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Ahmad, Muhammad, 108–9 , 114 Blissert, Robert, 280 Alarm, The , 160 , 169 , 170 , 285 , 286 , 289 Boland, Michael, 85 , 88 , 136 , 180–1 , American Civil War, 38 , 53 , 54 , 60 , 74 , 183 , 187 75 , 76 , 112 , 123 , 139 , 140 , 142 , Boulogne, 130 146 , 147 , 151–4 , 155 , 159 , 170 , Bourke, Richard (Earl of Mayo), 40 , 50 , 174 , 220 , 235 , 301 58 , 207 Sixty-Ninth Regiment, 151 Bradlaugh, Charles, 133 Anarchism, 64–6 Breslin, John, 84 , 141 attentats , 97 Brown, John, 150 , 286 German anarchists in New York, and political violence, 92–3 169–71 , 283–5 Brown, Thomas, 4 , 91 , 189 , 196–7 Haymarket anarchists, 171 , 230, 285 , Budini, Giuseppe, 62 286–8 , 292–3 Buffalo, NY, 74 , 180 International Social Revolutionary and Burke, Thomas, 99 Anarchist Congress 1881, 2 , 65 , Burke, William, 162 , 280 169 Burton, Henry, 109 Anderson, Benedict, 13 Butler, Francis William, 123 Anderson, Robert, 122 Byrne, Frank, 85 Henri Le Caron, 123 , 134 Anderson, Samuel Lee, 70 Cafi ero, Carlo, 3 , 21 , 64 , 65 , 149 Angiolillo, Michele, 99 Callaghan, Peter, 187 Antwerp, 127 , 130 Callan, Thomas, 128 , 186 , 188 Appleton, Henry, 288 , 293 Canada, 4 , 16 , 60 , 74 , 86 , 210 Archibald, Edward, 120–2 , 134 dynamite attacks, 112 , 164 , 165–6 Arendt, Hannah, 6 , 20 Canadian Raids, 74 , 123 , 235 Arthur, Chester, 171 Canovas del Castillo, Antonio, 112 , 289 assassination, 2 , 3 , 15 , 16 , 21 , 58–9 , 65 , Carbonari, 41 , 42 , 43 90 , 98 , 99–103 , 121 , 258 , 260 , Carey, James, 12 , 99–100 , 102–3 , 260 , 264 , 276 , 290 271 Australia, 15 , 79 Carlton Club, London, 96 Carroll, William, 112 Bakunin, Mikhail, 53 , 230 Caserio, Santo, 97 Barcelona, 21 , 135 Casey, Patrick, 124 Liceu theatre bombing, 72 , 97 Cavendish, Frederick, 99 Barrett, Michael, 101 Cavour, Camillo, 51 Barton (James McGrath), 178 , 187 Ceccarelli, Pietro, 64 , 65 Belfast, 42 , 179 Chartism, 28 , 31 , 52 , 119 , 279 Berkman, Alexander, 293 Chester Castle, 49 , 76 Bianco di Saint-Jorioz, Carlo, 61 Chester, James Birmingham, 126 , 134 , 163 views on warfare, 147–9 Blaine, James, 168 , 172 , 225 , 291 Chinese immigration, 293 Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 42 , 43–5 , 48 Ciancabilla, Giuseppe, 97


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Clan-na-Gael, 79 , 85 , 136 , 159 , 188 , Patrick Ford, 253 , 254 , 297 248 , 252 , 264 , 273 , 296 , 297 , Skirmishing Fund, 85 299 views on skirmishing, 258–9 anti-imperialism, 112 , 117 Deasy, Denis, 123–4 , 185–6 , 187 , 268 , Cronin murder, 182 , 219 271 dynamite attacks, 93–4 , 96 , 109 , 156 , Devaney, Thomas, 187 163 Devoy, John, 34 , 53 , 73 , 76 , 77 , 83 , 102 , dynamiters’ families, 182–4 , 189 111 , 112 , 113 , 189 , 203 Ram, 140 –1 Catalpa rescue, 79 Henri Le Caron, 123 , 182 IRB uprising, 48 revolutionary directory, 88 Irish Nation , 292 Skirmishing Fund, 81–2 , 85 , 113 , 248 Triangle trial, 180–1 Patrick Ford, 81 , 140 , 253 Clancy, J. J., 81 Skirmishing Fund, 74 , 81–2 , 83 , 181 , Clarke, Thomas, 125 , 162–3 , 188 279 Clerkenwell explosion, 58 , 71–3 , 89 , 101 , Skirmishing Fund Investigating 118 , 224 Committee, 84 Cleveland, Grover, 172 , 225 Triangle trial, 180–1 Clipperton, R. C., 86 , 122 views on dynamite, 89 , 263 Cluseret, Gustave, 35 , 46 , 47 , 49 , 54 Devyr, Thomas, 280 and Giuseppe Mazzini, 52 Dillon, John, 132 background, 53 Dillon, Luke, 86 , 96 , 98 , 109 , 123 , 130 , Coleman, Patrick, 86 , 164 181 , 199 , 212 Collins, Patrick, 196 American Indian Wars, 155 Columbia Hall, Brooklyn, 162 attitude to violence, 96 Comerford, R. V., 5 , 34 , 50 , 178 , 256 Triangle trial, 184 , 187 Concordia Hall, New York, 283 Doheny, Michael, 32 , 46 Cork, 34 , 47, 50 , 56 , 123 , 158 , 164 , 178 , Donegal, 12 , 247 , 265 , 267 , 279 204 , 265 , 268 , 269 Donnelly, James (dynamiter), 187 Corydon, John, 49 Dublin explosions, 129–32 Costa Rica, 114 Dudley, Lucille Yseult, 283 countyism, 200–8 dynamiters Crimean war, 12 , 53 , 111 , 142 , 160 , 302 relationship with Clan-an-Gael and Criminal Investigation Department Rossa, 179–89 (CID), 118 social profi le, 177–9 Crowe, Patrick, 77–8 , 93 , 95 , 191 , 219 , 1916, 1 , 29 , 302 , 303 manufacture of infernal machines, 78 , Edinburgh, 173 157 Edwards, Pierrepont, 159 Skirmishing Fund, 77 Egan, James, 126 United Irishmen, 83 Egan, Patrick, 182 , 291 , 297 Cuba, 12 , 113 , 114 , 150 , 160 Egypt, 86 , 103 , 288 Cuba ‘fi ve’, 76 Anglo-Egyptian War 1882, 107–8 , 112 Cullen, Paul, 36 , 39 , 46 , 70 , 259 Emergency Fund, 85 , 103 , 162 , 242 , 264 , Cunningham, James, 109 , 270 273 , 274 , 282 , 295 pension, 185 , 271 Engels, Friedrich, 28 , 175

Dalton, Henry (John O’Connor), 123 , Fabrizi, Nicola, 62 158 , 269 Fariola, Octave, 46 , 118 Daly, John, 127 , 134 , 184 and Giuseppe Mazzini, 51 Davis, Eugene, 124 arrest, 40 Davitt, Michael, 41 , 132 , 212 , 248 , 255 , background, 54 291 guerrilla warfare, 54–6 , 61 agents provocateurs, 125 , 133 Featherstone, Timothy (Edmund land nationalisation, 253 , 254 Kennedy), 123–4 , 136 , 158 , 185 , O’Donovan Rossa, 258 260 , 266 , 269 , 271

