - ChannelSources 28.05.2013 The Ultimate Guide To the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116077 The Criterion Collection Presidents Over a decade in the making, Claude Lanzmann’s nine-hour- plus opus is a monumental investigation of the unthinkable: the America’s unique form of democracy separates power among Wild Bill: Hollywood Maverick - murder of more than six million Jews by the Nazis. Using no three branches of government: the legislative, judicial and The Life And Times Of William A. archival footage, Lanzmann instead focuses on first-person executive. The President of the United States, who heads the testimonies (of survivors and former Nazis, as well as other executive branch, holds the position that most embodies the Wellman witnesses), employing a circular, free-associative method in aspirations of the American people. Join History for a fresh assembling them. The intellectual yet emotionally perspective on how the Oval Office has evolved over the past Robert Mitchum, Burgess Meredith, Nancy overwhelming Shoah is not a film about excavating the past 200 years through stories about and learn about the 43 men Davis, Clint Eastwood but an intensive portrait of the ways in which the past is who have served as Commander in Chief - from George As a restless young man early in World War I, William A. always present, and it is inarguably one of the most important Washington to Barack Obama. This 8-hour miniseries Wellman joined the French Foreign Legion, and then became cinematic works of all time. concentrates on the ebbs and flows of presidential power and an ace American pilot with the famed Lafayette Escadrille. War, World War II, Criterion Collection, responsibilities as each of America’s leaders deal with the After being shot down and suffering grave injuries, the war events, expectations and challenges of his time. hero returned to civilian life in Hollywood in the 1920s, soon Documentary, Holocaust 1985 550min. Americana, Documentary, History Channel, becoming known as Wild Bill for his maverick perspective and Criterion 25.06.2013 Politics, Presidents 368min. two-fisted approach to directing. As the excellent 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116090 documentary Wild Bill: Hollywood Maverick details, A&E 28.05.2013 Wellman’s insistence on realistic filmmaking resulted in the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115924 still-breathtaking aerial choreography in his breakthrough Snapped: 20 Greatest Hits film, 1927’s Wings, the very first Best Picture Oscar winner. Snapped: 20 Greatest Hits takes you through the lives of 20 Understanding Art: Hidden Lives His other films, especially war pictures such as The Story of women, all of whom crossed the line. Based on real life G.I. Joe, Beau Geste, and Battleground, display equal parts events, hear these compelling stories from experts, their Of Masterpieces authenticity, grit, and humanity. Wellman also broke out of war-picture confines to have huge success with films such as friends, their families and straight from the women themselves. This exceptional series documents the Louvre’s study days, Every episode a new story unfolds, every case carefully A Star Is Born (for which he won his only Oscar, for co- in which works by five major artists artists - Raphael, writing the script), the screwball comedy Nothing Sacred, and pieced together, every woman a different motive. Snapped is Rembrandt, Poussin, Watteau, and Leonardo - were collected one of the most successful true crime scene shows on cable themeditative antilynching drama The Ox-Bow Incident. Wild together, removed from their frames, and set on easels, Bill traces Wellman’s extraordinary career, highlighted by and is Oxygen’s longest running franchise! replicating the feel of an artist’s studio. Curators, historians, Shout Factory, Crime, Documentary, Special restorers, and scientists from around the world came to Documentary, Hollywood Legends 1996 Interest, Television min. examine and discuss them in total freedom. Looking through 95min. their eyes and listening in on their conversations, we observe Kino Video 25.06.2013 Shout Factory 02.07.2013 the restorations, repairs, and often capricious changes made 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116464 over the centuries. From up close, we see the faint lines 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116225 where the artist changed his mind, witness how time has ravaged the canvases, and debate the evidence that a master The World Before Her Strong Vinyasa Flow Yoga For painted a particular work. Engaging animations explain and Strength And Stamina With Jenni simplify complex language and concepts. By revealing what Documentary, Special Interest min. isn’t meant to be seen, this fascinating series shows that art Docurama 11.06.2013 Rawlings is more than meets the eye. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116421

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(Blu-ray) simultaneity and the hidden effects of crucial incidents, History presents the war’s monumental moments in never- Worst-Case Scenario: The CM Punk, , , Kane, Randy before-seen context. And with new information brought to the Complete First Season Orton, Big Show, , , forefront, you’ll better understand how a nation ranked 19th in the world’s militaries in 1939 emerged six years later as the Mike Rowe Wade Barrett planet’s only atomic superpower. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using With WrestleMania 29 on the horizon, the last stop on the Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Documentary, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. In road to the biggest show of the year is the callous coliseum this compelling reality series, Mike Rowe (TV’s Dirty Jobs) known as the . With the WrestleMania History & Events, History Channel, Space, and a group of trained professionals demonstrate how to line up taking shape, the WWE and World Heavyweight Special Interest, War, World War II 94min. survive a variety of dangerous situations, from jumping from Champions face the most daunting challenge in any A&E 07.05.2013 one building to another, to surviving in a falling elevator, to championship reign - outlasting five other competitors in a taking control when your car flips over. Based on the popular barbaric steel chamber for the right to carry the title into the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116358 best-selling book „The Worst-Case Scenario Survival show of shows for a chance at immortality. In one of the most Handbook“, this show teaches practical life-saving skills that unpredictable matches of the year, two Superstars start in the Yoga For Beauty Dawn To Dusk can be useful in the most extreme conditions. middle of the ring and four pods open at random during the course of the match, adding another Superstar to the fray. With Rainbeau Mars Reality 271min. Who will have the iron will to emerge victorious? Plus, SPHE MOD 05.03.2013 several other rivalries begin to reach a boiling point as the Rainbeau Mars 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116176 entire Raw and SmackDown rosters aim to prove themselves Two complete programs on one DVD! Yoga for Beauty: Dawn worthy of the grandest stage. to Dusk with Rainbeau Mars is an amazing double-length AM/ Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2013 PM program designed to refresh, rejuvenate, and banish WWE: Best Of War Game stress. Dawn - Recharge the spirit and nourish with 180min. this dynamic series of poses, balances, and stretches. Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair WWE Home Video 18.06.2013 Powerful breathing techniques and more than 50 energizing Take one part , one part , add in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116050 poses are demonstrated to help improve posture, aid digestion two punishing steel cages - and the result is a battle that and restore health. Dusk - Banish stress and release the spanned two rings and cemented a legacy as one of the most day’s tensions with this dynamic flowing yoga workout. Let unpredictable and unmistakable matches of all time: War WWE: 2013 go... stretch and strengthen the backs, legs, hips, and arms Games. WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes - the mind behind with special breathing techniques and more than 50 stress- the mayhem - introduces some of the most famous War Games CM Punk, The Miz, John Cena, Kane, Randy relieving yoga postures. matches (featuring Ric Flair, Sting, the nWo, and more) and Orton, Big Show, Sheamus, , gives viewers a comprehensive look inside NWA/WCW’s Yoga, Fitness, Health 103min. most innovative concept that revolutionized sports Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Bayview Entertainment 14.05.2013 entertainment. , Damien Sandow 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115990 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. It’s time to toss the rulebook out the window once again as WWE Home Video 25.06.2013 WWE goes extreme! With the after-effects of WrestleMania still lingering, stipulations are added to each contest for Zero Killed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115857 guaranteed chaos in - and sometimes out of - the ring. Last If someone murdered a person you love, how would you feel year’s event saw the return of the merciless , about it? Are soldiers murderers? Should torture be WWE: Best Of War Game (Blu- who battled John Cena in one of the fiercest contests in WWE legalized? How do you define good and evil? Since 1996 film history. Who knows what will happen this year, when the director Michal Kosakowski has been asking highly educated ray) Superstars of Raw and SmackDown collide on the one night professionals; bankers, architects, and teachers about their where the only rules are extreme rules. murder fantasies. He offered them the chance to stage their Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2013 fantasies as short films. The only condition was that they had Take one part Royal Rumble, one part Survivor Series, add in 180min. to act in these films themselves, either as victims or two punishing steel cages - and the result is a battle that perpetrators.Zero Killed is an unconventional hybrid feature spanned two rings and cemented a legacy as one of the most WWE Home Video 18.06.2013 film and documentary, that makes viewers question their unpredictable and unmistakable matches of all time: War 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115854 personal and social positions concerning ethical and moral Games. WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes - the mind behind values and taboos. the mayhem - introduces some of the most famous War Games Crime, Documentary, Special Interest 2012 matches (featuring Ric Flair, Sting, the nWo, and more) and WWE: Payback 2013 gives viewers a comprehensive look inside NWA/WCW’s WWE reinvigorates its pay-per-view line up with a fresh new 81min. most innovative concept that revolutionized sports concept that will serve as the perfect stage for all the top E1 Entertainment 18.06.2013 entertainment. Superstars to settle their long simmering grudges and set the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116274 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. stage for the sizzling road to SummerSlam. All major WWE Home Video 25.06.2013 championships will be on the line including the revamped WWE Championship, plus the World Heavyweight 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40115862 Championship and much more. From the clashes for the ultimate prize, to fierce heavy-hitters with scores to settle, WWE: ECW Unreleased - Volume WWE fans will want to relive the historic debut of this riveting new event. Two Special Interest, Sports, Sports Following the success of ECW Unreleased Vol 1, WWE Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE delves even deeper into the ECW archives, delivering even more hardcore action that fans continue to demand. The voice 2013 180min. of ECW, Joey Styles, returns to call the action as only he can WWE Home Video 16.07.2013 for over 7 hours of previously unreleased ECW classics. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116491 From ECW stalwarts to WWE Legends’ stints on the hardcore circuit, this compilation is a must have for the hardcore aficionado. WWII From Space Special Interest, Sports, Sports WWII From Space delivers World War II in a way you’ve Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE never experienced it before. This two-hour History special uses an all-seeing CGI eye that offers a satellite view of the 540min. conflict, allowing you to experience it in a way that places WWE Home Video 30.07.2013 key events and tipping points in a global perspective. By re- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116500 creating groundbreaking moments that could never have been captured on camera and by illustrating the importance of simultaneity and the hidden effects of crucial incidents, WWE: ECW Unreleased - Volume History presents the war’s monumental moments in never- before-seen context. And with new information brought to the Two (Blu-ray) forefront, you’ll better understand how a nation ranked 19th in Following the success of ECW Unreleased Vol 1, WWE the world’s militaries in 1939 emerged six years later as the delves even deeper into the ECW archives, delivering even planet’s only atomic superpower. more hardcore action that fans continue to demand. The voice Action, Adventure, Documentary, History & of ECW, Joey Styles, returns to call the action as only he can for over 7 hours of previously unreleased ECW classics. Events, History Channel, Space, Special From ECW stalwarts to WWE Legends’ stints on the Interest, War, World War II 94min. hardcore circuit, this compilation is a must have for the A&E 07.05.2013 hardcore aficionado. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116295 WWE Home Video, Special Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 540min. WWII From Space (Blu-ray) WWII From Space delivers World War II in a way you’ve WWE Home Video 30.07.2013 never experienced it before. This two-hour History special 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40116515 uses an all-seeing CGI eye that offers a satellite view of the conflict, allowing you to experience it in a way that places key events and tipping points in a global perspective. By re- WWE: Elimination Chamber 2013 creating groundbreaking moments that could never have been captured on camera and by illustrating the importance of

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Newsletter 04/13 (Nr. 327) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2013) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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