RESEARCH REPOSITORY This is the author’s final version of the work, as accepted for publication following peer review but without the publisher’s layout or pagination. The definitive version is available at: Austen, J.M., Van Kampen, E., Egan, S.L., O'Dea, M.A., Jackson, B., Ryan, U.M., Irwin, P.J. and Prada, D. (2020) First report of Trypanosoma dionisii (Trypanosomatidae) identified in Australia. Parasitology Copyright: © 2020 The Authors It is posted here for your personal use. No further distribution is permitted. First report of Trypanosoma dionisii (Trypanosomatidae) identified in Australia Jill M. Austen1, Esther Van Kampen2, Siobhon L. Egan1, Mark A. O‟Dea2, Bethany Jackson2, Una M. Ryan1, Peter J. Irwin1, Diana Prada2 Author affiliations 1Vector and Waterborne Pathogens Research Group, College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Perth 6150, Australia 2School of Veterinary Medicine, Murdoch University, Perth, WA 6150, Australia Correspondence: Dr. Jill M. Austen; ORCID ID: Vector and Waterborne Pathogens Research Group, College of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, 6150, Australia Email:
[email protected] Tel: +61 8 9360 6314. Fax: +61 8 9310 4144. Running title: Trypanosoma dionisii identified and characterised in native Australian bats This is an Accepted Manuscript for Parasitology. This version may be subject to change during the production process. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182020001845 Downloaded from Murdoch University, on 19 Oct 2020 at 05:31:09, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at