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Feely, Denis C., 85 , 180 Galway, 77 , 199 , 202 , 241 , 267 , 33 , 151 , 162 , Clanricarde estate, 272 165–6 , 186 , 202 , 275 , 297 Weston House explosion, 265–6 Skirmishing Fund, 81 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 37 , 38 , 39 , 48 , 52 , split with IRB, 74 53 , 63 Finerty, John F., 26 , 120 , 155 anti-Garibaldi riots, 39 Flanagan, Patrick, 123 , 187 Geneva, 152 , 154 Fleming, John, 184 George, Henry, 253–4 , 255 , 274 , 291 Florence Germany, 44 , 51 , 144 , 173 procession bombing, 135 Gibraltar, 112 Ford, Augustine, 76–7 , 81 , 155 Gladstone, W. E., 72 , 100 , 107 , 117 , 121 , Ford, Austin, 293 237 , 255 , 263 , 298–9 Ford, Ellen, 188 Glasgow, 85 , 124 , 127 , 130 , 158 , 163 , Ford, Patrick, 138 , 185 , 199 , 212 , 215 , 164 , 185 , 269 268 , 293 Gordon, P. J., 38 abolitionism, 92 , 115 Gosselin, Nicholas, 38 , 122 anti-imperialism, 106–11 Grace, William, 11 Benjamin Tucker, 288 , 293 Grand Street explosion, 283 , 255 , 262 Great Famine, 31 , 32 , 113 , 151 , 176 , 190 , Collins, Patrick A., 252 199 , 201 , 211 countyism, 203 Famine memory and skirmishing, Dyer Lum, 287 211–16 Emergency Fund, 85 , 264 Great Railroad Strike, 1877, 277–9 Great Railroad Strike, 1877, 277 Gregory, Lady, 109 Haymarket executions, 292 Guatemala, 12 Henry George, 253–4 , 291 guerrilla warfare, 3 , 21 , 32–3 , 54–6 , Home Rule, 297 57–8 , 59 , 60 , 61–5 , 66–7 , 77 , 92 , , 84 , 140 , 253 111 , 152 , 155 , 296 , 301 labour movement, 247 , 249 , 250–1 , and Irish Volunteers, 303 274 Land League, 249–56 , 273 Haines, Thomas, 130–1 Michael Davitt, 253 , 254 , 297 Hamilton, Robert, 126 Molly Maguires, 276 Handlin, Oscar, 196 nihilism and anarchism, 290 Harcourt, William, 7 , 126 O’Donnell, Patrick, 103 Harkins, Michael, 128 , 186 O’Donovan Rossa, Jeremiah, 83 Harrington, Edward, 268 Paris Commune, 289 Henry, É mile, 97 Punch , 226 Herzegovina, 115 religion, 92 , 250 Hobsbawm, Eric, 18 , 23 Republican Party, 172 , 291 Hobson, Bulmer, 303 Skirmishing Fund, 75 , 76–7 , 81 , 91 , Hodnett, Richard, 269 277 Holland, John P. Dynamite Monthly, The , 167–8 ‘’, 140 –1 views on political violence, 87 , 91–2 , House of Commons explosion, 2 , 89 , 96 , 103 , 110 , 111 , 148 , 155 , 264 , 272 , 97 , 109 , 172 , 232 , 295 298 Hunter, Llewellyn, 123 Forster, W. E., 259 , 261 , 265 Hussey, Samuel Freeman’s Journal , 131 , 260 Edenburn explosion, 267–8 Freiheit, Die , 160 , 169 , 170 , 198 , 285 Indian rebellion, 1857, 59 International Workingmen’s Association Gaelic American , 84 (IWA), 3 , 16 , 53 , 65, 169 , 284 Gallagher, Thomas, 125 , 136 , 162–3 , Invincibles, the, 99–103 , 130 , 273 187 , 219 ’s Liberator and Dynamite Monthly , family pension, 184 167–8 , 170

