It's Hump's Day!!!

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It's Hump's Day!!! THE DAILY ASTORIAN MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 SPORTS 5A Loggers pick up where they left off By GARY HENLEY &RQIHUHQFH²GLGQRWHYHQPDNHLWRXWRIWKH The Daily Astorian ¿UVWLQQLQJDVHLJKWRIWKHQLQHSOD\HUVLQWKH .QDSSDOLQHXS¿QLVKHGZLWKKLWV 7KHGHIHQGLQJVWDWHFKDPSLRQ.QDSSD/RJ 6RSKRPRUH 0DVRQ +RRYHU ZDV IRU JHUVVKRZHGWKDW²GHVSLWHWKHORVVRIVRPHNH\ ZLWKWKUHHUXQVVFRUHGMXQLRU$QGUHZ*RR]HH VHQLRUV²WKH\DUHVWLOOWKHWHDPLQFKDUJHRI ZDVIRUDQGGURYHLQWKUHHUXQV0LOOHUKDG Class 2A baseball. WZRKLWVDQGWKUHH5%,¶VDQGVRSKRPRUH'DOH +RVWLQJ WKH 5HHGVSRUW %UDYHV ² FRQVLG 7DNDORDGGHGDGRXEOH ered to be one of the best teams at the 2A level 2QWKHPRXQGMXQLRUSLWFKHU0LFKDO*RRG ²WKH/RJJHUVUDQWKHLUZLQVWUHDNWRLQD PDQJDYHXSMXVWRQHKLWRYHU¿YHLQQLQJVZLWK URZZLWKDWZRJDPHVZHHSRYHUWKH%UDYHV RQHZDONDQGIRXUVWULNHRXWV7KHRQO\KLWZDV DQG )ULGD\ DQG 6DWXUGD\ DW &0+ DQLQ¿HOGVLQJOHDQG*RRGPDQGLGQRWDOORZD Field. VLQJOHEDOOWRWKHRXW¿HOG )ROORZLQJ .QDSSD¶V HLJKWLQQLQJ ZLQ ³0LFKDOZDVWKHUHDOVWRU\´.QDSSDFRDFK Friday, the same two teams played a single -HII 0LOOHU VDLG ³+H KDG D FRXSOH ¿YHSLWFK JDPH6DWXUGD\ZLWKWKH1RUDQNHG/RJJHUV DQGVL[SLWFKLQQLQJVDQGRXURXW¿HOGHUVGLGQ¶W ZLQQLQJLQ¿YHLQQLQJV KDYHWRPDNHDVLQJOHSOD\´ $QG .QDSSD MXPSHG DOO RYHU 5HHGVSRUW¶V *ULI¿Q .DXIPDQQ ² D VHFRQGWHDP DOOVWDWH Loggers 3, Reedsport 2 SLWFKHUODVWVHDVRQ²ZLWKVHYHQUXQVLQWKH¿UVW ,Q )ULGD\¶V ZLQ WKH /RJJHUV RQO\ KDG ¿YH inning. KLWV RII WZR 5HHGVSRUW SLWFKHUV EXW .QDSSD -XQLRU-DVRQ0LOOHUKDGDVLQJOHRQWKH¿UVW WRRNDGYDQWDJHRIDGHIHQVLYHPHOWGRZQE\WKH SLWFKRIWKHJDPHDQGWKH/RJJHUVSRXUHGLWRQ Braves in the late innings. from there. .DXIPDQQ ² WKH FR093 RI WKH 6XQVHW See BASEBALL, Page 7A Photos by Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian ABOVE: Knappa’s Mason Hoover, No. 24, pitches during the baseball game against Reed- sport Friday at CMH Field. LEFT: Knappa’s Mason Hoover, No. 24, catches a line drive for an out against Reedsport Friday at CMH Field. More photos at SCOREBOARD *XOOVJROIWHDP¿QLVKHV¿IWK PREP SCHEDULE Leschi at Ilwaco (2) 3 p.m. Blanchet 004 300 x—7 7 1 Seaside Softball Tournament BASEBALL Game 1 TODAY Knappa 3, Reedsport 2 9 am: Vernonia vs. Astoria Astoria 9, Dallas 0 at The Dalles Invitational Doane, Tresch (8) and Lavigne; 11 am: Seaside vs. Woodburn Arnsdorf, Palek (4), Hageman Takalo, Hoover (6) and Goozee. 1 pm: Valley Cath. vs. Woodburn (4), Wallace (6) and Helmerson; The Daily Astorian and Hermiston (373). JHU VFKRROV DV ZHOO´ VDLG W: Hoover. L: Tresch. RBI: RHS, 3 pm: Vernonia vs. Warrenton Weaver, Minahan (4), Stewart (7) Tresch; Kna, Cruz. 2B: RHS, Hixen- $DURQ 5LFKDUGVRQ OHG 6HDVLGH FRDFK -LP 3RHWVFK 5 pm: Jefferson vs. Seaside and Earhart. W: Arnsdorf. L: Weav- baugh, Glover. HR: Kna, Cruz. LOB: THE DALLES — The Seaside with an 82 for the “Aaron did not play his best, 7 pm: Naselle vs. Valley Catholic er. RBI: Ast, O’Brien 2, Wallace, Reedsport 5, Knappa 6. HBP: RHS, Seaside boys golf team TUESDAY Strange, Helmerson, Tuimato, GHIHQGLQJ VWDWH FKDPSLRQ EXWPDQDJHGWR¿QLVKLQDWLH Tresch; Kna, Cruz. 9 am: Woodburn vs. Astoria Palek. 2B: Ast, Tuimato. HR: Ast, opened the season with a *XOOV -DFNVRQ .XQGH VKRW IRUVHYHQWKSODFH+HVKRXOG Reedsport 001 001 00—2 5 4 11 am: Seaside vs. Vernonia Wallace. 