South Africa in the Global Imaginary: an Introduction
South Africa in the Global Imaginary: An Introduction Leon de Kock English, South Africa 1. The Elements in Play What I want to write about is the penetration, expansion, skir- mishing, coupling, mixing, separation, regrouping of peoples and cultures—the glorious bastardisation of men and women mutually shaped by sky and rain and wind and soil....Andeverywhereis exile; we tend to forget that now. The old ground disappears, ex- propriated by blood as new conflicting patterns emerge. Breyten Breytenbach, Dog Heart, Introductions to South African literary culture conceived as an entity have a peculiar trademark: They apologize for attempting to do the impossible 1 and then go ahead anyway. This gesture, ranging from rhetorical genu- flection to anxious self-examination to searing critique of others who have dared to undertake what should not be attempted lightly, reveals a signifi- cant fault line in the field of South African literary studies, although field is a problematic metaphor here, like almost every other metaphor one cares to use. Literary ‘‘fields’’—entities, groupings—require some reason other than the mere convenience of geography for their existence: they need mini- mal convergence in the domains of origin, language, culture, history, and nationalism (contested or not) to become, in some sense, cohesive and inter- referential. But in the South African case each of these domains fragments . See, for example, Gray (: ); Van Wyk Smith (: i–iii); Chapman (: xx); Wade (: –); and Jolly and Attridge (: ). Poetics Today : (Summer ). Copyright © by the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics. Downloaded from by guest on 25 September 2021 264 Poetics Today 22:2 into heterogeneity the moment one looks more closely at the literary ob- jects at hand.
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