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Irish Brigade, 1848, 150 , 156 Irishman, The , 40 , 58 , 67 , 73 Irish National League, 138 , 298 Italian Risorgimento, 31 , 36 , 38 , 40 , 44 , Irish People, The , 34–6 , 115 53 , 92 Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 1 , anti-Garibaldi riots, 39 5 , 7–9 , 33 , 48 , 95 , 100 , 101 , 112 , guerrilla warfare, 61–4 161 , 178–9 , 207 , 210 , 248 , 249 , Irish Papal Brigade, 37–8 256 , 300 , 41 1867 uprising, 50 , 54 , 68 Risorgimento democrats on Ireland, 1873 constitution, 90 , 261 51–2 assassination committee, 58–9 Ivory case, 1896, 130–1 Carbonari, 42 Catholic Church, 36–7 , 39 Jenkinson, Edward, 122 , 128 , 134 , Chester Castle, 49 136–7 , 259 , 296 , 298–9 Dublin explosions, 129–32 Red Jim McDermott, 123–5 European republicans, 36 , 40–3 , 46 , Thomas Phelan, 126–7 51 , 53–4 views on skirmishing, 98 Fenian Brotherhood, 74 Jones, William, 130–1 guerrilla warfare, 54–6 , 57–8 Joyce, William, 133 International Workingmen’s , 128 , 181 , 186 Association (IWA), 53 , 56 Kalyvas, Stathis, 71 , 151 McManus funeral, 46–7 Kearney, John F., 127–8 , 130 , 131 , 136 , Papal Brigade, 37 159 , 163 , 269 political prisoners, 67 ‘Glencree’, 128 revolutionary directory, 88 , 181 Kelly, Thomas, 55 , 56 skirmishing, 87–9 , 90 , 302 Kerry, 39 , 50 , 204 , 269 Weston House explosion, 266 Kerry Sentinel , 268 Irish Volunteers, 302–3 Kerwin, Michael, 47 , 183 , 184 , 187 Irish World, The , 91 , 106 , 246 , 281 , 298 , Kickham, Charles, 34 300 , See Patrick Ford Kirwan, John, 37 , 59 antisemitism, 220–2 , 291 Knights of Labor, 274 , 275 , 282 , Catholic Church, 249 292 circulation, 15 , 99 , 255 , 272 Kravchinsky, Sergei (Stepniak), 17 , 22 , Dyer Lum, 286 64 , 232 ‘Dynamite Saturday’, 110 Kropotkin, Peter, 17 , 98–9 , 230 Emergency Fund, 273 , 274 empire, 115–17 Ladies Land League, 244 fundraising, 81 , 252 , 257 Lalor, James Fintan, 31 Great Railroad Strike, 277–9 Land League, 101 , 179 , 204 , 215 , 257 , Harper’s Weekly , 226 258 , 260 , 264, 271 , 273 , 274 , 288 , Haymarket executions, 292–3 289 Homestead strike 1892, 293 Henry George, 254 individualist anarchists, 288 Irish World , 249–56 Land League, 249–56 skirmishing, 266 , 270 launches Skirmishing Fund, 71 , 73 Le Caron, Henri (Thomas Beach), 123 , Mahdist Revolt, 108–9 134 , 163 , 182 , 217 , 235 , ‘maxims for skirmishers’, 106 , 156 282 , 296 Molly Maguires, 276 Lee, Joe, 6 , 18 , 207 Nobiling and Hodel, 290 Lennon, Patrick, 59 No-Rent Manifesto, 254–5 Liberty , 288 , 293 Paris Commune, 289 Lieber, Francis Patrick O’Donnell, 99 Lieber Code, 152–3 readership, 177 , 199 , 200–8 , 214 Liverpool, 11 , 39 , 85 , 93 , 124 , 127 , 167 , Russian revolutionaries, 290 195 sequestered, 274 Lomasney, Susan, 183 , 184