94, followed by Josef Bar be around the top of the lea Knappa 000 002 01—3 4 1 ¿IWKSODFHWHDP¿QLVKDW7KH 1 pm: Valley Cath. vs. Warrenton Astoria 200 000 7—9 11 1 Game 2 Dalles Invitational Friday. ELF DQG%HUNOH\3RVDO derboard in every tourna 3 pm: Jefferson vs. Warrenton Dallas 000 000 0—0 4 5 Knappa 11, Reedsport 0 The Gulls shot a 391 in the VNL ment we play this year. This 5 pm: Naselle vs. Jefferson Kaufmann, Tresch (1), Barnes (3) 7 pm: Astoria vs. Naselle Blanchet Cath. 7, Warrenton 4 WHDP WRXUQDPHQW DW 7KH ³:KLOH RXU VFRUH ZDV D FRXUVH ZLOO SRLQW RXW DQ\ and Tresch, Kaufmann (1); Good- Baseball — Astoria at Glencoe Little, Knight (4) and McFadden; 'DOOHV&RXQWU\&OXE&ODFN OLWWOHKLJKHUWKDQ,H[SHFWHG ÀDZV LQ \RXU JDPH VR ZH man and Goozee. W: Goodman. L: Spring Break Tournament, vs. St. Cravinho, Ruef (3), Handarin (6) Kaufmann. 2B: Kna, Hoover, Takalo. DPDVWRRNWKHWHDPWLWOHZLWK we still managed to beat all are going to use today as a Helens, 12:30 p.m., Hillsboro Stadi- and Cantonwine. W: Ruef. L: Knight. Reedsport 000 00—0 1 0 a 337, followed by Pendle WKH $ VFKRROV WKDW ZHUH learning tool as we prepare um; Regis at Warrenton (2), 1 p.m.; 2B: BC, Fessler 2. Knappa 730 1x—11 13 0 ton (341), The Dalles (343) here and a few of the big IRUWKHUHVWRIWKHVHDVRQ´ Santiam at Knappa, 4:30 p.m.; Chief Warrenton 000 310 0—4 2 2 Evening listings LISTINGS MONDAY MONDAY EVENING A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach MARCH 21 A L 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (2) KATU (2) KATU News at 6 Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars (SP) (N) Castle "Fidelis Ad Mortem" (N) KATU News at 11 (:35) Jimmy Kimmel (-) KOMO (4) KOMO 4 News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Dancing With the Stars (SP) (N) Castle "Fidelis Ad Mortem" (N) KOMO 4 News (:35) Jimmy Kimmel (-) KING (5) NBC Nightly News KING 5 News KING 5 News Evening The Voice "The Battles" The 'battle' rounds continue. (N) Blindspot "Rules in Defiance" (N) KING 5 News (:35) Tonight Show (6) KOIN (-) KOIN Local 6 at 6 CBS Evening News Extra Ent. Tonight Supergirl "Manhunter" (N) Scorpion "Djibouti Call" (N) NCIS: LA "The Seventh Child" (N) KOIN 6 News @ 11 (:35) S.Colbert (-) KIRO (7) KIRO 7 News CBS Evening News The Insider Ent. Tonight Supergirl "Manhunter" (N) Scorpion "Djibouti Call" (N) NCIS: LA "The Seventh Child" (N) KIRO News (:35) S.Colbert (8) KGW (-) KGW News at 6:00 p.m. Live at Seven Inside Edition The Voice "The Battles" The 'battle' rounds continue. (N) Blindspot "Rules in Defiance" (N) KGW News at 11 (:35) Tonight Show (9) KRCW (3) Seinfeld Seinfeld Modern Family Modern Family Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (N) JaneVirgin "Chapter Thirty-Seven" (N) KGW News at 10 (:35) Access H. Met Your Mother Met Your Mother (10) KOPB (10) This Old House Business (N) PBS NewsHour Antiques Roadshow "Boise (Hour One)" Ore. Experience Ore. Experience Antiques Roadshow "Boise (Hour Two)" The Caged Bird (12) KPTV (12) 6 O'Clock News Family Feud Family Feud Gotham "Mad Grey Dawn" (N) Lucifer "A Priest Walks into a Bar" (N) 10 O'Clock News 11 O'Clock News Loves Ray (13) KPDX (-) Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory FOX 12's 8 O'Clock News on PDX-TV FOX 12's 9 O'Clock News on PDX-TV Law & Order: S.V.U. "Abuse" Law & Order: S.V.U. "Victims" (-) KCPQ (13) Name Game Modern