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Lomasney, William ‘Mackey’, 57 , 73 , 111 , attitude to skirmishing, 96 178 , 211 dynamite attacks in Britain, 159 , 164–5 arrest and trial, 60 , 102 explosion in Canada, 86 , 165–6 Charles Stewart Parnell, 262 explosion in New York, 86 , 281 family and pension, 182 , 183–4 in Ireland, 269 guerrilla actions in Cork, 57–8 , 60 split with United Irishmen, 166 skirmishing operations, 88 , 94–5 , 137 Mooney, Thomas J. (‘Trans-Atlantic’), views on the United Irishmen, 95 , 96 114 –15 , 150 , 197 , 220 , 272 , 275 views on violence, 95–6 , 98 Moore, George Henry, 38 London underground explosions, 25 , 94 , Morgan’s Raiders, 152 98 , 109 , 260 Morley, John, 18 Lord Leitrim, 264 Moroney, William John, 181 Luby, Thomas Clarke, 34 , 59 , 83 Most, Johann, 21 , 98 , 160 , 170 , 198 , 230 , Lum, Dyer, 286–8 284 , 285 , 293 and Haymarket anarchists, 286 Die Freiheit , 169 , 170 , 171 , 285 and The Irish World , 286 , 287 Moynihan, Daniel, 195 Lynch, William, 163 Murray, Joe, 38

MacNeill, Eoin, 303 Nally, P. W., 130 Malatesta, Errico, 64 , 66 , 98 , 289 Nast, Thomas, 225 , 237 Mallon, John, 129 , 257 Nation, The , 259 , 272 Manchester, 38 , 85 Nettlau, Max, 133 Salford barracks, 94 Nolan, John, 129–32 Manchester Martyrs, 56–7 , 94 , 129 Manela, Erez, 12 O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 6 Marx, Karl, 39 , 53 O’Brien, Matthew, 125 , 134 Matese uprising, 64–5 O’Brien, Richard Barry, 262 Mayo, 202 , 204 , 265 , 289 O’Brien, William, 176 , 232 , 254 , 255 , Mazzini, Giuseppe, 28 , 36 , 40 , 51–2 , 62 256 , 268 , 297 McCafferty, John, 49 , 76 , 100 , 155 views on skirmishing, 259 McDermott, Red Jim, 38 , 123–5 , 127 , O’Brien, William Smith, 32 134 , 136 , 163 , 185 , 268 O’Connell, Daniel, 30 , 31 , 51 McDonnell, J. P., 39 O’Connell, J. J., 303 McGahey, Patrick, 162 , 280 O’Connor, John, 88 McGee, Thomas D’Arcy, 16 Clan-na-Gael, 181 McManus, Terence Bellew, 46 O’Connor, T. P., 108 , 252 , 255 Merlino, Francesco Saverio, 21 , 67 O’Donnell, Edward, 86 , 158 , 164 , 166 Merna, John, 129–32 O’Donnell, Patrick, 12, 99 , 102–3 , 168 , Meunier, Theodule, 97 273 Mexico, 12 O’Donovan Rossa, Jeremiah, 8 , 15 , 19 , Mezzeroff, Professor, 160–2 , 280 34 , 61 , 88 , 113 , 119 , 135 , 165 , 209 , Brooklyn dynamite school, 160 , 163 , 278 , 280 , 297 , 298 172 Albert Parsons, 171 , 285–6 , 293 Dynamite Against Gladstone’s Resources beginning of Skirmishing Fund, 73 , 76 of Civilization , 161 , 170 Brooklyn dynamite school, 157–63 links with anarchists, 169 , 285 constitutional nationalism, 263–4 relationship with O’Donovan Rossa, countyism, 202–4 160–1 Dynamite Monthly , 168 Millen, F. F., 12 , 111 , 112 , 128 , 136 , 137 dynamiters’ pensions, 184–6 , 188 Mitchel, John, 31–2 , 35 , 60 , 84 , 212 Fenian Brotherhood, 81 , 186 Molly Maguires, 275–6 Fenian Ram, 141 Monro, James, 128 Great Famine, 212 Mooney, Thomas (alias James Henry O’Mahony, 270–1 Moorhead), 127 , 166 , 186 , 187 imprisonment, 68 , 77 and Dynamite School, 158 , 164 in mainstream New York press, 219

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Johann Most, 171 , 230 , 285–6 Parnell, Charles Stewart, 25 , 117 , 237 , John O’Leary, 87 248 , 254 launches The United Irishman , 84 and skirmishing, 261–2 Lord Leitrim, 264 Irish American nationalists, 296–7 loses control of Skirmishing Fund, P. J. Sheridan, 261 81–2 Patrick Ford, 254–5 New Departure, 263 murders, 100 , 273 Patrick Crowe, 77 skirmishing fund, 85 Patrick Ford, 292 Special Commission, 93 , 123 , 131 , 181 , Patrick Sarsfi eld Cassidy, 166 , 186 182 , 266 Phoenix National and Literary Society, Parsons, Albert, 98 , 170 , 171 , 285 , 286 , 34 , 207 292 portrayed in cartoons, 222 , 230 , 237 , Passannante, Giovanni, 135 286 Pearse, Pá draig, 4 Professor Mezzeroff, 160–1 , 162 People’s Will, 2 , 99 , 290 Red Jim McDermott, 124 , 125 , 268 Peoria, 78 Richard Short, 185–6 Pepe, Guglielmo, 41 Scientifi c American , 141 Phelan, Thomas, 185 , 283 Skirmishing Fund, 75 , 201–2 spy, 126–7 Skirmishing Fund Investigating Philippines, 114 , 220 Committee, 84–5 Phoenix National and Literary Society, survives assassination attempt, 283 34 , 207 the land question, 246 , 253 , , 99–103 , 273 257 , 271 Pigott, Richard, 124 United Irishmen of America, 83–4 Pinkerton National Detective Agency, views on political violence, 91 , 93–4 , 121 , 276 , 293 96 , 154 Pisacane, Carlo, 63 , 64 William O’Brien, 259 Poland, 36 , 51 , 113 O’Kelly, J. J., 111 , 232 political prisoners, 67–8 , 75–6 , 132 , 188 O’Leary, John, 33 , 34 , 35 Powderly, Terence, 275 on skirmishing, 87 views on dynamite, 282 O’Leary, ‘Pagan’, 34 propaganda by the deed, 2 , 22 , 51 , 65 , Ó Lú ing, Se án, 4 , 165 97 , 98 , 287 , 300 , 301 O’Mahony, Henry, 270–1 O’Mahony, John, 81 , 185 Questione Sociale (Florence), 99 1848 guerrilla campaign, 32–3 , 60 , 302 in Paris, 33 , 42 Ravochol, 97 , 98 McManus funeral, 46–7 Red Cross, 152 Senate Wing and Canadian Raids, 74 Reform League, 52 Skirmishing Fund, 81 Reid, Patrick, 129 , 130 O’Malley Baines, Thomas, 38 Rellihan, James, 167–8 O’Malley, James, 269 Roney, Frank, 42 , 88 , 292 O’Meagher Condon, Edward, 120 Rotterdam, 130 O’Neill, Dan, 126 Russia, 13 , 17 , 22 , 51 , 61 , 82 , 112 , 113 , O’Neill, Roger, 109 140 , 160 , 230 , 244 , 250 , 282 , 288 , O’Reilly, John Boyle, 75 , 252 289 , 290 , 291 O’Sullivan Burke, Ricard, 71 R ü stow, Wilhelm, 63 Offaly, 203 Ryan, Desmond, 4 , 28 Opper, Frederick, 226 , 232 , 237 Orsini, Cesare, 53 Salvador, Santiago, 72 Liceu theatre bombing, 97 Panama, 12 San Francisco, 38 , 121 Papal Brigade, 37–8 Sarsfi eld Cassidy, Patrick, 166 , 186 , 297 Paris, 4 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 41 , 43 , 53 , 95 , 123 , Schwab, Justus, 283–5 124 , 140 , 183 , 245 , 248 , 262 Scientifi c American , 141 , 143 , 144 , 170 Paris Commune, 21 , 149 , 245 , 289 Scotland Yard, 2 , 94 , 109 , 118