Family Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Gotham "Mad Grey Dawn" (N) Lucifer "A Priest Walks into a Bar" (N) Q13 News at 10 Q13 News Modern Family (20) TBS (20) American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy American Dad Angie Tribeca Family Guy Family Guy Full Frontal (N) Conan (N) (-) KZJO (22) Two and Half Men Two and Half Men The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Modern Family Q13 News at 9 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Friends Friends (29) ESPN (29) NCAA Basketball NIT Tournament (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter (30) ESPN2 (30) NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament (L) NCAA Studio NCAA Basketball NIT Tournament (L) NBA Tonight Jalen & Jacoby (N) NFL Live (31) NICK (31) Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger "The Danger Begins" Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends (32) DISN (32) K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie Stuck in Middle Jessie 16 Wishes (2010, Family) Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Kendall Cross. (:40) Liv Maddie (:05) Bunk'd Girl Meets World K.C. Undercover Friends Whenever (34) FAM (34) You Again (2010, Comedy) Odette Yustman, Sigourney Weaver, Kristen Bell. The Fosters "The Show" (N) Recovery "Your Side of the Street" (N) The Fosters "The Show" The 700 Club (35) FMC (35) (5:45) The Purge (‘13, Horror) Lena Headey, Ethan Hawke. (:25) Paranormal Activity 2 (‘10) Micah Sloat. (:20) FXM Presents Life of Pi (2012, Fantasy) Irrfan Khan, Adil Hussain, Suraj Sharma. (:50) FXM Presents (36) LIFE (36) (5:00) To Be Announced War and Peace War and Peace War and Peace (38) ROOT (38) (4:30) MLS Soccer Post-game (N) Mariners Mondays "Opening Day" (N) UFC 166 Cain Velasquez takes on Junior Dos Santos. (39) FS1 (39) UFC Flashback Main Event "172: Jones vs. Teixeira" UFC Flashback (N) Fox Sports Live Fox Sports Live TMZ Sports (N) Best I Heard (N) Fox Sports Live TMZ Sports Fox Sports Live Fox Sports Live (43) SPIKE (43) Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops (44) COM (44) Futurama Futurama Archer Archer South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park The Daily Show (N) Nightly Show (N) (45) HIST (45) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars To Be Announced (:05) True Monsters (46) A&E (46) The First 48 The First 48 "Dead End Drive/ The Fixer" First 48 "Fast Friends/ The Thin Line" (N) Bates "'Til Death Do You Part" (N) Damien "The Deliverer" (N) Damien "The Deliverer" (47) TLC (47) Dateline NBC "Deadly Denial" 48 Hours: Hard "A Fateful Connection" 48 Hours "The Law & Mrs. Shelton" 48 Hours "What She Did for Love" 48 Hours "Deadly Voyage" 48 Hours: Hard "A Fateful Connection" (48) DISC (48) Street Outlaws "List Busters" Outlaws "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose" Street Outlaws: Full Throttle (N) Outlaws "The Shocker Shakeup" (N) Misfit Garage Outlaws "The Shocker Shakeup" (N) (49) NGEO (49) Wicked Tuna "Help Wanted" The Great Human Race "Cave" Wicked Tuna "Help Wanted" Wicked Tuna "Snitches Get Fishes" (N) The Great Human Race "Ice" (N) Wicked Tuna "Snitches Get Fishes" (50) TNT (50) Olympus Has Fallen (‘13) Morgan Freeman, Aaron Eckhart, Gerard Butler.
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