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Sears, Clinton terrorism, 23–6 , 73 , 98 , 154 , 174 , 299 views on warfare, 146 –7 Thompson, Leander, 281 Sheffi eld, 59 Tower of London, 2 , 109 , 270 , 295 Sheridan, P. J., 260–1 Tucker, Benjamin, 288–9 Sheridan, Walter, 129 Land League, 288 Short, K. R. M., 7 , 98 Patrick Ford and The Irish Short, Richard, 124 , 127 , 185–6 , 268 World , 293 Skirmishing Fund, 69 , 73–85 , 151 , 263 , views on violence, 288–9 290 , 300 Ty nan, Pat r ick, 130 assassination, 264 Augustine Ford, 76 United Ireland , 89 , 132 , 170 , 259 , 268 Catalpa rescue, 80 United Irishman , 73 , 78 , 84 , 89 , 91 , 112 , during Great Railroad Strike, 277–9 124 , 161 , 167 , 170 , 184 , 219 Edward Archibald, 121 circulation, 272 Famine memory, 211–16 Red Jim McDermott, 124 Fenian Ram, 141 ‘Resources of Civilization’ fund, 117 , fi nancial success, 79 , 80 160 IRB, 87 subscribers, 189–98 , 199 , 208 , 209 , Land League, 257 213 , 242 portrayed in cartoon, 226 United Irishmen, 30 Skirmishing Fund Investigating United Irishmen of America, 83 , 85 , Committee, 84 93–4 , 95 , 126–8 , 164–5 , subscribers, 83 , 116 , 197–211 , 226 , 169 , 296 233 , 239–45 Brooklyn dynamite school, 157–63 Trustees, 81–2 , 264 dynamiters’ families, 184–6 Sorel, Georges, 17 in Ireland, 123–4 , 269 , 271 South Africa, 4 , 12 , 86 , 102 , 107 , 110 , Mezzeroff, 160–2 114 , 159 , 162 Red Jim McDermott, 123–5 Spain, 3 , 61 , 72 , 112 , 114 , 135 , 144 , 250 views on violence, 96 Spencer, John Poyntz, 121 , 134 , 259 , 263, Upton, Emory 269 Tactics for non-Military Spread the Light fund, 252 , 257 , 272 Bodies, 149 St. Louis, 77 , 187 ‘Urabi, Ahmed, 107 Stephens, James, 33 , 34 , 74 , 100 , 136 , urban-guerrilla warfare, 264 179 , 248 Blanquism, 45–6 Vaillant, Auguste, 97 established the IRB, 33 , 34 Verne, Jules, 14 , 174 in Paris, 33 , 41–2 Victoria station, 109 Italian nationalism, 41 , 51 , 53 Vincent, Howard, 258 McManus funeral, 46–7 plans for the IRB uprising, 46–9 , 50 Walker, William, 150 skirmishing, 87 , 138 Walsall anarchists, 133 Sudan, 123 Walsh, John, 59 , 74 , 100 Mahdist revolt, 108–9 , 112 Walsh, John (Welland Canal Sullivan, A. M., 37 , 40 , 169 explosion), 130 views on skirmishing, 89 Welland Canal explosion, 86 , 130 Sullivan, Alexander, 85 , 163 , 189 , 273 , Westmeath, 204 , 215 291 Westminster Hall, 2 , 109 , 295 background, 180 Whitehead, Alfred, 162–3 , 187 Cronin murder, 182 Home Rule, 297 , 31–3 , 46 , 179 IRB, 258 1848 uprising, 32 Susan Lomasney, 184 guerrilla attacks, 32–3 Triangle trial, 180–2 , 187 Irish Brigade, 150 Sweeney, Patrick, 166 Young Italy, 31 , 62

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